Doesn't scroll on the mouse in Windows 10. What works, because the mouse's wheel doesn't scroll. For more help, see the "Parameters" section

The mouse wheel can be used for a variety of reasons. If there is a mechanical problem, if it is stuck and will not turn, then you can try to remove the bear. Then, using a cotton swab, coated with a toothpick and soaked in alcohol, clean the dirt from the wheels under the body. If you can’t help, most likely, Misha has used up her resource, and the time has come for her to find a replacement.

If the wheel spins freely, there are no visible traces, so to speak of those that the bear has noticed mechanical problems, it is possible that as a result of a software glitch I will install the robot in the middle of Windows or inject third-party software.

What is there to do with such a situation?

1. Lose the mouse driver

To find out how to deal with a mouse driver malfunction, you need to open the authorities. Windows 10 comes with extras.

I in "Tens", and in other versions of Windows, the power of the bear is available in the menu panel.

We are looking for a tab at the window of the authorities.

There are no such tabs, which means that the mouse driver has detected a problem. This driver needs to be reinstalled. Let's go to the tab, embossed "Vlastivosti".

Go to the tab for the authorities. Tisnemo "Device Visibility".

We are re-decorating the computer.

When you start Windows again, select the device as a new device and install the driver again.

2. Blocking by third-party software

It may be that the bear's ticking is blocked by some third-party program. The remainder needs to be identified or adjusted correctly, or removed from the system. Yak viyaviti? From now on, you can get all your programs from auto-download, re-download Windows and turn off the wheel. A universal way for all versions of the system to generate this get started quickly using your program .

If the area of ​​the causes of the problem could not be established in such a manner, for additional help In another step, you can protest the wheel robot without software, which is launched for help in the planning department.

Well, the last option for identifying the problem area is to start Windows without third-party services PZ. Press the Win + R keys and launch the system utility:


Place a check mark in the services tab so that services are not displayed Microsoft. This will give us the opportunity to operate only with the services of third-party programs. Tisnemo "Vick it all up", then - "Zastosuwati".

Please ask the system to re-enable it. І start in robot mode without regular services.

Such a launch will allow you to identify as many areas as possible the causes of the problem. PZ, which apparently blocks the functions of the mouse. Such an area of ​​the skin needs to be dealt with carefully and by turning off a specific program, which prevents the wheel from working. If the instigator of the problem is identified, everything must be removed from the autonomic object - programs, planners, services - and must be turned around.

The bear is the most powerful manipulator needed today for a personal computer. They were created in 1968, but that knowledge has not lost its relevance until now. However, every person's skin is individual - the parameters of a bear cannot be averaged for everyone. Moreover, in the Control Panel there is a section where you can customize all the parameters of the manipulator. Setting up the mouse in Windows 7 is not easy.

How to adjust the sensitivity of a bear

The first inability to handle, which is why the kistuvach can shut up during the hour of work with the mouse – this is the sensitivity. For various models of similar manipulators, the difference in DPI density, or the optical resolution of a bear, eye, or eye, determines the fluidity of the cursor. For this reason, the new bear can “run” across the screen as quickly as necessary. Well, why not take it back to the store? So the fluidity cannot be corrected entirely manually.

To begin adjusting your mouse's sensitivity, open the Control Panel. You can do it easily - press the combination Win + R and enter the word control. After clicking on the standard OK, the required window will open. Here is our meta section “Misha”, which can be expanded by adjusting the display of all elements.

Click on this section - a new small one will open at the end with a series of tabs. One of them is needed at a time: “Vkazivnik parameters.”

This entry can be installed if our cursor itself crashes. Since only your fluidity is affected, you need to change the position of the first step, setting the required level of sensitivity. The fluidity can be checked immediately by simply shaking the bear. In this case, it is important that the increased accuracy of installation of the boule is turned on, otherwise the indicator will appear in the open air, like a leaf in the wind.

Before speech, if it is important for you to know the cursor on the monitor, you can, in the “Visibility” section, set the display of the speaker using the CTRL key (remain ticked) or display its trace when rescheduled (first tick).

After making changes, it is enough to stagnate them, and you will no longer have to suffer from inconsistency or over-sensitivity.

How to adjust a bear's tickling

In some situations, we just like the speed of the mouse may not be able to control the work of the mouse. As a rule, the wheel edge of all manipulators varies due to softness and fluidity. If it is already tight and clear, the side can be turned as much as possible, but if it is not even noticeable, it will be very fast. Therefore, under the skin of the bear, you can directly adjust this parameter.

If you have already closed the mouse settings window, then open it again in the same way as described above and go to the Kolischatko tab. We have only two adjustments - to scroll the information in the window horizontally and vertically by one “click” of the wheel. The vertical scroll itself is right in front of us, but not all mice have horizontal scrolling.

Before speaking, it’s easy to find out if your bear supports horizontal scrolling. Try to move the wheel to the right or to the left. To exit means that the support for horizontal scrolling is still there.

For this contribution, set the parameters to the discretion of the authorities. Remember one thing - the fewer rows or symbols you scroll at a time, the more the window will scroll in general and in general. You must select this parameter depending on your device. Then you need to stop the settings and close the window for changing the wheel settings.

Other background adjustments

In addition to the standard parameters, you can change specific actions before adjusting. It’s even worse if the vicariousness of the bear becomes increasingly different from the primary one, regulated by the system and cob parameters.

Mouse buttons

Here you can set the mouse under the left button, change the meaning of the buttons, adjust the softness of the click on the left button of the mouse, and also enable such a useful function as sticking.


An excellent tab for those who want to personalize their message. There are a large number of types available and you can adjust them:

  • Color (black, inverse or white)
  • Size (from small to large in three positions)
  • External look (Aero with a short ponytail or a retro long ponytail is standard).
  • The visibility and presence of shadows under the cursor.

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The most common problem for all bears is the tickling. It’s difficult to understand why the entire mechanism for producing tendon plastic, but often breaks down. Once you've done the grinding, it's no longer easy to work without a wheel and the bear just gets thrown out. Here I will describe two wide-ranging problems(which we have tried on ourselves) and we will recognize them as I have learned them. Repair for 5 hvilin, and the saved money can be spent on girls)

Problem 1. The wheel spins freely, but the computer does not respond at all.

2. Yakshcho bachimo broken hexagonal pin- Don't panic.

3. The thyroid gland is tense.

4. Beremo zvichaina, Nice stationery binder.

a. Straightening the violin b. Folded in bulk With. Twistable

5. Using wire cutters, “twist” such a twist (like a bent end), so that after it is melted into the wheel, it will fit out of the mechanism that rotates by 1-2 mm. In my case, the length of the cut end is 12 mm. Don't forget to take 1-2 mm more, because... the stench melts all over the place.

6. Using pliers, squeeze the cut part (holding it by the ear).

7. Bring to the gas burner (on which food is being prepared). If you have an electric stove, use a igniter, or better yet, a turbo igniter. The point is that the tip of the violin must be fried until red.

8. After frying until red, quickly float this piece of violin into the center of the paddle (in the broken place)

9. Floated. We check the value and insert the pin in its place.

10. We check whether the mechanism spins the violin when the wheel is turned.

11. If any scrap of scrap is missing, cut out a 5 mm dart and carefully drive it into the place where it spins (between the mechanism and the dart soldered into the wheel)

12.Quilt so that the wheel rotates smoothly and does not press on anything when scrolling.

Problems 2. When you scroll the rotary input, the screen “shrinks” (if you turn it sharply up and down) or it appears that the rotary input scrolls.

This problem exists, in my opinion, on all the company’s bears a4tech(especially lines x7). It will start immediately, and after a while there will be a strong vikoristan.

1. Unscrew all the screws and unscrew the bear.
2. The wheel and the pump mechanism are removed and there are 4 clamps on the new one.

3. We press and squeeze more tightly (Do not break the mechanism)

4. As an additional edge, you can create a thin gasket in the middle opening, for example, from electrical tape, so that the hexagonal pin on the wheel fits more closely to the mechanism.

Mustache. If I have just described it unconsciously, write in the comments, I’ll explain it on my fingers. If this decision does not help, describe the situation that you can think of at once.

Koristuvach don’t notice how important the bear’s wheel is, until it becomes useless. Sometimes, the scale itself is indicative of scrolling pages, changing the scale in editors and browsers, opening pages in a new tab, as well as some game functions. Why bother if the wheel doesn’t work? Don’t rush to change Misha - try to fix the problem.

How to please Misha's wheel

The key causes of problems with the thyroid gland are incorrectly operating safety programs or mechanical damage to the mouse. Once you have detected a problem, connect the accessory to another computer and restore the functionality. If scrolling works, the reason is in adjustments, and if not, the decision is divided for each specific skin condition.

The pressure and scrolling up and down doesn’t work

Misha, since the rotating wheel does not respond to pressure, it is necessary to analyze it in order to understand the cause of the malfunction. Procedure:

  1. Remove the dry pads in the lower part of the mouse and unscrew the bolts.
  2. Remove the bottom panel. You will see the board, and under it - the scrolling mechanism.
  3. Raise the board by first tightening the bolts.
  4. Remove the tickling and show respect for everything - more than anything, it’s broken on one side.

Having revealed all the evil, try to thank her for the help of a violin:

  1. Fire up the stationery, bend it all the way and twist it into a rope.
  2. Place the part up to the pin, at the place where everything is, and cut with pliers to the size, adding 1-2 mm.
  3. Fry the required part of the dart until golden brown on a gas stove or use a fryer and apply to the area where the wasp is burned.
  4. If the material melts, remove the wheel and turn it over by turning and pressing.

Photo gallery: how to independently raise a bear

Krok 1. Remove the base of the mouse Krok 2. Remove the wheel Krok 3. Replace the entire wheel Otherwise, it’s not the whole thing that breaks, but the paws that press it.

Since the mouse is working and the wheel is spinning smoothly, never getting stuck, remove the case and change the functionality.

Sometimes everything doesn’t come off, but falls out. Once you have seen the hole that has fallen in, replace it with one of a larger diameter.

The pages won't scroll

Check your software settings to make sure your mouse doesn't scroll. For whom:

  1. Open “Start – Control Panel”. Select “Equipment and sound – Attachments and printers – Misha.”
  2. Open the “Wheel” tab and change the scroll value.
  3. If necessary, move the values ​​and click “OK”.

Turn over the robot mouse - if this method did not work, reinstall the driver. Sequence of actions:

  1. Open Device Manager.
  2. Find the item “Mice and display devices”.
  3. Select the mouse you are following and click on their name.
  4. Open “Driver” and click “Update”.

If the update does not bring results, go through the same path and click “Verify”, and then reinstall the driver.

How to download pages

In a situation where the wheel is working, but when the side is scrolled too quickly, the wheel turns jerkily and “jumps” up and down, the touch sensor is faulty. To be kind to you:

  1. Disassemble Misha, vikoryst’s instructions above.
  2. Remove the dry casing from the turning mechanism.
  3. Press the sensor against the metal paddles - carefully push them through.
  4. Remove the dry part of the wheel, remove the pressing mechanism and wipe it and the filling with a cotton swab soaked in alcohol.
  5. Place the part on the table and press it into the middle with a twist until the dent is gone. We guarantee that the parts will be processed correctly within the hour of scrolling.
  6. Place the mechanism in place, bend the lock and firmly press the pellets back.
  7. Take the wheel, install the board and the lower part of the housing on the seat. Secure the parts with bolts.

Turn over the futility of the mouse. If scrolling does not work, go to the service or replace the bear.

Video: Sides squash when scrolling

Don't spin and make up

If the wheel does not turn at all, or there is some movement in the middle of the mouse, look for a breakdown in the hardware. We must lubricate the mechanism first. To do this, remove the accessory as intended and clean the sensor with alcohol. Prepare some silicone lubricant - for example, WD-40. Drop it in the middle, take the pin and scroll two or three times. Turn the robot over - if the oil did not help, replace the pressure of the pellets. For whom:

  1. Disassemble the mouse and remove the tickle.
  2. Break off the pellets to remove the zakhist.
  3. From a honeycomb, make 4 arms of the same size.
  4. Solder the arms on the place of the pins and take the bear.

By selecting the product yourself, you automatically exercise your right to warranty service.

Do not press on the pins

If the mouse wheel scrolls the pages, but the system does not respond to pressure, listen to the clicking sound when pressing. Yes, please change the settings of the program:

  1. Try a program for reassigning hot keys - Antsoft Key Manager or Oscar.
  2. Explain what function is assigned to the clicking wheel.

Since the push function does not work in the browser or game, you may not be able to use additional programs - check the information in the settings of the programs.

As if the clicking is not noticeable, there is a hardware breakdown on the right. Take it apart and be kind to the bear or replace it with a new one.

Video: how to repair the entire wheel with your own hands

Conflict between Windows 10 and mouse drivers - how to benefit

On the Windows 10 system, scrolling works in Explorer, browsers, editors and the standard environment, and the “Start” menu and parts of installed programs do not. The reason is a conflict between the system and device drivers. If you encounter this problem, install Windows updates. For whom?

Sometimes such a colorful gadget as a computer mouse gives a crash, and there is no need to predict the appearance of such a thing in advance. This problem lies in the fact that the mouse wheel, for no apparent reason, stops scrolling the pages with information both up and down. What can you do to work? This will be discussed later.

The easiest way to verify the feasibility of the “electronic rodent” is by going into a text editor like Word. If everything is working normally, you can calm down. Prote, everything is as simple as described.

We can change the customization of the bear

To understand the problem in the middle, take a look at the image below:

This screenshot shows where you need to press the mouse and side arrows. It was necessary to thoroughly and carefully duplicate the whole process from the very beginning.

  1. First of all, you need to go to the “Start” menu by selecting “Control Panel”.
  2. In the control panel, select the “Control and sound” tab.
  3. Next, click on the “Add printers” button, and then “Misha”.
  4. When setting up the mouse, you need to select the “Wheel” tab, after which a scale will appear, where you need to increase the slider to the maximum and press the “OK” or “Freeze” button.

Now is the time to protest against change. If everything is lost and all the operations did not help, it is recommended to reinstall the software driver of the mouse.

Reinstalling drivers

If you need to reinstall the mouse driver for your computer, please do not hesitate to do so. In order to carry out the update, it is necessary to follow the following order of actions:

  1. You will need to open Windows Device Manager right away;
  2. Then you need to respectfully look at the entire menu and find the item there under the name “Mishas and customizable devices”;
  3. Now you can find the mouse, double-click the mouse behind the name and select the item “Update the driver for the device” or something similar.

If there is a significant effect from the update, there is no need to worry, you must go the same way as when the update was installed, and at the end click “Uninstall driver”. After removing the driver again, I will install the trace again.

Let's sort out Misha

This happens when you go to the other mouse behind the special roller sliders of the “jump” side, changing position up, down and back. This scenario of the bear’s behavior signals a malfunction of the touch sensor. To eliminate this malfunction, it is necessary to eliminate the following manipulations:

  • To start, you need to correctly disassemble the mouse by removing the body and removing the dry pellets, working strictly according to the instructions.
  • After that, as the first stage of analysis, it is necessary to carefully remove the dry casing, which will prevent damage to the rotating mechanism.
  • Now it is necessary to thoroughly remove the squeezing mechanism from the bear’s wheel, which will need to be thoroughly treated with alcohol and allow the parts to dry. It is best to wipe all storage areas not with a cloth, but with a cotton swab.
  • Next, take it up to your hands and press the part of the bear, with gentle force, press it in the middle until a small dent is removed. As soon as the dent appears, you can complete the repair of the dent and repair the damaged part.

In this case, if you need to undergo further repairs and re-installed power, you need to go to a service center for professional service or simply buy a new mouse and set up the parameters correctly.

We wash the bear

This happens if, when the wheel spins, it either does not spin at all, or even grinds and creates noise when the wheel is turned. And here we deal with software failures and hardware failures. For the whole cob, it will be enough to lubricate the mechanism that rotates with a special silicone-based gel. The best solution for such an oil can be WD-40. To check, you need to place a ball of butter in the middle, remove the pin and rotate 2-3 times.

If all the described methods did not help, you need to do it like this:

  • pick up the bear with a tick in the middle;
  • carefully add one type of pelyuska to remove the “filling” of the mouse;
  • twist bows from copper hair to suit the diameter;
  • carefully solder the arms, inserting the peles into the skin area;
  • Take Misha back.

GOOD! If the warranty card is missing, it would be better not to cancel the Misha, but simply send the gadget for repair, having thoroughly clarified the situation.

Reassignable keys

Since the bear appears to function when pressed on the wheel, it is necessary to find the “root” of the problem in the adjustment of the device. In case of such malfunctions, the process of pressing on the wheel may cause a slight clicking sound. To eliminate the problem of characteristic clicks, you will need to install a specific program for reconfiguring active keys AntSoft Key Manager and install the latest version. The Oscar program has the same functional set.

Now you should find out what function in this setup is responsible for the operation of the buttons and the bear's wheel.

Since the wheel does not work only when starting the game, there is no need to rush to repair the software, but rather make changes to the setup of the game itself. Since when a bear is pressed against a pin, it is almost impossible to make a clack at all, it is not possible to care for the bear on its own, or rather, make a replacement.

There is a driver and system conflict

Unfortunately, if a person is using the Windows 10 operating system, there may be a conflict between the operating system and drivers that were incorrectly selected by the user.
Having closed the price, you need to open the OS update center, then click the “Search for update” button, after collecting the information, click the “Install” button, after which you simply restart the computer, like Maybe the new ones will be in order.
Although this method of repair is completely effective, there are also problems that only a master can deal with.