How to make smooth transitions in Photoshop. How to combine two photographs with a smooth transition between them. Soft brushes and ball masks

This article is considered more popular methods of smooth transitions between images.

Such transitions are necessary if you are working on folding collages or want to beautifully arrange a number of pictures in one.

In all cases, there are the following options: soft eraser, soft brushes and a gradient, the shortest method is a gradient. It itself creates a first-class transition, without losing the clarity of the output images. Marvel for yourself: a vikory eraser, we are preparing pixels, and is there a guarantee that you will be able to prepare everything perfectly? Of course, you can spend a whole day in Photoshop, erasing pixel by pixel. Ale, I respect, “gra ne varta svichok”, we will not spend too many hours on these other operations and work all the tricks.

A soft eraser and a garnish brush for blending the edges so that the two photographs look good and do not appear alien due to the sharp edges.

Now let's take a look at the report:

soft eraser

Since the eraser tool can interact with brush parameters, here's how to soft brush You can erase part of the image in such a way that you can see another image, shaded with a ball below. By using this additional technique, you can achieve the desired result, but it is also inevitable, as if you change your mind and decide to take the image in a different way, you will have to start all over again.

Once you have placed the images you want to combine into one document (on the same page), enter the next steps:

1. Drag the image you want to erase frequently to the very top of the ball palette.


Before you proceed, it is important to create a duplicate of the ball with which you will be working, just in case you do not like the result (for which press the key combination Ctrl + J). So that the new ball is not important to you, its visibility can be turned off (and turned on again if necessary).

2. Select the eraser by pressing the E key and set it to brush mode. For this, in the parameters panel, in the Mode list, select the Brush item. Then select the soft brush from the list of brush parameter sets. Make sure that in the Opacity and Pressure fields the value is set to 100.

To make the transition even smoother, experiment with the gum blur values. By changing the value of obscurity, you can create more smooth transitions by moving the brush over the desired area, rather than shaky ones around the clicking target.

3. Place the mouse indicator over the images and highlight the unneeded part. If you make a mistake or at any time change your mind, use the History palette to go back a few strokes with the pencil, or select the remaining operation by pressing the key combination Ctrl + Z.

Soft brushes and ball masks

An alternative to the eraser is to use the reverse option - painting a ball-mask with a great soft penzlem. When you lose everything, you will take part of the baby instead of removing it.

It’s acceptable that you want to boost your chair, since you’re riding a motorcycle. Power effect ruhu You can add a little bit of rosemite to the baby in Russia, and then use a mask ball to grab some of the razmita.

How to create the axis shvidkogo rukhu effect:

1. Open the image and create a duplicate of the output ball by pressing the key combination Ctrl + J.

2. Select the menu command Filter => Rosmittya => Rosmittya in Russia. With the help of this filter, you can see that the object is collapsing even quickly. Since the filter blurs the image as a whole, it is important to look at the desired object, so that you end up catching part of the blurred ball, adding a ball-mask. To add it, click on the button from the image of the stake in the rectangle in the lower part of the palette.

3. Press B to select the Brush tool and choose a large soft brush. Set the black color as the foreground color.

I’ll guess that just like the versts-masks, the painting with black colors attracts what we need to earn in this situation. Look at the bottom of the Tools panel and see the black and white colors, then press the X key until the black indicator appears on top. If you have selected other colors, then first set the color by pressing the D key, and then press the X key until the black indicator is on.

6. Place the mouse indicator over the images and, using a pencil, cut off a piece of the cut ball.

gradient masks

Place the soft brush to the side. create the smoothest transitions possible it’s possible, vikorists gradient - a soft, gradual transition from one color to another. The methods of combining images with a variety of soft brushes and gradients are similar to those in which the images are combined in one document and then a ball-mask is added to the top ball. Instead of painting a black or white mask with a pencil, you use a black-and-white or black-and-white gradient for a smooth, seamless “flow” of one image into another.

1. Drag the picture that is in the foreground of the collage to the very top of the list of balls and add a ball mask to it.

2. Press G to select the Gradient tool. On the parameters panel, click on the arrow to select the list. Select a black and clear gradient from the list, and in the type group click on the linear gradient button.

3. In my butt, I want the Batman logo on the right side to be visible. To do this, with the mouse button I press on the border of the logo and with the pressed key I press it approximately to the middle of the logo. Having released the key, I will create a smooth transition between the images. To enhance the brightness of the transition, you can further solidify the gradient.

When dragging, the Photoshop program draws a line to represent the width of the transition: the shorter the line (you will drag the indicator lower to the bottom), the tighter the transition (there will be no clear boundary, otherwise it will be close to it ); The longer the line, the wider the gradient and the smoother the transition.

If you marked a disclaimer in the text, see it and press Ctrl + Enter. Thank you!

Today I will show you How to create a smooth transition between two photos.

I made a picture from behind and this is the result I got:

In order to take such a picture, I will take two photographs that I will take.

I took a landscape background with the sea and a photograph of a girl photographed on aphids of gloomy trees without leaves.

Let's get started - I'll be timid smooth transition of colors and for whom I dedicate the following steps:

Krok 1

Opening my photos in Photoshop and using other tools displacement I drag the photo of the girl onto a photo with a sea background.

I want to change the photo of the girl a little and for whom I am calling Willing transformation, pressing on the second key CTRL+ T.

The frame that appears next to the photo with the girl has links that you can drag and change the size of the photo, in which case you need to hold down the key Shift, so that the proportions of the image do not interfere.

krok 2

Now I move on to the palette balls And being on the ball with the girl, I press on the icon called Add a vector mask.

Yak mi bachimo in the palette shari on the ball with the girl there was a ball-mask, as seen in the frame, so to speak about the fact that the mask is active and all the robots that I will do will be carried out, behind closed doors, on the ball-mast.

On the top panel, where all the settings for the tool are located gradient I'm pushing on arrow, What is there in the tool icon and in the end, what appeared with the gradients I select radial gradient, which one to go to black color to clear.

Now I draw gradient lines not reaching the figure of the girl, as indicated in the picture (you can use more directions). When drawing a gradient line, the background gradually disappears.

I needed to draw the gradient line two or three times along the skin from the directions indicated in the image in order to achieve the result that you see below in the image.

krok 4

However, we can note that this famous background resembles a photograph of a girl, so the very image of the girl itself has changed, so that in some places it has become so obvious.

It's really easy to fix it.

While on the ball, I take the ball around penzlik white color And a small price for the girl.

The white brush renews all the details of the image of the girl.

And we also want to remind you that in the future you can use Photoshop topics on the Photoshop forum and find out tips for your rich diet.

Axis, what came out as a result:

I took two photographs at once to help smooth the transition.

I hope I explained clearly, how to create a smooth transition between two photographs - as you can see, it’s easy to do.

So I hope you will marvel at my latest lesson Valentika in Photoshop, in some way there is a lot of tsikavogo.

I wish you continued success in mastering Photoshop!

Galina Sokolova is with you.

Creating a collage is not just combining several photographs into one. The right collage shows the artist’s skill, and also demonstrates his ability to beautifully and competently arrange photographs so that they look stylish and attractive. Distant and noticeable will be a collage in which there are no noticeable cordons between the photographs - instead of which the photographs seem to flow one into another. This effect can be achieved by performing complicated operations in Adobe Photoshop.

You will need

  • - Adobe Photoshop program


  • Open two photographs approximately the same size as you want to combine into a collage.
  • Press V to activate the move tool and drag one photo onto another so that they appear in one window in two different balls.
  • Select the top two balls from the list, and then add a vector mask to the next one.
  • Close to the photo icons in the row of the ball, a mask icon appears in the form of a white square. Click on it to activate the ball. The icon will be surrounded by a black frame, which shows its activity.
  • On the toolbar, select a gradient and indicate the direction of the gradient, drawing a line from the lower right corner to the upper right corner. You will note how one of the images begins to appear differently there, where you spent the final gradient.
  • Experiment and change the depth and width of the gradient until you are happy with the result and the images flow smoothly and beautifully into one another in the place where you want the transition to occur.
  • To achieve the desired effect, use the gradient only when the ball mask mode is active - otherwise, you won’t see anything.
  • Exit the mask mode by clicking the mouse cursor on the photo icon in the ball, after your collage is ready.
  • Merge layers and save the collage in the required format.
  • Wait, one of the most unexpected gifts is collages. They can brighten up your interior, make your friends laugh and please your loved ones. Original photographs should be taken in a photo studio or you can upload them on your computer yourself. To make the overlay of one photo onto another look organic, it requires a number of awkward combinations. Above all, so that there is no contrast between the frames. When selecting backgrounds for the collage, carefully adjust the color scheme and light direction in both photos, as well as the size of the objects and the head object. To understand how to create a smooth transition in Photoshop, please read the order of actions presented in this article.

    About the order of actions

    Try in practice and see the sequence of actions.

    The skill of graphic editors allows you to create unexpected works, modify images, edit them and create amazing compositions with any photographic material!

    We hope that our goal is to allow you to successfully complete your tasks, as well as to achieve complete satisfaction in this tedious and creative process.

    It is our pleasure to take you to our final lesson dedicated to robotics in Adobe Photoshop. This article is about how to create smooth transitions in programs between images/quotes. This is a very korisna navichka, which you will sing in a melody, so let’s get started!

    Robo smooth transition between quarters

    Although Photoshop is a professional image processing program, you can often achieve the same result in several ways. Same with transitions.

    Through the "Gradient" tool

    You, melodiously, are familiar with this instrument. So go to the toolbar and select "Gradient".

    After that, as a selection tool, a Gradient adjustment panel will appear under the main menu, where you can select a gradient template and set additional parameters for your selection.

    Unfortunately, the standard set of gradients does not include so many templates, so you can quickly search and expand your collection, or create your own version.

    In order for the transition to be very colorful, and not clear, you need to set the settings for the control point of the obscurity (div. Screenshot below):

    Once everything is ready, remove the stiffness, stamp “OK”, and fill the canvas with gradient. For this purpose, you can create a visible area that you want to fill, or you can apply a gradient to the entire canvas. Simply press the LMB (left mouse button) in the desired location and apply pressure as necessary.

    Important! Please pay attention to this type of filling:

    To our vipadka "Linear gradient".

    Through the "Ball Mask"

    This method has already been proven by the traders. All items will be displayed through the ball palette. let's get started:

    Through shading the vision

    The essence of this method is to create a smooth transition on the borders of the filled object/image and background. Let's get started!

    1. We need the "Direct Cut Area" tool.

    2. Now you need to create a vision:

    3. When the video is ready, use the hot keys SHIFT+F6 Click on the window where you need to enter the values ​​in the item "Radius shading".

    4. Afterwards, you need to fill in the vision solution. For whom I need to quickly use hot keys SHIFT+F5 And select the fill color.
    5. After stagnation of changes, we can achieve the following result of a smooth transition:

    6. Loss of vision with help CTRL + D and ready:

    As you can see, there is nothing difficult about creating smooth transitions in Photoshop between pages. We have presented 3 ways to work together and approach the singing situation.

    That's all! See you in our upcoming lessons!