Okremia oblikovy record for the child. Regional records of koristuvachs and father’s control. Now you need to create a bunch of cloud records

Today's children begin to master electronic technology almost overnight, without even learning to walk. As time goes on, the heaviness becomes less intense, and they spend more and more hours on computer screens and other gadgets - replacing physical activities with social activities, and playing games in the yard with friends on the computer. Everything is beginning to have a detrimental effect on the child’s health and psyche, as there is little physical activity, isolation and overwhelm in the virtual world, which leads to great problems.

Fathers are careful not to allow this: they allow their child to use the computer for more than one hour, set a password and allow their child to use it until all lessons have been completed or all assignments have been completed; There are fathers who are trying to protect their children from using computers and smartphones and tablets, they are not rich, but they stink. But all these methods will not be able to completely protect your child.

This article shows you how to create and set up a cloud record with the Fatherland control function in operating systems:

The main consideration when creating a cloud record for a child is a number of factors: to configure it, you need to have a large cloud record with administrator rights; Father's control is extended only to standard cloud records, as it does not affect administrator rights.

Creating a child's cloud record in the Windows 7 operating system

Krok 1 Open the program Control panel. For whom press START → Control panel

Krok 2 Select Establishment of Fatherland's control for all koristuvachs, because you have a vibranium look Category or else Batkivsky control, yakscho Great or else Friendly icons

Lesson 3 The window has a large list of computer components. If you have already created a cloud record for your child, then simply select it and go to Krok 5, if not, then press Create a new account

Lesson 4 Enter the name of the new customer and click the Create account record button

Croc 5 At the front window, the creations of the koristuvach will appear, select yogo. The function of Father's control is turned on, to turn it off, select Squeeze, vikorist and precise parameters

When this function is activated, the setup phase will not end, but only begin. Windows customization options are now available to you: time management, games, separate work, and blocking specific programs.

Time after hour

This parameter allows you to limit the child's time at the computer. You can set the days and times when your child can use the computer. For additional schemes, select and drag permissions or restrictions after finishing any computer.


Here you have the opportunity to completely block the launch of games or limit the launch to a different category and instead of games, as well as allow or block the launch of game installations.

Allowed the blocking of singing programs

In addition, you have the opportunity to set a barrier to launch installation programs on your computer. For whom you need to select the item Im'ya koristuvach (in our opinion tse Ditin) can only work with permitted programs

After your children have died, you can safely let your child go to the computer. Also set a password for your account account so that the child cannot use it.

Creating a child's cloud record in the Windows 8/8.1 operating system

Krok 1 Open the Settings program. To do this, hover your mouse over the top right or bottom corner, select from the menu, click Settings, and then Changing computer settings

Lesson 2 Go to the Cloud records section

Krok 3 Select Other cloud records And in the right panel of the window, click the button Adding a cloud record

Lesson 4 Click on the pop-up window that appears

Lesson 5 If your child already has Microsoft email (live.com, hotmail.com, outlook.com) or if you want to create one on Mayday, then fill in the appropriate field or select Register a new email address If you want to create a simple account record, select Add a child's regional record without email

Term 6 Give your new account a name and if you want to set a password, then click the Next button

Lesson 7 A page will appear in front of you with notifications about the success of adding a new account, to complete the registration, click Finish

After you have completed your work, another account record will appear on your computer - the account record of your child, which can be transferred from the type “Child” to “Standard account manager” or “Administrator” at any time.

Lecture 8 Once the oblikovy record has been created, we will proceed directly to its adjustment. To do this, go to the main page of the Settings program (use the button (back) on the left) and click on Control panel, you know from below

Lesson 9 Open the "Control Panel" window, select Establishment of family security for all employees, because you have a vibranium look Category or else Family safety, yakscho Great or else Friendly icons

Krok 10 From your computer, select the child's cloud record

When you create an account with the “Child” type, the family safety function is activated in the system, and it also collects information about the activities that your young friend uses on the computer: PC history, games that are running, and programs. Press Review of news about activityі You can access all this information.

If you don't have enough information collection and want more control, quickly adjust several Windows settings: web filter, time limit, games and programs from the Windows Store, and classic programs.

Web filter

The web filter allows you to customize the filtering of websites that your child may be exposed to. You can install filters based on ready-made filtering options, or independently adjust blocking, or allow other sites included in the list. You can also protect the acquisition of any files from the Internet.

Time after hour

This parameter allows you to control the amount of time your child spends at the computer. You can set an hour limit for the day or adjust the hour interval according to the days of the year, if the child is allowed to use the computer. After the set time has passed, the computer will turn off.

Exchange of games and programs from the Windows Store

Here you have the opportunity to either block the launch of the igor and installation program from the Windows Store, or limit the installation/launch to a different category or instead of games.

Changed to classic programs

Classic programs - these are programs and games that were installed in the original way: from a disk or from the Internet, and not from a special program store (Windows Store), which appeared in the system when starting with Windows 8. You can set a barrier to launch such programs . For whom select the item I am a koristuvach (in our opinion, Ditin) can only use these programs as I allow and check the boxes next to the allowed programs. If the required program is not in the list, click the Browse button to find it.

Creating a cloud account for a child in the Windows 10 operating system

One of the main innovations when creating a cloud account for a child in Windows 10 is the obligatory use of Microsoft cloud records, which allows you to install control (dad) for your child, as well as a permanent connection to the Internet. In earlier versions of the operating system, father control could be adjusted and local cloud recording could be adjusted.

Krok 1 Open the Settings program. To do this, press START → Settings

Croc 2 Open the Cloud records section

Krok 3 Select Family and other people and we are separated Your homeland press button Add a family member

Chapter 4 A new window will open where you need to select an item Add child's regional record, enter your Microsoft email address (live.com, hotmail.com, outlook.com) and click the Next button, and in the next windows Confirm and Finish. After which a sheet will be sent to the specified address requesting you to come to your homeland

Krok 5 If the customer does not accept e-mail, select Koristuvach, who I want to add, does not have an email address. Enter your name, nickname, email address, password (at least 8 characters) and birthday, press Next. If your child is up to 8 years old, then Windows for your cloud account will automatically open the security settings, and in any case, it’s better to adjust the necessary parameters yourself.

Lesson 6 Enter your phone number or backup email to be able to remember your forgotten password in the near future, and then click on Allow for Microsoft Advertising services and advertising (uncheck all the boxes) and press Next to complete registration

Krok 7 Now divided Your homeland A new cloud record will appear. To view it and set up Father's control for your entry, select Managing family settings via the Internet

Croc 8 A page with a tab will open in front of you homeland Microsoft cloud account, select the account you need. After which you can review information about the activities your child uses on the computer - what sites you spend on your PC, what games and programs you install and launch

Here you can install the necessary protections and permissions for your computer or laptop: filtering Internet pages, an hour of work on the device, time limit for installing/launching a game and a program, the ability to reschedule your child, This is a mobile device or laptop. The adjustment of these parameters follows the same scheme as in the Windows 8/8.1 operating system, only with this advantage that you can always change the settings for blocking any computer that has access to ternet.

Now you don’t have to worry that your child has to spend a lot of time at the computer, what he plays and what websites he runs. You have everything under control.

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One of the best features of the Family Sharing feature is to encourage children to make purchases, keeping the stink away. Today we’ll talk about how to connect your child to “Family Sharing” because it doesn’t have an Apple ID account.

We appreciate that you can only add a child to “Family Sharing” after the function has already been activated. About how to turn off Family Access with us.

Croc 1. Go to menu “ Setting up» → « iCloud"on an iPhone or iPad, which is the organizer of Family Sharing (simply speaking, on your main device)

Croc 2. Select the tab " homeland»

Croc 3. At the very bottom of the screen, click on the inscription “ Create an Apple ID for Ditini»

Lesson 4. Then you need to indicate the date of birth of the child (you are not guilty of exceeding the 13th birthday) and accept the privacy policy for your parents

Term 5. At the next stage, you must obtain final confirmation by entering the CVV code of your credit card. Here the first difficulties may arise: a debit card for the Apple ID registration procedure for a child is not suitable (an example of a payment notice is below). To continue registration, you need to quickly change the card by changing it in the “” menu Main -> «» iTunes Store, App Store

Lesson 6. After this, you must enter your child’s name, nickname, Apple ID login and password for your child’s account.

Lesson 7. Then select three control meals and remember them, or better yet, record the testimonials on them

Krok 8. On the desktop screen, you need to press or turn on the “ Ask to buy"For help, some children may ask you for more content from the App Store or iTunes Store

Step 9. It is also necessary to specify the parameter “ Share your location» to help you keep track of your child with the help of “Confidence” and “Find iPhone”

That's all! After this cumbersome, if not difficult, operation, you can safely transfer the new iPhone or iPad to your child. The skin product that acts as a child will now appear on your device and you will be able to take or treat it. Also, for the safety of your child, you can use the additional “Find iPhone” program.

By geolocation, you can spend money with one bank card from a group of up to six people. You can also add children while controlling their purchases. For this purpose it is necessary to create a child's Apple ID, which we will do in this material.

In contact with

Is it possible to create an Apple ID for a child the first way without registering for Family Sharing?

It’s possible, it’s possible! In this case, you will have to worry a little - when registering your child's Apple ID, you must indicate that your child is already 18 years old. If this option bothers you, then hurry up.

How to create a child's Apple ID account

1. To start, you need to activate the Family Sharing function. Why go to and complete the steps listed in the step-by-step instructions by clicking on the “ Start working"and then" Request family members».

2. After activating the function " Family access» go to Settings → Account account name → Family access and press " Add a family member».

3. At the spilling window, stomp on “ Create a child's account».

4. A dialogue will appear that prompts you to create a personal Apple ID for the child. Press " Dali"in the upper right corner.

5. Select a date for the birth of a child and click on " Dali».

6. Please accept the licensed permission to press the button on the bottom right button.

7. In order to confirm the status of dad, you must enter CVV security code linked to the Apple ID card of the creator “Sim” and press “ Dali».

8. Enter the name and nickname of the child and press " Dali».

9. Create a new email, as a matter of fact, login to a new Apple ID account with the domain icloud.com (Remember yo!) and press “ Dali».

10. Select three control foods and come up with variations for them.

UVAGA! Rewrite the signals on the control power carefully and save them, as long as any important operations with cloud recording are accompanied by the signals on the control power. We will renew them.

As you know, the process of creating a child's Apple ID is not the same as before.

The body of an adult person starts working continuously at a computer in about 4 years, at a time when the body needs to work with a PC or laptop for only 2.5-3 years. If you are inundated with computer games and social interactions, children are unlikely to sense the signals from their body. With the advent of the computer, fathers now have another zone of control over their children - the virtual space. Fortunately, software tools for Father’s control are becoming available. These are special filters that protect against websites that are mentally unsafe for children, and timers for limited hours spent on the computer, and information about websites that children are exposed to. formation on the Internet, as well as other operations such as Vaughn ends at the hour of the father’s absence.

Today we will take a look at the Fatherland control function built into Windows.

Family safety in Windows 8.1

In version Windows 8.1, the function of Fatherland Control has been greatly expanded compared to previous versions of the system and is called family safety.

This function allows you to time out your computer, block access to Internet sites, and block the launch of favorite programs and games. Family Security can be turned on for the account of the primary account, but if the account is created for the child, this function is active from the beginning. To set up family security, you need administrator rights.

Creation of the cloud record of the child

To create a local child recording in Windows 8.1, we quickly use the standard Metro add-on “Parameters”. In the options bar of the Metro interface, scroll to the right edge of the screen and select “Settings,” then “Change computer settings.”

Adding new cloud records in Windows 8.1 is carried out in the “Other cloud records” section using a separate option.

In the setup menu for logging into the system, you can select to add a child account.

It’s best to enter the email address you need to ask for next time, so that your next child won’t have any problems downloading add-ons from the Windows Store. It is not obv'yazkovo that there is a valid postal screenshot of the child, for which you can create an e-mail. Since there is no need in a robot with modern add-ons, a child’s cloud record can be created for a robot with the desktop part of the system. In our version, the email address cannot be entered, but a local account can be created.

Below is a form for entering your name and password. You will need to enter your personal name, and since there is no special need for a password, you may be able to rely on it. Our password fields will be empty.

Everything – the child’s oblique record is created, stamped “Ready”.

Now it will be visible in the list of other cloud records on the computer, and at any time you can delete or change it, recognizing the type of cloud record of an adult user or contact the administrator.

Now you need to log out of the system and log out to the child’s cloud account.

As soon as Windows 8.1 is installed, the system will prepare the accessories, and then a very clean one, for the new desktop. You can connect your child to the cloud account if you need to use the Microsoft cloud account.

Transformation into a child's oblikovy record, the primary type of oblikovy record of a koristuvach

Having the rights of an administrator, you can now change the cloud records of your personal clients to the cloud records of children and without asking anyone for permission. Of course, we are talking about technical capabilities, and not about the psychology of the family.

This very functionality is very important, since for the child a cloud record of the original correspondent was created from the very beginning, and she has already managed to “get used to” in the new one, having installed her own programs, games, customizing the system interface, etc.

As a first step, go to the standard “Parameters” program, go to the “Account records” section and select the “Other cloud records” tab. On the selected account, press the “Change” button, then select the type of account – “Child”. Printed "OK".

Well, we've sorted out the creation of public records for children, now we're finally getting ready for family safety.

Setting up family safety for children's regional records

Family safety settings in Windows 8.1 are located in the appropriate section of the Windows panel. To get there, use the quick context menu on the “Start” button.

At the main window of the bathroom panel, you can immediately click on the option to go to set family safety parameters.

We select the child's oblique record.

Family security does not impose harsh barriers on the promochans. All this function comes down to with the installed parameters is informing fathers about what they can do on the computer.

By clicking on the option to review activity reports, you can see the flow of websites, the time the computer is turned off, the downloading of files from the Internet, the programs and games that the child ran on the computer.

The fathers are planning to create the fence on their own. Let's take a closer look at the Windows settings used to limit children's access to the computer.

Website filtering

Let’s finish with the first parameter – the web filter. For promotional purposes, a child can have access to any websites. To change this, you must tick the option that allows children to view only sites allowed by their parents. After this, we will press the option to set the web filter level.

The first option means that the transfer of sites accessible to children is created independently by fathers. The addresses of these sites may be included in the list of permissions, under which the access to web resources will be blocked.

Another option allows you to configure the web filter using the system-provided boundaries. With such adjustments, the child’s browser window will have access to all sites designated for children, as well as sites added to the children’s permission list. Sites for adults are blocked.

The third option allows you to show children any content, as well as sites on the permission list; sites for adults will be blocked.

The fourth option regulates children’s use of social web resources and email.

Heels are an option for honest children. The child must independently look at the site, since the system is advanced, and this is a site for adults.

At the bottom of the web filter settings there is an option to block the import of files from the Internet. This, before speaking, is not only a good way to protect a child from downloading indecent images and videos, but also a way to prevent getting into the system of disreputable software.

Creating lists of allowed and restricted sites is the simplest procedure. For additional information, the left side of the window switches to the section for permissions or blocking of web pages. There is also a field for entering website addresses. Addresses must be entered in this field and press one of the buttons - Allow or Block. All allowed and blocked sites will be visible at the end below. The share of these sites can be changed accordingly, for example, depending on the behavior of the child. Before making any entries, the site can be removed from the watch list or removed from the list.

Time after hour

Another Windows Family Safety option allows you to keep your child away from the computer. Here you can choose from two options for limiting access to your computer – time limits and restrictions. The limit is set according to an additional scheme, where you can set an hour (on weekdays, on weekends) if your child has access to the computer. As the Vikorist girl only has an hour to go, the computer will turn on.

The hour of obstruction is indicated in the table. Fathers can set a specific anniversary date throughout the day, if the child is allowed to spend an hour at the computer.

How to launch Windows Store programs

The third family safety option allows you to limit the launch of several Metro add-ons. Here you can enter the permission to launch categories of add-ons only for the song century according to the Russian system of century ratings.

If necessary, other programs - for example, social media clients or games - can be blocked.

How to launch the igor program

The parameter for blocking the launch of classic add-ons, of course, for rich people will be more in demand, lower blocking of current add-ons. The most classic programs - most popular desktop games - win the respect of children, encourage their pride in their homework, and inspire companionship with their peers in real life.

The restrictions on launching desktop programs are subject to the principle of seeing permissions on the site. You must uncheck the boxes before starting the program.

Padded pouches…

Any kind of protection in an imperative form is not the best way to understand your child. Blocking the launch of games installed on your computer, blocking the launch of gaming sites, social networks and other web resources, do not forget about filling your computer with content that is inappropriate for children. The ideal solution to this problem is to select and install educational games and programs with your child. And the electronic library is filled with squelchy books – absolutely a Must Have for today’s children, who live in an era of technological development.

Have a wonderful day!

In the Windows 8 operating system, a very interesting function has appeared - Father's control. Fathers are a lot of stress because their child spends a lot of time on the Internet and it’s unclear what there is to marvel at. To filter your information, you can use different programs or simply create a single cloud account for your child in Windows 8 and follow its “benefits” as needed.

Oblikovy record of child

In order to gain control of your father, you need to create an account record for your child.

1. Move the mouse cursor to the lower right corner, and then to the top. When this opens the right menu, in which you need to select “Settings”, and then “Change computer settings”

2. A new window will open, in which you select “Area records”.

3. Next, click on “Other cloud records” and select “Add cloud records”.

4. Open at the end to create a cloud record, but the image will be standard, but we need it for the child. So we are pressed to “Add the child’s oblique record.”

5. Add to the child’s email address. You can also choose to add a business record without an email address.

6. Enter the child’s details: name, nickname, email address and password. We press “Dali”.

7. We add additional information for the protection of the cloud record: birth date, birth date, country code or region, telephone number and backup email address.

8. I forgot to enter the symbols from the picture and press “Far”.

Enter the symbols from the picture to confirm that you are a real person and not a robot

The cloud record has been created! Now you need to edit the parameters.

To do this again, go to “Manage other cloud records” and click on “Manage Family Security settings via the Internet.”

Your browser will display a site that requires you to sign in, your Microsoft account, and your Microsoft cloud account.

Previously, you could set up family security through the Family Security panel, just go to the Family Security Panel, then go to “Area records and Family security”, then “Area records of clients”, and in that window select “Keruvan” I can't access the settings on the Family Safety website “, then all you have to do is go to the site, enter your login and password, and then you can customize the filter for the child’s cloud record.

Let's go to the website for setting up family safety parameters

When you go to the site, you will immediately access all the cloud records of this computer. Select the required entry for your children.

From this window you will get a closer look at the parameters for the customer service. Let's take everything in order.

About children

The “About Events” section has three items. In the "Growing" section you will receive all your children's activities for the day. If you want to view more old activity posts, you need to change the date range on the “Internet Activities” or “Computer Activities” tabs.

The “Web filter” section contains two tabs. The first of them is the web filter. On this page, behind the next button, you can link sites for promotion. You can also protect files from the Internet.

The other tab is especially interesting “List of permissions”, in which you can add sites yourself and choose what to do with them “Allow” or “Block”.

Time after hour

Another very useful function is the exchange of computer data by the hour. This section has two tabs. In the “Time limit” tab you can indicate how many years per day your child can use the device. You can set working hours and weekends.

Tab "Fensing hour". You can choose an hour here if your children cannot use a computer, laptop, or tablet at all. Just click on the table you need. The blue color speaks about those that korstuvannaya is blocked, but white is allowed.

Interchange program, igor

The offensive section is “Interchange program” and “Interface program”. Here you can choose which games and programs your child can use. You need to set the “Allow” or “Block” point opposite the installed program.

In the Games section, in the Rating tab, you can select the rating level for Windows Store programs that you can enjoy.

Ask for it

If a child wants to stop blocking a website or program, then in which section you will be asked and you will be able to either encourage or praise him.

The worst! On the bottom side of the page you can add the “WIMK” button, you need to press it so that it says “WIMK”, which means that all other parameters will be enabled for cloud recording of the child.

You can view information about the development of sites, access to additional supplements and games through the site. You will also receive this week's news about children's children in your inbox.

We hope that this article about how to install Father’s control in Windows 8 was useful to you.