How to renew mts at borg. How to take an obligation payment on MTS, if there is a minus for the account. Method of connecting a tax payment to MTS

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Everyone has experienced the same situation when they run out of money on their mobile phone and start calling immediately.
MTS offers a number of options. For additional "Obitsyanoy payment" you can borrow from the company at the right time.

Service - Obligation payment

This service is deprived of the company's clients, whose balance exceeds the sign of -30 rubles. The term for a loan becomes a week.

How to take it from the Borg?

  • You can dial *113*, and then immediately the amount you need to pay to the bank. After pressing the bell, the answer will come in a few seconds.
  • Another option is to send an SMS from your bag to “087013”.
  • Qiu service can be obtained using an additional USSD command. You need to dial the numbers *111*123# and press the click. The answer may come within a few seconds;
  • Another way to get out is to call number 1113.
  • As soon as it’s time, you can open the office and help activate and configure it.
  • To transfer money to the borg, you can quickly use the “Internet helper”. You need to dial "08703" on your phone. First of all, you need to find out that only people have a negative balance on their mobile phone.

The limit for this amount of service is based on how many dollars you spend in a month:

  • If it is less than 300 rubles, then the permissible limit is 200.
  • If it goes from 300 to 500, then 400.
  • If it is more than 500, then 800.

The fee is 5 rubles per payment "Obligation payment". If the loan amount is up to 20 rubles, it will not be repaid.

Service - Credit Trust

It can only be connected after you have used your mobile connection for a long time.

Another simple way to call your phone:

  • Send an SMS with any Latin letter in the notification text to “125”.
  • You can dial *125#. A voice menu will appear in which you will need to follow the prompts to remove the craps.
  • Quickly use the auto service system, you can dial the number “0890”. All you need to do is follow the instructions of the assistant robot and cancel your credit.
  • You can call directly to a mobile operator specialist. You can help us deal with this by depositing money with MTS. You need to dial “0890”, and then press the “0” button.
  • Another way is to establish a company representative. You will need your supporting documents and SIM card if you want to cancel the loan.

The maximum loan amount is based on the total expenses for mobile communications. At any moment, the subscriber can hire a service. To do this, you need to send one Latin letter to “125” or dial *125*#0. You can contact the company’s specialists to help you enable the service.

How to use a credit card

Another way is to take money from MTS to your phone or credit card. The same financial service as other banks. You can also buy original plastic cards. You can find out more about the functions and tariffs of the service by calling “0890” or contacting an MTS representative.

MTS operator commands in the form of short combinations of numbers allow you to control, perform basic and additional services. These actions can be taken through a special account, on the website or in the app. Since there is no such possibility (4G or Wifi connectivity, old model push-button phone), the list of USSD codes will be even more detailed.

According to the criteria, the queries are divided into one category.

Control of the Ruhu Koshtiv over the Rahunkom

  • *100# – check the balance, confirm to appear on the screen or receive a notification;
  • *100*3# – borg for the service “On the new trust”;
  • *152# – information about other video operations;
  • * 152 * 1 # - Pay by phone for the exact day;
  • *152*3# – paid option “Balance under control”, after this operation the excess balance is displayed;
  • *152*4# – a list of the remaining ones, with details of the amount and date;
  • *115# – enable “Easy payment” – top up your phone with a bank card;
  • *111*123# – enter the “Obitsyanoy payment” date;
  • *111*1230# - information about the possible amount of the “Obligation Payment”.

Yakshcho zero balance

  • *116*subscriber number# – SMS to other correspondents, please renew your account;
  • *110*subscriber number# – SMS to call back;
  • *112*subscriber number*sum# – transfer of pennies to another subscriber;
  • *111*32# – activation of the “On full trust” option;
  • 0880 contact – the call is paid by the receiving party.

Tariff and service management

  • *111*919# or *152# or *152*2# – transfer of connected services, the command menu has the ability to add additional options;
  • *111*59# – way to find out the name of the current tariff;
  • *100*1# – excess content, information, megabytes within the framework of connection packages;
  • *100*2# – SMS, what was lost, hvilini, traffic for the minds of the operator’s promotion;
  • *217# - excess Internet traffic.

Connection of tariff plans (*111*…)

  • 1115# – “Tariff”, a tariff that can be configured with packages of services, SMS and unlimited Internet;
  • 3888# – transition from “My Smart”, similar to the previous option, but access to the Internet;
  • 1025# – “Our Smart” has unlimited usage of Internet resources, hvilin package, MTS-TV;
  • 1010*1# – “Tariff X” – unlimited on social networks, popular resources;
  • 1024*1# – “Smart” – the tariff includes the optimal number of hours for data collection and traffic necessary for the average mobile phone user.

Addition and variety of additional parameters

The most popular USSD commands.


  • *345# – “Web” option, access to instant messengers, social networks without restrictions, *111*345*2# – connection;
  • *111*160*1# – Internet mini connection, to confirm before entering the hash mark, dial 2;
  • *111*161*1# – activation of Internet Maxi, connection – instead of the remaining one, dial two;
  • *111*166*1# – select the “Internet VIP” parameter, by clicking on the combination, press two instead of one;
  • *111*1430*1# – according to the basic rates for the output limit;
  • *252# – method of adding a service to access the Internet “Bit”, press – *252*0#;
  • *628# – activation of the “Super Bit” option, vidmova – *111*628*2#;
  • *111*768# – adjustment of Father’s control;
  • *111*1118*1# – antivirus.

Calls and SMS

  • *111*46# – activation of the anti-victory;
  • *111*2919# – basic voicemail, get moving – *111*2919*2#;
  • *111*38*1# – request to the service “They called you!”, connection – *111*38*2#;
  • *111*0300# – 300 SMS;
  • *111*445*10# – 10 MMS;
  • *111*902# – savings when paying for the cordon;
  • *111*52# – interchange of unnecessary inputs, vidmova – *111*53#;
  • *230# – block spam, call – *231#;
  • *111*48# – location of this conference call, access – *111*49#;
  • *111*528*1 – adding the “At home” option to clients who are on domestic roaming;
  • *444# – a way to economically call international roaming, turn on – *111*4444#;
  • *111*903# – “Vigidne Mizhmisto”, where calls to subscribers of “Megafon”, “Beeline”, and other mobile and fixed-line operators are cheaper;
  • *111*54# – the possibility of awakening and strengthening the parallel call;
  • *111*2320*1# – activation of the SMS Pro service package, manual caller for forwarding, auto-dial, and other functions is activated by a similar combination with the number two instead of one.


  • *151*2# – information about essential services, connections, remote connections;
  • *111*28# – “Beep” function, tap – replace 28, enter 29;
  • *606# – MTS-Music channel, subscribe – *111*9590#;
  • *347# - registration on the Ivi video portal;
  • *888# – activation of access to Apple Music;
  • *828# – prepayment to the child video resource;
  • *567*0# – start listening to MTS radio.

Advantages of the “My MTS” program

The program is divided into an Internet assistant. It has available functions:

  1. Transferring extra pennies to a special account.
  2. Renewal of the rack.
  3. Excess packages of hvilin, povіdomlen, megabytes.
  4. Change of tariff plan.
  5. Agreement for additional services.
  6. Registration of prepayments.
  7. Transaction details.
  8. Technical, consulting assistance.

The corresponding item is a report of descriptions, indicated by the USSD command of your activation and data.

Perhaps, if you ever come to grips with the situation, if you have run out of money on your mobile phone, there is no way to replenish your account, your bank card is empty, and you need to call immediately. To solve the problem and take it from Borg to your phone, you are using MTS. Moreover, the operator presents a number of options to choose from, which allows you to select the appropriate one for a specific situation.

At borg from 10 to 700 rubles

The demanded proposition “Tax payment” is deprived, as long as it is available to every customer. However, there are small restrictions for those who have reconnected. The maximum available limit is 50 rubles, with the possibility of increasing the limit to 800 rubles/week in the future. There is a significant amount of thousands of expenses that can be seen on the phone.

You can deposit your deposit through a special combination * 111*123# , enter the required numbers, press “ring” After going to the cash register, you will receive an SMS confirmation.

As an option, you can access the Internet service, or dial the number 1113. In this case, up to 20 R, the service is charged without costs, as it is usually written off at a rate of 5 R. You can see a trust payment for lines up to after which the subscriber needs to extinguish the debt .

If the balance is negative

Renew your account at the bank with a minus, or no more than 30 rubles. The simplest way is to enter “MTS Obligation Payment”. The ability to call in other cases is provided by the “Credit” service if the amount increases to -300 RUR, and in some tariffs this option is set to optional. It is better to find out from afar, so that the mobile phone cannot be turned off at an unexpected moment.

You can apply for a service by sending an additional SMS to the number 2828, where you enter the number “1”, followed by “0”.

Another option to replenish the term balance (amount of pennies) for a minus balance is the “On top of trust” tariff.

Additional payment MTS

The maximum limit you can borrow from MTS on your phone is 800 rubles, subject to transfer tariffs and credit limits established for the payment. In this case, there is no need to vikorize the above-mentioned services, you can simply adjust until a certain limit amount appears - 600R, 1000, even up to 3000, with minor shifts. Only then will it be possible to not just accept money, but actually put in money to pay off the funds that have accumulated. Better yet, become a reliable seller who inspires confidence.

Most of the proposals are surrounded by a period of consultation with the company (minimum 90 days) and sums that can be renewed. Obov'yazkova is the presence of a positive balance at the time of connection of active services. An increased limit is allowed for a number of situations, such as:

  • promptly pay for traffic;
  • gradually increase expenses for operator services;
  • The minimum transfer amount is 50R.

Damage caused by over-reinsurance of minds can lead to a change to the previous amount of 300 rubles.

Activate the “On New Trust” service in the simplest way, using the vikory command *111*32#, dialing or via your home modem. This is the best option to deposit money on MTS if you simply don’t have time to withdraw from Oschadbank or search for terminals.

Pennies from Borg on MTS from friends

If there are problems with the timely payment of services provided by the operator, you can ask your loved ones for help. For such situations, a number of options have been developed that allow you to successfully overcome financial difficulties:

  • “Call me back”, via the USSD command: *110* friend’s number, after which the subscriber cancels the signal, it looks like a missed call and a notification, which will take place again;
  • “Viruchay”: dial number 0880, check the autoinformer line, enter the remaining ten digits of the required number (following the first 8); With this option you can also make a call for the account of another subscriber;
  • “Top me up”: * 116 * friend’s number #.

All clients of the company can quickly receive the “Positive Zero” service without any costs, if a person chooses through the voice menu either with guidance or simply picks up a phone call from MTS, with notifications about the call sent to the phone number.

Umovi given credit option

If the profiteers are desperate to restore the balance of the Borg, the company is depriving itself of the right to make money from the singing minds. Obviously, there is a fixed commission (fixed fee), and the subscriber has access to more options for regular services, without changing other clauses of the contract. The size of the limit allowed to lie in the rich minds:

  • How often do you understand the operator's propositions?
  • yaki sumi zvichay take to borg;
  • How much does he spend, etc.

The loan is available for 3 days, a little more than 300 RUR, increasing to 400 or 500, perhaps, or in other minds, on an individual basis. Obv'yazkovo promptly replenishment of the payment established for the company's victorious costs.

How to call another subscriber's account? Servant "Viruchai"

The best option is to cancel term calls, as the blocked number is obviously very busy. If you do not need to directly enable the option, it is enough to quickly use one of the following methods:

  1. 0880 – 10-digit number – “dink” key.
  2. 0880 - "Viklik" - number.

Coming events:

  • when the call is received, the subscriber is immediately prompted to accept it by paying his money; To confirm the track, press “1”, for the confirmation – “0”, to listen to the voice – “2”;
  • If the number you call is unavailable, after it appears in the network, an SMS “call me back” will be sent; the maximum number of such messages by pulling the doby is 10;
  • You can easily interrupt the call with a message or accept it by pressing the button without waiting until the message is announced.

It’s completely obvious that you’ll lose your money for communication, put pennies on MTS, without facing huge difficulties, it’s important to clearly understand the sequence of actions and stay up to date with all the company’s innovations. In this case, there is a great possibility of winning bonuses without losing the connection.

For the sake of fairness, it should be noted that there are different proposals for such a plan in other operators of the Russian Federation: Beeline, Megafon, Tele2.

Absolutely, pop up the rakhunok on MTS at Borg, it’s just that easy!

Reading hour: 3 min.

“Possibilities at zero” - that’s what MTS calls a whole range of services designed to help clients who have lost their lives in the hardships. The operator presents seven different ways to get out of the situation. Subscribers may be able to sign up for MTS for an additional deposited payment or the service “Credit on Trust”. You can quickly get help to your loved ones by sending the “Telephone me” beacon, for additional information to your loved ones “Viruchay” or by sending an SMS “Retrieve me”.

How to take the “Obitsyany payment”

Take a loan from the bank and renew the account on your phone for an amount of 50 rubles. You can use the so-called advance payment. Moreover, the more often you use your phone and the higher your monthly fee, the greater the loan amount you can withdraw. However, in any case, you can take money to the bank on MTS for no more than 3 days.

The maximum amount of the payment is 800 rubles. You can withdraw pennies to the bank on MTS as often as possible, as long as you pay the front bank.

To enable a trust payment, you must:

  • dial the combination of numbers * 111 * 123 #;
  • Call the operator number 1113.

Moreover, in order to borrow, you can quickly access the Special Account on the MTS website or the “MTS Service” add-on.

How to take out a loan “On full trust”

This service allows the client to take money from MTS in the amount of 300 rubles. per month. One of the main points of the loan is the full availability of debts on other numbers that are due to the subscriber, as well as regular charges for the remaining 3 months on the balance of the victorious SIM card for 300 rubles.

You can activate the “On top of trust” option in two ways: by using the additional command *111*32# or by selecting this service on the MTS website from the “Special Account”.

Payment for the “On Top of Trust” credit is made once a month in accordance with the bill that is issued to the subscriber for the previous month until the 24th day. For full payment or partial payment to the debtor, you can only take an advance payment after full repayment of the front debt. No fines have been issued for failure to make payments.

How to take money from Borg on MTS from friends?

If you don’t want to contact MTS for any reason, or you are seriously over-borrowed, and the “On Confidence” loan is not possible, then you can turn to your loved ones for help. The operator presents a number of ways to get out of the twisted situation with a zero balance by relying on friends:

  • Servant “Call me back”: Dial USSD command: *110*friend_numbers# (for example, *110*89191234567# ). It allows you to send a beacon to any of your loved ones, which may cause missed calls. At the same time, you will receive an SMS on your phone with instructions to call you back.
  • Option “Viruchay”: Call the number 0880, and after the answering machine answers, dial the remaining 10 digits of your friend’s number (without the first 8). This option gives you the ability to call another subscriber for your account.
  • Servant “Popovni meni rakhunok”: Dial the command *116*friend_number# (for example, *116*89191234567#). After you send the command, you will receive an SMS to the subscriber number you wrote with the text “Be kind, call me again.”

In addition, all subscribers of the company receive an absolutely cost-free “Positive Zero” option: If the balance of drawdowns is equal to zero, if you try to make a call you will be given a voice menu in which you can select an option ій: “Call me back”, “Call me back” rakhunok" or "Viruchay". For additional help with this menu, you can borrow MTS. Also, an SMS with the text “This subscriber has called you” will be delivered to the number of the subscriber you called.

You can also help your friends! If your friends are not able to withdraw money from their operator, you can replenish their money using an additional ATM, or using a wireless mobile phone using the additional “Direct transfer” option. It gives you the opportunity to transfer money from your mobile phone to another. To speed things up, dial the command *112*friend_number*amount#(for example, *112*89191234567*100#). After requesting a transfer, an SMS with a payment confirmation code will be sent to your phone. To complete the transfer to a friend, enter *112*code_z_sms# .

How to borrow money from MTS: mobile service “Money from Borg” + what is “Credit Trust” + nuances of deciding to borrow from MTS + how to contact a subscriber for a zero balance?

Due to the constant bustle, we often forget about such trifles as, for example, paying by phone. Bagatioh may be confused by the phrase: “There are no funds for this day’s payment, it is necessary to replenish the balance”.

It’s a great pity that this often happens when there’s not enough money to pay for a new connection, but you still need to pay for the self-service terminal.

It’s good that today’s service (namely kelka) allows money-grubbers to take money as an operator in the borg.

We will describe how to borrow money on MTS with this short instruction.

1. How to enable the “Borg Money” option?

How to deposit money with MTS? Everything is very simple. It is necessary to carry out a simple procedure for dialing a standard operator number:

Umovi nadannya serviceDescription
1. Borrowing less than 20 ₽.For those clients who don’t have enough money for their account or the normal amount is 20 rubles, all they need to do is dial the combination 1113 and accurately match the auto-submit entries.

For those who you, the additional commission will not be charged.

2. Borrowing over 20 ₽.If your Borg is larger for 20₽, then you will have to pay an additional 5₽ commission for connection.
3. Ordering price is 30 ₽.For clients who have paid exactly 30 rubles, there is an option called “Bill payment”. You can connect by dialing the combination of numbers *111*123#.

This option is only available for three days, in order for this term you will need to return the money you borrowed.

Remember that the price for the market is no less than minus 30 rubles and no more than plus 30 rubles.

Don’t forget about the additional commission ranging from 7 to 50 rubles (this will be added to the amount you are going to take from the bank).

4. Loan for payments for a monthly payment.MTS can also give money to Borg, amounting to thousands of dollars spent on calls from its client.

In this way, if, according to statistics, you have enough 300 rubles for 30 days, then you can borrow 200 rubles. If you spend around 300-500 rubles, you can use a loan of 400 rubles. If you borrow 500₽, you can borrow no more than 800₽.

All the most important methods are available to those clients who have been using this operator for two months and who are not charged for other charges for mobile calls.

2. Loan for mobile phone

MTS gives its subscribers the opportunity to pay money for the additional “Credit Trust” service, which is absolutely cost-free. We’re not talking about a one-time position, like the old butt, but about a permanent “trick”, if you can calmly talk to the borg.

One mind - extinguish the position until the 15th of the new month.

About how to deposit money on MTS with the help of “Trust Credit”, read these instructions:

  1. The first way is to write a message to number 125. The text needs to be written in a Latin letter.
  2. Another way is to dial the combination * 125 #.
  3. If you want to learn more about how to spend money, you can contact the operator by dialing 0890-0. After you learn about all aspects of lending, and you give your interest in connecting the settings, you will be overinsurance of the necessary amount.
  4. Whenever necessary to borrow money, people flock to the salon for a steel wool connection. If you still decided to do this yourself, then you need to bring a phone with a card, and, of course, a passport.
  5. To qualify for credit, you must carry out the following operation:
    • entered on the keyboard *125*0#;
    • After this, you need to send an SMS to the short number 125;
    • You can also get access to the service by calling the operator.

Mind connection to “Trust Credit”

You can enable the “Trust credit” option only for the best of your minds:

  1. The client is responsible for using the MTS mobile network for more than three months.
  2. It is necessary that advance payments be made immediately and without delay.
  3. As soon as you have ever spent less than 300 rubles.
  4. Anyone who wants to borrow money does not have to be involved in other payments for the steel bond.
  5. The option can only be enabled by those using such starter packages as “Connect”, “IPad”, “Guest”, “Basic”, “My Friend”, “Your Country”, “Smile+”, “Classy”.

It’s important to drink too much of thin skins, and they can stink. On the other hand, if you borrow money from this method, you can benefit from additional benefits.

For example, you will have a limit of 300 rubles - which means that if you have a zero balance, you can continue to make payments until the limit reaches minus 300 rubles.

Remember that, having connected to the credit service, you will be required to pay for the package for the provided account. Late payment by 1 day will jeopardize connections to your mobile account.

Thus, if you do not turn on the service for a long time, then MTS will increase the limit by half.

How to sign up for MTS? Reporting instructions:

3. How can I contact a subscriber with a zero balance?

If you don’t know how to borrow money on MTS for a zero balance, then these instructions are for you:

Option “Viruchai!” For this type, you do not need to activate the paid option on your phone. This function allows you to make calls for the account of another subscriber, or even for a year.

To start asking people to send SMS, you need to add the number 5880 before your number. If you want to confirm this, you can write a notification at no cost.

If you need to make a telephone call, dial 0880 before the subscriber number, in which the region code is not indicated. If at the end of the day you are able to receive a call with a wet cat, you can get in touch with the people.

Cost-free message “Call me back” For a long time now there has been a method that helps you get in touch with the right people for as little as pennies.

To send a free SMS, dial *110* number # and press the click button. In the span of one day, the skin of the skin will receive at least 7 such cost-free SMS messages.

Servant “Popovni meni rakhunok” To borrow money on MTS from a friend, you need to send a moneyless notification to your friend by dialing the combination: *116* number #, and then the click button.

Bring back respect That with the calls “Telephone me” or “Renew your phone” you can reach the customers of MTS and other countries, as well as Megafon and Beeline subscribers.

Don’t forget also that if you didn’t take out any way to borrow money on MTS, you will still have to turn over the money. Most often, MTS will virahove them after you add moisture to the sink.

The ability to take a position as an operator is a very handy function that can come in handy in extreme situations. And now you have to make use of it.