What does a repost on VKontakte mean? How to get a repost in contact? How to forward the record of the verse

How to repost "VKontakte" records from friends

The function "Sharing information allows you to quickly place the records of friends or shared notes on your wall.

How to repost "VKontakte" your posts or publications of a group

The wall on your side can be as public as it is closed. At the section "My nalashtuvannya" on the side, you can include comments on the article and indicate who you can leave on the record. If such changes are made, friends will follow your publications, share them, and if they are posted on your site, you can only work on these sides. The wall can serve you as a place for picking up your favorite quotes, words, pictures. Here you can write down the names of the books, as if you have read them, and also come in, if you would like to have a drink.

Recordings created by you can be sent to the wall in a partnership, in which case you can rebuy, as well as special notifications of one "VKontakte" or by e-mail.

Choose the functions of the "VKontakte" page that you need, exchange information and get satisfaction from the conversation.

Good afternoon. In today’s article, we’ll talk about how to repost on VK and know that VKontakte correspondents can share posts on their side, in the bedroom, repost photos and videos.

What is a repost

How to create a repost in VK: a sprat of ways

You can share posts in three ways:

Yak robiti repost records in VK

Yak shvidko zrobiti repost in VK? Beremo be like a novelty, press on the icon of the arrow under it.

Sharing a post is allowed in other social networks and on websites. If you go to the "Export" tab, then you will be able to post a post on Facebook or Twitter, or copy the code so that we can post it on your blog (it's written about the report in).

VKontakte is the ability to recognize, how many people shared this post. Close to the icon is a lichilnik. If you hover over a new cursor, then a list of all the entries will appear.

How to robiti repost in VK in private notification

Click on the arrow icon - then the item "Add special notices", from the list to select a friend:

Now the post will appear at the quiet, to whom the fault is in the administration of the accomplice. Moreover, right from the dialogue, a person can, if possible, go to the public, in order to avenge the novelty, so until the very recording, to get to know her or read the comments.

Repost to the VKontakte group

Vikonuyemo all the descriptions above, only at the window select the item "Forepayers of sleep". You can attach a comment before the post, a smiley or an attachment.

Keep in mind that reposting to the VKontakte group was only in that case, as if you were the administrator of any kind of trade union. Then all your groups will appear in the dropdown list. Otherwise, the item will be inactive.

How to robiti repost VKontakte on the phone

Repost zі smartphone to fight a similar rank. We take the necessary post and press on it on the arrow.

Dali - like on a computer. You can choose a koristuvach from proponing or scurry by search, publish a post on your side or in spivtovaristvo or copy the message. When you select the "More" button, the novelty can be sent to other social media or messengers, to mail, etc.


Vіdkladeny repost VKontakte to fight in the same way as i. For this, under the comment field, select "Shche", and then - "Timer"

Perevaghi repost otherwise need stink

Now let's try to understand why do you need reposts on VKontakte.

  • expanding and saving the public and important information in the social dimension of VKontakte. With their help, the need for information will be expanded not only among friends, but also in the great place. In this rank, the socialist ranks win the role of ZMI. Well, if you are afraid of wasting valuable information - just create a repost to write yourself on the wall, so that at the right time, through a search, you can know fast;
  • advertising of goods and services. Fortress you, and we ourselves promote you and your business, select the target audience of VKontakte, as soon as you can win by your services;
  • raising the popularity of the public or a specific koristuvach. As soon as the recording is active, then the social media of the society do not only read the novelty, but go for help, to find out more about you or the public. This is how VKontakte shows up whole business projects, or just pick people who are suffocated by something;
  • earnings. For additional repost, you can earn pennies (although we’ll talk about them in the upcoming articles).

Visnovok: reposts play an important role in expanding information on VK!

Nutrition by repost:

Nutrition 1. What is the cost of reposting on VKontakte?

hint: Yes. Dobu is allowed to produce no more than 150 censuses of records. The next operation will be available in 24 years.

Nutrition 2. How to know who made the repost?

hint: It is necessary to hover the mouse cursor on the lichnik instructed by the arrow. At the splintering vіknі, having changed in the yak, you can sing to everyone who shared the record.

Nutrition 3. Why not go to robiti repost from the group?

Food 4. Can I repost in other social media?

Good luck to you, and to the swedish zustrіches.

At today's short issue, I will tell you how to correct the entry in the VK conversation. What is a conversation? Having moved to the “Information” section, we continue to have dialogues between you and other koristuvachs. Conversation of the same dialogue. Vіdminnіst less in the fact that the conversation is going on behind the help of tools of the social dimension. And the dialogues are just special reminders. As a rule, there are more participants in conversations.

How to create a conversation in VK?

Thematic articles:

It’s even simpler: open the “Information” and press the “+” in the same place, then write the name of the conversation and choose the participants among your friends.

Instructions: how to create a repost in a conversation

Show up all the way (looks lower). We select the item "Add special notices", then in the field "Enter a friend's name or e-mail" write the first letters of your conversation. Besida will show up in the dropdown list, press on her.

Perhaps your conversation will not be on the drop-down list. Such traplyatsya, especially on the computer. Viklikano tse, shvidshe for everything, tim, that the conversation is young and does not appear in the chat.

Sometimes, like a video, you want to save notes on your wall, or just send them to your friends. However, do not go out. Let's figure out why you can't repost from the VKontakte group to your wall.

This problem can only be 2 reasons:

  1. Similar to the record placed in the name of the koristuvach;
  2. Close spivtovaristvo.

Let's look at the skin of tsikh vipadkіv.

If you want to add yourself to the wall in VK, a record from the open letter:

Tse vіdbuvaєtsya to that in spіlnotah robiti repost is fenced, yakі zroblenі koristuvachami i prepayers of the group. Pov'yazanі takі fencing z vіdobrazhennyam іnformatsії during the census. If you add materials to your wall, then publish the name of the partnership, for whatever reason, they themselves secure the copyright for a note.

To read the information placed in such a group, you need to be a participant. For whom, submit an application for entry, moderators and administrators can, having looked at your candidacy, make a decision to accept or recommend. Obviously, reposting from such a side is also impossible.

All information is available only to prepayers. It is impossible to send such materials to your friends in special notes.

If you want to share a post on the wall at VK, but you can’t repost, do this:

If you are a public administrator, then you should respect that when placing a new note, you can choose the method of publication. In your own name or in the name of your soul.

VKontakte zaboroneni repost z groups, de the author of the entry - tse koristuvach, and not the spivtovaristvo itself. It is impossible to share novelties from closed groups and materials, which are available only for participants.

Wait, friends!

We continue to explore in the VKontakte interface. Today you know how to create a repost in VK, yogo raznovidi, nizh vin korisny and yakі іsnuyut thin.

Why varto rose is an effective tool for a special way in social media, and for running business parties. Іsnuyut rules, for which legalizations are enforced by the copy-paste site.

Briefly meaningful for a clear understanding of what a repost is. This is the function that allows you to save the records to your wall, correct them in the partnership or special reminders. At the record, if you have shared such a rank, it will be indicated that the first time.

Let’s take a look at what the word itself means, as it came to us from another language. The English prefix "re" is added to the word "post", as it is called VKontakte publications, as it means "re-creation", "repetition". This is due to the repetition of information, rudely seeming, copy-paste.

Tse allows you to instantly share information and save it, even as a great copy - more richly. For example, if it is necessary to save a handful of photographs or music, blue initial materials or video clips. To create the material in the same way, you need to capture pictures and add compositions, documents, videos.

My work is simpler - for the help of one click, I will need to duplicate the publication and save it.

How to repost a record?

On the side wall

To repost on the side, see the first item - "Friends and payers". The information is saved on the wall of a special side and appears in the pages of friends and payers.

Before the group / sleep

To copy-paste to the group, choose another item - "Rewarders of the Spilnoti". The list will burn, where you can duplicate the post. The letter of this yoga can be written in a hat, as a great publication.

Repost in the name of the group

For this type of repost, it is necessary to have the rights of an administrator. Important respect: repost the video only in the name of the group. It is not possible to work so that your name was guessed in the publication.

If this nuance is important, then add a valid comment before recording.

special notice

We guide the publication with special notices, and we direct it without intermediary in a dialogue with a person. With the sight of dekilkoh people, with the help of the participants, the rosemary will be created.


The functionality of VKontakte allows you to repost with the text - add a comment or postscript in your guise. Return respect to the special field after the menu selection of options.

Together with the comment, you can add a photo, audio or document. However, please attach only one file.


At the menu, select the date and hour of publication.

For Help Phone

The steps of how to repost on the phone are the same as on the site. If you open the browser in the mobile version - the algorithm is the same.

Click on the arrow icon under the post, select in the menu where to edit the information. Vypadaє field for comments and attached files. If everything is ready, press "Vidpraviti" - the publication is ready.

food parts

Why is it possible to repost from the VKontakte group?

Possibly two reasons.

How to marvel, who made a repost?

Hover over the arrow and click for a couple of seconds. Show up with short tributes about the number of reposts and a list of people. In order to open up all the information, it is necessary to press on the inscription "podіlivsya ... people." If so, as your friends shared the post, you will be ranked first in the short list-preview.

How many reposts can you make per day?


The function of reposting is simple to use and vkray korisna. For example, її actively win for contests. Spilnoti and public call to put like and save the post on the wall to take part in the draw. From the reposted ones, they can choose and give gifts.

- tezh is a rare sight, about tse mi rozpovidali in okremіy statti. Take a look who to squawk, as if you were doing a census for a pittance.

I'll tell you that this way of vindicating the policy on copyright is an insane plus. Minus - the faceless sides and the public of the VK are guessing a banal copy of one of one. Evil copy-and-paste is necessary in the author's content.

In the middle of the reposting of the reposts of the parties, respect is given for the original entries, special thoughts and a fresh look. Koristuyuchis miraculous function of VK, do not forget that everything is good in the world.

And I say goodbye to you, dear readers, until the next step. Success and prosperity!