Laboratory robots with metrology, standardization and certification. Workshop on metrology, standardization and certification, methodological inclusions and control tasks

A collection of descriptions of practical and laboratory robots from the discipline “Metrology, standardization and certification” is divided into sections for students with specialties 150411, 240401, 220301, 140613. Workshop for practical robots Depends on a proper program according to the specifics of the skin specialty. The collection includes robots that allow you to analyze the structure and replacement of standards, carry out their mathematical processing, develop standardization in the industry, basic norms of interchangeability of products with safety methods Its advantages and competitiveness. Before the collection, work was included to familiarize yourself with the basic standards of interchangeability of products and standardization of GCS accuracy; from the translation of non-metric vimiru units into SI units. Some people learn about the choice of methods of extinction and ways of adjusting their linear dimensions.

Looking at the availability of literature from the discipline, the main theoretical material is necessary for carrying out practical work in the premises of the assistant. This material is processed independently during the hour of preparation before practical work and is reinforced during it. In order to fully understand the theoretical and practical knowledge, control power and business situations are turned on before collection.

The methodical guide includes:

The task is to take up the prescribed order of witchcraft;

As an addition to the collection of orders:

1. Law of the Russian Federation “On ensuring the unity of the world”;

2. Federal Law “On Technical Regulation”;

3. NSS standards: GOST R 1.0-2004, GOST R 1.12-2004, GOST R 1.2-2004, GOST R 1.4-2004, GOST R 1.5-2004, GOST R 1.9-2004, GOST 2.114-95.

4. GOST R certification system

5. Fragments of ESDP standards.

6. Feedback on decisions.


Forward view:

To stay ahead of the curve, create your own Google account and go to:

Behind the topic: methodical developments, presentations and notes

Meals for control work in the subject "Metrology, standardization, certification in a large university with the profession "Technology of production of s/p"" (external department)

Food for control work in the subject "Metrology, standardization, certification at a large university for the profession "Technology of production of s/p"" (external department)...


Methodical instructions are intended for the implementation of laboratory work under the discipline “Metrology, standardization and certification”, to provide information about the development and control methods of a universal mechanism.

METHODOLOGICAL INSTRUCTIONS to develop practical work from the discipline of Metrology, standardization and certification for full-time and part-time students

Methodical instructions are divided on the basis of the Federal State Standard for Specialization 190631 Technical maintenance and repair of motor vehicles for medium-sized professional...

Practical work in the discipline of "metrology, standardization, certification and technical documentation"

from the discipline "metrology, standardization, certification and technical documentation"...

Methodological recommendations for independent work in the discipline "Metrology, standardization and certification"

The methodology of daily development of metrology, standardization and confirmation of accuracy is transferred to the students' work, direct acquisition and advanced knowledge.






Volodymyr 2005

A.G.Sergeev, M.V.Latishev, V.V.Teregera



Chief Pos_bnik

Volodymyr 2005

UDC 621.753(076) + 658.516(075.8)


Workshop on metrology, standardization, certification / Arranged by: A.G.Sergeev, M.V.Latishev, V.V.Teregera; Volodymo. holding univ. Volodymyr, 2005. p.

Combined with the program course “Metrology, standardization, certification” for specialties 120301, 114000, 210200

The sections of the initial textbook provide practical materials for the current topics of the course “Metrology, standardization, certification”: legal basis of standardization, classification of scientific and technical documentation, development of technical minds for products and services, control of accuracy in preparation of parts, basic concepts about connection and landing, sovereign ESDP standard, selection of methods and methods for vibrating linear dimensions, processing the results of direct rich-dimension vibrating, basics of certification

Designated for full-time students to study the names of their specialties.

Il. Table . Bibliogr. name

UDC 621.753(076 + 658.516)


Basic provisions. The main document of the Russian Federation for standardization is the law “On technical regulation”, as well as the laws “On ensuring the security of extinction”, “On the protection of the rights of residents” and the regulations of the Russian Federation adopted for the implementation of these Laws of the Russian Federation.

The Law “On Technical Regulation” establishes the legal basis for standardization, meaning the legal and binding obligations of participants regulated by the Federal Law. Vіn regulates the fluids that arise during the development, acceptance, stagnation and vicorization of musculoskeletal products before production, production processes, operation and disposal, as well as acceptance, frozen and vicorized on a voluntary basis to production, production processes, operation, conservation , transportation, sales and disposal, work or services. Other Federal laws and regulations of the Russian Federation that concern the sphere of standardization (either directly or indirectly transfer effective control over the development of technical regulations), stagnate in part and do not correspond to the main document. Federal authorities have the right to issue technical regulation actions other than those of a recommendatory nature, except for the regulation of defense products (robots, services) and products (robots, services) information about how to establish a state dungeon. Since the international treaty of the Russian Federation establishes other rules in the sphere of technical regulation, lower than those transferred to the main Federal Law, the rules of the international treaty are established, and in the case of the international treaty, what is established for it It is not necessary to see an internal sovereign act, to establish the rules of an international treaty and accepted on this basis the legislation of the Russian Federation (Div. Addendum 1).

To strengthen the role of standardization in scientific and technological progress, the Russian National Standardization System (RNSS) has been developed to enhance the product quality and economics of production. The basis of the RNSS will be the State Standardization System (GOST R 1.0 - 92).

DSS RF. Basic provisions; GOST 1.5 - 2002. DSS of the Russian Federation. Standard Zagalni vymogi until weekday, payment, registration, change and appointment; GOST R 1.8 - 2002. DSS of the Russian Federation. Interstate standards. Rules for the development, stagnation, renewal and application of some of the work that operates in the Russian Federation; GOST R 1.9 - 95. DSS of the Russian Federation. The procedure for labeling products and services is consistent with national standards; GOST R 1.12 - 99. DSS of the Russian Federation. Terms and meaning. and also with changes in the light of the Federal Law “On Technical Regulation”. The RNSS establishes the legal basis for standardization of all government bodies, and guides enterprises and entrepreneurs, public entities, and signifies the government's protection of the interests of residents And the powers are looking at the development and consolidation of normative documents and standardization.

Standardization according to ISO/IEC – the establishment and establishment of rules for the ordering of activity in the singing galusa on the crust and for the participation of all problems, zokrema to achieve the optimal economy for finishing nya umov ekspluatatsii (vikoristannya) ta vimog bezpeki.

In accordance with the Federal Law “On Technical Regulation”, standardization is based on the following methods: improving the level of safety and health of the population, the level of physical or legal issues, the state or municipal environment, ї safety, safety of life and health of creatures and growth and harmony until the dawn benefit of technical regulations; Enhancement of the level of security of objects to ensure the risk of over-the-top situations of natural and technical nature; ensuring scientific and technological progress; improving the competitiveness of products, work and services; rational use of resources; technical and information capacity; the value of the results of research (testing) and testing, technical and economic-statistical data; interchangeability of products. Standardization is supported by the following principles: voluntary establishment of standards; maximum visibility in developing standards of legitimate interests of interested individuals; the establishment of an international standard as the basis for the development of a national standard due to the fact that such a definition is found to be impossible due to the inconsistency of international standards with the climatic and geographical characteristics of the Russian Federation, them and (or) technological features or from other parts of the Russian Federation in

obviously, before the establishment of procedures, it opposed the adoption of the international standard or its related provisions; the inadmissibility of any changes in the production and production of products, work and services in the wider world, which is at least minimally necessary for the purposes of standardization; the inadmissibility of establishing such standards as superfluous to technical regulations; security of minds of one-man stasis of standards.

Standardization activities are regulated by regulatory documents. A normative document of standardization is a document that establishes rules, principles, norms, characteristics that govern the objects of standardization, various types of activities or their results, and is accessible to a wide range of stakeholders. A list of the main regulatory documents related to standardization is shown in Fig. 1.1.1.

International standards are developed and issued by the international standardization organization. On the basis of international standards, national standards are created, and they are also developed for international economic relations. The main purpose of these standards is to welcome the development of standardization in the world in order to facilitate the international exchange of goods and develop mutual cooperation in intellectual, scientific, technical and economic activities news

International and national foreign standards are introduced by the Russian Federation through compliance with national standards and technical regulations.

International standards are widely used in the world, their number exceeds 12 thousand, and close to thousands of standards are quickly accepted or reviewed. The stench is not obligatory for registration by member countries of the international organization for standardization. The decision about this regulation is related to the level of participation of a particular region in the international market and the status of foreign trade. Russia is currently undergoing an active process of transferring international standards to the national standardization system.

In Fig. 1.1.2 there has been a shift in international organizations for standardization.

Rice. 1.1.1. Overview of the main regulatory documents due to standardization

Regulatory documents

STP is a standard for enterprises and organizations.

Rice. 1.1.1. Finished

Rice. 1.1..2. International organizations for standardization

Roboche zavdannya. Read the main legal documents for standardization (Federal Law “On Technical Regulation, Division Add. 1), categories and types of regulatory documents for standardization. Oznayomi-

Learn about the concepts of “international standards” and the activities of international organizations for standardization.

Practical interiors. Nutrition information:

    Concept of standardization.

    for standardization purposes.

    Russian national standardization system.


    international standardization.

    International standardization bodies.

Find the correct test control types.

1. Name a regulatory document from the legal framework of standardization of the Russian Federation:

    “Law on technical regulation”;

    “Law on ensuring the unity of the world”;

    "International Acts";

    "Regulatory and technical documents and standardization."

2. What is the nature of the benefits of technical regulations:

    obligatory lichen;

    stench is obligatory for stagnation;

3. Indicate the main international organization for standardization:

    International Electrotechnical Commission (IEC);

    European Committee for Standardization (CEP);

    International Organization for Standardization (ISO).

4. What is called a standard:

    a document that establishes product characteristics, operating rules and characteristics of production processes, operation, storage, transportation, sales and disposal, operation or for the purpose of service;

    This planned activity stems from the establishment of obligatory language rules and norms that could lead to standardization.

5. What is called a technical regulation:

    a document that indicates technical capabilities to the object of standardization;

    a regulatory document that breaks down specific industrial processes and their elements related to the highest levels of organization and robot management such as standardization, metrology, certification, accreditation, etc. censorship, government control and supervision of the obligatory language benefits of technical regulations, national and international standards.

    This planned activity stems from the establishment of obligatory language rules and norms that could lead to standardization.

Ministry of Education of the Republic of Moldova

State budgetary lighting system of the Republic of Mordovia

secondary professional education

(Middle special initial mortgage)

"Ruzai Polytechnic College"

Metrology, standardization and certification

methodical insertions and controls

for full-time students


151901 "Machinery technology"

(2nd year, 1st semester)

150415 "Zvaryuvalne virobnitstvo"

(2nd year, 2nd semester)

Superintendent Toropigina E.V.

Reproduction of laboratory robots

Laboratory robot No. 1 " Improvement of the design of smooth calibers, control of vibrations by calibers"

Laboratory robot No. 2“Control of dimensions of parts using caliper tools”

Laboratory robot No. 3"Control of the dimensions of parts using micrometric tools"

Laboratory robot№4 "Control of the dimensions of parts using the leveling method"

Zagalni vkazivki

Methodical instructions are intended for the implementation of laboratory work in the discipline “Metrology, standardization and certification” by students of specialties 150901 “Machinery Technology” and 150415 “Mechanical Manufacturing”.

During the completion of these laboratory experiments, students will become familiar with the methods of determining boundary sizes, calibrations, and the choice of testing and control materials.

When embarking on practical work, students must remember:

    Before each practical work, students carefully study the following sections from the recommended literature, lecture notes and many methodological notes.

    This practical work must be formalized in accordance with GOST 7.32-91 (ISO 5966-82) and the following categories: name, meta work, short theory, assignment to practical work, list of useful information literature, literature on practical work and Test results on control food.

    Forms and signatures are submitted to each student at the end of his/her work on verification and signature, after which the magazine will make a note about the development of practical work.

    Submissions of nutritional information when a practical robot is destroyed, after which a rating is given to the magazine.

Laboratory robot No. 1

Topic: Improvement of the design of smooth calibers, control of vibrations with calibers.

Meta robots : Master the selection of smooth gauges and the technique of checking dimensions.

Obladnannya : caliber-scrapers, gauge-crusts, parts for die-casting.


1. Select smooth gauges for specified dimensions.

2.Calculate the current dimensions of the selected calibers.

3. Carry out control of the specified dimensions.

4. Dates of revisions regarding the identity of the parts that are being verified.


2. Pos_bnik with the choice of dying features (pos_bnik). Pos_bnik from the choice of dying features (pos_bnik).

3.M.A.Paley. ESDP / volume 2 – M.: Vydavnitstvo standards, 2012

4. GOST 18362-73,14810-69 - M: Type of standards


In mass and large-scale production, the dimensions of smooth cylindrical surfaces with tolerance IT 6 before 1T17 check with limiting calibers. The set of working boundary gauges consists of a pass-through gauge PR and a no-go gauge - NOT.

With the help of boundary calibers, size is determined. The part is important because the pass-through gauge (the pass-through side of the gauge) is exposed to moisture or pressure, which is similar to it, to pass, and the non-pass-through gauge (the non-pass-through side) does not pass through the control surface of the part. . Working gauges are NOT intended for the control of viruses during their production process. These calibers are being tested to control robotics and VTK controllers at the manufacturing plant.

To control the shafts, tighten the staples. The greatest expansion occurred in one-sided biborder staples. Adjustable brackets can also be adjusted for different sizes, but in the case of harsh materials they have less accuracy and reliability, so they rarely become stable and for sizes 8 quality and rougher.

To control the openings, plugs are installed. With a controlled diameter of up to 50 mm, use double-sided plugs with inserts, with a diameter of 50 to 100 mm - with one-sided plugs with inserts, with a diameter of over 100 mm - with one-sided non-uniform plugs

The nominal size of the pass-through plug gauge is determined according to the smallest one, and the no-pass size - according to the largest limiting size of the opening that is being checked. The nominal size of the pass-through gauge is determined according to the largest one, and the no-go gauge size is determined according to the smallest limiting size of the shaft that is being verified.

Gauge plug inserts are made from steel grade X according to GOST 5950-73 or ШХ according to GOST 801-78. The housings of the calipers-clamps, which do not rub hard jaws, and the jaws of the warehouse gauge-clamps are made from steel grades 15 or 20 according to GOST 1050-74, which are cemented, the thickness of the cementation ball is not less than 0.5 mm.

When choosing gauge plugs, GOST 14807-69 - GOST 14827-69 are used, and gauge plugs GOST 18358-73 - GOST 18369-73. .


    Before checking, wipe the surface of the caliber with a scraper soaked in gasoline, then dry with a clean scraper.

    The part that is being checked must be cleaned with a saw and a saw.

    Do not place the prepared calibers with their drying surfaces on the table.

    when inverting the controlled surface, so that the passable gauge passes under the moisture, and the impassable one does not pass through, it is important to add.

    After completing the calibration work, wipe with a clean cloth, coat the surfaces with anti-corrosion oil and place in a box.

    Fold the details of the sketch.

    Find out the limits of the dimensions that are being verified and enter them in the table. (V.D. Myagkov “Tolerances and landings”, vol. 1, table 127, page 79)

    Determine the boundary dimensions and surface tolerances that are being checked and enter them in the table.

    For the selection of vibrating methods to control the dimensions of the part in table No. 1, page 3, find out the permissible vibrating deviation and enter it into the table.

5. For GOST 18362-73, select a gauge-bracket, and for GOST 14810-69, a gauge-plug and enter their meanings into the table

6. For the staple gauge and the plug gauge, find the limits

(M.A. Paley ESDP ed. vol. II, table 1.9 page 18, table 1.8, page 11), determine the limiting dimensions of the calibers and enter them into the table.

7. Check the specified surfaces with calibers in 2 directions and enter the results into the table.

8. Dates of references about the identity of the part on the surfaces that are being verified.


    The name is roboti.

    Meta robots.

    Warehouse factory.

    Sketch details.

6. Determination of the boundary dimensions and tolerances of the surface of the parts that are being verified.



Boundary strength in mm

Boundary dimensions, mm

Tolerance in mm

It is permissible to kidnap and die,


E S, es

EI, ei

Dmax dmax

Dmin, dmin


d max = d + es (mm) d min = d + ei (mm) Td = es – ei (mm)

D max = D + ES (mm) D min = D + EI (mm) TD = ES – TI (mm)

7. Selecting smooth gauges to control the dimensions that are being verified.




caliber-skob, caliber-crust

Limit dimensions of calibers mm

pass-through side

impassable side


the youngest.


the youngest.

For scoby:

Etc max =d +ES pr(mm);

Etc min = d + EI pr (mm);

Not max =d +Es not (mm);

Not min = d + EI not (mm).

For the cork:

Etc max = D + es pr (mm);

Etc min = D +ei pr(mm);

Not max = D + es not (mm);

Not min = D +ei not (mm)

8. Results of vimirvaniya:

Verify size

A note about affiliation

Meals for repetition:

    In what types of vibroculture is it necessary to control the size of boundary calibers?

    What are the boundary gauges for shaft control called?

    What are the boundary gauges for opening control called?

    Why are gauges for controlling the size of the opening and shaft called boundary gauges?

    Will I open the largest boundary size? What caliber is being controlled?

    The smallest limiting size of the shaft? What caliber is being controlled?

    Which qualifications are used to control the size of boundary calibers?

Laboratory robot No. 2

Topic: "Control of the dimensions of parts using caliper tools."

Meta robots: Master the variation of dimensions using barbell tools.

Obladnannya: calipers, parts that add to the world.


1. V.D. Myagkov Tolerances and landings / volume 1 - M: Mashinobuduvannya, 2014


    Change size settings


Vernier tools

Vernier tools (ШІ) are the most popular tools for varying the linear dimensions of objects that have already settled for over 100 years. With a simple design, ease of use and fluidity in operation, they are the most suitable tools for linear vibration. The widest one is a caliper. Kozhen machine operator, metalworker, technologist and designer uses a caliper (SC). There is a great variety of shapes of the dying legs, which allow you to dye various surfaces (internal, external, grooves, threads, clay, dovzhin), to cut the SC with universal tools. Shi is produced by many foreign companies - Tesa (Switzerland), Mitutoyo (Japan). Carl Mahr (Nimechchina) and domestic companies – Chelyabinsk Instrumental Plant (CHIZ) and Kirov Instrumental Plant (KRIN). We also have Chinese lifting tools for sale, which are placed with utmost care.

At a given time, three groups are released:

mechanical scales with indicators behind a bar scale, equipped with a vernier;

ШІ with a highlight behind the dial;

electronic and digital.

With a bar scale (calipers, calipers, calipers, calipers, etc.), a bar (see their names) with a matte chrome-plated coating for glare-free reading, on which the main scale is applied, Iliv.

The cleaning of caliper tools is determined by their requirements. The strength of current barbell tools is very high. The preparation of an accurate straight beam (rod) will ensure smooth movement without distortions of the jaws or backlash. Hardening of stainless steels and alloys and heat treatment will provide anti-corrosion properties to the tool against wear and corrosion. Models made from carbon fiber plastic are also produced. These are suitable for vibrating magnets and have practically zero thermal conductivity, which reduces the temperature loss during vibrating.

Vernier calipers (SC) are produced according to GOST 166-89 and the international standard DIN 862 with double-sided or one-sided expansion of jaws, for external and internal vibrating and with a hanging probe for vibrating depths (Figure 1).

Figure 1 - SC with vernier with highlights behind the bar scale

The main parts of the SC are: a straight-cut rod, two vibrating jaws, one is indestructible, the vikon is at the same time as the rod, the other is a loose one, which is moved by the rod. All models have a free-hand frame with a micrometric feed for precise adjustment of the sponge to the curled surface, or a pincer for creating a consistent curling force. Sponges for internal vibrating of the SC are applied to the cylindrical vibrating surface with a radius of three more than half of the total thickness of the sponges. The size of the crushed jaws for internal vibrations (10 mm) is marked on the barrel surface and indicates the smallest internal size that can be verified by the SC cycle. For all internal measurements, mark the size of the jaws below the scale.

A loose sponge may be squeezed more often than a quilt at the sight of a gwent. The scale with a fine line scale is provided with a vernier for precise alignment with the main scale. The skin heel of the hem of the bar and the vernier is indicated by the bottom stroke, and the tenth of the hem of the bar is indicated by the bottom stroke, the bottom hem of the hem, and a similar number. The area on which the vernier pad is applied has a straight edge that overlaps the strokes of the rod by at least 0.5 mm. The maximum amount of visible parts of the short strokes of the rod and the short strokes of the vernier should be between 2 and 3 mm. Vernier strokes may reach the edge. Proceeding from the upper edge of the edge of the vernier to the surface of the rod scale, in order to reduce the damage caused by parallax, there is no need to exceed 0.22 mm beyond the value of the length along the vernier of 0.05 mm and 0.3 mm beyond the value of the length of 0.1 mm. When pressing the SHTS sponges to the point of contact, the clearance between the vibrating surfaces should not exceed 0.003 mm with a length along the vernier of 0.05 mm and 0.006 mm with a length of 0.1 mm. When the frame clamp is tightened, twice as much clearance is allowed. When measuring the SC, the size is indicated beyond the scale of the rod, vibrating to the zero line of the vernier. Beyond the zero line of the vernier, you can determine the number of scale sections that correspond to the measured (or installed) size. The assessment of the part of the floor that lies between the zero line of the vernier and the closest line, drawn from the side of the main scale, is carried out behind the additional vernier scale.

Figure 2 - Nonius SC with a highlight behind the bar scale

The vernier diagram is shown on small scale 2. The main scale of the rod has a diameter of 1.0 mm. The interval of vernier sections for a length of 0.1 mm is either 0.9 or 1.9 mm, and the number of sections is 10. At the zero position of the vernier, the zero strokes of the vernier and scale are avoided, and the remaining vernier stroke (tenth) runs away with the ninth or nineteen. scales. If the vernier is disrupted to the right by 0.1 mm, the first stroke moves towards the nearest point of the scale, if the vernier is destroyed by 0.2 mm, another stroke is displaced, if the vernier is displaced by 0.3 mm, the third stroke, etc. mustache to the right in intervals of 1.0 mm is indicated by the number of the vernier stroke, which corresponds to the division of the scale. In this case, this very rank indicates the displacement of the vernier of any scale stroke. This displacement, expressed in tenths or hundredths of a millimeter, is added to the whole number of millimeters placed between the zero lines of the vernier scale, indicating the size that is set. In this way, vernier allows you to replace the estimated estimate of the area behind the mutual movement of the scale strokes and the outside stroke with a more accurate estimate of the offset of the scale strokes and vernier. Vernier cream with a length of 0.1 mm , tighten the tensioned verniers with a length of 0.05 and in single steps of 0.02 mm. .

In all cases, the length of the vernier, the price of the bottom of the bar scale, the interval and the number of sections of the vernier are related to the song length.

Release the wheel marking behind the touch scale with a range of adjustments from 125 to 2000 mm.

Vernier caliper with a caliper behind the dial They are distinguished by the absence of a vernier, replaced by a small dial with a diameter of 30-35 mm along with the arrow. To drive the pointer, a narrow gear rack with a small edge, for example, 0.199 mm, is installed on the rod. A gear interacts with the rack, which transmits the steering wheel through the wheel gear to the pointer (Figure 4).

Figure 4 - Shts with a highlight behind the dial

The millimeters are shown behind a scale drawn on the stand, and parts of the millimeters are shown behind the dial. As the skin millimeter passes, the indicator arrow begins to turn again. The range of dial calipers is up to 300 mm. The price for the hem is 0.01 – 0.02 mm. The accuracy of the dial SC is not higher than the accuracy of the vernier SC, because the main damage to the SC is due to the violation of the Abbe principle, and instead of the damage to the vernier, the gear transmission is damaged. The main operational drawback of nonius and dial STS is the inevitable result of the measurement results behind the bar scale and vernier or dial and the accumulation of their results, especially in the minds of poor lighting. This is slightly disabled in modern instruments equipped with an incremental electronic system with digital display.

Electronic caliper. Structurally, the electronic control center differs little from the mechanical one, but instead of line scales and vernier scales there is an incremental, usually ambiguous, conversion device, a small conversion device and a digital display.

Malyunok 5 - Electronic caliper

Stangenglibinomiri Designed for adjusting the depth and spreading of threads, grooves, deepening and blind openings.

The simplest glybinomer provides vernier calipers with a small range of 125 and 200 mm. The stench is detected by a thin hanging probe, connected with the dry sponge of the Shts. The visible base is the end of the rod. The accuracy of such a glybinomer is not high. All models of the Shts are provided with significant support, which is mounted on the Shts rod and further enhances the accuracy and grip of the depth.

They produce special mechanical and electronic glybins, which are especially suitable for vibrating glybins. Mechanical scales are measured behind the scale and vernier, electronic ones are provided with incremental conversion and digital display with discreteness of 0.01 mm. Electronic glybinomers with digital video are significantly easier to use.

Glybinomir is produced with a vibration range of 200, 300, 500 and 1000 mm. The peculiarity of the calibration gauge in comparison with other caliper tools lies in the fact that when vibrating with the glybinometer, the Abbe principle is followed. However, the failure is due to the non-perpendicularity of the base plane and the moving rod.

The value of the shtangen glybinomer should be 20 µm for a range of 200 mm and 30 µm for a range of 300 mm. The design of the shtangenglibinomir completely repeats the design of the Shts.

Malyunok 6 - Electronic shtangenglibinomir

Sh tangenreimasi (GOST 164-90) is intended for marking work on the slab and for adjusting the height of parts installed on the slab.

The height gauge is the simplest height gauge, which is most often used for marking parts on the plate. When marking, the height gauge is installed at the specified size and, moving the workpiece along the plate to be marked, apply a horizontal line to the marking legs on the vertical surface of the workpiece.

To customize height dimensions, instead of the standard leg, install a customized surface, a lower flat surface and an upper surface with a sharp edge. When the upper vibrating surface is removed, the size of the leg must be added to the size of the fork.

The calipers are produced mechanically with a scale and vernier and electronically with incremental conversion and digital display.

The height gauges are produced with a range of 200, 300, 600 and 1000 mm. The price for the vernier floor is 0.02 mm. The electronic height gauge has a discreteness of 0.01 mm. The height of the height gauge with a range of 200 mm should be set to 0.04 mm, with a range of 1000 mm should be set to 0.08 mm.


Before curing, the caliper must be wiped with a servet soaked in gasoline, then with a dry, clean scraper (especially the vibrating surfaces). The trimmed part must be cleaned with a saw and a saw, the frame and the clamp must move smoothly along the rod;

Check the zero setting, then. deviation of the vernier zero from the zero of the rod scale. In calipers, the loose sponge is pressed until it is sealed with a loose seal and secured with clamps. In barbell rods, the frames with the bar are installed with their support on the plate, until they are pressed against it and secured with clamps. At the height gauge, after securing the leg with a holder below the protrusion of the frame, installing it on the base on the plate and lowering the frame to the bottom of the leg with the plate and securing it with a clamp. The micrometric feed is tightened for precise installation of the frame to the rod.

Approximately set the size controls, secure the micrometric feed frame, then after the additional micrometric feed, bring the sponge, rod or leg to the surface, which is checked, secure the frame, not allowing distortion and presupposes normal vimiruvalny zusilla.

When changing the height gauge and the vibrator, they are installed on the same plate. After completing the work with the barbell tool, wipe the surface of the barbells, frames, curing surfaces of the jaws and legs with a clean cloth, coat the surfaces of the cases with anti-corrosion oil.

    Place the details of the sketch.

    By checking, find out the unspecified boundary dimensions that are being verified, and enter them in the table.

    Select the boundary dimensions (V.D. Myagkov Tolerances and landings, volume 1, table 1.43 p. 140-141) and enter them into the table.

    Select the permissible loss for the sizes that are being verified (a guide to choosing dimensional characteristics, table 1 page 3) and enter them in the table.

    Select for the skin verified the size of the dying properties and their characteristics (guide to the selection of dying features) and enter them
    at the table.

    Change the two directions and enter them into the table.

    Dates of verification about the identity of the surface that is being verified, and about the identity of the part.


    The name of the work, the purpose of the work.

    Possession, which is being victorious under the hour of victorious work.


    Sketch details.

Verify size

Boundary strength in mm

Boundary dimensions mm

Tolerance in mm

Abduction, which is allowed, mm

ES, es


Dmax, dmax

Dmin, dmin

D max = d + es (mm) d min = d + ei (mm) Td = es - ei (mm)

    Select vibrating features

Verify size

Between the world

Price below, mm

    Results of vimirvaniya:

Boundary dimensions

surface that is being checked

Vimir results


about belonging


d max



    Note about affiliation: ________________

Meals for repetition:

    How the limiting size, nominal size and
    Borderline awesome?

    Graphic representation of tolerances.

    Designation of boundary elements of incompatible dimensions on the seats.

    You can see the purpose of the caliper tool.

    Describe the main parts and assembly of a caliper.

    Tell me how to get on the phone.

Laboratory robot No. 3.

Subject: Controls the dimensions of parts using micrometric tools.

Meta robots: Master the range of dimensions of parts using micrometric tools.

Obladnannya: micrometers, a detail that adds vibrancy.


1. V.D. M'yakiv Tolerances and landing / volume 1-L.: Mashinobuduvannya, 2014.

2. Pos_bnik from the choice of dying features (pos_bnik).


1. Select a tool to check dimensions.

    Change size settings

    Dates of publications about the origin of extinct worlds.


Micrometric instruments

If caliper tools are not built to provide the necessary accuracy in a range of small quantities, it becomes difficult to.These instruments in a range of sizes are available in several variants. These, among others, can be arrow-type frame devices for manual or table-top installation.

The action of the micrometer will ensure the movement of the screw along the axis during the process of wrapping it in a rigid nut. The micrometer is positioned in a structure that can vary in size so that it can be crushed and crushed through thin sheet materials and wires. To determine the width of the grooves and the diameters of the openings, micrometers are used for internal adjustments.

To align the calibrated part with the standard or for absolute calibrations, important micrometers must be measured.

In order to measure the average diameter of the external thread, special thread micrometers are prepared.

Micrometric instruments are the methods of vibrating linear dimensions based on a variable screw pair, which is called a micropair. The microcouple serves as a dimensional and transformational device in these modes of extinction. The method of measuring with micrometric instruments is direct, absolute. The micrometric instruments include: micrometers, micrometric glybinomies and internal worlds.

1. Micrometers smooth The MK type is recognized for the world's current sizes of viruses.

Micrometers of smooth MC are prepared at intervals of 43 degrees: 0-25 mm, 25-50 mm, 50-75 mm... 250-275 mm. 275-300 mm. 500-400 mm, 400-500 mm, 500-600 mm 1st and 2nd accuracy class.

The design of the micrometer is shown in small 1. Bracket1 blame buti

Make sure that it is severe so that its deformation due to the vimiruval zusil is not indicated to the vimir’s accuracy. Micrometers of small sizes (up to 300 mm) have heels2 press into the bracket. For micrometers with dimensions over 300 mm, the heels are fixed (adjustable or changeable), which makes it easier to install them at the zero position and allows for a wider range of measurements.

ICROMETER - used for adjusting linear dimensions. Micrometers of smooth MC are prepared at intervals of 43 degrees: 0-25 mm, 25-50 mm, 50-75 mm... 250-275 mm. 275-300 mm. 500-400 mm, 400-500 mm, 500-600 mm 1st and 2nd accuracy class.

Smooth micrometers of the MK type are intended for vibrating

current sizes of viruses.

Bracket 1 It may be used harshly so that its deformation due to the vibrating force does not indicate the accuracy of the vibrating. Micrometers of small sizes (up to 300 mm) have heels 2 press into the bracket. For micrometers with dimensions over 300 mm, the heels are fixed (adjustable or changeable), which makes it easier to install them at the zero position and allows for a wider range of measurements. stem 5 Press the bracket or press it to it on the split. In some structures, the stem is assembled together with a bracket. In the middle of the stem, on one side there is a micrometric split, and on the other side there is a smooth cylindrical hole, which ensures more precise straightening of the screw movement. 3 . At the end of the stem (at the end of the day)

micrometric thread) - the final slots, and the final thread with a nut screwed on it 10 . By turning this nut, you can change the thickness of the threaded screw connected to the stem, ensuring the necessary ease of wrapping the screw and reducing the backlash. The end surface of the screw is machined to the heel and is embossed. The end surface of the heel 2 that gwenta 3 It is the mother's fault that the surface shortness is not lower than the 12th class of shortness.

The ratchet is designed to ensure the stability of the vibrating force in the range of 7±2 N. The ratchet mechanism consists of a ratchet 7 , pin 8 and springs 9 . The wrapping of the ratchet head behind the year arrow is transferred to the micrometric screw by rubbing between the pin. 8 , pressed by a spring 9 , and the teeth of the ratchet. At

Whenever the value exceeds the permissible value, the ratchet will rotate to a screw. Explore other designs of devices for stabilizing the vibrating force (friction device with a spiral spring, with a screw spring, etc.). Stop device 4 Use it if you need to keep the micrometric screw in the installed position.

The result of measuring the size with a micrometer is calculated as the sum of the values ​​behind the scale of the stem and drum. The price for the stem scale is 0.5 mm, and the drum scale is 0.01 mm. Micro-steam cut length 0.5 mm. The number of sections of the drum is 50. If you turn the drum on one section of the scale, the end of the microscrew will move about 0.01 mm, because 0.5 mm: 50 = 0.01 mm. The readings behind the micrometer scales should be done in this order: behind the scale of the stem, read the values ​​of the line closest to the end of the bevel of the drum. Then, behind the drum scale, read the values ​​of the stroke closest to the last stroke of the stem. Having said that, it is important to control the micrometer readings. To set to zero
The diameters, except 0-25 mm, will be ensured by adjusting the dimensions of some of the lower boundaries. Designation: micrometer MK-50-1 GOST 6507-78.

For more rapid vibrations, instruments are prepared with an electronic “digital” indication, the final values ​​of which are displayed on an adjacent electronic display (for example, modifications of the MK micrometer - )


M Micrometric depth measurements are used to determine the depth and height of the holes, the rise to the shoulders and the ledges. Micrometric design

glybinomirs: 1 - Micrometric screw; 2 – stem; 3 - drum; 4 - jumping.

Range of glybinomers

set to 0...25, 25...50, etc., up to 125...150 mm.

The numbers at the strokes of the stem and drum are marked in

The turning order is aligned with micrometers, the fragments with greater depth, then the microscrew is hanging out.

The glybinomer is installed at “0” behind the insertion bushings on a flat, precise surface. At the end of the microscrew there is an opening into which interchangeable vibrating wires can be inserted.

The peculiarity of the micrometric glybinomer is that the numerical values ​​of the scale strokes of the stem are expanded, changing when the drum is removed from the base, because change according to the size of the depth of the ledge. The number of strokes on the drum is also scaled up to the numbers and scale of the smooth micrometer drum.

Micrometric glybinomies GM are produced at inter-temperature intervals of 0-25 mm, 25-50 mm, 50-75 mm... 150-175 mm, 175-200 mm of the 1st and 2nd accuracy classes. Designation: Glibomir GM - 75-1 GOST 7470-78.


Micrometric internal measurements are used for measuring internal linear dimensions. The stinks add up1 - Micrometric screw;2 - drum; 3 - Stopper.

Increased interchange of internal worlds is achieved through the use of a different set of rubber bands of different lengths, placed in tubes and compressed with springs.

To connect the rubber bands one with the other and with the micrometric inner gauge, the rubber bands are worn at one end from the outside, and at the other end there is an internal split.

Micrometric internals are produced in the form of sets of micrometric heads with tips and sets of inserts before them.

Setting micrometric internal world scales at the zero position is possible

Configure according to micrometers for external vibrations, as well as with a special bracket.

The result of the sizing is described as a sum: the output size of the head + footwear + indications of the head scales.

Micrometric interiors are produced with interfacing intervals of 50-75 mm, 75-175 mm, 75-600 mm, 150 - 1250 mm, 800-2500 mm 1250-4000 mm, 2500-6000 mm, 6000-10000 m. Designation: nutromir NM-175 GOST 10-75.


    Before starting work with a micrometric instrument, you must read the passport and check its completeness;

    remove grease from the outer surfaces of the components and parts of the instrument, especially from the surfaces of the vibrating surfaces with a cloth soaked in gasoline and wipe with a dry, clean cloth;

Inspect and check the paint quality of the instrument. On the dying surfaces, the stem and the sloping part of the drum, dents are not allowed due to corrosion. Move the micrometric screw several times along the offending sides. The drum must move smoothly along the stem without rubbing, and the micrometric screw does not cause axial play.

Check the function of the locking device, as well as the rattles at different positions of the micrometric screw. There are no ratchets in micrometric internals;

Check the setting to zero. Checking the micrometric tool to “0” is carried out with regular passes, using smooth micrometers and micrometric glybinomers to adjust dimensions up to 25 mm. If the zero extension goes beyond 0.01 mm, set the tool to zero. For this purpose, the micrometric screw is tightened, the drum is locked together with the screw and rotated until the zero stroke runs out with the last stroke of the stem and the drum is secured again;

Apply with smooth micrometers and micrometric glybinomers, crusting with a rattle. The correct position when adjusting is such that the micrometric inner world does not press in a transverse direction and tightly presses, opening the door laterally;

After completing the work, if necessary, remove the micrometric tool, rinse it in gasoline, coat it with anti-corrosion oil and place it in the case.


1. Draw a sketch of the part.

    From the chair, find out the dimensions that are being checked, and enter them in the table.

    Select the boundary dimensions that are being verified (V.D. Myagkov Fitting tolerances, volume 1 table, 3 side 140-141, table 1.30 side 99) and enter them into the table.

4. Determine the limiting dimensions and size tolerances that are being verified and write them down in the table.

5. Select the permissible loss for the sizes that are being verified (a guide to the selection of measurement parameters, table 1 page 3) and enter them in the table,

6. Select for the skin size that is being verified, the viability characteristics and characteristics (a guide to selecting viability characteristics) and enter them in the table,

7 . Change the values ​​in two directions and enter them in the table,

8. Dates of verification about the suitability of the surfaces that are being verified, and about the suitability of the part.

Form of the name

    The name is roboti.

    Meta robots.

    Possession, which is being victorious under the hour of victorious work.

    Warehouse factory.

    Sketch details.

    The values ​​of the boundary dimensions and tolerances on surfaces are being verified.



Boundary strength in mm

Boundary dimensions mm

Admission from




E S, es

EI, ei

D max d max

Dmin, dmin

D max = D + ES (mm) D min = D + EI (mm) TD = ES – EI (mm)

    IN selection of unique features

Verify size

Appointment of vimiruvalnyy to the individual

The abduction of a vimiruvial person

Between the world

Price below, mm

    Results of vimirvaniya:

Boundary dimensions

surface that is being checked

Vimir results


about belonging


d max



9. Note about affiliation: _______________________

Meals for repetition:

    What kind of worlds are called absolute?

    What kind of worlds are called endowed?

    What is a micrometer?

    How is the price of a micrometer calculated?

    What parts make up a microcouple, and what is the duration of its division?

    What is special about the structure of the micrometric glybinomer, its scale and stasis?

    Describe the main parts of the micrometric interior and its structure.

Laboratory robot No. 4

Subject:"Control the dimensions of parts in an even way."

Meta robots : Consider the design of the indicator tool, plane-parallel end entries. Master the technique of adjusting and calibrating indicator tools.

Obladnannya : The bracket is important, the indicator bracket, the indicator interior, the PPKMD with accessories, the parts for fading.


1 . V.D. M'yakiv. Tolerances and landings. volume 1 - M: Mashinobuduvannya, 2014

2. Pos_bnik s vybor vymiruvalnykh osobіv, (posіbnik).


    Select a measuring tool to check the dimensions, check their devices and design.

    Adjust selected indicators and tools to verify dimensions.

    Change the surface details of the part.

    Dates of amendments about affiliation.



Indicator tools are equipped with measuring heads and are used for measuring the dimensions of parts using the visual method.


Intended for adjusting external linear dimensions. The base of the indicator bracket is the body-brace 5, in the working vim, which is rotated on one alignment axis on one side of the heel 2, which accepts changes in the dimensions of the part, so there is an adjustable heel on the other side 1. There is a stop on the side of the installation The indicator is suitable for type 4. The indicator bracket is installed to the size according to the installation measurement or along the block of plane-parallel end entries until it is equal to the smallest limit size of the mimed part, in which case the value will be the same amount as the size of the end entry block until the value below the indicator scale with a corresponding sign

Indicator brackets are produced with bending intervals 0-50 mm, 50-100 mm, 100-200 mm, 200-300 mm...600-700 mm, 700-850 mm, 850-1000 mm, at a price of 0.01 mm class accuracy. Designation: bracket SI-300 GOST 11098-75.


Intended for adjusting external linear dimensions. The bracket-case of the important bracket has greater rigidity than the lower one of the indicator. Loose heel 6 and repositionable heel May 1 great vimiruvalnye surfaces і Their movements are detected much more accurately. The clamp has two recesses, one of which contains the insertion rod, and the other the tip of the transfer rod, which fits into the adjusting head, which is mounted in the bracket body. The hand of the heel is transmitted to the arrow of the 2nd vibrating head. At the rear end of the hand heel, the spring of the vicinity of the important bracket is pressed. The bracket displays tolerance fields on the scale, which can be adjusted with a key. The adjustable heel is inserted into the wrappings of the nut and secured with a scoop. The adjustment of the staples to size is carried out on the block of end entries until the original parts are used. To set the pointer to zero, unscrew the locking heel and the nuts. The reference size is equal to the total size of the end entry block until the value below the indicator scale ( dmax + dmin ):2 with a special sign. The most important staples are manufactured with intervals ranging from 0-25 mm, 25-50 mm, 50-75 mm... 125-150 mm, at a price of 0.002 mm, first class accuracy.

Designation: bracket CP50 GOST 11098-75


Before drying, wipe the cylindrical parts of the heels and especially the drying surfaces, wipe with a clean cloth soaked in gasoline and a remaining dry cloth.

Washable parts must be dry and clean.

When abrading with a staple, it is not possible to subject it to various blows; run the curing surfaces over the part that is being calibrated; it is necessary to abrade the edges.

After finishing the curing, the heels of the staples are wiped with a cloth and coated with anti-corrosion oil on the curing surfaces, and the staple is placed in the case.

For example, to assemble a block measuring 27.855 mm from tiles, set N1 requires the following tiles:

tile 1.005 is lost 26.85

tile 1.35 will lose 25.5

tile 5.5-"-20

tile 20 -"- 0

Verification 1.005+1,35 + 5,5 + 20 = 27.855 mm

    The vibrations are mixed with oil and wiped with a clean, soft cloth;

    Before polishing, do not place the tiles with their surfaces on the table, place paper or a clean serving table on a clean rack;

    The rubbing of the tiles is carried out according to their movements under
    a small vice;

    To avoid deformation of thin tiles of small size

if the block is not in the middle, it is necessary to rub the tiles hard at the ends of the block;

5. After cleaning the tiles, wipe the areas at the bottom of the case.


Plane-parallel end approaches are used with rectangular prisms.

They are intended for the modification of linear dimensions and with rectangular plates with two lengthwise modification surfaces. The leather tiles are of the same size, so you can use one tool. Invariably, the careful finishing of the vibrating surfaces of the tiles has the miraculous power of “rubbing in”, so that they fit together one by one, which makes it possible to collect a bunch of tiles into a block, ultimately eliminating the required size.

Real tiles can be cut with an accuracy of up to 0.001 mm. World tiles are prepared in sets.

Depending on the value of the middle entry, the nominal size and the type of plane parallelism, 5 accuracy classes of the end entries are set: 00, 0,1,2, 3.

Tiles are produced in sets of 2 to 112 tiles per set: moreover, according to GOST 9038-83, 19 sets are installed. GOST 9038-83 established an offensive series of dovzhin, verification and gradation of vibration methods for accurate vibroviration and gradation: 0.001 0.005 0.01; 0.1; 1 10 5, 50; 100 mm

The most compatible numbers are dialing No. 1-83, dialing No. 2-38 and dialing

No. 6 and No. 7 - 11 entries each,

When a set of tiles is folded, first try to remove it from the smallest number of tiles, the fragments from the larger number of tiles from the block increases theft.

To select a block with the smallest number of tiles, you need to follow the next rule: first take a tile that indicates the remaining sign of a given size, then transfer it, etc. Once the fractional part of the number is ready, you need to remove the whole and parts of the size of the sum of whole millimeters selected when folding the shotgun parts, and take the same tile in whole mm.

For example: block 71875

1 tile – 1.005

2 tiles -1.37

3rd tile – 9.5

4 tiles - 60


Tiles can be used to vibrate parts even with sanded surfaces. Before cutting and folding the block, you need to clean the tiles from the oil with clean premium gasoline, then wipe them dry with a soft cloth and place them on a clean table with a non-working surface.

Rubbing the tiles one by one is carried out in the following manner: place the tile on the papier or serving surface with the vibrating surface, and on the underlying surface, place the tile to be rubbed in, lightly pressing it down to the first, push it forward until the sides run together.

So it is necessary to consistently polish all the tiles that are included in this block.

1. Vibration is carried out at T - 20°C.

2. The object that is vibrating is cleanly wiped with dust and soaked in gasoline. The areas that constantly stick together when touching the tiles are not to blame for nicks or burrs.

3. During the hour of working with tiles, it is unacceptable to touch the surfaces with your hands.

4. Vibrating tiles and fittings to them are not subject to impacts or falls.

5. After cleaning the tiles, soak them in premium gasoline, wipe them dry and coat them with acid-free gasoline.

The nominal values ​​of the final entries are similar to those indicated in Table 1.

Table 1

y mm

Gradation of terminal entries

Nominal values ​​after final entries



Type 0.99 to 1.01 inclusive.

" 1,99 " 2,0 "

" 9,99 " 10,01 "


Type 0.40 to 0.41 inclusive.


Type 0.1 to 0.7 mixture.

"0.9" 1.5 incl.

" 2 " 3 "

" 9,9 " 10,1 "

Type 0.1 to 3 mixing.

Type 0.5 to 25 incl.

Vіd 1 to 25 uvmkn.

Vіd 10 to 100 uvmkn.

Vіd 25 to 200 uvmkn.

Type 50 to 300 inc.

Type 100 to 1000 inc.


D For internal worlds, set the indicator internal world.

There is a straight bushing 5, at the top of which there is an indicator 1 of the same type, fastened with a screw 2. In the middle of the bushing there is a long stem, which meets with a short stem 10, which abuts against the fungus 9 of the tri-piece 6 visceral heads. Triynik Roztashovanі Dvigun 4 I zmіnniy rushing shirt 8, leafing in the Trinican Gayyoy 7. The side of the curtain pin on the Triynik of the Nassaduations Century Mixikov 5, to serve for the installation of the head of the iller of the dial of the decay. When the motor 4 is opened, the spiral spring 11 presses on the value 9 and through the shearing rod 10 transmits the drive to the further shearing to the indicator.

After moving the indicator arrows indicate the change in size.

How to set the internal indicators to size and zero, stop the sets from the end passes until the end.

When vimiring, it is necessary to grab the inner world in the axial plane of the late cut and find the minimum position behind the arrow of the vibrating head, then. perpendiculars to both openings.

The internal adjustment is carried out to the nominal size, which is verified by the size of the replacement tip. The indicator when set to zero is due to tension of 1-2 turns. The reference size is equal to the sum of the nominal size and the value beyond the indicator scale with a corresponding sign.

Indicator interiors are prepared with 1st and 2nd class precision precision, and with 250 tolerance intervals. -450 mm, 450-700mm, 700-1000 mm first class accuracy at a price of 0.01 mm. Designated: nutromir НІ-18-50-1 GOST 868-82.


    Before drying, wipe the drying surfaces with a clean cloth soaked in
    gasoline and residually dry cloth,

    the parts being processed must be dry and clean,

    when the indicator opening is closed, introduce the sticking walls of the opening in the same direction, and then introduce the inside into small areas in an axial direction;

    After drying, wipe the drying surfaces with a cloth and coat them with anti-corrosion oil, and place the interior near the case.


1. Draw a sketch of the details

    Select the boundary dimensions that are being verified (V.D. Myagkov “Tolerances and landings”, vol. 1, table 1. 7, p. 79, table 1.30 p. 95 and add to the table.

    Determine the limiting dimensions and size tolerances that are being verified, write them down in the table.

    Select the permissible deviation for the dimensions that are being verified (a guide to the selection of measurement methods for controlling the dimensions of parts, table No. 1, page 3) and enter them into the table.

    For the skin size that is being verified, select the measurement characteristics and characteristics (a guide to selecting measurement characteristics to control the size of parts) and enter them in the table.

    Expand the end-entry blocks until later to adjust the indicator tools.

    Adjust indicator tools.

    Dates of verification about the identity of the surfaces that are being verified, and about the identity of the parts based on them.


    The name is roboti.

    Meta robots.

    Possession, which is being victorious under the hour of victorious work.

    Warehouse factory.

    Sketch details.

    The values ​​of the boundary dimensions and tolerances on surfaces are being verified.



Boundary strength in mm

Boundary dimensions mm

Tolerance in mm

It is permissible to steal and die in


E S, es

EI, ei

D max d max

D min, d min


d max = d + es (mm) d min = d + ei (mm) Td = es – ei (mm)

D max = D + ES (mm) D min = D + EI (mm) TD = ES – TI (mm)

    IN selection of unique features

Verify size


vimiryuvalnogo specially


vimiryuvalnogo specially




hem, mm

    Expanding the end-entry blocks for adjustment of indicator instruments

    Vimir results

    A note about affiliation with _______________

Meals for repetition:

    How do you know the vibrating heads and how do they turn the tip to turn the arrow?

    Describe an indicator of a suitable type, its price and modification.

    What is the indicator of the inner world? How do you get stuck?

    What is an indicator bracket? How is she vlashtovana and how is she stagnant?

    Why is a staple so important? How is the price at the bottom of the scale determined?


Federal State Budgetary Education Establishment of Higher Professional Education “Ugra State University” (YSU)


(branch) of the federal government budgetary lighting installation

Greater professional education "Ugra State University"

(NNT (branch) Federal Budgetary Educational Institution of Higher Professional Education "Pivden")


Methodical introductions to the finalization of laboratory robots

for students of all forms of basic education in secondary vocational education.

Nizhnyvartivsk 2015




Number and employment name

Number of classroom hours

Control form


Laboratory work No. 1 “Vimiryuvaniya parts using caliper tools”



Laboratory robot No. 2 “Vimming of parts with a micrometric tool”



Laboratory robot No. 3 “Vimming of parts using indicator devices”



Laboratory robot No. 4 “Vimir caliber plugs”



Laboratory robot No. 5 “Surface roughness”


Laboratory robot No. 1


Meta robots

    Consider the device, the principle of vibration and the metrological characteristics of caliper tools.

    You can see the detail with a caliper.

    Vikonati sketchy details from actual dimensions.

Vernier tools

To vibrate linear dimensions using the absolute method and to create dimensions when sizing parts, use calipers, which include a large group of vibrating devices: calipers, eri, height gauges, height gauges, etc.

The largest type of vernier tool is the caliper. There are a number of caliper models (GOST 166-80).


Caliper ShTs-IA) for external and internal adjustments and with a line for adjustment of depths (the price of the vernier edge is 0.1 mm, between adjustments from 0 to 125 mm) holds the rod (ruler) 1 with the main scale, the division of which is set every 1 millimeter. The rod has unbreakable double-sided jaws with working surfaces perpendicular to the rod. The visual frame moves along the line 2 with another pair of sponges; there is a locking screw on the frame 4 to fix it in the required position. On the visual frame there is an additional scale - nonius 3 . The external dimensions are adjusted by the lower jaws, which sweep the flat working surfaces of small width. The upper lips are frozen to adjust the internal dimensions. Line-glybinomir 5 Designed for varying the height of ledges, the depth of blind openings, etc.

Caliper ShTs-II with double-sided spreading of the sponges (Fig. 1, b) purposes for external and internal modifications and measurements of work. It is made up of the same main parts as ШЦ-I, and also has an additional microfeed frame. 4 for precise frame movement 1 by pants 5 . For which it is necessary to fix the additional frame in advance 4 locking screw 3 , and then, wrapping the nut 6 by microscrew 7 , move the trimming frame along the leg. As a rule, I need to adjust the feed to accurately set the size on the caliper when marking. The gostrokintsevye jaws of the ShTs-II caliper are frozen for marking or adjusting the external dimensions in critically accessible places. The lower jaws for adjusting the internal dimensions are applied to the working cylindrical surfaces. The size of the jaws at the end is usually 10 mm, which means the smallest internal size that can be measured with a caliper. For internal measurements, add the size of the jaws and the indications on the side behind the scale. Vernier calipers type ШЦ-II can be used with verniers at a range of 0.1 and 0.05 mm and a range of 0-160, 0-200, 0-250 mm.

Caliper ShTs-III There are no upper sharp jaws or devices for micro-feeding of the vibrating frame. It is necessary for external and internal worlds to use the same lower jaws as for SHTs-II. The price for the vernier section is 0.1 and 0.05 mm, the range of the vernier range is 0 to 2000 mm.

Stangenglibinomir(Fig. 2) serve for vibrating depths and protrusions. Wine is formed from the foundation 1 , rods 6 with a main millimeter scale and a vibrating frame 3 , lock screw 2 , micrometric feed devices 5 , lock screw 4 nuts and bolts 7 micrometric feed and vernier 8 .


They are produced at a standard price of 0.05 mm and 0-160, 0-200, 0-250, 0-315, 0-400 mm. Behind the design of the caliper, the caliper is divided into a number of unbreakable jaws on the bar and, apparently, replaces them with a stand 1 , as a support in the dimmed depths. The zero size of the rod gauge is shown when the end of the rod (line) is displaced. 6 then put it in 1 .


Shtangenreysmas Stick for marking, or perhaps for adjusting and for adjusting the height of parts installed on the plate (Fig. 3). The height ranges range from 0.1 to 0.05 mm and range up to 2500 mm. They create a massive base 5 for installation on the stove. The rod is perpendicular to the base 1 with a millimeter scale. Rukhliva frame 2 with vernier 3 holds the holder 4 for installing a special vibrating foot 6 for adjusting the height or size of the legs 7 .

When the vertical surfaces are spaced, the gauge with a vernier size installed behind the scale (in which case it is recommended to adjust the microfeed of the frame) moves along the plate along the workpiece, which is marked. Apply the wax on the surface of the workpiece in a horizontal line.


The design of the vertical device is based on a rod (dimming line) with a main scale marked on it at intervals of 1 mm. The skin heel section of the barbell scale is indicated by the bottom stroke, and the tenth point - by a stroke that goes with the corresponding number of centimeters.

A vibrating frame moves freely along the rod, on the bevel of which (opposite the millimeter scale of the rod) there is an additional scale called a vernier. Vernier is used for the production of shot millimeters.

The difference between the intervals of the sections of the main scale and the additional vernier scale varies with the vernier device. Nonius affects a small number of sections n(10, 20 or 50 strokes). The zero stroke of the vernier plays the role of the arrow and allows you to adjust the size in millimeters on the main scale.

Price under nonius h competitive prices in line with the main scale A=1 mm, divided by the number of sections of the vernier scale n :


Nonsense will be stagnated at a price of 0.1; 0.05 mm and in small drops 0.02 mm. Vernier scale sub-interval be equal to the accepted value of the module , Which one is chosen from the numbers 1; 2; 3; 4 and more. Please note that with an increase in the module, the balance of the additional vernier scale and the overall dimensions of the entire device increases. Vernier scale sub-interval taken at multiple intervals to the subsection of the main scale


de - vernier module, which characterizes the extension of the vernier scale or the relationship between the values ​​of the intervals of the main scale and vernier scale.

Dovzhina vernier scale

For example, let’s take the price under noniush =0.1 mm at modulo
, then the interval between the sides of the vernier scale
mm. All subsequent vernier strokes are applied at the same interval. Through those intervals of vernier sections that are smaller, lower on the main scale, the position of the vernier strokes in relation to the main scale strokes gradually accumulates, and the tenth vernier stroke converges with the ninth stroke of the main scale (Fig. 4).


For ease of handling shot particles of a millimeter, caliper tools with a vernier scale module equal to 2 are most often produced.

With the specified size of the part, this method is used. As the zero stroke of the additional scale-vernier coincides with a stroke of the main scale, the value of the measured value is added only behind the main scale in mm.

If the zero stroke of the vernier does not coincide with the zero stroke of the main scale, then it comes out of two parts. The whole number in millimeters is taken behind the main scale left-handed from the zero stroke of the vernier scale and added to the next part of the millimeter, multiplying the value of the vernier subscale by the serial number of the vernier scale stroke, so that and a stroke of the main scale (Fig. 4, b,c).

    Meta robots.

    The caliper model and its main metrological characteristics. Vimiru method.

Control food

    Name the types of barbell tools.

    Models of calipers, their design features and purposes.

    How to take care of the loss of targets and fractions of millimeters? Vlashtuvannya nonius.

    What method is used to mark the quality of the jaws of various models of calipers?

    Should a caliper gauge be used?

    Do you want to serve as a height gauge?


Laboratory robot No. 2


Meta robots

    Consider the device, the principle of vibration and the metrological characteristics of micrometric instruments.

    Dry the part with a smooth micro-mirror and check the details of the part’s identity.


Micrometric instruments have a wider range of options for adjusting external and external dimensions, depths of slots and openings. The operating principle of these tools is based on a fixed screw-nut pair. An accurate micrometric screw is wrapped in a microgauge. From which node did these instruments get their name?

The following types of micrometers are produced according to GOST 6507-78:

MK - smooth for adjusting external dimensions;

ML – sheets with a dial for varying the thickness of sheets and stitches;

MT – pipes for adjusting the thickness of pipe walls;

MOZ – dental gears for the vim of dovzhini zagalny normals of toothed wheels;

MVM, MVT, MVP – micrometers with inserts for the shaping of various parts and parts made of soft materials;

МР, МРІ – micrometers are important;

MV, MG, MN, MN2 – desktop micrometers.

In addition to the following types of micrometers, micrometric bore measurements (GOST 10-75 and GOST 17215-71) and micrometric glybin measurements (GOST 7470-78 and GOST 15985-70) are produced.

Most of the micrometers that are produced have a price of 0.01 mm. The most important micrometers are MP, MP3 and MPI, which have a value of 0.002 mm. Ranges of vibration of smooth micrometers are based on the dimensions of the bracket and set: 0-25, 25-50, …, 275-300, 300-400, 400-500, 500-600 mm

In Fig. 1, a, b The design and diagram of a smooth micrometer are shown. In the openings of the scoby 1 the vimiryuval heel is pressed onto one side of the virgin 2 , and from the other - the stem 5 with an opening that is directly connected to a micrometric screw 4 . Micrometric screw 4 screws into the micronut 7 , that there are divisions and external divisions. Screw a special adjusting nut onto the thread 8 squeezing the micronut 7 until you select the gap for the “micro screw-micro nut”. This device will ensure precise axial movement of the screw so that the micronut is consistent with each turn. For one revolution, the end of the screw moves in an axial direction to the stand, which is equal to the cutting edge, by 0.5 mm. The drum is fitted with a micrometric screw 6 , which is secured with a mounting nut 9 . The bucket-nut has a special backup mechanism installed 12 , which connects the scoop-nut 9 and jumping 10 , it is necessary to turn the drum for it 6 at vimirs. An external ratchet mechanism, which consists of a ratchet wheel, a tooth and a spring, when the force moves between the jaws 500-900 cN, there is a ratchet 10 type of mounting cup 9 that drum 6 , and it begins to spin with characteristic clattering noises. What is the micrometric screw? 4 doesn't wrap around. To secure the screw 4 If necessary, install a security micrometer with a locking screw 11 .


On the stem 5 micrometer scale marked 14 with splits every 0.5 mm. For clarity, paired strokes are applied above, and unpaired strokes are applied lower along the line. 13 How is it necessary to turn the drum for cutting? A circular scale is applied to the end of the drum 15 , That may be 50 divisions. If you twist the end of the screw and the cut of the drum by 0.5 mm for one turn of the drum with fifty heels, then turn the drum by one heel as you move the end of the screw, which is more than 0.01 mm, then. the price of the hem on the drum is 0.01 mm.

When removed, peel off the scales on the stem and drum. Through the drum, the indicator on the later scale records the readings with an accuracy of 0.5 mm. These indications are added behind the drum scale (Fig. 1, V).

Before changing, please check that the zero setting is correct. To do this, you need to quickly wrap the microscrew to the surface of the heel and screw, or to the installation surfaces. 3 (Fig.1, A).

Wrap for jumping 10 Continue chewing until you hear a characteristic clatter. The correct setting is when which end of the drum is aligned with the leftmost line of the scale on the stem and the zero line of the drum dial is aligned with the last line on the stem. In case of discrepancies, it is necessary to secure the microscrew with a stopper 11 , unscrew the mounting nut 9 , turn the drum to a position that corresponds to zero, secure it with a nut, loosen the microscrew. After this, check once again whether the “zero setting” is correct.

Micrometric instruments also include micrometric glybinomir and micrometric inner world.

Micrometric glybinomir(Fig.2, A) folds from a micrometric head 1 , pressed into the opening of the base 2 . The end of the micro screw head has an opening where you can insert the replacement rods with the split spring ends. 3 with a spherical vibrating surface. Variable swifts come in sizes: 25; 50; 75 and 100 mm. Measure between the ends of the haircuts and trims exactly. With the visible surfaces of these devices there is the outer end of the changeable rod 3 that lower support surface of the base 2 . When removing the stem, it is necessary to remember that the main scale, spread out on the stem, is located on the turn-off blade (25 mm to 0).


To adjust the glybinomer, the supporting surface of the base is pressed to the end of the special installation surface (small 2, b), and place it on the turning plate. Bring the microscrew with the insert into contact with the plate using additional shaking, fix it with a stopper and then proceed with the same operations as when adjusting the micrometer to zero.

Change the depth of openings, ledges, turns, etc. stick to this method. The supporting surface of the micrometric glybinomer base is installed on the base surface of the part so that the size can be adjusted. With one hand, press the base to the detail, and with the other hand, wrap the drum of the micrometric head until the cutting edge with a curled surface clicks. Then fix the microscrew with a stopper and remove it from the head scales. Micrometric glybinomers range between dimensions from 0 to 150 mm and a range of 0.01 mm.

Micrometric interiors Approved for adjusting the internal dimensions of plants in the range of 50 to 6000 mm.

The stench develops from a micrometric head (Fig. 3, A), changeable subjugators (Fig. 3, b) and vimiruval tip (Fig. 3, V).

The micrometer head of the micrometer is evenly aligned with the micrometer head and the glybinomere and does not shake. At the stem 6 micrometric head with a press-fit vibrating tip on one side 7 , and from other screws the microscrew 5 , what kind of connection with the drum 4 nut 2 and with a locknut 1 . The vibrating tip of the microscrew protrudes 5 .

The gap at the connected screw nut is selected using an additional adjusting nut 3 , which is screwed onto the split micronut from the outer end splits. The installation size is fixed with a locking screw 9 . For expansion between fittings in the threaded hole of the coupling 8 the rubber bands are screwed in (Fig. 3, b) and vimiruvalny tip (Fig. 3, V).


The rubber is cut with spherical vibrating surfaces, which ensures an accurate axial size. The shear does not protrude beyond the boundaries of the body; there are grooves on both ends. The spring, located in the middle of the body, creates a forceful contact of the rods with each other when the rubber with a micrometric head is screwed. At the final end of the rubber band, another rubber band can be tightened, etc., until the inside is removed from the necessary boundary. The vibrating tip is screwed into the remaining rubber. During the process of vibrating, the vibrating tip of the microscrew and the vibrating tip of the sander stick together with the part. When the inside of the gum is removed from the decal, it is necessary to remember that the rubber tracks are connected in the order of changing their sizes and the micrometric head is connected to the one found from them.

The micrometric inner world, when assembled with a vibrating tip, is set to zero using the installation world-bracket with a size of 75 mm (Fig. 3, G). If the zero setting is unsatisfactory, loosen the locknut 1 , rotate the drum until the zero line runs out from the bottom line of the stem, tighten the lock nut 1 and release the gwent 9 . Then check the correctness of the installation. After adjusting the interior to zero, tighten it with the rubber bands to trim the required size and begin to die out.

The change in the internal dimensions of the inner world will take effect in the near future. Insert the instrument between the surfaces (for example, an opening). Place one vibrating tip of the inner surface on the surface and wrap the head drum until the other vibrating tip touches the protruding surface. In the process of vibrating, it is necessary not only to wrap the drum, but also to capture the internal surface, the vibrating diameter at the plane perpendicular to the axis of the opening and at the plane of the axial cross-section. The largest size in the first position and the smallest size in the other position will be avoided.

    Meta robots.

    Design and metrological characteristics of a smooth micrometer. How to read the micrometer reading at the hour of death?

    Sketchy details with detailed dimensions.

    Assessing the suitability of parts.

Control food

    Types of micrometric instruments.

    Micrometer adjustment.

    How to take micrometer readings? Adjust the micrometer to zero.

    Is it time to serve as a trumpet?

    Vashtuvannya micrometric glybinomir.

    Vashtuvannya micrometric inner world.


    Markov N.M., Ganevsky G.M. Design, design and operation of testing and testing instruments and accessories. -M.: Mashinobuduvannya, 1993.

    Belkin I.M. Features of linear-cut vimirs. Dovidnik -M.: Mashinobuduvannya, 1987.

    Vasilyev A.S. Fundamentals of metrology and technical aspects. -M.: Mashinobuduvannya, 1980.

Laboratory robot No. 3


Meta robots

    Read the device, operating principle and metrological characteristics of the indicator suitable for the type and indicator devices.

    Learn the skills of independent work with tools, measuring parts with an indicator bracket and an indicator inside.


Vivid heads are called devices that perform small movements of the viming rod with large movement of the needle behind the scale (year-type indicators, important-tooth indicators, high-revolution indicators, the teeth of the head).

Fig.1. Wart type indicator ICh-10

As a separate vibrating device, the heads cannot be vicorized and for vibrating they must be installed on stands, tripods, or equipped with fixtures and control vibrating devices.

Vibration heads are considered important for waterborne vimirs. If the dimensions of the parts are smaller than the range shown by the device, then the adjustment can be made using the absolute method.

The widest measuring heads made of gear transmission provide indicators of the same type.

The operating principle of an indicator of the annual type is based on the current one (Fig. 1):

Vimiruvalny shear1 moves on precise straight bushings. On the stem there is a gear cut into a rack, which is locked with the trim.4 (=16). A trib is the name given to a gear of a small module with the number of teeth ≤18. On the same axis as the tribe4 wheel gear installed3 (=100), which conveys the wrapping tribe2 (=10).On one axis there is a tribe2 the big arrow is fixed8 , as it collapses behind the scale7 , in tens and hundredths of a millimeter of movement of the vibrating cutter with the tip12 .

When moving the vibrating shear in the range, a large arrow shows the current number of wraps, so an additional arrow is installed in the design of the year-type indicator 5 on the axis of the tribe 4 that wheels 3 . When moving the vibrating rod by 1 mm, the arrow is large 8 There is one revolution, and the arrow 5 one section of the small scale 6 moves.

The number of divisions of the small scale indicates the range of indications of the indicators corresponding to the mm type.

With tribe 2 be in a geared wheel9 (=100). A spiral spring is attached to the axle of this wheel at one end.10 the other end of some fastenings in the indicator body. The spring ensures the operation of the gear wheels in the single-profile encapsulation mode, thereby replacing the opening of gaps in the gear pairs to prevent damping.

A screw spring is transferred to the indicator of the same type 11 one end of each reinforcement is on the vibrating rod, and the other is on the indicator body. This spring creates a vibrating force on the rod R= 150 ± 60 cN.

All indicators of the same type have a value at the end of the large scale of 0.01 mm. Most indicators have a reading range of 2 mm (IL-2), 5 mm (IL-5), 10 mm (IL-10) and more recently indicators are produced with a reading range of 25 mm (IL-25) and 50 mm (IL-50).

The destruction of the indicator of a suitable type is due to the movement of the vibrating rod. Thus, in the reading range of 1÷2 mm, the deviation is in the range of 10÷15 microns, and in the range of 5÷10 mm, the deviation is in the range of 18÷22 microns.


Indicator 1 attach to the indicator stand 2 gwent 3 (Fig.2, A). Ease up the gwent 5 , lower the indicator to the dot with the tip of the vibrating table 4 , After which we lower it further by 1 ... 2 mm (to create a “tension”). The position of tightening the screw is fixed 5 . Turn over for dinner 6 the circular scale of the indicator until it reaches “0” on the scale with a large arrow. The indicator reading is recorded (for example, 1.00 mm with a tension of 1 mm).

Without changing the position of the indicator body, lift the vibrating tip and place the part on the vibrating table. The haircut is released (Fig. 2, b) and the indicator readings are recorded (for example, 2.15 mm) The difference between the indicator readings when calibrated and adjusted gives the value of the displacement of the cutter to the table when calibrated
(b= 2.15-1.00 = 1.15 mm). What size will it be? b. In this way, vibration is achieved using the absolute method.

In these situations, if the size of the part is larger than the range shown by the device, it should be cleaned using the same method. For which the approximate size of the part is determined (for example, close to 42 mm), we assemble a block from plane-parallel end entries (also 42 mm) and adjust the tool to “0” for plane-parallel end entries (PCMD) (Fig. 2, V) is similar to the adjustment for the absolute method. We record the indicator reading (for example, 1.00 mm), assemble the PCMD block and place the part. The indicator reading is recorded (for example, 2.15 mm). Significant movement of the shear when vibrating to PCMD ( = 2.15-1.00 = 1.15 mm) (Fig. 2, G). Actual part size d=PCMD+ (for example, d= 42 +1.15 = 43.15 mm). When added, it is necessary to include the sign of the displacement displacement: if the size of the part appears smaller than the PCMD block, then  will appear negative. For example, if the indicator showed 1.00 mm when adjusted, and 0.42 mm when adjusted, then
 =0.42-1.00=-0.58 mm.

Fig.2. Vibration with indicator

In the best way, you can deal with seizures, if you need to change the death rate, then. change the virtual movements in order to avoid accumulated damage to the equipment.


The frame of the bracket (Fig. 3) has an indicator of the correct type installed 2 that changeable heel 3 .

Rukhliva heels 2 It is steadily pressed against the vibrating rod of the indicator and a special spring. Rearranged heels 3 with a spare gwent 4 And when removed, the cup can move within distances of up to 50 mm. Ranges of adjustment of indicator brackets: 0÷50 mm, 50÷100 mm, 100÷200 mm, ..., 600÷700 mm, 700÷850 mm, 850÷1000 mm.

The main damage to the attachment (depending on the size of the staple) varies from 5 to 20 microns.



Interior indicators are used for measuring the internal dimensions and diameters of openings using the liquid method.

Most often, the internal measurements of standard sizes are based on the current range of ranges in the world: 6-10; 10-18; 18-50; 50-100; 100-160; 160-250; 250-450; 450-700; 700-1000mm.

The application and operation of indicator nutrometers will be examined on the application of nutrometer model HI-100 (Fig. 4).

A sleeve-insert is inserted into the body of the interior 2 , screw into one side of the yak a changeable, indestructible vimirival haircut 3 , and on the other side there is a crumbly vimirual haircut 4, which flows onto the double shoulder 5 , fastenings on the axis 6 .

There is a rod in the middle of the body 8 , squeezing until it’s important 5 a year-type indicator indicator pin and a spiral spring 10 . The rest die out between 200 and 500 cN.


At the limits of the vibrating range, the internal measurements will be secured with a set of interchangeable vibrating clips. The position of the indestructible vibrating rod after adjustment is fixed with a nut 7 . Rukhomiy vimiruvalny shear 4 under the influx of the vibrating sound, it is at the extreme exit position. Central town 12 , pressed by two springs 11 to the surface of the controlled opening will ensure the alignment of the line with the diameter of the opening.

Adjustment of the interior to the required nominal size is carried out using PCMD blocks with sides installed in holder-clamps, or on certified rings. The loss of viscera is normalized to be 1.5÷2.5 times the size of the head.


Maintain the nominal size by opening the trimmed part of the nominal size of the PMDK. Prepare an installation kit (Fig. 5) with PMKD block, two sides 2 that clamp 1 . From a set of variable adjustable clips (added to the inside), select a clip with a range of sizes that includes the nominal size of the opening. Screw the variable adjustment rod 3 into the body of the interior 5 .

Insert the inner world with vibrating rods into the installation kit between the sides and create a tension of 1÷2 mm for the indicator suitable for the type (Fig. 5).

Having stolen the inner world from yourself, turning it to the left - to the right along the vertical axis, you need to place all the vibrating strings (all vibrating) in a position that avoids the smallest distance between you rival surfaces of the sides. This position will be shown by the large arrow of the indicator when you reach the furthest (if Russia is behind the year arrow) half of the scale and then move back completely. Having pressed the correct position of the indicator, you need to tighten the lock nut 4 changeable vimirual haircut 3 and set the zero point of the indicator scale until it reaches the large arrow.

Fig.5. Indicator internal world when adjusted ( A) (centering point not indicated)
and when dying ( b)

After adjusting the interior to 0, you can proceed to adjust the size of the opening of the part according to the nominal value.

Insert the internal head into the opening of the vibrating part. Spring-loaded centering area 8 The orientation of the entire caliper is strictly in the diametral area of ​​the opening that is being calibrated (Fig. 5, b).

By stealing the interior from the vertical plane, the indicator is shown when the large arrow is in the extreme right position.

In the event of significant changes in the size of the openings, the nominal value is followed by the following rule: the change is taken with a minus sign (“-”), if the large arrow of the indicator has moved towards “0” at the bottom of the scale for the year with the arrow, and the direction opposite the year arrow shows an increase in the diameter of the opening. This is the best way to use the plus sign (“+”).

The values ​​of effective ventilation are determined by multiplying the number of divisions of the indicator scale (indicated by the large arrow at “0”), the price of the division being 0.01 mm.

The reference size of the opening diameter is equal to the nominal opening diameter plus (“+”) or minus (“-”) for the effect of ventilation.

    Meta robots.

    Types of indicator devices, such as the robot and its metrological characteristics. Vimiru method.

    Sketches of simulated parts with actual dimensions.

    Assessing the suitability of parts.

Control food

    The design of the indicators is of the welded type.

    Metrological power of indicator devices. Vimiru method.

    How to read readings under the influence of indicator devices?

    Indicator bracket. Adjustment of brackets for dimming.

    What is the name of the quantity that the device fixes?

    Indicator interior world. Adjusting the inner world.

    Vibration with the inner world.


    Belkin I.M. Features of linear-cut vimirs. Dovidnik -M.: Mashinobuduvannya, 1987.

    Vasilyev A.S. Fundamentals of metrology and technical aspects. -M.: Mashinobuduvannya, 1980.

Laboratory robot No. 4


Meta robots

    Read the device, the principle of operation and the metrological characteristics of the spring vibrating heads IGP - microcators (GOST 6933-81).

    Learn the skills of independent robots with accessories for precise measurements using the direct method.

    Learn the current tolerance schemes for calibers.

    Place the caliper plug behind the additional IGP installed at station C-1 or C-2.

    What matters is the connection to the plug gauge.


This adjustment is carried out to precise alignment adjustments with mechanical adjustments of small movements of the alignment tip and large movement of the arrow along the adjustment scale. This group of devices was called “spring”, since the sensitive element is curled in the middle on different sides of a spring made of thin bronze stitching.





Stitch spring 2 secured to the braid 1 and cantilever flat springs 4 , installed on the hard protrusion (Fig. 1, A). Varying spring position 4 , using screws, adjust the tension of the stitch spring. Vimiruvalny shear 7 suspensions on membranes 6 and fiercely tying with a braid 1 . The movement of the vibrating shear results in the rotation of the cutnik around the point. A» that spring tension 2 . The vibrational force is created by a final spring 5 . A quartz arrow is glued to the middle part of the bronze twisted stitch 3 . Spring extension 2 clicks the turn of the arrow 3 shodo scale.

Spring die-cutting heads are used for high-precision die-cutting of the size of the beads, as well as for shaping and smoothing the surface. The accuracy of the controlled viruses can be as high as 2 th until 6 th quality

To adjust the fittings, attach them to the racks (Fig. 1, b) type C-1 and C-2 or in special devices for the tube 7 diameter 28 mm. When the end entry block is adjusted to zero position, the microfeed to the rack table is adjusted.

At the hour of transportation, the vibrating shear is pressed by turning the clamp to the base of the tube.

Spring damping heads are available in the following modifications: 01IGP; 02IGP; 05IGP; 1IGP; 2IGP; 5IGP; 10ІГП and the value of the half of the scale is adjusted accordingly: 0.0001; 0.0002; 0.0005; 0.001; 0.002; 0.005; that 0.01 mm.


1. Read the device, the principle of vibration and the metrological characteristics of the microcator at stage C-1 or C-2. Write down the main metrological characteristics of the device (price at the bottom of the scale of the device, range of measurement below the scale of the device).

2. Remove the caliper plug for vimirs from the insert.

3. By marking on the caliber, indicate which opening values ​​are to be verified (nominal opening diameter, opening tolerance field and quality).

4. For GOST-25347-82 ( ST REV 144-75) determine the boundaries of the opening size, and then draw up a scheme for expanding the opening tolerance field (Fig. 2)

5. According to GOST-24853-81 (ST REV 157-75) for a given caliber-plug, find out the tolerances that limit the tolerance and create a scheme for expanding the tolerance field for the caliber.

7. Select the size according to the scheme so that any device is adjusted to zero with the help of end entries until the end.

8. From a set of flat-parallel end entries, take a measure or a number of entries for the folding block, the size of which is the same as the size selected for the diagram.

9. Kintsev come in, wash the table with gasoline, wipe it with a soft cloth. Wipe it, come in and rub it one by one and go to the table.

10. Adjust to zero. For this (Fig. 1, b), tightening the locking screw 2 table 3 micrometric nut wraps 1 , the object stage is lowered from the lapped block of end entries at the bottom position. Then, having released the locking screw 10 bracket 9 , ring-nut wrappers 11 the bracket goes down 9 from a microcator to the end of the tip from the surface of the end world or to the block. About the moment of torkannya judge on the cob of the arrow. Which one has the bracket? 9 lock with a screw 10 .


Lower the track bracket smoothly, preventing the tip from hitting the end approach! Regulatory screws cannot be removed 14 table, fragments will destroy the installation

The rest of the adjustment to zero is adjusted using the additional nut 1 ; table 3 It rises until the microcator needle reaches the zero point of the scale. At whose position the table is locked with a screw 2 The zero setting is checked by lifting and lowering the vibrating tip 4 Aretiru for help 5 .

Precisely setting the adjuster to zero is adjusted using a screw 8 , which can move the scale up to the arrow within ±5 divisions.

11. Having pressed on the arrester, lift the vibrating tip and remove the end entry or block (do not disassemble the block of end entries).

12. Place a plug gauge on the object table and firmly press the gauge with two fingers to the table, roll it thoroughly under the tip and stitch behind the handle of the arrow. The greatest emphasis on the arrow in “plus” or “minus” behind the scale indicates the effect of adjusting the size of the plug in this section to the adjusted size of the end or block. To ensure that the medicine is taken correctly, repeat two-three times. There is a clear repetition of the display of the device. Such curing traces should be carried out at three cuts along the bottom of the plug and at two surfaces (Fig. 3). Enter the results of the experiments into the table.

13. Calculate the effective dimensions of the plug in the controlled cross-sections, which will complement the sum of the algebra with the size of the end world or the block and the indicated device. Enter the result in the table.

14. Check the zero indication of the device. For this purpose, having pressed the lock, the caliber is removed from the table and the end entry or block is reinserted under the vibrating tip. Raising and lowering the two-three tip, switch to setting the arrow to zero.

When adjusting the arrow from the zero line, it is not necessary to overextend half of the scale of the device; if the adjustment is greater, you will need to repeat adjusting the device to zero and adjusting the caliber.

The data for the results of the matches will be entered until the end.

1. The purpose of the robot.

2. The name of the calibration device and its main metrological characteristics (between measurements on the scale of the device, the price on the subscale).

3. The type of caliber that is controlled and its marking.

4. Scheme of tolerance fields for vibration and caliber with the setting of boundary dimensions in mm and tolerance in microns (Fig. 2).


5. Select the end entry or the end entry block to adjust the device to zero.

6. Scheme for calibration calibration (Fig. 3) and the results are calculated from the completed table.


Vimir results

Dimensions of the terminal approach
or block

Passage side


Impassable side




I'll adjust it to microns



Dimensions of caliber in mm



7. A note about the attribute of the caliber.

Control food

    Device, operating principle and metrological characteristics of spring microcator heads.

    As a sphere of stagnation, microcators are tossed around.

    The method of vibrating and adjusting the microcator for vibrating.

    How to expand the tolerance field diagrams for smooth boundary gauges-plugs and gauges-brackets?

    Why is it necessary to use microcator-type measuring devices to assess the suitability of a plug’s caliber?

    How is the rule about the attribution of caliber formulated?


    Belkin I.M. Features of linear-cut vimirs. Dovidnik -M.: Mashinobuduvannya, 1987.

    Vasilyev A.S. Fundamentals of metrology and technical aspects. -M.: Mashinobuduvannya, 1980.

Laboratory robot No. 5


Meta robots

    Read the basic parameters of shortness and the assigned shortness on the seats.

    Learn about the methods of vibrating and devices for assessing the surface roughness of machine parts.


Surface roughness is the totality of surface irregularities with very small edges, seen under additional basic conditions (GOST 25142-82).

Basic Dovzhina - Dove of the base line, which is used to highlight the irregularities that characterize the roughness of the surface.

The numerical values ​​of surface shortness are calculated on a single basis, which is the middle line of the profile.m , That is, the base line, which takes the form of a nominal profile, is drawn in such a way that, between the base line, the mean square variation of the profile to this line is minimal. Dovzhina assessment - dovzhina, where the real profile is assessed. You can redeem one or more basic dowzhins (Fig. 1).

Rice. 1. Profilogram and basic parameters of surface roughness


Parameters of shortness and height of irregularities. Arithmetic mean of the profile
- arithmetic mean of the absolute value of the profile improvement within the base dozhin:

or close

de - Basic dovzhina; - Number of profile points selected on the base day;y - stand between any point in the profile and the middle line. The standard is 0.008 to 100 microns.

Height of profile irregularities at ten points
- the sum of the average absolute values ​​of the heights of the five largest protrusions of the profile and the depths of the five largest depressions of the profile between the base valley:


- heighti -th largest protrusion to the profile;
- glybinai - and the greatest recess of the profile.

The highest level of irregularities in the profile
- stand between the line of protrusions of the profile and the line of recesses of the profile between the base line . Standardized from 0.025 to 100 microns.

Shortness parameters for the shortest profile. Average length of profile irregularities
- Arithmetic mean of profile irregularities within the base period:


deP - number of credits at the boundaries of the base dozhin ;
- The line of irregularities in the profile is equal to the last section of the middle line, which interchanges the profile at three neighboring points and surrounded by two extreme points. The standard is 0.002 to 12.5 mm.

Average length of local appearances to the profile - The arithmetic mean of the microprotrusions of the profile within the base period:


de P - number of edges of irregularities along the vertices at the boundaries of the base dove ; - A layer of irregularities in the profile along the tops of the protrusions. The standard is 0.002 to 12.5 mm.

Numerical values ​​of shortness parameters
і based on GOST 2789-73, and Addendum 1 contains the value of the base premium recommended parameters

The parameters of hairiness are related to the shape of the irregularities in the profile. Support dovzhina profile - sum dovzhin vidrizkiv that occur on a given levelR % The material has a profile line, equidistant to the middle linem - m and between the base dovzhin (Fig. 1).

- upgrading the profile's support bonus to the base bonus:


I will support my profile indicate at the same level as the profile cutR, tobto. on the task, there is a line between the line of protrusions of the profile and the line that drags the profile equidistantly from the line of protrusions of the profile. The profile line is a line equidistant to the middle line that passes through the closest point of the profile between the base line. The value of the profile cutR follow the line of protrusions and choose from the following: 5; 10; 15; 20; 25; thirty; 40; 50; 60; 70; 80; 90% view
. Profile supporting support assigned to row 10; 15; 20; 25; thirty; 40; 50; 60; 70; 80; 90%.

The Interstate Council for Standardization, Metrology and Certification to GOST 2.309-73 “Designated surface roughness” made changes and established the term for the implementation of changes - from 1 June 2005.

Changes are made to determine the shortness of the surface, and the rules for applying them to the chairs.

The interstate standard GOST 2.309 is fully consistent with the ISO 1302 standard.

1. Preferred surface roughness

The roughness of the surfaces is indicated on the chair for all constructions on these chairs, regardless of the methods of their creation, except for the surface, the shortness of which is not determined by the design.


The structure of the designated surface roughness is shown in Fig. 2. When a sign is left without inserting a parameter, the method of processing it is displayed without police.

In the indicated roughness of the surface, one of the signs shown in Fig. 3 will be stuck. Height It is due to approximately the same height of the digits of the size numbers that sit on the chair. Height
more expensive (1.5...5) . The totality of the line signs is due to approximately half the totality of the main line that is standing on the chair. In the indicated surface roughness, the method of processing which is not set by the designer, set the sign according to Fig. 3,A . In the indicated roughness of the surface, which is due to the material used in the ball, place the mark behind the figure.b . In the indicated roughness of the surface, which is due to the fact that it was done without exposing the ball to the material, the sign of Fig.V From the selected values ​​of the shortness parameter.

The surface parts, which are made from the material of a single profile and of a size that does not fit behind these accessory-shaped chairs, are indicated by the sign in Fig. 3, V without adding shortness parameters. The surface marked with such a sign is subject to the requirements established by the relevant standard, either by technical experts, or by another document, and on this document there may be a message, for example, that appears to be assigned to the range of material in column 3 of the main I will write the chair according to GOST 2.104-68 .


The values ​​of the shortness parameter according to GOST 2789-73 indicate the value of shortness after the corresponding symbol, for example: 0,4;
0,63; 70; 0,032; 50. At the butt 70 the support support for the profile is indicated =70% equal to profile overcut =50%. . The thickness of the line sign is approximately equal to half the thickness of the main line.

The type of surface treatment is indicated by the amount of shortness of the body at the edges, if there is one, necessary for removing the necessary surface roughness (Fig. 5).

It is allowed to simply put the designated shortness on the surface with explanations for them in the technical positions of the seat behind the butt, shown in Fig. 6.

2. Rules for applying roughness values
on the surface on the chairs

The indicated roughness of the surfaces on the image is drawn on the contour lines, wine lines (if possible, close to the size line) or on the lines of the wine lines. If there is no space, it is allowed to expand the indicated shortness on the measurement lines or their extensions, within the tolerance of the form, and to rip apart the wine line (Fig. 7).



small 9

The marked roughness of the surface, which is the sign of the police, is marked with the main lettering of the chair as shown in Fig. 8 and 9. When the surface is smoothed in the shaded area, it is indicated to apply the markings on the police line of wine.

When the specified shortness is indicated for all surfaces, the indicated shortness is placed at the upper right cut of the chair and is not applied in the image (Fig. 10). The size of the line mark at the indicated shortness, placed at the right upper corner of the chair, will be approximately 1.5 times larger than those marked on the image. a-c), and for globoid worms and the wheels they produce - on the line of the rozrunk stake (Fig. 14, G).

The specified roughness on the surface of the profile of the cut should be applied according to the strict rules when depicting the profile (Fig. 15, A), or mentally on the wine line to mark the size of the cut (Fig. 15, b - d), on the dimension line or extended (Fig. 15, e).

If the surface roughness used to create the contour may be the same, the specified amount of shortness should be applied once in a row until Fig. 16. Diameter of the auxiliary sign- 4…5 mm. The indicated shortness has a surface that smoothly transitions from one to another, a sign




For this letter of the designated surface, apply a line drawn along a thick dash-dotted line on the surface, which traces the surface at a distance of 0.8 ... 1.0 mm from the contour line (Fig. 18).


Certification of surface roughness is carried out using two types of control: bright and dark.

Accurate control of the parameters of the surface roughness is achieved by aligning the expressions and visual details visually or visually. DERZHSTANDARD 9378-75 installs the elements of roughness, cut by mechanical cutting, removing positive stamps by electroplating or applying coatings on plastic stamps. Sets or around the pattern are straight, arc-like or arc-like, so that they intersect, smoothing out surface irregularities. The value of the parameter is indicated on the skin patch
(in µm) type of sample cut. To improve accuracy, align the probes and level the microscopes.

Extensive control of shortness parameters can be achieved using non-contact and contact methods of drying.

For a quick assessment of the roughness of a surface using a non-contact method, two methods are used - increasing them using an additional optical system, or vicorising the variable sharpness of the roughened surface.

Devices that are primed to assess surface irregularities when they increase with the help of an additional optical system, i.e. “adjust a light cut”. Devices that are primed on a special basis, including microinterferometry.

The principle of adjusting the light cut lies in the extraction of an enlarged image of the profile of the rimmed surface by means of changes, straightening the area to the same surface, and reducing the height of irregularities in the image. The widest is the mobile microscope type MIS-11, which allows you to set three parameters of brightness. Because they have a lot of functional nodes. These adjustments are considered important for work in the laboratory. The industry produces a number of models of fixtures (201, 202, 252), based on the inductive method of converting the hammer head into tension.

A profilograph is a device for recording the magnitude of surface irregularities in the normal range before it in the form of prophylactographs, which measure all the parameters that characterize the roughness and wobble of the surface.

A profilometer is a device for calculating surface irregularities that are normally cut through and presenting the calibration results on the scale of the device, which shows the value of one of the parameters that are used to evaluate these irregularities. Most prophylactometers provide an assessment of surface irregularities based on a parameter
and vikoristayutsya like a shop fitting. Evaluation of shortness by parameter
associated with the difficulties of processing the signal.

    Malyunok profile of surface irregularities based on the main parameters.

    Estimation of shortness parameters for a given profile.

    Equipment for assessing the surface roughness of machine parts.

    The butt is marked with shortness on the seat part.

Control food

    What parameters are used to assess the roughness of a surface?

    How and how to control surface roughness?

    What shortness parameter is used by the MIS-11 attachment?

    How is wooliness indicated on chairs?

    Are common machine parts supposed to have a little bit of roughness?


    Markov N.M., Ganevsky G.M. Design, design and operation of testing and testing instruments and accessories. -M.: Mashinobuduvannya, 1993.

    Belkin I.M. Features of linear-cut vimirs. Dovidnik -M.: Mashinobuduvannya, 1987.

    Vasilyev A.S. Fundamentals of metrology and technical aspects. -M.: Mashinobuduvannya, 1980.