Run the program without an administrator password. Run any program as administrator

Many programs require elevated rights when launched (the shield icon is next to the icon), but in fact, for their normal operation, administrator rights are not required (for example, you manually assigned the necessary rights to the users to the program directory ProgramFiles and registry folders, and use the program). Apparently, when you run such a program under a simple account manager, if cloud record control is enabled on your computer, a UAC prompt will appear and you will be prompted to enter the administrator password. To bypass this mechanism, you can simply enable UAC or grant administrator rights to the computer, adding it to the local administrators group. Of course, these methods are not safe.

As a first-time user, you may need administrator rights

Programs may need administrator rights to modify certain files (logs, etc.) in the folder in C:\Program Files (x86)\SomeApp). As a rule, users do not have rights to edit this directory, which means that such programs require administrator rights for normal operation. To solve this problem, you need to be an administrator on the NTFS level to manually assign the folder with the program the right to change/write for the user (or the Users group).

Note. In fact, the practice of saving data, which changes, is incorrect. It is better to save data from programs under the customer profile. This is all about food and the incompetence of the distributors.

Launching programs that have administrator rights as a primary account user

Previously, we have already described how it is possible to use the RunAsInvoker parameter. However, this method is not flexible enough. You can also quickly save the admin password /SAVECRED (also not secure). Let's take a look at the simplest way to launch any program without administrator rights (and without entering a password for the admin) with UAC enabled (4.3 or 2 levels).

For example, let’s take the registry editing utility - regedit.exe(It is located in C:\windows\system32). When you run regedit.exe, the UAC window appears and if you do not confirm the privilege, the Registry Editor does not start.

Create a file on your desktop run-as-non-admin.bat with the following text:

cmd /min /C "set __COMPAT_LAYER=RUNASINVOKER && start "" %1"

Now, to easily launch programs without administrator rights and use UAC, simply drag the required exe file onto the same bat file on your desktop.

After this, the registry editor is responsible for starting without the UAC prompt appearing. Open the process manager and go to the next step Elevated(With a higher level of permissions), you will see that in the system there is regedit.exe with an unimported status (runs with user rights).

Try editing any parameter in the HKLM file. If you want access to edit the registry in this file, it is blocked (this user does not have the right to write to the system registry entries). Alternatively, you can add and edit the keys to the government registry - HKCU.

In a similar way, you can launch a specific program through a bat file, just enter the path to the created file.


Set ApplicationPath="C:\Program Files\MyApp\testapp.exe"
cmd /min /C "set __COMPAT_LAYER=RUNASINVOKER && start "" %ApplicationPath%"

You can also add a context menu, which gives all programs the ability to run without elevation of rights. To create the current reg file, import it to the Registry.

Windows Registry Editor Version 5.00

@="cmd /min /C \"set __COMPAT_LAYER=RUNASINVOKER && start \"\" \"%1\"\""

Therefore, to launch any program without administrator rights, all you need to do is select the “” item from the context menu.

Change the __COMPAT_LAYER parameter to RunAsInvoker

The __COMPAT_LAYER variable allows you to set different levels of add-on capacity (tab Crazyness the authorities have the exe file). In addition, you can specify the volume settings required to start the program. For example, to run the program in volume mode with Windows 7 and a separate building 640x480, install:

set __COMPAT_LAYER=Win7RTM 640x480

With the __COMPAT_LAYER change option that is important to us, the available parameters are:

  • RunAsInvoker- launching programs with the privileges of the father's process without asking UAC.
  • RunAsHighest- launching programs with maximum rights available to the user (the UAC prompt indicates that the user has administrator rights).
  • RunAsAdmin- launching programs with administrator rights (AUC appears again).

Tobto. The RunAsInvoker parameter does not grant administrator rights and blocks the UAC window from appearing.


If the classic view of the “Start” menu is selected on your computer, go to the “Customer Panel” and open the “Administration” section. Otherwise, the “Administration” group is located in the “Friendly Icons” category of the Administration Panel.

Click on the “Computer Management” button and open the “Local Accounts and Groups” snap-in. In the “Im” list on the right side of the server console, open the “Koristuvach” folder. Right-click on the “Administrator” account entry and select “Authority” in the context menu. Select the sign opposite the item “Turn on cloud record.”

In the “” field, create an entry that does not match the computer’s login name that was installed when installing the operating system. Click “Confirm” and OK to confirm, restart your computer and log out under the new account.

The management console can be accessed in another way. Right-click on the “My Computer” icon, select the menu that appears, and select the “Manage” command. On the left side of the console, click on the “Local Account Groups” snap-in.

You can also turn on the “User Account Control” (UAC) function. At the section “Panels of the Keruvannya” open the university “Oblika records of koristuvachs”. Select the item “Change control parameters...” and move the button to the bottom position. The system is suitable for any individual as an administrator.

Another way. At the program launch window, enter secpol.msc and right-click to finish running the command. Select "Run as administrator". Open the “Local Policies” and “Security Settings” nodes.

In the list of policies you can find area entries: go to the Administrator account. Right-click on it, select the “Powerfulness” option and move the switch to the “Lower” position.

If you have Windows 7 Home Premium or Windows 7 Home Basic installed on your computer, select “Windows” from the “Start” menu and enter cmd. Right-click on the end of the command line and select the “Run as administrator” option.

Enter net user Administrator /active:yes. Confirm by pressing Enter and restart your computer. Log in using the administrator login.

The article is tied


  • how to change administrator on windows 7

The operating systems Windows Vista and Windows 7 close many folders due to viruses by sharing access rights to these folders. For example, the Program Files, Documents and Settings folders. In order for you to be able to delete unnecessary folders, files, or save your own things in them, you need to share them rights on the outside there is a vikoristannya.


Open “My” and select “Folder Powers...” from the “Service” menu. In the window, go to the “View” tab. We uncheck the box "Vikoristovat simple access to". We press “Ok”. Now the authorities of the folders will have an additional “Safety” tab.

We know the required file or . Click on the right mouse button and select “Power”. In the window, go to the “Security” tab. At the top part we have a lot of people who can use this file. Once you choose one of them, you will find a description of these rights at the bottom. Select your profile (usually “Administrator”; more precisely, you can add the name in the “Start” menu). Check the “allow” box next to “internal access” and click “Ok”.

Most often, check the box not to go out, there will be no stench from the fragments. In this case we need to press the “Addatkovo” button. Open outside the window. We are very respectful in advance, so let’s go to the “Vlasnik” tab. Select your profile and press “Get in touch”. A profile may appear in the “Potochny Vlasnik” row.

Let's go to the "Allowed" tab. Emboss two on your profile or “Administrator” in the middle part of the window. A new window will open where you can select rights. Check the “Allow” box next to the “Private access” row. Printed "OK".

Video on the topic

The problem of assigning administrator rights to a cloud account is typical for the Microsoft Windows 7 operating system, since the Administrator account with elevated rights is now disabled.


Log in to the system with the administrator account that is created when installing the OS, and select the context menu of the “Computer” desktop element by right-clicking to complete the operation of updating the created administrator account nistrator with advanced rights.

An alternative way to complete this procedure is to press the “Start” button to click the main menu of the system and go to the “Control Panel” item, then open the “Administration” and “Computer Care” nodes.

Select the “Keruvannya” item and go to the “Service programs” item on the left side of the console.

Select the section “Local Koristuvachs and Groups” and open the message “Koristuvach”.

Open your mouse click on the Administrator cloud account in the right area of ​​the directory of your computer console and uncheck the “Enable cloud account” field in the new dialog box of authorities.

Confirm the selected command by pressing the OK button and return to the main Start menu.

Enter the “Log off system” command and use the Administrator account to log in again.

Select the main menu from the “Start” button and go to “Control Panel”.

Select client account areas and select Administrator.

Select “Create a password” and enter the value.

This is the case ob'yazkovo may buti vikonana for updating the safety rules for working with a computer! Do not select the password protection option for the selected account, as all programs will be launched under the name of the computer administrator, which can lead to uncontrolled operation of the useless software.


  • Administrator account in Windows 7

The system administrator ensures the efficiency of the enterprise's computer equipment park, monitors the local monitoring system and updates other technical equipment. To achieve this goal, you need extensive knowledge in the field of computer technology and software.


Consider the different types of computer technology and the particularities of working with them. System Admiral, nasam -shots, to establish for the function of the All -Ikhkhuterev compani, the health of it is maintained by the service, and this is the instrument of the perishens: the printer, Kopiriv, fax Toshcho. It is your responsibility to take a good look at your computer storage unit and quickly note and identify the cause of the problem.

The system administrator is responsible for having a good understanding of the types of various measures and methods of their maintenance. Most often, the computers in the office are connected to each other by a local network, and access to the Internet is provided under an agreement with the provider. The administrator is responsible for maintaining the company’s servers and ensuring that data is saved, preventing viruses from infiltrating and causing malfunctions in the network.

Good luck, shanovnyi vidduvach. In today's article, I encourage you to look at the installation and configuration of servers and client stations from the very beginning, and the daily routine of a system administrator. And let us look at the launch of the new application under the name of administrator, let us see what the solution is and what causes it. The reason why administrators face this problem is simple, in our practice of IT outsourcing, we often face the situation if the program (especially from domestic vendors) is not oriented towards UAC, and why so , get programs from the distributors. Tested in the Hyper-V virtual environment on a virtual machine of a different generation running Windows 8.1.

Variety is

We look at three utilities:

RunAs - launches specific functions and programs with permissions that are different from those that provide streaming cloud recording. This utility is not third-party, it is included with the installed Windows OS. Improvement using the runas/ utility?

Tested using the installed utility msconfig.exe, which is used to log into Windows OS. This utility can only be launched from a cloud account, which has administrator rights.

UVAGA! The utility will be launched from the cloud account of the domain administrator. In reality, it is not recommended to do anything, but rather to create a separate cloud record for such moments.

Now, let’s try to quickly use the RunAs utility, for which we’ll launch the command line and write next

Please note that the password you enter will not be displayed.

After entering the password and cloud account name, the msconfig.exe window will open.

Now we can create a shortcut to run msconfig.exe under the cloud administrator account.

After successfully entering the password, msconfig.exe will start.

The question arises by itself, why should an administrator who knows the password for a cloud account have the rights of an administrator who can easily defy the authorities of the office?

And also, when starting a shortcut, the password will need to be entered immediately, which is not easy for a user, if you go to make your life easier by selecting the “/savecred” parameter, then you will create a huge hole in the security system.

Axle butt for creating a large hole:

If you want to make your life easier, let’s add the “/savecred” parameter

We launch the shortcut and enter the password; the first time you start the utility, you are prompted to enter the password.

Enter the password and say goodbye! When you restart the utility, you won’t be able to retrieve the password, or rather, now you won’t be able to retrieve it, and you’ll think, “Well, so what!” Let's try the shortcut authorities to change the utility, for example, to cmd.exe.

We are trying to launch that....

“Damn it! It’s a good idea to clear the arp cache.” I think that if you use “/savecred” as a vikorist, you probably don’t know what the arp cache is and that clearing it requires administrator rights.

The ExecAs utility is intended for launching any programs with rights that are subordinate to the rights of the current account manager. You can use the Locker program with administrator rights for a shared cloud account. This allows operators to block access to database files from Locker programs and from launching any unnecessary Locker programs.

ExecAs is a very simple utility that students can use.

Positive rice is simplicity.

The downside is the presence of work with domain cloud records.

Now, after creating a local account with shared rights and a cloud account with administrator rights, run ExecAs.

When you launch the program for the first time, you are prompted to enter your account name and password, as well as indicate the directions to the program you need to launch. Run cmd.exe as local administrator. Please note that the vehicle record is entered without the vehicle name. To add a program, click on the folder icon located at the end of the “Program” row.

Press “Record”. Our program will be number 1.

ExecAs is closed and restarted.

As a matter of fact, cmd.exe started immediately when ExecAs started. On the right, if you have one program in the list of programs that are launched in ExecAs, then this program will be launched immediately, which is good, but what if, for example, you have more than one program?

Open cmd, go to the directory with the ExecAs program, and launch it with the parameter below

Now we can add one more program, for example a calculator

Now if we close and open ExecAs, we will certainly see something else that cannot happen. For this purpose, the NN parameter is the number of the program to be launched.

We create two shortcuts, one for launching cmd, the other for the calculator.

We launch offensive shortcuts

Don’t forget about the program number, which can be changed when adding programs that are launched, and which can be added to the list of programs that are launched.


AdmiLink is a utility, with the help of which the Administrator can create a shortcut that allows users with shared rights to run a specific (without the possibility of substitution!) program with Administrator rights (or any other user) without interactive) password entry.

Typical AdmiLink applications include the administration of stolen systems, in which the system operates mainly under its own cloud account, and in addition, the Administrator runs functions under Administrator by the installer, without knowing your password and without the ability to launch other unauthorized programs.

Another typical application is the AdmiLink wiki for launching potentially insecure programs, for example, a Web browser, with reduced rights without entering a password. So, to prevent your machine from being infected with a virus, you can run a Web browser under the cloud account of the associated merchant, which sharply reduces the risk of system corruption. To avoid entering the password of the registered user, you can create a shortcut on the Work Table to launch the Web browser under the registered user.

How AdmiLink works

The package includes two programs: AdmiRun and AdmiLink.

AdmiRun is a simple console job that has only one thing – run other programs as Administrator (or any other account manager). During installation, AdmiRun is copied to the Windows directory so that it is available in any directory. AdmiRun can be used both in batch mode (in command files) and for interactive launch of programs (via a shortcut on the desktop). You can change the Wiklika format by typing AdmiRun/? Obviously, to run a program as Administrator, you need to know the password. On the other hand, due to security standards, it is not possible to transmit the password openly, otherwise the entire system will lose the sensor. The output is related to the transfer of an encrypted account record (account record = account + domain + password). The AdmiRun cloud record is demonstratively removed openly through the command line, but nothing can be understood from it - the cloud record is transferred as an encryption key. The key binds to a specific file, without which AdmiRun simply cannot decrypt the file record. Therefore, if a user tries to launch another program with the same key, he will fail. Moreover, to make life more fun for hackers, the keys are generated from random numbers and are never repeated.

Also, after installing AdmiLink, when installing, please select the checkbox to create all shortcuts and run the utility only from the directory where it was installed, launch AdmiLink.

1) In the field “Set the name of the created file with a program to download”, you can click on the floppy disk icon. For our VIP, you will have cmd.exe

2) The field “Set a command line for the file to be added” is left empty.

This product is not necessarily flexible, as the parameters are different. In addition, be aware that you can link the encryption of the cloud record to the command row, so that it is not possible to revoke the administrator's rights by changing the parameters of the command row in the shortcut.
For example, use the shortcut c:\windows\system32\control.exe timedate.cpl to correct the system time, do not forget to link the encryption to the command row, otherwise, after editing the shortcut, you can run, for example, c:\windows\system32\ control. exe nusrmgr.cpl and deny access to managing accounts, which is really bad.

3) The field “Set the starting directory of the program that starts...” will be filled in automatically

4) Set the program window display mode.

  • SHOW - launch the program on the screen. Primary mode of interactive programs.
  • HIDE – launch a program that is not visible on the screen. This is a mode of service programs that run in the background.

Go to the “Accout” tab

5) In the “Domain name” field, indicate the NetBios name or external domain name, in our test.lan section.

6) In the field "Name of the owner" you can enter Administrator or press "..." to select a business record.

7) Enter the password for confirmation and embossed “Testuvati”.

Let's press the key. If the notification “Account is good to use” appears, it means all is well and we are moving on.

8) Click “Generate a key to launch AdmiRun”, without this key the program will not launch.

9) Go to the “Link” tab and set a name for the shortcut

10) Set the directory, and do not forget about the directory entry under which AdmiLink is running

11) Set the file and index of the image for the shortcut. Enable this field to be filled in automatically. As a rule, the image is taken from the program file, which is added to the index 0.

12) We are pressing “Generate command row” and some very charming gobbledygook

13) Embossed “Create a label at once”

After clicking “Create a shortcut now,” the shortcut is created and all fields are cleared.

Let's launch the shortcut

Let's try to change the program that starts at the authorities of the shortcut, for example, to a calculator

Let's try to launch the shortcut

Please note that binding to MAC, IP and command line was not carried out.

Until then. Don’t forget that while running the program with administrator rights, you can open the “File” tab as a matter of course and work with the OS at all times. There are already security problems with the OS, so be careful.

Usi, people, peace to you!

Barack Adama Wednesday 23rd 2011 at 06:54 pm

Running programs with administrator rights and without showing any notification when UAC is enabled (Windows 7)

Inspired by the article Setting up UAC in Windows 7. After reading the comments, I wanted to describe here the possibility of running a trusted program with administrator rights specified by UAC. This technology is a very good product of the Microsoft company to protect the user's computer, but the user may often be exposed to unsigned programs that he trusts, which can lead to permanent notification of the UAC system and further irritation of the system. uvacha. How to run programs with administrator rights and without seeing the UAC notification, I will look at the FAR Manager application, which is less necessary for work.
Well, to get started, you need to go to the planner
"Start - All Programs - Accessories - System Tools - Task Scheduler"
and “Create task”. In the window, set “Name” (for example, FAR) and set the priority on the option “Run with highest privileges”.
Next, go to the “Actions” tab and press the “New” button to customize the programs that are launched.
In the “Program or script” field (Program/script) next to the “Browse” button, you can select the place to delete the file you need to run, and press the “Open” button. Then press the two OK buttons.

Thus, we have a task with high privileges to run as an administrator. Now you need to create a shortcut to start this project.

Create a shortcut on the desktop and enter schtasks /run /tn FAR in the “Rolling Object” field (if the name of the task was in many words separated by spaces, it is necessary to enter the name in the shortcut ati in “podviyny paws” ). Press “Next”, specify the name of the shortcut (especially to avoid the name of the program) and press the OK button. Then you can go to the authorities of this shortcut and find your icon under the programs. The disadvantage of this method is that this method can only run one copy of the program. To make two copies, you will need to register another item in the planner with different names, and then use the same system to create a new shortcut.

Tags: Windows 7, UAC, Task scheduler, launching programs

To install the software, you must have administrator rights. In addition, the administrator himself can arrange for the installation of various software. If you need to cancel the installation, but there is no permission for it, you can speed up the installation using simple methods described below.

The Internet has a transparent software that allows you to bypass protection and terminate the installation of programs under the supervision of a regular customer service provider. We do not recommend using them, especially on work computers, as this could cause serious consequences. We can imagine safer installation methods. Let's take a look at their report.

Method 1: Granting rights to a folder from the program

Most often, software administrator rights are needed when operations are carried out with files on your computer, for example, on the system partition of the hard drive. Vlasnik can grant new rights to other users on the folder's songs, which will allow further installation under the login of a simple user. Try it like this:

Now, before installing the program, you need to indicate the folder to which you have been granted new access, and the whole process can be completed successfully.

Method 2: Launching programs from the cloud record of the emergency account

In these situations, if you are unable to ask the administrator to grant access rights, it is recommended that Windows implement solutions quickly. For additional utilities, all actions are carried out through the command row. You only need to follow the instructions:

Method 3: Get a portable version of the program

The software has a portable version and does not require installation. All you have to do is download it from the official website of the retailer and launch it. Viconati can be done very simply:

You can transfer the software file to any important device for storing information and run it on different computers without administrator rights.

Today we looked at a number of simple ways to install and install various programs without administrator rights. All the smells are not folded, but they will require a viconn of singing actions. It is recommended to install the software by simply logging into the system using the administrator account, if this is available. Read the report about this in our article below.