In every folder there are images for renewal. WindowsImageBackup What is this folder? Update for additional installation disk

Who on Windows systems is not in a situation where the “operation” fails and needs to be updated? What is important is that most uninitiated users rely on the automated tools of Windows; such actions often result only to the point that when critical errors and failures occur, the system simply reports that the computer cannot be restored axle In fact, updating the computer from an image created by the OS or with the help of third-party programs seems more advantageous, since it allows you to bring the system into working order in a short period of time and with a hundred hundred dollar guarantee (as like the outer world nos, on which image was previously recorded , chi not poshkodzheniy). Important disks and USB storage devices need to be protected from time to time.

In some cases, you can save the backup copy directly in a logical partition of another disk that is included in the RAID array (as its updates are not transferred in the future), or, if it is possible, at least We restrict hidden access to another computer.

Why is it necessary to create an image of the system?

First of all, let’s start looking at the updated computer from the Windows image, briefly talking about why you need to make such copies and how everything works. When an image file is created that has the VHD extension (like virtual disk files), for example, for partitioning with an installed operating system, absolutely all system objects of both the operating system itself and program installations are copied into it , and is intended for data collection. Following the standard procedure from the obtained Windows tools, the file is automatically copied to the same physical disk as the original hard disk. It exists (then it can be copied somewhere else).

When a new computer is launched in the image, in the section for which this procedure is completed, everything is rewritten instead of formatted, as a result of which absolutely all files and directories (as a rule) are replaced with those that were saved and in the image. It is not important to guess that as a result, the koristuvach will take away the original system in the same form as it was before the appearance of failures or indiscriminate cuts.

How to create an image of one or several sections?

Now a few words about how to prepare before upgrading your computer. It goes without saying that this image needs to be created in advance by selecting the section for which such operations may be necessary. All Windows modifications for this purpose in the “Control Panel” have a special section for archiving (backup) and updating, in which the created image is selected.

After the procedure is completed, the location for saving the image is specified, the partition is archived, and the main procedure is started. Please note that when choosing to carry DVD discs, you may need a lot of them. It is best to save the image either on an external HDD or in Merezhi.

Note: Sometimes you can quickly select the archiving settings item, and then tell the system on which disk the backup copies will be saved.

Updating a computer with a Windows 7 image: standard option to start the process

Well, we assume that it is the image of creation. Now you can proceed directly to the procedure for updating the computer with the image, as needed. On the current system, for which in Windows 7, you will need to select the section below to select the update of system parameters and advanced update methods.

After this, the selection before the created image is indicated, and the archiving point is skipped. At the last stage, the restart of the computer is confirmed. Select, then select the main layout, login, and enter the access password for installation. When a window with update parameters appears, the item for updating the image is selected, and then the remaining available method is searched.

After completing all the previous steps, you will only have to confirm the operation (you can skip setting up additional parameters such as disk drives, re-partitioning, or installing drivers).

Updating your computer with a system image if you cannot install Windows

Now it’s time to take a look at the situation, if there are any irreversible failures in the system, and the image of future creations and savings on a significant scale.

In this case, you first need to go to a special start menu, which you can access in Windows 7 and press the F8 key, select the troubleshooting item and go through this procedure.

You can do it even simpler by setting the emergency device in the BIOS / UEFI settings in the first place to start. Such steps are no longer necessary for upgrading your computer to Windows 8 or higher. In the process, the layout and image file are selected in the same way, after which the update is confirmed. If the required file is saved in a logical partition, and if you do not know how to update it yourself, you must indicate its place of retrieval. Specify the WindowsImageBackup directory.

Windows 10: update procedure

Updating your computer with a Windows 10 image can be carried out using the following steps.

Otherwise, during self-activation, the process in the current system will have to select the item for special options (to get to the start menu, since the F8 key will not click when activated), and then select creations earlier image.

Start automatic update by selecting a method

It is often possible to resolve the situation if you initially rely on the automatic roll-out of the system to the front line, and after completing all actions, a message appears on the screen about those that the computer does not start ect, but they didn’t manage to update the system. Launching auto-saving depends on turning off the computer or laptop three times and turning it on again and interrupting the mode. The fourth time the roller starts.

However, when the designated notification appears, many people do not pay attention to the fact that there is a button for additional parameters in the window. You need to press it, and then, as with all front drops, select the corresponding point from the previous created image.

How to vikorize the image file, retouching it in hemstone sharpening?

Let's face it, upgrading your computer in a hemstone-sharpened image can be done just as easily. Initially, the file itself can be saved on the hard drive of another terminal, but for the folder itself with the image (images) you will need to set up secret access, and you can also find the computer terminal itself in Merezhi (for example, with a drone-free connection). It may take a little longer to update the computer from the image at the edge, which is due to certain restrictions on the speed of the edge connection itself, which is indicated on the copied data. All of their actions are practically in no way different from what was presented above.

Note: since there are a number of images in the catalogue, when choosing an output file, be especially careful, since your system can be replaced by someone else’s with unnecessary programs installed in it and files used for corrupt applications.

Frequent file updates

If you change the images only, your actions will not be interfered with, and you may not even need to update the operating system, and you may only need to rotate the files after processing or corrupting them. In such a situation, the image file can be viewed as the primary virtual hard disk. For the TSO, to finish the vicclicati management by the comp'yuter through the PKM on the computer icon (in Windows 10, it is known unproted to the “Providnik”, and not on the “timid table”, Piro chogo scorch the click of the Robotha. Viconati" by the diskmgmt.msc team.

Next, in the “Action” menu, select connecting a virtual hard disk and specify the path to the file with the VHD extensions (the same previously created image). After this, you just need to select the searched file and press the open button. The disk will appear in “Explorer”, and from it you can copy the required information, as if it were a logical partition.

Shortcomings of the standard method

Unfortunately, the standard method for wealthy wealthy people does not seem to inspire confidence, as there are a number of significant shortcomings. The main point is that it is not possible to set up automatic archiving with historical data in most countries (for which additional utilities may be needed). And with this approach, in relation to the most systemic or logical partition, the backup copy can take up a lot of space. For example, if the size of the system partition with the “ten” is 235 GB and the space taken up is equal to 80 GB, 164 GB are needed for the creation of the image. Here, there is only a slight difference in the appearance of a USB-HDD, since no flash drive can accommodate such data. And I’m not talking about optical noses. Do you realize how many disks (even two-ball ones) you need, without even spending hours on copying files?

Third party software products

While there are specialized programs from third-party vendors, the True Image utility in Acronis seems the most relevant. It is much easier to create an image than the standard Windows tools.

The yak is to the same, the same “fіshk” by the signs of the direct zbereznyna of the image in the cramped servisi acronis, I wanted Bagato hto, the Daniyes є will actually just take the cesnials. However, saving the image on a remote server is not the simplest or safest solution, especially since there will be important confidential information in the image file. Naturally, in the program you can set up automatic archiving and later create a valuable tool for updating. And the axis is already a clear plus.


This is short and everything that the computer has to do with the previous created image. The main focus of investment is inclusively on the components and tools of Windows systems, and rich traders may simply not have any special add-ons from third-party vendors at hand. And in such a situation, the withdrawal can be achieved with a high probability of successful system update.

The previous article provides information about those... Now let's take a look at the turning point process, and then - Windows 7 and 8.1 update before created backup image.

The procedure for unraveling the image of the operating system backup'A is simple, does not show any advanced knowledge. The time for renewal lies in the technical characteristics of the equipment and the image of the system. For this reason, get Windows 7 / 8.1. After the OS installation wizard appears, click on “System Update”:

You can now connect an external disk (if it has not been backed up before), where our backup is saved in the form of .xml and .vhdx files. Now everything is ready to launch the upgrade of your operating system.

Ready! Operating system update procedure Windows 8.1 launched in the image. To be consecrated in a similar manner renovationі Windows 7.

Thus, the OS family Microsoft Windows Allows you to use standard (regular) methods to externally backup and update operating systems from previously saving images from external or third-party media. In this way, all information from designated sections will be saved/updated (Windows files, desktop and Modern add-ons, user profiles, PC settings, personalization).

Good afternoon!

This instruction is about how to update Windows (7, 8, 10) from a previously created system image.

If you need to create an image of the Windows system, go to stat:

Updating the Windows system image

Go to the section "Search and troubleshooting".

3. Now go to the “Updating the system image” section:

4. After your computer is re-enabled, you will need to log in to your Windows account:

5. There is a new window - "Select a system method for updating." Insert the DVD disc or flash drive (flash drive), Windows itself will find the remaining image. If something goes wrong, I’ll make the selection manually.

6. Now you can select additional parameters for updating the image. If you check the “Format and partition disks” checkbox, then all data on your computer or laptop will be deleted. Do not check this box if you only see the C:\ drive.

7. At the final window, click the “Done” button, after which the image update process will begin. To restore your respect, the process will be canceled or it will no longer be possible:

During the update process, your computer may restart several times. In addition, the process itself can take anywhere from 10 minutes to several years, so be prepared to pay attention.

If the process is interrupted or ends happily, you can repeat it, or use another Windows image.

Mar 3 2015

How to update the Windows 7 system on a laptop, when I click on it, a black screen appears, the update does not work, I have seen everything, there is no original disk with Windows 7.

Having spent a lot of time, show me what to do now, because if you want to insure yourself against such situations in the future, you need to use paid programs to back up your data.

How to update Windows 7 system

The reasons for this inacceptability, unfortunately, begin with incorrectly written drivers, harmful to viruses, file system corruptions and ending with our forgiving actions when working with a computer, there is no need to be afraid of such problems, you need to learn how to deal with them but fight.

Let's think about how to update the Windows 7 system, and we will insure ourselves in the future against possible inconsistencies with the help of the backup and update features introduced into the operating system.

We are sure to update Windows 7 without installing third-party programs, so make sure to create a backup copy unless you want to change the System update parameters and the F-8 button to appear blank.

I have in my arsenal a fairly powerful and good tool -> An update that is created automatically when installing Windows 7 in the included section and contains five other tools with the greatest number of malfunctions and problems.

Note: If you learn how to properly update Windows 7, but it’s not difficult, you can do without costless or paid data backup programs.

You can launch the update by pressing the F-8 button on the keyboard immediately after starting the computer. After this, you will see the Additional options menu: Troubleshoot your computer, then Safe Mode, Safe Mode with Monitoring, etc.

Small access: First, select the Refresh computer command, try the simpler option - Remaining configuration - in simple words, the operating system will always remember the remaining configuration of the computer and enter this information into the registry.

In case of problems with configurations, Windows can recognize the registry settings and configure the drivers that were used when the system was left uninstalled and configure them if you select the item - Remaining configuration.

If you can’t help us, we’ll choose first -> Troubleshoot your computer,

Next, go to the Windows 7 System Update Settings menu, that’s what we need, here we can select the system update we need, there are five of them, let’s take a detailed look at how they all work.

The first thing you do is fix startup problems (Automatically fix problems that affect Windows startup).

Required access: After pressing the F-8 button while the computer is on, you may not be able to select the item> Troubleshooting the computer, and even Safe Mode and so on, the problem is the power supply.

When installing Windows 7, the update middle partition is created automatically and is located in the root of the disk (C:) in the Recovery folder. This is how you can do it in the Disk Management window - the second partition of the hard drive, with a total of 100 MB, is used to save files in the backup configuration (BCD) and backup system (bootmgr file).

You can access it under Computer>Management->Disk Management. It is not possible to delete this section at any time (a lot of it can be seen through ignorance), otherwise you will not be able to start the middle update, so you will not be able to troubleshoot computer malfunctions, and in more important situations you simply will not be interested system.

On the bottom screen you can see another partition, totaling 9.02 GB, if you update the partition to the factory settings of your laptop, you may have more or less. It’s better not to delete it, but if necessary, you can always update Windows 7 from the new one.

Why can’t you work with the update middle section and when you press the F-8 button in the Additional options menu, the Refresh computer command does not appear? How can I update my Windows 7 system?

Here you can turn in the installation disk with the Windows 7 operating system. You can start the update process by downloading from the original Windows 7 installation disk by selecting the System Update option at the very beginning.

If you don’t have the installation disk, you can purchase the Windows 7 Update Disk (you can prepare it in any Windows 7) for five bucks, then you can download it yourself and download the same.

Even in the System Update Options, we still lost, either the additional F-8 button and the Troubleshooting item, or the Windows 7 installation disk or the Windows 7 update disk.

In the Select System Update Features menu, select first:

launch update-> there will be an analysis of faults in the normal operation of Windows 7 and further corrections for the normal operation and functioning of the operating system.

In the process, we may be ahead of ourselves if problems are identified in the browser settings, we are pressed to Fix and restart.

System upgrade-> for this additional function, we can select a previously created system update point, if we have it turned on, and go back to the hour when our Windows 7 worked perfectly and was attractive, everything is simple here.

Updating the image of the system-> I especially use this tool; if you carefully use it, you can replace it with paid programs to create a backup copy of the data, as you can read below.

Why is wine good? This will help if you do not have the original disk with Windows 7 and you have reset the partition from the factory settings of your laptop, but that’s not all.

Sometimes there are situations when, for various reasons or due to a virus, you will not be able to invade the operating system or power source. How to update the Windows 7 system, just go to the menu with additional options appear inaccessible on its own. Should I reinstall the operating system again?

Therefore, immediately after installing Windows 7 on your laptop or computer, create an additional function -> Update the system image, an archived image of our Windows 7 on your hard drive, take care of it.

It is absolutely necessary to create the Windows 7 Update Disk (read below), which will help speed up the System Image, since the Additional Options menu will not be required.

Let's go to Start -> Control Panel -> Archive computer data.

We choose “Creation of the image of the system.”

My choice is Local disk (E:), since you have a number of hard drives in the system block, then it is better to install the backup on the hard drive where the operating system is not installed.

After installing the data archiving program, which itself is partitioned with the Windows 7 operating system, you can also add local disks for archiving, or you are running out of space.

Note: You may note that I have two operating systems installed on my laptop, so the backup program selected two Local disks.

Press Archive and the process of creating an archive on our Windows 7 will begin.

They did it, it will look like this.

Now, you can download archives from Windows 7 to your computer whenever necessary for 20-30 dollars. It will be better if you copy the archives with the system onto a portable hard drive, which will ensure your safety.

Let's realize that we can't start Windows 7 and let's burn the backup we created and end it all at once.

Windows 7 is launched by pressing the F-8 button on the keyboard immediately after starting the computer.

The Advanced Options menu opens and you can select Troubleshooting the computer.

Updating the image of the system

Vikoristovat the remaining available method of the system.

Of course, all our data is on the local disk, where the operating system is immediately updated, so you can first download any Live CD and copy what you need.

How else can you upgrade your Windows 7 system? Especially for help with the Windows 7 Update Disk.

Of course, you can use it to update your computer, you will need to update the system, with the help of which you can recover problems with Windows 7, and you can also update the operating system from a backup copy that we created earlier d.

politely: For the update disk, the bitness of the system is important, you can use a 32-bit update disk for any 32-bit Windows 7, and a 64-bit update disk for any 64-bit Windows 7.

Znovu demo Archiving computer data.

Create a system update disc, insert the DVD into the drive, and click “Create disc.”

Once you have your Windows 7 Update Disk ready, store it in a safe place.

To update Windows 7 from the update disc, you do not need any operating system running.

You will only need to change the disk drive priority in the BIOS of your computer, insert the update disk into the new disk and update your Windows 7 to the additional archive.

Here we can draw an analogy with data backup programs, and rightly so, they follow the same principle, only their functionality is much simpler.

Updating Windows 7 from an update disc. I’ll show you how to earn money. It is acceptable that we cannot launch Windows 7; when you press F-8 on the keyboard immediately after starting the computer, nothing is displayed.

In the menu with additional options, you cannot consume the desired ones and there is a notification about the milk. In this situation, the system archives on the hard drive are not accessible to us. Our reader Illeya became so hostile to us, and he wrote a sheet of letters to help us.

In this situation, it’s a good idea to reinstall Windows 7 from scratch, not just us, but also our System Update Disk.

When it is inserted into the drive and re-installed, the drive is installed in the BIOS, so to speak, the drive is re-installed, and the System Update Settings program is launched.

Press Enter until the option to download from the disk disappears.

The update will automatically be downloaded from the disk and will try to restart Windows 7.

If nothing comes up, choose any tool, we try, for example, updating the computer using a previously created image of the operating system.

Vikorist is the remaining available method of the system.

What other ways to update Windows 7?

Another low-cost way to keep Windows 7 running after a crash, and I’ll tell you about it. At first glance, it looks like a lot of things, but it turns out to be no less true to me.

On the right, my friend, a lot of problems are due to the fact that you cannot install Windows 7 in the registry. І Windows 7 would not have been Windows 7, since it did not have a mechanism that protects registry files. This mechanism works and creates archived copies of the registry in the RegBack folder every 10 days before your system update is enabled.

If you cannot solve problems with Windows 7, you can try replacing existing (and possibly corrupted) registry files from the Config folder with archived files from the RegBack folder. Why do we have to download a computer from a Windows 7 installation disk or a Windows 7 update disk?

In the middle of the update, we select the command row.

We type in it - notepad, go to Notepad, then File and Open.

We go to the reference explorer and click on My computer. Now we need the system drive C:, unfortunately, the drive letters here may be confused, but the system drive C: I think you can tell by the location in the middle of the Windows and Program Files system folders.

Let's go to the folder C:\Windows\System32\Config, there are several registry files, indicated by File Type - All files and most of our registry files, as well as the RegBack folder, in it for 10 days. The planner is to make a backup copy of the or in the registry.

So, we will replace the existing registry files from the Config folder with backup registry files from the RegBack folder.
So, first of all, let’s see from the folders C:\Windows\System32\Config files SAM, SECURITY, SOFTWARE, DEFAULT, SYSTEM, which represent all the registry (my pleasure - before deleting, copy the registry about every incident somewhere).

In this place, we copy and paste files with the same names, also from a backup copy, from the RegBack folder.

Note: The SAM, SECURITY, SOFTWARE, DEFAULT, SYSTEM files cannot be deleted all at once, delete them one by one. Then copy the same files from the RegBack folder to their place.

Friends, if this does not help, you will be stuck in updating the integrity of Windows 7 files, since the operating system is not protected, it will work exactly the same as in Windows 8.

What else have we lost from the Windows 7 update?

Memory diagnostics 7-> checks system memory for errors. Team row-> on it you can delete files that are important to Windows 7.

I hope our article helped you update your Windows 7 system.

Hello friends Let's talk about the WindowsImageBackup folder. This folder is not just systemic, it can be incredibly important for you. Because this folder saves a copy of your entire system drive, and if your Windows is screwed up, then this folder itself can be turned back to work in Windows. So think a hundred times before how to get rid of it. Why did this folder show up? Well, here, either you previously created a backup disk (to the system image) or something else, or maybe the system itself decided to create a backup. I’m glad - don’t see it until there is a real reason, and then you need to think carefully.

Then you can update the state of your system from this image. How can you earn money? Well, I’ll write briefly, but I think you’ll understand calmly. It’s surprising that if you install Windows, then I’ll end up choosing the Russian language, and if I don’t have mercy, then in the window at the bottom there is a System Update item. Click on it, and then click on Diagnostics and there will already be an Image Update item.

Before speaking, this is the point in the image, saying that you want to update it yourself - you can see everything (it is clear that you previously had a copy of the system disk). I’ll rush here first Diagnostics:

And then let’s update the image of how you grind all the millet:

To be honest, I previously thought that everything was complicated and put everything aside for later

So axis, and axis To create this image, you need to select the backup icon in the Control Panel:

Then select the system image creation item:

And that’s all, then follow the instructions, I repeat, only to create the image itself (at the point of renewal) you only need a hard drive.

Now you’ll be surprised when I right-click on the WindowsImageBackup folder, then you’ll see the “Delete and Rename” tab, which means this folder is systemic and important:

Therefore, if you delete it, then you will delete the Windows backup copy, if you are sure that you do not need it, then you can delete it immediately.

So, that’s a lot of importance, well, look at it, that’s the whole image of the system, the whole system disk! So you can understand how handy you can be in such situations, such as renewal.

I’ll also say that with the upgrade, a useful trick is available - disk repartition. What's this? During the update process, the entire disk, which is the system one, is deleted. To go outside the divided area (well, here I can have mercy, but that’s my concern). And then it is again divided into two sections (the system one and the small one, the service type), and then the files are copied from the backup copy.