1s rozvantazhennya data. How to develop the information base (Archives)? How can I save my configuration? Save configuration file

For me, it was a big surprise that 1C users don’t know how to effectively use 1C in Excel, no matter what. Recently I came across the fact that my colleagues were working, and then using FineReader they were transferring the data into text from the picture, because the save button in 1C (amazing picture) did not work. Dovgy way, why is it wrong? There are also manual methods. The one who has been developed with 1C has no hidden secrets and has plenty of opportunities to achieve.

Let's look point by point at how we can save 1C data in Excel:

The easiest way to save data from 1C in Excel is to select one box in a document or magazine and press (copy), then Excel will see the box where you need to save the data and press v. In this manner, you will save the place in the middle. For the butt picture it will be 42,289.23

This method works for any version of 1C.

2. How to visualize a large amount of data from 1C in Excel?

The first method is good, otherwise the great amount of data will not accumulate like that. It’s better to use the Enter List tool.

If you have a document log, a document editor, right-click on your documents and find the Enter list item.

For version 8.3, the “Taxi” interface has a button to display a list, and in the More menu

A list of these elements will appear as text (possibly, before you need to select the same selection method). This text can be copied into any document. Hello, quickly go to the File menu - Save as (since large amounts of data will be processed for a long time and the file is not turned off when copying to the buffer).

Then we select the required file format.

All files are saved in the required format.

This method works for any version of 1C.

For version 1c 8.2 and more in the thin client or Taxi interface, the File - Save tool is available on the panel in the upper right corner of the floppy disk view

3. How to adapt from 1C to Excel other forms of documents?

Designed forms of documents such as

1 — Remove the Just Look button to change the other form

2 - Save the document in the following format, div.

And also, instead of a manual form, you can save any text data, like in Word.

You can often save the form or form by simply copying and pasting it into Excel.

How to import data from Excel to 1C is a completely different story. We'll let you know soon, keep an eye out;)

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14.06.2018 13:04:27 1C:Servistrend ru


1C programs offer universal solutions for saving important data and processing them. Evidence, journals and documents are just a shell for easy access to data and communication between them. There is often a need to extract data from 1C. The goals may be different - extraction for exchange with other 1C programs, extraction for the bank, extraction of data from files of different formats, etc.

In this article we look at the main possibilities of using data from 1C 8.3 Accounting and problems that may arise in this case.

Vivantage of data from 1C files Excel, Word, PDF, MXL and others

To extract data from 1C from files of different formats, you need to do this.

Open the document for purposes of revamping. These may include bank warrants, documents of origin (their different forms), letters, journals, balance sheets and much more.

For example, let's look at the balance sheet. Once open, click the floppy disk icon at the top right of the program.

UVAGA: If the diskette icon is not available, try clicking on the name field. This is necessary to become “active”.

After pressing, the next window will appear:

From here you can select a location for expanding the file, enter its name and select the format. Most commonly used: docx (Word), xlsx (Excel), pdf (PDF), txt, mxl and others.

For your application, select the Excel 2007 format and save the file with your dad.

The axis thus preserved the balance sheet:

As you can see, data is saved in a manual and accessible way of saving all data and formatting.

Thus, having extracted the necessary data from 1C, they can be moved around the base. For example, you can send food. By mailing the wheels (instead of transferring the entire database), you can save them before changing the data of the program itself, or simply unzip them.

Vivantage of lists from 1C files Excel, Word, PDF, MXL and others

Sometimes it is necessary to display the list of documents, and not the document itself, in which case the diskette icon is not available in the list view mode. In order to visualize the data of such a structure, it is necessary to first submit the list in a tabular form, after which it will be possible to save it.

Like a butt, let’s look at the transfer of payment documents. For further development, go to the More menu – Browse list:

In the window you can specify the fields that will be presented in the list:

We will lose everything without change, we will press Ok. As a result, the list of views appears as a table. Now it is not important for us to revive it in the same way as we revived the document before. Click on the floppy disk, select the format, name and format, and save the file:

Data extraction from 1C 8.3 Accounting in other programs

To exchange data with other 1C programs, you must enable data synchronization. You can do this in the menu Administration – Data synchronization.

If the Synchronization checkbox is not active (just a little lower) – your database is not configured for synchronization with other 1C databases. Unfortunately, the examination of the synchronization adjustment goes beyond the boundaries of these statistics, so we are limited by the mystery of this possibility.

If the 1C database is synchronized with another database, you will have access to the data exchange functionality, which most often works in automatic mode.

For any questions you need to set up synchronization and exchange of data between databases, you can contact our managers, who, as part of a cost-free consultation, will give feedback on all your requests.

1C Accounting has an even easier ability to exchange documents with banks. To strive for additional assistance in cultivating/wanting the data. By submitting the necessary bank documents, you collect them from the file, and then collect them from the banking system, and after processing the documents will be available in the banking system for verification and processing.

To use 1C 8.3 Accounting for documents to send to the bank, go to the list of documents and click the Send to bank button

Having selected the required period, enter the documents required for recovery, and then click File for recovery in the bank at the bottom of the screen:

In the window, select a location for retrieving the file. After this, you can import this file from the banking system.

Data extraction from 1C 8.3 Accounting for exchange with a bank

Finally, I would like to point out that 1C provides all the necessary tools for simple and quick extraction of data based on and saving it in the most advanced formats.

Run out of food? We will help you to quantify the data from 1C within the framework of a cost-free consultation!

The transfer of data about the increased salary to 1C on the 3.0 platform operates in the data synchronization mode between databases. This significantly stronger mechanism has been aligned with the previous developments from 1C Accounting in 1C ZUP and back.

How can I change the exchange of data between 1C 8.3 databases from ZUP 3.0 to Accounting 3.0 with more versions of 1C?

In versions lower than 1C 8.3, based on the form of salaries and personnel, the transfer to 1C Accounting was carried out through the same file. This file was carefully formed in the salary database, transferred to the next folder and then transferred to the main database for the accounting system.

The transition to platform 3.0 pleased accountants with a fundamentally new mechanism for transferring data from 1C 8.3 Accounting for 1C 8 ZUP and back. This mechanism allows you to exchange information between two databases with just one click of the mouse. This function is called synchronization of 1C ZUP 3.0 and 1C Business Accounting 3.0.

How to transfer data from 1C 8.3 Accounting to 1C 8.3 ZUP?

In earlier versions, for the correct display of transactions from the calculation of wages, the trace had to be taken from the base where the accounting activities of the enterprise are maintained, to the basis for the breakdown of wages. This vivantage included data with the layout of the racks, posting templates, subcontos of the racks that are being vivanted, etc.

This article is about how to transfer data from 1C Entrepreneurship 8.3 to 1C Salary 8.3, it’s not worth it - this exchange also takes place within the framework of synchronization.

Do you now need to transfer data from 1C ZUP 3.0 to 1C Accounting 3.0?

We have already written about those that, in this way, the vivantage of data does not work at all. It was replaced by synchronization of the conversion from 1C 8.3 ZUP to Accounting 3.0. More about her later.

To start data synchronization, find the “Administration” section in the menu, where you will find the required row.

If synchronization of data has not been previously performed, it is necessary to adjust it using the algorithm described in the next section. If the setup has already been completed, you can skip the next section.

Initial adjustment of database synchronization 1C 8.3 Accounting and ZUP 3.0

At the synchronization window, first of all, make sure the checkbox next to your account is ticked.

Click on the settings.

In the new window, find the “Adjust data synchronization” button at the very bottom and select the program with which you plan to exchange information. Our edition includes “Salaries and personnel management, edition 3.0.”

In the new window, set the date for the start of synchronization. Consider this, as you want to display the repair in the form - it is carried out with one wiring or broken down by different wires. Please note, the work of vivantage across all organizations and selectively is important for facists who operate several businesses from one base.

After this you can type “Record and close.” Now start synchronizing.

Pokrokov's instructions for vivantage of salary from ZUP 8.3.1 to 1C 8.3

To start the process, click “Synchronize” in the settings window, as described in the previous section.

A window will appear showing the synchronization process.

Once the process is complete, a window will appear that the synchronization has been successfully completed.

How to work out synchronization from 1C 8.3 ZUP to 1C 8.3 Accounting - how can you work synchronization with the salary base?

The program, however, will begin exchanging data when synchronization is launched both for the salary database and when launched in 1C Accounting. There is no difference in launching desynchronization. And there is also no need to duplicate actions in one or another program.

Is it possible to exchange data between 1C 8.3 databases from ZUP 3.1 to Accounting 3.0 in automatic mode?

1C distributors have introduced the ability to automatically synchronize. The regularity of these activities can be adjusted. About those how to earn it, it is clear from the current division.

How to adjust the synchronization of 1C 8.3 BP 3.0 and ZUP 3.0 behind the scenes?

To adjust the layout, go back to setting up synchronization.

Go to the Layout tab and click “Customize”.

In the window, there is a field “Automatically for layout”. I order you to press on the hyper-strength, which immediately informs the schedule for cleaning.

The program allows you to customize the most convenient layout - go to the tab that suits you best. You can adjust the proper synchronization at the singing hour. You can set the song to start automatically during the winter.

What problems occur when synchronizing data in 1C 8.3?

In some cases, the accountant needs to correct the document in the accounting database, and in the payroll database, leave the documents without changes. Chi navpaki. In this case, if the synchronization is complete, the program itself can make changes. How unique it is, we will tell the next division.

How can I transfer data from 1C 8.3 ZUP to 1C 8.3 Accounting 3.0?

In order to limit possible errors through the gradual change of data over past periods, you can separate the synchronization period. To set the date of collection of changes, check the appropriate field in the data synchronization window.

As soon as you put a tick in the box opposite the date of protection, the order will be sent for adjustment.

If you are synchronizing with multiple databases, then in the remaining tab you can set different dates for different databases.

How to extract data from 1C ZUP 8.3 to 1C Accounting 8.2 and what is possible?

The need to exchange data between such databases is rarely realized. Retailers are aware that the transition from 1C 8.2 to 1C 8.3 occurs simultaneously for all databases used by the enterprise. These are the reasons for the introduction of a mechanism for exchanging data on salary increases between 1C ZUP 8.3 and 1C Accounting 8.2. Alternatively, you can register an external processing for such an operation. The best way to cope is with regular programs.

The transfer of information between databases is one of the tasks of their support and administration. For effective visualization, routines are created in automated 1C complexes. It is important to ease the routine of the robot, speed up the processes of acquisition and acquisition of information and immediately implement control over its correctness. Vivantage from 1C in xml allows you to create a file instead of any object of the configured configuration, and change it, if necessary, to convert the data into an identical configuration.

Tools for creations

To export information that is located in databases, it is important to use the xml format. For 1C, there is a separate processing (for example, Task Vivantage xml82 epf), for which you can output files and capture data. In this case, the user is required to extract the song structure file, which allows you to capture the information that is saved in another database, or transfer it to another place. When creating vivantage, follow the following rules:

  • Save the created files until further updating and completion of procedures for verifying the correctness of the transferred information;
  • When using this tool as a backup tool, create copies of data outside of subfolders and keep a log of them for quick reference.

The program for supporting 1C users, as can be found on the website or ITS disks, is a wonderful way to export and import information. The user of the computer can use both the entire database and other objects, in which, in addition to exporting, various operations are carried out to verify information, which will help to obtain critical data clearances.

  • Vivantazhennya. I create a file that contains objects that are vivanted, that are designated as a correspondent;
  • This function reads the previously exported file and writes the information contained in the new file to the information base.

Processing allows you to check objects for unacceptable characters, and also includes the function of exporting information with boundaries.

Vivantage can be used as part of the exchange of information between 1C databases. With this help you can ensure the integration of various complexes, for example, 1C and the Parus system. The versatility of the XML format allows you to create programs for transferring information from almost any information bank. Processing and processing of data xml is the most important tool for exchanging information.

The process of data vivantagexml

Let's take a look at how to live with 1c in xml in the primary mode. After the acquisition of the VivantazhennyaDanikhxml.epf dataxml.epf and it is necessary to cancel the upcoming deadlines:

  • Select objects for export;
  • Adjust the necessary filters, for example, periodically;
  • This means that the file with information is deleted on the disk subsystem;
  • Start upgrading of objects.

It is necessary to remember that the header part of the file format is different from the file format that is changed when revising exchange plans.


The import of xml in 1c is carried out in the receiving database with a configuration identical to the receiving database. First of all, you need to open the processing in the base-receiver in 1c xml 1c. Then you need to enter the path to the previously imported file and start importing data by clicking on the “Enter data” button.

If necessary, proportions are activated to import data from the exchange mode in the distribution of the information base and ignore errors that occur when objects are imported.

After this, it is necessary to check the databases and re-convert to ensure that all the elements of attraction are correct, so as not to lose them, for example, as a result in the book after the acquisition of an object.

Robot modes

The processing of VivantazhennyaDataXML82 implements 2 modes of operation: Vivantazhenya (creating a vivantage file for the data entered by the user) and Zavantazhenya (reading a vivantazhenya file created by the same mode, and writing the data available to him). The mode can be set by selecting the Mode field.

Before starting this or any other mode (by pressing the Viconati button), you need to enter the name of the animation file either by entering it manually in the “File name” field, or by pressing the button for selecting the field and using the standard file selection dialog.

In the mode of attraction, it is possible to edit the variable number of bags during the recording of registers, which can affect the speed of attraction. The “Turn pouches on” and “Turn pouches off” buttons are available when the option “Enable the ability to edit vikoristan pouches when collecting data” is installed and can be used for manual editing using the vikoristan pouch mode This is the hour of data acquisition. ** Umovi zastosuvannya obrobki**

Processing can only be performed in these cases, if the information base in which the data was collected is the same (the configurations are identical, the data may differ), because all the objects that are being vantaged are practically identical to each other warehouse and types of details and table elements, the authorities of the “wired” metadata object, etc. Please note that in connection with the designated interconnections, the head processing is intended for exchange between similar IBs.

The format of the unvalidated file differs from the format of the file created during unvalidated exchange plan, the header part. To parse the data (auditor elements, sets of registry entries, etc.), the same XML serialization mechanism that parses exchange plans, in particular file formats, is used by vikory processing identical.

Vyznachennya warehouse vivantazhenya

Processing allows you to perform both external and frequent extraction of information base data from a file. Organizing the warehouse of data that can be visualized is carried out in a dialogue by installing proportions in the column of the tree, which displays metadata objects, data on which can be visualized. The additional column of proportions, “For needs”, establishes the need to attract objects of this type “for orders”. Therefore, since the proportion of the entries in the column “If necessary”, the data on such an object will not be highlighted, but only for the purpose that is necessary to maintain integrity in the information. This is the basis for the visualization file.

When the form is opened, the processing inserts a sign of relevance for all the submitted objects, which guarantees the integrity of the extracted fragment of the information base.

When you click on the button “Signify objects that are attracted to the submitted data”, the processing analyzes what data sent can be located in the objects that have the sign of further attraction set, and automatically fills the proportions column, o indicate the need to follow through on the orders. Since the object is already subject to the establishment of the ensign of full-time vivantage, the ensign of vivantage will not be established.

Possibly zastosuvannya

This process can be used, for example, to create a complete or partial backup copy of data, exchange data between information bases, and also as an additional tool for updating problematic information. Other bases.