Thermal grease for macbook pro. Thermal paste revision. What is "Thermopaste" and what is needed

Hour about an hour before us, customers are turning up, asking to carry out not just a preventive cleaning, but even more specific at their bazhanny: I want you to remember the thermal paste and specks more. Practically none of them, as a result, we can’t work and why.

What is thermal paste and why do you need to remember

Let's look at the simplified theory. Thermal paste - tse sound as a viscous substance with good thermal conductivity. Її apply on the surface of the cooled element, like in "macbooks" є processor. A metal radiator is fixed at the top, after which they give heat to the fan. The thermal paste manager is responsible for the fact that on the stick of the cooling surface and the radiator it is necessary to repeat, which is not the best way to conduct heat.

Theoretically, over time, thermal paste can often lose its power, as a result of which the processor can effectively heat up. If you read different forums, then there is another skin skill to brag about, that once you change the thermal paste in your car and do it for everyone. As a result, people often ask to remember її simply for the purpose of prevention: “well, even recommend it!”

Why mi tsogo not robimo

Really, robimo, but only just imagine yourself for someone else. It is simply not necessary for the most important vipadkiv. For maximum effect, the thermal paste is applied in a thin ball. Aje mi remember that її zavdannya, less likely to repeat, as close as possible to the radiator to the processor. If you just thump the paste and smear it on the crystal, then it will be even hotter, to the fact that the radiator was actually given to us. So the axis of the factory applied pasture is better than the handicraft one, as if the master had not been a fake. In the same way, we can say that for 3-5 years it’s like pasta and exercising power, then it’s not enough.

Ale scho robiti, how does Mack still get warm?

Our algorithm for sound like this. At the first stage, we install iStat Menus on the machine (the trial version works two times) and marveling at different temperatures, different components are heated in different modes of operation. There are no strict rules here, but in the mode of external noiselessness of the system, the temperature on the surface of the processor and video card is guilty of being at the level of 70 degrees; under pressure can grow up to 90-100 degrees.

They wondered, appreciated, realized the scale of the dash. After that, the machine is opened and cleaned, especially the attention is given to the fans and radiator grilles. The main pieces of the saw are stingy here, as they change the adequate cooling of the radiator.

Cleaned up, sealed up. Now we wonder how to vantage the system on the software level. The most common problem is not only in the saw, but in one or more dekilkoh processes, as if boldly picking up 50-100 and more hundreds of processor resources. Tse vede to the transcendental ambition for the processor, that one begins to grow, and more or less seriously, the manager of the coristuvacha and zovsim zaganya yogo into the okrip. We start the Monitoring of the system, turn on the fermentation of all processes and begin to guard for the most unaggressive elements.

Farther away, there is a lot of fallowing, depending on what is possible. Sometimes it is necessary to control the Spotlight process or coreduetd - in which case it is necessary to re-index the accumulators or clean up the base of the coreduetd component. Mostly in aphids, Skype or another program starts to riot, and more often, people regularly practice torrents to add to the constant excitement.

A complex of visits in 99 degrees out of hundreds allows you to resolve the problem of Mac “overheating” without replacing the thermal paste. So, if you ever want to start talking about changing the thermal grease, just laugh and go to another service.

Reporting kerіvnitstvo for quiet, hto zvazhivsya.

The life cycle of Apple laptops is significantly longer than that of competitors. It’s important to talk about it, especially if it’s about models that were released 3-4 years ago and earlier. Maximum aluminium, thought out ergonomics, styling of all elements - the very same device can be amazed at us from the counters of stores.

And here in the parallel world there are plastic calipers with a modern design, motor accessories, and a more loyal price tag.

Immediately, the situation turned around. Competing with Apple, brandy has also learned how to work garni and є a number of parameters, for which these laptop models can be built to surpass the “Macbook standard”.

Ale be-yak tekhnіka early chi pіzno vymagaє profilaktiki. The devil came to take care of such and me.

Why am I calling

Note. The technical part of the food, the terminology and the aesthetics of the service centers, I have specially left behind the boundary lines of the article. Whether someone from us important result.

I have top orders 13-inch MacBook Air 2011 roku. Five years ago, the “zvіr machine” was born, the processor was like (and here i7 1.8 GHz) remelting the vanity to smithereens. 4 GB RAM- the same as a logical standard, the same today for all everyday tasks.

The front vlasnik was put up to the “roboco konyachki” with a trembling, and the rest two years later exploited “in the tail and mane” I. For the whole hour, the MacBook was opened once, by me. After I saw it, I saw it from the cooler area (we all love to practice on knees and soft pillows), the laptop was safely shut down, but it didn’t last long.

Problem 1: Frying pan with fan

My working mode in OS X has dozens of various add-ons, among them: a text editor, Photoshop, the Safari browser ahead of Opera (10-15 tabs in the skin), mail, five messengers, iTunes, a couple of Finder windows. Everything works well, stable first year. And then we start to cope with hell.

The cooler spins to the maximum (or 6500 revolutions per spin), the keyboard warms up to a temperature that makes the robot feel uncomfortable. Dodatki pochinayut grati in the matrix and react z drativlivim zapiznennyam ... Tse cob dratuvat - pratsyuvati so impossibly!

For the sake of practical interest, I will install an addendum iStat Menus[Zapantage] and with wonder I am guarding such a picture.

On the hovered screenshot, the temperature is reached 96 degrees. I guess that at the moment I'm not doing video editing, but processing important files. At the moment of such an interest, the temperature value changed the sign to 105 degrees.

Why do I threaten? Too high a temperature can become a reason for the out of tune of any element on the laptop board. The logical degradation of the components begins: capacitors, resistors, crystals, and sooner or later you simply close with the death of the MacBook.

Repair or replacement of the motherboard is not cheap, I strongly recommend that you periodically check the temperature for an additional utility.

Problem 2: I'll tell you how to drive the battery

Pratsyuvati for the great monitor richly accept. You can place a lot of windows, you can effectively expand the working space, delight the realistic colors of the solid matrix (the era of the EPT is already in the distant past) and your eyes are not so disturbed. Normal people buy Mac Mini or Mac Pro for this. Our people - connect a laptop via Display / Thunderbolt Port, add a branded Apple Keyboard and Magic Trackpad, and become a “life winner”.

To whom I put myself, I think you already understood. 24 years on the job MacBook flaunts on my work table, never flickering (fortunately, the power supply is minimal) and all the whole hour of connecting to the adapter of the replacement stream.

After buying my MacBook Air, it will instantly boast three years of autonomous work. For the first time in the “system unit” mode and an hour of autonomous work, the work was shortened to 40 minutes, and the number charge cycles exceeded 650. You can look at the menu Mac pro -\u003e System alert -\u003e Number of recharge cycles.

On the official website of Apple, a guarantee for savings is indicated 80% capacity after 1000 charge cycles, Ale, maybe, the company's engineers can think of a better option for exploitation.

Reporting instruction for those who are in charge.

Don't repeat my pardons and get up to your Mac's battery fast. Let us rise below as a prayer.

Why do I threaten? We’ll tie ourselves to the power outlet, and on food: “You have a laptop”, it’s simply difficult to answer.

Verdict. Virisheno - the time has come for general prevention. The first item on the list is replacing thermal paste on processor z usima naslіdkami, scho whimpering the saw. other - battery replacement.

Service center? No, I'm on my own

The computer services industry is doing well today. One call and a representative of the service center arrives for your Mac, pick it up yourself, then work it out to finish “outside TO” and deliver it back. You can always find a company or a specialist who can make your MacBook “as good as new” for options in the scenario here. Nutrition in that - how much is it?

So, it’s too much for someone to shy away like that - go to the center and let them go. Men, like people, how to cluck with technology, technology, and especially everything that is related to Apple, has become a cluck work it all out on your own.

My readers are divided into two groups at once: the quiet ones, who say: “So why is there heroism here - it’s time to work and everything is ready” and quiet, who twist the white line with the words: “Well, come on, everything is crooked. Whose food needs fahivets.” I think there is a third category, so that I can try my luck to go where it’s not supposed to.

Buying a battery and thermal paste

Father, I am needed new battery for Macbook Air 13'' 2011 i thermal paste. Krіm is a little bit and perekonan, that everywhere there are letters, and the original is not known (and in tsmuu є part of the truth) in the battery supply I have nothing to show the market. With thermal paste, everything is simpler and follows the principle “so help me forums”.

First and most important - z'yasuvati, yaka battery model installed \u200b\u200b specific to your MacBook. The information can be easily found on the Internet, having indicated the exact name of the model and the release date (do not forget about the diagonal of the screen), or rather, for everything, check the necessary serial number in your eyes.

In order to open the MacBook, we need a non-standard (for other on-bottom technology) twist format Torx T5 or "zіrochka".

Ideally, mother needs two twists: T5 for opening the cover of a laptop i T4 for vіd'єdnannya vіd'єdnannya vnutrishnіh vintіv, yakі utrimuyut battery, cooler and radiator. So krіpilnі gvinti not zaznavatimu znos vіd nevіdpovіdnogo format vkrutki.

For additional spinning T5, carefully spin 10 twists:

The two central upper twints do not exceed 8 - do not forget about it during the return selection.

The battery model is now displayed.

The model MacBook Air 13 '' 2011 has a battery installed under the number A1405. And farther to the right is the technology - search for the best available store on the Internet and ask for the model you need. To know “100% original” is more like a myth, so it’s easy to put Chinese markings and characters on the battery calmly. In the end, and your MacBook proudly carried the inscription on its stylish side: Made in China.

3 thermal grease drive. There are few good options on the market:

  • Glacial Stars Ice Therm I
  • Arctic Cooling MX-2
  • Arctic Silver Ceramique 2
  • CoolerMaster IC Essential E1
  • KPT-8

With the help, you can take up a detailed analysis of the effectiveness of the skin from proponated higher pastes. Especially for me, I didn’t have a thorough check-up for an hour - the robot was zapping, and Mac was checking the operation.

My vibir fell on CoolerMaster IC Essential E1 for a number of reasons. First of all, it’s cheaper than sold Zalman, in a different way, for numerical observations, it miraculously copes with refrigeration.

Nareshti, you buy a complete set for self-propelling the mouth: the tube itself with the “reactive substance”, an alcohol server and a spatula for filling the ball of the mouth on the processor. The price of a meal is about 600 rubles, but I will oblige to get a tube for a dozen or two processors.

replace the battery

Everything that is needed for prevention is on hand. Torx T4 / T5 screw, new battery, thermal paste, hands and outside.

The only thing that is not seen in the photo is wooden sticks or toothpicks to turn on trains. No way do not twist for this metal twist.

Before the cob, the roboti vіdrazu unplug the cable that leads to the battery.

Screw around the perimeter of the battery. Do not hesitate to take an A4 arch and schematically paint the dermal screw. They have a price of dozhina and a cut, and in case of a return pickup, they screw it in the wrong way, by themselves, piercing the building outbuilding.

I hacked like this:

For the selection, it is necessary to spin exactly five guins, vikoristovuyuchi twisting Torx T4.

When looking at the battery, be extremely careful and try to take it on the right side. Under the vlasnoy vaga, the battery can be damaged.

The original and schoyno pridbany "100% original" nothing one kind of one does not differ.

The only thing that falls into the eyes is the presence of a plastic tail on the attached battery for viewing.

It's not critical, we'll survive.

We install a new battery on the plate and fix it with screws, according to our scheme. Skin gvintika - its own place. Try not to report strength, a peaceful turn of the twist is enough.

After installing the battery the loop is not connected, Aje in front of the most laborious part of prevention - replacement of thermal grease.

change thermal paste

For the help of a toothpick, carefully pry off the train, spreading over the color. Vin gluing to the cooler case, it will need a little susilla to destroy it.

Well, I know, for the help of a toothpick, turn on the miniature loop of the cooler, lightly raising the paw and pulling it out.

Now, for help, all those Torx T4 spins turn three screws, like trimming the cooler and carefully pulling yoga.

Let's move on to the radiator. Here we are already being checked by chotiri gvinti. Try to remember the zusilla, as if you had a chance to report it to their sight - at the return of the election, you will need to tighten the gvinti in the same way.

After that, how you spin 4 gvinti, do not know the radiator. Vіn fixings in one and dosit part of the problem.

Bіlya cooler, in the kutku, є unsafe zone- miniature postings to fix the screw cooler.

Carefully slide the wire to the side and turn the screw. Golovne - do not harm anything. Wiymіt radiator, rozhituyuchi from the side in the bіk i zvіlnyayuchi gumku-shchіlnyuvach.

Vіdkruchuyuchi gvinti, zrobіt one more sketchy little thing with їх roztashuvannyam. Tse important! Gwenti vіdrіznyayutsya one kind of one.

For the help of a spray can, we’ll squeeze it again, or wake up a syringe in the saw that has settled on the radiator’s grate. Zrozumіlo, the very same vikonati and colors.

Access to the security processor crystal!

So, those that lost the factory thermal grease could not stand the MacBook as overheated. It's dried up and doesn't care for a good heat sink.

For the help of a cotton pad and alcohol, the processor (up to a mirror shine) and the radiator are carefully rubbed.

We have come to the most important moment - applying thermal paste. Having stumbled out of an independent replacement of the mouth, richly coristuvachiv stick with the problem: how the optimal amount of thermal grease should be applied?

In order to understand why thermal paste is needed, look at this picture:

Meta replace thermal paste - secure smoothing and filling of microcracks on the surface of the processor and radiator. Vaughn is not needed to be a proshark among them. To that with the approach: "I'll pay more - better Ostuzhev" and you will only grow stronger. The thermal paste is too dry and stop violating its function, having consumed the necessary physical power.

Spread the paste with a thinner ball over the entire surface of the processor. Approximately this number:

Then, for the help of the blades, we level the thermal paste.

If everything is ready, don't hurry to put on the radiator. Reconcile yogo growth and give special respect to the humic guillotine. Vin is guilty of entering the groove of the mother's payment.

Only then can you install the radiator correctly. Be careful when screwing in the apex screw (there, de unsafe wire). Chi do not overdo it diligently tighten the gvinti, rolyachi tse step by step from the skin side.

When installing the battery, switch over, the last marked groove on the charger clicked.

We close the metal lid, twist ten screws around the perimeter.

The selection has been completed!

The effect of replacing thermal paste, battery and sprat

Having explored everything that I have described above, I independently worked on the prevention of my beloved MacBook Air. Ale pitanya, yak was praised less before, like all tse zatіyati - the efficiency of the call.

I tell you.

Thermal paste. Before replacing the thermal paste, the temperature of the laptop rarely dropped below 95-100 degrees. The cooler worked out to the fullest about the launch of add-ons, and the temperature, to which the case heated up, made it impossible for the robot to work.

Other text in the editor - 92-94 degrees, run Safari - all the same. Curve Final Cut - adjusts the view to 105 degrees. The cooler works, but there is no sense in seeing it. Vіn not cold!

The replacement of the thermal paste and the cleaning of the cooler went up magically. Win stop making noise! When you launch important add-ons on your MacBook, it heats up, the cooler spins up unhurriedly and the wind goes down. And the temperature indicators now look like this:

  • Robot in Final Cut Pro X (video editing) - 94-97 degrees
  • Surfing, music, messengers, Photoshop - 70-80 degrees
  • Work in a text editor - 40-45 degrees.

The temperature in the room is a sunny summer day, close to 23-25 ​​degrees.

The rest of the show, I'm not bachiv on my MacBook Air ANYWHERE. Pratsyuvati in total silence - tse spravzhnya nasolod. Nothing asks you, doesn’t preschool and doesn’t fight. Varta gra candle? Definitely!

battery. 40 hvilin is the maximum that I can afford without an outlet. After switching on, the new battery will be charged by 52%. All mi chuli about calibration, with what kind of post'yazanі postіynі superechki i domisli.

Calibrate battery REQUIRED. Zvichayno, yakscho you tsіkavit її adequate away from the robot. What am I robb after the first inclusion:

  • I immediately connected the life block and charged the battery up to 100%
  • Discharging to 10% and recharging to 100%
  • Repeating the cycle 3 times

Everything that is sufficient. Do not be surprised, as the program iStat Menu You will continuously show the difference in battery capacity and health. This is normal until the moment when the battery is running out, but on the other hand, it may take about 20-25 cycles of discharge / charge.

When operating the battery, apply the power in the mode of 20-100%. Do not bring the battery to re-discharging and attach to the robot if the Mac seems to be aware of critical charge. Try to remember your MacBook as soon as it is 100% charged. So you can not be turbulent about an hour of autonomous work and degradation of the battery for a long period of time.

Zrozumilo, whole recommendation. Modern batteries (and even more types of Apple) are equipped with the necessary controllers to protect and secure the maximum term of operation and without the need to “dance with a tambourine”. Apple technology was created for comfort, and dorimuvatisya chi n_ glad to operate - virishuvat you.

Under the hour of completion of work on this article, my Mac announced that it will be 4 years 15 hvilin. The number of new charge cycles is 7. The temperature indicator is 46 degrees (I work on knees). Cooler wrapping speed - minimum 2000 revolutions in fluff, but it seems to be added that the wines do not work.

(4.75 s 5, rated: 4 )

website Reporting kerіvnitstvo for quiet, hto zvazhivsya. The life cycle of Apple laptops is significantly longer than that of competitors. It’s important to talk about it, especially if it’s about models that were released 3-4 years ago and earlier. Maximum aluminium, thought out ergonomics, styling of all elements - the very same device can be amazed at us from the counters of stores. And here in the parallel world to stand plastic ...

As soon as your MacBook starts to overheat, turn on the cooler on the moving covers, then, perhaps, the time has come to replace the thermal paste on the processor. Thermal grease is a special heat-conducting mastic, which ensures the best connection between the processor and the radiator. The radiator, as it seems, is used to bring in excess heat from the processor. In this rank, thermal paste serves for the shortest cooling of the processor. Through a few years of exploitation of any computer, thermal paste can lose its power, and the computer starts to get colder. In such a situation, a replacement of thermal paste is required. Let's take a look at the sequence that is necessary for replacing thermal paste in Macbook Pro 13 "A1278.

We need:

  • A set of twists: with a cross-shaped slot, with a slot of the “zirochka” type and “three exchanges”;
  • tweezers;
  • thermal paste;
  • fabric softener and alcohol for cleaning old thermal grease.

We turn on the power cord in front and turn the MacBook upside down. We twist all the guints around the perimeter. The stench is all unscrewed with a cross-type screw. Three gvinta dovgі, remember, de stink roztashovuetsya.

It is unlikely that you will be able to remember the place of rotting the skin twisted screw. To that it is necessary to paint the contour of the computer, the mother board and the main blocks and fold the gwent in such a way that the leather gwent is lying in its place. For sure, and you can turn all the gwenti back to your place without any effort. Otherwise, just put them in a box for a special day.

Lift the lower cover and put it aside.

The battery cable is included. It is important to swear in the middle of the black. Roz'єm dosit great, and inserted tightly. Pull yoga uphill, right in front of the mother's pay.

After that, 2 gvinti are twisted, with which the battery is fastened. The stench is making a slot like "3 trades". If you don’t have such a twist, then you can try to twist it with others with help. The battery will be powered by the mother board, so you need to know it.

If the screw is twisted, the battery is pulled uphill and on itself by the plastic tongue. Vіn easily leave your place.

Now all loops are included, which go from the mother's board to the peripheral outbuildings. Basically, they all turn on simply, like pulling them uphill. Ale kіlka roses do not look like that.

The RK cable is trimmed to the screen behind the help of a special metal frame. We pull it uphill, behind the tongue, and then we pull the connector from the nest right straight into the center of the mother's board, pay more.

Switching keyboards and switching keyboards is also not easy. First, the stench is small and tendent. Be careful with them. In a different way, the stench can be rotting, squeezing panels, like a cob, it is necessary to bend uphill, and after that, pull the loops, pulling roses in the direction, pay the center.

The cable of the camera, which is the closest to the cooler, winds up vertically. Do not pull yoga horizontally!

I'm changing the thermal paste for the first time

You can see the cooler plume, also sinking straight uphill. Vіdkruchuєmo 3 gvinti, yakim cooler. We remove the cooler from the destruction, in a way, the wines are roztashovaniya.

After dismantling, the cooler can be cleaned;

In addition, it turns out 1 screw of the dynamics, which is a kind of roztasovanie order with a cooler.

In principle, the modules of the operational memory should not be disturbed, but about every kind of change is better than they can be taken. It is easy to pull on the sides of the plastic tongue, as if to trim the upper module, lift it over the board and swing it towards the rose. The same ones - with the lower module.

It is necessary to spin 2 gvinti, with which the nest of life is fastened. Vono roztashovane in the kutku macbook case.

Vіdkruchuemo small metal bracket, on which the bottom cover of the laptop is spiraling. This bracket will also take care of the motherboard.

Now all screws are screwed up, with which the motherboard is attached to the laptop case. The stench is always making slots of the “zirochka” type.

We lift the motherboard to ourselves. It’s even more neat, because there are 2 more cables attached to it from the bottom. The resentment stench rises, as if pulling them vertically to pay.

The next motherboard of macbooks will be in our order.

I put the motherboard on the surface with a processor and a heatsink uphill.

Vіdkruchuєmo 3 gvint, yakim radiator priskayetsya to the central processor. Now it is necessary to clean the heatsink and processor with the old thermal paste. You can squirt with cotton sticks soaked in alcohol. As if the old pasta has “boiled”, you can quicken it with a wooden toothpick, to help the little bits. Do not at any time use metal to clean the processor and open space!

If you finish cleaning, no traces of thermal grease, cotton wool, fingertips, etc. on the surfaces it is not guilty to be overwhelmed.

I had to apply a thin ball of thermal paste on the processor and on the radiator. The task of thermal grease is to fill in microscopic depressions and swelling, which are present on any surfaces. To that її not a trace to put it with a ball. The ball is guilty buti minimal.

When you finish, carefully apply the heat sink to the processor and secure it with screws, tightening the screws step by step and through.

Then choose the computer in the next sequence.

Replacing thermal paste on macbooks - you know about it, but you don’t know, now, if and why. Everything is easy to do: your computer is warming up, galmuє, it would have been for no apparent reason. And all on the right in the fact that it's time to start prophylaxis of the laptop - cleaning the cooling system and replacing the thermal grease on macbooks is necessary. After reading the article, you will know how such a robot works in the Kvatron Service Center. It is also known how to replace the thermal paste of MacBook pro, air or other Apple models in Moscow.

Thermal paste for macbooks - what is the essence of the problem?

Thermally conductive paste, or, in a different way, thermal paste for macbooks - organosilicon speech, with high thermal conductivity, which is victorious for safe heat transfer between a radiator and a processor, a video card or other electronic chips , intensely see heat. Replacement of MacBook thermal grease is necessary in case of heat-conducting warehouse losing its plasticity and, as a result, heat-conducting power.

The essence of the problem is that laptop freezes are most often caused by overheating, which is caused by a bad heat input due to the electronic components getting very hot. This is the first sign that you need to change the thermal paste for your MacBook. Deisno, what can be worse, lower situation, if the computer is warming up, galmuy, freezes at the most unexpected moment? And the reason for it is even more simple - the laptop has not been cleaned for a long time.

How to use thermal paste for macbooks?

Replacing the Macbook air thermal paste or other modifications requires serious qualification. It will be necessary to repair the device and the cooling system. It is not easy to choose thermal paste for macbooks, here the warehouse may be of primary importance, otherwise the whole work will be done. It is better to trust the preventive maintenance of your device to the preparation of fakhivtsy, who can wash and tools, and glass materials. In any case, replacing the thermal paste of a MacBook pro or air will bring good results.

How to replace MacBook pro thermal paste in a service center

Replacing thermal grease with a maistrom in a MacBook pro or MacBook air, whether any modifications, should be carried out according to the following scheme:

  • entrance diagnostics will become a laptop;
  • razbirannya case for access to the motherboard;
  • cleaning the machine with a saw;
  • removal of old thermal grease;
  • replacement of thermal grease in the cooling system Macbook in any model about or Air;
  • laptop selection and testing.

The cost of replacing the MacBook pro and air thermal grease in the Kvatron Service Center is average in Moscow with a guarantee of the efficiency of the work. When you see the warranty card, you will see the warranty card.

For example, the price of replacing the thermal paste of a MacBook pro 2011 is 900 rubles. When carrying out a new preventive maintenance of the cooling system, the performance of the work grows, and the work of the laptop also works! Replacement of thermal grease for MacBook pro 2011 will cost 3000 rubles. But your old apparatus will be "light" like a new one, which does not heat up at the top of the stars for itself.

you need

  • - A set of twists: with a cross-shaped slot, with a slot of the "zirochka" type and "three exchanges".
  • - Tweezers.
  • - Thermal paste.
  • - Fabric softener and alcohol for cleaning old thermal grease.


We turn on the power cord in front and turn the Macbook upside down. We twist all the guints around the perimeter. The stench is all unscrewed with a cross-type screw. Three gvinta dovgі, remember, de stink roztashovuetsya.
Lift the lower cover and put it aside.

The battery cable is included. It is important to swear in the middle of the black. Roz'єm dosit great, and inserted tightly. Pull yoga uphill, right in front of the mother's pay.
After that, 2 gvinti are twisted, with which the battery is fastened. The stench is a slot like "3 trades". If you don’t have such a twist, then you can try to twist it with others with help. The battery will be powered by the mother board, so you need to know it.

Now all loops are included, which go from the mother's board to the peripheral outbuildings. Basically, they all turn on simply, like pulling them uphill.
The cable to the screen is trimmed behind the help of a special frame. We pull it uphill, and then we pull the connector from the socket straight into the center of the motherboard.
Switching keyboards and switching keyboards is also not easy. The stench can be pressed against the panels, as if it were necessary to bend them uphill, and then the trains are easily twisted from the roses.

You can see the cooler cable, pulling it straight uphill. Vіdkruchuєmo 3 gvinti, yakim cooler. We remove the cooler from the destruction, in a way, the wines are roztashovaniya. Yogo can be cleansed at once, singly a lot of saw has accumulated in the new one.
In addition, it turns out 1 screw of the dynamics, which is a kind of roztasovanie order with a cooler.

In principle, the modules of operational memory should not be disturbed, but for the sake of clarity, it is better to use them.

Now all the screws are being twisted, with which the motherboard is being fixed. The stench is making a slot of the "zirochka" type.
In addition, it is necessary to spin 2 gvinti, with which the nest of life will grow. Vono roztashovane in the kutku macbook case.

We lift the motherboard to ourselves. It’s even more neat, because there are 2 more cables attached to it from the bottom. The resentment stench rises, as if pulling them vertically to pay. After that, the motherboard will be charged in our order.

I put the motherboard on the surface with a processor and a heatsink uphill. Vіdkruchuєmo 3 gvint, yakim radiator priskayetsya to the central processor.