On VKontakte, know people without registration by name. New search service Yandex.People

service sound system Yandex will inevitably be fully developed and one of the great useful and practical developments can be taken into account by Yandex People Search people.

It allows the profiles of various people in social networks to be found without any obligation.

For which you do not need to register and fill in any minimal data - the service operates as a basic search engine. Registration may only be necessary if you decide to write to someone you know.

What is important is that the service groups all the results found for a given query. This, in turn, allows you to adapt to your own standards and choose, through a social measure, to begin spilkuvaniya.

Also, the clear advantages of this development include the creators’ concerns about data confidentiality. They, not afraid to cross special boundaries, adhered to the advancing rules:

  • I'm in tune social measures If a person decided to become invisible to the sound system, then so be it. Information about him will not be displayed.
  • As a result, the information that is available to unregistered clients is not displayed.
  • Only those stories that are clearly connected to each other are grouped together. I would like for one of them to be guilty of direct messages to others and only then they become attached to the joke.
  • Information about merchants is not saved, but rather displayed as a result of a search.

This approach allows you not only to use the Yandex Google service as a unique system, but also to be able to notice your own data as a result of the search.

From now on, you can take a look at how your particular Internet account is used by other clients and how to maintain it.

What's wrong, is your account invisible?

Special Yandex robots process queries and display on the screen everything that can be found in all available social networks.

However, there is a lot of information and in order to see the results, you only need to do a little bit of research. It is also true that recently registered pages will appear more complex.

Ale yakscho vi zhe long time ago keep your profile and quickly analyze it, if not so, then the shortest option you will turn to the support service.

To address your problem, you need to enter contact information, formulate nutrition, and if necessary, you can take a screenshot that clearly demonstrates the problem. We will contact you as soon as possible and assist you promptly.

How to vikoristovati service

To begin with, you just need to quickly navigate through Yandex, opening whatever it is manually. Afterwards, you need to select the “People” tab, where the analysis is carried out.

Then you can select various parameters: life, residence, work and occupation. You can do without them by simply entering the name of the person you are searching for. However, there are no namesakes on the Internet, and in order to shorten their number, it is better to show everything to you.

Regain respect: A look at the koristuvachs during the ban can be achieved only after one observable social measure. It’s easy, since you clearly know that people are searching for registrations there, if you don’t sing, then it’s better to take a closer look.

Yandex People can be easily found I need a man in these services:

And if you leave the column empty, you will see all the other profiles, grouping them into a single list for one person.


The data are grouped in two categories:

  • As if the offending stories are being sent one-on-one.
  • As on one of them there is a message on the other and it must be verified so that it is confirmed by entering a password.

In case of these types of failures, you will successfully see all your pages, but if nothing happens, there are a number of solutions. If you don’t like to tinker with your profile settings and have an account in Yandex, you can safely use this linking service quickly.

Important! If you ask the service for information about connections between profiles (you will receive information from the drain window), please allow it, otherwise all efforts will be in vain.

Speaking about other measures, if you are running a page in My Koli, you can add a message using the additional function “I’m on other sites.” Those who profit from Odnoklassniki, unfortunately, do not have such a service, only Yandex.Passport can do this.

Those who are registered in LiveJournal will find solutions to this nutrition in the section “Ways to connect”.

For residents of VKontakte, there are basically two options: Contacts - Specify a special site, Contacts - Integration.

How to add your profile

Rich people are not entitled to those whose data is visible and can be easily retrieved through the system.

Here you have the opportunity to allow access to data only to those people whom you yourself have chosen. Here, this option may not be available and you can either make the page visible, or add it, or immediately leave it.

Rich borders have the ability to separate the robots themselves. And now in more detail about the skin of them:

In contact with After selecting privacy settings, select the column “Who can see my page on the Internet” and select the item “Everyone except search sites.”
Facebook All changes here are made in the Privacy Settings, where you can see a whole section “What do you hope for the sound services to send messages to your special Timeline?” To leave them, you need to be relieved of your rank of ensign.
Classmates Go to Publicity Settings, and after the entry “Get Employed” hidden side for systems, search »type «nі».
My Circle The adjustments have only two options - visible to everyone and visible only to the members of My Circle. Choose a friend.
Live Magazine In the middle of your search, select “Minimize wasted journals in the search system,” tick your choice.
Twitter This social dimension is free of such possibility. It also has the function of deactivating a profile after an account is closed.
GooglePlus In the middle of Settings for privacy you need to go to “Edit visibility on profile” and enable the necessary items.

Yandex.Passport to My Kolya

save what you see there.


PSI program

Search team

knew each other

Every day Yandex searches ask millions of queries about friends and acquaintances. About real people, not about celebrities. And when you see ordinary people on the Internet, the mystery is not so trivial.

To make it easier for the koristuvachs to prank one another, Yandex launched a new look - people.

You can group profiles in a number of ways: put mutual messages on your pages, indicate linked profiles in Yandex.Passport, send to your other connections from your profile in My Koli. For example, if you choose to group profiles behind your Passport, be sure to explicitly allow the search engine to accept the information you enter. Before speaking, not only registered Yandex clients, but also members of popular social networks can quickly use the Passport.

Yandex does not contain vikoryst information, which is not contained in private access. We simply manually structure the one that is hidden.

To find out what you look like in the search results, search for yourself in Yandex. If necessary, you can easily adjust what is presented there.

If you don’t want Yandex to merge your profiles, here are the instructions in the report.

Searching for people is Yandex's number one project in the wake of today's PSI program - searching on the social Internet.

Search team

knew each other

"," ContentType ":" text / html ")," proposedBody ":(" source ":"

Every day Yandex searches ask millions of queries about friends and acquaintances. About real people, not about celebrities. And when you see ordinary people on the Internet, the mystery is not so trivial.

To make it easier for the koristuvachs to prank one another, Yandex launched a new look - people.

You can group profiles in a number of ways: put mutual messages on your pages, indicate linked profiles in Yandex.Passport, send to your other connections from your profile in My Koli. For example, if you choose to group profiles behind your Passport, be sure to explicitly allow the search engine to accept the information you enter. Before speaking, not only registered Yandex clients, but also members of popular social networks can quickly use the Passport.

Yandex does not store copyright information, which is not publicly accessible. We simply manually structure the one that is hidden.

To find out what you look like in the search results, search for yourself in Yandex. If necessary, you can easily adjust what is presented there.

If you don’t want Yandex to merge your profiles, here are the instructions in the report.

Searching for people is Yandex's number one project in the wake of today's PSI program - searching on the social Internet.

Search team

knew each other

Every day Yandex searches ask millions of queries about friends and acquaintances. About real people, not about celebrities. And when you see ordinary people on the Internet, the mystery is not so trivial.

To make it easier for the koristuvachs to prank one another, Yandex launched a new look - people.

You can group profiles in a number of ways: put mutual messages on your pages, indicate linked profiles in Yandex.Passport, send to your other connections from your profile in My Koli. For example, if you choose to group profiles behind your Passport, be sure to explicitly allow the search engine to accept the information you enter. Before speaking, not only registered Yandex clients, but also members of popular social networks can quickly use the Passport.

Yandex does not store copyright information, which is not publicly accessible. We simply manually structure the one that is hidden.

To find out what you look like in the search results, search for yourself in Yandex. If necessary, you can easily adjust what is presented there.

If you don’t want Yandex to merge your profiles, here are the instructions in the report.

Searching for people is Yandex's number one project in the wake of today's PSI program - searching on the social Internet.

Search team

knew each other

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Search people

Every day Yandex searches ask millions of queries about friends and acquaintances. About real people, not about celebrities. And when you see ordinary people on the Internet, the mystery is not so trivial.

To make it easier for the koristuvachs to prank one another, Yandex launched a new look - people.

You can group profiles in a number of ways: put mutual messages on your pages, indicate linked profiles in, send to your other connections from your profile in My Koli. For example, if you choose to group profiles behind your Passport, be sure to explicitly allow the search engine to accept the information you enter. Before speaking, not only registered Yandex clients, but also members of popular social networks can quickly use the Passport.

Yandex does not store copyright information, which is not publicly accessible. We simply manually structure the one that is hidden.

To find out what you look like in the search results, search for yourself in Yandex. If necessary, you can easily do what is presented there.

If you don’t want Yandex to merge your profiles, that’s the report.

Searching for people is Yandex's number one project in the wake of today's PSI program - searching on the social Internet.

Search team

knew each other

The Yandex search system service will inevitably be improved and one of the great useful and practical developments can be used by Yandex search people.

It allows the profiles of various persons to be found without any obligation.

For which you do not need to register and fill in any minimal data - the service operates as a basic search engine. Registration may only be necessary if you decide to write to someone you know.


What is important is that the service groups all the results found for a given query. This, in turn, allows you to adapt to your own standards and choose, through a social measure, to begin spilkuvaniya.

Also, the clear advantages of this development include the creators’ concerns about data confidentiality. They, not afraid to cross special boundaries, adhered to the advancing rules:

  • If, in the adjusted social environment, people are willing to become invisible to the sound system, then so be it. Information about him will not be displayed.
  • As a result, the information that is available to unregistered clients is not displayed.
  • Only those stories that are clearly connected to each other are grouped together. I would like for one of them to be guilty of a direct message to other and only other stinks.
  • Information about merchants is not saved, but rather displayed as a result of a search.

This approach allows you not only to use the Yandex Google service as a unique system, but also to be able to notice your own data as a result of the search.

From now on, you can take a look at how your particular Internet account is used by other clients and how to maintain it.

What's wrong, is your account invisible?

Special robots process queries and display on the screen everything that can be found on all available social networks.

However, there is a lot of information and in order to see the results, you only need to do a little bit of research. It is also true that recently registered pages will appear more complex.

If you have been maintaining your profile for a long time and having completed a quick analysis, if not, then the best option would be to turn to the support service.

In order for your problem to be taken care of, you should enter contact information, formulate nutrition, and also, if necessary, you can engage, clearly demonstrating the problem. We will contact you as soon as possible and assist you promptly.

How to vikoristovati service

To get started, you just need to quickly access Yandex, opening it in some manual way. Afterwards, you need to select the “People” tab, where the analysis is carried out.

Then you can select various parameters: life, residence, work and occupation. You can do without them by simply entering the name of the person you are searching for. However, on the Internet, in order to make their number shorter, it is better to show everything to you.

Regain respect: A look at the koristuvachs during the ban can be achieved only after one observable social measure. It’s easy, since you clearly know that people are searching for registrations there, if you don’t sing, then it’s better to take a closer look.

Yandex People can easily find people you need in these services:

And if you leave the column empty, you will see all the other profiles, grouping them into a single list for one person.


The data are grouped in two categories:

  • As if the offending stories are being sent one-on-one.
  • As on one of them there is a message on the other and it must be verified so that it is confirmed by entering a password.

In case of these types of failures, you will successfully see all your pages, but if nothing happens, there are a number of solutions. If you don’t like to tinker with your profile settings and have an account in Yandex, you can safely use this linking service quickly.

Important! If you ask the service for information about connections between profiles (you will receive information from the drain window), please allow it, otherwise all efforts will be in vain.

Speaking about borders, if you run a page in My Koli, you can add a message for an additional function “I’m on other sites”. Those who profit from Odnoklassniki, unfortunately, do not have such a service, only Yandex.Passport can do this.

Those who are registered in LiveJournal will find solutions to this nutrition in the section “Ways to connect”.

For tourists, in turn, there are two options: Contacts - Specify a special site, Contacts - Integration.

Sound systems will now aim to provide more functionality to the system and ensure a shorter search for information, Yandex People created to find people outside the same social boundary. All functions can be identified by a person either immediately in several social contexts, or by the one in charge of active living. With special efforts and diligence, it is not necessary to enter data, or rather unique ones, about the person, but in general everything works out just fine. So, in order to discover people’s profiles, you don’t need to register with all services, but you will have to work for listing.

Principles of Yandex People robots

It’s great that Yandex People’s searches for people in social networks are carried out with further grouping of results, which makes it easier to find the information you need. Also, if you have identified several pages in social networks, you can choose the one that will be the best for you to interact with people. So, as Yandex People can impose confidentiality codes on customer service providers, they were encouraged to transfer private information.

To ensure confidentiality, the service adheres to the following rules:

  1. Social media gives you the ability to disable your page from views, which you must inform about in your profile settings. In this case, Yandex will not include the side page in the view;
  2. Grouping of results is only possible on the basis of an explicit link. Then the sides will be connected only when they are located on one of the profiles of direct sending to another border;
  3. Search results allow you to view only information that is available without registration in the services;
  4. The collection of information about people is not generated, it is only displayed as a result of a search.

The information that is displayed about a person is the same for all traders, so you can enter your data and see what other people are posting. On this page you can manage a large amount of secretly accessible information.