Mobile supplement. Rozrobka that creation of mobile supplements: why start? How to create an addendum without cost

The essence of nutrition

Suck often at the counter with clients blame the food: mobile supplement in the mobile version of the site How to adapt the main site for mobile outbuildings easier, lower mobile app development from scratch, how about going to the mobile app development studio?

What is a mobile site

Under the mobile version of the site, they can be displayed on the screen or on the side of the site, which are essentially copies of the sides of the main site, but also adapted for display on small visually desktop screens of mobile extensions, or reworking the main site, layout of some kind of humorous conversion.

Gum's (adaptive) layout automatically changes the display style in the background when the screen is expanded. However, as will be said below, well adapting the site for mobile attachments does not mean simply placing the whole place on a small screen.

What is a mobile supplement

Mobile add-on - this is a special package, which is installed as a core, ring through the markets (portals, shops, marketplaces) add-ons (AppStore, Google Play) to the mobile app. Mobile programs for administering to the site and programs. To that, as a rule, they are created for a specific platform (iOS, Android, Windows phone and etc.).

It is important and about what kind of business Ide mova: the heads of the relationship with coristuvachs can be very angry at the same time.

Advantages of mobile site development for business

Adapting the site for mobile devices in May has such positive moments:

  1. Low entry threshold for koristuvachiv. To start using a mobile add-on, it is necessary to install it. It is enough for a site to win a site just to go for the help. As a result, you have placed a QR code with messages to the site and to the add-on, there will be more visits to the site, lower installations of the mobile add-on. Part of the koristuvachіv after the transition for the help for an addendum to the store still cannot be installed.
  2. Cross-platform. The site is available on all platforms and outbuildings, navigate to those, about the basis of which few people know.
  3. Mittiev update. For updating the programs in stores, it is always necessary song hour for the re-verification by companies that are allowed by shops. The update of the site available to koristuvachas is practically immediate.
  4. Vartistka rozrobki and pіdtrimki site ring lower, lower mobile addendum.
  5. Vartist posting to the site is also lower, lower programs. The price of one koristuvach without intermediary lie down at the entry threshold (item 1). Chim vіn vishchiy - tim vishcha and the price of yoga education. To ensure that the koristuvach enters the site, you set the number of clicks on the ad block, after which you accept the entry. In the case of a mobile supplement, you essentially need to work on your own. It’s not a fact that after the transition to the store dodatkіv koristuvach yogo shche th to install. As a reminder, the price of installing a thing is for the price of a click.
Plus the creation of a mobile addendum

Distribution of mobile supplements for safe feet:

1. Povna vzaєmodіya z koristuvachami.

On the view of mobile versions of sites, in the case of a mobile add-on, you have the ability to overpower push notifications. As soon as you have published something new on the site, the journalists know about it, only if you go there. On your mobile supplement, you simply overpower push notifications.

Local notifications work approximately the same way, only they are installed on an outbuilding. As a koristuvach vykonav yakus dodatku, which ochіkuє in the new reaction in a song hour, the program itself will tell you about it.

This is how they say and shirshі posibility zvorotny zv'azku. Koristuvachі zalishayut podomlennya і in the stores dodatkіv, і personally through the program.

⋅ 2. Yakisny interface.

Good adaptation of the site for mobile devices is not just putting yoga on a small screen. Usі elementi keruvannya (buttons, text fields, posilannya) must be handy for pressing with a finger, and not with a mouse cursor. The screens of the annexes are different and beyond the size, and the width of the pixels. With a large number of pixels (display screen), the screen of the phone can great allowed(for example, 1440 x 2560 pixels), but small in physical dimensions. In this way, the screens of telephones can be larger for a different building, lower displays of laptops, alema with a smaller diagonal. Mobile operating systems can use their logic of work to deal with the effect, if you need to bathe a finger sharpener, or use a small button. Ale pratsyuє tsya logic in a different way on different platforms and outbuildings. As a result, you may never know how your site looks on that other device. There is no chance that the site is not just unhandedly corrupted, but it is impossible to be afraid.

The quality of the interface is assigned to navigation. The skin mobile operating system can control the logic of the transition between working screens in add-ons. In Android, the button is Back (Back), in iOS - swipe your finger along the left edge of the screen. Koristuvach dermal operating system called to the same behavior in the skin appendage. Navigation on the skin site is broken in its own way, navigating to the black one, it is necessary to quickly click the buttons "OK", "Back", "Skip" just, which may or may not appear.

At this point, the main structure of the interface is known: as an addition, for example, it is the responsibility of displaying a list of restaurants, then wine, more for everything, you need to navigate on the front page of the coristuvach, knowing it better. The logic of the work of the mobile site is simpler and does not guarantee impersonal data, so you can give mobile attachments.

⋅ 3. A high level of personalization.

The mobile add-on has the ability to remember all the data of the coristuvacha and change the interface as required. If you want to add your data (for example, your home address as a delivery supplement), you will not need to re-enter your address. Go to outbuildings when you turn on dark synchronization, you will always be able to download programs from filling in personal data.

4. Work offline.

Іnternet on mobile attachments in the rest of the hour є dosit often, but do not wait. Navit for the visibility of the mobile Internet-z'ednannya yogo, the quality of the average is higher, the lower is the quality of home and office Internet lines. Sob koristuvachі did not spend a connection with your product, as soon as the Internet connection was cut off, the distribution of a mobile add-on is the only possible solution.

4. I will add more possibilities to the versatility.

Mobile attachments personal outbuildings. It's too bad to know about your Vlasnik even richer and richer in information to increase the level of service, one of the key reasons for the boisterous growth of mobile supplements. For example, iOS will remember the main hours of the behavior of the spymaster: if you most often move from point A to point B, if you charge the attachment, if you lie down to sleep, if you wake up that other program. As you see additional innovations, the operating system is behind the scenes even if you “soon to tell you”, rest of the news get involved in background mode And at the moment the program appears on the screen, the stink is already visible to you.

This point can be seen and I will add it to the bay. Depending on the type of program, you can take data from the camera, accelerometer, compass, barometer, etc.


Mobile version of the site is always better, lower її daytime.
The mobile addendum is not necessarily shorter, the lower mobile version of the site.
Do not expect the possibility of publishing such a mobile program (for example, Apple's retailer's helper says “2.12 Apps that are not very useful, unique, are simply web sites bundled as Apps, or do not provide any lasting entertainment value may be rejected” – “ 2.12 Appendices, which are not similar, unique, are simply mobile version site or else do not give a reminder / satisfaction with vikoristannya can be rehabilitated”).

If you need the minimum functionality, you need to protest, or to know the timing of the decision - rather, build a mobile version of the site. It will be cheaper and smarter to give you some insight about the divinity and perevagi of the coristuvachs.

If it’s necessary for you to induce trivality, if it’s more productive with the client, if it’s important for you, if it’s important for you, if you work hard to keep up with comfort, if you will be safe for you, then a mobile supplement is a natural choice.

google play, App Store, Windows Store with the most popular programs. It is wrong to admit that all the assortments were created by professionals from different countries. More and more prominent coristuvachs create handy ones simple programs, zowsіm do not want to start programming. De and yak inherited їх butt, we reported rozpovіmo far away, choosing for the butt the program of smartphones based on Android.

To whom will it be worthy of independent creations of appendages

If you have tried to create Android add-ons without programming skills for the sake of sporting interest, you can safely go to the "Online Constructors" section. Tі, hto zvazhivsya zanyatsya tsієyu right for promotion and popularization of their business, creative business project, it is important to say: chi is enough for a simple, self-made supplement, but still it is necessary to turn for help to inform retailers.

Otzhe, if the optimal option is:

  • business or project: the audience will forgive you a number of shortcomings, referring to your lack of knowledge;
  • koristuvacham need a program with simple functionality - a manual version of the site, for example;
  • the launch of a nearby zastosuvannya will not be painful for you - you are doing it, working on the future;
  • you do not need to lie in the water of retailers.

Yakim maє buti dodatok

Before you create a program for Android, you need to name those key moments, like a spirit in a robot. You are creating a program, as a practical tool on smartphones and tablets, you will be called to learn about the latest news, help you make purchases, improve the functionality of the call.

The audience gets additions, as they give guidance to the points:

  • security;
  • uninterrupted functioning;
  • manual navigation;
  • special office;
  • presence of push notification;
  • Informativeness - knowledge on all your needs is the responsibility of the person to know in the middle of the program.

Selecting a constructor addendum

So how do we create the first program for Android, without worrying about moving programming, then help us with this help, you can use online constructors. Before choosing, be sure to familiarize yourself with its characteristics. Vin is guilty of mother:

  • intuitive interface;
  • intelligent logic of robots;
  • mozhlivistyu work і z code, і graphics;
  • report instructions, technical support, forum.

The website builder is responsible for securing the hosting software, giving you the ability to download it, and also publish your tweet on Google Play.

Top Ten Online Constructors

Tim, who is wondering how to create an add-on for Android without a beginner, an advancing line of constructors is being promoted, which confirms all the overprotective helpers:

1.Mobile roadie. One of the oldest services, such as Madonna, "Circus of the Son", San Diego Zoo. The largest number of orientations for show business, marketing and PR agencies. Through the creation of projects, you can sell tickets, re-profil for a specific profile. The price for koristuvannya designer is not symbolic: minimum 149 $.

2.AppsBuilder. How to create a program for Android here - enough to choose yoga from ready-made templates. Krym tsgogo, to the designer added the ability for programmers. The creation of one program for a month costs 49 euros.

3.Viziapps. The constructor also provides ready-made templates for your program, as well as the ability to add new notifications to e-mail, Twitter, Facebook. The price of the minimum monthly package: 33 $.

4.iBuildApp. Constructor for quiet, who jokes, how to create a simple add-on for Android - mobile program catalogs, brochures, CVs can be used to help. Okrim English, available and Russian version. For 2400 rubles per month, the client will get the possibility of three thousand installations of his add-on without advertising.

5. Practice in Russian, and in English version. To create a good program here, you need close to five credits, even if it’s enough to choose more than the necessary modules and program design. The minimum package "Start" costs 599 rubles per month. The bag includes a constructor of add-ons for Android, free templates and icons that are updated by the program not more often than once every two months.

6 Appglobus. Russian constructor available in 8 mov. For 900 rubles per month you can get: construction of add-ons, admin panel, number of installations for the project

7. Business apps. For the purpose of creating a program for Android from scratch, so that it worked for the benefit of the business, the best option is: chat, notifications, a cat for goods, integration with social measures, a catalog of services, distribution of news. Minimum fee for software creation: $59 per month.

8. Apps maker store. Allows you to create programs not only for Android, but also for 5 platforms. Interface 23 languages, including Russian. Key feature constructor: ready-made templates for various projects: trade, beauty salons, restaurants, etc. Monthly victoria - $9.78.

9. TheAppBuilder is a cost-free constructor that provides ready-made templates for business, creative, new, sports, lighting projects. But one minus - the addendum will have advertising. Viknuti її proponuєtsya for $ 5 per month.

10 AppsGeyser. The constructor promotes cost-free conversion from a site to a mobile addon. You can sell your creations, as well as place your advertising in them.

Now let's take a look at the examples of specific designers of the creation of a personal report.

How to create a program for Android: choose a template in AppsGeyser

For work in this constructor, registration is not required - just click on head side on Creat now.

Program creation for a blog in AppsGeyser

So, how to create a mobile add-on for Android independently for a blogger:

  1. Choose blog type: RSS, Tumblr, WordPress, etc. Dali - yoga email addresses that color solution for your future addition.
  2. Now the name of the created mobile program.
  3. "Discription" has a concise and informative description of the program (if you want an English interface, you can enter text in Cyrillic).
  4. Choose from the suggested options the logo of the program or design your own.
  5. To create a quotation file for your project, click on the Creat App. For whom it is necessary to register with the system.
  6. At special office With AppsGeyser, you can upload your creations to your own smartphone, as well as distribute yoga in the Google Play store. As soon as you activate monetization, advertising will appear in the program, and you will be charged a small fee for watching the shorty.

In a special office, you can also check for a small amount of money, edit the program, create push banners, publish the project in other stores.

How to create an addendum for Android in the "Guide" format

For the help of the same AppsGeyser, you can also create an addendum-instruction, a helper of a koristuvach.

To fight for it is also for a sprat of simple krokiv:

  1. Adjust the color of the solution of the mobile program and the way to display the short guide: one or one on the active screen.
  2. The editor will help you to provide you with the necessary text, messages, video and pictures, necessary for accuracy. To add photos, please use Imgur hosting. Copy the message to your resource in the Image URL.
  3. For example, add a description of the logo of your software, then click on the Creat App. The addendum has been created - it has lost its way of translating yoga practice and viklasti from Google Play.

Creation of software for the store

Let's figure out how to create programs for Android from scratch for the masters of online stores. For example, we will win another constructor - Mobi Cart, who specializes in this area. The service supports Russian language, it works both in paid and non-fee modes. For the rest of the distribution - adding more than 10 goods.

Otzhe, how to create an addendum for Android:

  1. The first point is registration. Dali in the special office click on Creat Application.
  2. Upload logo - upload your store logo. At which stage you choose the same color theme for the program.
  3. A selection of tabs, pages, etc. will be at your addendum: "News", "My office", "Home", "Shop", "Contacts" just.

Mobi Cart shop setup

To customize your online market, click on Store Settings:

  1. Enter the name, address of the administrator, currency.
  2. For "Google Maps" wiki, you need to register an API key - then copy it at the end.
  3. Check the box for cost-free delivery, as the store is promoting. To pay, choose the amount of the markup (for example, 12%, then Cash On Delivery is prescribed 1.12).
  4. Shipping specifies the delivery option for the same region. The process is laborious, the price for the skin region is indicated by you manually.
  5. At retailers of Tax, Russian stores indicate the variance of including VAT before it, so check the box here Prices to include tax.
  6. At Payments Gateway, please indicate the payment systems you use. Be respectful - Mobi Cart does not support the popular "Yandex.Money".
  7. Languges is the language of your mobile app. Russian does not show up for promotions, so you need to write the translation of the propelled commands manually.
  8. App Vital - here it is necessary to name the programs of that country, the bagmen of which can її zavantazhuvat.
  9. Images - the logo of the program, Home Gallery - a picture on the main screen.

Adding information about products in Mobi Cart

The coming important crop: adding a line of products from Store Builder. Tse can be robiti be some method that is easy for you:

  • for the help of a CSV file to retrieve all the information about the assortment;
  • vikoristovuyuchi designer plugin for synchronizing your site with the created program;
  • manually entering information in a special office.

For the rest of the way there are two divisions: Departments and Products. Addition is required for the help of the Add Product button. Dali zaprovadzhuetsya yoga name, price, category, report description.

Other color options for the store in Mobi Cart

Trying out the options, they can appear similar to those who click, like creating a program for Android yourself:

  1. More Pages - information that is displayed on the sides of the program.
  2. Push Notification - manual push notification. Here you can send a message to all koristuvachs, as well as to the singing addressees.
  3. News Tab - copies of news in one tab from "Twitter" or RSS-gerel. Enter the name of the correspondent for the first one and the URL for the other.
  4. Publish News allows you to edit new additions on your own.

By switching to Create Application - Submit Apps, you can create an apk-file (installed) according to your license agreement. If you choose a paid version, your program will automatically be added to Google Play, if it's free, you can download it yourself through the Play Console. Instructions for registering in this system, as well as getting involved in it with your own Mobi Cart program, will send you an electronic postal screenshot.

In this rank, the creation of an Android add-on for the help of designers of data mobile programs- On the right, for some reason, it’s possible that there’s some kind of koristuvach PC. You can start this process on more services without knowing cob bases programming.

). Knowing the information on the way to the robot, or canceling the application, standing in the hands behind the ranking coffee, has long been a great process. Clients called to mobility. How can you call your site mobile-friendly?

Leather kerіvnik of the current company is faced with the problem of choice mobile solution for business. What is enough responsive layout, what is the need for a mobile version of the site? Chi є drink on dodatki, yak vibrati operating system and what do you need?

Let's try to get along.

Responsive and adaptive version of the site

Layouts serve to make the site comfortable for access from mobile devices. Vіdmіnnostі polagayut tekhnіtsі pіdstroyuvannya pіd devaysy.

Responsive design (in English responsive - stubby, buggy) smoothly adapts to the width of the building, even as adaptive (in English adaptive - adjustable) is oriented to the main points. In other words, the site responsive design change looks less with critical dimensions in width, and responsive for small changes in parameters.

Advantages of these versions:

  • Readability for reading various mobile attachments;
  • Small cost for launching - it is not necessary to create an okremian site;
  • Vіdpovіdaє politiсі ranking.


  • Submission of full disclosure of information - the content is not adapted to the needs of mobile correspondents;
  • Pogіrshuєtsya dosvіd koristuvach z PC - orientirovannіst sruchnіst vzruchnіst svіznіє z mobile sekran, often gazing at a distance on the screens of desktops.

Mobile version of the site

Urizana version of the main site, on which there is less that information, how to display it from mobile devices. Often beat piddomen, dodayuchi m. or mobile. at the URL of the site.


  • Shvidke zavantazhennya storіnok, oskіlki іnformatsіya significantly shortened;
  • Ease of editing: mobile version of the Kremlin in the main site;
  • Good navigation, shards are insured by the consumption of the coristuvacha;
  • Interactive functions, how to improve the corystuvalnytsky dosvіd. For example, using geolocation to search for the nearest office of your company.


  • Vitrati support two sites. In order for the mobile version to be up-to-date, it is necessary to duplicate all updates from the main site.
  • Different structures of websites. If the client sounds before navigating on the site, you may find difficulties when searching for the mobile version.
  • The addendum subdomain is especially unhandy when sharing information. For example, as if you sent a message to the cіkava group of wheels from your smartphone. When switching from a computer, you will spend on the "stretched" mobile version of the side. Dribnitsa, ale unacceptable.

Mobile version of VKontakte on the desktop

Mobile supplement

Specially developed add-ons for mobile operating systems (iOS, Android, Windows), independent of the company's website. The pardon has been expanded to expand the power program to ensure the competitiveness of the enterprise. We don’t call it this way: the program itself cannot do the work for you, however, with the right choice, this tool can have a high potential.

Situations, if the program is expanded not varto:

  1. For distribution of information. Koristuvachs called to get to the poke systems for information. Clients to install the program, it is not enough to give especially bad functions.
  2. For status. Competitors' addendums are the reason for rozrobka wet. Analyze what can drink the programs of competitors. Can you figure out what makes the difference – navigation, offline mode, payment by bank card?
  3. For a sharp increase in the number of clients.Remember, a simple placement of a mobile add-on is not enough for success. In order to get new clients, the program can be “popular” in distribution, or carry great value. For example, an addendum in the form of "Tinkoff Bank" allows you to transfer any cards without permission. Zrobіt permanent clients happy - it’s not enough to become loyal, but tell us to your friends.

If the mobile add-on is relevant for customers, it is necessary for us to tell you about your needs:

  • Vіdstezhte dії kієntіv, yakі vykonuyutsya for help gadgets;
  • Vznachte, if any side of the coristuvachi deprive the site;
  • Explain the reasons for blaming the "thrown" cat;
  • Celebrate the successes of successful additions.

Tweak the program as an add-on tool unique opportunities, for example, your site is not building:

  1. Safe payment by bank card;
  2. Premium features;
  3. Elements of dodatkovoї reality and іgrofikatsії;
  4. Integration with CRM;
  5. Bonus program for registered coroners;
  6. Recognition of QR codes;
  7. Online consultation of a specialist and in.


  • Receiver interface for mobile devices;
  • Speed ​​of work;
  • Ability to add interactive features;
  • increased customer loyalty;
  • Full recognition of the brand.


  • High variety of rozrobki;
  • Rules of the obmezhennya stores in dodatkiv;
  • Program development time.

The best strategy for building B2B programs is to do yoga on . The number of business employees of the iPhone, as well as Apple support at the development of the market for assistance with the B2B App Store, correct the choice of the operating system.

P_dvedemo p_dbag

Responsive version of the site- Inexpensive and without overhead. Vіdminny variant, schob the site is accessible from mobile devices and without using the position of the search systems. Relevant for small business companies with the main income, which is not involved in online sales.

Mobile version of the site-Shvidkіst, zruchnіst in navigation. Ur_zan version of the site, given the actual functionality for access to gadgets. Cheaper for a mobile supplement, prote vtrakhovuyte vitrati for support of two sites and . Appropriate for companies with an average income through the Internet, the clients of which regularly view the site and are rooted in additional opportunities.

Mobile supplement– very effective. The platform is independent of the site due to its unique interactive capabilities. It is recommended for medium and large companies that are ready to increase investment in the development of brand recognition and increase the loyalty of their main customers.

It is impossible to give an unambiguous opinion, which of the methods of mutual understanding is best for you. Experiment and talk with clients - the stench will tell you what you don’t get.

Dmytro Dementii

Why do you doubt, why should you invest in the development of a mobile supplement? Yogo can be grown independently and absolutely without cost. You can become a test option, for the help of which you can manually evaluate the effectiveness of the mobile strategy. And if you try, you will develop a decent mobile program, so that you will become the main tool for online interaction with the masters of smartphones and tablets.

Chi varto work your mobile supplement

Stop. Just don’t believe the word, the axis of the facts:

  • Behind the credits of Flurry Analytics and comScore, the owners of smartphones and tablets use the browser for less than 14% per hour of work with the device. And 86% of the time the stink is spent on different programs.
  • Insertion of an addendum- Your direct channel zv'yazku zі spozhivachem. Just think about it: you don't need to spend money on advertising or checks, if people know you for Yandex help. There is no need to improve the core functionality and give it relevant content.
  • The number of purchases made for additional tablets and smartphones is growing both on the Internet and in RuNet. According to the marketing agency Criteo, already in 2016 more than half of online transactions in the Russian Internet are dependent on the help of mobile devices.

Whatever you want, dodatok - tse mobile browser, in which your site is less visible. How many times have you installed such an Internet browser? Only in the fact that the fault of your product's incubation is information. Remember that: the client, having installed an addendum, is a loyal and ready to buy representative of the target audience.

At this time, why would you want to risk and promote loyal customers with DIY add-ons, and not smashed by professionals with piece programs for Android and iOS? Let's get smart.

If you can create a program yourself

Do you remember what is necessary for the development of sites? The stench comes through the content and functionality of the resource. People want to see information, want to buy, marvel and comment on photos of friends. Koristuvacham mobile supplements need those same. The stench is joking about the information, or else it will be like a transaction.

Do you remember if a business can build a website on its own? That's right, if there are still no pennies for spіvpratsyu with professionals, and often that bazhannya works with WordPress chi "Jumla" є. Such is the situation itself with supplements. Created independently programs for iOS and Android, you can mentally align with sites on engines with open code.

To start practicing, not to register. Press the Create Now button on the main side or select the Create App menu on the top right side of the service side.

Choose a suitable program template. When it comes to a content project, you may be asked the following options:

  • manual. This template allows you to create a guide program.
  • Blog. The program will help the audience of your blog to read new notes from the screen of your smartphone or tablet.
  • website. The template converts to an additional site.
  • Pages. For help, which template can be converted into an addendum from simple functionality, whatever content.
  • news. The template allows you to create a program aggregator of Galuzev or regional news.
  • Page. The template converts offline content from add-ons, for example, an e-book.
  • VK Page and Facebook Page. Create a program that allows you to follow the updates of the open groups on Vkontakte and Facebook.
  • YouTube. Victory a template for pushing a YouTube channel.

How to create an addendum for a blog

Speed ​​up the Blog template. In the specified field, enter the URL of the blog or the RSS feed. Choose the color of the note title.

Enter the name of the program.

Add a description.

Choose a standard or add an appropriate icon. The visual size of the image is 512 by 512 pixels.

For folding zavantazhuvalny file press the Create App button. Then it is necessary to register with the system. Confirm the registration and go to the special office. Here you can install the program on your mobile device, publish yoga on Google Play and Amazon App Store. The system also offers the option of monetization. As you speed up this function, the program displays advertisements.

Reverse how the program works on your mobile device. On the tablet, the program can display the list of publications in the blog, in the title format and in the announcement.

In the AppsGeyser special cabinet, you can track the number of installs, create push notifications, publish the program in stores, monetize the program for additional advertising, and also edit the program.

Bazhaete more supplements? Then create a program-guide for a help template Manual.

After editing the content, enter the name of the program, add a description icon. Press the Create App button. After the file has been created, install it on the mobile device and reverse the practice.

Reveal the fact that most mobile devices behind locks block the installation of programs from non-domestic devices. If you download the program from your site or from the site of the add-on constructor, if you try to install it, you will be warned about a security breach. Part of the clients, singsongly, are inspired by the installed programs.

8 similar constructors to AppsGeyser

As a universal constructor AppsGeyser you do not need to pay respect for similar services:

  • Apps Maker Store. For additional services, you can create programs different types: from programs for Ecommerce to solutions for content projects. Constructor to rob programs for iOS and Android. Russification service interface. For beginners, there is an informative help from the constructor's choice. The service is paid.
  • Mobincube. A tool for creating and monetizing iOS and Android add-ons. The basic functionality of the service is available free of charge. The constructor allows you to create programs of various types.
  • good barber. For the help of this service, you can expand Android and iOS programs. The constructor is paid, the variant of the choice is warehousing 16 USD per month.

Most of the requested services can have an English interface. How hard it is for you to practice with constructors on English language, choose platforms with Russian content

Constructors of addenda: kam'yana sokira chi thin modern tool?

Do not rush from extremes to extremes. For the help of the right services, it is possible to create practical functional programs. Otrimanі programs can be vindicated for cherishing rіznih zavdan: from the security of online trading to the expansion of content and education of the audience. The programs created in the constructor can be published on Google Play and the App Store, edited, monetized for additional advertising or paid installations.

Do not varto reevaluate the proponed services. With obvious shortcomings, stereotypedness is being overwhelmed. There are both about design and about the functionality of programs. In addition, access to platforms with decent functionality is paid. What is better: once pay the robot of the retailers, or pay the designer’s supervisors once? Enter yourself.

And more: because you don’t have time for independent creation mobile addendum, contact our company. We are engaged in the distribution of mobile supplements, that.

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The world of modern technologies is rapidly developing with the rest of the rocks. On this day, the skin of a person may, around the splendid personal computer, a bunch of other gadgets, such as a smartphone, tablet, mp3 player, etc.

Now it is possible for us to have the opportunity to have some sort of point of light to communicate with people, to turn over the mail, to send it to the light of the mountains or something else. Mobile supplement - tse take software security, yak bula was created for robots on tablets and smartphones. You can fix yoga on the site

Home computer but a laptop is not more than a handy object, so moving around is a more laborious process. In order to make life easier for people, they created so-called “smart” telephones - smartphones, as well as a lot of other mobile devices.

The mobile phone add-on was recognized for quick access to email. Such a program is small even a high drink, so this sphere began to develop rapidly.

Having sprung a swedish rosette to such an expansion, yak style tie, so i jetless technologies. on the Narazi more and more people are using the Internet from mobile devices.

Also, it’s practical today to carry a smartphone and other portable attachments, mobile accessories allow mothers swedish access to the necessary information.

Mobile programs can do the following:

  • zruchny access to the service of electronic mail;
  • mozhlivіst entrance to be-like a social measure;
  • the presence of diverse games;
  • Korisn_ programs for life.

The cost of mobile extensions

Today, a person can easily turn over his mail, send an uncircumcised amount of remembrance, independently of the city. Skin of us registered with a great number social measures, for this time, the mobile add-on has significantly easier access to them on smartphones and other mobile add-ons.

A great assortment of games in the world dodatkіv dopomogaє razvitiruet people at the time of the road, on the robot at home. Krim funnih igor, іsnuyt korisnі programs, such as programs for reading books, recipes for all kinds of life, programs for training, shudennija and so іnshe.

In addition, mobile programs are the ultimate marketing tool for any business. Such additions help to broaden the necessary information for the singing people, effectively interact with customers, improve the company's image, optimize business processes, and also reduce profits from the sale of supplements.

What is such a mobile supplement we marvel at the video: