Formatting of characters and paragraphs in a Word document. The font is the same format. Appearances and intervals

The text, as a rule, consists of paragraphs, How to express a completed thought. In the FrontPage editor, like any other text editor, a paragraph is a fragment of text, boundaries paragraph symbol. A paragraph, like a symbol, is an object of formatting. A paragraph symbol (or a paragraph marker) is a non-compliant symbol that affects all formatting parameters of a paragraph.

When formatting a paragraph, use the following concepts:

  • Access - inserts the text into the paragraph from the side margin. For a paragraph in the FrontPage program, you can set left and right entries
  • Verification of the text- vikoristavuetsya in the lie of the mark:
  • Livoruch
  • Right-handed
  • Centered
  • Width
  • Inter-row interval (Interlining) - means stand between the rows of the paragraph
  • Frames and filling - credited for paragraph design

Set the paragraph format

The paragraph can be formatted before and after entering the text. If the text is already introductory, paragraphs that contribute to formatting are to blame. When formatting one paragraph, it is enough to place the cursor before the formatting head.


Koshti format is poured into the entire paragraph, then. Whenever you use features to format a row or several words, FrontPage still formats the entire paragraph.

FrontPage gives the publisher the following options for paragraph formatting:

  • Team Paragraph(Paragraph) from menu Format(Format) – opens the dialog window Paragraph, in which you can set the verification of information in a paragraph, set paragraph indents at the edge of the page, row spacing
  • Team Paragraph from the context menu - duplicates the same command from the menu Format(Format)
  • Team Between the flood(Borders and Shading) from the Format menu - opens the dialog box Between that flood, for additional help you can see the paragraph with a frame
  • Toolbar Format- The selection of the skin tool on the panel is activated by pressing the power button. In addition to the dialog boxes where you can set a number of formatting parameters, pressing the button on the formatting panel will allow you to change more than one parameter. However, if you need to change one element of the formatting, this allows you to do more than just a similar menu command

Paragraph command

To set multiple formatting options for a paragraph, it’s best to use the dialog box Paragraph(Fig. 12.7). To open this window, select the Paragraph command from the menu Format(Format) or from the context menu, which opens using the right mouse button.

In addition to the Paragraph dialog box, you can set formatting elements available from FrontPage for paragraphs, descriptions
at the table 12.4.

Virivnyuvnya(Alignment)The top paragraph is left, right, centered, justified Access(Indentation)
left-handed(Before text)Enter evil in paragraph
on right(After text)Access right hand to paragraph
first row(Indent first line)Input for the first row of a paragraph
before(Before)Spacing before paragraph
after(After)Spacing after paragraph
between words(Word)Interval between words. If this parameter is selected, you cannot view the result of the formatted format in the FrontPage editor. This parameter is not supported by all browsers
between rows(Line spacing)Shows the value of the inter-row interval

Table 12.4. Options for formatting a paragraph using the Paragraph dialog box

Rice. 12.7.

Rozdil Zrazok(Preview) of the dialog window Paragraph Allows you to look at how your text appears as a result of the formatted format.

Formatting using a dialog box Paragraph comes with the upcoming rite:

  1. Place the cursor at any point in the formatted paragraph.
  2. Open the dialog window Paragraph.
  3. If the parameter is specified in an additional list, select the required value. For different fields, enter the required values ​​in the corresponding field or set it behind the additional buttons located on the right side of the input fields.
  4. Press button OK

Formatting paragraphs in the additional toolbar

Toolbar Format(Formatting) allows you to quickly change specific parameters for the paragraph format. To do this, you just need to see the necessary paragraphs and press the necessary button on the toolbar with your mouse. However, the toolbar Format does not provide such a rich set of values ​​as the dialogue window Paragraph. Using the additional buttons on this panel, you can:

  • Change the style of the paragraph, vikorista and the meaning of the list that opens Style(styles introduced by FrontPage are manually modified, for example, for creating headers)
  • Set the level for additional buttons Livoruch(Align Left) Centered(Center), Right-handed(Align Right) Width(Justify)
  • Create fixed entries using additional buttons Increase access(Increase Indent) Change the access(Decrease Indent)


Verification of text can be done using a dialog box Paragraph, supported by the team Paragraph from the menu Format, as well as the toolbar. To verify small fragments, it is easier to manually verify the verification in an additional toolbar, keeping the fragments at hand.

To set the verification method for additional menu commands, select the following:

  1. See one or more paragraphs that you intend to match. If you need to mark one paragraph, place the cursor between each paragraph.
  2. Open the dialog window Paragraph, turning the command Paragraph from the menu Format or from the context menu.
  3. Open the list of verification types Virivnyuvnya(Alignment).
  4. Select the type of verification that controls you and click OK.

To align a paragraph using additional buttons on the toolbar Format It is enough to see it and click the button on the toolbar, which indicates the selected type of verification: Livoruch(Align Left) Right-handed(Align Right) Centered(Center) , Width(Justify). In Fig. 12.8 Presents several types of text.

Rice. 12.8

Insertion appears before the paragraph and after it

To set the spacing before and after a paragraph, simply insert an additional row by pressing the key or key combination +. With a different combination of keys, an interval of a smaller size is output, lower when pressing the key . In some situations (for example, during preparation, the place for inserting fake objects, formulas, etc.) is more difficult, but not at all (for example, when designing headings). You can also access it quickly using the dialog box. Paragraph, Having created the following actions:

  1. See paragraph formatting.
  2. Vibrati in the menu Format(Format) command Paragraph(Paragraph).
  3. At the dialogue box, it appeared. Paragraph set the required interval values ​​in the fields before(Before) that after(After) areas Interval(Spacing). To do this, enter the required values ​​in the fields or use the buttons located on the right side of the fields. Press the buttons to change the value by 1 point.
  4. Having completed setting the parameters, press the button OK.

Setting the inter-row interval

This means stand between the rows of text. The FrontPage editor has a mid-row spacing for row expressions. To change the assignment, list the Line spacing of the dialog box that opens. Paragraph. In the table 12.5 describes the assignment of options to this list.

Table 12.5. Options that you can use to change the row interval

Framed and filled

For more help from the dialog box Between the flood(Fig. 12.9) you can place a fragment of text in a frame, decorated using different styles, or see it using additional fills. To open this window, the command is used Between the flood(Borders and Shading) from menu Format(Format) is similar to the command from the context menu of the paragraph.

Dialogue window Between the flood have two tabs: Cordon(Borders) Zalivannya(Shading). In Fig. 12.9 shows the tab Cordon, and table 12.6 the settings for this option are shown.

for getting ready(None)Framing elements are visible
frame(Box)Creates a frame that looks like a single frame
otherwise(Custom)I create more framing, then. The sides of the frame may be different depending on the design
Style(Style)Mix all types of framing lines
Kolir(Color)Sets the line color
Width(Width)Sets the thickness of the framing line
Zrazok(Preview)Allows you to select different options for frames and shades, showing the results of choosing parameters
Fields(Padding)Sets the text up to the frame beyond the four additional fields Top (Top), Bottom (Bottom), Left (Left), Right (Right)

Table 12.6. Cordon tab options

Rice. 12.9. Dialog box Between and fill

For further help tabs Zalivannya(Shading) of the dialog box Between the flood(Small 12.10) You can cancel out all the effects when creating side paragraphs. Vikorist lists that are being revealed Color background(Background color) Color of text(Foreground color), you can set the fill color for the paragraph and the color placed in the new text. The parameters of the Patterns area allow you to specify how to fill the graphic image.

Rice. 12.10. Fill tab

To place a paragraph in a frame, type in the following:

  1. Place the cursor in the middle of the paragraph that is being formatted.
  2. Select from the menu Format(Format) command Between the flood(Borders and Shading). A single dialog window will open.
  3. Select from the assigned paragraph framing types option Frame(Box).
  4. 3 list Style(Style) Select the frame style. In the area Zrazok(Preview) for the frame will be selected by the line assigned to the type.
  5. Select from the list what is opening Kolir(Color) color of the frame.
  6. Vikorist parameters and areas Fields(Padding), set the text to the frame by entering the required margin values Verkhne(Thor), Nizhne(Bottom) Live(Left) Rights(Right). As an alternative, you can press the button with the arrow located on the right side of the skin several times, the docks in the field will not appear at the points.
  7. To select a fill, go to the tab Pouring.
  8. Vikorist lists that are being revealed Color background(Background color) Color of text(Foreground color), select the fill color for the text.
  9. After completing the settings, press the button OK to close the dialog box

Artem Ostapov

This article talks about adjusting paragraphs. If you need to format documents correctly and beautifully, you cannot do without knowing how to formulate paragraphs. Here we will describe the basic ways of formatting paragraphs.

Paragraph format

A paragraph is a structural structure of the text, it is connected logically and is seen graphically, for example, at the entrance. When you type text, immediately press the "Enter" key, you create a new paragraph. Adjusting the type of paragraph determines the format that corresponds to the placement of the text on the page.

Adjustment (formatting) of the paragraph, please note:

  • stand right-handed or left-handed in the paragraph;
  • paragraph spacing;
  • Aligning the rows of the paragraph with the left and right margins;
  • indent or indentation of the first row of a paragraph;
  • interval before and after paragraph;
  • paragraph breakdown on the side.

Before we begin to fine-tune the paragraph, it is necessary to take note of it. For whom to earn this:
1 way:
Click the left mouse button three times on any word in the paragraph;
Method 2:
Vikorist key combinations:
- visibility in the place of moving the cursor to enter the text up to the beginning of the paragraph;
- Visibility in the place of moving the cursor to enter the text until the end of the paragraph.

Version of rows in a paragraph

The text in the paragraph is left-handed. However, documents may vary and verification may be required differently. For example, for the control robots of the VNZ, width is adopted.
In order to set the required method for aligning rows in a paragraph, use one of the following methods:
1 way:
Go to the "Head" tab, and then see the necessary paragraphs (bullshit has no meaning).
In the “Paragraph” group, click one of the four verification buttons:

  • “Left edge” - aligns the rows of the paragraph along the left edge;
  • “Centered” - aligns the rows of the paragraph in the center (proportionally equally spaced from the right and left edges);
  • “Ruling the edge” - aligns the rows of the paragraph on the right edge;
  • "By width" - the rows of the paragraph are aligned simultaneously with the left and right margins. In this case, the text is visually “spread out” (replenish the space of rows), and between the words an additional space appears.

Method 2:
See the required paragraphs, and then vikorize the “Swedish” keys:

  • - Verification on the left edge;
  • - Virivnyuvnya in the center;
  • - Virivnyuvnya on the right edge;
  • - Varyvnyuvnya in width.

Malyunok 1 - Verification of rows in a paragraph

First row entry to paragraph

Most often, when formatting paragraphs, it gets stuck in the first row. How many times have you noticed that “advised secretaries-referents” and representatives of other professions related to the creation of text electronic documents do not understand how to insert a paragraph using the Word 2010 interface. tea stinks vikorist for these purposes double and triple pressing the spacebar, or, at the shortest drop, the key . And although clicking on this key visually sets the gap equal to 1.25 cm (0.5 inches) and everything looks “correct”, this approach is irrational. There is nothing to do with the robot, for which a program was created for editing text documents. In addition, by following the “correct” formatting of paragraphs, you will save an hour on many unnecessary pressings of the spacebar keys (or ). When editing a document, avoid the routine associated with the routine appearance of the document.

Now let’s look at how to adjust the inputs, and you can do this visually (by eye) or accurately (by setting the meaning in the “Paragraph” window). Visual adjustment is carried out by the horizontal ruler, since you can quickly change the size of the inlet, depending on the required size “at a glance”. More precisely, customization allows you to set the value of the input in the units of the world, which will be displayed in the document - then you can use it if you know the size of the input.

Visual adjustment of the entrance of the first row

To set the first row entry for a paragraph, do the following:

1 way:

  1. See required paragraphs;
  2. On the horizontal line, move the cursor to the “First row access” icon;
  3. Click and hold down the left mouse button, and then drag the ruler icon to the desired location.

Method 2:

  1. Click on the tab indicator button until the “First row entry” icon appears;
  2. Click on the horizontal line in the place where the first row appears.

More precisely, the adjustment to the entrance of the first row

1 way:

  1. See required paragraphs;
  2. Right-click on the fragment of your mouse;
  3. In the context menu (Fig. 1), select the “Paragraph” item (you will go to the “Paragraph” window);
  4. On the “Inputs and intervals” tab, in the “Input” group, in the “First row” column, indicate the required value of the indent (behind the edges 1.25 cm).

Method 2:

  1. In the window of the open document, go to the “Head” tab;
  2. See required paragraphs;
  3. Next, in the “Paragraph” window, proceed as you did in the first episode.

Figure 2 - Context menu for going to the "Paragraph" window

Adjusting the first row vista

In the next few cases, in addition to the corresponding indent of the first row of the paragraph, the indent appears. This technique is often used to decorate poetic prose and low mystical works, for the sake of magazine articles.

For the creation I will do the following:

1 way:

  1. See required paragraphs;
  2. Click on the tab indicator button (Fig. 3), until the “Enter” icon appears;
  3. Click the horizontal ruler at the point where the first row of text ends, and then enter the text of the first row in the paragraph. Now, starting from another row, the text begins to appear under the position of the protrusion on the horizontal line.

Figure 3 Tab indicator button

Method 2:

  1. In the document, see the required paragraphs, and then go to the “Head” tab;
  2. In the "Paragraph" group, click the "Paragraph" button;
  3. In the "Paragraph" window, on the "Inputs and Intervals" tab, in the "Input" group, in the "First Row" column, select the "Input" value;
  4. Specify the required values ​​manually or with the help of additional controls.

Malyunok 4 - Entrance and indentation of the first row to the paragraph

Shvidka adjusted the access to the evil for the paragraph

Sometimes it is necessary to quickly adjust the position of the paragraph to the edges of the document. Let's face it, if we realize that the entry that is set for lists is too large, and the insertion of the image is too far from the left field, and this results in a hidden look of the document. In this case, we can quickly, “on the fly,” change the values ​​of the input, selecting the optimal one. To set the margin for all rows of a paragraph to a given value (a multiple of the standard), do the following:

1 way:

  1. See the necessary paragraphs, and then go to the “Head” tab;
  2. In the "Paragraph" group, click on the "Change Input" and "Increase Indent" buttons. All rows of paragraphs should be inserted (or destroyed) from the left margin by 1.25 cm.

Note. Make sure that by repeatedly clicking on these buttons, the rows of paragraphs are removed by 1.25 cm. Don’t worry about clicking too much on the button to change the input, you will remove it completely, and finally, gradually increasing the input, you will reach the point where the words completely disappear from the field of view (or rather, go beyond edges of the visible area). To select the first row entry for a paragraph, go to the “Paragraph” window and select “Nor” in the “First Row” field, or enter a zero value in the “On” field. You can also use the “Scroll” button on the Quick Access panel to go back a few steps.

Method 2:

  1. See unnecessary paragraphs;
  2. On the horizontal line, move the mouse cursor to the “Left-handed access” icon and, holding down the left button, move it to the required position.

If you are lost, adjusting the steps, you can easily correct them by tidying them up, for which you should step up:

1 way:

  1. See required paragraphs;
  2. On the "Head" tab, in the "Paragraph" group, click on the "Change input" button.

Method 2:

  1. See required paragraphs;
  2. On the horizontal line, click (hold) with the left mouse button on the “Evil ingress” icon;
  3. Drag it to the cob position on the line, to the level of the left margin.

Shvidka has adjusted the access to the right hand

You can also guide the Swede through right-handed access. This is necessary if you are typing text that may look like a block, for example, if you are writing verse, tank or poetic prose. In these cases, the text is right-handed, giving the text a special look, also based on its topic.

To quickly set right-handed access, do the following:

  1. See required paragraphs;
  2. On the horizontal line, click and press the left mouse button on the “Right-handed access” icon;
  3. Drag it to the required position on the line.

To gain access with your right hand, step forward:

  1. See required paragraphs;
  2. On the horizontal line, click (hold) with the left mouse button on the “Right-handed access” icon;
  3. Drag it to the cob position on the line, to the level of the right margin.

More precisely adjusted in the next paragraph

As a rule, paragraph rows begin in the middle of the left margin and end at the right one (to fill the side with text in one large paragraph, which looks like a text block, the size of the side). Most often it is necessary to specify the exact position from the left margin or from the end of the rows to the right margin. It is necessary to apply the cream only if you have clear possibilities before completing the work, the procedure, and the value of the intrusions. For whom to earn this:

1 way:

  1. See required paragraphs;
  2. Go to the "Head" tab and in the "Paragraph" group click the "Paragraph" button;
  3. On the “Inputs and Intervals” tab of the “Paragraph” window in the “Input” group, in the “Right Hand” and “Live” items, set the required values.

Method 2:

  1. See required paragraphs;
  2. Go to the "Side Layout" tab and in the "Paragraph" group in the "Evil Access" and "Right Hand Access" rows, set the required values.

Malyunok 5 - Setting up the entry paragraph

Line spacing

The inter-row interval is often highly variable when formatting documents, and the widest values ​​are single and one-and-a-half. The interval itself is calculated on the basis of the base lines of the rows, which run through the center of the letters (in which case their upper and lower elements are of the type of superordinate/sub-contract signs). Thus, a single interval corresponds to the size of the font of the text and is the same as the “behind the scenes” interval in Word 2010. The second interval is used in most business documents, coursework and essays. To set the inter-row interval, do the following:

1 way:

  1. See the required paragraphs and right-click on the item you see;
  2. Select "Paragraph" from the context menu;
  3. In the "Paragraph" window, the "Inputs and Intervals" tab, in the "Interval" group, in the "Inter-Row" column, select from the list of requirements:
  • “Single” – the interval indicates the size of the font and the text of the paragraph;
  • “1.5 rows” - the interval is equal to one and a half size font of the text of the paragraph;
  • “Subordinate” - the interval is equal to the subordinate font size of the text of the paragraph;
  • "Minimum" - the interval is not less than for tasks at points of size;
  • “Exactly” - the interval exactly corresponds to the size specified in points (if the font is older than 12 pt, then the interval will be like this);
  • “Multiplier” is a multiplier for the interval, which is similar to the font size of the text of the paragraph (the larger the multiplier, the larger the interval).

Method 2:

  1. In the "Paragraph" group, click the "Row Interval" button (and go to the "Paragraph" window to the "Inputs and Intervals" tab);
  2. In the "Interval" field in the value field, enter the required value and click "OK".

Method 3:

  1. See required paragraphs;
  2. Vikorist keys, set the required interval:
  • Ctrl+1 – single spacing;
  • Ctrl+5 - interval;
  • Ctrl+2 – sub-interval.

Adjusting the spacing between paragraphs

For most paragraphs, unless special care is required in document execution, the vertical position between paragraphs (spacing) is set by pressing the key after completing the paragraph. In this case, you can visually perceive the hidden appearance of the document, and the more paragraphs, the more noticeable it is. In addition, it may be necessary to specify an interval that is independent of the size of the fonts that are being rendered. For which you need to do the following:

1 way:

  1. See required paragraphs;
  2. In the "Paragraph" window of the "Inputs and Intervals" tab, in the "Interval" group, in the "Before" (above the paragraph) and "After" (after the paragraph) items, set the required value for additional controls. Fold the skin so that clicking on them indicates a pattern that is a multiple of 6 points (points). Vikorist the data entry area to enter more values.

Method 2:

  1. See the required paragraphs and go to the “Side Layout” tab;
  2. In the "Paragraph" group, in the "Interval" column, specify the required values;

Malyunok 6 - Inter-row interval

Breaking up paragraphs on the sides

When working with large documents, it is necessary to set the proportional placement of paragraphs to the text on the sides. For example, you are writing a document with long paragraphs, and you need every new paragraph starting on a new page. To distribute paragraphs on sides, do this:

  1. See unnecessary paragraphs;
  2. Click on the visible fragment with the right mouse button and in the context menu, select “Paragraph”;
  3. In the "Paragraph" window, go to the "Positions on the page" tab;
  4. In the "Partitioning" group, select the required items:
  • “Fencing of hanging rows” - fencing the transition of one row to the front side or the first row to the front;
  • “Do not touch the front” - prevents the transition of the front paragraph to the next side;
  • “Do not tear the paragraph” - bordering the bottom paragraph on two sides;
  • “From a new side” - insert a sidebar before the paragraph (the next paragraph starts on a new side).

Malyunok 7 Breakdown of the paragraph behind the additional tab "Position on the page"

To quickly set the spacing for the next paragraph, which corresponds to the font size of the standard row (12pt), follow the steps below:

  1. Place the cursor on the required paragraph;
  2. Press key combination .

Remember that pressing the keys again increases the interval.

Sorting paragraphs

Sometimes it is necessary to sort paragraphs, for example, if you have created a list of references (for a test or an essay) and you need to sort them out. Another example - if you are forming a selection of new items, you need to select articles and comments by date. To sort, do the following:

  1. Go to the "Head" tab and see the required paragraphs;
  2. In the "Paragraph" group, click on the "Sorting" button and in the "Text Sorting" window, in the "Text by" column, select the "Paragraph" value;
  3. In the “Type” column, select the values ​​“Text”, “Number” or “Date”, depending on where the paragraph begins (from the number, date or text);
  4. Set the sorting directly - “By growing” (from smallest to largest), or “By falling” (from large to small);
  5. Click "OK".

Malyunok 8 - Sorting paragraphs

See paragraphs with the same formatting

This technique can get stuck if you are inserting fragments of text with different formats, for example, you are preparing a review of a new Aston Martin car and you need as much information as possible from different sites. When you insert text fragments from sites in the world of interest (knowledge) into the article. Sites differ and formatting there may vary, but, for example, you most trust a couple of sites that specialize in a specific area of ​​the automotive industry. Obviously, you need to know all the articles from those sites that you copied from your document. You can work it out by putting just one paragraph as an example - all other paragraphs with similar formatting will be visible, and you, for example, can move them into a block for further actions (editing, formatting).

To see paragraphs with identical formatting, do this:

  1. View a paragraph with required formatting options;
  2. Right-click on the fragment and in the context menu move the cursor to the “Styles” item;
  3. In the “Styles” drop-down menu, click “See text that is in this format.”

Format formatted in paragraphs

To make changes when formatting paragraphs, do the following:

  1. See the required paragraph;
  2. Press key combination

Adjusting the style of paragraphs for promotional purposes

To select a different style for the paragraph behind the background, subordinate to the basic one (the “Basic” style), do the following:

  1. Click the "File" tab, then "Word Options", "Addatkovo";
  2. In the "Editing Options" group, under the "Paragraph style" item, select the required style;
  3. Click the "OK" button.

Figure 9 Setting paragraph style

This technique is worthwhile to vikorist, since you are vikorist in the work of the style of the paragraph, in a different way from the primary one.


Customizing paragraphs allows you to completely change the look of the document. By changing the values ​​of the row spacing, you can visually increase or change the size of the document. In this case, you can set standard values ​​for the indentation of the first row, and thus give the document the correct and final appearance. This is of no importance for the formal appearance of the document, and the importance of visual design of the paragraph increases the “authority” of the document.

Knowing how to format paragraphs is necessary for anyone who works with documents that require minimal formatting.

Understand the paragraph and its format

Paragraph- This is the meaning of the part of the text, framed in one or several words. When formatted, the paragraph is visible in a row of reds or else additional interval before and after the paragraph. In the ideology of an electronic document, a paragraph is a piece of text placed between two characters end of paragraph- special characters that do not interfere, that are entered when the key is pressed Enter.

Adjustment (formatting) of the paragraph, please note:

  1. stand right-handed or left-handed in the paragraph;
  2. paragraph spacing;
  3. Aligning the rows of the paragraph with the left and right margins;
  4. indent or indentation of the first row of a paragraph;
  5. paragraph breakdown on the side.

1. Stand right-handed or left-handed for the paragraph

Force the text to be written with the edge of the page inserted in Sidebars, otherwise you may need to install an additional access - just below the side fields. This is a paragraph entry, a paragraph entry. You can adjust left-handed or right-handed or for both fields at the same time.

  1. See required paragraphs;
  2. Go to the “Head” tab and in the “Paragraph” group click on the “Paragraph” button;
  3. On the “Inputs and Intervals” tab, in the “Paragraph” window in the “Input” group, in the “Pravoruch” and “Zliva” items, indicate the required values.

2. Inter-row interval

  1. See the required paragraphs and right-click on the item you see;
  2. Select "Paragraph" from the context menu;
  3. In the "Paragraph" window, the "Inputs and Intervals" tab, in the "Interval" group, in the "Inter-Row" column, select from the list of requirements:

· “Single” - the interval indicates the size of the font and the text of the paragraph;

· “1.5 rows” – the interval is equal to one and a half font size for the paragraph text;

· “Subordinate” – the interval is equal to the subordinate font size of the text of the paragraph;

· “Minimum” - the interval is not less than the specified one in points;

· “Exactly” - the interval exactly corresponds to the size specified in points (if the font is older than 12 pt, then the interval will be exactly the same);

· “Multiplier” – a multiplier for the interval that corresponds to the font size of the text of the paragraph (the larger the multiplier, the larger the interval).

Click on the visible fragment with the right mouse button and in the context menu, select “Paragraph”; In the “Paragraph” window of the “Inputs and Intervals” tab, in the “Interval” group, in the “Before” (above the paragraph) and “After” (after the paragraph) items, set the required value for additional controls. Fold the skin so that clicking on them indicates a pattern that is a multiple of 6 points (points). Vikorist the data entry area to enter more values.

3. Variation of rows in a paragraph

Go to the “Head” tab, then see the necessary paragraphs.

In the “Paragraph” group, click one of the four verification buttons:

"The Left Country"- Align the rows of the paragraph to the left;

"In the center"– alignment of paragraph rows in the center (proportionally equally spaced from the right and left edges);

“Ruling the land”– alignment of paragraph rows to the right;

"Width"- Verification of paragraph rows simultaneously by left and right margins. In this case, the text visually “stretches out” (replenishes the space of rows), and an additional space appears between the words.

4.1. First row entry to paragraph:

  1. See required paragraphs;
  2. Right-click on the fragment of your mouse;
  3. From the context menu (Fig. 1), select the “Paragraph” item (you will go to the “Paragraph” window);
  4. On the “Inputs and Intervals” tab, in the “Input” group, in the “First row” column, indicate the required value of the input (behind the edges 1.25 cm).

4.2. Vistup of the first row

  1. In the document, see the required paragraphs, and then go to the “Head” tab;
  2. In the “Paragraph” group, click the “Paragraph” button;
  3. In the "Paragraph" window, on the "Inputs and Intervals" tab, in the "Input" group, in the "First Row" column, select the "Input" value;
  4. Specify the required values ​​manually or with the help of additional controls.

5. Breaking up paragraphs on the sides

In the "Paragraph" window, go to the "Positions on the page" tab;

In the “Partitioning” group, select the required items:

· “Fencing of hanging rows” – fencing the transition of one row to the front side or the first row to the front;

· “Do not touch the front” – prevents the transition of the front paragraph to the next side;

· “Do not tear apart the paragraph” – separating the bottom paragraph onto two sides;

· “From a new side” – inserts a sidebar before a paragraph (the next paragraph starts on a new side).

Font and format

Formatting the font, this is a range of actions aimed at installing the desired appearance of the font.

Font formatting can include the following:

1. Change the typeface to the font (name the font);

2. Change the height of the font;

3. Change the image of the font (primary, bold, italic);

4. Change the color of the font;

5. Changing the interval between letters;

6. Adding various effects (animation, shadow, lower index, upper index, accentuation, etc.)

Formatting fonts can be formatted using either additional tools (openable lists and on-screen buttons) located on the Format toolbar or via the Font dialog box.

Using the additional Toolbox Toolbar, you can change the main characteristics of the font (typeface, image, height and color).

In order to change the typeface of a font, you need to see a fragment of text and from the list that opens Font on the Format toolbar, select one of the selected font types.

In order to change the image of the font, you need to see a fragment of the text and press on the Format toolbar the on-screen button that corresponds to the desired setting. The font position can be:

1. Primary - on-screen buttons Format Bold and Italics To display;

2. Italic - the Italic K on-screen button is pressed, and the Bold Z button is pressed;

3. Bold – the on-screen button Bold Z is pressed, and the Italics K button is pressed;

4. Bold italic - on-screen buttons Bold and Italic To embossed;

In order to change the height of the font, you need to see a fragment of the text and from the Size list on the Formatting toolbar and select the required font size.

In order to change the color of the font, you need to see a fragment of the text and on the Formatting toolbar, click on the additional button, the right-hander is displayed in the on-screen button Color font and from the color palette that appears, select Different color of font.

With the help of the dialog box Font format, you can format the font in one step, then. By clicking this dialog box, the user can change all the characteristics of the font. To click the Font dialog box, you must either select the Font command in the Format menu item, or select the Font command from the context menu. The context menu is accessed by right-clicking on the visible text fragment. Let's take a closer look at the Font dialog box.

The Font dialog box has three tabs:

1. Font– using the additional tab, selecting appropriate commands from lists or a set of proportions, you can change the typeface, images, font size, appearance and color of the armchair, color of the font and add size and effects before (reinforcement, shadow, upper index, lower index, etc.) .d.)

2. Intervals– using the additional tabs, you can set or change the inter-interval. Interval interval can be of three types: emergency, rarefied and enhanced. The type of interval between intervals is selected from the Interval list, and then in the doctor, opening the right hand from this list, enter the numerical value of the selected type of interval. Here you can change or add displacement to the text up or down based on the numerical value entered in the list, add or remove kerning. Kerning is the process of changing the spacing between certain pairs of characters. When kerning, the characters in words are distributed more evenly. Here you can change the display scale of the font.

3. Animation- for an additional fee, you can add an animation effect to the visible object, which can be selected from the list provided.

At the bottom of the Font dialog box there is an icon window in which all changes that are made to the visible text fragment are displayed. The on-screen button is set so that when you start the Microsoft Word text editor, the selected font characteristics are automatically installed. If you are satisfied with all the set characteristics of the font, then to set them to the visible fragment of the text, you need to press the OK on-screen button in the Font dialog box, or press the on-screen button.


To create a list in Word, you need to click on one of the buttons on the “Head” tab in the “Paragraph” group, which indicates the type of list: bulleted, numbered, bulky.

For the door bullet point list Click the "Markers" button - a marker will appear at the text either for the insertions of your choice (black color) or for the rest of the ones you have selected. To select a marker type, you need to click on the arrow next to the "Markers" button. In the window you need to select the type of marker to click on. Also, if necessary, you can assign a new marker by clicking on the corresponding button.

For the door rich list Click on the "Extensive list" button - a list of the main options for prompt numbering will be displayed. You can select one of them, or create a new rich list by clicking on the return button.

In the form of a new rich list that has opened, you can sequentially go through the steps for you and set the parameters you need - you can expand the entire set of parameters by clicking on the “More” button in the lower left corner ku. In general, you can link the list of items to the heading style (precisely because you are working on the structure of the sections of the document and then choose to automatically select the space), or another style.

For the door numbered list Click the "Numbering" button - the text will have a numbering element, either the one you selected (number), or the rest of the ones you selected. To select a numbering type, you must press the arrow next to the "Numbering" button. In the window you need to select the type of numbering you want to click on. Also, if necessary, you can select a new number format by clicking on the additional button.

The new marker can do tasks based on numbers, letters and words. In the "Number format" field, you can adapt the number format to suit your needs - replace the dot with a dash or add one.


Formatting style is a set of formatting elements (font, paragraph, etc.) that have a unique name. Any paragraph in a Microsoft Word document can be designed in a singing style, standard or for a koristuvach.

MW has four main types of styles: character styles, paragraph styles, table styles, list styles.

Style formatting has a number of advantages over manual formatting:

One of the main advantages is saving time; Define the style as a set of formatting elements that are clearly defined, so you can compose them one by one.

However, the new document formatting is accepted. With manual formatting, however, instead of formatting, sections can be divided into their own formats, and the established style introduces rigor into the design of the document.

Allows you to quickly change the appearance of other elements in the entire document. In this case, it is enough to make changes to the style, and to ensure the orderliness of all documents.

Paragraph styles combine formatting elements of characters and paragraphs and define the appearance of a paragraph. In this case, all formatting elements for the paragraph must be specified.

Character styles can accommodate one or more formatting elements without having to re-assign all formatting to the character.

In addition, the text may be affected by paragraph style, character style, and manual formatting. There is a problem with the hierarchy: manual formatting takes precedence over character formatting, and character style takes precedence over paragraph style.

If the style must be limited to one paragraph, it is enough to place the cursor in the middle of that paragraph or see the necessary fragment.

The style can be set in one of the following ways:

Toolbar – Format – list – Style – select the required style.

Definition panel – Styles and formatting – select the required style.

Place the cursor in the paragraph paragraph, click the button on the standard toolbar, set the style by paragraph to the required paragraph, moving to the next one.

In the Vikorist panel, you can see all the fragments that contain the new formatting style. You can earn money, for example, like this. Place the text cursor in the paragraph that requires formatting (the style will appear in the Formatting window of the visible text in the task panel), then select in the task panel See all, then select the required action from the visible text. You can also use the context menu.

During the process of typing from the keyboard, the transfer of words from the text in the next row occurs automatically. Under the paragraph in the text editor there is a part of the text that is separated between the two subsequent presses of the Enter button.

A paragraph in the Microsoft Word text processor has the following parameters that determine the placement of characters in a paragraph:

  • virion;
  • rhubarb;
  • access;
  • interval;
  • tabulation.

In addition, there are a number of parameters that indicate the position of the paragraph on the side in relation to the previous and next paragraph:

  • fencing of hanging rows;
  • do not open up the paragraph;
  • do not irritate in the face of danger;
  • from the new side;
  • fencing row numbering;
  • automatic drain transfer fence.

All these parameters are set behind the customization system and are indicated in the document templates, in accordance with the previously defined styles.

Paragraph parameters can be set before typing or you can change your editing. To change the parameters of one paragraph, just insert the cursor. If you want to change the settings for as many paragraphs as you want to see, new entries will be limited to new paragraphs that follow the position where the cursor is located.

Most of the options in Microsoft Word 2003 are set using the Format - Paragraph menu item, formatting (validation) panel buttons, or horizontal line markers (first row entry, entry, tabulation).

The order of setting parameters in a paragraph:

  • 1. Wyclikati paraparameters.
  • 2. On the Inputs and Intervals tab of the Paragraph dialog box (Fig. 6.18), set the necessary parameters.
  • 3. Enter. Place it between the text of the paragraph and the fields of the document. For example, if the left margin is set to 1 cm, and the margin of any paragraph is set to 1 cm, this paragraph will stand 2 cm from the edge of the sheet.
  • 4. To increase or change the size of the indents in the Ingress section, the arrows are aligned, straight up and down the fields for entering Left-handed or Right-handed or entering numbers from the keyboard.

To set the entry to the first row or entry, you need to select the entry type in the First Row list and enter the entry value in the On entry field.

In Microsoft Word 2007, as previously stated, the Head line is used for formatting. All parameters for a paragraph can be adjusted in the Paragraph group and in the corresponding dialog box (Fig. 6.19). Moreover, this group contains commands for setting up labeled, numbered and rich lists.

  • - 1- 1-
  • -? 2-? A-?
  • - з-i-

1 a 1 i = - i * 1

Rice. 6.19. Adjusting parameters in a paragraph

To change the size of the paragraph indent or the indent of the first row, you can move the markers to the horizontal

Talliny. To do this, you need to move the mouse pointer to the paragraph inlet marker or the first row inlet, and when a hint about the meaning of this marker appears, press the left mouse button, without releasing it, move the marker in such a way that stand between the cordon of white and gray area of ​​the line has become even . the size of the paragraph indent. When the first row is installed, the top marker collapses. The amount of indentation of the first row is determined by the distance between the lower and upper edge markers.

Virination is a method in which one can easily establish one ear and complete rows.

Microsoft Word offers several ways to verify:

  • alignment along the left edge places the ears of the rows on one vertical line;
  • Aligning from the right edge sets the end of the rows on one vertical line;
  • Alignment by width places the cob and ends the rows along their vertical lines. Reach for inserting additional spaces between words and letters in the text (if necessary);
  • Center alignment centers the terms between the left and right fields.

The required type of verification can be set in the Virification list or using one of the verification buttons Sh Sh Sh t in the Format toolbar. The button on the toolbar indicating that the current paragraph has been validated appears pressed.

Row spacing means the space between rows of text. For different types of documents, different inter-row intervals are required. If you need to wrap a document that has just a few sides, you need to space it out in one row so that the rows are spaced out even more. And however, if the document was to be edited by hand, it needs to be folded so that there is a large gap between the rows, so the editor will need to write corrections there.

To change the inter-row interval, you need to open the Inter-row list and select the interval you need. The Microsoft Word program has a large number of options for setting row intervals:

  • Single, one and a half and double. Place between the rows the same size as the font or increase it by 1.5 or 2 times accordingly;
  • Exactly. Stand between the rows will be the same value as you enter in the Value entry field;
  • Minimum. The distance between the rows will be no less than the value you enter in the Value entry field. The program will increase this size if there are symbols in a row, the size of which is larger than the size of the characters in the extra text;
  • Multiplier. Change the distance between the rows by multiplying them by the coefficient you entered into the Value entry field. For example, to increase the space between the rows for the second time, enter a multiplier of 1.5, and to increase the inter-row interval, enter 2;
  • To add an additional interval before the first row or after the remaining row of a paragraph, enter the corresponding value in the Before or After entry fields;
  • The section “Image” will show what the exact installation looks like;
  • To limit them to a paragraph, click the OK button.

For precise placement of text blocks the width of the column is used for tabulation. It helps with the placement of indents and vertical alignment of text in a document. The most practical use is the design of tabular data. Moving to the next tab position when typing is done using the Tab button. Following tabs, Microsoft Word inserts tab stops at intervals of 1.27 cm (0.5 inches) across the entire width of the page.

The tab stop position is determined accurately and depends on the size of the font and the thickness of the characters. The program supports these types of tabulation;

  • Left-handed - the left edge of the text is aligned with the tab stop. In the Word program, tab stops are scrolled to the left;
  • Right-handed - the right edge of the text is aligned with the tab position;
  • Centered – the text is centered behind the tab stop;
  • By separator - the tenth separator (dot or coma) is aligned with the tabulation position. This type of tabulation is used to verify column numbers.

The order of actions that follow when inserting tabulation from the wiki menu:

  • 1. Click on the menu item Format - "Tabulation or Microsoft Word 2007 Head line -" Paragraph group - "Paragraph dialog box -" Tabulation button.
  • 2. In the entry field of the Tabulation dialog box (small 6.20), you can change the setting between the tabulation positions.
  • 3. In the Tabulation Positions input field, enter the values ​​of the tabulation positions and click the Set and OK button.
  • 4. If the text is not visible, new tab stops will be installed for the current paragraph and all subsequent ones.

The procedure to follow to set a tab position behind the line:

  • 1. Click tab | L many times, the marker for the type of tab you want to insert will not appear.
  • 2. Click on the ruler at the tab position.

To change the tab stop position, you need to uncheck the following steps:

1. Place a tab stop on the line.

For getting ready:

For getting ready:


Tab stops:


on the left edge С* in the center ^ along the divide between the boundaries

Will be visible:

from the right edge


Tab stops:

Will be visible:

about along the left edge in the center About along the divider Q from the boundary


from the right edge

Zapovnyuvach i (nі) G 4

Vidality everything

Vidality everything

Rice. 6.20. Setting tab stops

  • 2. Drag the tab stop to a new location while pressing the left mouse button.
  • 3. To clear the tab stop, drag the tab stop between the lines.

Paragraph options also include paragraph borders and shading. The paragraph is framed by whole lines, like those painted on the animal, below, right-handedly, and on the left side of the paragraph. Filling a paragraph indicates the background on which the text appears.

The order of installation of these options:

1. Click on the menu item Format - "Cordons and fill for Microsoft Word 2003, and in Word 2007 - line Layout of the side -" group Background of the side - "Cordons of the side (Fig. 6.21).

Between the sides

Adding or changing the boundaries of the side.

  • 2. In the Cordon dialog box, enter the type, color and line thickness in the Cordon tab.
  • 3. On the Fill tab, select from the color palette whichever type the text appears on.
  • 4. To save the specified parameters to the paragraph, click the OK button.

Paragraph formatting

Emphasis on the text

Word describes four types of support: single, single, double, and dotted. To install a text editor, open the “Font” dialog box. Your task is to see the text you need to armchair, and then press the button to open the list in the Armchair field and select the required type of armchair.

In Word, like any other text editor, a paragraph is a fragment of text surrounded by a paragraph symbol, which is entered by pressing the Enter key. A paragraph is also a subject of formatting. When formatting a paragraph, use these concepts.
Access- Sets the text of the paragraph (or even the first row) to appear as a side margin. For the first row of the paragraph, you can specify an access or input that is given for additional commands Format = Paragraph. You can install a negative margin, which allows you to enter text in the left margin. The entries in the first row of paragraphs are used to design elements of numbered lists, as well as bibliographic displays.
Verification of the text- vikoristavuetsya in the lie of the mark:
- on the left edge - the text of primary documents is important;
- on the right edge - in the footers;
- in the center – when creating headings;
- in width - in the main text of business sheets and other pages.
Tabulation- is used to create a fixed entry on the top of the first row of each paragraph, and also allows you to format the text in a number of vertical columns.
Inter-row interval- allows you to set paragraph lines between rows. In addition to the row spacing, you can set a space before and after the paragraph.

When a new document is created, the settings for the template (for sheets, answers, etc.) will be adjusted, and new formatting parameters will not be specified. If you create a document based on the “Original” template, the document will be formatted in the original style. This style for paragraphs is set to left-edge. A paragraph can be formatted both before entering the text and after entering the text. Since text is already formatted, paragraphs that require formatting are to be seen. When formatting one paragraph, it is enough to place the cursor before the formatting head. Word gives you the same options for formatting your paragraph:
- team Format = Paragraph- allows you to set all the necessary paragraph formatting parameters in one dialog window;
- team Paragraph from the context menu (by pressing the right mouse button) – duplicates the same commands in the previous paragraph;
- "Format" toolbar - the skin parameter can be adjusted by pressing the corresponding button. Only one format parameter is set at a time. However, if you need to change one element of the formatting, this allows you to work with more than one menu command;
- horizontal ruler - used for inserting entries and tabulations;
- Keyboard commands - similar to the buttons on the "Format" toolbar, allow you to quickly change one of the format parameters.