Installing mac os on your computer. Clean installation of OS X El Capitan - Mac flies again. Installing Mac OS X and Windows on different parts of one hard drive

Mac users often struggle with this problem - how to reset the computer to factory settings, discarding all the information required for the user, and reinstalling the operating system “cleanly”. Instructions for this process are presented below.

Mac, like most other devices from Apple, is used for personal writing. This means that even if computer owners need to fine-tune the system for themselves and others, they will not be entirely comfortable working with it. If there is a need to constantly follow the evidence and follow-up, then you need to follow the simple steps described below.

Clean installation of macOS: first steps

IMPORTANT: Before a clean installation (reinstallation, flashing, reset to factory settings) of Mac, please double check:

  • Link your Mac to your Apple ID, and not to anyone else
  • You remember the cloud data (login and password) of your Apple ID. You can verify, for example, by logging in (from your computer).

On the right is that if the Know Mac function is active on the Mac (found by the path: System Preferences → iCloud → Know Mac), then after reinstalling the system (reset to factory settings), the system will ask you to enter your Apple ID before you yazana pristriy.

  • How to find out (wonder) which iPhone, iPad, Mac are linked to an Apple ID.
  • How to update (reset) your forgotten Apple ID password for iCloud, iTunes and App Store.
  • What to do when signing out of iCloud on iPhone, iPad and Mac?

How to restore factory settings on Macbook, iMac, Mac mini, Mac Pro (how to reinstall macOS)

1. Check to see if you have an Internet connection (for further installation of macOS), as well as a power connection on your MacBook.

Respect! The following steps will lead you to delete ALL data on your Mac again - you will later save the necessary information on another device;

2. Restart your computer (or turn it on if you've been turned off) by quickly navigating through the menu  → Re-Vantage;

3. During the re-installation process, press and release the corresponding key that suits you best:

⌘Cmd + R- installation of the same version of macOS that was running on the computer before the problems occurred. Then install your Mac with the same version as before.

⌥Option (Alt) + ⌘Cmd + R- updating to a new version of macOS, whatever your Mac is. For example, if the Mac was running on High Sierra, and the breakdown began even after the final build of macOS Mojave was released, the system should be downloaded from Merezhi and Mojave itself installed.

⇧Shift + ⌥Option (Alt) + ⌘Cmd + R- installation of the same version of macOS that was installed on your computer (or the version closest to it available).

Note: You need macOS Sierra 10.12.4 or the latest OS version.

4 . Then show up at the window " macOS Utilities »(On versions earlier than macOS High Sierra, this may be called “macOS Services”). Here you need to select " Disk Utility » and click “ live on";

Checking and correcting the grinding disc (recommended)

1 . In Disk Utility, select your storage device from the storage menu (for Macintosh HD, it is located at the very top).

2 . Click on the text for help.

3 . Click Launch. It is advisable to check the restored disk for “health”, so that it is effective and correct any obvious defects. This process can take up to an hour.

4 . After completing the verification, click Done.

Erasing the grinding disc

1. In the Disk Utility app, select the backup disk, go to the “Erase” section (at the top of the screen);

2. At the menu "Format" select APFS (for computers with macOS Sierra installed and an older version of the OS, select Mac OS Extended) and press " erase";

3. When the disk formatting process is complete, press “ complete » for exit disk utility.

Reinstallation of the macOS operating system (reset to factory settings)

Reinstall macOS by clicking on the last option (screenshot below) and follow the instructions. The remaining version of macOS will be downloaded from the Internet after which the macOS reinstallation process will begin. As soon as possible, the computer can be restarted.

Note: When installing from scratch, you will have to adjust the settings of your Mac and programs again.

For materials yablyk

In this article I will describe a method for installing the Retail image of the Mac Os X operating system on a personal computer.

The main part of this article is translated from the blog
OS X Snow Leopard Install using Retail DVD For P55 Motherboards and Intel Core i5 and i7 with my modifications and additions.
My configuration at the time of installation is:

Motherboard: Asus P7P55D
Processor: Intel Core i5-750
Video card: Gigabyte Geforce 9600GT

The installation principle is approximately the same for similar systems. The nuances may come into play with a high-speed AMD processor or with a very rare leak.

To install I raju vikoristuvati:

  • Retail image version is no lower than 10.6.2, which means that this version supports Intel Core i5-750 and i7-860 processors. If the image is lower, then it will be possible to quickly get patched with cores.
    A SATA hard drive with a capacity of at least 120 GB.
  • Flash storage or USB hard drive for clearing the image.
  • To install you need a Mac. If you don’t have a Mac handy, you can quickly install VmWare Workstation or any other virtual machine, since it’s easy to find installed images on torrents. An alternative option is to use a ready-made compilation: having downloaded the installer from the disk, you can update the system image through disk utility.
  • All files necessary for installation can be downloaded on the tonymacx86 blog (archives) ()

Stage 1: DSDT valve

The creation of DSDT is necessary for correct operation in Mac OS. You can quickly access the already created tonymacx86 database, there you can find the DSDT for many motherboards. Well, I quickly got used to the Everest program. Here it is important to note that you need to save DSDT via Everest after you have installed the drivers for all devices. You need to go to the ACPI Tool and click the Save DSDT button. The axis is basically everything. You need to rename the saving file to DSDT.aml and remove it from your desktop in order to benefit us at the next stage.

Stage 2: Preparing the USB storage device

At this stage we need to fire up the system on our device. For which fast disk utility:

  1. Apparently our hoarder of evil.
  2. Press the Partition button.
  3. Select a scheme with one section.
  4. click Options
  5. Select the GUID scheme and click OK.
  6. In the name of the section, enter whatever name it is, for example InstallDrive.
  7. In the format field you need to select: Mac Os Extended (Case Sensitive, Journaled)
  8. Press, congeal and smash.
  9. After dividing, right-click the mouse on our new section (on the desktop or in the Finder) and select Information (Get Info)
  10. Open the lock in the lower right corner and select the Ignore Ownership on this Volume option.
    Now it is necessary to demonstrate the retail image.
  11. We turn to disk utility, we see our partition, we will immediately update.
  12. As a rule, we select Mac OS X Intall DVD, and, most importantly, our InstallDrive section.
  13. Uncheck the Erase Destiation checkbox.
  14. You will be prompted to renew, renew and enter your password.

After this, instead of this image, you should start copying it to your savings account. Basically, this operation takes up to 10 minutes.

Stage 3: Installation of the Chameleon vantage device

Chameleon is a program for updating the operating system. Installing it is very simple:

  1. Own archives with files
  2. Drag the folder onto your desktop
  3. open folder Apps
  4. open PC EFI 10.1
  5. In the installation, select a section InstallDrive

Stage 4: Installing necessary files on USB

At this stage you will need to copy the boot file, DSDT, Extra folder. If the retail image is lower than version 10.6.2, you will need to use an alternative kernel, such as Qoopz.

  1. transfer files boot, DSDT.aml and folder Extra from archive to section InstallDrive(Remember that the boot file may not show up in the Finder because it is invisible)
  2. If the image is lower than 10.6.2, transfer the file mach_kernel from the archive to the root of the accumulation.

sudo rm /Volumes/InstallDrive/mach_kernel
sudo rm /Volumes/InstallDrive/boot

Stage 5: Preparing the BIOS and hard drive

Basic settings for BIOS:

  • Configure sata as (AHCI)
  • suspend mode (s3 only)

If the BIOS has HPET, then set it to 64-bit mode:

  • HPET Support - Enable
  • HPET Mode - 64 bit.

The hard drive can be formatted through Windows, in the Acronis Disk Director Suite program, but it must be formatted in the fat32 file system with the Shag Os Swap label. If you plan to install only your Mac on your hard drive, you will need to format it at the installation stage.

Stage 6: USB connection and installation

At this stage the installation begins. You can connect to USB using the F8 key or by setting priority in the BIOS. The user already has registrations of ensigns -v, which means that the entire process of acquisition will be displayed on the screen. This command can also be found in the file in the /Extra folder.

Once the installation is complete, a bug may appear, do not ignore it and never press the Restart button when the bug appears, otherwise all files will be deleted. Just press the reset key on your system unit.

Stage 7: Installing Chameleon on your hard drive

Now you need to log in to the flash drive again, but if you do, you need to select the partition with the installed system, not the installer. To do this, when the PCI Efi logo appears, press firmly on any key to start the treatment. Next, select the section with the system. After the system has been activated, we open the download of archives and proceed with the operations described in the third stage.

  1. open folder Apps
  2. open PC EFI 10.1
  3. In the installation, select the section with our installed system
  4. Press install and enter password

Step 8: Installing necessary files on your hard drive

Similar to step 4, we copy the files from the archive to our hard drive with the system:

  1. Move the files boot, DSDT.aml and the Extra folder from the archive to the system partition (do not forget that the boot file may not be visible in the Finder, because it is invisible)
  2. If the image is lower than 10.6.2, move the mach_kernel file from the archive to the root of the file.

You may need to quickly use the terminal to delete the kernel and the boot file from the flash drive.

Sudo rm /Volumes/InstallDrive/mach_kernel sudo rm /Volumes/InstallDrive/boot

Stage 9: Installing additional kexts

There are actions kexts that cannot be installed in / Extra / Extensions. They include drivers for the edge card. You will also have to create new cache files every time after installing or releasing kext. There are a number of programs that help eliminate manual adjustment of kexts and cache creation. Persha z them Kext Helper b7.

  1. reschedule Kext Utilityі Kext Helper b7 from the archive to the Add-ons folder.
  2. Open Kext Helper b7.
  3. transfer file RealtekR1000SL.kext(Or Intel82566MM.kext, if you have an Intel motherboard) for folders System/Library/Extensions to the Kext Helper b7 program.
  4. Enter your password and click Easy Install.
  5. In order to update the cache for kexts located in the / Extra folder, you need to drag the / Extra / Extensions folder into the Kext Utility program.

To be sure, you can launch the disk utility and click the Repair Permissions button on the partition with the system.

After all these manipulations, you need to restart your computer.

Stage 10: For those who are not tired of Quartz Extreme and Core Image

This shortcut is only needed for those who did not request video acceleration after installation. For details in of the string GraphicsEnabler = Yes. To check how fast it works, you can go to the Dashboard (press F12) and try dragging a widget. If you have become sick, then you work quickly.

If you have an nVidia card, then try it NVEnabler 64.kext, You must be aware of the files in the archive. This cupcake often helps solve the problem with the TV output. After installing the kextto, you need to delete the string GraphicsEnabler = yes z file

Well, that’s all!

After all these manipulations, we are eliminating the entire practical system. If you have problems and you don’t know the ways of viciousness, then I hope you speed up the power of, and if you know English -

Parallel installation of Mac OS and Windows may be necessary in different situations. Two computers on one computer, Windows is necessary to run all programs with maximum productivity, etc..

Methods of parallel wikistanning:

  1. Installing operating systems on different hard drives. In this case, we will make a choice by pressing the F12 key while selecting the hard drive on which Mac OS X or Windows is installed.
  2. Installation and selection of the operating system with the help of a dealer. Let's take a look at the example of the popular gadget Clover, but if you prefer, you can choose any kind of gadget for Hackintosh, which is more familiar and useful to you.
  3. Installing Windows on a Parallels Desktop virtual machine. In this case, you select Windows as a program running in Mac OS X. Productivity in this case decreases slightly, since two systems are running at the same time. You can check out our statistics.

Installing operating systems on different hard drives

The simplest, and at the same time effective, method of connecting two systems. With this choice, all PC adjustments are taken from Windows directly from Bios, so as not to lead to a minimal decline in productivity.

The method is very simple to use and does not require any special skills. The choice to lock the system is done through the Boot Menu, which you can press by pressing the F12 key when the PC is locked. By selecting a hard disk, we will be using the operating system we will be using.

Installing Mac OS X and Windows on different parts of one hard drive

If you choose this method, you will be able to select the operating system in an additional window. In this article we will look at the butt of the vanator Clover.

Well, you can vikorist any other fan of Mac OS Hackintosh.

In this method, the installation sequence is very important:

  1. Installing Mac OS X on PC. If you haven’t done anything yet, you can familiarize yourself with the instructions in our articles (,). This is important, since in the middle of Windows we cannot format a partition in Mac OS Extended (Journaled), but this is the most important reason for installing Mac OS X.
  2. Installing the Clover gadget on your hard drive. You can find out how to do this in the articles on installing OS X. Sometimes, using the security method, Clover is not installed on a hard drive, but launched from a flash drive, which in this case is the key to OS X. Important! You need to have an EFI partition on the flash drive to make adjustments for installing Mac OS on your PC, as in many cases the settings and settings may change.
  3. Windows installation.

Preparation before installing Windows

formatting the partition

On a new Mac OS X system, format the disk partition that is assigned to Windows in MS-DOS (FAT) using Disk Utility. This operation is obligatory so that when installing Windows there will be a partition for installation. The Mac OS Extended (Journaled) format, which is confirmed by Apple, is not recognized by Windows and the partitions will not be detected.

Setting up the BIOS

If, when installing OS X, you had to enable virtualization settings in the BIOS - they must be enabled. Without enabling these parameters, the installation will fail in 90% of cases.

Before speaking, these BIOS parameters are only disabled when installing Mac OS, after installation they can be safely turned on, they will not affect the system startup.

Adjusting config.plist

It is very important that a timeout be specified in config.plist before starting the system. Otherwise, you will not be able to select and the system is assigned to a new one, or the system that remains active (setup in Clover) will start automatically.

For this, open config.plist in CloverConfigurator and change the parameter for 5-20 seconds (if you want the system to start automatically when the system is running, if selected). The value is “-1” so that the owner does not start the system automatically, but by checking our selection.

After what we save.

After restarting your computer with the connected one, you can see the additional Windows installation icon in the Clover window.

After starting the installation, we format the file in the FAT partition and format it using the Windows utility to NTFS, after which the process differs little from the initial installation.

Now our Hackintosh is ready to install another system, in our Windows version.

Installing Windows is similar to installing Mac OS.

I assume that most people who want to switch to Mac are influenced by myths about Hackintosh - computers that run Mac OS. Before that, how to go without the middle to describe installing Mac OS X on PC, I will try to develop some of the myths:

1. Mac OS X can only be installed on processors and chipsets from Intel and video cards from NVidia. A large part of the periphery will not work.

If this is true, but progress does not stand alone, more and more new patches and drivers are coming out, and the amount of “crash” from Mac OS X is growing every day. The Mac OS infection can easily be installed on a computer with a processor that is at least supported by SSE2, or even SSE3, for example, AMD or Intel. Most modern video cards support hardware acceleration, including Quartz Extreme, Quartz 2d, Core Image, GL. I think now you have realized that your computer does not require anything supernatural.

2. Installing Mac OS X is not easy.

In fact, it’s not more difficult to install Windows XP, I think it’s simpler if you choose the right cookies and fixes.

3. Mac OS X cannot “live” on one physical disk with Windows.

Maybe! Є 2 options:
- Windows Owner + chain0 (for example, this is how it is on my computer)
- Acronis OS Selector

Alright, let's get started.

Lesson 1. Preparation.

To get started, you will need to verify your computer is compatible with Mac OS X.
The absolute minimum is a processor that supports SSE2. This can be done using the CPU-Z program ((1.97 Mb)).
The minimum random access memory (RAM) is 256 MB, of course, the more, the better.
Not quite an old video card for AGP or PCI-E, starting with GF4.

Let's look at how your PC works with Mac OS X.

Please download and burn to Hiren's Boot CD. If there are partitions in NTFS format on the same physical disk where you are going to install Mac OS, then it is better to convert them to FAT32 (), because when you create a new partition, a crash may occur, and the FS will become unreadable, or else, more light The way is to transfer your data to another physical disk or flash drive.

For ease of installation, please break down this text so that at any moment you can marvel at what you can do.

Having completed the preparation, we proceed to the next step.

Step 2. Download the image of the installation disk.

First of all, we need to determine what version of Mac OS X we need: the current version is 10.5. The remains of our task are to get to know the system, I would like to install versions 10.4.6 or 10.4.7, so that they can be installed without any special difficulties. And then you can go back to the combo-update for help. Or you can try OS X 10.5. Then we go to and in the search form we write something like this:

Mac OS X 10.4.6

If the downloaded file is in ISO format, you can easily burn it to disk, and if it is in DMG format, you will also need to use the DMG2ISO add-on ((12.29 Kb)) and convert the downloaded file into an ISO image.

Krok 3. Burning the image to disk.

You need a DVD-R or DVD+R disc. You can write through Nero or Alcohol 120%. I think that with the recording process itself, you come to grips with it on your own. After burning a disc with Windows, a number of documents with a size of about 150 KB will be “visible” on the disk, and maybe nothing will be “visible”, so that’s why.

Croc 4. Installation.

We insert the disc you freshly recorded into the drive and restart the computer. Whenever a notification appears on the monitor about the beginning of installation from the disk, press F8 or tick a few seconds and enter the parameter “-v” (without tabs). If you press any other key or continue the installation without doing anything, then instead of the text mode, the graphic mode will turn on - which is nice, if you ask for help, you can only recognize it in the text mode.
There are two broadest benefits:

« system config file '/' not found"- there is a problem with the Mac OS X distribution (you will have to use another one)
« Still waiting for root device“- more than everything, there is a problem with the climb, perhaps as nonsense.

If the initial acquisition has passed without problems, a black screen (NOT BSOD) with a acquisition cursor will appear in front of you. Let you choose your language. We choose Russian (or English, which is not available). Click on the arrow, after which a menu will appear, in which we select Programs (Utilities) -> Disk Utility (Disk Utility) and format the partition in which we are going to install Mac OS X, in the Mac OS Extended journaled format.

Sometimes it happens that disk utility If you can’t format this partition in HFS or connect it, then you can fix it with Acronis. For this purpose, in Acronis Disk Director Suite, select the manual mode for changing partitions and create a partition in FAT32 format. Next, in the context menu, select the item to change the partition type and set the value 0xAFh (Shag OS Swap). Acronis, of course, will swear on the right that all the data in this section may be lost and become unreadable, but we have nothing there anyway. :-) Changes are being stagnated and are being re-invented.

After the disk is successfully formatted, you can continue to read and accept the license, you can select the partition for installation. Let's continue. Then we press the settings (Customize) and select the components that you need to install. Particular attention to patches and cookies: you need to install only those patches that are absolutely necessary for your system, and nothing fancy. Don't just vikorize patches for SSE2 and SSE3! Install only the one that is suitable for your processor. Tisnemo continue. Then pre-installation preparation and disk verification will take place. The installation will be completed by restarting the computer.

Timeline 5. Installation completed.

After restarting your computer, you have two options:
1. Far away from the system (especially if you use Acronis OS Selector)
2. b0 error. Using Hiren's boot CD and the additional Acronis Disk Director, we carefully partitioned it with Mac OS X active. Perezavantazhennya.

The system will successfully load, and you will be prompted to enter all other information. Blame - Mac ID - you need to leave it empty (it may cause freezing)

P.S. The layout is switched using the Command + Space (ALT + Skip) keys

If everything is divided correctly, then the work table will become beautiful. Hooray! Pratsyuє!

P.P.S. The administration of this site in no way encourages or encourages you to install Mac OS X hacks against evil software! When installing a malicious Mac OS X, you are subject to the laws of your country.

You can write code for iPhone on PC. Apple party politics. Although the iPhone SDK is not the classic GCC, I don’t know if there is any problem with writing it on a PC. And you can still install the iPhone SDK on a jailbroken device, write and run the code directly on the phone/tablet.

It’s a bit of a shame to install MacOS on your primary PC. "It's complicated and not easy".
It’s true that everything is waiting for spring :) It’s spring and it’s falling.
In my case, installing MacOS X was a little more complicated than installing Windows 7.

Shlyakhiv installations - kupa. I will describe the simplest and most obvious one. Folding options are not for me. Just because it didn’t work out doesn’t mean it’s impossible to install MacOS. It is possible, but more folding roads. For laptops, you can search for ready-made images of original disks (modified by craftsmen).

The remaining line of Macs is the ultimate PC. Primary PC with slightly modified bios. And MacOS only uses firewood for a set of devices that come with Macs.

There is no need to reflash the bios (if you want one of the possible ways). I have MacOS X, Win XP, Win 7 running on the same computer at the same time. And the axis of firewood (written by clever people, it’s in the source code) is a joke.

short: "Download a special vintage disk, re-install it, insert the original MacOS X DVD, install it, update, search and install drivers. That's it."

0. Setting up bios

Neobov'yazkova, ale bazhana chastina.

1. The SATA controller can be switched to AHCI mode (in my case it will always be AHCI).
2. Enable ACPI (whatever you want to do, turn it on, turn it on).
3. Switch HPET (timer) to 64-bit mode (I don’t know this).
4. Connect all but one core to the processor (I don’t know anything like this).
5. Select SpeedStep.

Everything works for me regardless of setting up ACPI and SpeedStep.

1. Have you ever wanted to try it?

Burn .iso to CD-RW. I'm excited to see that a disk selection menu has appeared - hurray, your PC is now the same as a Mac. If it doesn’t work, we try another .iso. I’m interested in the first one, for the first time: empireEFIv1085.iso.

If all .isos do not work, you can try older versions of EmpireEFI. If nothing worked, then the simple option is not for you. You will lose a bunch of folding installation options ( Google, Forum and wiki will help), or buy a good one with Mac (list), or buy a PC with MacOS already configured and installed (these are the companies that deal with this), or know those who will install MacOS, or buy a valid Mac ( having overpaid twice).

2. Do you need the initial installation of MacOS X DVD?

Now your PC is like a Mac. You can insert a new MacOS X DVD and install it.
For iPhone SDK 4.0, version 10.6 or older is required. I installed 10.6.3, auto update and updated it to 10.6.4.

Where should I get a disk like this?
1. From a well-known poppy grower.
2. Buy in a store.
3. Download the image from the Internet and burn it to a DVD-R DL (double layer) of 8Gb.
4. Download an image from the Internet and create a flash drive.

As you know, poppy growers know that the most popular DVD is the best way. This will help you install and configure MacOS.

If you often come to visit someone who is “in the fight against evil in the sphere of high technology” - buy the official disk. Installing MacOS on a PC violates the Apple license, but this license is not valid in the territory of the Russian Federation, which violates the laws of the Russian Federation (specifically, Article 1280 of the Civil Code). So this license itself violates the laws and is not valid in Europe, but not in the USA.

You can captivate the image, for example, by staring.
VIN in Mac format.dmg.
This format under Windows can be written (and converted to .iso): PowerISO, UltraISO.
You can simply convert to .iso using dmg2img.

You need to write to a double-sharp DVD-R DL disc, at the minimum possible speed and by checking the recording. If the installer cannot read from the disk, then it will tell you that the disk can be thrown into the slot.

To create a valuable flash drive, you will need to already have MacOS installed (go and run under VMWare) and a flash drive with a size of 8Gb or larger.

3. Where will we put it?

I don’t know how to install MacOS on one physical disk without erasing the Windows installations. Paragon Partition Manager can run MacOS partitions on one Windows drive, and the MacOS installer will download that partition before installing it on a new one. If you want a GUID for the entire disk, you can install it on the MBR.

As for the axis, you can install MacOS, and then Windows (with the help of BootCamp).
I fixed it simply by buying a new disk specifically for MacOS.

4. Installation

Selecting the EmpireEFI CD, when the disk selection menu appears, remove the CD and insert the MacOS DVD (or a suitable flash drive), select the disk from which installation will be performed. And that's all.
For advanced installation diagnostics: in the drive selection menu, press Tab (to enter text mode), select the drive (up/down arrows) and type “-v”.

If you browse the menu, choose a movie, then suddenly you are blessed :)

If the USB keyboard or mouse does not work, then try removing and inserting them until they work. I only had this problem once, but all other times everything worked without any problems.

Peremikati movie: Win + Space.

The installation is in no way affected by installation on a Mac.

If you want to select a disk where to put it, go to the menu (like a beast): Utilities -> Disk Utility, select the disk, go to the Erase tab, set Format to Mac OS Extended (Journaled), and click on Erase. After formatting, exit the utility and see that a new disk appears for installation.

MacOS disk space is 7 GB.

5. After installation

After installation, my network card and Internet immediately started working. Updating the system to 10.6.4 via the Internet was successful (apple -> Software Update), and more than a gigabyte was downloaded. If the driver for the edge card is not up to date, you can adjust it later.

I turned off all sleep modes (System Preferences -> Energy Saver). I have it turned on in Windows, and they wrote on the forums that there could be problems: if you can’t fall asleep, you won’t be able to wake up. I didn’t try it myself. Restart and Shut Down - proceed.

MacOS will not be attracted to you on its own. To install, you need to download the EmpireEFI CD first and select the disk where you installed MacOS. To become independent, we need myHack or Chameleon, which is on CD EmpireEFI (Empire EFI / Post-Installation). We'll install myHack right away, if we're not interested in MacOS, we'll install Chameleon. And don’t forget to set the first new MacOS disk in your bios.

If MacOS is not installed (incorrect installation or the driver is not supported) - you can still install the EmpireEFI CD.

I have a new myHack, downloaded from the Internet - without getting up. Chameleon - getting up, old myHack from CD Empire - also getting up, squealing on something new, which will conquer MacOS without any pressure.

When starting MyHack and Chameleon, you will be prompted to select a disk for downloading - this is how you can download disks in Windows (which is worth it). So the drive itself can be selected when starting the computer using Shift + F8 (my bios is also the same).

6. Drivers

Drivers for MacOS support extension.kext
The main (system) drivers are here: / System / Library / Extensions /
Drivers for PC: / Extra / Extensions /

The basic set of drivers is on the EmpireEFI CD: /EmpireEFI/Extra/Preboot.dmg/Extra/Exten sions /
Copy all this.kext to /Extra/Extensions/

Information about the site, how to download MacOS: apple -> About This Mac -> More Info.

If the edge card is not installed, you can download the driver under Windows. MacOS can read NTFS and FAT drives. On MacOS, all WinXP and Win7 disks are loaded in read-only mode. So the drivers themselves can be downloaded to a flash drive.

Drivers can be found in /Extra/Extensions. Otherwise, you need to place the driver in / System / Library / Extensions, replacing the system one (this is written in the driver description). Sometimes you need to erase the system driver.

After changes in drivers, you need to update the driver cache.
Zrobiti tse just for help pfix. When you launch it, it asks for a password for the system and the disk number where the system is located. Pratsyuє vіn dovgo, khvilin 15. Since the task system has an empty password, pfix also does not understand that you need a 1-letter password (change the password here: System Preferences -> Accounts).

The driver for NVidia arrived immediately, I tried the first one: NVEnabler 64.kext
After updating the driver cache and reloading, the mode changed from 1024x768 to 1920x1080 and new modes appeared in System Preferences -> Displays.

I don't know the drivers for my motherboard. Everything worked just as well as the sound. I read on the forums that my mother needs a universal sound driver, VoodooHDA.kext. Having tried different drivers: either there was no sound, then without testing the volume, then by testing the volume, or else there was noise at maximum. Having lost the driver axis with a bang when the system AppleHDA.kext was erased.