A lock with an arrow appears on the screen. What does the lock icon with an arrow mean on iPhone and how to rotate the screen. Lock on a mug on an iPhone

Often turn on the power supply for such necessary functions of the iPhone as rotating the screen. How can I rotate the screen? On different versions of the iPhone, this key functions differently.

It’s easy to watch the video in wide format, but to do this you need to turn the screen so that the video is in a horizontal position on the other side of the screen. It may be that the image on the screen itself has turned to the other side, and to turn it back, you need to know how to do it and how to turn on screen rotation on iPhone 4, iPhone 5, 5S, 6 by pressing the required key.

I understand - the function of automatically adjusting the rotation and the function of enabling the rotation of the display on a smartphone. Let's take a look at how the stench works on the iPhone.

If you have an iPhone with iOS version 4.0 to 6.0, you can find the auto-rotate display button in this way. Press the “Home” button and the program menu will appear in front of you. Having turned it all the way, you will see a button with a round arrow, pressing on it will start auto-rotating the screen or block the rotation, at which point the display lock icon will appear on your menu, which allows you to use the device in a vertical position.

If you need to remove the lock from the vertical position, allowing the display to change directly according to the position of the device, then find the lock button at the bottom of the smartphone menu (next to the arrow) and press on the one that has been deactivated to turn the display over.

If you have an iPhone with iOS 7 and higher versions, then in the main menu, drag down the control item from the bottom and click on the screen rotation icon on the iPhone lock with an arrow on the iPhone, and on the iPhone display in the control item, click on the entry “Block.” book orientation: online.

If you need to permanently block this option, you must swipe on the “Control Center” function and activate it by pressing the top round key, which indicates blocking the display.

How to make money if the auto-rotate function does not work?

You can now check the presence or absence of auto-locking of the screen by going into the “calculator” program and turning the iPhone, checking to see if the menu is in the landscape view. If something goes wrong, the display is blocked, or perhaps the device program does not support the function of automatically rotating the display.

If the auto-rotate function does not work on your iPhone, try re-locking your smartphone by pressing the re-lock button on the outer side of the case. The auto-rotate function may appear when you use your iPhone.

If the auto-rotate icon on your iPhone is locked, and you cannot unlock this icon using the indicated method, then try re-locking your smartphone. After engaging the automatic rotation function, press down. If something goes wrong, you can get help from the Apple support service.

The automatic mode of rotating the display will help you view a photo or video, but other programs such as VKontakte or Skype will not turn into landscape view, but will lose only the book view.

The peculiarity is that you can only lock the screen in a book view, but you cannot lock it horizontally in a landscape view. So, no matter how hard you try, you won’t be able to hold your iPhone in a horizontal position, looking at things on the Internet.

If the display does not turn upside down after all the manipulations, the only thing left to do is to copy all the data from the iPhone through backup and update the device again. After resetting these switches, the screen on the iPhone will turn upside down when it is moved to the horizontal position.

On iPad, blocking this rotation function is different from the procedure described for turning it on on smartphones. To turn off auto-rotate display on your iPad, just go to the “Adjustment” menu, go to the “Basic” section and in the “Back panel switch” section, activate the “Orientation locking” option. On your iPhone or tablet device, you can open programs and social networks in a horizontal position.

Peace to all! The icons on the iPhone or iPad screen that appear after song actions are a kind of indicator that informs users about those who currently have the song function enabled on the device. And although you and I know more about the meaning (due to the alarm signal, the battery, etc.), there are things that can put you in a dark place and make you think - what do the stinks mean? For example: a lock with an arrow at a stake, a mixture, a fly and the like.

Today we look at all these icons: we find out why the stinks appear, what does the skin mean from them and how can we get everything from the screen? We read it with respect, and we do not hesitate to ask and point out to other contributors in the comments. We’re done with the vital article, let’s move on to the reference. Let's go! :)

All indicators on the iPhone and iPad are displayed at the top of the display, in the so-called Status Bar (line of production line), starting from the left to the right:

  1. The flight image is called airplane mode, when it is turned on, all drone-free connections are connected, including mobile communications. If the active signal disappears from the screen, the name of the operator and the Internet connection standard disappears.
  2. Wi-Fi cutoff indicator – depending on the strength of reception, one (minimal), two or three connections (maximum) will be required. What to do if it doesn't show up and other problems with Wi-Fi.
  3. An icon that looks like two arrows wrapped around a circle appears when synchronizing (backups, copied data, etc.) to the device with iTunes.
  4. Respect for the signal of the border.
  5. The name of the operator is a link.
  6. Mobile communication standard (Edge, 3G, LTE), which best demonstrates the speed of connection to the Internet.
  7. The month icon shows the “Do not turbocharge” mode. If this function is activated, then calls are made in advance, program notifications, push notifications – . More precisely, there will be no sound signals, but a pseudo-sign will appear on the animal’s display. To calm down or cool down, go straight to: Adjustment – ​​Don’t turbocharge.
  8. The “Lock with an arrow” icon blinks when the screen automatically rotates on an iPhone or iPad (book orientation is locked). You can select or otherwise use this “chip” through the lower sliding menu (to select it, you need to pull your finger from the bottom part of the display to the top).
  9. Bluetooth – the good old “black tooth” :)
  10. Battery charge in mobile phones.
  11. The battery charge is shown graphically, so you can move it clearly.
  12. Bliskavka – check that your iPhone or iPad is charging immediately.
  13. The arrow icon is displayed on the screen, which means one (or several) programs simultaneously use geolocation services. And speaking in my simple way - navigation. Try to close such programs, if they are not corrupted, the fragments of the GPS will eat up the battery.

As you know, iOS is rich in icons that represent everything. Moreover, as intuitively intelligent people as they are, they also reach the exotic, powerful aspects of Apple’s mobile operating system.

Updated! As they correctly corrected me in the comments, I forgot about the pictogram depicting the anniversary. So, this is a year old (rotated order with a battery indicator), let’s talk about one simple fact - you’ll soon screw up. So, that's right - it's not an alarm clock on your iPhone.

P.S.S. If you are stuck with some kind of stupid icon on your iPhone (iPad) or you simply lost power, then feel free to write in the comments - let’s try to get back at once!

The upper part of the iPhone screen, called the “status bar,” displays information about the status of the alarm signal, the current hour, the status of the battery charge, and much more. It doesn’t matter to the experienced koristuvache to go into them, but the newcomer’s stench is a little more reasonable for the ancient Egyptian hieroglyphs. Let’s remember our “cheat sheet” for completion, and for beginners to memorize it.

Right in the middle there is one year old, Then everything became clearer. Over the course of a year, the calendar can be adjusted to display the hour in 12 or 24 year mode. To do this, go to “Settings -> Basic -> Date and hour”.

The following are displayed in the status bar: the level of the signal, the name of the operator and the type of monitoring that is being monitored. Here's the report:

  1. Signal strength indicator- five gurts of evil indicate the zeal for the signal of the stilnikovaya border and even more stuffed - then I’ll accept the more viscousness. If there is only one filling, the connection is unstable.
  2. Operator's name. Significance " Extended"It appears that if your iPhone connects to the limit, it depends on your operator. When the iPhone is in the middle, the “Searching” value is displayed instead of the operator name.
  3. Data transfer type. To connect to the Internet instead of a drone-free Wi-Fi network, the iPhone uses a wireless network (mobile Internet), after the operator's name there is an icon that indicates the type of network. Possible values: LTE, 4G, 3G, GPRS or E (for EDGE).

PS: The level of iPhone battery charge can be displayed on mobile phones. The function is turned on in “Settings -> Basic -> Statistics -> Vimikach “Charge in batteries”. The main idea (not confirmed) is that the display of this information is additionally, at least insignificantly, more important not on the battery. Practice shows: when the batteries increase, the battery starts Worry more about the charge level.

If you are a master of your iPhone and dossier, which means this wonderful castle on the mug, you have come to the required article. This is a very interesting thing and we will now clearly understand why it is needed.

Perhaps, the start of the war was because this icon is directly connected to such a device on the phone as an accelerometer. It’s actually easier to point the butt when you turn the phone over, then the picture also changes orientation to horizontal.

As soon as touchscreen smartphones appeared, the accelerometer began to take over. There is a lot of stagnation on the phone: looking at photos, surfing the Internet, playing games, and a lot more.

Lock on a mug on an iPhone

The iPhone is not a problem and still carries this device. Sometimes it starts beeping when the screen is turned over at an unnecessary moment. Or you just lie down and want a vertical orientation.

In such outbursts, it is our fault that we press the lock on the mug. If it is active, it means that the rotation of the screen on your smartphone is blocked.

The operating systems of the iPhone change frequently, and at the same time, to access this icon and quickly access it, you just need to swipe your finger from the bottom to the bottom of the screen and the additional panel will appear.

If the icon lights up, it means that it is active. It is very easy to use and practical, I myself started to use this function of the panel only.

Getting started with the firmware iOS 4.0, V iPhoneі iPad A function has appeared to block the rotation of the screen, a very useful feature that will help, for example, while lying on the sofa, constantly use the device and not suffer from unsatisfactory rotation while looking at a photo or writing an SMS.

To immediately block screen rotation, press 2 times and scrolled through the bottom row of V click on the blocking icon, This is how it is shown in the picture. A lock means a block in which mode the screen will not turn over.

In earlier versions of the firmware, to unlock the screen, you had to unjailbreak and install another program. Since Apple's policy is in the same direction, then inevitably (with the appearance of new firmware versions) the need for the new jailbreak procedure may completely disappear.

Blocking screen rotation in iPhone with iOS 7 firmware

If your iPhone does not flip images, be it photos, videos, contacts or a browser, this means that the phone’s display is locked. When in the iPhone status bar row, a lock icon will appear.

Liven up the screen, tobto. Rotating the screen in iOS 7 is simple, you can add a widget to the control point below and lock it using the same icon, which shows a lock in a circle. On the iPhone screen (at the control point) the following message will appear:

Block. book orientation: off.

Now iPhone can again rotate a photo or video - both horizontally and vertically. Screen flipping is also extended to other programs, for example, Contacts, Safari and others.

One disadvantage of the new screen rotation lock for the iPhone and iPod touch is that locking the display is important because of the portrait orientation. It is not possible to block the display from Safari in horizontal mode; the display from the browser will turn upside down and will be blocked vertically. It is obviously not possible to surf the Internet while lying on your side in horizontal mode for iPhone and iPod. And the axis in the iPad is possible, blocking the screen on the tablet works.