Why SMS from Tele2 is not corrected. Chi is not corrected by SMS from Tele2: what work is it? What for a pardon 28 Tele2

The work of today's mobile operators is stable, but it's hard to blame. It is not possible to manage SMS Tele2 and it is necessary to know the solution of which food.

Damaged blame is not often, but when it appears, it calls out to subscribers of a broken schedule, that one is simple, obviously dissatisfied. The article will tell you about the causes of possible damage and deeds, how to live to restore the work of the service.

Almost a solution to the problem of varto z'yasuvannya reasons, if SMS is not enforced from Tele2. Such damage can be blamed for different conditions. Let's look at the moment of the report.

Incorrectly spelling the number to the SMS center

In the event of a technical failure, we should investigate the situation, if the number of the prescription SMS center is incorrect. To adjust the situation, you need to insert the correct code. You may need to clarify the details by phone: 8-950-809-0000, go to the SMS parameters and check the correctness of the filling.

Incorrect reservation was made for redeployment of SMS

You can change the settings. It is necessary to go to the “Parameters” section and make sure that the GSM channel for the management is correct.

Incorrect phone number of owner

The simplest option could be the incorrect assignment of the officer's number. End dial the correct number and re-send the SMS.

It is possible that he won the entry into the "black list". If the subscriber is removed from the distribution, the notification will be sent.

Phone problem

The most common problems are the difficulties, which are blamed directly on the phone or on the SIM card. It is quite possible that there is a negative balance on the phone, or just a daily call. Deyakі naselenі ptsi dosi not moyut pokrittya. If the memory of the gadget is reset, or if the SIM card is not working, SMS will not go anywhere either.

Some people are afraid of problems in case of emergency, caused by bad weather. In such a situation, it is recommended to simply check the indignation and try to correct the SMS later.

Diucha coding pardons

Problems with SMS messages are often, independently, depending on which gadget you are talking about - about the android, the iPhone, or the extraordinary extension. Sometimes on the screen there are digits or ranks, a pardon code, for the help of which you can easily establish the cause of the damage. Mova go about upcoming coding:

digital codeCause of failure
"28"Subscriber not identified
"21"SMS transmission is disabled
"thirty"The subscriber to whom the message is sent is unknown
"38"Problems in the robot Merezh
"41"Timchasov's destruction
"42"merezha is overwhelmed
"208"I'll rebuild my memory
"213"Pardons for the data in case of zavantazhennі z sim-ki
"516"The notification period is not supported by the set character limit

Refurbishment codes explain what the causes of the damage can be attributed to and allow the recovery of any problem in the shortest term.

Chi is not corrected by SMS from Tele2 - what is the work?

In case of such a situation, the subscriber is trying to understand why SMS from Tele2 is not being enforced. Really, regardless of the reason, first, what is needed to be done - just restart the mobile phone. The recommendation for smartphones in the android system is even more relevant, as such problems are often reported from them.

If you suspect that the service of sending SMS from the phone is simply not connected, do not hesitate to call the free number 611 and ask, how to check with the operator. You can send a letter through such a messenger, like Telegram, Viber and VKontakte. You can fix the problem quickly by activating the option.

For iPhones, everything is counted for analogy. For the first time, it's enough to restart the OS, and then go to the settings and clean up the button from the iMessage options. If so, they did not give a good result, try to throw off all the fixing of the Merezh and re-visit. It is important to reconsider, so as not to turn on the “Polit” mode and start, є zv'yazok.

The simplest recommendations are how to correct the situation, such as rechecking the phone balance and confirming that the number of the dialing message is correct. If they didn’t give a result, then they turn to the sales office, or to the company’s office, where the assistants of the obov’yazkovo will help you with the food.

Why can't SMS be sent to the Tele2 phone, what's the work? Chi do not panic - we know the main reasons for the blame for the pardon and help you solve the problem on your own for a sprat of khvilin!

Marriage of cats

The banal reason why Tele2 does not consume SMS is the daily cost of the amount of money needed on the subscriber's balance. This situation is easily corrected - you can deposit pennies from a bank card or deposit a sum through the terminal.

Qi options not available? Ask friends for help!

  • Hurry up as a Beacon. dial a team * 118 * [subscriber number] #, Ask to call back. Ask roses to popovnit rahunok;
  • Vіdpravte bezkoshtovne SMS-information with the text: "Be kind, popovni my rahunok." For whom it is necessary to speed up the combination * 123 * [subscriber number] #.

To change the fact that SMS from the Tele2 phone is not overpowered through a lack of pennies on the balance:

  • Open the keypad of the phone;
  • Enter combination * 105 #;
  • Press on the ring key;
  • Information will appear on the screen that will tell you information.

Not varto vydkidati іnshіy variant - іnоdі on Tele2 іnоdіlіyutsya pіdomlennya through deficient obyagi package. If your tariff plan includes the exchange of a number of SMS-ok, you need to think about it!

  • View the special office of a koristuvach on a smartphone or through a browser;
  • On the main side (in the “Tariff” section), you can see the excess of packages for the current month;
  • If you need to buy a package, renew it, so that I can redeem it again - detailed information is in the special office.

If you can't manage SMS from Tele2, speed up with a short combination * 107 # - after pressing the button, you can look at the option of sending SMS on the tariff plan.

Catch the Korisnu joy! How do you manage the notices? more than 70 characters (cyrillic) or 160 characters (Latin), Be prepared to pay twice as much. The text is broken into pieces, the skin fragment is edited and billed as a reminder.

Another reason why SMS from Tele2 is not sent to Tele2 or numbers of other operators. Let's take a look її?

Wrong dialed number

Don't be surprised, but a pardon is not rare. It is recommended to exercise respect and check if you know the rules for entering a telephone number!

  • When calling in Russian numbers, it is necessary to change the format +7 and ten remaining digits;
  • To correct numbers and any operators in the world, use the latest international format - +<код страны><код сети><номер телефона>.

If you don’t want to set up more parameters, don’t ask: “Why can’t I edit SMS from the Tele2 phone?” You yourself are guilty of a pardon!

Call numbers to SMS center

On the screen was a pardon for sending SMS Tele2 28? In the settings of the smartphone, there was a mistake - incorrectly entered data to the SMS center. You can fix it for ease! Let's guide the instruction for the iPhone's corystute:

  • I'll build a keyboard;
  • Enter the command ** 5005 * 7672 * + 79043490000 #;
  • Click on the call button.

Now it’s possible that it’s working, that SMS cannot be sent to Tele2 on Android phones:

  • In the dialing mode, enter the combination * # * # 4636 # * # *;
  • Press the viklika on the key;
  • Go to menu "Vidomosti about the phone";
  • Next, click the row "SMSC";
  • Enter the phone number +79043490000 and press the "Update" button.

Now you know what work it is, because the Tele2 phone does not overpower SMS - follow our orders, to inspire communication! Sprat clumsy diy will help to turn the practice of such a necessary service.

The Tele2 operator, providing its subscribers with a wide range of mobile services, including SMS services, takes up no remaining space. The TV system works stably and does not call out to its subscribers. However, the problems in the provider's robots still trap. Today's statistics have a reason why SMS from Tele2 is not corrected.

Possible reasons for pardons

Before that, how to check, how to work, how not to correct SMS messages from Tele2, it is necessary to establish the reason for pardoning the service in advance. Also, SMS service can be incorrectly processed:

  1. The SMS number for the prescription center is incorrect. To get a pardon, go to your gadget in the “SMS setup” section, then select the “SMS center” item, and write the number 8-950-809-0000 in the destination column. Let's save the changes and restart the phone.
  2. Incorrect phone setting. To change the parameter, go to the “SMS settings” item, and change that the “GSM” value is set in the “Channel” column. As here, another meaning is inserted, change it to the correct one, and save the change.
  3. Destination entered incorrectly. The impossibility of a correction can also be evidence of a banal pardon in the addressee's telephone number. To turn off the possibility, turn the correctness of the set.
  4. Zbіy merezhі. One of the reasons for the unavailability of the service may be technical work on the Tele2 server. Mobile operator to make regular updates, by the time you see it, the lines are still trapping. It is possible to find out about the completion of the work for the cost-free number 611. Calls within the framework of the telesystem are cost-free.
  5. Not enough cats for the rahunka. Not rarely, the subscriber simply forgets to popovnit his account, and, apparently, with a zero balance, a lot of calls become inaccessible. Solve the problem and become simpler to improve the balance.

And now let's take a look at the reasons for the inability to send SMS on Tele2, more in detail.

In rich moods, the reason why SMS is not corrected on the phone is a pardon in the adjustment of the gadget. Let's look at the solution of the problem for gadgets, brands.

As soon as you become zbіy in Android brand phones, step on your feet:

  1. Go to the “Vidomosti about the phone” branch, you can also enter, as if going through other points, or through dialing the combination * # * # 4636 # * # *;
  2. Then select "SMSC", and enter the address +79043490000;
  3. Update the data and re-adjust the attachments.

Masters of smartphones of the iPhone brand can reward the SMS service with the following rank:

  1. Throw off the USSD command * 5005 * 7672 * +79043490000 #;
  2. Confirm changes.

Subscribers who win gadgets on the Windows Phone platform, check power with SMS editing, can do this:

  1. Go to the "Nalashtuvannya" menu, and open the "Additional" section;
  2. Then select the "SMS" tab;
  3. Dali «SMS center», and enter the value +79043490000;
  4. Let's save the change.

If you are guilty of any kind of folding, you will always be able to turn for help to the Tele2 tech support, number 611.

So, dosit often, do not force SMS through the inadequacy of the sim. To correct the validity of the card, insert it into another smartphone and try to correct the message. Likewise, on other gadgets, the function is also not practical, better for everything, the subscriber has to change the device.

You can solve this problem in any office center or in Tele2. The provider can replace the card without cost. Until then, if the subscriber is booked, the subscriber can save the old number, tariff plan and connect earlier options.

All you need is to get the subscriber in the right place, come to the provider's office with a passport and a card, fill in the form for re-passing the device, and get the term for the package.

Please, more information has been added to help you solve the problem with SMS power on Tele2 on your own. However, if you find yourself in any difficulties, you can always call the provider's technical support, or go back to the nearest Tele2 office.


Today, mobile networks work stably, and whether or not problems with their operation are rarely blamed. Tele2 does not use SMS - the problem is not frequent, but all the same, the subscribers of the same operator are stuck with it. We will tell you about the possible causes of failures and the ways of their adoption.

Briefly on topics

To solve the problem of not sending a reminder or a pardon when the SMS is corrected for Tele2, you can re-assign the number to the SMS center, replacing it with a universal one: +79043490000 .

On the back of my mind, why is there a problem

The first step is to proceed to the closure, why not send SMS from the Tele2 phone, transfer the balance to the mobile account. Possibly, for correcting the message, there are simply no koshtiv. Dial * 105 # wicklik. Everything is fine? Now you need to reconsider that the problem is expanding on all numbers: we are trying to send an SMS to someone else in the list of contacts.

Delivered to some people, but others cannot receive SMS from Tele2, what does it work? There's nothing left for you here. Problem zovsіm exactly on the side of the people, on the number of someone not to go to send the message. Possibly, the service of your addressee is presumed, otherwise there is simply no way to know de vin. There is nothing left here, we will check as a check if the number becomes available again.

As if the messenger is not taken to anyone, it is verifiable that there are no problems in the annex itself. For whom:

  • Let's get a SIM card with an attachment, on which we have blamed problems.
  • Let's move it to another phone.
  • Trying to correct the notification to any number.

Everything is fine - it means on the right in the settings of the smartphone. Ні - shchos on the side of the operator.

If you are sure that the service of your number is not assigned, the signal is good, and everything is fine with the annex, return to the Tele2 support service. Available options:

1. Call number 611 .

2. Call via Telegram @ Tele2_bot, Viber, or In contact with.

When the problem is in the phone

The first possible reason is that the number was incorrectly assigned to the SMS center. In this way, the system can write “pardon 28” with the correct SMS Tele2. Let's try to fix the situation:

  • iPhone - open dialer, input **5005*7672*+79043490000# , Let's press the call key.

  • Android - traversable along the way: alerts - menu - nalashtuvannya alerts - dodatkovo - SMS - SMS center. We try to rewrite the real number on the back of the head. You can see and copy the numbers, you can see it is written in and you can copy it) and re-adjust it. If not more help - enter the next universal number - +79043490000 . Most often, the request “I can’t edit SMS from the Android phone in Tele 2” is violated in this way. And about those who are, read in the article, as I published earlier.

  • Windows Phone - open the menu, then "Settings", "Add-ons" and "Notifications". At the “SMS-center” branch, all the same things that are described for Android are tested.

Another possible reason why SMS cannot be sent from Tele2 is that the settings are incorrectly set in the "Notification" section. right:

  • GSM - data transmission channel.
  • Alert type - SMS, text, normal, standard.
  • Dіysnіst - maximum.

If it is impossible to solve the problem with the settings of the smartphone, you can independently go back to the service of support for the picker.

Return respect: it is important to enter the holder's mobile number correctly. The first digit is to go "+7" or "8". For example, +79520000000 or 89520000000. Go to the list of contacts, find the addressee there and wonder if everything is correct.

So that mobile extensions could work correctly, as well as manage SMS notifications, you will need to control the settings, and the correctness of dialing the number to the processing center will be confirmed. The call center is a chain gateway in the middle of the Tele2 company. Itself through the new viroblyaetsya exchange of text messages.

Practically no one from the clients of the mobile phone knows what textual information and the possibility of their corrections need to be done. Please note that all attachments may reset the settings in automatic mode, but we also call small volume, if the settings are not restored to the attachment when installing the SIM card. In such a situation, SMS Tele2 is not corrected, and the client does not know, as a rule, to change the phone.

SMS center description

SMS center Tele2 is a special telephone dialing, which I will register in the settings, which is my own gateway for sending text data. The skin mobile operator of Russia has its own number, moreover, given numbers are different for different regions of the country.

In that case, even though the telephone does not force a message, it will be necessary to control two speeches:

  1. Mobile cabinet;
  2. Chi virno, prescribing the number to the Tele2 SMS center;

It is also necessary to note that Tele2 subscribers can edit text messages absolutely free of charge for the operator's help site. It is also necessary to know that in the event of a data failure, the SMS center will be able to receive text data, but the subscriber will not be able to receive SMS.

You can prescribe or see the number of the notification center for clients in the phone itself, in the distribution of notifications. The point with the SMS center will have a number. The subscriber may be able to change it independently at some point. Also, the clients need to check the correctness of the “Type of call” tab when dialing the phone. But it is necessary to know that not all attachments can be distributed. just like serviceє, then in new May, but it is spelled out more: sms, zvichayne, text, text, standard or otherwise. In the other case, the correct work on the right notice can not be checked. The division with channels for transmitting information may have "GSM" assigned.

For the Moscow region, the combination for the center is confirmed + 79043390000. regions, You will need to enter the correct combination. You can look at the website of the Tele2 company for more details about those numbers that are necessary to win for different regions of Russia. It is also necessary to know that you will not need to change this combination at times more expensive in Russia.

How can I select a number for a specific region

To get rid of the necessary combination, which allows you to edit SMS from Tele2, follow these methods:

  1. Look at the information on the official website of the company;
  2. Win the client's fortune. You can know the required dialing in the SIM card connection package;
  3. Return to the operator of the pre-service service at 611.

As a rule, dialing the SMS center is set to automatic mode after the SIM card is put into the mobile device. It’s not guilty to blame the link between them. As a rule, bugs can become like attachments “get lost” in mobile settings. It is also possible that the SIM card is changed frequently. Then the subscriber could not correct the SMS, but, as a rule, it is similar to that typical for old telephones.

After changing the set, it is necessary to restart the mobile phone, in order for the installation to be correct and start working in normal mode.

Dії yakshcho do not log in correct sms

If the text is not necessary to control the subscriber, it is necessary to explain the possible reason for this. In order to understand why not to enter the correct SMS, it is necessary to revise:

  1. Possibly, there is no signal of the border, or pristry posture by the zone of diї;
  2. The client's SIM card has not been used for a long time, which means it is blocked;
  3. There are no pennies on the balance sheet, so you can get an update;
  4. The phone has been added to the black list of the subscriber;
  5. Incorrect settings for the SMS center have been set;
  6. SIM card may be mechanically damaged;

Why is SMS not sent to phones with a Tele2 SIM card?

The popularity of such add-ons and services, such as Viber, e-mail, social media - no doubt high. Some of the people continue to correspond as before for additional SMS-information. Navit if there are a few short beeps in the pipes, or the subscriber does not answer the call, for the help of SMS, you can convey the most important information.

But why work for the coristuvachas of Tele2, because they don’t force notifications on their phone? First of all, we should find out the reason, and then we will try to use it with powerful forces.

Popular causes and ways to get sick

  1. Before the cob, I will ask for a wart to reconsider that the phone number of the possessor is not pardoned: with a correctly assigned code and a number of signs. If everything is correct, then it is necessary to revantagize your mobile devices. Smartphones are especially important for managing the Android operating system, in robots such problems are often reported. Short-term failures can also be caused by an operator, which can also cause problems when sending SMS to Tele2. Tom included and re-inclusion of the phone in this mode before the river.
  2. After re-advancement, it is necessary to move up to the indicator equal to the signal. Maybe, not far away, try to correct the SMS and explain it in a day-to-day communication with the mesh. In this case, it is recommended that the viscount manually register in the Tele2 measure independently.
  3. The next step is the re-verification of the normal functioning of the SIM-card. You will need to recheck the balance, sending a request to the number * 105 #. It is possible that the wine has gone down in the negative direction, and the operator has blocked access to weekend calls and SMS from Tele2. As it turns out, that rechecking the balance does not work, then the SIM-card has ended for all the terms and it is still blocked.

You can find out about the ways to reinstate a SIM card in this article.

  1. The reason why SMS cannot be sent from Tele2 may be the mechanical failure of the SIM card or the card reader. In such a situation, the card does not appear as a phone, but it can be changed into a malfunction by installing it in another mobile device.
  2. Owners of old models of telephones can get stuck with the problem of lack of memory, seen for the purpose of remembering. The problem is being eliminated by clearing the folder with the management and accepted notifications.

Problem with SMS-center and how to solve it

I would like to pay special respect to subscribers who do not receive SMS messages from the phone, they want to dial to the number of the SMS center, which is used in the skin mobile phone. The VIN is automatically registered in the settings for the hour of activation of the SIM card. Any changes and extensions of this number are unacceptable, so that all incoming messages should be sent to the Tele2 assistance center and only a few of them will be forwarded to the owner.

In order to verify that the number of the SMS center is correct in the mobile phone, you need to go to the “Alert parameters” menu and activate the “SMS center number” item. If so, call the Tele2 tech support or try to find out in this article the current number of the call center for the region in which the SIM card is registered. If the notes are revealed, write down new numbers, save them, and then re-adjust the additions and try again to correct the text messages.

Some models of telephones and smartphones have permissions for access to other settings, in order to have a correct notification. For example, the data channel for SMS, on the other hand, may be set to "GSM".

What work, if any, from the proponing recommendations did not help solve the problem? It is necessary to get help from Tele2's spokespersons from the customer service center, where you happen to show up especially with a passport and a problematic phone, for which SMS is not sent.

Why SMS cannot be sent from Tele2

Today, mobile networks work stably, and whether or not problems with their operation are rarely blamed. Tele2 does not use SMS - the problem is not frequent, but all the same, the subscribers of the same operator are stuck with it. We will tell you about the possible causes of failures and the ways of their adoption.

On the back of my mind, why is there a problem

The first step is to proceed to the closure, why not send SMS from the Tele2 phone, transfer the balance to the mobile account. Possibly, for correcting the message, there are simply no koshtiv. Dial * 105 # wiklik. Everything is fine? Now you need to reconsider that the problem is expanding on all numbers: we are trying to send an SMS to someone else in the list of contacts.

Delivered to some people, but others cannot receive SMS from Tele2, what does it work? There's nothing left for you here. Problem zovsіm exactly on the side of the people, on the number of someone not to go to send the message. Possibly, the service of your addressee is presumed, otherwise there is simply no way to know de vin. There is nothing left here, we will check as a check if the number becomes available again.

As if the messenger is not taken to anyone, it is verifiable that there are no problems in the annex itself. For whom:

  • Let's get a SIM card with an attachment, on which we have blamed problems.
  • Let's move it to another phone.
  • Trying to correct the notification to any number.

Everything is fine - it means on the right in the settings of the smartphone. Ні - shchos on the side of the operator.

If you are sure that the service of your number is not assigned, the signal is good, and everything is fine with the annex, return to the Tele2 support service. Available options:

1. Call number 611.

2. Call via Telegram @ Tele2_bot, Viber, or Vkontakte.

If you want to find out what is the nightly unlimited access to Tele2 - go to the request.

When the problem is in the phone

The first possible reason is that the number was incorrectly assigned to the SMS center. In this way, the system can write “pardon 28” with the correct SMS Tele2. Let's try to fix the situation:

  • iPhone - open dialer, enter ** 5005 * 7672 * + 79043490000 #, then the call key.

  • Android - traversable along the way: alerts - menu - nalashtuvannya alerts - dodatkovo - SMS - SMS center. We try to rewrite the real number on the back of the head. You can see and copy the numbers, you can see it is written in and you can copy it) and re-adjust it. If not for help - enter the next universal number - +79043490000. Most often, the request “I can’t edit SMS from the Android phone in Tele 2” is violated in this way. And about those who have unlimited calls on Tele2, read in the article, as we published earlier.

  • Windows Phone - open the menu, then "Settings", "Add-ons" and "Notifications". At the “SMS-center” branch, all the same things that are described for Android are tested.

Another possible reason why SMS cannot be sent from Tele2 is that the settings are incorrectly set in the "Notification" section. right:

  • GSM - data transmission channel.
  • Alert type - SMS, text, normal, standard.
  • Dіysnіst - maximum.

If it is impossible to solve the problem with the settings of the smartphone, you can independently go back to the service of support for the picker.

Return respect: it is important to enter the holder's mobile number correctly. The first digit is to go "+7" or "8". For example, +79520000000 or 89520000000. Go to the list of contacts, find the addressee there and wonder if everything is correct.

Ring when a SIM card is installed with a telephone connection, all basic services are set up and activated automatically, which allows you to dial the phone for calls and alert. However, such situations are not turned off, if in the settings of the services it is indicated that the services are not provided correctly. In such a situation, the subscriber can determine the cause of the problem and, if possible, fix it on his own, or by returning to the operator's office.

Why robiti, how not to receive SMS on Tele2

Text messages may not be necessary, or they may not damage the subscriber's mobile phone for a number of broader reasons:

  1. The signal strength of the operator's network is too low and unstable, or it's hot during the day (recommended to reset the phone).
  2. The balance of the balance is equal to zero, or it reaches the maximum negative limit for the correct work of the service (it is recommended to rebalance).
  3. The term of the subscriber's SIM-card has expired, and the choice of basic services is unavailable (it is recommended to replace or get a new starter package from the operator).
  4. Configuring the gateway SMS service was entered incorrectly or blocked in the extension of the subscriber (it is recommended to enter the correct parameters).
  5. SIM-card of the subscriber is poshkodzhen (needs її replacement for a reference duplicate).

Nalashtuvannya SMS center Tele2

To receive and edit text messages, check the correctness of the given service:

  1. Go to the settings of the main menu of the phone and select the distribution center for receiving SMS notifications.
  2. In this case, check the telephone number of the operator center in the area of ​​the subscriber's home region, which you can find out on the company's website, by calling 611, in the contract from the starter package or the client's tariff plan.
  3. For whom, there was a change in the correctness of the assigned parameter to the type of confirmation - standard text SMS.
  4. At the point, the channel for transmitting data must specify the GSM value.
  5. After the introduction and saving of all necessary improvements, it is recommended to re-vantagize mobile devices for your successful work.

Replace SIM-card Tele2

If SMS does not reach your phone due to the termination of the term of your number, or the card is mechanically spoofed (it is possible in the form of frequent changes in the device), then you can take a duplicate in any office of the company:

  • To replace the subscriber's card, or to remove a duplicate of a smaller number, it is necessary for the number clerk to go to any office of the operator;
  • For the sake of his specialty, the SIM-card clerk is obliged to present a valid document to the office;
  • In the office of the company, the subscriber will be asked to file an application for the replacement of his card through a further malfunction;
  • Variation of change of the tariff number is 50 rubles. regardless of the tariff plan of the client and qi cost go to the client's balance immediately after the activation of the duplicate;
  • All main and bonus fees on the balance of the number, current tariff plan, activated services and options will be charged to the new SIM card;
  • Clients can get a new SIM card with a different number online on the operator's website;
  • After signing up on the site, the subscriber can speed up the cost-free courier delivery of the starter package to the home address and pay with the courier after the presentation of the document that confirms the person of the purchase;

If the clerk of the number cannot independently show up at the office of the company, then he can issue a trust to another person from the designated passport data; The authorized person can come to the operator's office and take a duplicate of the SIM card of the owner of the number, submitting their passport and authorization.