How to select a subscriber from the white list. White list for Android or how to steal unnecessary contacts. The principle of whitelisting

Whitelist for Android or how to steal unwanted contacts

For a long time now, modern phones and smartphones have a function called “Black List” - the ability to enter contacts and numbers before transferring those you don’t want to bother with. However, sometimes it is necessary to protect yourself from the ears, but also from the others. This passage has its own name – “The White List”.

Not all phones have the ability to create white lists, but so do gadgets running the Android OS. What are the paths of this supreme command? First of all, try to quickly connect with the services of your telephone operator (we have a phone number, haven’t you forgotten?). “The White List” is, for example, a megaphone, the service is called that. You can add up to a hundred numbers to this list, so if you call someone else that was not added before the call, you can cancel notifications about the bereavement call. Everything is fine, but the only thing is that the service is paid. But not everyone has a megaphone. So let's try another method.

The Android OS gives its users the ability to install any number of add-ons, even though some of them may not have what they need? Meet me! Whitelist Call Blocker is a program designed for this very purpose (the same name is already a stretch).

So, it’s easy to download from the play market and install it on your device. Now a new icon with an old telephone set will appear on the screen of your gadget.

However, we won’t be able to launch the docks - we need to re-enable the device. After re-engaging, we are amazed at the menu. And here there is a welcome, unsatisfied - Russian; the translation is true, it’s not much better, but it’s a sham for us, isn’t it?

Well, let's take a look at the menu items:

  • Setting up:
    • Turn on the notification icon;
    • Show their subscribers subscriber history;
    • Turn off the timer;
    • Enable Logging (for extra help).
    Here everything may become clearer.

  • Change the group list (if you please, select the groups and would like the dates to allow you to telephone):
    • My Contacts;
    • Starred in Android;
    • Friends;
    • Family;
    • Coworkes.
    This means, for example, the first point - and you can only get calls from those who are at the phone book.

  • Change individual contacts (Please, select the contacts you would like the date to allow to call you): And here you can specifically identify those who can call - and not the entire book.

  • Storeroom.
We select what we need, go to the main page and click on “Services activated” - the text changes to “Services activated”. And everything is ready. You can easily protect yourself from unnecessary calls on Android - install a program with the “White List” functionality. It’s just that it’s costless.

P.S. The telephone number of the incoming call (as received by the machine) will be the same as recorded in the telephone book - otherwise it may be incorrectly assigned. For example, you need “+7” and not “8” on the beginning of the number.

UPD: The program has a problem

Please note that the program may not run correctly on all phone models. For example, I have a ZTE blade a5 pro phone. If you install the Whitelist Call Blocker program on someone, add the song numbers to the white list and press them, then when you call from a number that is not included in this list, the program shows a call and the call goes through:

If such a notice appears on your phone, you can try to find a replacement. For example, Dzvinkiv blocker. After installation, let's go to setup:

Now anyone who wants to call you from any other number that is not allowed will not be able to do so. It works well against collectors, for example.

The author of this material is I – Yuri Pakholkov. I provide services for writing Java, C++, C# programs (as well as consulting for them) and creating websites. I work with sites on CMS OpenCart, WordPress, ModX and self-written ones. Besides this, I work directly with JavaScript, PHP, CSS, HTML - so that I can further improve your site or assist with web programming.

If you want to call you on your phone too often, you can stop answering the call, turn off the sound, or the ringing is still important. You can solve the problem using the additional function built into smartphones – “Black List”. In this way, the contact will be blocked, and the person will not be able to reach you.

What is the “Black List” and why is vikoristing

“Blacklist” is an additional function that covers all current phones. Using the “Black List”, users of smartphones based on the Android operating system can steal the calls of hooligans and unfriendly people who are asked not to get confused, block the calls of various advertising agencies, and their ki.

You can block a contact through a call operator. In addition to blocking via phone, the function is paid, but it offers more possibilities. For example, in addition to incoming calls, you will not receive notifications about calls from the specified subscriber or your notification.

Adding a contact to the blacklist for an additional function does not provide such opportunities, but is absolutely harmless. In this case, calls from the selected subscriber will be blocked, but the system will automatically send you notifications about this call, as well as receive all notifications that the subscriber has received.

How to add a contact/phone number to the “Black List” on Android.

For different versions of mobile devices based on the Android operating system, the method of adding a contact to the blacklist is slightly different. The main differences in settings exist between Android versions lower than 4.0 and, obviously, new versions higher than 4.0.

Adding to the “Black List” on Android below 4.0

On Android versions lower than 4.0, the subscriber number you want to block must be accessed from the contact list on your phone. In older versions of the operating system, you will initially have to activate the “Black List” function and then add a contact:

  1. Let's go to the "Customization" menu.
  2. Open the “Dingles” parameter and select the “Advanced Dzvinka” item.
  3. We click on the “Black List” and click on it for another single button.
  4. Opens the list of contacts. If you hold your finger down, the docks on the screen will not appear in the context menu. The list will have the “Add to black list” option, which is what we need. We indicate that subscriber, whom we almost never see anymore.

    To turn everything around, go back to the “Black List” menu through “Customization” and uncheck the box that was checked earlier.

Adding to the “Black List” on Android above 4.0

Adding a number to the blacklist on smartphones with Android above 4.0 will be subject to the following problems:

  1. Opens the list of contacts and calls.
  2. Select the number you want to block. At the top right corner of the contact there is a customization menu, shown by three bold dots, drawn horizontally. After pressing, a list will appear.
  3. There may be two options for the same option: “Blocking the input call” or “Only voice mail” (varies depending on the OS version). In both cases, we need to set the ensign opposite the letter, after which the contact will be automatically blocked.
  4. To turn everything back, just uncheck the box “Blocking the entrance door” (“Only voice mail”).

Please remember that in all cases, after blocking a subscriber, you will no longer be able to reject any new calls. Not less, immediately after the blocked subscriber calls, you will receive an SMS notification about the hour and date of the call, and the subscriber can independently send notifications to your smartphone. If you are regularly called by an unknown number, for example, an advertising agency, then add it to your contacts and blacklist, so they won’t be able to get through.

Video: how to add to the “Black List” on an Android phone

Adjustment of the “Black List”

You can turn a contact to the white list in different ways. Most often, it is enough to try the same procedure as when added, only you need to check the box next to the “Enable black list” item (the wording will vary on different phone models). Unfortunately, the standard features of smartphones do not allow you to change other parameters, for example, specify a specific date if you cannot be reached by phone, or you can use additional additional programs.

Additional programs for blocking

With software, everything is simpler, and all owners of smartphones based on Android can use it, and it doesn’t matter what version of your phone you have. You can find a program on the Play Market called Blacklist. The key feature of the program is that it allows you to block not only calls from subscribers, but also SMS messages.

For whom you need to use the following options:

The add-on allows you to block non-numeric numbers, which will be relevant in these situations if you receive advertising companies. From now on you will be able to look at the history of blocked calls and see the information in the “History” tab and read them instead of SMS. You can unblock a subscriber by seeing the number and pressing the image of the bucket, which is located in the upper right corner.

Video: robot with the Blacklist program (“Black List”)

Another unique method also allows you to block incoming calls and notifications from subscribers. Download Avast antivirus from the app store! Mobile Security (not all antiviruses have the ability to add contacts to the blacklist).

In any bi-way you did not test, the subscriber is sensitive to the blocking of the skin, what is the number of classes. The messages sent to them will not appear on the screen, but you will still be able to see them.

Expanded functionality for adjusting the black list is not available in additional software. With their help, you can not only block the calls themselves, but also the incoming messages, look at them instead, remove the date of removal and, using the antivirus, set the date of activation of the functions.

All these programs are available free of charge (including paid versions with great potential), so any user can download them and transfer them to the phone parameters and system programs can be installed on their smartphone.

Video: blocking unwanted calls for help Avast! Mobile Security

Possible problems and solutions to them

Please note, if you want to install the program, only use official or verified devices (Play Market or AppStore). Otherwise, you run the risk of your phone being caught by a crappy security program. With this help, scammers can easily find out the contacts of the people you associate with, your special phone number and steal a large amount of confidential data (especially if you often correspond via SMS). If you still try unverified devices, for example, forums, where “firmware” versions of programs are posted, install an anti-virus software later.

When choosing a black list, you may encounter one serious problem - after adding a person to the black list, you may miss an important step. Once you have used the additional utility, people will not be able to let you know about it, and even be blocked from entering messages. Also, be careful when dialing a number and adding a contact to the black list, so that another person does not end up there. Any other serious pitfalls when working with black lists (especially dub ones) are not to be blamed on anyone.

If you have a smartphone running on the Android operating system, you can quickly block the wrong contact. Which can be supported by both traditional features of the operating system and additional add-ons. If it doesn’t matter if you receive an SMS from a blocked subscriber and you don’t need to set the current hour and date, then use the standard options. In the event of an emergency, a variety of supplements will be available to help. After blocking, no calls from the blocked subscriber, nor SMS notifications will trigger you.

Administrators can run corporate programs on their Android devices without having to deal with their specific data. You can sign up for the following:

  • create white lists of recommended programs that will be available for installation;
  • automatically install the required set of programs for the robot;
  • keruvati system programs on corporate devices.

The principle of whitelisting

You select programs from Google Play from the Google Administrator Console and add them to the large list that you can download on your devices.

The installed programs from the white list are installed by the organization, so if the security officer is released, the programs are removed from his device immediately from the corporate cloud record. You can also see if the device was wasted or stolen. All Google mobile applications, such as Gmail and Google Drive, have already been added to the white list.

How to separate special and corporate programs

Croc 1. Open the long list of programs for Android

Krok 2. Create a white list

How to add the program

It is possible to appear on the white list immediately, but customers can install it from the corporate Google Play or from the “For work” tab in the Play Store only after synchronizing with the Google endpoints system. Programs installed not from corporate Google Play and not from the “For Work” tab cannot be installed.

How to view the program

After deleting programs from the white list, they will no longer be available for users on the corporate Google Play and on the “For work” tab on the Play Market. If the koristuvach has already installed the program, stop using the ceramic, otherwise you will not be seen from the annex. Customers who have not yet removed their add-ons from the white list can still attract them from the Play Store, but in this case they will not be blocked.

You will receive confirmation that the selected program has been removed from the white list.

Note. It is impossible to remove Google Apps Device Policy from the white list.

Krok 3. Keruvannya programs in the white list

Yak keruvati adjusted the programs


How to confirm new permissions

By adding to the white list of add-ons for Android, you can deny your access to the data under the name of the contributors in the organization in order to give you permission to sing. For example, the program may require access to contacts or uninstallation of the device. Customers can change your permissions after installing programs on their device.

After updating programs from the white list, you may need new permissions. Programs that require updating a separate building are listed in the administrator console. To praise the renewal of permissions:

How to handle dynamic permissions

Activities of Android programs can obtain the permission of a merchant under the hour of extermination. For example, the program can request access to the calendar or install it. You can indicate how much money will be paid for the withdrawal of such permissions. These parameters have priority over the settings for the device for adjusting dynamic permissions.

How to create ceramic configurations

Updated versions

With the help of these configurations, you can automatically set up programs for an organizational unit or a group of employees. You can create a number of ceramic configurations for one program and consolidate them into different groups of units. To create a secure configuration, enter the following actions:

Krok 4. Give programs to the singing koristuvachs

How to add koristuvachev to the list of all programs

This feature is available in G Suite Business and G Suite Enterprise packages. Updated versions

Note. You will not be able to install programs on the personal device of the user, if the user has registered the device, identified himself as a user and has not created a work profile. This setup mode (device administrator mode) is only available on devices with Android 9.0 and earlier versions and is no longer supported.

  1. Open the long list of programs for Android (if you haven't downloaded any yet).
  2. Choose the program you want to earn affordable.
    On the “Advanced programs” screen, the groups of clients for whom the program is available are displayed.
    Porada. To get a list of programs available to any member or group, select the filter settings on the left side of the organizational page, group or specific person. You can also filter out secretly accessible or private programs.
  3. To make it available to other groups, press .
  4. Select one of the options below.
    • To give access to the program to an organizational member, click on the left side of the screen Organizational department Then select the name of the child from the list.
    • To gain access to program groups, click on the left side of the screen Group Start typing the name, and then select it from the list.
  5. Press Continue to live.

  6. Indicate setup of programs for organizational support or press group Save.
    You can:
    • Immediately automatically install the program on your customers’ devices.
    • Zaboroniti koristuvacham see the program.
    • Allow customers to add program widgets (that's right) to the head screen.

Note. Changes on the equipment of the employees require you to gain ranks for a few minutes, but sometimes it takes up to 24 years. If you do not specify the group, the program will become available to all members of the top-level organization.

How to remove clients from the list of all programs

This feature is available in G Suite Business and G Suite Enterprise packages. Updated versions

Note. Changes on the equipment of the employees require you to gain ranks for a few minutes, but sometimes it takes up to 24 years. If you do not specify a subdivision or group, the program will become inaccessible to all members of the top-level organization.

How to protect koristuvachs from installing programs not on the white list

Customers can download programs from the Play Store. When added to the white list, the programs are available on the “For work” tab. To protect users from installing programs that are not included in this list:

Note. Changes on the equipment of the employees require you to gain ranks for a few minutes, but sometimes it takes up to 24 years.

We will continue to look at Android. The first article was about the Warez My Software utility, which showed us how not to use Call Blocker, the Phone Warrior add-on, which deprived us of our privileges, and also about Whoscall - a program that was completely in control, and then pushed us to find an alternative.


Once again, one of the participants in the “Black List” was Vlad Lee. This solution has a new set of functions, is free of charge, and also does not consume system resources that still need to be verified. The other one will be the video blocker from the Green Banana studio. Judging by the description, there is nothing special in this one, the Google Play customers are satisfied with the food - what? And the third one is Call Blocker – Blacklist App, which aims to block SMS on all versions of Android, which also means that parts on KitKat and Lollipop are not always visible. If you use Android 4.4.2, you couldn’t block SMS without looking back. Hey, let's go.

As a test case, I used a DEXP Ursus 8EV2 3G tablet (Android 4.4.2, MT8382 processor, 4 x 1300 MHz, 1 GB RAM).

Black list (Vlad Lee)



The Vlad Lee program traditionally promotes blocking of unwanted calls and SMS, as well as blacklisting. As the retailer says, the add-on does not consume any significant resources of the memory and processor of the mobile device, being even lightweight. In this case, the numbers are blocked quietly and without any ringing signs, which means that the fragments of the same Whoscall cannot work. It was too late to check everything.

*Our device has installed program version 2.10.41 with a volume of 6.47 MB.

Main functions:

  • Black list of numbers (blocking incoming calls and SMS);
  • white list (numbers that are not blocked at all);
  • Log of blocked calls and SMS;
  • Blocking of registered numbers;
  • blocking unknown numbers;
  • Blocking of numbers after the first digits;
  • Blocking all calls;
  • Blocking of all input SMS;
  • Notifications about blocked calls and SMS (can be enabled in the configured programs);
  • Enable and enable blocking in one click;
  • Saving the blacklist file;


Identification data:

  • Search for cloud records on the device.


  • Review of contacts;
  • Change contacts.
  • Review of SMS and MMS;
  • Change SMS and MMS;
  • Receive SMS;
  • Powerful SMS notification.
  • Change to the journal of calls;
  • Operation of telephone calls;
  • A look back at the Dzvinki magazine.


  • Changing/deleting data to USB storage devices;
  • Review of data on USB storage devices.

I will add the device identifier and data about calls:

  • Find information about the phone status.
  • Creating cloud records and setting passwords;
  • Launching the installation;
  • Put the device into hibernation mode;
  • Review of the borders connect;
  • No access to the Internet.

First enemy

First, what we are interested in is this small window, which explains that in order to block SMS, it is necessary to make an additional payment to receive notification. We have found out how to remove restrictions for Android 4.4 and higher. Well, Hangouts, come on.

І axis here is a great program. The interface is simple, but smart. There are three tabs: blacklist, log and SMS + “shistka” adjustment and the classic “three dots”, which allows you to save the log to a file or delete all entries. Everything was going well at the top sidebar. Below you can switch to the pro version.


The remaining cost is not much - only 79 rubles and adds low cost, for example, password protection. However, all exchanges for the cost-free version will be shown in the test, but it is already obvious that there will be no advertising.

Okay, let’s try to delve into the records in order to first understand the possibilities of the “Black List”. The first row is to turn off the blocker, so that the blocker can be deactivated if necessary. There’s nothing like this here, but it’s even easier that the filtering of the permanent may not happen. Required - they sneered, not required - they sneered.

Below you can block visible and unknown numbers, and also block all calls. You can also receive SMS. A white list, as well as password protection, which is available for 79 rubles.


Let me tell you, the stench is simply e.g. Before speaking, you can activate their status bars. When you finish setting up, you will receive the text of the blocked notifications. The support of the koristuvach was also implemented.


Zagalom, first of all, is neutral, so we have before us a classic blocker with impressive adjustments, manual settings and an undisturbed interface, based on a powerful engine, which makes us happy. Now let’s try to check everything in action.


The resource utilization did not work, since Whoscall used the same indicator, which is 68.7 MB with zero CPU usage. If you allow it, then everything is fine - there’s nothing that the blocker doesn’t need. In this case, the skin separation can be explained by the functionality of the program.


So, open the “Black List” tab. To add your “host number”, all you need to do is tap on “+” in the top sidebar. You can block numbers from the call list, the contact list, from the notification list, manually, start from the backup copy created earlier. Zagalom fresh soup set. It’s too late to check how it works.

The result is that it only takes one ring, and then it just drops. When blocking behind the first digits - the same song, you can also enter an alphanumeric number. Before the speech, there was no remaining Whoscall option.


The log of inappropriate calls is displayed correctly, indicating the number and hour of the call. If SMS is used, you can select the subscriber immediately, but only if the blocker is installed behind the settings for working with acquaintances.

The notifications themselves are blocked without problems, so they are not visually displayed anywhere, but appear immediately in the log of unnecessary calls. In this case, the text of the remaining truths can be accepted. Well, bravo, the Black List was completed without any problems.


As for system resources, their storage increased to 86 MB, the processor was strained to 1.6%. Whoscall has this indicator for lower volumes – 0-0.4%/65-71 MB. In addition to the traffic - only 400 KB for 15 khvilin vykoristannaya, but only for advertising, fragments of the online subscriber base are not transferred to the add-on.

According to the data of DU Battery Saver, the battery cost for 15 minutes was 1.4%. To level up the basic Android launcher, it adds 1.5% from the moment you start the monitor. It's a small display, but you still can't save the battery.



"Black List" (Vlad Lee) is a wonderful alternative to Whoscall. There is no need to assign a subscriber ID, so you can easily block SMS. Moreover, in Russia the first option is still poorly implemented.

The increase in resources and traffic is all the same. Advertising? So, a little, but it is possible to supplement the ham plant with 79 carbonates. In another case, it’s a standalone blocker that lets one click through and then blocks SMS.


The subscriber opts out of the ability to separate incoming calls and inter-message calls from telephone numbers that were previously included in the same list.

The service can be performed in two different modes (at the same time it is impossible to use them):

1) Blacklist: the system does not allow incoming calls to the mobile phone from numbers included in the blacklist; If this service mode is activated, the phone will not receive incoming calls from numbers that are included in the “black list”.

2) White list: The system allows incoming calls to the mobile phone from the numbers included in the white list. The phone accepts incoming calls only from the numbers specified in the “white list”.

You can find out what active mode is currently on your phone by calling the short number 0580.


To connect or turn off the “Black/White List” service, you need to dial the short number 0580 (free call) on your mobile phone.

You can quickly access the “Black/White List” service in one of the following ways:

1) if, after completing the agreement and granting access to the limit, you have completed the periodic service “Black/White List”;

2) by going to the Subscriber's Office and having signed up for a job there;

3) complete your service by scaling up to “System 555” (subsystem Addition/Recruitment of services);

4) Return to the Internet service "SkyPoint" and complete your work there;


For the “Black/White List” service, a subscription fee is charged in accordance with the selected tariff. If you are on roaming, you will not be able to get the service quickly.