Software generator of audio frequency signals. sound frequency generator. Pure sine of our generator

Way іzvratsky, honestly seeming, I'd better choose the R2R generator for the signal of the required form. Ale buvaє, that one is not there, then another, and the axis of the komvalov junk, which is lying around, may be zavzhd.

I want to get ahead of myself, that barbaric manipulations with the computer will immediately ruin the warranty on the fairness with a cunning body, and with a small radius of curvature of the hands - the computer as a whole or with important parts. If you doubt the firmness of your hand and your ability, then it’s better to choose Frankenstein from the mothlohu purely for the sake of it.

I needed to make one attachment on the AVR microcontroller. More precisely, the reception of data from the ADC. When the data signal is on, it can be ultra-low frequency, close to 1 Hz. It’s not surprising, it’s hard to get a signal of such a frequency with standard methods. The sound card can filter out, which allows the low-frequency signal to break through. That's why it was necessary to modernize the sound card.

Sob not risky, it was decided to sell on the old sound card. Ale cei dosvіd fair and for vbudovanih sound cards, ale vіn good Jedi.

Bought a sound card on a hammer Sound Blaster Live. After a quick review, it became clear that it is impossible to get into the circuitry of a 4-ball circuit board without garlic grass. But it is obvious that all outputs and inputs of analog signals go to the op amp, and then to the DAC / ADC. Well, the OU googled shvidko. Then I turned my attention to the microcircuit, in which direction all the signals are located. Vaughn was different in size. I typed the markup into Google, and it's amazing! Know the datasheet!

Microchip pinout.

We are to be hushed by the line of the DAC (a chervonim has been lifted). I have chosen the right channel. If you want to break the reliability of the oscilloscope, then you will need to solder to the line input (blank straight line). I understood through the vydpovidnu rozvyazka scheme (like google on the Internet).
In order not to hit the DAC with my hellish traces, I'll destroy some of it. I recommend obov'yazkovo robiti such a scheme.

Soldering resistor

To see the signal from the computer, I used the VGA rose, which, like a diva, was lying around in my desk. What is a good wire: there may be 5 separate shielded wires. I'm just checking for 1 pin (signal RED) wired. Shards of the screen of all signals from the earth and so, I did not fool around and see the earth. Obviously, ideally, it would be necessary to introduce the analog ground of the sound card (indeed, looking at the same microcircuit in the datasite), otherwise it was broken.

The sound system is installed in the socket of our generator

As a generator, I use the vikorist primitive program "Tone Generator", so you can hit the stars. It allows you to generate a sine, a saw, a meander, a white noise, that is a wonderful signal.

What is for my purposes as a whole.
After that, as installed in the computer, I checked the oscilloscope that the generation is on, and I soldered it correctly.

Pure sine of our generator.

Well, well, using it without a capacitor, my DAC can get close to 2 volts. Perevirimo, how does the ADC of my microcontroller.

Generator and program that reads the ADC value of the microcontroller.

Do not worry about the sine, which is considered by the controller, such lamania - if the sampling rate is even small.
To change the zero point, and also change the signal amplitude by half, you need to put one 10 resistor to the ground. Tim, at once, from the resistor on the sound card, the voltage dilator is established.

I bow for this, far away experiments.

SoundCard Oszilloscope - a program that transforms a computer into a two-channel oscilloscope, a two-channel low-frequency generator and a spectrum analyzer

Good day, radio amateurs!
Kozhen radioamator knows that for the creation of larger and smaller folding radioamator attachments, it is necessary for his mother to have at least a multimeter in his order. Today in our stores you can buy practically any kind of accessory, but only one "ale" variety of decent quality, whether or not an accessory is not less than a dozen thousand of our rubles, and it's no secret that for the greater Russians these are significant pennies, and that number of accessories is not available zovsіm, or buy a radioamator and attach it long ago.
Today on site , we will try to equip the radioamator laboratory with boneless virtual accessories -digital dual channel oscilloscope, dual channel audio frequency generator, spectrum analyzer. The only small number of accessories - the most common stinks are less likely to be used in smoothies with frequencies ranging from 1 Hz to 20,000 Hz. The site already gave a description of a similar amateur radio program:“ “ – the program transforms the home computer into an oscilloscope.
Today, I want to propagate your uvazі cherny program - “SoundCard Oscilloscope“. The program grafted me with indestructible characteristics, a thoughtful design, and the simplicity of turning it into a robot. Tsya program is English, Russian translation is not possible. Ale, I don’t care about the price. In the first place - it’s easy to learn how to practice in the program, you yourself will dance, in a different way - if you need a garni (and they have all the signs of English, if you want Chinese themselves) and it’s easy to get used to them.

The program was developed by C. Zeitnitz and is free of charge, but only for private calling. The license for the program costs about 1500 rubles, and it is also called "private license" - the cost is about 400 rubles, but rather donate to the author for a better program. We, obviously, are worthy of a cost-free version of the program, as it seems to be less important, that when you start it, it will be announced in the end with the proposal to get a license.

Get the program (last version for breast 2012):

(28.1 MiB, 53,001 hits)

For the cob, let's take a look at the "understandings":
Oscilloscope- Appropriation of appointments for follow-up, watchfulness, vimiryuvannya amplitude and temporal intervals.
Oscillography is classified:
according to the method of viewing information:
- oscillography with a periodic zoom for warning signals on the screen (called oscilloscop on Sunset)
– oscillography with a continuous slit for registration of the curve signal on the photo line (called an oscillograph on the entry)
for the method of processing the input signal:
– analog
– digital

The program runs in the middle not lower than W2000 and includes:
- a two-channel oscilloscope with a transmission frequency (to be used in a sound card) not less than 20 to 20,000 Hz;
– two-channel signal generator (with the same frequency that is generated);
– spectrum analyzer
– as well as the ability to record a sound signal for a distant wedding

The skin of these programs may have additional possibilities, which we can look at at the hour of the wedding.

Let's look at the Signal Generator:

The signal generator, as I already said, is two-channel - Channel 1 and Channel 2.
Let's take a look at the recognition of some of the main transitions and vicons:
1 buttons for turning on generators;
2 window for setting the output signal form:
sine- sinusoidal
triangle- tricot
square- Rectangular
sawtooth- saw-like
white noise- white noise
3 output signal amplitude regulators (maximum - 1 volt);
4 frequency setting regulators (the required frequency can be set manually at the end of the regulators). Although the maximum frequency on the regulators is 10 kHz, but in the lower windows you can specify whether the frequency is allowed (deposit the type of sound card);
5 Vіkna for setting the frequency manually;
6 emphasis on the “Sweep – Generator” mode. In this mode, the frequency of the generator is periodically changed from the minimum value set at the “5” ends to the maximum value set at the “Fend” ends for an hour, set at the “Time” ends. This mode can be turned off either for any channel or twice for two channels;
7 window for setting end frequency and Sweep mode;
8 software connection to the output channel of the generator to the first or another input channel of the oscilloscope;
9 - installation of phase difference between signals from the first and other channels of the generator.
10 -at installation of a sparing signal (less for a straight signal).

Now let's take a look at the oscilloscope itself:

1 Amplitude - regulation of sensitivity to the vertical ventilation channel
2 Sync- allows (by checking or unchecking the checkbox) to carry out separate, or one-hour regulation of two channels according to the amplitude of the signals
3, 4 allows you to split the signals according to the height of the screen for your own individual warning
5 setting the time of the rise (from 1 millisecond to 10 seconds, with that in 1 second - 1000 milliseconds)
6 start/chug oscilloscope robot. Under the hour of the sound on the screen, the current signal mill is saved, and a copy of Save is also made ( 16 ) that allows you to save the in-line mill on the computer and see 3 files (text data of the received signal, black-and-white image and color image of the picture on the oscilloscope screen at the time of the sound)
7 trigger- a software attachment that will delay the launch of the rozzle until quiet feasts, until they stop working, and that servant will be able to get a stable image on the oscilloscope screen. Є 4 modes:
reprimand/reprimand. When the trigger is disabled, the image on the screen will look like "live" or say "smudged".
automatic mode. The program itself selects the mode (normal chi single).
normal mode. In this mode, there is no interruption to the signal to follow.
single mode. In this mode, a one-time signal warm-up is required (with an intermittent hour, set by the Time regulator).
8 select active channel
9 edge- Type of start signal:
- rising- on the front of the following signal
falling- according to the decay of the last signal
10 Auto Set- automatically set the time of the rise, the sensitivity of the vertical breather channel Amplitude, and also the image moves to the center of the screen.
11 -Channel Mode- Specify how signals will be displayed on the oscilloscope screen:
single– separate display of two signals on the screen
- CH1 + CH2- Seeing the sum of two signals
CH1 - CH2- Visnovok retail of two signals
CH1 * CH2- Seeing the creation of two signals
12 and 13choose the display on the screen of the channels Amplitude)
14 oscillogram view channel 1
15 oscillogram view channel 2
16 passed before - recording a signal to a computer in the mode of an oscilloscope
17 hour scale (we have a regulator Time stand at the position of 10 milliseconds, so the scale changes from 0 to 10 milliseconds)
18 Status– show the flow mill of the trigger and allow displaying the following data on the screen:
- HZ and Volts- Viewing on the screen of the current frequency of the voltage of the received signal
cursor– highlighting vertical and horizontal cursors to change the parameters of the followed signal
log to fill– per-second recording of the parameters of the signal to be followed.

Virobnitstvo vimiryuvan on oscilloscope

For starters, let's tweak the signal generator:

1. Turn on channel 1 and channel 2 (green tricots light up)
2. We install output signals - sinusoidal and rectilinear
3. Set the amplitude of the output signals equal to 0.5 (the generator generates signals with a maximum amplitude of 1 volt, and 0.5 means the amplitude of the signals is equal to 0.5 volts)
4. Set the frequency to 50 Hertz
5. Switch to oscilloscope mode

Vimiryuvannya signal amplitude:

1. Write button measure selectable mode HZ and Volts, tick the boxes Frequency and Voltage. With which animal, the current frequencies for the skin of two signals (mayzhe 50 hertz), the amplitude of the second signal vp-p and effective signal voltage Veff.
2. Write button measure selectable mode Cursors and put a tick to write Voltage. With this, we have two horizontal lines, and at the bottom of the write, which show the amplitude of the positive and negative warehouse signal ( AND), as well as the high amplitude of the signal amplitude ( dA).
3. We put horizontal lines at the desired position of the signal, on the screen we take the data of the desired amplitude:

Variation of hourly intervals:

Vikonuёm those operations, scho and for vimiryuvannya signal amplitude, for a wink - in mode Cursors put a tick and write Time. As a result, the replacement of the horizontal lines takes two vertical lines, and at the bottom there is an hour interval between two vertical lines and the flow frequency of the signal in that hour interval:

Defining the frequency and amplitude of the signal

In our case, there is no need to specifically adjust the frequency and amplitude of the signal - everything is displayed on the oscilloscope screen. However, if you happen to speed up in life with an analog oscilloscope, and you don’t know how to calculate the frequency and amplitude of the signal, we can see the power in the beginning.

The settings of the generator are left as if they were boules, for a wink - the amplitude of the signals is set to 1.0, and the settings of the oscilloscope are set as for the little one:

The signal amplitude regulator is set to 100 millivolts, the boost time regulator is set to 50 milliseconds and we take the picture on the screen like an animal.

The principle of signal amplitude assignment:
Regulator Amplitude we stand at the position 100 mV, And tse means that the price of cutting the grid on the screen of the oscilloscope vertically becomes 100 millivolts. Please note the number of subdivisions from the lower part of the signal to the upper one (we have 10 subdivisions) and multiply by the price of one subdivision - 10 * 100 = 1000 millivolts = 1 volt which means that the amplitude of the signal we have from the upper point to the lower point becomes 1 volt. In the same way, it is possible to measure the amplitude of the signal on whether it is a difference with oscillograms.

Designation of the clock characteristics of the signal:
Regulator Time we stand at the position 50 milliseconds. The number of subdivisions of the oscilloscope scale horizontally is equal to 10 (in this case, we have 10 subdivisions on the screen), we divide 50 by 10 and take 5, which means that the price of one subdivision is more than 5 milliseconds. We choose the oscillogram signal we need and enter into the scales of the wines (our sample has 4 handicaps). We multiply the price of 1 subdivision by the number of subdivisions 5*4=20 and it is important that the period of the signal on the next distance to become 20 milliseconds.

Assignment of frequency to a signal.
The frequency of the received signal is determined by the sig- nificant formula. We know that one period of our signal is good 20 milliseconds, zalishaetsya dіznatisya skіlki periods will be in one second- 1 second/20 milliseconds = 1000/20 = 50 Hertz.

Spectrum analyzer

Spectrum analyzer– an attachment for keeping vimіru vіdnosnogo rozpodіl energії elektrichnії (elektromagnіtnykh) kolivanі smuzy frequencies.
Low frequency spectrum analyzer(As in our opinion) assignments for work in the range of audio frequencies and vikoristovuetsya, for example, for the designation of the frequency response of various outbuildings, with the modification of noise parameters, the adjustment of various radio equipment. Specifically, we can determine the amplitude-frequency characteristic of the sound frequency substation, which is selected, adjust the difference filters, etc.
There is nothing foldable in the work with the spectrum analyzer, below I will point out the recognition of the main ones, and you yourself will easily figure out how to practice with it.

The axis looks like this spectrum analyzer in our program:

What is here - what:

1. View of the scale of the analyzer from the vertical
2. Choice of channels, which are often picked up by the generator
3. Working part of the analyzer
4. The button for recording the streaming will become oscillograms for the hour of the sound
5. Working field enlargement mode
6. Switching the horizontal scale (frequency scale) from linear to logarithmic view
7. The flow frequency of the signal for the hour of operation of the generator in sweep mode
8. Stream frequency at cursor position
9. Specifier of the coefficient of harmonics signal
10. Installing a filter for signals by frequency

Revisiting the figures of Lissajous

Figures Lissajous- closed trajectories, which are crossed by a point, which at the same time create two harmonious coliving paths at two mutually perpendicular lines. Seeing the figures lie in the sp_v_dnoshennia between periods (frequencies), phases and amplitudes of both waves.

Yakshcho tax on the entrance " X» ta « Y» The oscilloscope signals close frequencies, then on the screen you can see the figure of Lissajous. This method is widely used for equalizing the frequencies of two dzherel signals and for the construction of one dzherel for the frequency of the other. If the frequencies are close, but equal to one to one, the figure on the screen turns around, and the period of the wrapping cycle is the magnitude of the turning frequency difference, for example, the turnaround period is 2 s - the difference in signal frequencies is 0.5 Hz. When the frequencies are equal, the figure catches unruly, in any phase, prote in practice, for the fluctuation of short-hour signal instabilities, the figure on the oscilloscope screen starts to tremble. You can match for equalization not only at the same frequency, but also at a multiple of it, for example, just like that, you can see the frequency of only 5 MHz, and at the same time, it’s 2.5 MHz.

I don’t think that this function of the program will become good for you, but if you need it quickly, then I think it’s easy for you to get involved in this function independently.

Sound recording function

I have already shown that the program allows you to record any kind of sound signal on the computer with the help of a far cry. The function of recording a signal is not foldable and you can easily figure out how to:

Program "Computer-oscilloscope"

An add-on that allows you to transmit the sound of a different frequency for additional dekilkoh channels, indispensable for professional musical systems.

Sound frequency generator - naming the program speaks for itself. I used the name of the program "Sound Generator". The system allows you to transmit sound from the additional possibility of adjusting the characteristics of the signal. An important plus of the program is the creation of a rich channel transmission to sound. When the generator is turned on, nine water-reinforced panels are activated with the function of possible frequency adjustment for the skin channel. You can change the dressing or fix it in the area of ​​the working table.

Program Features

The audio supplement is summary with 24 and 32 bit cards, the sampling frequency is 384 kHz. It is possible to transmit noise and harmonic sinusoidal signals. Change the sound phases easily by means of a mechanical switch of the system. Often these functions are zastosovuyutsya with vikoristanny professional equipment.
The generator of sound frequencies - vuzkodirection addendum. It is zoomed in by such functions:
  • The frequency range is not limited to fall within the technical capabilities of the sound system;
  • the generator transmits two and more oscillators to the robot with the function of one-hour change in the characteristics of sound transmission;
  • transmission of modes of creation of Brownian, white and erysipelas noises, as well as the transmission of amplitude modulation and frequency of electrical noises, which are chirped;
  • the sound program has the lowest sound quality;
  • sound processing can be saved on the computer.
New variations of the software have been equipped by retailers with templates for setting sound characteristics. It is enough to know the ready preset on the working table and run it under the pressure of the left key. The sound generator is not viable in vikoristanni. The only downside is that the trial version of the program is free of cost, and the sound lasts about twenty seconds. For full-fledged work, the programs require a license. Tone Generator (Online testing the sound at the same preset frequency and loudness. Whiskers to adjust the sound or test the acoustics / subwoofer)

Tone Generator (Online testing the sound at the same preset frequency and loudness. Whiskers to adjust the sound or test the acoustics / subwoofer)

How to use a tone generator to set the required frequency at a glance on the regulators of the power filter.

For the cob on the input of the substation, it is necessary to send an audio signal from the device (PC, smartphone, etc.) connected to the Internet and the sound that sounds.

Reshta attached to the entrance of the substation must be turned off.

Having changed the sound of the plugged-in to the switch, I will add it, you can start adjusting the filters of the switch.

Let's take a look at the upgraded filters for the power switch with the butt of a two-arm system, based on a channel-by-channel connection to a 4-channel power switch.

It is possible that high-frequency devices (tweeters) are connected to the output of the power supply 1 and 2. It is connected to the output of the power supply to the regenerator.

As the tweeter is to blame for the 4000 Hz exchange, we set this frequency to the tone generator. On the booster, you need to set the HPF regulator to a higher value (for example, at 8000 Hz or in the extreme position of the regulator knob). Turn on the tone generator and turn the knob of the regulator at the turn straight to the right, smoothly and evenly, the docks do not feel the tone signal in the tweeters of the tasks. As soon as the volume of the tone signal ceased to be added when the knob was turned - it means that the filter of the substation was set at a given frequency of 4000 Hz.

Now it is necessary to adjust the midbass.

Switchable attachments with tone generator from inputs 1 and 2 to inputs 3 and 4.

On the other hand, the HPF is adjusted at a frequency, for example 65 Hz (it works like this for the tweeter). After completing the HPF adjustment, go to the LPF (low pass filter) adjustment.

The frequency is restored, for example, ty 4000 Hz, on the tone generator. With the LPF control knob on the sub-switch, you can set a value lower than the preset frequency of the tone generator.

Turn on the tone and turn the knob forward properly.

If we feel in the dynamics that it is being tuned, the tone generator signal and its loudness stop growing when the knob is turned - the filter value is set.

All other components of the system are adjusted the same way.

In order to click on multiple buttons, press Play or press Space .

To change the frequency, drag slider or press ← → (arrow keys). To set the frequency to 1 Hz, press the keys or press Shift + ← and Shift + → . To change frekvenci by 0.01 Hz, press Ctrl + ← and Ctrl + → ; press 0.001 Hz, press Ctrl+Shift+ ← and Ctrl + Shift+ → Press/over two frequency (go down/up one octave), press ×½ and ×2 .

To change the wave type from blue wave (pure tone) to quad/grass/sawtooth wave, press the button.

You can mix tones with the help of Online Tone Generator in sever browser tabs.

What can I use this tone generator for?

Tuning instruments, science experiments ( what's the resonant frequency of this wineglass?), testing audio equipment ( how low does my subwoofer go?), testing your hearing ( what's the highest frequency you can hear? What are you, what can you do, maybe only in one group?).

Tinnitus frequency matching. If you can choose pure-tone, your online frequency generator can set this frequency. Knowing your tinnitus frequency can enable you to better target masking sounds and . If you are aware that those who think about your tinnitus, you can use your function one octave higher (frequency × 2) and one octave lower (frequency × ½), as it is easy to confuse tones that are one.

Alzheimer's disease. The current period is the stage of awareness of what is known about those who can turn around deyakі mihurnі zmeni in the coats of Alzheimer's patients. Tse one of these thoughts, that the sound is for good, but in the future, the results are more forgiven. Here is a reminder of a koristuvach who tried 40 Hz therapy on his wife. ( Note that this tone generator is not a medical device – I don’t guarantee anything!)


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