Crimean Yalta conference of the great trio. Meta and background of the Yalta conference. The committee meeting room at the Livadia Palace

Or the confederacy of the leaders of the USSR, the USA and Great Britain, Josip Stalin, Franklin Roosevelt and Winston Churchill, is called historical by all descendants and historians. On this day, from the 4th to the 11th of 1945, a decision was made that would set the way of Europe and the world in jeopardy for ten years to come.

At the same time, the “Great Three” alliance was not limited by the praise of geopolitical decisions. There were official and informal receptions, informal meetings, steps in progress, and there were many reports from the dungeon.

It is not Malta, not Sicily, not Rome. To Yalti!

The first meeting of Stalin, Roosevelt and Churchill was born in the leaf fall of 1943 in Tehran. It marked the front end of the Allied landings in Europe in 1944.

Immediately after Tehran-43 and the landing of the Allied troops in France in early 1944, the heads of the three powers in particular began to sound out the ground about carrying out a war. According to historians who were the first to talk about the new conference, as they usually say, US President Franklin Roosevelt himself. In one of his messages to Stalin, he writes: “It would be a matter of time for the confederate to rule between you, the Prime Minister and me. Pan Churchill is completely compatible with this idea.”

The squirrel initially came under control in Northern Scotland, Ireland, and then the island of Malta. Among other places, the sustria were also called Cairo, Athens, Rome, Sicily and Jerusalem. The pro-Radian side, regardless of the restrictions of the Americans, attacked the conference held on its territory.

Churchill, like the Americans, did not want to go to Crimea and told Roosevelt that “the climate and people there are miserable.”

Tim is no less, in the same place, there will be discussions about the Pivdenny Coast of Crimea and Yalta, which was less destroyed after the occupation.

"Eureka" and "Argonaut"

What did Stalin allow the British Prime Minister, who so did not want to go to Crimea, to give the code name of the conference, as was guessed from the secret leaflet. And the Argonaut itself. Grumpy Churchill introduced this name, as if drawing a parallel between the ancient heroes of ancient Greek myths who fought to the Black Sea for the Golden Fleece, and the participants of the Yalta Conference, which are destroyed practically in the same place, ale "golden fleece" for them will become the world's future divided the spheres in flux.

Greek mythology hovered invisibly in the veins of the “Great Three”. Not surprisingly, the Tehran battle of 1943 took place under the code name “Eurika”. Thanks to the retellings, the very legendary viguk (“Know!”) Archimedes of Syracuse revealed the law about those who are “on the body, locked in the country...”.

Not surprisingly, Tehran-43 showed the closeness of the positions of the heads of the three great powers, as they really knew how to move forward with a full-fledged merger.

Airplanes, anti-aircraft guns, ships and armored trains: safety at all times

Even though the war was in its final stages in 1945, the safety of the participants of the Yalta Conference was given due respect.

According to the data of the Russian writer and historian Oleksandr Shirokorad, thousands of Russian, American and British spies were obtained to ensure the safe conduct of the meeting. Defense and security services, ships and aircraft of the Black Sea Fleet and the US Navy Great Britain. On the side of the United States, in protecting the president, they took the part of the Marine Corps.

The defense of the receiving delegation at the Saki airfield was countered by over 200 anti-aircraft shells. The batteries were designed to handle seven-ball fire at an altitude of up to 9000 m, targeted fire at an altitude of 4000 m and barrage fire at a distance of up to 5 km to the airfield. The sky above him was covered by 150 Radyansky Vinishuvachs.

Near Yalta, 76 anti-aircraft guns and as many as 300 anti-aircraft guns and large-caliber machine guns were deployed. Any aircraft that appears over the area where the conference is being held will begin to fight violently.

The protection of highways was ensured by a special warehouse of seven checkpoints at the warehouse of over 2 thousand people.

As the automobile convoys of the delegations that took part in the conference passed, along the entire route there was a direct rush to the river, and from the residential buildings and apartments that overlooked the highway, there were hanging villagers - The situation was taken over by security forces. In order to ensure security, Krim additionally deployed about five regiments of the NKVS and a number of armored trains.

For the funeral of Stalin, together with the radyan delegation in the Yusupov Palace near the village of Koreiz, 100 security forces and a battalion of the military NKVS were seen in a number of 500 people. For the foreign delegations who arrived with high security and security services, the Radyan side saw external security and commandants to occupy their positions. At the order of the foreign delegation, Radian automobiles were seen.

There is no clear evidence that Hitler intends to take control of his opponents in Crimea. But there was no time for this, since the Radyan troops were already a hundred kilometers from the walls of Berlin.

Russian hospitality: caviar with cognac, ale without bird's milk

Saksky airfield became the main airfield for catching delegations arriving to Krim. The airports of Sarabuz near Simferopol, Gelendzhik and Odessa looked like reserves.

Stalin and the delegation of the Radyansky district arrived to Simferopol with a heavy pull, after which they drove the car to Yalta.

Churchill and Roosevelt's planes landed in Saki with an interval of approximately one year. Here they are represented by the People's Commissar for Foreign Affairs Vyacheslav Molotov and other high-ranking members of the USSR. From the Crimea from Malta, where the meeting of the American President and the British Prime Minister had taken place beforehand, 700 people were delivered, which were included in the warehouse of the official delegations of the USA and Great Britain at the meeting from Stalin.

Following the data of the first investigator of the unofficial nuances of the Yalta Sustrich, the Crimean historian and local historian Volodymyr Gurkovich, who was followed by a correspondent for RIA Novosti (Crimea), the delegations of the allies met with great pomp. In addition to the obligatory people, this time they were given honorary honors and other honors, the Radyan side ruled and a grand reception was held nearby.

Zokrem, three great signs were set, where there were tables with bottles of sweet tea with lemon, sparkling wine, cognac, champagne, plates of caviar, smoked sturgeon and salmon, syre, boiled eggs, black and white bread. This is despite the fact that food cards were still in use in the USSR, and in Crimea there were fewer changes in the occupiers.

Gurkovich's book about the practical and unofficial details of the Yalta Conference was published in 1995 and became the first such publication on this topic. The Krayaznavets collected a number of participants who were still alive at that time: security guards - NKVS military personnel, cooks, waiters, pilots, who will ensure clear skies over Crimea.

It seems that, according to the testimony of one of the cooks who prepared the food for the reception at the Saksky airfield, there were no regular drinks and drinks.

“It’s not enough to be on the highest level and our land is not enough to confirm this level. And the tables were really bursting with all sorts of delicacies,” says the Crimean local.

And this is especially true on the tables of official delegations. And the American and English pilots were received at the Saksky military sanatorium named after Pirogov, where about 600 places were prepared for them. Russian hospitality appeared here. They were preparing for the menu, confirmed by a special order from the head of the Black Sea Fleet. According to eyewitnesses, the tables were also bursting with great quantity: there was everything on them except bird’s milk.

Churchill smoked a cigar in Simferopol, and Stalin walked in Alushta

It is impossible to call this secret place of the Prime Minister of Great Britain near Simferopol, at the budinka on Shmidt Street, 15. According to the dosage of the motorcades from Sak, a small amount of possible grains were transferred for completion. One of them was near Simferopol, and the other was in Alushta. The first of them was Churchill on the road to Yalta, and the other was Stalin.

The booth on Shmidt Street in Simferopol used to be a reception booth, or otherwise a hotel for the People's Commissars of the Crimean Autonomous Republic. During the occupation, high-ranking officers of the Wehrmacht lived there, so that the internal premises would remain watchful and ready for the reception of distinguished guests.

Sir Winston Leonard Spencer-Churchill was known to be a lover of cognac and cigars, as he did not compromise his health. When crossing from Malta, and having a long journey, he sent a telegram to Stalin, both in and out of the country. And at the airfield in Saki, the Allies received no less warm hospitality, with Virmen cognac and champagne for the British Prime Minister.

As Volodymyr Gurkovich says, there is nothing unusual about Churchill’s opinion in Simferopol. You, who have seen everything, need an hour to “come to you, think and smoke a cigar for the last time.” And having been in the guest booth for no more than a year, and in truth, you went out onto the balcony, according to the testimony of one of the security officials, smoking a traditional cigar.

Gurkovich also suggests that the head of the Radnarkom of the SRSR, Josip Stalin, after arriving in Crimea, settled in Alushta - the so-called dacha "Golubka" of the ex-tsarist general Golubov, in the first version. “Here he slept and hungered,” according to an archival recording found by Gurkovich.

“The Dove” is also notable because here is the future successor to the throne, Mikola Oleksandrovich (Mikola the Other), the same friend of Alexandra Fedorovna in 1894, after the blessing of his beloved by Emperor Alexander Tret He who is dying in Livadia.

Franklin Delano Roosevelt iz Sak went straight to the Livadia Palace without missing a beat.

Roosevelt and Churchill, after the conference, left Sevastopol, which lay in ruins. And the British prime minister visited Balaklava, where one of his ancestors died in the Crimean War (the first defense of Sevastopol 1854-1855). However, in his memoirs, he won’t remember anything more expensive.

Stalin to the Yusupovs, Roosevelt to the Romanovs, Churchill to the Vorontsovs

The main place where the war was carried out was Livadia - a large number of Russian emperors, starting with Alexander the Other. The Livadia Palace was created in 1911 by the architect Mikola Krasnov for the rest of the Romanovs, Mikoly the Other.

The Livadia Palace itself was designated as the main residence of the US delegation at the negotiations, as it rejected Roosevelt. President of the United States since 1921 was employed before the disability transfer through polio and during displacement. Therefore, Stalin, in order not to once again affect the health risks of Roosevelt and to create a comfortable mind for him, chose Livadia for the job - both to host the US delegation and to hold a meeting of the “Great Three” itself.

Churchill and the British delegation were given the no less luxurious palace of the Governor General of Novorossia, Count Vorontsov, in Aluptsia, which was designed by the English architect Edward Blore.

Stalin built the palace of Prince Yusupov near Korea for his residence.

A number of followers note that such a retaliation was carried out, but not casually: Because of the retaliation between Alupka and Livadia, and Stalin could guard against all movements of the allies.

Well, as they say, it’s not like that, not quite like that. The security and listening services of the Russian state security functioned at a high level, so it is unlikely that Stalin would have been able to control the situation and monitor the frequency with which motorcades ply between the English and American residences.

Furniture and food were delivered in trains

After the occupation, the palaces of Pivdennoberezh looked even more deplorable. The Germans were trying to export everything as valuable as possible from furnishings and decorations. From the Radyan side, colossal efforts were made to make the conference as comfortable as possible.

Suffice it to say that for this purpose, over 1,500 wagons of equipment, household materials, furniture, sets, kitchen supplies and food were delivered to Crimea.

20 thousand working days were spent on repairing just one Livadia Palace. Livadia, as well as Koreizia and Aluptsia, had a bomb scare, as long as the possibility of an enemy aircraft could not be turned off.

Roosevelt, who went to the summit in battle, was obsessed with the design of his apartments. Everything was in his delight: the curtains on the windows, the drapery on the doors, the bedspreads on his daughter’s beds and the telephones in all the rooms were in a black color scheme. This color was Roosevelt’s favorite color and, as he said, “the beauty of his dark eyes.”

Near the White Hall of the Palace, where the main meetings of the conference were held, a round table was erected for the negotiations of the Great Three. For the working needs of the members of the delegation, a large billiard room was prepared, where a large number of documents were signed, an internal Italian courtyard and the entire garden and park ensemble.

At Livadia, where there was not only an American delegation, but where the main negotiations between the leaders of the USSR, the USA and Great Britain took place, three power plants were installed. One working and two duplicating. In Aluptsia and Korea - two each.

The publication was prepared on the basis of official materials from RIA Noviny (Crimea) and confidential news sources

YALTA (CRIMEA) CONFERENCE of the three powers - allies in the Anti-Hitler coalition: from the USSR - I. V. Stalin, USA - F. D. Roosevelt, Great Britain - W. Churchill - died 4-11 February 1945. in Yalta (Crimea) at the final stage of the Other World War of 1939-1945.

The military nutrition and the problem of the war-like order of Europe were aggravated. The participants at the military commune said that they had outlined their plans for the residual defeat of the strong enemy and planned in detail the terms and coordination of heavy strikes that would be ordered by Germany; We talked about the military policy and plans to deal with it after another defeat.

Germany was divided by allies into four occupation zones - English, American, Radian and French. The establishment of the Allied administration and control was transferred, which is carried out by a specially created body at the warehouse of the chief commanders of the three powers, with the result of a change in Berlin. The USSR believes that German reparations amount to 10 billion dollars. was declared legal. The culprit was the form of export of goods and capital, the waste of human power. (The decision of the conference was not finalized. In addition, morally and physically obsolete equipment was exported to the USSR, which caused the modernization of the Radian economy.)

In the Declaration of a Liberated Europe, the allies voted to better accommodate their actions under the prevailing political and economic interests of Europe. The USSR achieved an increase in its position in Poland, Czechoslovakia, Romania, Bulgaria, Yugoslavia and promised to enter into war with Japan, thereby denying the Allies the opportunity to annex the Kuril Islands Identified to Sakhalin.

A decision was made to create the United Nations (UN), in which the SRSR took away three places - for the RRFSR, Ukraine and Belarus, so that these republics, which bore the main burden of the war, recognized the greatest economic costs and human casualties.

Orlov A.S., Georgieva N.G., Georgiev V.A. Historical dictionary. 2nd view. M., 2012, p. 590.

Crimean Conference 1945, Yalta Conference 1945, conference of the heads of the orders of the three allied powers of the 2nd World War 1939 - 1945 - USSR, USA, Great Britain: trans. RNA SRSR I. V. Stalin, US President F. D. Roosevelt and Prime Minister of Great Britain W. Churchill with the participation of foreign ministers. reference, rev. headquarters and other guards. She was in Yalta on February 4-11, during the period following the heavy offensive attacks of the Radyan Army that the army suffered. Podії on german. territory, the war against Hitler's Germany has entered its final stage. On K.K. the powers' plans to end this plan. defeat the fascists. Nіmechchini, it was established that it was set up before Nіmechchini after its unguarded capitulation and the purpose of the main. principles of foreign policy before the military. organization of light. It was assumed that after the German establishment of the operations there would be some residual damage and restoration. force the USSR, the USA and Great Britain to occupy Germany; Moreover, the military skin of the unknown powers will occupy a large part (zone) of Germany. A coordinated allied force was also created in Nimechchyna. administration and control that operates through a specially created control body that consists of the commanders of the three powers, together with Berlin. It was stated that France would be asked to take over the entire zone of occupation and take part as the fourth member of its control body. Specifically, the regulation of food for the zones of occupation of Germany was reached even before the K.K. in the European Advisory Commission and was recorded in the “Protocols between the authorities of the SRSR, the USA and the Received Kingdom about the zones of occupation Memories about the management of “Great Berlin”, version 12 Participants The conference declared that by this ingenious method they would save Germany, militarism and Nazism and create guarantees that “Nothing will ever again be able to destroy the world,” “dissolve and dissolve everything.” and the German armored forces to once again protect the German general staff,” "to gain or lose all German military possessions, to liquidate or take control of all German industry, which could be used for military production; to give all the evildoers of the war fair and swift punishment ...; erase the Nazi party, Nazi laws, organizations and establish; remove any Nazi and militaristic influx from the enormous institutions, from the cultural and economic life of the German people."

At the same time at Communique K.'s. It was said that after the eradication of Nazism and militarism in Germany. the people can take their place today in the marriage of nations. There was an exchange of thoughts about reparations from Germany.

K.K. adopted a decision to be created by the United Nations Organization (UN). Participants Before. before. They calculated that it was 25 kVt. In 1945, in San Francisco (USA), the Conference of the United Nations will be held to prepare the remaining text of the UN Statute (Div. San Francisco Conference of 1945). It was ensured that the basis for the activities of the UN in the hour of the rise of fundamental nutrition for the security of the world will be based on the principle of monophony of the great powers - permanent members for the sake of the Security of the UN.

K.K. adopted the “Declaration of a Liberated Europe”, and all allied powers declared their intention to comply with their actions under the prevailing political regime. and economical problems of the European Union. The declaration said: “The establishment of order in Europe and the restoration of national economic life can be achieved through such a path as to allow the free peoples to eliminate the remaining traces of Nazism and fascism and create democratic installations on their power no choice."

The communiqué of K.K. expressed his message “About Poland” as “a strong, free, independent and democratic Poland has been established.”

The creation of the Polish government on a broad basis, including democratic ones, was achieved. Actors from Poland itself and Poles from beyond the border. It was believed that the Radian-Polish cordon was obliged to pass along the river. n "Curzon Line" with access from it in some areas from 5 to 8 km on the crust of Poland, which Poland is denying due to the increase in the territory. on S. and on 3

About Yugoslavia K.K. accepted a number of recommendations about the establishment of the Timchasovo United Prospect of Yugoslavia and the creation of the Timchasovo Parliament on the basis of the National Anti-Fascist Council. Salvation of Yugoslavia.

At the Caucasus, the “Pleasure of the Three Great Powers for the Distant Convergence” was adopted, which included the entry of the Radyansky Union into the war against Japan two or three months after the capitulation of Germany and the end of the war in Europe. For the sake of it, it was fixed, for now, that after the end of the war of the USSR, the day would be reversed. part about. Sakhalin and all the islands adjacent to it, transferred to the Kuril Islands. The establishment of a permanent mechanism for regular consultations between foreign ministers was also considered. reference to three powers.

The communiqué of the K.K. three allied powers expressed their “determination to preserve and strengthen in the upcoming peaceful period the unity of goals and actions that have created in the current war a possible and reliable victory for the United Nations.” ій".

Rich decision of K.K., as well as in. advancing German militarism and revanchism.

Wikoristan materials of the Great Radian Encyclopedia.


Collection of official agreements and conventions established by the SRSR with foreign powers, art. 11, M., 1955;

Tehran. Yampil. Potsdam. Zb. doc-tiv, M., 1971 (div. below sent to the electronic version of the book);

Israelyan St. L., Diplomatic history of the Great German War of 1941 - 1945, M., 1959;

History of foreign policy of Ukraine SRSR, part 1, 1917 -1945, M., 1966.

Continue reading:

Tehran – Yalta – Potsdam: Collection of documents/ Order: Sh.P. Sanakoi, B.L. Tsibulivsky. - 2nd view. - M.: Publishing House "International News", 1970. - 416 p.

Winter 1945 rock, Yalta. On the highest level, a team of leaders of the region of the anti-Hitler coalition is preparing. The Allied intelligence services are developing a plan to bury Stalin, Roosevelt and Churchill. And not without reason: it became clear that a terrorist attack was being planned in the area. Watch the film "Yalta-45" on the 7th of May at 17.15 on the "SVIT" TV channel.

Do you know what the name of the operation was to protect the leaders of the “Great Three”, for which the bath for Roosevelt was repacked this time and again Churchill after the conference crashed to Sevastopol? About these and other rare details of the historical events of 1945 in Crimea, see the material “SVIT 24”.

The Yalta conference of the “Great Three” - the leaders of the USSR, Great Britain and the USA - played a colossal role in the history of the war world order. Another world war had actually reached its end, and in the center of respect of the leaders of the three leading light powers at that time the food supply of the post-war part of the world was running out. At the Yalta Conference itself, such important considerations were made as the cordons of Poland and the Radyansky Union and the creation of independent powers in the Balkans, between the zones of occupation of Germany and the arrival of maximum weakening, in anticipation of the entry of the USSR into the war Japan has the same share of military personnel and personnel movements.

At the end of the Tehran Conference of 1943, where all three countries played similar roles, Yalta became a de facto triumph for the Radyansky Union. To begin with, you would like to start carrying out a high-grade reaction. Initially, the leaders of the United States and Great Britain proposed meeting in Scotland - a place that is also distant from both the American and Radian shores. Stalin was satisfied with the Scottish plan - as the legend goes, because he did not want to go to the “men in the secretaries”. In truth, the Radyansky potter is miraculously sensible that this very land, whose army already stood a hundred kilometers from Berlin, has the right to dictate its minds.

Having done everything, the American and British potters could clearly see those catastrophic ruins, as the Germans recognized the civilian towns and villages. This gave Stalin a trump card in the negotiations on reparations - and as it showed the hour, it was the right time. After Scotland, as a place of sustria, Rome, Oleksandria, Jerusalem, Athens and the city of Malta emerged, and all these ideas were planted by Moscow to benefit Crimea. And the allies took action.

The Radyansky Union needed only two months to organize a battle near Yalta - regardless of the fact that Crimea would be ruined in the same way as the decision of all the occupied territories of the USSR. The operation carried out with the inception of Winston Churchill had two code names. "Argonauts", the British Prime Minister equated the remains of the US President with the Argonauts, who sailed to the shores of Crimea for a new golden fleece. І “Island” – with the method of secrecy, with a push towards Malta.

In 60 days, hundreds of militants from all over the country, such as NKVS and NKDB officers, as well as operatives, counterintelligence officers and military officers, managed to do everything to make holding the Yalta conference not easy possible, and it demonstrated the possibility of the SRSR from wartime renewal. And the required effect has been achieved!

How Marshal Stalin demonstrated who was in charge at Yalta

The war at Yalta and the British Prime Minister Winston Churchill and the American President Franklin Roosevelt looked at how we could get the Radian leader Josip Stalin to act in support of the military operation US and British troops near Germany. Until the bitter end of 1945, the Red Army itself achieved the most significant results, reaching even as far as Berlin, while the Allies were far away and faced great difficulties.

The allies came to their senses and those who, having waited for the battle at Yalta, set themselves up at the camp of the requested guests, as they had a lot to lie with the ruler. To reinforce this, Marshal Stalin did not immediately go to gather the distinguished guests who were arriving at the airport near Saki, and if Roosevelt himself was dissatisfied with such violations of the protocol, and to Churchill’s lament, he told the Radian leader that he was not satisfied, letting her realize that she had been dragging on for a long time In support of the other front, the insane leadership of the SRSR was pushed to Berlin and the defeat of Germany gives him the same right. Before the speech, on the first official meeting on the morning of the 4th, Stalin defiantly spoke - for the only time during the entire Yalta Conference. And the allies also understood this correctly.

The looted Crimean palaces were refurbished

Photo: / huge nadbannya

The domestic occupation of Crimea by German troops came at a great cost to the rebels, including his direct sense. Once Yalta was already surrounded as a place of war, and inspection tours with Crimean fingers began, it became clear that these palaces had been stripped to the bare walls by the fascists in all reasonable terms. Zokrema, at the Livadia Palace, which had become the head of the negotiations, did not miss the fabric trellises on the walls and the copper handles on the doors - they all imported “superpeople” from the German uniform. That situation in the Livadia, Yusupov and Vorontsov palaces had a chance to be taken literally from the forest by the union - from the entire Radyansky Union. As one of the eyewitnesses of these events predicted, from Moscow to Crimea furniture and furnishings were transported in trains, as well as walkways, kitchen supplies and expensive sets.

What is Operation Valley?

Under this code name the operation was carried out to ensure the livelihood and security of the participants of the Yalta Conference. For the renovation of palaces, the repair of Crimean roads, which is carried out near Yalta near the Saki airfield (where Roosevelt and Churchill’s pilots landed) and Simferopol (Stalin arrived there by train from Moscow), as well as for other Everyday meals consumed nearly 2,500 workers, half “threw” to Livadia. Nearly thousands of operatives of the NKVS and NKDB of the Crimean Autonomous Soviet Socialist Republic suffered the fate of security forces, blaming the military forces and other military units. Over the course of two years, the location of the conference did not lose a single German army, and finally, today, within a radius of 30 km from the Livadia Palace, the entire local population was hanging out.

Over the course of a month, 287 operational visits were carried out on Pivdennoye Bereza, overcoming 67 thousand people and killing at least 400, as well as recovering 267 rifles, 1 machine gun, 43 machine guns, 49 pistols, 283 grenades and 4186 weapons. iv. In addition, before the start of the conference in the Black Sea, the shores of Yalta were filled with a triple ring of warships, nearly 300 combat aircraft were engaged, and the site of the war was covered by two whole The funeral was completed until the third night.

How the Livadia Palace became the leading center of the “Great Three” alliance

Photo: / huge nadbannya

Wanting palaces near Krim, hidden on the outskirts of Yalta, it appears that only three of them were prepared before the conference. A Radian delegation was placed at Yusupovsky's, a British delegation was placed at Vorontsovsky's in Aluptsia, and the Americans were assigned to Livadiysky. And although diplomatic protocol requires that the negotiations take place on neutral territory, all the main parts of the conference were initially planned to be held at the “home” of US President Franklin Delano Roosevelt.

It was all due to the fact that the American president was transferred to a wheelchair, suffering from a long-term illness due to polio. The organization of Roosevelt's permanent transfers would have taken an additional hour and was a bad idea, which was also considered diplomatic protocol. As a result, the two damages tended to be smaller and narrower, which was handy for the US leader.

How Roosevelt's bath was repackaged this time and again

Photo: / huge nadbannya

There was no documentary evidence of this fact, but eyewitnesses from the beginning of 1945 definitely spoke about it. At the remaining stage of preparations before the conference, British and American faci took part in completing the assignments assigned to the leaders of the “Great Three”.

Inspectors from the United States noticed that the Farbee fabrics used by the Radyansky workers to cover the bathroom walls of Franklin Roosevelt's apartment were badly overlooked by the Black Sea. As a result, in order to achieve the required color, the bathtub room was replastered this time. And respecting everything, they managed to enjoy the relish of the most famous leader of the United States of the 20th century. On his way home, Roosevelt shared with Stalin his plans to buy the Livadia Palace after the exposition and settle there in retirement.

Why did Winston Churchill leave Crimea behind?

Photo: / huge nadbannya

Joseph Stalin and Franklin Roosevelt left Yalta at the same time - the day after the end of the Yalta Conference. The leader of the USSR flew to Simferopol in a car and flew to Moscow, and the President of the United States flew 12 flights from the Saki airfield with a C-45 aircraft and, accompanied by six people, crashed to Cairo.

And the axis of the British prime minister, having caught up with Crimea for two more gains, had caught up with the disposition of Sevastopol. The reason for this was Winston Churchill’s visit to Balaclava, more precisely, to the Alma Valley, where in the mid-autumn of 1854 the attack of the British light cavalry cost the lives of representatives of the wealthy aristocratic families of Great Britain. Among them were the Dukes of Marlborough, the ancestors of Winston Churchill. And the obligation to organize your visit to Balaklava was one of the arguments for the benefit of holding the conference in Yalta.

How Stalin lost just one transfer before the conference

Photo: / huge nadbannya

Throughout the Great German War, Josip Stalin was assisted by two interpreters – Volodymyr Pavlov and Valentin Berezhkov. During Operation “Valley,” Radyansk counterintelligence checked all participants in the upcoming spy, not including transfer agents. Just under the hour of the re-verification, the fact was revealed that the fathers of Berezhkov’s transfer were lost in the occupied territory - near Kiev.

Alesim on the right was not surrounded: despite all the efforts of Valentin Berezhkov himself to know his relatives, there was no success, so the counterintelligence officers created a plan so that his father could leave the place at once with the advancing Germans then later it became clear that the stinks had left the place back in 1943). Which turned out to be enough to push the transfer from participation in the conference, and to Yalta and Stalin, violating only Volodymyr Pavlov.


70 years ago, from the 4th to the 11th of 1945, near Crimea, which was also part of the RRFSR, a conference of the heads of the “Great Three” - the USSR, the USA and Great Britain - was held for the fate of the Other World War.

The decisions taken at this time laid the foundations of the wartime world order and formed the division of spheres of flow between the advancing powers and the USSR. Krimu has no idea what Moscow is taking away the Kuril Islands and Pivdenny Sakhalin,The USSR voiced its fate in the war against Japan. The USA and Great Britain benefit from the fact that the USSR takes away 50% of all profits. At Yalta, the ideology of the United Nations Organization was formed as an organization designed to avoid any attempts to change the establishment of boundaries between spheres. And the Declaration on a Liberated Europe, adopted at the conference, outlined the principles of the policy of victory in the territories seized from the enemy and created changes in the formation of a bipolar world.

The Radyansky delegation at the conference was overwhelmed by the head of the People's Commissars of the USSR, Marshal of the Radyansky Union Josip Stalin (Dzhugashvili), the American - President Franklin Roosevelt, the British - Prime Minister Winston Churchill. "AiF-Crime" predicts how it will welcome important guests.

I. V. Stalin and V. M. Molotov. Photo:

The outgoing leaders began talking about the need for a repeat meeting in 1944. In Winston Churchill's opinion, the best place to hold the conference would be the Scottish town of Invergordon. Stalin, who was leafed out by the light leaders, reacted promptly to their proposals quickly. Thus, the messenger from Churchill’s testimony on the 26th of June, the Radyansky minister wrote: “What is the quarrel between you, Mr. Roosevelt and me... then I also respect such a quarrel. “Also, if the Radyan armies are fighting along a wide front, developing their offensive more and more, I will lose the opportunity to leave the Radyansky Union and deprive the armies of ceremonies for the shortest hour.”

The proposal to hold a conference “in one of the coastal places on the day of the European part of the USSR” was voiced by the American side. Stalin supported him with a stick. Later, Roosevelt declared that he would rather come to Egyptian Alexandria or Jerusalem, somehow losing his respect to Churchill. The head of the SRSR said that doctors do not recommend this kind of extreme overflow. Yalta became the final destination of the “Great Three”.

F. Roosevelt and W. Churchill discuss the plans of the allies at the Yalta Conference. Photo: Encyclopedia “Great Vietnamese War of 1941-1945”

For the golden fleece

The Yalta Conference, in preparation, has a small code name “Argonaut”, which is what Churchill recognized as “name”. So the Prime Minister of Great Britain wrote to Roosevelt: “We are the direct landings of the Argonauts, who, according to Greek mythology, sailed to the Black Sea for the Golden Fleece.” The metaphor was virtuous for Stalin.

Without PHI

The leaders of the three powers decided to keep the meeting informal and not to invite representatives of the Serpents there. On the 21st day, Churchill telegraphed simultaneously to Stalin and Roosevelt: “I propose that representatives of the press should not be allowed on the Argonaut, but that we have the right to bring no more than three or four different military photographers for photography and filming. Photos and films may be released if they are found to be consistent... Obviously, one or more of the communiqués will be published.” Stalin and Roosevelt came in handy with the idea of ​​the British prime minister.

Leaders of the Great Three at the negotiating table at the Yalta Conference. Photo: Encyclopedia “Great Vietnamese War of 1941-1945”

Beria was “erased”

Lavrentiy Beria was recognized for organizing the preparation of the sustria in Crimea. Later, following the part of the head of the NKVS at the Crimean Conference, they tried to clean up. In the publication of ZMI's photographs, it is true that they stand close to Stalin, and they have covered up their accusations.

Odessa is a backup option

Due to the bad weather in Crimea, we decided to hold the conference at a warehouse in Odessa. Therefore, serious preparations were also made in the area: repairs of the facades of buildings, hotels, representative premises and roads were actively carried out. As a result, all these preparations went to the benefit of disinformation of the German enemy, whose agents could be lost in certain territories.

Three palaces

The conference participants shook hands with three people: the USSR delegation - with Yusupovsky, the USA - with Livadiysky, the UK - with Vorontsovsky.

Trust the Vorontsov Palace, where Churchill is alive at the hour of the conference. Photo: Encyclopedia “Great Vietnamese War of 1941-1945”

Official meetings between members of the delegation and unofficial meetings between the heads of state were held at all three palaces of Pivdennoberezh. At Yusupovsky's, for example, Stalin and Churchill discussed the food transfer of people released from fascist camps. At the Vorontsov Palace, ministers of foreign affairs met: Molotov, Stettinius (USA) and Eden (Great Britain). But the main meetings took place in the Livadia Palace. According to diplomatic protocol, it was fine, but Roosevelt would have to move on without outside help. Official members of the “Great Three” met here all the time. It is signed in Livadia itself.

Pivtonni іkri

The participants of the Yalta conference produced tons of caviar, a lot of different cheeses and top oil. The delegations received approximately 1120 kilograms of meat (live calves, cows, lambs, and poultry were brought to the central base). The Ovocheve menu reached 6.3 tons. The guests did not forget about the drinks - they stocked up over 5,000 drinks of wine, 5,132 drinks, beer - 6,300 and 2,190 drinks of cognac. Food products were imported to Crimea from the USSR.

I.V. Stalin, W. Churchill and F. Roosevelt at the banquet at the hour of the Yalta Conference. Photo: Encyclopedia “Great Vietnamese War of 1941-1945”

Dreams about Livadia

Between Stalin and Stalin, Franklin Roosevelt said that if he was deprived of the presidential post, he would ask to sell him to Livadia in order to plant a lot of trees near her.

Stalin asked his American guest to conduct the 1945 flight from Krim. The President of the United States, having accepted this request, otherwise planned the death of the 63-year-old Roosevelt, which was expected very soon, on the 12th quarter.

The last Churchill

Winston Churchill deprived the rest of the leaders of the powers of Crimea. After signing the “Communique about the Crimean Conference,” Stalin left the Simferopol station in the evening for Moscow. The American President, who spent the night on board the US ship, standing at the Sevastopol Bay, departed the next day. Churchill stayed in Crimea for two more days: having visited Sapun Mountain, near Balaklava, where the British fought in 1854 - 55 years, sending the cruiser "Voroshilov" and more than 14 years from the Saksky airfield and flying to Greece.

Winston Churchill at the Livadia Palace. Photo: Encyclopedia “Great Vietnamese War of 1941-1945”

Roosevelt's Enemy

The trip to Crimea marked an unforgettable enmity with the American president. Turning to Washington, he confessed: “I am holding out the butts of a ruthless and stupid cruel ruin... Yalta has a lot of military significance and a lot of defense disputes... Little has been lost from Yalta, behind the culprit of the ruins and devastation. Sevastopol presented a picture of borderline ruin, and the entire city lost less than a dozen unfinished budinki. I have read about Warsaw, Lidice, Rotterdam and Coventry, and about Sevastopol and Yalta, and I know that German militarism and Christian honesty cannot be established on earth at once.”

On the 4th of 1945, in Crimea, a friend of the country's leaders of the anti-Hitler coalition - the Radian Union, Great Britain and the United States of America - was buried in Crimea.

Operation "Island"

Another world war has come to an end and is ripe for the first powers of the anti-Hitler coalition. The place of the upcoming conference was loudly shouted. One of the options was Great Britain, which would be a power equally distant from both the United States and the Radian Union. There were proposals to gather in Cairo, already formed by the Hitlerites in Athens and Rome. Ale all the way, so that the battle took place on the territory of the USSR, so that the workers of the allied powers especially paid attention to what kind of revolts the country of our land has left behind.

Head of Radyansky district I.V. Stalin
Prime Minister of Great Britain William Churchill at the palace on the day of the Yalta Conference

In a secret document between the heads of the USSR, the USA and Great Britain, Crimea was given the code name “Argonaut”.

The territory of Crimea itself began in 1945. Bula rizikovaya for such a sustricha. After the rise of the Hitlerites in the fall of 1944, their territory could have lost its agents, and the front was not so far away that it would have allowed a massive air strike on Yalta. The German threat was overcome, and the conference itself was prepared in an extremely short time - less than a month. The security and comfort of the participants was ensured by the Radyansk side right away.

Military members of the USSR at the Yalta Conference

The conference at Krim turned out to be beneficial for the allies. Franklin Roosevelt became the first American president to introduce the Russian Union, and Winston Churchill decided to introduce a battlefield to the British army in order to raise his rating ahead of the parliamentary elections.

Superechki and debate

On the 4th of 1945, the heads of the three allied powers gathered in the Livadia Palace - the great summer residence of Emperor Mikoli II. The attention of the conference participants was occupied with the problems of the end of Another World War, which was about the capitulation of Germany, the zone of occupation, repatriation, reparation. The great and baked super-chicks vined for the upcoming Poland. It was difficult to find out about the warehouse of the upcoming order and the exit cordons. Stalin’s idea became the most prominent, even just recently, in 1945, when the Chervona Army conquered Warsaw. The decision of the international organization, the League of Nations, became fundamentally important. The conference participants decided to hold a conference near San Francisco in 1945 for the founding of the United Nations Organization (UN). We are very pleased with the sight of Roosevelt: in Yalta, an extremely important secret agreement was signed for the United States, for which the USSR agreed to join the side of the allies 2-3 months after the victory over Germany.

I.V. Stalin at negotiations with US President F. Roosevelt

The discussions lasted for a week, after which the participants went home after a long time of security. On the 11th, Stalin and the Radyan delegation flew from Simferopol to Moscow. Roosevelt departed from Sevastopol, after which he flew from Crimea. Churchill finally got tired, as soon as Sevastopol and Sapun Gori were approaching, he recalled the memory of the British soldiers who fought in these places during the Crimean War.

During the hour of the Crimean conference, not a single serious incident was registered by the funeral service.

Yalta Conference 1945 Meeting of the Ministers of Foreign Affairs. Livadia Palace

Spadshchina Yalti

The Yalta Conference is small but of the greatest historical significance. The acceptance of her favorable decisions showed the whole world the possibility of the integration of foreign countries in different ways. For over 40 years, the Yalta system of international payments was erased, and with the collapse of the Radyansky Union, its basic provisions began to collapse. Apart from the mechanisms, viroblenі then in Crimea, work through 74 years. The Organization of the United Nations, of which Russia, as a permanent member, also continues its activity. For the sake of the security of the UN, it consistently advocates for stopping new dangerous conflicts in the world.

Signing the protocol of the Yalta Conference

The Russian military-historical partnership has been displayed more than once on the pages of its portal “History. RF" before the Yalta Conference and in the city, and today you can get acquainted with the information on.
