Install Android system programs without root. How to remove installed system programs from Android? Pros and cons

Often, a lot of programs that look weird at first glance are installed on your Android mobile phone. There could be a lot of reasons: from simple tediousness to the need to create a super gadget for yourself. After about an hour, depending on the capabilities of the device, the internal memory will run out. To clear it, you need to delete it. The fragments of the installed programs are called bad, the look turns to standard and system ones, so they are not corrupted. The problem is power: how to remove system programs on Android.

Types of system programs

The first act of seeing any standard supplement shows that there is no right to it. In fact, Android, like any operating system, has a division of rights. The most advanced access is limited to the administrator. Here the administrator's rights are called root rights. In English “root” is translated as “root”. Sometimes they are also called the rights of a super-corruptionist.

To get rid of everything you need from Android, you need to revoke your super rights. A properly rooted phone allows you to do whatever your heart desires. However, first of all, we need to avoid this possibility, and it is important to understand that such an exchange is in fact prohibited. On the other hand, an uninformed user who lacks access to the system setup can easily turn his smartphone into a simple one. Therefore, first of all, how to remove system programs on Android, you need to think about what is really necessary.

In the future there will be only a handful of people left for high-quality food. Which type has the same sprat:

1) System add-ons are lost without changes, even if they were closed, which means that this is correct.


3) Take a detour so as not to waste fire and remove systemic and seemingly unnecessary programs.

To complete simple tasks like uninstalling system programs on Android, you should first understand what stinks have begun to appear.

Basic system programs

The Android operating system is based on Linux and is closely connected with Google. Therefore, practically everything related to Google is standard. This is Gmail, services and search on Google Play, and everything that includes cards. Moreover, the main system systems include Play Market, You Tube, as well as programs that configure the functions of the phone. After you delete the rest, your mobile phone simply stops being a phone.

Weather updates, calendar, alarm clock and planner are also systemic and cannot be viewed without special rights. As information about how to delete system add-ons on Android firmly suggests, the first thing you need to think about is backing up your data. So the titles are "back up". If you don’t bother anyone and then throw away your smartphone at the exit, you can’t get angry. On the Internet you can always find the required files for standard system programs.

Please note that for different versions of Android, a number of system programs have been transferred. And the older the version, the more such errors there are. Most of them are useful and promote great reliability and reliability. Nutrition is about the brownness of the skin, which irritates the hair. The most unnecessary programs are trial versions of game programs, which after the end of the hour or reaching the specified level begin to require payment.

Viluchenya without root rights

And yet, how can you uninstall system programs on Android without root rights? There seem to be no miracles. The axis and in this situation, besides the path of evil, cannot be avoided. And why are there programs and programs that deceive Android, making sure to trust the system that the rights of the super user are true? One of these utilities is Debloater. To help you quickly, you will need a personal computer.

The sequence of operations when using Debloater is simple:

1. The program itself is installed on a computer, which already has the necessary drivers for the smartphone.

2. After this, the utility is launched, and then the mobile phone is connected.

3. Press the appropriate button, and Debloater will show a list of all installed programs on your smartphone.

4. Select the ones you want to remove and earn money - but the rest will remain.

This is the color of all the drains of the utility and there are a number of common boundaries. It easily cleans up any system programs of a smartphone only with Android version 4.4 and higher. In order to do the same on older systems, you will need root rights.

More options for running programs without root rights

It would be easier if you could delete the system files of your smartphone while on your computer. We connect the smartphone, open the file manager and simply remove unnecessary programs, such as extensions.apk and.odex. And nutrition - how to delete system programs on Android via a computer is considered a positive thing. But everything on the right is that, without any special rights, it does not show not only the necessary files, but also the system folders, where everything is located.

How to remove root rights

First of all, look at the options of the superkoristuvach, you must understand that a rooted phone is subject to the manufacturer's warranty. If everything is out of the question, you just need to know the required program for the evil one. There are a large number of such utilities, which are gradually increasing. I would like to remove root rights from most devices based on Android. And the popularity of this system is well deserved.

Having root rights, you no longer have to worry about how to remove system programs on Android. Let's take a look at a simple way to root your phone using the additional SuperOneClick program. The procedure is very similar to the evil “Android” for the help of Debloater, looked at above.

1. The SuperOneClick program will be installed.

2. Device drivers are installed if you need to revoke root rights.

3. Your computer's anti-virus software will crash or you will need to add the program to the list of faults. The antivirus poses a threat to your computer because the malicious program capitalizes on the discovery of vulnerabilities in the Android kernel.

4. Launch SuperOneClick.

5. The mobile phone required for rooting is connected. Before setting up the device, you need to find the “Disable” item and then put a tick in the “USB setup” row.

6. Press the root button on the program - and that’s it.

Removal of system programs with the rights of a super user

If you have a rooted phone, power supply, if you remove system programs on Android, stop whining. But it's not that simple. However, given the rights of a super user, the basic file manager will not be able to delete system programs. For this purpose it is necessary to install a special add-on. Some of the most popular utilities: Root Explorer, Root App Remover.

One of the benefits of using Root Explorer is that it automatically removes files with .apk extensions and .odex files associated with them. With this method, the tails may be lost due to the removal of systemic additives. For this problem, a hard reset device helps.

To understand how to correctly remove Android system programs, it is enough to learn once how to run programs with root rights. The principle of any such utility is in the form of a list. You can download all installed programs, easily select what you don’t need and delete it.

Features of Fly smartphones

How to delete system programs on Android Fly? Exactly the same as on other devices. The most important is the price of the driver required for the Fly device. Among the standard add-ons of this company's devices you can also find Google Play Market, Gmail, Google Chrome, as well as a planner, calendar, notes and calculator.


The memory of a smartphone or tablet under Android will always be weak. The installation program is simply impersonal. And the answer to the power supply is how to remove system programs on Android without root, we appreciate the wisdom of many new owners.

Have you been wondering for a long time how to remove Android system programs without root? It turns out that it’s not only possible, but it’s even easier to earn money! This article lets us know how to remove existing Android system programs from an additional computer!

Previously, in order to remove the built-in Android programs, it was necessary to remove Root rights, the procedure is not safe, and on new devices it is practically impossible to remove it! Well, it turns out that with the help of the ADB utility you can easily remove Android system programs without root! This article is especially interesting for Xiaomi vlasniks who have come up with miui programs!

Read also:

What do you need to remove factory-installed Android programs?

On Android:

  1. Squeeze " "
  2. Install the App Inspector program

    On computer:

    1. For Linux and macOS install ADB
    2. For Windows, install either

    View Android system programs via computer

    We’ll tell you right away how to install add-ons using the additional ADB utility on Windows, Linux, macOS, and a little bit below, we’ll tell you how to easily get everything done in ADB Run!

    I see, you were able to remove system programs without root rights!

    Freezing programs for additional ADB help

    If deleting the system add-on is not an option, the fragments may cause problems with firmware updates again, which may freeze the add-on.

    You can freeze the program with the following command:

    adb shell pm disable-user --user 0 username

    You can unfreeze the program with the following command:

    adb shell pm enable --user 0 add_name

    Can you delete Android system programs without Root rights using Adb Run?

    In ADB Run, you can also delete a program manually by knowing exactly what the program is and writing a command. Or quickly start using the automatic mode:

    The name of the package can be determined by using the App Inspector.

    In the Adb Run program, go to “Other command”
    Write the name of the package (program name) and press Enter. After which the program will be removed from your Android!

    Watch also the video lesson from the standard Android programs!

Quite often, manufacturers of Android smartphones equip their firmware with a large amount of software that is never needed by business owners. At the same time, such software takes up a sufficient amount of memory on the internal storage device and cannot be moved to a card. Moreover, all these programs “hang” at the OCP and “use” a significant part of the RAM and productivity of the central processor. Today we’ll talk about how to deal with it and learn how to remove system programs on Android.

Deleting applications (for example, maps, the launcher itself, music, music, Facebook, Google movies, YouTube, etc.) must be done carefully. On the right is that some of them are required for the operation of the system and, if they are taken, its functionality will be destroyed. For example, if we can see a standard browser, but a third-party one cannot be installed, if you try to deny access to the Internet, the OS will show a problem.

Moreover, if you see, for example, a wireless connection service (and this can be done easily), Wi-Fi or Bluetooth simply stop working and you can update them using the firmware. The list of necessary components can be continued for a long time.

Therefore, before proceeding with uninstallation, be sure to re-download so that the program is not required for the OS to work and it will not be damaged. Also pay attention to the advice of the uninstallers themselves.

Methods for removing and enabling system software

So, let's move on to working on standard programs on your phone and tablet. You can earn money in a variety of ways, both through third-party software (in most cases) and through regular methods. It is important to know that these options, except for one (as seen in constant use of programs) require the appearance of Root rights. They can be removed differently depending on the firmware (Android 2, 3, 4, 5.1, 6.0, 7, 8) and smartphone model. The KingRoot program often helps.

Root is another important administrative privilege in Android, which allows you to modify firmware files.

Regular connection

This method is the simplest and works without Root rights. Prote is in no way. On the right, not all programs can be turned on. Anyway, let’s look at how it works:

  1. Leave the notification row for your device and go to your settings. Call the icon that looks like a gear.

  1. Scroll down the window a little and find the setup item called “Programs”.

  1. Then select the program you want to join.

  1. If this program supports the shutdown function, you will need to use the Exit button. Just press it.

  1. Next, from the drop-down menu, select the item on the screenshot.

  1. Programs that are connected in this way are not visible: they simply clunk until you launch them yourself.

Respect! When you turn on standard software, the update method described above, which was installed on it, will be automatically removed.

Program "Vidalenny system programs"

Then we move on to the third-party software program. The first addition to our list is “Vidalennya system programs”. You can get it from the Play Market, which we’ll do right away.

  1. Let's go to the Android program store and write in the search row the name of the program. As soon as the desired result appears, we will stamp it on the new one.

  1. We install the program by tapping the button indicated on the screenshot.

  1. Access to installation, multimedia, Wi-Fi and other functions is allowed.

  1. You will begin to become interested in the necessary programs. Since its size is small, it is not noticeable for a long time.

  1. Now that the acquisition is complete, let’s move straight to work with the program.

  1. At the first launch, we will need to give the same Root rights as mentioned in the introductory part of the article. The button is embossed on the screenshot.

  1. A list of all programs appears, including system ones. The checkboxes indicate those that you want to remove and the button marked with the number “2” is embossed.

  1. We are ahead of you about those that we saw as important programs for robotic systems. Just think about how you can get this kind of information. Our guy has everything right, that one is stamped “So.”

  1. The clearance process will be completed after treatment.

Ready. The program will not appear on your smartphone at the same time.

Let's look at another option, which is different from the first, then only with a new look. Browse programs also from the Play Market.

  1. We begin to write the name of the utility in the search row of the store in Google i, as soon as our program appears in the search form, we stomp on it.

  1. Give the familiar button a green color.

  1. Easy Uninstaller allows you to do all the necessary things.

  1. We wait until 5 MB are downloaded from the network and installed on our Android.

  1. Let's go to the home screen and there is a new shortcut in the smudge bucket view. We need it ourselves.

  1. In the list of programs available for deletion, we indicate one or more positions and press the button marked with the number “2”.

  1. Once again we confirm our intentions by clicking on “OK”.

That's all. Program or program to silently download, so as not to encumber our phone anymore.


Wasp is another useful option. Of course, few of you know that there is a program for cleaning the disk and storage on your phone that can be used to remove installed programs. Prote tse so. Below we will show how it works.

  1. So, as in the previous cases, we are looking for an add-on from the Play Market.

  1. We install it by pressing the familiar button.

  1. The collection of all necessary CCleaner files is now complete.

  1. Let's launch our cleaner. Today we also act as an uninstaller.

  1. Now, once the program opens, go to the main menu. For this purpose, we emboss the button from the images of three horizontal lines (marked in the screenshot below).

  1. The menu hanging from the left side is embossed with the item “Add-on Manager”.

  1. A list of installed and system software is displayed. To begin the removal procedure, emboss the icon from the images of the window for embossing.

  1. And let me tell you that if we thoughtlessly “adopt” standard software, we can easily “kill” our operating system, since, when running a computer, it’s not so easy. If you know this, you can continue to chew it. The button is embossed around the little one.

  1. This means programs or games that promote uninstallation and tap on the “View” button (marked with the number “2”).

After this, your program, game or all of them will be removed from Android.

Through the file manager

This option for deleting all programs on Android is being expanded. Here we work everything independently, just as previously described uninstaller programs worked in automatic mode. Come on, let's see.

  1. We will be using one of the best file managers. Tse – ES Explorer. Let's get fancy by browsing Google Play.

  1. Emboss the button with the words “Install”.

  1. Allows all types of access required for full-fledged work.

  1. The program is downloading. So how to “import” just a little more than 10 MB, but it won’t take you a lot of time.

The program is installed and ready to go. Next we will look at how to remove standard programs. Launch the tool.

  1. Open the ES File Explorer menu. We designated him as a little one, rendered lower.

  1. Now we need to allow our file manager to work with the components of the operating system. To do this, select the “Root Explorer” function for the additional trigger indicated on the screenshot.

  1. Naturally, we have to give the program Ruth rights.

  1. If access to files by microprograms is allowed, turn to the main screen of ES Explorer and go to the menu.

  1. Then we will need to go to the “Appliances” directory. This is our file system, and not the storage file system, but the system disk and firmware.

  1. Also, in order to delete the same program, you need to erase files from several places. I'm starting to feel first. Let's go to the "system" directory.

  1. Then open the “app” folder.

  1. In Android 5 and above, you will expand the add-ons folders. There is a stench of revenge on APK files. In earlier versions of the operating system, there will be no directories here. So anyway, we need to see the selected program with or without a folder. For which you press on the object and press it until it appears, the button is marked with the number “2”.

We confirm our action by tapping “OK”.

Well, we have cleared the first path, let’s move on to the other.

  1. We turn to the root firmware directory and go to “data”.

  1. Then we open the “app” directory and “install” here all the unnecessary programs.

  1. I'll go to data.

  1. Let's go to the directory listed below and delete data from unnecessary programs and services.

That's all. This method is one of the most complex and least secure for the OS. It is only recommended for people who are well-versed in the topic to use it.

We are smoothly moving to one more option for installing Android programs. This time there will be another utility called Root Uninstaller. Let's look at how to deal with it.

  1. As usual, go to the Play Store and write the name of the instrument in the search row. When the required object appears in the view, we stomp on its end.

  1. The button is embossed on the screenshot.

  1. We check for completion of all required files.

  1. Go to the home screen or in the menu and select additional add-ons.

  1. As in other cases, we need to give access to the operating system files. Otherwise, nothing will come of it.

  1. Once the program is opened, we will see a list of all third-party and standard programs, as well as those that are included in them. Tap on one of them, which will help you see more.

  1. An additional menu will appear with a number of options.

Designations of the different buttons:

  • Freezing. The program or game is blocked: it does not occupy RAM and does not occupy the processor. Prote, instead, occupy the disk, does not crash, and the program is not deleted;
  • Vidality. The program is completely uninstallable from Android;
  • Backup. A backup copy is created in case of failures to help correct the situation and renew those that you deleted;
  • Skidannya. The software is cleaned after all updates and data removed from the process.

There are also a number of additional functions that are not particularly important for us.

  1. As soon as we press the delete button, there will come a time when we will need to confirm what has been done. To ensure this is complete, stamp “OK”.

Respect! To save data and guarantee stable operation of the system, be sure to use the backup tool before deleting skin programs!

Behind the name of this program, it is clear that its work requires the renewal of a super-koristuvach, although it is necessary for our list. Now, let’s look at how to use Root App Deleter in the report.

  1. First of all, what we need to earn is to install the program on the phone. For which it is quickly available in the Google Play store. Enter the name of the program in the search field and select the desired result from the view.

  1. On the home page of Root App Deleter there is a well-known button with the words “Install”.

  1. The “important” program is over 700 kilobytes. This is very little, especially among competitors.

  1. Also, the list of uninstallers updates with a red icon will be stamped on them.

  1. The main menu of our program has a number of tiles. We use the uninstaller ourselves. Embossed according to the item marked in the screenshot.

  1. Then we are prompted to select one of the remote program modes. If you are a beginner, you will automatically create a backup copy of your software before you delete it. There is also an expert mode, in which programs are immediately and irrevocably deleted. Select the algorithm that suits you.

  1. The result will show a list of programs available for viewing. We will uninstall as much as we need from them. Hire us for our thought. Embossed on my program.

  1. Since this is a beginner mode, there is no remote key, then there is no switch. So we can protest the robot of the system and, if everything is fine, we will probably run the program in expert mode.

  1. As in other situations, you cannot do without Root rights. Stomp on “Nadati”.

Ready. The program is installed and no longer wastes phone resources.

Titanium Backup

Here is the famous add-on for backup. In addition, the tool can remove any software, and, obviously, SuperUser – the system software. So let's figure out how to deal with him.

  1. Well, let’s go to Google Play and find Titanium Backup there. Golovne know the Root version itself. Otherwise, nothing will come of it. Look at the screenshot attached below.

  1. Then, as in other situations, press the button indicated on the screenshot.

  1. We check for the completion of downloading a small file.

  1. And we launch our Titanium Backup by clicking on its icon on the home screen.

  1. At the hour when the program starts, you need to request access to the firmware files.

  1. And here a small mistake is coming to our attention. On the right, for normal operation of Titanium Backup you need to have a USB connection in your phone. Don’t cry - there’s nothing wrong with him. “OK” is stamped on the beginning.

  1. Now let's move on to setting up our device.

  1. Scroll the list at the very bottom and select the “About phone” item.

  1. Next, you need to start the process of tapati under the item “Folding number”. Our version has a non-standard add-on to Android - MIUI, so here we will call it its version.

After this, an additional item will appear in your settings under the name “For consumers.”

We just need to switch the values ​​on the screenshots of the trigger in the active stage.

Now you can continue the instructions for removing unnecessary system programs from Android via Titanium Backup.

  1. Go to the “Backups” tab and click on the program you want to “save”.

  1. There are a number of points to work with software here. Below is the indicated value.

  1. After pressing the delete button, we will be reminded about those that we have not created a backup copy of the programs and that have visible system software, the operating system may be damaged. Despite everything being stamped “SO”, you should still make a backup.

In the past, we have removed standard programs from the system after additional programs. However, you will need to use another tool, which is also available in the ES Explorer functionality. It goes like this:

  1. Launch ES Explorer at the end on the desktop or the add-ons menu.

  1. On the main screen, click on the end icon.

  1. We select the program that we want to see.

  1. Emboss the “Uninstall” button.

Root rights are not required in this case, as the system has forgotten ES Explorer again after the first download.

  1. You will see what appears to be a standard uninstallation of Android.

Axis and everything - the program has been deleted.

There is also an option for downloading downloaded programs on an additional PC through the Debloater program, which will not work immediately and will not work. It is better to speed up using one of the methods described above.

Bags and comments

Well, now the question of how to remove factory programs on Android is open to you. We have been given a number of methods, one of which is obligatory. It is important to cancel your backup copy before any action, so that you can update the data later if necessary. You can also turn on the program rather than uninstall it to check the functionality of the system without it.

So anyway, if you can’t go out and you’ve lost your food, describe the situation in the comments, and we’ll immediately try to help.


Also, for greater clarity and completeness of the picture, we recommend watching the initial video on this topic.

Most often, when purchasing a new device, it turns out that it is filled to the bottom with various add-ons that you don’t need. However, these programs occupy the internal memory of the device, consume traffic for their updates, discharge the battery and also drain the RAM. This is especially critical for budget smartphones/tablets, which don’t have that much.

This article lets us know how to remove unnecessary system programs without jeopardizing the “health” of your smartphone. There are a number of different methods and handy utilities that you can use to help you. We will take a closer look at the most accessible and popular ones.

Our first hack will be to remove Root rights. Without them, once the program is installed, you won’t be able to see it, you just have to turn it on, otherwise you’ll lose it in memory. Root rights or Superkoristuvach rights can be removed in one click using any additional program on .

I picked them up on my smartphone, vikorista. When you install the program, it will automatically determine the model of the device and the availability of root rights. We press Try to root, check the completion of the process (devices can be re-enabled, in which there is nothing terrible) and voila, we now have the rights of a Super-Koristuvach.

Before you proceed to the next step, you need to make a backup of all data using another popular program. The instructions from the vikoristan are described in detail on. Every now and then, a backup backup exposes you to a lot of problems associated with remote system programs that you don’t need to fix.

All the revised methods below were tested on a device with OS 5.0.2. On other versions of the Android OS, there may be minor features, otherwise the hidden principle may be lost.

First method

You can view the installation of programs behind other designated universal programs. In addition to revoking the rights of the Super User, the program allows you to delete any programs, autostart, and a number of other useful functions.

1. Launch “KingRoot” and select the “Viewing programs” item in the main menu.

2. There are two tabs here: “Vbudovani” and “Koristuvatski”. We click on the first tab "Budding" and switch to it.

3. Select the programs that we want to enjoy. For example, Gmail.

4. Place a check next to it and press the “View” button.

In this way, you will be able to see any kind of program. Do not remove system programs that may interfere with the stable device.

Another method

This method transfers the installation of any third-party explorer. We are one of the most popular "Root Explorer" add-ons you can get.

We install "Root Explorer" and launch it.

Go to the /system/app folder. All programs that are on your device are saved here.

We select programs that we want to view, for example, “YouTube”. We put a check mark and emboss it on the cat icon in the row below.

We confirm that the process has been completed.

That's all, "YouTube" or any other addition, in this manner, will no longer bother you.

Method three

We can see the installed programs, vikorist and fortune-telling "Titanium Backup". In addition to backing up data, this program has great functionality, including the removal of unnecessary system add-ons. You can select "Titanium Backup" as indicated.

1. Download “Titanium Backup” on your Android device and install it.

2. After startup, you may see this notification (if it didn’t appear, then nothing is required).

3. Follow the specified path and turn on “USB connectivity”.

4. Scroll down to “Titanium Backup” and in the main menu switch to the “Backups” tab. We choose an addition that we value. This time there is less "Google Maps".

5. Click on the add-on and select the “Delete” button from the window.

6. We confirm that the process has been completed.

Another new program (as long as you don’t bother with navigation, of course) has been deleted and no longer takes up space in the internal memory.

Method four

It is possible to install programs after the additional program “ES Explorer” that can be used.

Once installed, install and launch "ES Explorer".

Press the "APPs" button at the top right corner.

In the window, select the item “Installed on devices”.

At the top left corner, press the “menu” button. Here you need to know the item “Root explorer” and activate it by pushing the right-hand button.

Sign up with root rights. We press the “allow” button.

We turn to the list of installed add-ons, find those that matter to us (at least Multistore) and press on the new one.

The “Uninstall” button will be printed on the window and the action will be confirmed.

You will be notified that the program has been uninstalled.

That's all. Let's move on to the offensive method.

Fifth method

We can remove system programs, vikoryst and the "Root App Deleter" program, a completely free version that you can use

1. Download, install and open "Root App Deleter".

2. Select the “System programs” item. Here we can only be bothered by the “Pro” mode.

3. From the list we find a “request” program, for example, Gmail, and click on it.

4. In the window that appears, tap the “Uninstall” button.

5. Appear in the window where you will be asked to allow root rights, press the “Allow” button.

6. We confirm the availability.

7. If everything went well “Root App Deleter” will inform you about it. If the uninstallation process has failed, we will inform you accordingly. This time it will be stamped “No. 1” and the program will be cleared.

That's all. The unnecessary program has been deleted from the internal memory of our device.

The best way

You can see the pre-installed programs behind additional third-party programs "Root Uninstaller Pro", which you can download by going to

Once installed, install and launch "Root Uninstaller Pro".

After launching the program, press the “Accept” button, confirming that we have read the license agreement and all relevant clauses.

From the list that has appeared, we look for the devil’s “victim” and press on it.

Finally, it is possible to use this program with root rights.

Press the "Visibility" button.

Submit a notification about the new programs.

It is important that “Root Uninstaller Pro” is used before installing backup programs, which is very handy for a simple user.

Somiy method

This time we will be using a third-party program called “System Program Viewer”, so you can enjoy

1. Install, install and launch “Removal of system add-ons”.

2. After launching the application, Root rights are assigned to this application.

3. In the list of add-ons, find the desired “sacrifice” and put a tick next to it.

4. Press the red “Delete” button and you will see a notification appear that everything was successful.

Method eight

This time we will be using the "Easy Uninstaller Pro" program, which you can download by following the instructions

We add it, install it and launch the fortune-telling supplement.

The next time we find an addition that “implies” uninstallation and put a tick opposite it.

We press the green “Delete” button and check that the process has completed successfully.

That's all. You can add the add-on without squeezing your root rights. This program completely confirms its name. In just two clicks, she was able to see everything she needed.

Method nine

Infections can be removed from installed programs using one of the most popular programs for cleaning your Android, such as CCleaner. The axis can be enchanted here
7. We re-install and ensure that the programs we have deleted are returned from the desktop.

Method ten

Infections can be removed from installed programs on your additional PC. For this we need the "Debloater" program. It is important that it is only suitable for Android devices with OS 4.0 or higher.

Please install "Debloater" on your PC and launch it.

It is important to install ADB drivers for each specific smartphone model on your PC. These are required so that the computer can help your device.

We go to the Android setup, select the “For Retailers” tab and turn on USB setup.

Then we launch “KingRoot” (without anything), press the “Root Rights Management” button.

Here, on the contrary, with the program “ADB Program” we press the “Write” button and in the row we press “Allow”.

Let’s turn to “Debloater” and it’s clear that the program has successfully “damaged” our smartphone.

Now the Programs window shows all the programs installed on our device.

We select the program we want to delete, and put a tick next to it (for example, Multistore).
We put a tick in the box with the words “Remove” and press the “Apply” button.

Voila, the addition is irrevocably seen.

This method is the most complicated, but it will be less suitable for those who, for whatever reason, cannot quickly follow the instructions. Or hardcore lovers who want to scratch their heads over the folding rooms.


As we were able to understand the methods and additions that can be used to remove unnecessary system security programs, it becomes clearer. Most of them are based on the fundamental principle of work, so dealing with each of them is not particularly difficult.

Let me remind you once again: do not view programs that you know nothing about. This can lead to both the unstable operation of the Android device and the further “rounding” of the smartphone. Make a backup of your data and do not experiment if you do not get the same results.

For all food, write in the comments until the statistics, and we are glad to see you. Good luck!

Problems with inaccessible and unremovable content received by the system (both on mobile platforms and on computers) have appeared for a long time, and the possibility of re-importantly influencing the situation has emerged recently. And therefore, it is important to learn about how to remove system programs on Android, and how to remove Root rights and special tools to remove unnecessary ones.

What are system programs?

It is important to know that if you want to have a number of smartphones and tablets with any operating system, you do not know that the content is being used by retailers (Samsung, Asus, Nokia or, for example, Apple). On all devices, you can use Chrome browsers and sets of office assistants, where you can find planners, dynamic wallpapers, evil spirits and widgets.

Sometimes such discoveries will please you (you can go to Google services that help you process documents, enter a digital store, and join corporate chats with the requested partners), When you wake up, the content raises a bunch of different problems - and the place of the free flock is much less, and the battery is discharging faster (necessary and important service programs are running in the background), and traffic for necessary updates is greatly wasted.

In fact, there will be some things that the retailers would like to know, and then there are enough minuses. On the other hand, I will be very tired of the inability to turn on the application, and also deprive the need...

Robotic methods of cleaning (cleaning)

Just be careful - any duplicate content is purged from the system after Root rights have been revoked.

Since you don’t want to deal with such a need for a long time, and the risk of mercy (although this is basically impossible) is no less than a blue screen on the computer, then why not try to deal with the banal connections of add-ons without the “super-core” status right away? uvacha"? As a result, the main menu has nothing special. Traffic for acquisition renewal is not spent, the risk is zero. Good luck, obviously, I won’t do it anymore, but it’s not so critical anymore.

Without ROOT rights

Connecting content using standard methods:

Z wikiristanny ROOT rights

The connection-free method works, but does not solve the main problem - the lack of free space, which looks critical on budget smartphones and tablets, where it is impossible to access games or additional programs through downloaded tools and services. And then it’s time to move on to radical methods. The first hack is a simple way to remove Root rights using the additional KingRoot utility. Another step is to search for additional third-party tools. Ale before the start of ob'yazkova preparation.

First of all, you should create a backup copy of the system, vikoryst (or any other analogues, it is possible to copy all the necessary information - such as notifications, contacts and available music to add-ons) save – and move to your computer or else it’s a terrible beast) . Or in another way, let’s talk about how the speech itself can be removed, and how it’s better to forget about any outburst.

For example, spending the “Calculator” will not change anything with the hidden price. And the axis of the installed Google services can be linked to the Play Market robot or to synchronize important information and lead to authorization on various sites. If ever you have a problem, you can experiment with a backup copy - you can even turn everything around in just a few minutes!


Root Explorer

If for some reason you can’t get out of the system programs, then you need to quickly use the services of a powerful explorer that allows you to clean up your content directly from the main System directory and the App subfolder, removing all programs available on the device. Here you can find out about services, unnecessary calculators and other nonsense that occupy a lot of good place. I know again, don’t forget it - it’s not worth it to overdo it again, it’s better to understand the content in a mode that is sparing.

And also - such an explorer can be used to remove unnecessary music, videos, and files that are attached to the entire operating system as a whole, it is necessary to take maximum care i.

Titanium Backup root

With a backup, you can quickly comb through all the internal memory and find both the Smithy files and duplicates that are taking up space, as well as system programs that have long been causing confusion. Let me tell you again, everything is elementary - you just need to check all the fields, accept changes, and check that the procedure is complete. Rezavantazhenya, understandably, also can’t be started.