How to protect content as a copy (steal)? How to protect a blog from malicious content Defend from parsers to content for an online store

It's not a secret for anyone that the content on the site is guilty of being unique, since it is one of the main parameters that search engines protect when ranking. And there is no insurance against the malicious intent of other dishonest webmasters stealing content. Given the obvious placement, there is a great risk that the spoof system recognizes the site of the attacker as a fraudulent one, regardless of those that you published earlier. And there are ways to help protect your content against maliciousness and scamming Google and Yandex to believe in those who themselves are on your site.

Detailed information

Instruction for Google
Google retailers were able to create a special mechanism to solve the problem of stealing content on websites. The essence of the method is based on the difference of the side and її linking to the profile in Google+. Having speeded up in this way, you put your author's signature on the side.
To protect the content, you need to put a message from your side on your profile (or be it some other participant) in the Google+ merge. Posilannya maє buti is framed by the offensive rank: Tobto after the pilgrimage is due, follow the sign «?» i attribute rel \u003d author, So the search engine can link the text to your profile.
Ale, the Google cym retailers have not become obssessed: stench is propagating another way to cheat - linking the content of the pages to e-mail. To speed it up, it is necessary to go to Google+ side and enter your e-mail. Ale, with whom the box is guilty, but on the same domain as the site, on which your article is known.

Example: mail [Email protected] and articles on the site

After entering and confirming your e-mail, your Google+ profile will be linked to the specified email address. Tobto become an author's note and appear in the distribution of the profile "My publications". If you want to save your privacy, you can use special options in the settings and display your e-mail to all correspondents.

Instruction for "Yandex"
Yandex has a fundamentally different way of transferring content, which is based on an alerted search system prior to publication of the text. Vіn vіmagає more züsil vіd koristuvаchа, аlе more likely to turn off the possibility of plagiarism, so that evil-doers simply cannot catch copy-paste the text.
To speed up using this method, you need to register in the Yandex.Webmaster service, and then speed up using a special form for an application for authorship. Vіdbuvaєtsya in the offensive order:

We need to choose a site on which you plan to place a new text;
then we may need verification;
nareshti it is necessary to insert your article in a special field, so that the system will revise it.
The next step is to indicate that this service has a number of borders, with which you can find out. As a rule, for Vlasniks and webmasters of ordinary sites, the stench does not create a code change.

dodatkovy zahist
There is one more trick, which allows you to steal the text as a copy - sending with anchors, like avenging large fragments of the text. It’s enough to buy everything for a sprat for a skin text, and as an anchor, quotes from your article. This method will not give a 100-hundred guarantee, but you can help the poshukoviks to determine the pershodzherelo. More details are described in one of our webinars (messages).

Hello friends! If you put food, how to protect the content as a copy, then the same ones that you joked. Here I will try to tell you about different ways to protect your copyright. Є site with distant texts, unique photographs and videos - find out and bring everything in, so as not to pay copywriters, photographers and other people.

Short zmist:

Nutrition about those, how to protect content in the form of copying, cost a lot for one reason: search engines can crawl through the site as a whole, demonstrating the stolen goods, earlier, lower in the resource, the stars were taken.

As a result, the robot will denounce the site with stolen texts and images and change the rating of those who honestly bought content and display unique materials. In order to learn such a thing, to know something about copyright and how to competently protect your content.

Before that, how to instill in life a difference, it is necessary to write, what is most necessary to defend: unique statutes from the assigned authorship, description texts on the sides of services, information about products in online stores, photos. My method is to defend the devil, but not universal: to combine the approaches, to watch for the dynamics.

How to protect the main page from copying

Sound like texts are copied by hand (not in a program way). Do not let the villains try to help such methods.

Javascript that blocks copying of material

The side code includes a script, which is used to manually view and copy articles.

The body of the script looks like this:

The method has a shortfall. A lot of people go through the internal messages of the site, clicking on them with the right mouse button.

If you include this script in the side code of the side, you can create unhandedness for the shortlisted ones: it becomes easier to go from side to side, and the number of views (as a direct result of those conversions of shortlisted users to clients) will change. Then stop stealing content copywriters-novices, yakі do not know yet, how to bypass this fence.

Protection of statistics for copying for brand support

Appropriate method for service sides. Likewise, it is equally possible to spread the name of the company according to the statistics, the villains will happen to rewrite the copies. Tse take away an hour, like a building for a thoughtless steal of a coristuvachi, sound like you want to spare it to the maximum. It is not included, that the thought of scrupulous rewriting and rewriting is seen by them as a bastard.

Zhukov's technique

It is necessary to divide the texts into unique propositions up to the last step to the defense of the texts. Skin speech is guilty of up to 100 symbols. The propositions are sent as anchors, as they will be published on third-party resources. Such propositions-anchor " podkriplyat » the content is on the side in decal areas, and the search robot recognizes it as original on the resource-dzherel, and not on the site-villain.

Nedolik method Zhukov- stain on . In addition, if you need to remember the article, if you happen to rearrange it, it will take a lot of time, as the site is made up of hundreds and thousands of sides.

Description of the product in the online store

As a promotion to an online store, it is important to take care of the unique product cards. Do not copy the numerical cards of goods with your hands - for a long time. Pragivat robitice in a programmatic way. For their defense against theft, there are three methods described above, and it is recommended to use additional methods.

Whiskey of social signals

The robots were counting the text hour by hour. Maє value is also the authority of the resource. On the rest, positively add social signals - for example, likes. You can directly tell people in product descriptions to like it every hour and put likes yourself.

Articles and news

Informational texts and new content are automatically stolen. For example, through the parser or RSS-strіchki. In pairs with cards of goods, there are more statistics and news, so for them, it’s necessary to zahistu varto.

Send in the middle of the article to your site (contextual linking)

The volume of novelties and informational materials are reviewed by joker systems " yak є". Having shown on the side of the force that directs people to the required site, the robots will correctly debunk the article.

short way- the possibility of changing the internal messages to others in the cordons of the statues. Relinking + rozpodіlene in the text company name + authorship - a complex solution to the problem. In a different situation, you can correct Yandex or Google tech support for the abuse of copyright material, and you will be satisfied.

Link articles to your Google+ account

As a matter of fact, the author's photo will be included in the search results, and it will be easier for Google technical support to establish justice when filing a claim for copyright infringement. Immovable punishment for evildoers in author's texts is becoming more so that it is not called standard " admin » th, but write in your reference PIB.

For which track:

2 . Log in to your account and send a call to the site, or specifically to those texts, as it is necessary to protect them from copying.

short of the method- the need to use other ways to defend against copying.

Robot with webmaster option Yandex "Original texts"

The Yandex administration advises that search engine algorithms are used to improve the conservation of texts. Ale mezhuє webmasters for the number of symbols ( <32 000 ) І ( >10 ).

parcel pingiv

The speed of indexing the text is important for any author. As soon as new material is posted on the site, I can tell you more about the Poshukov system. The best way is to correct pingiv.

On sites that use RSS feeds through the FeedBurner service, it is recommended to go to the " Publish»I enable the option. ї activation allow you to automatically notify Google about those that RSS-strіchka added texts. The method is good practice for well-written articles.

Webmasters of sites on WordPress can use the plugin, as they work with RSS-strings. Vіdpravlyaє іnformatsiyu about the appearance of new articles in the designated service.

Placement of announcements

Like a search robot, it makes announcements of informational or new articles on third-party sites, which helps to index them, and lower them badly. take someone else".

Texts can be announced on the VOTT website, on the Grabr web project, as well as in the blogosphere - on LiveJournal, on LiveInternet, etc.

How to protect pictures and photos from copying

Not the best way- informing the copywriters about the changeover and capturing the photo all the same. In addition, the value of publications, for example, causes more, lower conversion (correct people are more likely to go for messages if they can’t click on the context menu), you can stop it.

More efficient included in watermark image. Let's see if we can see it and take a tenth part of the image area, and then turn on the editing in the photo editor (drawing, shading, scaling).

As if to create a sign to a partial background, it will be unrealistic to look at a new one. The watermark with the company's logo or the author's name will help in promoting the brand: on the new site there will be some respect for the site.

Protect the picture simply and with help, like lay a piercing ball. To create a new vision of the image, which zbіgaєtsya for razmіry z is protected by the picture and zrobiti z new upper ball for the picture.

Vіdvіduvachi podachat on the site a normal picture, but її downloading will bring to saving only a transparent image - not the main file.

The metadata will include camera inputs, frame timing, video display, aperture settings and other information. Using the Exif Pilot program, you can enter in the metadata the name of the company, the name of that photographer's name and other views.

Premium plugin for WordPress

How to search on the Internet, use impersonal methods, how to protect content in the form of a copy, and even find a plugin for wordpress at my glance today.

Vikoristovuyuchi plugin Clearfy Pro, you take into account not only the possibility of maximum protection of your content in the form of copying, but also get rid of the smittevih sides of your resource, which you respect.

It’s easy for developers, clearfy pro plugin distributors, wordpress site owners to do it, insert an addon on the site, and activate the necessary functions for content protection via copying. All other speeches, like updating the code and otherwise, to fill out the retailers for you.

action- Until January 1, 2019, everyone bought the product of the WPShop retailer and get a discount of 15-40%, report for assistance.


Despite all efforts to defend against copies of new articles, descriptions of goods and photographs are unique, the stench can still be stolen: you always want to profit from someone else's lane, as if looking on the Internet without any money and without protection.

The amount of stealing is reduced, as follows:

The webmaster constantly notifies search engine systems about the publication of new texts and pictures, and robots index them until they are copied by hackers;

The webmaster won a great deal of ways to defend content in the form of copying, to control the situation from different sides.

Dodatkovo speed up indexation well-created sides with unique content can be done like this:

Enter the addresses of the pages with texts in sitemap.xml;

Announce the article on Twitter or on FB, including the message to the site in the announcement;

Organize internal linking and refer to the side with a unique article from the main side.

I am sure that these recommendations have helped you with advice on nutrition: “how to protect content from copying”. Defender of copyrighted content - on the right is a copy, but tolerant and respectful webmasters have every chance of success. If you have your own ways to zahist content, about which I forgot to guess, write in the comments, it's negotiable. Be sure!

How to protect the site from being copied by bad people? Tsezovsim is not just a food for a webmaster. No one deserves to steal from someone else.

But all the same, do not translate those that steal from other different values, including intellectual ones. And for those who maintain their own blogs and sites, the most valuable are all the articles, especially written with wet fingers. (On this site I write everything myself).

I tse spravzhnya beda especially for popular sites, yakі vіdomі rich, and mean і villains. It is described a lot of ways to fight with lovers of freebies, I will make my own small contribution to the noble right. ?

1. How to protect a site from a copy without a backdoor?

Є radical methods, on the basis of a new inclusion of copying. But such a way to allow smarter to be attacked as readers, and not as villains. Professional plagiarists are hardly worth mentioning. And most of all, your articles can be copied to your blogs and social media to your own readers.

Bagatom and inattentiveness, which is necessary to get rid of the power to pershogerelo. I just got the article and the stench saved my own blog. And if the stench was added right after the articles you wrote, and the search systems have not yet reached the index, then your wide chanuvalnik with your blog automatically becomes the author. І in the TOP-10 your article can be consumed, but її you will no longer be the author ...

How can you hijack a site from a copy without a backdoor? It’s not so smooth, it’s necessary just to splurge so that when copying your article, in the end of the text, the message was automatically sent to the dzherelo. How tse robiti?

Kind of simple. Є wonderful service: We allow you to add a small listing to the site, which shows how many people you watch on-line, and you look at the statistics of the stench. The service is propagating a script that needs to be put in the basement of the site. AT galleries Yogo zvnіshnіy looking. (Right person)

Clicking on the lichnik, you will go to the side of the site and click, as the articles are read at once. It is not necessary to register in order to install this lichilnik. Ale, everything is coryne, ale, the prelude.

Now to the main topic of the article: How to protect a site from a copy without a return?

For whom it is necessary to register in the distribution of the site, any assignments to SEO monitoring, including who and what you have a copy of. Let's go for the given address and register:

After registration, you will be given a creak, which you need to insert into the site header. Here you can see hints, where to insert the code for the most wide-ranging CMS engines. In wordpress, the script needs to be inserted into the header.php file, which is in the folder with the threaded theme before closing the tag

And you can put і in the footer of the site, in footer.php, so it will be less galvanizing the side of the page. Now, if we try to copy fragments of the text to the site, then we will see the axis like this:

How to protect a site from a copy? Tsezovsim is not just a food for a webmaster. No one deserves to steal from someone else.

1. Write Read more - not in Russian, I want to bi, so it was written: pershogerelo. So everything seemed to make sense.

2. As soon as the plugin is enabled in the browser, then the script will be blocked, and the request will not appear.

I have broken the chain of food: with one shot I killed two birds with one stone. For whom I downloaded the script, which vikoristov tsey service and put it on the hosting, in the folder of my own, for example. And then in the code of the script, which is written in headeer.php by typing the path to the file. By what order COPY.JS you can get ready-made script and put it in your own place.
After which dodamo script in footer.php or in another place:

If (document.location.protocol \u003d\u003d "http:") (var Tynt \u003d Tynt ||; Tynt.push ( "dd_7uwdHur4OxNacwqm_6l"); (function () (var s \u003d document.createElement ( "script" ); s.async \u003d "async"; s.type \u003d "text/javascript"; s..js"; var h \u003d document.getElementsByTagName("script"); h.parentNode.insertBefore(s, h );)) (); )

Now adblock doesn't block this script, which is much better, and I've rewritten Read more in Pershgerelo. You can find this phrase in your script and rewrite it in your own.

Now you’ve gone to the sidelines, you’ve registered for what we are, you can work, who marveled at what and copied.

The axis in such a simple way can be steal text like honest villains. And how can you protect your copy, if you steal from you on a regular basis? Here often one cannot do without a radical method, if only timchasovo ..

2. How to radically protect the site from copying?

As you have shown that bad guys are just stealing your stats on your site, so that we can earn money for the sale, and your stats will fall from the index, and if you understand that your intentions are not good, then just block your stats ( as long as you have WordPress).

If you put only the first tick, then when you try to see the text, a frame will appear, in which you can write for example: - “Be kind, do not copy my stats, otherwise I will click on you on google adsense and block you forever” or else you want.

If you want to block them all together, then check the box for your friend. Ale, the frame will be all the same vilazit i in nіy you can angrily write: - “Well, have you screwed up?”

Sounds like it protect the site as a copy do not go 100%, as retailers immediately write:

This plugin will help you to protect your content only “calls”, so if you want to copy your content, then you can somehow rob it without intermediary through the external code.

So you yourself lie, that having defended your site in such a manner from villainy, you can spend even more readers. If you can’t copy your own thoughts, stench, you can leave such a “hot” blogger for good. And here it is necessary to choose, What is more important to you: readers or positions? And there is one more way to protect the site by copying it, then do it radically.

But in any way, how to protect the site from copying will not end. There is one more, which I have seen so much in particular.

3. How to protect a site from a copy DUZHE radically?

One sensible person came up with a cicavia plugin with a name Invitext, This is a simple rіch: vin is inserted into the text through the number of symbols your copyright, for example, sent to your site. On your site, this cryptic text is not visible, but if a person copies the text from your site, on a new site your message will appear in the text and become visible to everyone. You can clearly її see, but if the text is great, then you will clean it up smoothly.

I tried to install this plugin and everything ruled me, for one reason: in my template, the formatting of the text was messed up. But it was already a long time ago, maybe in the new version of the plugin this problem has already been fixed.

4. How to hijack a site, why did you already have an article?

I thought before that if a statue was stolen from you, then you won’t know anything and all the money is scarce. Ale, I recently chatted, what is wrong. Vipadkovo I have shown that one bad person is copying one of my articles on my blog on yukoz. I did not hesitate and wrote to the support service for the hosting, showing them my original article with a more early date and beautifully designed and villainous article. Not even 3 years have passed, as if I had received a leaf, what a dashing punishment, and what a resource of blocking.

There is more justice in the world! The axis in such three ways can be protect the site as a copy. Maybe you know what else?

How to win the villainy of your articles for the good?

As I remember, more quiet, who steals your stats, it’s not evil to shy away. Your article was simply worthy of you, and the stinks virishi spread it in their blood. And to deprive the serpents of the pilgrimage to the zherelo їx no one is vivi.

In such situations, the problem can be easily reversed, it is not necessary to insert a small script, which, when copying a small piece of text from your site, will automatically submit a return message. You can obviously see it, but there will be no more work. The axis is the script code itself, which should be placed in r.php before the footer.php tag

In the script, you need to remember the address (I saw it in bold), where you will have the axis CEY a file that you need to take advantage of and save yourself for hosting. I put yogo in the folder those site and set yogo rights 755.

That's all, now when copying your article, in the end of the text you should appear on the kshtalt of such a request: More details here: https: // site / kak-vklyuchit-gzip-szhatie / # ixzz2ve9QFFG0

The word DETAILS HERE can be replaced by whatever it is in the copy.js file, which you have taken advantage of. Open it in a text editor and find the phrase, and replace it with your own. I already wrote more about this service on my other site - I won’t repeat here, you can read it there.

Another version of the script

There is one more similar, more simple version of the script for protection from copying: