The optimal distance to a TV is 49 inches. On what display do you watch TV? By selecting the diagonal size, a separate TV building is added

It is necessary to note that the main thing today is separate screens of 720p, 1080p and 2160p. The number of rows in one frame and the combustion method are indicated here. It turns out that today there is mainly a separate structure for 720, 1080 or 2160 rows in the frame and a progressive (letter “r”) layout. High separation (more rows) allows you to increase the detail of the image and make it clearer. Therefore, the most important thing is the separate production of 2160r, but TVs with such screens are more expensive, lower than 720r. Ale allowed the 720p today to be used only in TV receivers with a diagonal of up to 32 inches, and not for everyone. Basically, all models for installing a booth in a room come from separate 1080p or 2160p models.

And the axis plays its role here get up and take a look. If you watch TV from a great distance, you will not be able to distinguish the differences between these types of permission. This is where the reality of the human eye flows in, and different pixels merge into one, and clarity is lost. The difference can be increased by standing up to the screen for an hour to look at it. Yakut, stand as low as possible. So you may not be able to overpay for the taste, but you won’t be able to get more.

For example, if you are amazed at the TV with all your family, then it’s not always easy to see everything at a close distance from the screen. You just respect one another and then you need to move on from there, otherwise you won’t see the difference between 720p and 1080p. It’s better to unpack everything ahead of time and in the store not to overpay your money for something you won’t get.

Ale here you can play your role and size diagonal to the screen. Even if from a great distance you can’t see the difference in increased resolution, then you can, if your budget allows, simply buy a TV with a larger screen diagonal. This will increase the size of the screen and the corresponding pixel size, and the difference between 720p and 1080p will be visible from a larger distance. With such a compromise between the individual screen size, the viewing angle, the diagonal size and the purchasing budget, you can achieve optimal picture quality on the TV screen.

Now let's talk about the optimal way to watch TV. When buying a TV, the buyer expects to become more immersed in the picture on the screen. And for this purpose, we must rely on the natural power of our gaze. The molded image takes its fate and the peripheral view. After observing the gap, people came up with recommendations for the optimal value of the cuticle gap.

For home cinema, according to the recommendations of THX, the viewer is required to set the temperature to at least 36 degrees at one point, and the upper level becomes 72 degrees. So, as the size of the screen increases, the view becomes larger, and the focus on what appears on the screen increases.

You can increase your viewing angle by moving closer to the screen. When you get close to the screen, the view will increase to 180 degrees, otherwise you won’t do anything.

For normal viewing, the maximum cut-off point is 70 degrees (the top cut-off is 140 degrees), for such a view the peripheral view is affected. The greatest Comfortable at an angle of 100 degrees(50 degrees per beat). When turning 60 degrees in one direction, the peripheral view is affected.

To fit into those that appear on the screen, you need to have a view of one side at a distance of 50 to 60 degrees. There are also 3D images. When using 3D TVs, it is necessary to develop a better viewing angle to achieve maximum satisfaction with the 3D effect on the image. Even as I’m watching at the cinema, the big screen gives me an overwhelming sense of 3D reality. A similar effect can be achieved in a home cinema if the viewing angle is 50-60 degrees. And the axis reaching such corners of the eye, you will inevitably grow closer to the screen, and here you will have TVs with a separate 1080 to 720p. The pixelation effect (visibility of surrounding pixels) will not be noticeable.

It is important that to determine the optimal viewing distance for a 720p TV, you need to multiply the screen diagonal by 2.3. And for a separate 1080p screen, the diagonal needs to be multiplied by 1.56. Then you remove the view, in which pixelation is no longer visible, but all the details of the image are visible. It was decided that the maximum possible angle for viewing should be set to 70 degrees. With such a large field of view, you can capture the maximum effect of what you see on the screen, especially in 3D.

To achieve this level of vision, stand in front of the TV with the same screen diagonal multiplied by 0.63. It will be as minimally possible as possible to take a look. On such a stand it will be possible to show displays with separate 1080p displays.

To save money, you can replace the 1080p TV with 720p, but with a larger screen diagonal to ensure a good view and with a larger view, pixelation will not be visible.

To narrow down the ones that appear on the screen, you need to select View View and View View Value. According to the recommendation of THX, the angle may become 36 to 70 degrees. The most optimal angle is 50-60 degrees. To get the best effect from the 3D trace, adjust the cut from 50 to 70 degrees. Get up to the TV and such dishes are shown in the table.

Do not wait until you are placed in the room to allow a vikorist to look at what is recommended, and therefore stand up. Therefore, before purchasing, determine which TV you will watch from and, by looking at the table, you will find out whether you need a 2160p TV or 1080p is sufficient.

One of the main indicators when choosing a TV is the diagonal size. To use this parameter, first of all, you must exit the area from which the TV is displayed, as well as its separate part of the screen. You can find out in detail about all the principles and nuances of choosing a TV diagonal below.

What kind of scale is this?

The light standard for adjusting the size of the screen adopts the following value: diagonal. Place yourself between the diametrically extended sides of the TV, so as not to touch your back side. To adjust the diagonal, use the following distance, such as an inch or 2.54 centimeters, which is indicated by a stroke sign. To find out the size of the diagonal in centimeters, you need to multiply the number in inches by 2.54.

As a rule, the screen size is listed in the name of the TV model and immediately after the letter index. For example, Samsung UE-65HU8700. 65 has the same screen diagonal. This system helps you navigate the ocean of various models and detectors.

In fact, the size of the diagonal is combined with the corresponding sides, so that the width of the image corresponds to its height. In fact, the ratio 16:9 has become the standard everywhere, or so it is called “home cinema.” Older TVs were still 4:3. You can clearly see how the diagonal of the screen corresponds to the proportion of the width and height of the sides in the following picture:

The designated dimensions are shown only on part of the front side, the image can be seen. The framing frame does not change, which is why most current TVs are too thin.

Main selection criteria

There are two key parameters that will help you choose the correct TV diagonal:

Stand in front of the screen to view

Before buying a TV, you need to consider the next day of installation, and then stand up to the screen until you look at it. When selecting a diagonal, the selected number must be adjusted according to the following principle: the selected figure may be 3-4 times larger than the screen diagonal. This is the optimal combination so that you can easily take in all the images with your gaze, and not just a part, and also speed up the unsafe development of short-sightedness.

Diagnosers also came to the aid of buyers, having waited and released a special scale of performance from pictures to sight. It can be presented in the form of graphs and diagrams. The numbers may vary slightly from one to the other due to rounding and conversion from inches to meters. The example table can be found below:

Stand in front of the screen to view (in meters, m)

Screen diagonal (in inches)


The table shows that if you move the screen up to 1 m, you will select a TV with a diagonal of 17 inches (43 div), and if you move 6 m, the optimal diagonal will be a screen of 70 inches (178 div).

Added TV

This parameter shows how many pixels (dots) there are on the screen. It is established that the larger the image, the more detailed the image, since the TV has more resolution, which can be seen from a smaller stand.

There are many reasons why, in order to select the optimal diagonal, it was necessary to separate the place by looking at the screen at a coefficient of 3 or 4. The formula is no longer valid for older models, which support a separate There is no SD (720x576) and the data can clearly process signals from terrestrial television and standard DVD. After the current active market demand for new models, the rozrakhunk formula has changed a lot, and the special coefficient itself has been adjusted:

  • for HD Ready (768 1366) - 2.2;
  • for Full HD (1080 1920) - 1.56;
  • for Ultra HD (3840 2160) - 0.7.

The adjustment of the coefficient is due to the fact that the separation of large-panel screens has increased many times, which allows people to move closer to the screen. The fragments of the new matrix do not vibrate unnecessarily due to disruption, and human health is not affected.

To accurately understand the formula for growth, you can look at the following applications:

  • It is necessary to install a Full HD TV at a viewing distance of 2.5 m. To select the optimal diagonal, you need to divide the distance in centimeters by a coefficient that indicates separate data. So, the following formula comes out - 250: 1.56 = 160 cm. Then it is impossible to convert the result into inches - 160: 2.54 = 63. It turns out that the optimal diagonal of a Full HD TV is 60 “or 65”.
  • The required TV for a family in 3 ways with the ability to watch movies in 3D format on a distance of 3 m. For these purposes, the optimal choice is a TV with a separate room Best for HD Ready. So, two dimensions are vibrated - 300:2.2 = 136 cm and 136:2.56 = 53 inches. Find out what you can add to a 52″ diagonal home cinema system.

To ensure that the current layout of Wikonian is correct, you can quickly look at the finished diagram, which shows the diagonal position of the TV from a separate part of the screen and the optimal viewing distance:

This means that from a distance of 1.5 m you can still view the pictures on the screen of an 80-inch Ultra HD TV, a 40-inch Full HD TV and a 25-inch HD Ready TV. If the quality of the rest starts at 200 dollars, then the value of Ultra HD can reach several tens of thousands. So, a better budget and more effective choice would be TVs with the optimal diagonal HD Ready or Full HD.

To select the optimal TV model for a specific situation, you need to consider the type of room in which the installation will be. It is important to note that the producers give specific recommendations, which you can read further.

For vitality

As a rule, it is necessary to install a TV here for home viewing with the largest diagonal, and the image on such a screen is as overwhelming as possible for the viewer. Based on this, the representatives make the following additional recommendations:

  • To select the optimal diagonal of a Full HD TV, you need to carry out the following adjustment - multiply the distance from the TV to the sofa by 25. For example, the distance from the screen to the sofa becomes 3 m. It is necessary to carry out the following adjustment - 3x25 = 75. o in this vipadku varto vibrati Full HD TV with a diagonal of 75 inches.
  • Choose a UHD TV (Ultra HD) that allows finances, even if it has high brightness and picture detail. In this case, to create the optimal diagonal, you need to multiply the distance from the screen to the sofa by 39.

It means that LED and LCD screens are gaining more and more popularity, having actually become the standard for home video, and from a close distance all their flaws in the appearance of “loops”, objects that quickly change are searched for on the screen, and insufficient contrast through the absence of clean black color.

For the bedroom

If you want to watch TV from a reclining position, switch to screens with a diagonal of 22 to 32 inches. In this case, you can follow the same principles of development as for vital care.

For the kitchen

The kitchen is located in areas with an aggressive environment, sensitive to high humidity and extreme temperatures, so it is necessary to choose electronics with the most compact housing that provides good protection against the occasional splashes of fat and water. As a rule, such benefits are provided by TV models with a diagonal of 16 to 26 inches. To accurately select a product, follow these rules:

  • If the kitchen is small - up to 10 square meters. m., you can safely choose TVs with a diagonal of 16-19 inches;
  • If the kitchen area should be 10 to 15 square meters. m., suitable for screen models with a diagonal of 22-26 inches.

When choosing the size of the TV for a large kitchen or studio apartment, you can find out the best recommendations.

I'll look around for a closer look

By understanding such parameters as the diagonal of the screen, its separation and appearance, the “presence effect” of the viewer can be created. In fact, it shows how much people are bothered by what appears on the screen. This effect is indicated by the peripheral vision that lies behind the screen, depending on how far away the viewer can sit and enjoy the richness of the image.

Many current pickers sing that their models range around 176-180 degrees. This means that, theoretically, a good picture can be depicted anywhere. In reality, not everything is so simple and it depends on the matrix, which is especially important when choosing a device for your daily life, which conveys the view of TV to your entire homeland.

So, to your honour, let’s take a look at the peculiarities of the place in a long-term manner:

  • LCD TVs (meaning LED) with flat display. This technology guarantees a high-quality image, but the contrast level significantly changes as you look under the great light. The fragments in the many episodes of the monitor are installed at the level of the eyes, you have to worry about the horizontal vugilla. If you plan to install a TV above the fireplace or on the wall, please take a look at the vertical corner. A good way out of the situation may be to steal wall mountings, which will allow you to reduce to a minimum the negative impact that causes a great catastrophe.
  • Plasma. Unlike previous models, plasma displays guarantee a real 170-degree viewing angle, which is an excellent display, and the brightness of the picture and contrast do not suffer.

To accurately evaluate the price from a glance, when purchasing a TV, look at the display from different devices.

Nuance to choose, I’ll take another look at the same time

  • For watching movies at high luminance and 3D formats. It is best to look for a device with the largest possible diagonal and consistent filling. In this case, the number of dots per inch may not be reflected in the selection, and the parameters of color, contrast and darkening time become opaque.
  • For gambling on a computer or set-top box. This type, however, does not require the largest diagonal, but it respects the short distance to the monitor, the maximum available space, and the limited change of the picture.
  • To re-watch TV shows in standard formats. For whom would the smallest TVs be suitable? LCD-TV is a wonderful choice for this purpose - high separation is not required, low image shading is not critical, contrast and coloration take a different place.

Before purchasing a specific model, take a test drive - in the store, watch the video on different parts of the screen. If you look closely at the required equipment, you can buy the TV. So, you can accurately reconfigure the exact same structures that were previously built at home.

Video: selecting TV diagonal

Here is a short video that clearly demonstrates which TV diagonal is optimal for rooms of different sizes:

A huge plasma, squeezed into a small room, simply empty, like a small monitor in a great vital room. To avoid such problems, you need to carefully select the TV diagonal. Of course, TB purchase goals play an important role, and recommendations for making the right choice allow you to avoid compromising financial opportunities.

In contact with

There may be a TV in everyone's booth. But he doesn’t know about those who have to stand from the TV to your sofa for a safe look. This article tells us about the recommended position for viewing the image on the TV screen. From which stand you can safely watch the TV without disturbing the eye, you will know about the correct choice of diagonal and separation of the TV screen. There is a direct fit between the recommended screen size and will stand up to viewing. The more you stand up, the longer your TV will be. The ideal is the appearance of the screen that fills the entire field of view, although the term “ideal” will require further discussion and discussion.

From which stand you can watch a TV with a separate section of Full HD

First you need to figure out where your TV will be, then stand in front of the console until where you sit. Only then you can choose the diagonal you need: 32, 42, 50, 65 or 75 inches to comfortably enjoy your view.

If you sit close to the TV, you will definitely see more pixels on the screen, which will be separated by 1920 x 1080. Obviously, move more between you and the TV , the pixel density will increase, creating a clearer image. This effect is called cut-off separation. The farther you stand from the TV set, there is greater separation for a more comfortable viewing experience. It is recommended for the THX standard 40 degree cut-out view, and the SMPTE standard recommends a 30 degree cut-out view. So what should you do and who should you listen to to make the right choice?

Stand up to the TV and lie diagonally.

For a safe view, the minimum distance is no less: 1.5 meters to a 32-inch diagonal TV; 1.6 meters for 40 inches; 1.7 meters for 42 inches; 1.9 meters for 47 inches; 2 meters for 50 inches; 2.2 meters for 55 inches; 2.4 meters for 60 inches; 2.6 meters for 65 inches.

From which stand you can watch a TV with 4K Ultra HD separate section

The diagram below shows the optimal display for different resolutions: DVD (NTSC 720×480 or PAL 720×576), HD (1280 x 720), FHD (1920 x 1080) and 4K Ultra HD (3840 x 2160). In the following tables you can select a larger TV diagonal for comfortable viewing.

Stand up to the TV and set it to the diagonal and display type. It’s also unlikely that anyone will put their food in a remote location such as a sofa or bed, but today, if the size of the home TB reaches significant dimensions, food becomes relevant. Many buyers are trying to get the biggest TV that can fit into the atmosphere. In order to view it comfortably during the three-hour period, without harming the eyes of adults or children, the position in front of the eyes to the center of the screen must be correctly selected, depending on the size and size of the TV diagonal in inches.

Naturally, although there is no strict framework for this, there are only a few rules and recommendations on what kind of TV you need to watch. Previously, it was accepted that when you stand in front of the screen before your eyes, you must adjust three to four diagonals. So, since the diagonal is still 32 inches (80 cm), then the person is required to stand at a distance of 2.4 - 3.2 m, and a larger display can be further increased. The range allows you to select the most manual position.

Such developments in the correct positioning of people to the TV screen fell on the vikoristan kinescope TB with the alignment of their diagonals. The round or flat monitors were clearly tired of the loss of any progressive technologies. Those same people are worried about TV with separate rent up to 720 rub. Current plasma or RC displays require higher parameters.

Flat screens do not create glare, and a clear picture does not appear in the blink of an eye.

Plasma has similar characteristics to RC TVs and in terms of remote viewing, the installation of the panel does not affect anything. Projectors, in their own way, allow you to adjust the size of the screen, but you will have to worry about the image area later.

Formulas for optimal development

A comfortable view depends on the diagonal dimensions of the TV panel and the viewing distance from the large screen. The larger the TV screen, the more people watching will need to move around. It is important that the image and sound accompaniment be clear from the full view of the eye.

To determine the optimal layout of the screen, separate steps are taken.

  1. For a home screen, a person’s view can be placed at the boundary of 36-70°. Zhidno THX recommendations, when using a home cinema, the optimal viewing angle for the voyeur will ensure a viewing angle of 40°. Based on this value, the distance between the screen and the diagonal of the TV panel is calculated. To view content on panels with a diagonal of 60 - 90 inches, the viewing surfaces need to be placed on a screen distance of about 2.4 -2.74 meters.
  2. Basically SMPTE standard In collaboration with the cinema and television engineers, the values ​​are fixed at 30°. Based on this regulation, the distance to a 65-70-inch diagonal screen is approximately 2.74 meters.
  3. Rozrakhunku formula CNET regulates a safe viewing distance from the screen. The distance is no less than 1.5 diagonals of the TV panel. For a 72-inch TV, the viewing distance should be 2.74 meters.

Be respectful! All 3 standards regulate the safety and comfort of watching content in a home cinema. Television RC panels are less popular among people for their high parameters in terms of the availability of images. Therefore, the distance for a TV, determined according to the regulations of THX, SMPTE and CNET, can be up to 1.7 meters.

What do these same technologies give people? This vikoristanny brought television to a new level. Today, 4K has started to conquer the market, and 8K TVs are coming. Such standards of clarity allow you to view images from a very close distance, with every pixel needed to ensure the clarity and maximum realism of the picture. Obviously, recommendations for watching 4K TVs take into account this fact and make adjustments to the rules discussed above.

TVs are allowedFullHD or UHD 4K (both flat and curved) allow you to significantly speed up your viewing experience to a minimum and bring the film and play into the atmosphere. Thus, devices with a screen diagonal larger than 32 inches will not fit well in a small room. For greater specificity, you can create a small table where TV distributors indicate from what point you can watch their children without straining your eyes.

In the first case, the size of the diagonal is multiplied by 1.6, while in the other it is multiplied by 0.8. In this manner, it doesn’t matter virahuvati optimal position for any size. For example, with a diagonal of 32 inches, the displays will be 1.3 and 0.7 m in diameter.

Important to know! To view a TV, the 3D format requires the same calculations, and for projectors it is necessary to adjust the diagonal, placing it on a different surface to display the image in front of a person.

Foreign calls

The remaining technologies have colored matrices and allow you to take the stress off your eyes, so you can marvel at a number of films after watching them, and the consumer’s camp is not obsessed with the significant world. Ale, you can’t forget about those who, when you look at them, light up cervical ridges. You can see a number of important points based on the recommendations of medical doctors.

  1. Too close to stand up provokes an obsession with the pulp and droop, which is important to control when looking at one another.
  2. From a distance, the shading negatively affects the ridge, as well as the eyes, with a tingling sensation down to the skin details.
  3. When installing the TV, be careful not only to stand up at what you can marvel at, but also at its height. kut nahilu.
  4. Medical standards do not recommend treating TB for more than 1.5-2 years for adults, 1-1.5 years for children, and preschool children are allowed to spend up to 15 years watching TV.

Finally, you can create a diagram so that the diagonal itself indicates the optimal position from which you can watch the TV. Simple calculations will help you navigate correctly when choosing a new model or remodeling a room. Please remember that current models can be mounted on the wall using different brackets, thus adjusting their position and view.

Hello friends! Today we are discussing a very relevant topic. When I was preparing for this article, my head was simply spinning due to the excess information that fell on me like an avalanche from the Internet.

Alas, it is clear that as a result of all this, the author still does not understand well. More precisely, how to earn money correctly. Spectacular debates about this food on Merezha’s forums are disturbing and ongoing.

Some friends say that all methods of calculating diagonals are completely useless and require more money to get out as many pennies as possible. Others confirm that in all things there is gold, the middle is reasonable, otherwise you can seal your eyes.

Well, it’s clear that the day of recovery has arrived when you cheerfully and joyfully “crunched” the penny bills and immediately decided to spend them on. Okay, what more can you say here?

Here we are not torkatimemosya food perevagi brands Toscho. We are now oversized. Damn, how intriguing that last phrase turned out to be. Don't worry about it. 🙂

  1. When I get up between you and I’ll watch the TV in an hour. Obviously, think about where it will be located (in the kitchen, bedroom, etc.).
  2. What size TV will definitely fit your furniture. So that it doesn’t happen later that you bought it, and the wine doesn’t fit into the section.
  3. Whenever possible, you mostly watch videos on TV. This is from point No. 1.

So, now let's take a closer look at points No. 1 and 3. The fragments of the stench itself will give us evidence for nutrition, how to choose the right diagonal of the TV. So read further with great respect. Let's immediately discuss the actions of the myth.

The main idea is that the optimal position between the viewer and the TV screen is to align three or even more diagonals of the TV itself. The diagonal itself varies in inches. From the school course you remember that 1 inch = 2.54 cm.

If it is 40 inches (40"), then the size will be as follows:

40" * 3 * 2.54 cm / 100 cm = 3.04 meters

Yak Bachimo, 3.04 meters. Alas, I told you, why do you have to endure an inaccurate rozrakhunok, which can lead to great death. I strongly recommend that you calculate the diagonals based on the current criteria.

Remember that there are special factors for each section of the video on your TV screen that allows you to correctly select its size. We spent a few minutes talking about the permissions themselves.

OMG, the axis of stench:

Now let's take a look at how to properly stack them when making calculations. It's simple, just wonder for yourself. It is possible that you mainly plan for 720p, or HD. I need to tell you what a wonderful choice this is.

The size of the diagonal size of the body, at any time, will be the same (we take 40" as a basis):

40" * 2.3 coefficients * 2.54 cm / 100 cm = 2.33 meters

Well, are you teaching the difference in the same way with the first method, popular among the people? Same and all. And now a few words need to be said about the resolution of 1080p and what it gives us in the future.

And it gives an even more intense picture clarity and high detail of other objects. Then we can say that you are amazed at the film itself, as it was intended by its creators.

Obviously, to be able to see other details better, you need to sit closer to the TV. Let's find out how much (I'll change the size to 40"):

40" * 1.56 coefficient * 2.54 cm / 100 cm = 1.58 meters

Perhaps you will ask, what should you do if you sit on a 1.58 meter stand in front of the TV and watch a video from a separate 720p station for an hour? Let’s say it briefly: there’s nothing terrible, but if the image’s brightness becomes low, cubes (pixels) will become visible around it.

At this point, you need to understand that when dealing with RC TVs, there is a golden rule: the brighter the image, the more you need to sit in front of the screen, so that it will be the most pleasant for you.

Before the speech, you can immediately learn how to start choosing and look at it for a standard separate edition 576r:

So, comrades, for what type of picture quality, the desired coefficient for development, the author of the article could not know. Then find a handy online calculator that will help you choose the right TV diagonal:

It’s not your fault that you don’t care about those in English, it’s your fault. Look at the screenshot below to understand the main functions of the program:

To view the result, don’t forget to click on the “Calculate” button. You can earn some money in a different way. Indicate the required separate building, and then use a bear to crumble the images of a person in a chair:

In this case, the program will show you the optimal diagonal of the TV, depending on the stand. I appreciate this very handy option, as you need to pack your bags before going to the store.

For this wonderful online calculator, let's say thank you to the administrator of the forum, who is registered under no one Gerald.

Well, let’s come to the end of the article about those How to select the TV diagonal. Yak zmіg reported on this topic. If you ran out of food, then put them in the comments.

Before speaking, have you chosen the right size of the rooms? For example, in the kitchen, what’s in the living room? The author’s axis is statti, perhaps evenly matched:

And finally I want to repeat to you the words of one of my sensible comrades, who told the driver immediately: no matter what diagonals you take, every day you will still want more. There may be power to “shrink up” and what are you doing here. 🙂