Expanded shp. What is the extension of an SHP file? Programs for writing or converting SHP files

If the .SHAPE file is visible on your system, you can open it by pressing the mouse or pressing the ENTER key. This operation starts association with the .SHAPE application file installed in the system. If the system streams the file first and all other daily associations, then the action will end with the system’s statement, which means which program is installed on the computer or the Internet.

Sometimes it appears that the wrong program is assigned to the .SHAPE file type. This is the result of malicious programs, such as viruses or malicious programs, but most often it is the result of a forgiving application with .SHAPE file extensions. It's time to service a new type of file. SHAPE we indicate to the system that the program is incorrect, the system will recommend it immediately if a file of this type is identified. At this time, try to select the appropriate application again. Right-click the bear on the file.SHAPE, and then select from the menu the option “Open for help...”, then “Select a program for help.” Now select one of the installed applications from the list above and try again.

Programs for opening a file.

Manually editing the Windows Registry

It seems that our system cannot cope with the expansion. SHAPE and summed up all the automatic and automatic methods of starting this task, you will no longer need to manually edit the Windows registry. This registry stores all the information that runs on our operating system, including connecting file extensions with programs for servicing them. Team REGEDIT registered at the register “Search for programs and files” or else "start In some older versions of the operating system, it gives us access to the registry of our operating system. All operations carried out in the registry (it’s not very difficult, since the file extension .SHAPE) can have a significant impact on the work of our system, so first of all, make any modifications after transferring, so that a copy of the current registry is created Yestru. Divide, what to call us, is the key HKEY_CLASSES_ROOT. The following instructions show step by step how to modify the registry, and the registry entry itself that contains information about the .SHAPE file.

Krok by krok

  • Press the “start” button
  • In the “Find programs and files” window (in older versions of Windows there is only the “Run” window), enter the “regedit” command, and then confirm the operation with the “ENTER” key. This operation launches the system registry editor. This tool allows you not only to look through the original records, but also to carry out their modification, adding or deleting them manually. Due to the fact that the Windows system registry is key to its operation, all operations that are carried out on it must be completed carefully and knowledgeably. Carelessly removing or modifying an unauthorized key can permanently damage the operating system.
  • Using the additional combination of the ctr+F key or the Edit menu and the “Find” option, you will find the extension that you can select. SHAPE, having entered it in the search box. Confirm by pressing OK or pressing the ENTER key.
  • Spare copy. It is extremely important to create a backup copy of the registry before making any changes. Skin changes flow onto the surface of our computer. In case of emergency, modification of the registry may make it impossible to restart the system.
  • Note that if the extension is missing, you can manually edit the changing keys assigned to the known extension.SHAPE. In this place, you can also independently create the required entry from the .SHAPE extensions just like in the registry. All available options can be found in the handy menu (right mouse button) or in the “Edit” menu after placing the cursor at the appropriate place on the screen.
  • After you have finished editing the entry, close the system registry before expanding.SHAPE. The changes you have made will go away after you restart the operating system.

The table below provides some information about the extension of the .shape file. This indicates the following:

  • What is this file? shape?
  • Your security program will need to open the file. shape?
  • Yak file. shape Are you open, edited or guided?
  • How to convert. shape files to a different format?

We are confident that you will find a valuable resource on this page!

1 extension and 0 aliases found in the database

✅Dia Shape File

Description (in English):
SHAPE file is a Dia Shape File. Dia is a free and open source general-purpose dia gramming software.

There is no description of the SHAPE format yet

MIME type: application/octet-stream

Other file types may also vary file extensions .shape.

🔴 Is it impossible to open the .shape file?

When two people click on a file to open it, Windows checks the file name extension. When Windows recognizes the file name extension, the file is opened by the program associated with the file name extension. If Windows does not recognize the file name extension, it displays the following message:

Windows cannot open this file:


To open this file, Windows needs to know what program you want to use to open it.

If you don’t know how to configure file arrangement .shape, turn it over.

🔴 How can I change the file extension?

Changing the file name and file extension is not a bad idea. If you change the file extension, you change the way the program on your computer reads the file. The problem is that changing the extension does not change the file format.

If you have some useful information about file extension .shape, !

🔴 Rate our page SHAPE

Be kind, help us by rating our page SHAPE the 5-star rating system has a lower rating. (1 star is dirty, 5 stars are dirty)

This article is about how to prepare a new map for the Prognoz Platform based on the so-called shapefiles.

Shapefiles are an even more advanced data exchange format for geographic information systems, created by Esri in the 90s. Prote dossi format is popular, simple and effective in using computer resources for presenting information. Therefore, it is highly reliable that you can find geoinformation about the plants for your objects by looking at these files.

Prognoz Platform allows you to capture maps prepared in the standard SVG vector graphics format, which is widely used on the web. How can I create an SVG topography for the shapefile platform?

As a matter of fact, we have chosen a small territory in which such files can be found, and first of all, what comes to mind is the dwarf state of Liechtenstein.

Dzherelo danikh

Yak dzherelo for butt vikoristamo database Database of GlobalAdministrative Areas- www.gadm.org. The data is available for downloading. However, remember that you can only use copyright for non-commercial purposes (as stated in the read_me.pdf files in the middle of the archives that are downloaded).

To download the data, go to the “Download” tab, select the region “Liechtenstein”, the file format “Shapefile” and click OK.

You will be prompted to return the archives to place the file directory. Unpack the archives somewhere handy. The archive contains two sets of files named LIE_adm0 and LIE_adm1. The first set describes the territory of Liechtenstein without a division on administrative units, the other set - with a division. We will vikoristovat another set. Vlasna, the shape file is created. shp (place geographic coordinates, latitude and longitude for points and other geometric primitives that describe geoobjects), . The .csv file is the same as i.dbf, but it can be read in any editor.

Converting shapefiles to SVG

To transform SVG shapefiles, we need a third-party software program. I'm a user of QGIS, a desktop geographic information system. This is a complete security program, and you can use it for any purpose. However, installing QGIS will require a lot of disk space.

You also need the SimpleSvg plugin for QGIS, which allows you to export vector balls to SVG files. To install the plugin, you need to launch QGIS, check your Internet connection settings (Settings -> Options -> Network). Next, click on the module management manager through the menu command “Modules” -> “Modules Management..”, find the SimpleSvg plugin and install it.

After starting QGIS, the system automatically creates a new project. We need to add a new vector ball with objects from the shapefile. To do this, select the menu command “Ball” -> “Add ball” -> “Add vector ball...”. In the dialog, in the “Data collection” field, you need to specify the path to the LIE_adm1.shp file. QGIS will be based on the territory of Liechtenstein and its administrative units.

To view administrative units and their attributes, you can click the “Open attribute table” command from the ball’s context menu. When you see a row in a table, QGIS subdivides the corresponding territory. The NAME_1 attribute contains the names of administrative units, the ID_1 attribute contains the identifier, which represents the ISO code of administrative units in Liechtenstein like LI-01, LI-02, ... (div. https://ua.wikipedia.org/wiki/ISO_3166- 2:LI) .

Before speaking, it is important to remember that the administrative units of Liechtenstein have chimera cordons, many of which consist of many independent territories. The report on administrative units can be viewed again.

To visualize a card in SVG, select the plugin by clicking on the button with the word svg in the bottom row on the toolbar. However, this is the moment. The plugin will render the SVG inline instead of the visible area of ​​the QGIS window, and the SVG coordinates will be displayed at the edge of the visible area. Therefore, it is necessary to scale the image so that it covers the map (as in the screenshot). We will also need to know the size of the card in pixels. To do this, you need to select the "Resize Map or Set Extent" command in the window. The first row of the window displays the width and height of the streaming visible area. They need to be “written” so that this information can then be added to the SVG.

Close the dialog box for setting sizes by clicking on the button. To export to SVG, enter the path to the file and click OK in the plugin dialog.

Import SVG from the platform

Before you import the file to the platform, you need to save a little bit and add additional information. An SVG file is an XML document, and to work with it, you can manually use an XML editor. We are a vikory-free version of the EditiX editor.

Now you need to bring the file into the form described in the previous article:

1. Replace the entire preamble of the document with the one specified in the document. In the width and height attributes, specify the height and width of the visible area of ​​the map in pixels, which we recorded before exporting.

2. First two elements g replace with assigned to the dovidtsya:

3. Identifiers of all 11 elements g, from the 11 administrative units, replace them with ISO codes like LI-01, LI-02, etc.

4. For example, document element g Delete using the qgisviewbox identifier.

5. Add a section describing the ISO attribute for the skin administrative unit to the end of the document. The ISO code can be found with the territory identifier: ...

You are guilty of a document like this:

Below is a fragment from a block that indicates the ISO attribute for the skin area:

Creation of the butt

Now the SVG file is ready and can be imported into the Prognoz Platform repository using the additional command “New object” -> “More” -> “Map...” on the toolbar.

In order to be able to display data on our new map, some data may be modified to include territory elements. This type is distinguished from others that have an attribute with the TERRID identifier, which places the ISO code of the territory. Behind this attribute, the platform itself is set to an indicator element and an area on the map.

We already have a representative from the ends of the world, but in no way there was a division on the administrative units for Liechtenstein. They must be added as subsidiary elements to Liechtenstein. Also, for the Liechtenstein element itself, you need to fill in the TOPO_ID attribute, indicating the object key of the desired map in the repository (you can look at the authority of the object). Based on this attribute, the platform automatically displays the required map if the user sees subsidiary elements of Liechtenstein in the data.

Now you can open the device to enter this document in the “Analytical Queries” tool and enter data for the administrative units of Liechtenstein. We entered the population figures for 2010.

By zooming in on the map, you can expand the selected territories according to the population indicator value.

That's all. In general, the process turns out to be even more complicated. One thing is that editing SVG needs to be done carefully. You can also edit the maps that have been released, and create new maps entirely from scratch, using vector graphics editors that support the SVG standard, such as Inkscape.

The version of Google Earth Pro stopped paying for a long time ago, so you can download different GIS and Raster files directly from programs. We understand that there are different ways to submit an SHP file to Google Earth, either from proprietary software such as o or from a closed source code such as; In both aspects it is necessary to convert it to KML.

This article explains how to get help from Google Earth

How to enchant Google Earth Pro

When people search for "Enter Google Earth", the Pro option, Google's evil or the presence of a simple button to inform you that it is not paid for, they don't appear at all.

When you install the version, we are provided with an API key. If you have never opened it, you can email the test key GEPFREE. Select the option "Cost-free trial version".

This is supported by Google Earth Pro for normal operation.

You can view all GIS formats using Google Earth.

From Google Earth, under the hour of creation of options File>Open Abo File>Import , allows us to edit the standard version, which only supports KML, KMZ and GPX, the following formats:

  • List of points.txt .csv
  • MapInfo .tab files
  • Microstation .dgn files
  • Census of State Receipts.rt1
  • Visual Raster.
  • Raster attachment.tif
  • Raster transmission formats.
  • Photos by Erdas .img
  • Database PCIDSK.
  • Raster ILWIS .mpl
  • SGI .rgb Image Format
  • Model pidyomu.ter
  • Matrix Raster.
  • Raster IDrісі.rst
  • Binary networks Golden Software .grd
  • Pixmap portable .pnm
  • Vexcel MFF .hdr raster
  • Double relief model.
  • ARC .gen digitization raster
  • Grid SAGA double.

Importing SHP files

The big difference in importing files exported from a different format in KML or imported from Google Earth Pro lies in the fact that here they can be delivered according to the theme, and not like one ball of one color. It is necessary for the .PRJ file to be created, where the projection has been adjusted, to be supplemented with .SHP vector data. DBF tabular data and .SHX indexing.

However, there is no need to limit the data, which is disappointing with the SHAPE2EARTH Engine tool, although it has valuable functional capabilities for customizing attributes. We are also aware that some GIS programs may have problems with the accuracy of converting to KML / KMZ.

When importing data, the system will ask for obscene speech, such as:

Marvel, dear, those that you are looking for for import have more than 2,500 functions and can burn the cavalry rot that you are vikorista.

You can only import those that you think.

You can import everything, under control,

Or you can eat imports and rather drink, since you have already laid eggs on a toad.

As you can see on the upcoming chart, there is a ball of imports, themed with unique colors.

It’s worth noting that the style includes a pair of html for displaying tabular data, in which case the next step is:

IDREGION $[municipalities/IDREGION]



For obvious reasons, it is installed on the computer antivirus programs possible, perhaps scan all files onto your computer, as well as every file on your computer. You can scan any file by right-clicking on the file and selecting the appropriate option to scan the file for viruses.

For example, on this little baby you can see file my-file.shp, then you need to right-click on this file, and select the option in the file menu "Go get help AVG". When you select this option, AVG Antivirus will open, which will scan the file for viruses.

Sometimes the decision may be canceled as a result incorrect software installation What could be related to the problem that occurred during the installation process? This can affect your operating system Link the SHP file to the correct application software, falling into such a title "file extension association".

Sometimes it's simple reinstallation of Autodesk AutoCAD Ecscad You can solve your problem by correctly linking SHP with Autodesk AutoCAD Ecscad. In other cases, problems with file associations may arise as a result filthy programming software security a retailer, and you may need to contact a retailer to obtain additional assistance.

Porada: Try updating Autodesk AutoCAD Ecscad to the latest version to ensure that the remaining fixes and updates are installed.

This may seem obvious, but often The SHP file itself could be causing the problem. If you have received a file through an email attachment or have downloaded it from a website, and the process of downloading has been interrupted (for example, a connection to life or for other reasons), the file may be corrupted. If possible, try making a new copy of the SHP file and try opening it again.

Carefully: A corrupted file can be caused by additional bugs from previous or existing faulty programs on your PC, so it is important that you regularly run antivirus updates on your computer.

What is your SHP file? related to hardware security on your computer, to open the file you may need update device drivers, related to these possessions.

Qia problem Depend on the types of multimedia files, which lies under the successful release of hardware security in the middle of the computer, for example, sound card or video card. For example, if you are trying to open an audio file but cannot open it, you may need to Update sound card drivers.

Porada: If you try to open the SHP file, you will be deleted notification about the cancellation, linked to the .SYS file, problem, it is clear that you can associated with faulty or outdated device drivers, what needs to be updated. This process can be made easier with the help of software for updating drivers, such as DriverDoc.

The Crocs didn't see the problem, and you are still having problems with the SHP file permissions, which may be related to the number of available system resources. Some versions of SHP files may require significant amounts of resources (eg memory/RAM, processing power) to run properly on your computer. This problem occurs often when you try to use old computer hardware and a new operating system at the same time.

This problem may arise if the computer needs to return from work, and parts of the operating system (and other services that run in the background) may Make use of plenty of resources for writing the SHP file. Try closing all programs on your PC, first opening AutoCAD Shape File. By making the most of all available resources on your computer, you will have the best minds to try opening the SHP file.

Yakshcho vi vikonali all descriptions more details, and the SHP file, as before, does not open, you may need to log out renovation of equipment. In most cases, perhaps with older versions of the device, the computational effort may be less than sufficient for most of the user's benefits (as you do not rely on a richly resource-intensive process sora, such as 3D rendering, financial/scientific modeling or intensive multimedia robot). In such a manner It is absolutely certain that your computer does not run out of unnecessary memory.(often called “RAM” or random access memory) is the file storage name.