Give a shout out to the hosts file. What is the hosts file? Hosts file for Windows XP

Hello guys! Do you know how to view the hosts file? One of the most important storage areas of any operating system is the hosts file, and today I will tell you how you have to look at the hosts file and how to recognize it among other files. Why is it important to know? On the right, when any virus attacks, the hosts file itself will be damaged.

If the system is damaged, the virus will automatically add records to the file, blocking access to anti-virus updates, replacing real sites with pirated ones, etc. Today I will teach you to identify such unauthorized entries in your file. Just open the hosts file, use Vikorist, and use the Notepad program. If anyone can get these records (or something similar)


Then you will be disappointed: the file has been corrupted by a virus.

Before updating the file, let’s talk a little bit below. Now we have a lot of respect for those who are responsible for looking at the hosts file in Windows XP.

To update a corrupted file, download the text file and copy it to your hosts file. Here you can import a text file from instead of the hosts file (Windows XP). And the axis looks like the hosts file in the operating systems Windows Vista, Windows 7 and Windows 8.

Here the renewal procedure is the same as in the previous episode. Following this, you can import a text file from the hosts file (Windows Vista, Windows 7 and Windows 8).

Now you know how to look at the hosts file. I’m drinking a bunch of brownies so I can work with him. To update the hosts file, it is not necessary to save everything. If you add the “#” symbol to a file, it means that all the characters that come after this symbol do not have the same meaning. It can be seen so as not to inflict a stink on the system's operation.

To find the hosts file, go to the address: WINDOWS\system32\drivers\etc\ folder. To access this folder, enter the command in the “Vikonati” window: %systemroot%\system32\drivers\etc. To open the hosts file, use the standard Notepad program. And finally: if you accidentally deleted this file, you can restore it by creating the original text file and selecting the extension.txt.

Today you learned not only how to look at the hosts file, but also how to recognize and find it. Deprive your food and advice from a number of comments. Buv radium help!

Recently I needed to edit the hosts file, and where to find the hosts file, without knowing it, he happened to search in search of the required type. Fortunately, a wealth of information has emerged, but I have decided to forgo the answer to my post on the pages of the Computer Malfunctions blog.

Where is the hosts file for Windows XP?

Find the HOSTS file in Windows XP at the address:


Open the hosts file You can use any text editor, for example, Windows Notepad.

What does the hosts file look like?

What is your manager - update to the hosts file, then the typical one can be copied below instead of the hosts file for Windows XP. As a matter of fact, instead of the hosts file, you can only have one line “ localhost”. Anything else is just an explanatory comment. For Windows XP hosts file looks like So:

# (C) Microsoft Corp., 1993-1999
# This is a reference to the HOSTS file, which is used by Microsoft TCP/IP for Windows.
# This file contains the IP address of the node names.
# The skin element is guilty of growing out of order. IP addresses are to blame
# is in the first column, followed by other names.
# The IP addresses and host names of the guilty party should be separated with one pass.
# In addition, comments can be inserted in certain rows
# (such as this row), they must follow the names of the node and strengthen themselves
indicated by the "#" symbol.
# For example:
# # exit server
# # client's college x localhost

Well, finally, if your system is not Windows XP, then I recommend that you read the updated hosts file for Windows 7, Windows Vista, Windows Server 2008, Windows Server 2003 on the official Microsoft support website: / kb/972034/ua.

I am writing about those who are sick at the same time. The websites Odnoklassniki, VKontakte, My World were blocked on my computer overnight.

Of course, you can bypass the blocking with the help of an anonymizer, if you use it on your computer or on your computer, then you know that you have “got a virus.” It’s really unacceptable to realize that a “stranger” rules on your territory, but don’t be angry, everything is in our hands!

To get a virus, you need to know the hosts file on your computer at these addresses: Press the button Start - Computer - Local disk (C:) and further -





Before you open the file, we press the beast Service - Folder settings - View - Additional parameters. Scroll to the end and at the very bottom you will find the option Show saved folders, files, disks.

This is even more important because the virus hosts file can be accessed on our computer from the selected view.

I had as many as two “logins” of hosts files. Any “virus” files you have received need to be deleted. We open the file with the help of the Notepad editor (with the right mouse button – “open for help”).

If you do not have a German editor, open Notepad or WpordPad.

A “clean” hosts file looks like this:

For Windows XP

# Copyright (c) 1993-1999 Microsoft Corp.

# This HOSTS file is a Microsoft TCP/IP file for Windows.

# Map this file mappings IP address to host names. Each

# entry should be kept on an individual line. The IP address should

# be placed in the first column by the corresponding host name.

# The IP address and host name should be separated by at least one

# Additionally, comments (such as these) may be inserted on individual

# lines or following the machine name '#' symbol.

# # source server

# # x client host localhost

For Windows Vista




# For example:
# localhost::1 localhost

For Windows 7

# Copyright (c) 1993-2006 Microsoft Corp.
# This HOSTS file is a Microsoft TCP/IP file for Windows.
# Map this file mappings IP address to host names. Each
# entry should be kept on an individual line. The IP address should
# be placed in the first column by the corresponding host name.
# The IP address and host name should be separated by at least one
# Additionally, comments (such as these) may be inserted on individual
# lines or following the machine name '#' symbol.
# For example:
# # source server
# # x client host
# localhost name resolution is handle within DNS itself.
# localhost
# ::1 localhost

Russian language:

# (C) Microsoft Corp., 1993-1999

# This is a reference to the HOSTS file, which is used by Microsoft TCP/IP for Windows.

# This file contains the IP address of the node names.

# The skin element is guilty of growing out of order. IP addresses are to blame

# is in the first column, followed by other names.

# The IP addresses and host names of the guilty party should be separated with one pass.

# In addition, comments can be inserted in certain rows

# (such as this row), they must follow the names of the node and strengthen themselves

indicated by the symbol '#'.

# For example:

# # exit server

# # client's college x localhost

If you have verified the “clean version” of yours and have found your entries – rip them in – it’s a shame! Also select the received hosts files, in which you will find messages sent to Odnoklassniki, Mii Svet, VKontakte and many other guides. You will understand everything yourself.

This is what an infected hosts file looks like:

If you are afraid of making any changes, simply update the hosts file. For this purpose, create an empty hosts.txt file on drive C (without selecting it to make it easier to cancel upcoming actions), open it in notepad and enter a file template there that matches your operation system (marvel at the sight).

After this, copy the created file to the directory C:\Windows\System32\Drivers\etc or to C:\Windows\SysWOW64\drivers\etc for 64-bit Windows 7.

If there are no received files and your single file contains more besides the over-processed file - delete everything in a new one and insert one of the texts you have pointed to.


The hosts file is saved without extension (this is not due to the hosts.txt format). After all this has been done, restart your computer.

Few people who work with computers and surf the Internet will know the meaning of the HOSTS file (Windows 7). Its location will be shown a little later, but for now we'll stick to the theory.

What do you need?

In the meantime, if you wish, the file itself is located in the etc directory, so you can sequentially go up the tree from the Windows folder, through System32 to the drivers directory on the system drive. Not all, however, there is no need to go into such a non-system, behind the great rakhunko. On the other hand, in order to gain respect, the expanded object itself is not, although more powerful than, a primary text document.

Let’s take a closer look at Windows 7. Instead, this object itself represents in the system the interaction between host names (sites, nodes, etc.) and their assigned IP address for the security of the end user access to the resource. Roughly speaking, we don’t need to enter the combinations that make up the numbers in the browser, but we can just specify the names of the resources.

І one more small clarification regarding the HOSTS file (Windows 7). Places may change. It is also important that the changes themselves were made to help block singing sites, speed up access to certain resources, and perhaps, as a result, play an evil role by redirecting the user to dubious sites. In this case, let’s take a look at the original file.

(Windows 7): zm_st

So, first of all, let’s try to open it. It is necessary to say that if you use the standard method of subordinate click, you won’t see anything, even though, as it was intended above, this object cannot be expanded. Before the file can be imported, then in the menu you can select the image of the imported objects. The prote system supplies a number of additives for ventilation. The simplest choice is the standard “Notepad” and look at the HOSTS file (Windows 7). Before us is something unclear: descriptive text that applies to the local IP assignments (# localhost). That's how it goes.

Respect! Below the rows of assigned reserved local addresses there is no need to burn anything, since, of course, users do not want any resource to be blocked!

Please note that everything that is located on localhost must be transferred to permitted resources. Everything below is before blocking. It doesn’t matter that there are a lot of viruses, including programs that spread spam and advertising (Malware, Adware, etc.), which can be independently edited instead of this file. The axis is that when one resource is loaded, the server rejects a redirect (redirection) to another.

HOSTS for promotions in Windows 7

We looked at the original file. Now let's look at the changes. To correct it, you can take a blank file from another computer or the Internet, copy it, then paste it into the original and save it.

But there is one problem here. On the right is that sometimes after deleting everything unnecessary, save the file as the original (the system simply does not allow you to create anything).

How to fix this problem? From now on, you can see the original in full (Shift + Del), leaving out “Cat”. Then, right-click on the empty space in the middle of the directory and create a new file with the same name, without any obvious extension. Now we insert it into the new required place and save the object. After this, you need to find the lmhosts.sam file and delete it as previously specified.

That's it, the right is chopped up. Either in the first or in the other, the system needs to be re-engineered. Only then we do everything we need to do. And, of course, editing can be carried out exclusively with administrator rights.


Here we have provided a very short overview about the HOST file. If you are aware of the power blocking of certain unnecessary resources or, in fact, allowing them to be granted faster access, editing can be done only manually and following the rules. Here it is worth remembering that the key role of the separator is played by the very number of assignments of the reserved local IP. Well, far away, as it seems, technology is on the right. Before speaking, a method is described above to help with this problem, since instead of the object being replaced by virus programs.

The hosts file can be found locally in the Windows operating system. This file is the number one target for almost all viruses and Trojans that can infect a computer. This article lets us know what the hosts file is, where it is located, and how to recover it after your computer is infected with viruses.

Setting this file to save a list of domains and their associated IP addresses. The operating system uses this list to convert domains to IP addresses and so on.

As soon as you enter the address of the site you need into the address bar of your browser, you will be prompted to change the domain to the IP address. This will result in a new service called DNS. Well, in the beginning of the development of the Internet, the hosts file is the only way to associate a symbolic name (domain) with a specific IP address.

Apparently, this file directly affects the transformation of symbolic names. If you add an entry to the hosts file that will be associated with the IP address of the domain, then such an entry will work best. This is where the vendors of viruses, Trojans and other harmful programs are found.

Due to the structure of the file, the hosts file is the primary text file of the expanded file. This file is not called hosts.txt, but simply hosts. To edit, you can use the primary text editor Notepad.

The standard hosts file consists of several rows that begin with the “#” symbol. Such rows are not protected by the operating system or simply by comments.

The standard hosts file also has the entry “ localhost”. This entry means that when you expand to the localhost symbolic name, you will be transferred to the host computer.

Tricks with the hosts file

There are two classic ways to get the benefit of making changes to the hosts file. First, with this help, you can block access to sites and servers of anti-virus programs.

For example, having infected a computer, the virus adds The hosts file has the following entry: "". When you try to open the website, the operating system will connect to the IP address Of course, the IP address is incorrect. To bring this to the point thatAccess to this site is permanently blocked.As a result, the user of the infected computer cannot install antivirus or update anti-virus databases.

Moreover, retailers can use another technique. By adding entries to the hosts file, they can redirect customers to a subsite.

For example, having infected a computer, the virus adds the following entry to the hosts file: “” De "" is the IP address of the malicious server. As a result, when you try to go to the entire website, the user is directed to a site that looks the same, but is located on someone else’s server. As a result of such actions, the servers can remove logins, passwords and other personal information of the client.

So, whenever there is any suspicion of virus infection or when replacing websites, we must first check the HOSTS file.

Where is the hosts file located?

Depending on the version of the Windows operating system, the hosts file may be located in different folders. For example, if you are a vikorist Windows XP, Windows Vista, Windows 7 or Windows 8, then the file is located in the folder WINDOWS\system32\drivers\etc\.

For operating systems Windows NT and Windows 2000, this file is located in the folder WINNT\system32\drivers\etc\.

For older versions of the operating system, such as Windows 95, Windows 98 and Windows ME, this file can be found simply in the WINDOWS folder.

Update to the hosts file

A lot of koristuvachs have been told to squawk at the evil one, where you can invade the hosts file. However, there is no need to tamper with or tamper with the original hosts file. You can fix it yourself, for which you need to open a text editor and delete everything except “ localhost”. This allows you to unblock access to all sites and update your antivirus.

Let's take a closer look at the process of updating the hosts file:

  1. Open the folder where this file is located. In order to avoid being lost in catalogs for too long, looking for the right folder, you can quickly use a little trick. Press the Windows key combination + R to open the “Viconati” menu" In the window, enter the command "%systemroot%\system32\drivers\etc" and press the OK button.
  2. Once you see the folder in which the hosts file is located, create a backup copy of the current file. As a matter of fact, things are not right. If you have a hosts file, just rename it to hosts.old. If the hosts file is not in this folder, you can skip this point.
  3. Create a new empty hosts file. To do this, right-click the bear in the etc folder and select the item "Create a text document".
  4. Once the file is created, it must be renamed to hosts. When renaming, a window will appear that will inform you that the file will be saved without expansion. Close the previous window by clicking OK.
  5. Once a new hosts file has been created, it can be edited. To do this, open the file using the additional program Notepad.
  6. Depending on the version of the operating system, instead of the standard hosts file, you can change.
  7. For Windows XP and Windows Server 2003 you need to add " localhost".
  8. Windows Vista, Windows Server 2008, Windows 7 and Windows 8 you need to add two rows: " localhost" and "::1 localhost".