How to change the place in VKontakte. How to change the location on VKontakte How to change the location on VKontakte

Literally, be it a social network, including VKontakte, today we offer a great assortment of different opportunities, including those created specifically for making new acquaintances. One of the details of a similar kind is the installation of a place of residence for that people, about which we have reported further.

Zvertaєmo vіdrazu your respect for those who, as if bi were not instructed by you, first for everything, you will have to put in additions to improve privacy, granting access to the questionnaire to the singful koristuvachs. With all the deeds given, including those special features, everything will be available for lock-in.

Having said that, as if it were a similar site, VK gives new koristuvachs special tips that allow you to set up all the installations without any problems. Do not varto іgnoruvati podіbіbnogo genus poіdomlennya, yakscho you nayomі z zagalnym zalnym tsіnіonіalіnі this resource.

New version

On this day, without worrying about additional divisions, about what else we can guess, you can place a place on the side of VKontakte using two different methods. In case of offense, the methods are not an alternative to one to one.

The first of the possible options for setting up a place of residence is given to you, as a courtesy of social security, the possibility of setting up a native place. Rating these block parameters in the editing of the varto is only an addition, but often the faults do not claim to be a high level of reliability.

  1. Go to the main page of VKontakte using the button "My side" and under your profile photo click on the button "Redaguwati".

    As an alternative, you can open the main menu by clicking on the ave at the top rose of the working window and switch to the main page of the distribution in the same way "Redaguwati".

  2. Now you lean on the deposit "Basically" in rozdіlі z mozhlivіstyu change special data.
  3. Scroll the side with the parameters to the text block "Ridne Misto".
  4. Change in place of the assigned graph vіdpovіdno to the max.
  5. You can change the local field without any borders, showing no less important places and reliable data, and even more populated areas.
  6. The field can be completely empty, as it is a bug.

  7. The first step is to leave the look at the parameters of editing, it is necessary to stop the settings, the vicorist button "Save" at the bottom of the side.
  8. In order to be sure of the correctness of the data entered, and also for the re-verification of the data, go to the top of your profile.
  9. At the right part of the side, open the block "Show detailed information".
  10. The first one was divided "Basic information" opposite paragraph "Ridne Misto" those who indicated earlier will be respected.

Wart to respect that even if someone has been assigned by you as a joke request to the VKontakte site, your function will not work in the results. In case of any kind of such a phenomenon, you will not be fooled into navigating your privacy, your personal profile will be closed as much as possible.

Go ahead, be careful, showing real data without additional protection from the side of privacy parameters!

Another and even more significant method of placing a place on the side of VK is in the alternative block "Contacts". More than that, on the vіdmіnu vіd before the considered variant, the place of living is significantly surrounded by really important settlements.

  1. Open side "Redaguwati".
  2. Vikoristovuyuchi menu in the right part of the working window, go to the distribution "Contacts".
  3. Vgorі vіdkrila storіnki in a row "Kraina" state the name of the power you need.
  4. At the skin edge, there are strictly circumscribed areas.

  5. As soon as you show how the territory is, under a row looked at, the count appears "Misto".
  6. From the automatically created list, you will need to select the populations of the item according to the special requirements.
  7. If the area you need is added to the cob list, turn it down to the bottom and select the item "Inshy".
  8. Zrobivshi tse, instead of a row, change to "Do not rebuke" and will be available for manual change.
  9. Independently fill in the field, referring to the name of the required settlement.
  10. During the recruitment process, you will be provided with automatic tips on how to name a place, as well as detailed information about the region.
  11. For completion, choose a place, according to your wishes.
  12. You do not have to obligatorily prescribe the name of the territory, since the system of automatic selection works more and more low.
  13. Having said that, you can repeat the steps in two other divisions:

  • On vіdmіnu vіd rasdіlu "Contacts", Tsі settings are screwed up to the possibility of inserting into the order of dekіlkoh different places, which can be different kraїni and vіdpovidno place.
  • After you have entered all the data, as soon as the place is set in the middle, you set the parameters by pressing the button "Save" at the bottom of the active side.
  • It is necessary to work well in the skin division!

  • You can easily check, as you see it yourself, the parameters set by opening the profile profile.
  • Place, appointments by you in rozdіl "Contacts", You will be instructed according to the date of your nationality.
  • All other data, as well as in the first case, will be presented as part of the list "Detailed information".
  • Joden from looking at the divisions is not obov'azkovim to the filling. In this way, the need to register a settlement is surrounded exclusively by your special bajans.

    Mobile version

    To add a large number of coristuvachiv given social measures will win official mobile addenda, which can be despoiled by functionality, in the same version as the new version of the site. To this very procedure, the procedure for changing the location on Android is the same for the distribution.

    Similar settings are fixed on the VK servers, and not for a specific extension.

    Respect that the mobile version of VK is able to change the location only within the framework of the distribution "Contacts". If you need to correct the data in other blocks of the site, then speed up the entire VK site from the computer.

    Mobile supplement

    1. After launching the add-on, open the main menu for an additional help icon on the toolbar.
    2. Now at the top of the screen you can find the power "Go to profile" and click on them.
    3. The button under your names has been stitched.

    4. On the side, you need to speed up the key "Redaguwati".
    5. Scroll through the indications to the tuning block "Misto".
    6. In the first column, similarly to the new version of the site, it is necessary to indicate the country you need.
    7. Dali click on the block "Choose a place".
    8. Vіdkrylosya contextvіkno you can choose population item zі the list of the most popular drinks.
    9. If the required territory is available, manually type the name of the required location or area in the text box "Choose a place".
    10. Having entered the name, from the automatically prompted list, click on the required amount.
    11. Even though the area is daily, it is possible that a pardon was allowed here, otherwise, it was small, necessary, that the place was not added to the data base.

    12. Like in a new version, which can be introduced quickly.
    13. Upon completion of the selection, the window will automatically close, and in the past I will guess the row "Choose a place" there will be new settlements entry.
    14. Leave the first section, do not forget to set new parameters by clicking on the special button in the upper right corner of the screen.
    15. No additional confirmation is needed, after which you can immediately predict the result of the corrections made.

    Painting nuances in the only possible way to change the territorial adjustment of the profile of mobile buildings. However, do not varto so deprive the pose of respect for another different type of social network, looking like a lighter version of the site.

    Browser version of the site

    1. For the help of the browser, open the resource as assigned by us.
    2. Open the main menu by pressing the button in the upper left corner of the screen.
    3. Click on your account name to open the main page.
    4. Let's speed up in a block "Povna information" for opening a complete questionnaire.
    5. over the graph "Basic information" return item "Edit the side".
    6. Scroll through the window, until split "Contacts".
    7. Vіdshtovhuyuchis vіd we said above, change the field instead "Kraina" and after that say "Misto".
    8. The main feature here is such a fact, as the choice of territory on the open sides.
    9. For a search for a locality, the position of the standard list of victors is also a special field "Choose a place" from distant views of the necessary area.
    10. Having entered the necessary information, hurry up with the button "Save".
    11. having left the division "Editing" and turning to the cob side, the population point will be automatically updated.

    Within the framework of these articles, we looked in detail literally all the essential methods for changing the place on the side of the VK. To that we are inspired, that you should be able to get away from the possible comforts.

    On the Internet, there are great places for placing video files, de vivantage videos from the earth. They are busy with zvichayny koristuvachі and bazhayuchi show their creativity. The biggest Maidan is the YouTube service, where millions of people go to. However, there are a number of regional obmezheny, scho zavazhayut marvelous whether any content on this site.

    “How to remember the country in YouTube?” - part of the nutrition of the Koristuvachs, the first ones went to YouTube. In fact, the procedure itself for changing the region is simple, accessible to any vlasnikovi oblikovy record in the Google search system. It is important that video hosting does not depend on you for completing special forms or applications. The change of the country will borrow a couple of khvilin, but no more. Keep in mind that your channel has \u200b\u200bbe it advertising, then regional changes can be added to your channel.

    How to change the country in YouTube

    The whole procedure of how to change the country in YouTube can be described briefly for decal points:

    • we authorize our profile in the YouTube system or register it;
    • order with the “Add video” icon, select the “Control Panel” tab;
    • in the left part of the screen there is a button that confirms the channel setting. Go to it in the menu "Dodatkovo";
    • Vіdkriєtsya list of powers, de іє YouTube system. Choose the country you need and save money.

    Now you know how to change the country on YouTube in just a few clicks. With all simplicity, there are small underwater stones, with which a coristuvach can close. So, many people change the region, moving down the main side and choosing the country there. Definitely, in which time you can look at the most popular videos of another country. However, your account will be lost in your own region.

    How to remember the region on YouTube

    Persh, below, ask for questions about those, how to change the region on YouTube, it is necessary to understand, is it necessary?

    Sometimes, such international services can receive pardons, so your real country seems to be pardoned. In this case, the koristuvach may show registrations in any region. To correct the situation, you will be able to enter the control panel in good time. It is necessary to transfer the account manager to another state before similar experiences. The system may automatically change your region.

    A great number of current acquisitions and videos of new products are published on YouTube. If the service is important, if you are in another country, then it is better to surround the flow of important \u200b\u200b_information.

    How to indicate your own place on VKontakte

    Thank you, korisna article +18

    One of the ways to sort the sides of the koristuvachiv when people ask for the right place. You can significantly change the search for your personal side of the middle of other accounts on VKontakte with other goodies, showing your place in the social dimension. The information is given on the personal side of VKontakte and allow you to know new acquaintances. We will show you how to show your place in the social network of VKontakte in our cover instructions with photographs.

    Pokrokov's instruction

    Krok 1

    To correct that, click on the icon of an inverted tricot, then click on the “Edit” row in the menu.

    Croc 2

    At this stage, go to the “Contacts” section and click on the box in the “Kraina” row. From the list, choose a country.

    Croc 3
    Croc 4

    Let's save the time by pressing the "Save" button.

    krok 5

    At which stage you will be shown a notification about the successful saving of changes.

    Croc 6

    Now, on your side, there are data about the native place. As if the information appeared to you like a coris - emboss Dyakuyu!

    How can I change my name in contact?

    Kіlka rokiv to change the name of Vkontakte did not become difficult every day. But in our days, the rules of the site are to protect themselves by using nicknames and pseudonyms. On the right, in the fact that there are a lot of koristuvachіv vykoristovuyut their sides for advertising services and goods, showing the names of firms and companies in the profile. The administration of social security acts against such an approach and establishes a number of barriers. Today we rozpovіmo, as if remembering іm'ya in contact without special zusil.

    As we have already guessed, the administration of the site should carefully follow it, so that right people, and not advertising bots, were connected in the measure. To that, as you have a right name, or a nickname, you happen to bring it, having turned into a technical aid. In other situations, you will not be threatened with folded revisions. Otzhe, how to change the name in VK:

    • Go to your account and find the “Redaguvati” row under the photo.
    • Another way to spend in the required section is to click on the "Edit" button.
    • In the rows "Im'ya" and "Prizvische" enter new data.
    • Press "Save".

    Ale do not check, scho zmіni z'yavlyatsya vіdrazu - it's more than your fault to go through a review with the moderator, or you can take an hour.

    How can I change my name in Vkontakte? In this season, we recommend that you return to the tech support. For whom:

    • Find the "Help" button, as it is stashed in the top row, on the blue line.
    • Press on it, and then enter an empty row the word "Im'ya".
    • If so, you will see a list of popular food, which is often asked koristuvach.
    • Select "Food about changing your name" and click on the "Change food" button.
    • They gave you the order to write the topic of nutrition and describe yoga as you can report.
    • After that, as you know, attach a scan of your passport before my notice.

    Deyakі koristuvachі in Іnshі social networks koristuyutsya pseudonyms and do not want to change their zvіchki. How do you remember your name in VK, why do you want to talk to friends under an official nickname? It's a pity that the site does not give such a possibility. However, you can enter any data in the “About yourself” column.

    Porada: if you want to remember the name without re-verification, then change the status of “Friended with ...” and enter a physical record of the person you need (just don’t forget to take into account the good fortune in advance).

    Now you have found out how to change your name in VK and you will not be blamed for the difficulties of your diet.

    We continue to sort out the settings and design the best look of our side in the social media Vkontakte (div.). At once we learn to add to our profile data about the country, and our place of residence.

    Specify the country and place of residence

    Go to your side, and click on the button "Redaguwati", Stashed troch below the photo of your profile.

    Then go to the "Contacts" tab. Here we are divided into two divisions - the country and the city. You need to fill in the skins of them - choose the required option from the list.

    When you finish, click on the "Save" button to save the changes made.

    Rіdne place of residence in special danih

    Recently, another field has appeared, in the questionnaire with special tributes to the koristuvach. Distributed "Ridne Misto". To save yoga, go to the "Basic" tab, and save the required column.

    How to keep a look at the appointments of data in profiles

    If you don't want the guests of your party to be able to fill in the information in the questionnaire, you may need to surround yourself for additional privacy. Open the main menu, and press on the “Nalashtuvannya” message.

    Go to the tab "Nalashtuvannya". Here we know “Who can get the basic information of my side”, I install for a new level of access.

    How are data about the country and the place of residence in special questionnaires

    After that, as you have filled in all the necessary fields, turn to your side, and open the questionnaire with special tribute. The axis will look like the personal information you entered.

    As you have given respect, then on the photographs of your friends and other coristuvachi, you may be marked with their roztashuvannya.

    The geolocation feature is also available for your specific data. You can enter the address of your residence. I'll show you everything right now.

    Otzhe, yak bulo indicated roztashuvannya in contact?

    Show the place in the photo

    Select and select for review I will need a photo (div.). Now in the lower part, find and click on the link "Sche". View additional menu. Click here on the link "Specify a place".

    Allow the browser to collect data about your personal data by pressing the button "Remind the roztashuvannya", Vіknі.

    Now I will need a point on the map. Vykoristovyte poshuk, or I will hand-pick the place of roztashuvannya. Then put a sign by clicking on the required area on the map. І press the button "Save the place of waste".

    Now, when looking at this photograph, the description will indicate the place on the map, as you have indicated. If you click on someone else, then a search for photographs will be created, if other coristuvachi have made them in that area.

    For the help of this tool, you can recognize, destroy the photograph, and know other photos from this month of production (div.).

    We provide our address

    Go to your side, and click on the button "Redaguwati".

    Now go to the "Contacts" tab, and click on the "Show place" option.

    You need a form, in which you need to enter your home address. Choose a country here, a place, etc. Also give the name of the points on the map. If everything is saved, press the "Save" button.