How to know exactly the place of roztashuvannya members of this family. The program for viewing the phone - Talklog.

The name of the program speaks for itself - Talklog - translated verbatim
like a magazine of roses, the addon collects all the information from the phone and
edit so-called “logs” on the server, for a distant review
on the computer in a manual way for a quick look.
Varto zvernuti respect sho phone alert program
install without interruption phone, call reachable
maximum efficiency of all SMS and calls, independent
because the history of listing and roses was seen, just like sms
go to the phone once again and run the program on the processing server
I'll take a closer look at you.

Addendum for telephone installation - installation, instructions

In order to install an add-on into the phone whichever you want to
it is necessary to register (simple registration-email + password,
(! No SMS, and phone number entered!)
After registration, you will see a special account (office) for review
in manual view of all the information on the phone.
In the special office, press the button "Add attachments" - you will be seen
posilannya to download programs.
Otrimanu possilannya need to enter in poshukovy row phone browser
on which one you want to install an addendum.

We write a mail and a password that was chosen during registration on the talklog website

zavantazhuєmo addendum and install

tisnemo allow the designation of the month of rozashuvannya and put a tick

dali revantazhuemo phone and do not forget to see the entry about the zavantazhennya

Vikachuёmo-install-rezavantazhuemo phone-everything!

the program is installed and immediately repaired.
Let's marvel at our special account on the site - we can get new
attachment (a phone in which you have taken an addendum), let’s marvel at
rozdіlah-sms, dzvіnki, mіsce roztashuvannya, photo-video, browser ... everything in the wild
what are you transmitting addendum for phone call, All data is available
look around like in online mode, so in any convenient hour for you,
Information from the phone is stored on the server for up to 120 days.
We provide you with the right to register, according to the robot program and service in general
go for the contacts indicated in the "Contacts" form at the bottom right of the site,
you will be promptly given advice and explain everything, in the form at the bottom of the article “Your opinion”

alt = "(!LANG:(! LANG: A short description of the program" src="/images/kratko.png"> !}!}

If you try to make purchases via the Internet, vicorist services such as Ebay or Aliexpress, then you have given respect to those who are not able to manually send mail messages for the ID of the corrosive online services. For introduction mail order it is necessary to go to the site of the postal service or the intermediary site that provides such a service, enter the number of the postal administration, enter the captcha, and sometimes registration is required to retrieve information about the postal service. Sobstezhuvati mail order, speed up the miraculous and cost-free program TrackChecker. The base of the tracker has more than 400 postal services different lands of the world. The program automatically updates the status of the mail order, sends a detailed call about the cost of the parcel and all operations, and sends a message to the mail.

How to just send a mail order

To check the mail order, add a new track in the TrackChecker program, enter the number of the mail order, and the utility will automatically recognize the parcel through which service the parcel will be sent. After that, press the F5 key or select from the menu Tracks-> Recheck tracks-> Check and update the program to update information about the mail forwarding. Rechecking the status of the mail sent by the TrackChecker tracker can be done automatically. Addendum has implemented anonymity blue functions And nalashtuvan, vykoristannya such greatly simplifies the process of distributing dekilkoh parcels at once. The database of mail services is constantly updated, on the website of the retailer there is a version of TrackChecker for attachments that work under Android OS controls.

Screenshots of TrackChecker

You don't know where the members of your family are? Now, for the help of handy supplements, recognition for a sleeping vikoristannya, you can help yourself to a place of rozashvannya, be it a person for an auxiliary phone. Peace of mind is priceless. Today, you don’t need to call or write textual reminders to find out what the child is going to school.

We have programs that can passively pursue the mission of the members of the homeland, and the greatest achievement. You don’t need to be more turbulent, so you forget to pick up the phone or get busy on work, employment, or in the Lotus SPA salon. A smart glance at the appendages will tell you everything you need to know - after all, you can relax.

Like a thought about visiting close people, you are given to spying, otherwise you are worried about security, do not boast. Apps for Android and iPhone are completely safe, and we have checked everything that is recommended. The object is responsible for the delay, and the programs themselves may need to read the instructions for the delay.


Expanded for simple and scientific use, the Glympse add-on allows you to designate whoever you want to allow you to use your GPS space, and choose how long the stench can help you.

If you want the delay of the transfer to end, if the tasks end at an hour interval, you can manually start the transfer of data at any hour. In addition, in the middle of the interval, it is also possible to indicate an additional hour of speed.

Glympse is ideal for quiet moods, if you are at home from work and want to know your person, de vie. The addendum is also suitable for friends to synchronize the movement between themselves, if you plan to get together in the park or on a huge entrance.

The Glympse program is cost-free for both Android and iPhone.

tse costless supplement allow members of the family to watch one by one in real time. Even so, the peculiarities of the program - it automatically allows the members of this family to know, if they have spent some time at the designated place, for example, to get home or go to school. You can choose two such months. So, if the children are guilty come home after school, the Life360 Family Locator add-on automatically checks and sends an alarm signal, so the stench did not appear.

The addendum also includes the full history of mystic knowledge, as it is handy for looking back on recent activity. The "panic" option has been set to alert accurate GPS the coordinates of your transfer to the address email, Abo vіdsilає SMS to the phone.

The add-on and service can be won cost-free, and the premium version is offered at a price of $ 5 per month (for all motherland) or $ 50 per river. This premium version is supplied with the possibility of using a large amount of space for verification, technical assistance on the road, the possibility of searching not only for a smartphone, but also for stealing. Life360 can be 30 days free trial version its premium features.

You can take advantage free version Life360 Family Locator for Android and iPhone from the most popular skincare app stores.

Tsya mozhlivost, maybe buti, not obvious, but service social measures like Google, Google+, it is also possible to transmit information about the local economy. The design is surprisingly old addendum google The locator is integrated, of course, with Google Maps.

Google+, as before, revolves around the concept of grouping contacts one by one in "stakes". If you see anonymous friends and family members, you can easily filter your card by "calls". From the other side, you can switch to only one contact.

Google+ is available free of charge for Android and iPhone.

What programs do you see the priority of victorious for the sake of meti? We'd love to hear your thoughts in the comments below.

In today's world, we often buy goods in foreign online stores.

A lot of people are represented by auctions.

Some of them have a low price, others - a higher quality of goods, which is not common in our online stores.

Those novelties on the western maidanchiks are announced earlier, lower in our country.

And that means that the koristuvach is sticking with it, that vantage comes from different lands.

Most sumly sellers give their purchases a track number.

Track code (eng. Tracking number) - a set of 14 digits, in which information about the country is often encrypted, through which the vantage and type of goods will pass.

The track code allows you to watch in real time, how to pass through the sorting points, change the cordon of powers.

It is up to date until the moment the goods are delivered to the owner.

Different track numbers are provided by different services.

Most of the vipadkivs, in their turn, do not have any difficulties.

For whomever needs to come to the rescue, programs for the removal of parcels.

Yaki є track programs

Russian Post postal services Hong Kong, Singapore, USA and other countries.

For a long time now, through this service, more government departments have come from Belarus, Ukraine and Kazakhstan.

Recently the program has been updated with a new interface.

In the midst of important achievements, the transfer of parcels from the European countries and Korea was added.

The list of transport companies is constantly being added and modernized.

Available from "", "", "Ebay" and other popular online stores.

This service is trying to do it with light captchas, so it’s hard to know your vantage in a warehouse, it’s hard to find a coristuvachev, which only starts to figure out what kind of international delivery.

The Russian Post is a unique service that occupies a leading position in the delivery of benefits across the territory of Russia.

In addition, the stench was the first, who, having become absolutely unique, served for the sake of the vouchers.

Adzhe is a majestic kіlkіst kіlkіst koristuvachіv earlier they simply did not know where to turn, as if the goods did not arrive at the hour.

So, from one side you can just see a super girl, as if on the right you can chat online trade maidanchik.

And what if it was bought just in an online store in another country and the buyer was wondering, what did the seller actually ship the goods? Todі was only more patient than a check and spodіvatisya marvelously.

To create a request for a lost track number, you need to fill in a special online form.

When it is necessary to insure the nuances of the service:

  • After six months from the moment of administration, it is necessary to write an online application.
  • Yogo can be filed by the possessor himself, the governor, or by their entrusted individuals. In the case of a trusted special document, the presence of a scanned copy of the trust.
  • The executive officer, in any case, may pershochergove the right to pay compensation. The new one has the right to transfer the blow to the obedience, who has also suffered in the situation, if the vtrachny vtracheny.
  • Results will be withdrawn custom sheet. Most often, the service sends the decision to the address indicated in the application, but it is also possible to indicate another, for example, service address.

Until nedolіkіv can be seen those who are richly corystuvachіv skrzhatsya, scho in the pre-holiday period, information is updated with even greater delays.

Signing up by e-mail at that moment becomes practically stupid.

This is due to the great vanity on the postal delivery. Operators simply do not physically grasp the information.

  • presence special office;
  • Possibility of rozdrukuvat podomlennya directly from the site;
  • Support for more foreign online stores and maydanchiks;
  • Possibility of otrimanna povіdomlennya by e-mail.
  • Unstable work of the service during the Christmas period;
  • Reminders can come from late.

TrackChecker is an indispensable helper for one-hour check-in of parcels managed by various services.

This is one of the most popular programs in this segment.

Recently the program has been upgraded to version 2.0. At the bottom, a menu appeared, which you can grab with one click.