Law on information security - main provisions. Federal Law “On Information. Information as an object of legal regulation

Article 8. Right of access to information

1. Individuals (individuals) and organizations (legal entities) (hereinafter referred to as organizations) have the right to search for any information in any form and in any way possible, their cit Federal law and other federal laws.

2. A citizen (individual) has the right to withdraw from state bodies, local self-government bodies, their local authorities in the manner established by the legislation of the Russian Federation, information, which is absolutely necessary share rights and freedoms.

3. The organization has the right to withdraw from government bodies, local self-government bodies of information, which directly affects the rights and obligations of the organization, as well as the information required In connection with the interaction with the designated bodies, the organization of its statutory activities is underway.

4. We cannot but have access to:

1) normative legal acts that establish the rights, freedoms and obligations of people and citizens, as well as establish the legal formation of the organization and the re-importance of state bodies, bodies of local self-government;

2) information about the Dovkill plant;

3) information about the activities of state bodies and local self-government bodies, as well as about the allocation of budgetary funds (behind the record, which is to become a state or service prison);

4) information that accumulates in the collections of libraries, museums and archives, as well as in state, municipal and other information systems created or intended for the welfare of the public ) and organization of such information;

5) other information, the inadmissibility of sharing access to the extent established by federal laws.

5. State authorities and local self-government bodies are required to ensure access, including from various information and telecommunications networks, including Internet networks, to information about their activities There is a Russian Federation and a sovereign branch of my Republic at the warehouse of the Russian Federation, depending on federal laws, laws of subjects of the Russian Federation and regulatory legal acts of local self-government bodies. A person who wishes to deny access to such information does not have to make it necessary to deny it.

6. Decisions and actions (lack of action) of state bodies and local self-government bodies, community associations, and local authorities that violate the right to access to information may be discredited to a major body or ї posadovoj individuals or before trial.

7. If, due to illegal access to information, it was given unexpectedly, it was clearly unreliable, or it was not appropriate to the place where the information was supplied. cues, such beats require compliance with civil law.

8. Information is available free of charge:

1) about the activities of state bodies and bodies of local self-government, located by such bodies in information and telecommunications networks;

2) what are the rights and obligations established by the legislation of the Russian Federation for the assigned individual;

3) other information established by law.

9. Establishment of payment for the provision by a state body or a body of local self-government of information about its activities is possible only in cases and in minds, as established by federal laws.

Information security is a sphere of activity that develops, develops, formalizes and establishes the security and protection of special information, as well as the visibility and accessibility of secretly accessible information. Special military personnel of the federation. authorities check all channels and data flows to identify and eliminate the flow of classified data, as well as to stop evildoers. To guarantee the rights of citizens to improve and expand these data, a conclusive law was adopted.

List of laws of the Russian Federation on information security

The main power supply, processes and access of security information systems are regulated by Federal Law 149 on information. technologies and safety. However, this area is controlled by the provisions of other laws.

Control over this area of ​​activity is carried out through the following laws:

  • Federal Law No. 152 about special data. This law regulates the legal relations between security officials of the authorities and citizens, workers of installations, if, during the time of verification, security officers of the authorities may need to recheck any materials, documents and computers. In such situations, a person can steal their personal data and materials that belong to their particular life;
  • This law regulates the legal relations between doctors, military workers, participants in modern design, everyday life, and the development of minds and the production of goods, etc. It also means the rights, renewal and obligations of the treated individuals;
  • Federal Law No. 63 about electronic signature. This law regulates legal relations between participants in the purchase and sale of goods and services to ensure the needs of municipalities. keep it installation, and hold for an hour. functions and other legal entities. act, if electronic signatures are registered;
  • Federal Law No. 99 on the granting of licenses for different categories of activity. This law regulates legal matters that arise between security forces of different countries. bodies and legal entities individuals and individual entrepreneurs who are subject to a license under the law's category of activity.

All reinsurance laws have provisions that control the area of ​​information security and the protection of special data.

Legal provisions of 149 Federal Law

Law on information. safety 149 was adopted by the Sovereign Duma on June 8, 2006, and praised by the Rada of the Federation on June 14, 2006. The remaining changes were made on November 25, 2017. Federal Law 149 contains 18 articles. There is a legal basis that arises from the search, data, collection or transfer of materials and information, during the development of the system and the development of access to information, under the hour of cessation and stagnation, the removal of the records.

A short amendment to Federal Law No. 149 on information, information. technologies and information security:

  • 1 tbsp. - the sphere in which the law regulates;
  • 2 tbsp. - Terms and conditions;
  • 3 tbsp. - List of legal principles of regulation in this area;
  • 4 tbsp. - Acts and standards to control the region;
  • 5 tbsp. - information is a legal subject;
  • 6 tbsp. - individuals who create visuals;
  • 7 tbsp. - information is available to the public, open and public;
  • 8 tbsp. - Overprotected individuals who may not have the right to access records;
  • 9 tbsp. - boundaries and fences;
  • 10 tbsp. - Rozposyudzhennya and giving information to third parties;
  • 11th century - Documentation and appearance;
  • 12 tbsp. - methods of regulation and control over the legal sphere;
  • 13th century - Systems and programs;
  • 14th century - Hold. systems for storing important information;
  • 15th century — the establishment of television and communication measures in the field of activity that is being described;
  • 16th century - Please go in and make sure your records are safe;
  • 17th century - reliability, punishment and types of crimes;
  • 18th century - Put it over again, it has lost its strength.

This Federal Law lays down the basic principles that are followed to ensure the highest level of information security and security:

  • Any person who lives on the territory of Russia has the right to search for public and secretly accessible information, to select known information for expansion and transmission in any way possible;
  • Citizens claim the right to collect, disseminate, or transmit information that is not publicly accessible, and are prohibited from asking for any data that is secret or private;
  • Restrictions and restrictions on access to information may be subject to the current provisions of the legislation of the Russian Federation;
  • The information is being expanded and transmitted to individuals with different requests for this information;
  • Any organization, company or company with a commercial program is required to submit reports about its government activities and a description of the company's characteristics to the public. The blame may be due to the fact that the stench is indicative of the minds and powers of this Federal Law;
  • The information system is controlled and protected by government authorities;
  • All systems, operation of information and data, registered on official websites or in official documents, are subject to Russian mine.

Not only individuals (individuals), but also legal entities have rights to the availability of information. At physical that legal Particularly important differences in this law and rights, obligations and new importance are established by legislation, and by the normative acts of the Russian Federation and described by Federal Law.

Federal Law 149 reinsures the rights of a person, as a matter of fact:

  • Rights to allow or exchange access to information that belongs to the ruler;
  • The right to transfer data or information to third parties in connection with the formalities and agreements;
  • The right to vikoristanya, expanding the visibility of the authorities to judge the fragments of the ruler.

Federal Law 149 re-insures the obligations of the individual, as a matter of fact:

  • Dotrimannya rights, obligations and re-importance of other citizens, up to which information may lie;
  • Establishing a fence or restricting access to data, which may be obtained from access in accordance with the provisions of regulations, acts and laws of Ukraine;
  • Establishment of approaches and methods to ensure the protection and security of information that belongs to this person.

Any information, records and data, permissions for all activities and duties will be disclosed and given in good order. Encryption is only possible in cases of guilt, formalized by this law. In some cases, when transmitting or any other information, the activity is carried out without the participation of PHI (reportedly, control is carried out to ensure that the data is reliable and identifies the individual being published).

Vlasnik site on the Internet or any other resource where information is expanded, requests for a special column or section to place official data:

  • I have my father’s nickname;
  • Email addresses;
  • Residence addresses.

Such information about the Vlasnik site may be needed not only by residents who visit the site, but also by health professionals. Whatever person has difficulty with access to information or nutrition to the ruler, has the right to send a sheet. The sheet is also enforced by the authority once, if any damage has been detected in the Internet resource.

In accordance with the legislation of the Russian Federation, propaganda is also protected. Among the fences there is propaganda of war and violence, propaganda of religious and racial hatred, propaganda of self-destruction (psychic surges), etc. bud. For the list of types of open and closed propaganda, the author of the text is not subject to criminal or administrative responsibility, depending on the gravity of the crime.

Secret, sensitive and important materials, documentation, and information will be documented. Registration of such papers and ways of preserving their registration in accordance with the Federal Law on Vikon. Vladi.

The owner of information or any materials while looking at Internet pages may reveal the wrong owner of information without permission. This time the owner has the right to submit complaints about the violation of copyright on the owner’s site. When submitting an application, a power of attorney is formed, which must be verified by a notary.

Introduce the law on information technology and information security

Citizens, soldiers or townspeople who have violated the regulations may be subject to the law. Once a citizen has discovered a violation of power rights in his/her region, he/she has the right to submit a petition to the judicial authorities for compensation and deduction of surpluses, in due regard to the situation:

  • Once upon a time, a person was given moral badness;
  • Damage to honor and business reputation;
  • Defender of honor and worthiness.

The owner of the Internet resource, page or site has the right to obtain information from the individual. It is often alleged that third parties sell materials without the knowledge of the author. In such cases, calls about violation of copyright will be ignored. You can do this not only by selling videos, but also by obtaining copyright licenses.

In cases where violations of the law have been revealed more than once on these very sites and resources, security officers of the control authorities have the right to restrict access to them. On the official websites of the Federal authorities you can find a document with a complete list of websites and resources, access to any boundaries or barriers.

Information security is a field of science that protects the data of a specific (state or commercial) enterprise. Accountants (auditors) check information channels to protect sensitive data.

All channels of classified data are verified for sufficient security. If you are responsible for detecting problems with the file system, you are obliged to inform the service center.

Basic laws that apply to information security:

  • . regulates communications between government authorities in the presence of important information and ensures the information security of personal data;
  • . The Federal Law regulates communications between the bodies of the royal government and determines the methods of licensing certain types of activities;
  • . The Federal Law overrules activities that require an electronic digital signature with a method of ensuring information security. For example: purchasing goods, providing services, etc.;
  • . regulates the alarms that go off during the production of various goods. The description of technical products may correspond to their actual characteristics and comply with the information security provisions.

Also Federal Security Law 390. Details

Federal Law of the Russian Federation

"About information, information technologies and information security"

Acceptance by the State Duma 07/08/2006
Praised by the Rada of the Federation 07/14/2006
Published 06/30/2014

Editorial dated July 27, 2010 N 227-FZ;
04/06/2011 N 65-FZ; 07/21/2011 N 252-FZ;
07/28/2012 N 139-FZ; 04/05/2013 N 50-FZ;
06/07/2013 N 112-FZ; 07/02/2013 N 187-FZ;
December 28, 2013 N 396-FZ; 12/28/2013 N 398-FZ
05.052014 N 97-FZ

Article 1. Scope of this Law

1. This Federal Law regulates the rules that apply to:

1) the creation of the right to search, retrieve, transmit, produce and distribute information;

2) stagnation of information technologies;

3) information security.

2. The position of the federal law cannot be sewn on Vidnosini, the vinikey, during the legal hunting, the result is the same for the murmur of iziydualizi, behind the vinyl vipadkiv, the trickery of the Zim of the federal.

(As amended by the Federal Law dated July 2, 2013 N 187-FZ)

Article 2. Basic concepts that are consistent with this Law

This Federal Law has the following basic concepts:

1) information – statements (information, data) regardless of the form of their submission;

2) information technologies - processes, methods of searching, collecting, saving, processing, data, expanding information and methods of implementing such processes and methods;

3) information system - the totality of information that is located in databases and ensures the processing of information technologies and technical features;

4) information-telecommunication network - a technological system designed to transmit information via communication lines, access to which depends on various methods of computing technology;

5) owner of information - a person who independently created information or claimed, under the law or contract, the right to allow or limit access to information that is indicated behind any signs;

6) access to information - the ability to retrieve information and recover it;

7) confidentiality of information - obligatory for the ruler, who denied access to personal information, and may not transfer such information to third parties without permission;

8) provision of information - actions directed to the collection of information by the singing stake and the transfer of information to the singing stake;

9) expansion of information - actions aimed at obtaining information from an unimportant number of people and transferring information to an unidentified number of people;

10) electronic notification - information transmitted and received via the information and telecommunications network;

11) is documented by the іnormatsky - struck on the motherly nose -nobility of the work of the іnformasye by the Removites, the Vynobormati of the abstract of the legislation of the Ukrainian vipads ї Matterica Nosii;

11.1) electronic document - documented information, submitted in electronic form, in a manner suitable for the interaction of people with electronic computing machines, as well as for the transmission of information and telecommunications measures or processing in information systems;

(Clause 11.1 is protected by Federal Law dated July 27, 2010 N 227-FZ)

12) information system operator - a citizen or a legal person who carries out activities with the operation of the information system, including processing information that is located in it ї databases;

13) site on the Internet - a collection of programs for electronic computing machines and other information contained in the information system, access to which is provided through information and telecommunications quality measure "Internet" (hereinafter - the measure "Internet") behind domain names and (or)) behind the border addresses that allow you to identify sites on the Internet border;

(Clause 13 is sanctioned by the Federal Law dated 07/28/2012 N 139-FZ, as amended by the Federal Law dated 06/07/2013 N 112-FZ)

(Clause 14 is protected by Federal Law dated July 28, 2012 N 139-FZ)

15) domain name - marked with symbols, intended for addressing sites on the Internet to ensure access to information posted on the Internet;

(Clause 15 is protected by Federal Law dated July 28, 2012 N 139-FZ)

16) address measure - an identifier for a data transfer measure, which means, when providing telematic services, a connection to a subscriber terminal or other means of connection that enters the information system;

(Clause 16 is protected by Federal Law dated July 28, 2012 N 139-FZ)

17) authority on a site on the Internet - a person who independently and at his own discretion determines the procedure for visiting a site on the Internet, including the procedure for posting information on such a site;

(Clause 17 is protected by Federal Law dated July 28, 2012 N 139-FZ)

18) hosting provider - a person who provides services with a given duty to place information in an information system that is permanently connected to the Internet;

(Clause 18 is protected by Federal Law dated July 28, 2012 N 139-FZ)

19) a unified identification and authentication system - a federal state information system, the procedure of which is established by the Order of the Russian Federation and which will ensure the cases transferred by the legislation of the Russian Federation ii, authorized access to information located in information systems.

(Clause 19 is protected by Federal Law dated 06/07/2013 N 112-FZ)

Article 3. Principles of legal regulation of regulations in the field of information, information technologies and information security

Legal regulation of issues that arise in the sphere of information, information technologies and information security is based on the following principles:

1) freedom to search, retrieve, transmit, produce and distribute information in any legal way;

2) the restriction of access to information to federal laws;

3) openness of information about the activities of state bodies and local self-government bodies and free access to such information, except for the exceptions established by federal laws;

4) equality of rights among our peoples of the Russian Federation in the creation of information systems and their operation;

5) ensuring the security of the Russian Federation during the creation of information systems, their operation and the protection of information stored in them;

6) reliability of information and relevance of its data;

7) inadequacy of private life, inadmissibility of collecting, saving, retrieving and disseminating information about the private life of an individual without any use;

8) the inadmissibility of establishing by normative legal acts any advantages of stagnating some information technologies over others, since the stagnation of old information technologies is obligatory before the development and exploitation of state-owned information These systems are not established by federal laws.

Article 4. Legislation of the Russian Federation on information, information technologies and information security

1. The legislation of the Russian Federation on information, information technologies and information security is based on the Constitution of the Russian Federation, international treaties of the Russian Federation deratsiya and is formed from this Federal Law and other regulatory regulations from the vicarious information of Federal Laws.

2. Legal regulation of issues related to the organization and operation of mass information facilities is consistent with the legislation of the Russian Federation on mass information media ii.

3. The procedure for storing and storing documented information included in the warehouse of archival funds is established by the legislation on archival rights in the Russian Federation.

Article 5. Information as an object of legal information

1. Information may be the subject of civil, civil and other legal matters. Information may be subject to confidentiality and transfer to one particular person, as long as federal laws do not limit access to information or other possibilities for this purpose.

2. Information in the category of access to it is divided into legally accessible information, as well as information that is accessible under federal laws (information subject to access).

3. Information in the order in which it is given is divided into:

1) information that is widely available;

2) information that is provided over the course of the year to individuals who take part in similar activities;

3) information that complies with federal laws and provides further information;

4) information that is expanded by the Russian Federation is exchanged and protected.

4. The legislation of the Russian Federation may establish types of information in accordance with the law.

Article 6. Master of information

1. The owner of the information can be a citizen (individual), legal entity, Russian Federation, subject of the Russian Federation, municipality.

2. In the name of the Russian Federation, a subject of the Russian Federation, the municipal authorization of the authority of the information authority shall be carried out by state bodies and local self-government bodies within They are more important than those established by relevant regulatory legal acts.

3. The owner of information that is not otherwise provided by federal laws has the right:

1) allow or limit access to information, meaning the order of such access;

2) analyze information, including distributing it to the authorities;

3) transfer information to other persons under a contract or other authority established by law;

4) to protect, by means established by law, your rights from the illegal possession of information or from the illegal use of information by other persons;

5) carry out other activities with the information or allow such activities to take place.

4. The owner of the information during the process of exercising his rights of claim:

1) respect the rights and legitimate interests of other people;

2) enter logins to protect information;

3) limit access to information, as such a requirement is established by federal laws.

Article 7. Information available behind the scenes

1. Prior to confidentially accessible information, please be sure to view this information without any restrictions.

2. Secretly accessible information may be sued by any individual in their proceedings for adhering to the provisions of federal laws to expand such information.

3. The owner of information that has become secretly available due to his decisions has the right to extract information from everyone, to show himself how to deal with such information.

4. Information that is posted by Vlasniks on the Internet in a format that allows automated processing without further changes by a person using the method of repeated editing, and secretly accessible information that can be felt in the form of confidential data.

(Part 4 was introduced by Federal Law dated 06/07/2013 N 112-FZ)

5. Information in the form of this data is placed on the Internet in accordance with the laws of the Russian Federation regarding the state prison. If the placement of information in the form of open data can lead to an increase in information, so that it becomes a state secret, the placement of the designated information in the form of open data may be assigned to any authority, There is a lot of importance in managing such information.

(Part 5 was introduced by Federal Law dated 06/07/2013 N 112-FZ)

6. In cases where the placement of information in the form of confidential data may cause a violation of the rights of the owners of the information, access to any information is subject to federal laws, or a violation of the rights of subjects of personal data, Lost registered information in the form of confidential data may be assigned to court decisions . In cases where the placement of information in the form of open data violates the Federal Law dated June 27, 2006 N 152-FZ "On personal data", the placement of information in the form of open data they may be either attached or attached to the vimoga of the upheld authority for the protection of the rights of the sub' Subjects of personal data

(Part 6 was introduced by Federal Law dated 06/07/2013 N 112-FZ)

Article 8. Right of access to information

1. Individuals (individuals) and organizations (legal entities) (hereinafter referred to as organizations) have the right to search for any information in any form and in any way possible, their cit Federal law and other federal laws.

2. A citizen (individual) has the right to withdraw from state bodies, local self-government bodies, their local authorities in the manner established by the legislation of the Russian Federation, information, which is absolutely necessary share rights and freedoms.

3. The organization has the right to withdraw from government bodies, local self-government bodies of information, which directly affects the rights and obligations of the organization, as well as the information required In connection with the interaction with the designated bodies, the organization of its statutory activities is underway.

4. We cannot but have access to:

1) normative legal acts that establish the rights, freedoms and obligations of people and citizens, as well as establish the legal formation of the organization and the re-importance of state bodies, bodies of local self-government;

2) information about the Dovkill plant;

3) information about the activities of state bodies and local self-government bodies, as well as about the allocation of budgetary funds (behind the record, which is to become a state or service prison);

4) information that accumulates in the collections of libraries, museums and archives, as well as in state, municipal and other information systems created or intended for the welfare of the public ) and organization of such information;

5) other information, the inadmissibility of sharing access to the extent established by federal laws.

5. State authorities and local self-government bodies are required to ensure access, including from various information and telecommunications networks, including Internet networks, to information about their activities There is a Russian Federation and a sovereign branch of my Republic at the warehouse of the Russian Federation, depending on federal laws, laws of subjects of the Russian Federation and regulatory legal acts of local self-government bodies. A person who wishes to deny access to such information does not have to make it necessary to deny it.

6. Decisions and actions (lack of action) of state bodies and local self-government bodies, community associations, and local authorities that violate the right to access to information may be discredited to a major body or ї posadovoj individuals or before trial.

7. If, due to illegal access to information, it was given unexpectedly, it was clearly unreliable, or it was not appropriate to the place where the information was supplied. cues, such beats require compliance with civil law.

8. Information is available free of charge:

1) about the activities of state bodies and bodies of local self-government, located by such bodies in information and telecommunications networks;

2) what are the rights and obligations established by the legislation of the Russian Federation for the assigned individual;

3) other information established by law.

9. Establishment of payment for the provision by a state body or a body of local self-government of information about its activities is possible only in cases and in minds, as established by federal laws.

Article 9. Limitation of access to information

1. The restriction of access to information is established by federal laws in order to protect the foundations of the constitutional order, morality, health, legal and legitimate interests of others, ensuring the defense of the state and the security of the state.

2. It is obligatory to maintain confidentiality of information, access to which is subject to federal laws.

3. The protection of information that becomes a state prison is subject to the legislation of the Russian Federation on state custody.

The food, which is subject to the procedure for obtaining service information from the federal authorities of the Great Patriotic War, div. Decree to the Order of the Russian Federation dated 03.11.1994 N 1233.

4. Federal laws establish the confidentiality of such information, the obligation to maintain confidentiality of such information, and The same is true for their dissent.

5. Information seized by individuals (individuals) from their professional occupations and organizations under which they carry out various types of activities (professional prison), promotes the protection of times, since federal laws impose obligations on these individuals to maintain the confidentiality of such information .

6. Information that constitutes a professional secrecy may be provided to third parties subject to federal laws and/or court decisions.

7. The lines of Viconnya Obov'yazkiv dotrimannya candydentziynosti izhormatsky, Sho to begin to Professiyna Tamnitsyu, the butt of the deprivation of the deprivation of the Gromdyanin (fіychichno individuals), the yang format by the INformation about itself.

8. It is prohibited to obtain information from a citizen (individual) about his private life, including information that would become a special or family secret, and to remove such information without his will giant (individual), as is not otherwise covered by federal laws.

9. The procedure for access to personal data of citizens (physical persons) is established by the federal law on personal data.

Article 10. The spread of information and the provision of information

1. In the Russian Federation, expanded information is available subject to the additional requirements established by the legislation of the Russian Federation.

2. Information that is disseminated without the use of mass media must include reliable information about the leader or another person, as all information is in the same format that are sufficient to identify such an individual.

3. There are options for all types of information that allow you to receive essential information, including postal mail and electronic notifications, persons who provide all types of information. , it is necessary to ensure that the information provided is able to be relied on from such information.

4. This information is provided in a manner consistent with the convenience of individuals who wish to participate in the exchange of information.

5. The requirements for the expansion of information and the provision of information, in addition to the provision of mandatory documents, are established by federal laws.

6. All types of information aimed at promoting war, incitement of national, racial and religious hatred and war, as well as other information for expanding transferred to criminal and administrative responsibility.

Article 10.1. Obligations of the organizer of distributing information on the Internet

1. The organizer of the expansion of information on the Internet is a person who carries out activities related to ensuring the functioning of information systems and (or) programs for electronic calculating machines, such as or) be used for acceptance, transmission, delivery and (or) processing of electronic notify the Internet users.

2. The organizer of increased information on the Internet, in accordance with the procedure established by the Order of the Russian Federation, informs the federal body of the Supreme Government, which is responsible for the control and supervision of the sphere of mass information, mass communications, information technologies and communication, about the cob promotion of activities specified in part 1 of this article.

3. The organizer of the distribution of all information on the Internet in order to save information on the fact of receipt, transmission, delivery and (or) processing of voice information in the territory of the Russian Federation, written text, images, sounds or other electronic messages on the Internet and information about these correspondents over a period of six months from the moment of completion of such actions, as well as provide assigned information to the authorities responsible for carrying out operational activities to ensure the security of the Russian Federation, in cases established by federal laws.

4. The organizer of the dissemination of information on the Internet in order to ensure the implementation of the regulations established by the federal authority of the State Duma in Galuzia in connection with the relevant government bodies, such as no operational-rozshuk activity or security of the Russian Federation, could be achieved before the acquisition of software technical features that are implemented by the designated organizer in the information systems operated by them, which are established by federal laws in order to implement the provisions of their instructions, and to implement the This is to prevent the disclosure of organizational and tactical methods of conducting these visits. The procedure for interaction between the organizers of increased information on the Internet and the established government bodies, which will carry out operational and sound activities and ensure the security of the Russian Federation, is established by the Order Ukraine.

5. The obligations conveyed by this article do not apply to operators of government information systems, operators of municipal information systems, telecommunications operators who provide telecommunications services to the subordinate service and licenses, in terms of activities that are licensed, and also not extended for the population (physical persons) who are assigned to Part 1 of this Statute for special, family and household needs. In accordance with the Russian Federation, the method of stagnation of the provisions of this article indicates the transfer of special, family and household needs to the hour of active activity specified in Part 1 of this article.

6. Warehouse of information that ensures the preservation of the relevant part 3 of this article, the place and rules for saving, the procedure for submitting to the relevant government bodies to carry out operational activities The integrity and security of the Russian Federation, as well as the procedure for monitoring the activities of the organizers of general information distribution within the limits of the Internet, related to the storage of such information, the federal body of the British government, responsible for this control, is designated by the Order of the Russian Federation.

(Article 10.1 is protected by Federal Law No. 05.05.2014 N 97-FZ)

Article 10.2. Features of the blogger’s expansion of secretly accessible information

1. Vlasnik site and (or) pages of the site in the Internet network, which hosts secretly accessible information and access to reach over three thousand members of the Internet network (hereinafter referred to as the blogger), when posted on the website and registered information, In addition, when posting designated information on these sites or on the side of the site by other Internet users, there is a requirement to ensure compliance with the current legislation of the Russian Federation, as follows:

1) do not allow the site or site pages to be used on the Internet for the purpose of committing criminal acts, for the purpose of disclosing information, to establish a state or other secret facility that is specially guarded, to expand materials, avenge public protests against current terrorist activity or publicly vindicate terrorism, other extremist materials, as well as materials that promote pornography, the cult of violence and cruelty and materials that take revenge on obscene likes;

2) check the reliability of the posted secretly accessible information before it is posted and secretly identify posted inaccurate information;

3) prevent the expansion of information about the private life of a citizen due to violations of civil law;

4) compliance with the restrictions and restrictions imposed by the legislation of the Russian Federation on referendum and the legislation of the Russian Federation on elections;

5) comply with the legislation of the Russian Federation, which regulates the procedure for expanding mass information;

6) to ensure the rights and legitimate interests of citizens and the organization, including the honor, integrity and business reputation of citizens, the business reputation of the organization.

2. When posting information on the site or on the side of the site via the Internet, the following is not allowed:

1). Idomlen;

2) expanded information on the method of killing a citizen or separating categories of citizens based on status, age, race or nationality, language, religion, profession, place of residence I am a robot, and I also have a connection with their political affairs.

3. The blogger has the right:

1) freely search, extract, transmit and expand information in any way consistent with the legislation of the Russian Federation;

2) post on your website or the site’s pages in the “Internet” area your characteristics and ratings based on the meaning of your name and nickname;

3) post or allow placement on your website or on the side of the site in the “Internet” dimension of texts and (or) other materials from other social media of the “Internet”, in order to place such texts and (or) other materials territories do not comply with the legislation of the Russian Federation;

4. Claimed by the right to expand illegally accessible information, which was reflected in the damaged parts 1, 2 and 3 of the article, criminal, administrative or other branches This is up to the legislation of the Russian Federation.

5. The blogger requests to place his nickname and initials on his website or on the side of the website in the Internet, his name and initials, email address for sending legally significant notifications.

6. The blogger’s requests to be posted on his website or the site’s side on the Internet are strictly prohibited if the court’s decision is revoked, as it has gained legal force and can take revenge on his publication on this site or the site’s page.

7. Authors of sites on the Internet, which are registered in accordance with the Law of the Russian Federation dated 27 April 1991 N 2124-1 “On the nature of mass information” as a precaution, not a blogger ami.

8. The federal body of the Royal Government, which has functions of control and visibility in the sphere of mass information, mass communications, information technologies and communication, maintaining a register of sites and (or) Markets of sites on the Internet, which contain illegally accessible information That access to any extent possible to establish over three thousand Internet networks. By securely forming a registry of sites and (or) pages of sites on the Internet, the federal body of the British government, which has functions of control and visibility in the sphere of mass information, mass communications ii, information technologies and connection:

1) organizes monitoring of sites and pages of sites on the Internet;

2) confirms the methodology for calculating the number of contributors to the site and pages of the site on the Internet for access;

3) have the right to request from organizers of all types of information on the Internet, bloggers and other information necessary for maintaining such a register. Designated individuals are required to provide the requested information later, within ten days from the day of termination, to the federal government agency, which has effective functions with control and visibility in the sphere of personnel, mass communications ii, information technologies and communications.

9. Once identified in information and telecommunications networks, including the Internet, sites or sites that contain illegally accessible information, access will reach over three thousand Koristuvachov's network "Internet", including a review of the most popular animals of the community or organization, the federal body of the British government, which has functions of control and visibility in the sphere of mass information, mass communications, information technologies and communication:

1) includes the designated site or side of the site in the Internet border to the registry of sites and (or) sides of sites in the Internet border, which contain illegally accessible information and access up to three thousand years chіv merezhi "Internet";

2) designates the hosting provider or any other person who will ensure the placement of the site or pages of the site on the Internet;

3) forces the hosting provider or the purpose of paragraph 2 of this part to provide special information in electronic form in Russian and English about the need to provide data that allows the blogger to be identified;

4) fix the date and hour of notification to the hosting provider or the assignment in paragraph 2 of this part of the special information system.

10. Within three working days from the moment of withdrawal of the notification specified in paragraph 3 of part 9 of this article, the hosting provider or specified in paragraph 2 of part 9 of this article is required to provide data that allows identify the blogger.

11. After removing the data specified in paragraph 3 of part 9 of the article, the federal body of the crown government, which has the functions of control and supervision in the sphere of mass information, mass communications, information technology and connection, forces the blogger to be notified about the inclusion of his site or pages of the site to the registry of sites and (or) pages of sites on the “Internet” network, which contain secretly accessible information and access to such extents to achieve over three thousand accounts of the “Internet” network, as required by law of the Russian Federation, zastosovnyh until data on the site or pages of the site at the Internet.

12. As a result, access to the site or the site on the Internet over the course of three months will reach less than three thousand users on the Internet, this site or the site on the Internet for The blogger’s identity is included in the register of sites and (or) sites’ pages at the "Internet" network, which hosts secretly accessible information and access to reach over three thousand "Internet" networks, about which the blogger is forced to receive daily information. This site or site on the Internet may be removed from this registry upon the request of the blogger, if access to this site or site on the Internet for a period of six months becomes less than three oh thousands of valuable Internet connections.

(Article 10.2 is protected by Federal Law No. 05.05.2014 N 97-FZ)

Article 11. Documentation of information

1. The legislation of the Russian Federation and the satisfaction of the parties may establish possibilities for documenting information.

2. The federal authorities maintain their current documentation in accordance with the procedure established by the Order of the Russian Federation. The rules of business and document management, established by other government bodies, local self-government bodies within their competence, are due to the restrictions established by the Order of the Russian Federation in terms of business and document management for the federal bodies of the Vikonavian government.

3. By wasting power. - Federal Law dated 04/06/2011 N 65-FZ.

4. By means of establishing civil legal agreements or drawing up other legal documents that require the participation of an individual, such as the exchange of electronic communications, the exchange of electronic communications, which are signed with an electronic signature or another analogue of the authorized signature of the sender of such notification, in accordance with the procedure established by federal laws , other regulatory legal acts and for the convenience of the parties, are considered as an exchange of documents.

(As amended by the Federal Law dated 04/06/2011 N 65-FZ)

5. The right of authority and other speech rights on material media that contain documented information are established by civil law.

Article 12. State regulation in the sphere of stagnation of information technologies

1. The state regulating the sphere of information technology stagnation transfers:

1) regulation of activities related to the search, extraction, transmission, acquisition and expanded information from established information technologies (informatization), on the basis of the principles established by the Federal Government;

2) development of information systems of various importance for the security of communities (individuals), organizations, government bodies and local self-government information bodies, as well as ensuring the interaction of such systems;

3) the creation of minds for the effective development of information and telecommunications networks in the Russian Federation, including the “Internet” network and other similar information and telecommunications networks;

4) ensuring the information security of children.

(Clause 4 is protected by Federal Law dated July 21, 2011 N 252-FZ)

2. State bodies, bodies of local self-government are consistent in their importance:

1) take part in the development and implementation of target information technology programs;

2) create information systems and ensure access to the information contained in them by the Russian Federation and the Supreme Soviet Republic at the warehouse of the Russian Federation.

Article 13. Information systems

1. Information systems include:

1) national information systems - federal information systems and regional information systems created on the basis of federal laws, laws of subjects of the Russian Federation derations, on the basis of legal acts of state authorities;

2) municipal information systems created by the authority of local self-government;

3) other information systems.

2. Unless otherwise provided by federal laws, the operator of the information system is the authority responsible for the processing of information contained in databases, technical features that are lawfully used by such databases, or persons This authority has entered into an agreement on the operation of the information system. In accordance with the rules established by federal laws, the information system operator can ensure the ability to post information on the Internet in the form of confidential data.

3. The rights of the owner of information located in the databases of the information system are subject to protection independently of copyright and other rights to such databases.

4. The provisions established by this Federal Law for state information systems are extended to municipal information systems, unless otherwise provided by the legislation of the Russian Federation on local self-government.

5. Features of the operation of state information systems and municipal information systems can be established in accordance with technical regulations, regulatory legal acts of state bodies, regulatory legal acts of municipal authorities central self-government that makes decisions about the creation of such information systems.

6. The procedure for the creation and operation of information systems, which are not state information systems or municipal information systems, is determined by the operators of such information systems, subject to the establishment of this Law om or other federal laws.

Article 14. State information systems

1. State information systems are created to implement the importance of state bodies and ensure the exchange of information between these bodies, as well as for other purposes established by federal laws.

2. State information systems are created and operated in compliance with the legislation of the Russian Federation on the contract system in the sphere of procurement of goods, labor, and services to ensure state and municipal needs.

(Part 2 as amended by the Federal Law dated December 28, 2013 N 396-FZ)

3. The sovereign of the systems of systems is to stare at the basics of statistical documented, INDUSTIONS (FISTICS), organized by the authorities, organs of the MISTRIC Self -Highway.

4. The types of information that are provided in accordance with the legal procedure are established by federal laws, and are given by the Russian Federation or by related government bodies, unless otherwise provided by federal laws. At times, during the development of state-owned information systems, the current or processing of secretly accessible information transmitted by transfers is carried out, which is confirmed reliably up to Article 14 of the Federal Law dated 9 February 2009 No. 8-FZ “On ensuring access to information about the activities of government bodies and local self-government bodies,” state information systems can ensure the placement of such information on the Internet in the form of confidential data.

(As amended by the Federal Law dated 06/07/2013 N 112-FZ)

4.1. The order of the Russian Federation indicates the consequences of access from the Internet to information that state information systems provide, including to the correspondents of information that passed the author Identification of the unified identification and authentication system, and establish the order of the unified identification and authentication system.

(Part 4.1 was introduced by Federal Law dated 06/07/2013 N 112-FZ)

5. Unless otherwise stipulated in the decisions of the created government information system, the functions of the operator are carried out by the contractor, which is the part of the government contract for the creation of such information system. When the government information system is put into operation, the procedure established by the said deputy will apply.

6. The government of the Russian Federation has the right to establish possibilities prior to the creation and commissioning of other state information systems.

(As amended by the Federal Law dated December 28, 2013 N 396-FZ)

7. It is not allowed to operate the government information system without properly registering the rights of its components, such as objects of intellectual power.

8. Technical features required for processing information that is located in government information systems, including software and technical features and methods for protecting information that are responsible for the power of Ukrainian legislation on technical regulation.

9. Information that is located in government information systems, as well as other information available to authorized government agencies and documents and government information resources. Information that is located in government information systems is official. State bodies, established by the normative legal act that regulates the functioning of the state information system, are required to ensure the reliability and relevance of the information contained in Given the information system, access to the assigned information in accordance with the requirements established by law, as well as the protection of the assigned Information from unauthorized access, destruction, modification, blocking, copying, transfer, distribution and other illegal activities.

(As amended by the Federal Law dated July 27, 2010 N 227-FZ)

Article 15. Vicinity of information and telecommunications measures

1. On the territory of the Russian Federation, the local information and telecommunications measures operate in accordance with the legislation of the Russian Federation in connection with which Law and other regulations of legal acts of the Russian Federation.

2. Regulation of information and telecommunications networks, access to any public sector, operates in the Russian Federation in accordance with internationally accepted practice itself regulatory organizations in this area. The procedure for violating other information and telecommunication measures is determined by the authorities of such measures in accordance with the regulations established by this Law.

3. The establishment on the territory of the Russian Federation of information and telecommunications measures in the government and other activities cannot be a basis for the installation of additional data or interconnection, which will prevent carrying out the designated activity, which takes place without violating such restrictions, as well as without violating the restrictions established by federal laws.

4. Federal laws may provide obligatory identification of an individual, an organization that operates an information and telecommunications measure during the ongoing business activities. In case of possession of an electronic notification located on the territory of the Russian Federation, you have the right to conduct a verification, which allows you to establish the director of the electronic notification, and in accordance with federal laws or in accordance with the parties is guilty of carrying out such a re-verification.

5. The transfer of information through the use of information and telecommunication measures is carried out without prejudice to the provisions of federal laws until the expansion of information and protection of intellectual property other power. The transfer of information may be limited in accordance with the rules established by federal laws.

6. Spades-Kidlochennya of the sovereign of the INformation systems to the izhormatsky-telescock-item, the Mereli Merevo is able to get a boti standing by the regulatory legal act of the President of the Federal District Foreign Act of the Rosiyskoi Feditska.

Article 15.1. A unified registry of domain names, showing the pages of sites on the Internet and border addresses that allow you to identify sites on the Internet, which can contain information expanded in the Russian Federation ii fenced

(provided by Federal Law dated July 28, 2012 N 139-FZ)

1. By limiting access to websites to the Internet, in order to contain information that has been blocked in the Russian Federation, a single automated information system is being created, the Unified Registry of Domain Names, until of the pages of sites at the Internet border and the border address that is allowed Identify sites on the Internet, locate information that is restricted by the Russian Federation (hereinafter referred to as the registry).

2. Before registering include:

1) domain names and (or) indicators of the pages of sites on the Internet, which contains information that is restricted in the Russian Federation;

2) border addresses that allow you to identify sites in the Internet border, which contains information that is restricted in the Russian Federation.

3. The creation, formation and maintenance of the register is carried out by the federal body of the crown government, which has functions of control and visibility in the sphere of mass information, mass communications, information technologies This connection is in accordance with the procedure established by the Order of the Russian Federation.

4. The federal body of the royal government, which functions in control and supervision of the sphere of mass information, mass communications, information technologies and communication, in order and according to the criteria іїв, which are designated by the Russian Federation, can be received before the formation and entry of the register registry operator - an organization registered in the territory of the Russian Federation.

5. Subjects for inclusion in the register of statements designated in , е:

1) decisions reinstated by the Order of the Russian Federation of the federal bodies of the crown government, adopted according to their competence in the manner established by the Order of the Russian Federation, which are expanded through the measures "І Internet":

a) materials with pornographic images of minors and (or) information about the recruitment of minors as Vikonians to take part in criminal activities of a pornographic nature;

b) information about the methods, methods of extraction, preparation and extraction of narcotic drugs, psychotropic substances and their precursors, the place of preparation of such substances, the drugs and their precursors, about the methods and place of cultivation of narcotic plants;

c) information about the methods of self-destruction, as well as calls to self-destruction;

d) information about minors who have suffered as a result of unlawful acts (negligence), an extension of which is protected by federal laws;

(clause “d” is protected by Federal Law dated 04/05/2013 N 50-FZ)

2) a decision of the court, which has gained legal force, about the recognition of information that is available throughout the Internet, information that is expanded in the Russian Federation is protected.

6. The decision to include domain names in the registry, showing the pages of sites on the Internet and the network addresses that allow you to identify sites on the Internet, which will contain information expanded in Russia which Federation is fenced, may be disgraced by the Vlasnik site in the measure “Internet”, hosting provider, connection operator, which provides services providing access to the information and telecommunications network “Internet”, before the court within three months from the day of approval of such a decision.

7. From the moment the registry operator is informed about the inclusion of the domain name (or) the site display site on the Internet, the registry hosting provider requests to inform about the owner’s website to the site that is served by him, at least і "Internet" і inform him of the need for a secure, remote Internet site to contain information that is restricted in the Russian Federation.

8. From the moment you sign up with your hosting provider, you will be notified of the inclusion of the domain name (or) showing the page to the site in the “Internet” network until the Vlasnik registry for the site in the “Internet” zone requests to delete the Internet page, so Learn information about everything fenced in the Russian Federation. If you have any interest or inactivity of a site on the Internet, the hosting provider will need to limit access to such a site on the Internet.

9. If the hosting provider and (or) Vlasnik do not accept the site in the “Internet” network, logins assigned to the same address, which allows you to identify the site in the “Internet” network, which can contain information expanded in Russia This Federation is fenced in, is included in the registry .

10. By extending from the moment of inclusion to the register of the border address, which allows you to identify the site on the Internet border, to place information, which is broadened in the Russian Federation, the connection operator, who is є services providing access to the information and telecommunications network " Internet”, it is necessary to limit access to such a site to the “Internet” barrier.

11. The federal body of the Royal Government, which functions in control and supervision of the sphere of mass information, mass communications, information technologies and communication, and obtaining it directly to the operator The registry switches off the domain name from the registry, showing the side page to the site in between " Internet" or the intermediate address that allows you to identify the site on the Internet, on the basis of the official authority for the site on the Internet, the hosting provider or the connection operator who provides services with access to information and telecommunications Ikatsionnoy measure "Internet", no later than three days from the day of such brutality after the end of the process of obtaining the information that was expanded in the Russian Federation, it was suppressed, or on presentation of the decision to the court, which was collected legally This is due to the fact that the decision is related to the federal body of the British government, which has the functions of control and visibility in the sphere of mass information, mass communications, information technologies, and connection to the domain name registry, the custodian of the site at the “Internet” network or network addresses, which allows Identify the site on the Internet.

12. The procedure for interaction between the registry operator and the hosting provider and the procedure for denying access to information contained in the registry by the operator providing services for access to the information and telecommunications network and “Internet”, established by the renewed Order of the Russian Federation, a federal body of the crown government .

13. The procedure for sharing access to sites on the Internet and transmitting this article is not limited to information, the procedure for sharing access to what is transmitted by this Law.

(Part 13 was introduced by Federal Law dated December 28, 2013 N 398-FZ)

Article 15.2. The procedure for sharing access to information related to violations of copyright rights to films, including movies and television films

(provided by Federal Law dated July 2, 2013 N 187-FZ)

1. Legal authority in various areas of information and telecommunications, including the Internet, films, including movies, television films, and information, and for their removal from third-party information and telecommunications networks that are distributed without permission or Other legal representatives have the right to contact the federal body of the last government, which has functions of control and supervision in the sphere of mass information, mass communications, information technologies and connection, with a statement about the use of visits to limit access to information resources that expands such films or information, on the basis of the ship's act, which has gained decency. The form of the submitted application is approved by the federal body of the British government, which has functions of control and visibility in the sphere of personalities, mass communications, information technologies and communications.

2. The federal body of the Royal Government, which functions in control and supervision of the sphere of mass information, mass communications, information technologies and communication, on the basis of the ship's act, which decency, over three working days:

1) designates the hosting provider or any other person who will ensure placement in the information and telecommunications network, including the Internet network, assigned to the information resource that serves the site's directory zhi "Internet", which contains information, including films, including movies, television films, or information necessary for their removal from third-party information and telecommunications networks without the permission of the legal authority or other legal representation;

2) forces the hosting provider or other representatives to inform the Russian and English languages ​​about the violation of copyright rights to films, including films, From the designated name of the work, the author, the legal owner, the domain name and the boundary address, What allows you to identify a site on the Internet, which contains information that contains films, including movies, television films, and information necessary for their extraction from information and telecommunications measures, without the permission of a legal authority or other legal authority, as well as showing the pages of the site in the Internet, which allows you to identify such information, so that you can log in to delete such information;

3) fixes the date and hour of notification to the hosting provider or other appointments for this part of the person in the public information system.

3. Within one business day from the moment of termination of the notification specified in this article, the hosting provider or anything else specified in this article is required to inform about the owner of the information resource that they serve, and Please inform him of the need to safely remove illegally posted information and (or) accept entry to limit access to it.

4. Within one business day from the moment of disconnection from the hosting provider or any other person assigned to this status, you will be notified of the need to delete illegally posted information, the owner of the information resource will delete the requests. such information. In case of inactivity or inactivity of the owner of the information resource, the hosting provider or otherwise has a special requirement to limit access to the relevant information resource no later than three working days and days from the moment of termination of the notification specified in this article.

5. If the hosting provider does not accept any other special information specified in this article, or the owner of the information resource of the logins included in this article, the domain name of the site in the “Internet” network, its web address, site page indicators at the edge "Internet" ", which allows you to identify information that contains films, including movies, television films, and information necessary for their extraction from information and telecommunications qualitative measures, and posted without the permission of the legal authority or other legal representatives, as well as other information about this site The information is supported by a system of interaction between communication operators to create logins to share access to this information resource, including a website on the Internet, or information posted on a new site.

6. The federal body of the Royal Government, which functions in control and visibility of the sphere of mass information, mass communications, information technologies and communications, on the basis of the ship's act, which ceremonies, for three working days from the day of issuance of the court act on the change sharing access to an information resource that includes films, including movies, television films, and information necessary for their removal from other information and telecommunications channels, which are expanded without the permission of the legal authority or other legal representatives, informs the hosting provider or otherwise indicated in this article Particular attention is paid to access to this information resource.

7. At the same time, we will continue to obtain information about the information resource from the system, including films, television films, and information necessary for their removal from the Internet. there are no information and telecommunication barriers that are being expanded without the permission of the legal authority or other legal authority, a connection operator who provides services to provide access to the information and telecommunications network “Internet”, requiring access to such an information resource, either to the site on the “Internet” network or to the site.

8. The order of operation of the mutual information system is established by the federal authority, which functions to control and monitor the sphere of public relations, mass communications, and information technologies. and a connection.

9. When transferring this article, the procedure is not limited to information, which allows inclusion in the Register in accordance with this Law.

Article 15.3. The procedure for limiting access to information that is in violation of the law

(provided by Federal Law dated December 28, 2013 N 398-FZ)

Article 15.4. The procedure for sharing access to the information resource of the organizer for disseminating information on the Internet

1. Once established by the decree about administrative offenses, the organizer shall not disseminate information on the Internet, transferring Article 10.1 of this Federal Law, to his address (the address of his ії or representations) by the established federal body of the crown government is subject to notification, What is meant by the term for the imposition of such bonds that last for at least fifteen days.

2. If the organizer does not have access to all information on the Internet, the terms of the obligations specified in Article 10.1 of the Law, access to information systems and (or) programs for electronic computing machines, which are intended to be used for the receipt, transmission, delivery and (or) processing of electronic communications of the Internet network and the functioning of which will be ensured by this organizer, prior to the completion of such obligations, the connection will be exchanged with the operator who provides the service with access at the Internet connection, on the stand decision of the court, which has gained legal force. The decision was made by the federal authority of Vikonavchoi.

3. The procedure for the interaction of the authorized federal body of the last government with the organizer of the distribution of information on the Internet, the procedure for sending specified in part 1 of the notification article, the procedure for sharing and updating access values ​​for part 2 stats of information systems and (or) program order Informing the public (physical persons) about such exchanges is established by the Order of the Russian Federation.

(Article 15.3 is protected by Federal Law dated 05.05.2014 N 97-FZ)

1. Once identified in information and telecommunications networks, including the “Internet” network, information that leads to mass thefts, current extremist activities, and at mass (public) entries, which are carried out in violation of the established order, including the fall necessary information about the expansion of such information from federal authorities, state authorities of the constituent entities of the Russian Federation, local self-government bodies, organizations or communities, The Prosecutor of the Russian Federation or his advocates should send all possible information to the federal body of the Royal Government, which performs the functions of control and supervision in the sphere of mass information, mass communications, information technologies and communication, about the development of access to information resources to expand such information atsion.

2. The federal body of the royal government, which has the functions of control and supervision of the sphere of mass information, mass communications, information technologies and communications, in the framework of animal control, this statti, not gay:

1) directly from the interaction system, communication operators can quickly obtain access to an information resource, including a website on the Internet, or to information posted on a about taking revenge on mass heists and extremist activities , participation in mass (suspended) visits, which are carried out in violation of the established order. It is our responsibility to provide the domain name of the site on the Internet, the web address, and page indicators of the site on the Internet that allow identification of such information;

2) designates the hosting provider or another person who will ensure placement in the information and telecommunications network, including the Internet network, assigned to the information resource that serves the website to the extent zhi "Internet", on which information is posted, so that clicks can be placed before mass thefts, ongoing extremist activities, participation in mass (public) gatherings, which are carried out in violation of the established order;

3) forces the hosting provider or other instructions in this part to provide information in electronic form in Russian and English about the violation of the procedure for expanding information from the designated domain name. All addresses that allow you to identify the site on the Internet where the information is located calls to mass thefts, current extremist activities, participation in mass (public) gatherings that are carried out in violation of the established order, as well as showing the pages of the site in the Internet, which allow identification Obtain such information so that you can go through the process of deleting such information. ;

4) fixes the date and hour of notification to the hosting provider or other appointments for this part of the person in the public information system.

3. After the system of interaction with the federal authority has been removed from the government, the effective functions of control and visibility in the sphere of activities, mass communications, information technologies and communication, about the entry of When sharing access, the connection operator provides services with access to information telecommunication network "Internet", demands to securely limit access to information resources, including to the site on the network "Internet", or to information posted on this network and to place calls to mass production collapse, current extremist activity, participation of mass activists ( public entries carried out in violation of the established order.

4. Until the moment of withdrawal of the information specified in this article, the hosting provider or anything else specified in this article has a special obligation to inform about the owner of the information resource that they serve, and inform about the need to urgently delete information in order to place calls before mass thefts, activities carried out, participation in mass (suspended) visits, which are carried out in violation of the established order.

5. If you are the owner of an information resource, you have seen information that can lead to mass thefts, ongoing extremist activities, participation in mass (public) gatherings that are carried out due to established order, it is necessary to notify about this to the federal body of the crown government, which Effective functions for control and visibility in the sphere of mass information, mass communications, information technologies and communications. Such a notice may also be sent electronically.

6. After removing the information contained in this article and verifying its reliability, the federal body of the Royal Government, which has the functions of control and supervision in the sphere of mass information, communications, information technologies and communications, requests, please inform the mutual system the operator provides services to provide access to the information and telecommunications network “Internet”, to update access to information resources, including the website of the “Internet” network.

7. After canceling the notification indicated in this article, the link operator immediately restores access to the information resource, closing the site in the Internet.

Article 16. Protection of information

1. Security of information includes acceptance of legal, organizational and technical approaches, directed to:

1) ensuring the protection of information from unauthorized access, destruction, modification, blocking, copying, transfer, distribution, as well as other illegal actions involving such information;

2) maintaining the confidentiality of information shared with access;

3) implementation of the right to access information.

2. State regulations in the area of ​​information security are established in order to establish information security, as well as liability for violation of the legislation of the Russian Federation Yes, information technologies and information protection.

3. In order to protect secretly accessible information, it may be established in order to achieve the purposes set out in Part 1 of this article.

4. The owner of information, the operator of the information system, in cases established by the legislation of Ukraine, is required to ensure:

1) preventing unauthorized access to information and (or) transfer to persons who do not violate the right to access information;

2) timely detection of facts of unauthorized access to information;

3) avoiding the possibility of unpleasant consequences disrupting the order of access to information;

4) avoidance of interference with the technical means of processing information, which ultimately disrupts its functioning;

5) the possibility of unauthorized updating of information modified or destroyed due to unauthorized access to it;

6) constant control over ensuring the level of information security.

5. The protection of information contained in state information systems is established by the federal body of the Victorian government in the sphere of security and by the federal body of the Victorian government in charge of the sphere of anti-technical development Information and technical protection of information, among them, are of utmost importance. When exploiting state-owned information systems, the methods and methods of protecting information are responsible for the intended benefits.

6. Federal laws may limit the protection of information and the development of other types of activities in the area of ​​information protection.

Article 17. Penalty for offenses in the field of information, information technology and information security

1. The violation of the law’s disciplinary, civil, administrative and criminal relevance is consistent with the legislation of the Russian Federation.

2. Individuals whose rights and legitimate interests have been violated in connection with the disclosure of information shared with access or other illegal sources of such information may have the right to seek judicial protection of their rights in the prescribed manner number of calls for the release of surpluses, compensation for moral harm, damage to honor, dishonesty and business reputation. We cannot be satisfied with the information presented, since it did not enter into the confidentiality of information or violated the provisions of the legislation of the Russian Federation Due to the loss of information, the life of these approaches and the continuation of such could become a liability for this individual.

3. Since the expansion of personal information is limited or protected by federal laws, the civil law responsibility for the expansion of such information does not rest with the person serving:

1) when transmitting information given by another person, the transfer is without change or correction;

2) or by saving information and ensuring access to it behind the mind, that person could not know about the illegality of disseminating information.

4. The hosting provider and authority of the site on the Internet shall not be responsible to the legal authorities or to the regulator for the restriction of access to information and (or) restriction and expansion of the law in accordance with the law.

(Part 4 was introduced by Federal Law dated July 2, 2013 N 187-FZ)

Article 18. About the recognition of those who have lost their dignity, about other legislative acts (statutes of legislative acts) of the Russian Federation

From the day of gaining dignity by this Law, recognize those who have lost their dignity:

1) Federal Law dated 20 February 1995 N 24-FZ “On information, informatization and protection of information” (Collections of Legislation of the Russian Federation, 1995, N 8, Art. 609);

2) Federal Law dated April 4, 1996 N 85-FZ “On participation in international information exchange” (Collections of Legislation of the Russian Federation, 1996, N 28, Art. 3347);

3) Article 16 of the Federal Law dated 10 June 2003 No. 15-FZ “On introducing changes and additions to certain legislative acts of the Russian Federation in connection with the adoption of the Federal Law “On licensing of other types of activities” i" (Legislative Assembly of the Russian Federation, 2003, N 2, art. 167);

4) Article 21 of the Federal Law dated June 30, 2003 N 86-FZ “On introducing changes and updating of certain legislative acts of the Russian Federation, recognized as such that have lost their dignity, other legislative acts of the Russian Federation ї Federation, providing extensive guarantees to the security forces of internal affairs bodies, authorities on the control of the circulation of narcotic drugs and psychotropic drugs and the federal authorities of the subordinate police in connection with current approaches to the thorough development of government management" (Collections of legislation of the Russian Federation, 200 3, N 27, art. 2700);

5) Article 39 of the Federal Law dated June 29, 2004 No. 58-FZ “On introducing changes to certain legislative acts of the Russian Federation and recognizing such legislative acts of the Russian Federation as having lost their dignity in connection with these approaches to thoroughly improve the state administration" (Legislative Assembly of the Russian Federation, 2004, No. 27, Art. 2711).

President of the Russian Federation
V. Putin

Law of the Russian Federation “On information, informatization and protection of information” .

Federal law dated February 20, 1995 N 24-FZ "On information, informatization and protection of information" (as amended from 10 June 2003). Adopted by the State Duma on June 25, 1995.

1. This Federal Law regulates the rules that apply to:

Formation and selection of information resources based on the creation, collection, processing, accumulation, saving, searching, distribution and distribution of live documented information;

Creation and development of information technologies and their security features;

Protection of information, rights of subjects to take part in information processes and informatization.

The government's policy in the field of formation of information resources and informatization is aimed at creating minds for effective and accurate information provision of the highest strategic and operational objectives for social and economic development of Russia which Federation.

The main directions of government policy in the field of information technology are:

· Security of minds for the development and protection of all forms of power on information resources;

· Formation and protection of state information resources;

· Creation and development of federal and regional information systems and measures, ensuring their integrity and interaction in a single information space of the Russian Federation;

· Creation of minds for clear and effective information security of communities, bodies of state power, bodies of local self-government, organizations and community associations based on state information resources;

· Ensuring national security in the sphere of information, as well as ensuring the implementation of the rights of citizens, organizing in the minds of information;

· Conforming to the formation of the market for information resources, services, information systems, technologies, and methods of their security;

· Formation of the current unified scientific, technical and industrial policy in the field of information technology in accordance with the current world level of development of information technologies;

· Support of projects and information programs;

· Creation and development of a system for obtaining investments and a mechanism for stimulating the development and implementation of information projects;

· Development of legislation in the field of information processes, informatization and information security.

Protection of information and rights of subjects in the area of ​​information processes and informatization

The purposes of the defense are:

1. abandonment of the flow, theft, waste, creation, additional information;

2. avoiding threats to security of speciality, marriage, power;

3. preventing unauthorized activities from degrading, modifying, altering, copying, blocking information; preventing other forms of illegal supply in information resources and information systems, ensuring the legal regime of documented information as an object of authority;

4. protection of the constitutional rights of citizens to preserve the special confidentiality of personal data in information systems;

5. preserving the state secrets, confidentiality of documented information in accordance with the law;

6. ensuring the rights of subjects in information processes and during the development, development and storage of information systems, technologies and methods of their security.

Information protection.

1. The defense requires any documented information, unlawful cause for any harm that may be given to the ruler, the ruler, the courtier, or any other person.

The zakhistu mode is installed:

· According to the information submitted to the State Prison, - by the established authorities in accordance with the Law of the Russian Federation "On the State Prison";

· For confidential documentary information - the owner of information resources or an authorized person under this Federal Law;

· Regarding personal data - Federal Law.

2. Government authorities and organizations responsible for the formation and development of information resources that provide protection, as well as bodies and organizations that dismantle and preserve information systems Information technologies for the formation and development of information resources with shared access are required by law in their activities Russian Federation.

3. Control over the retention of information and the use of special software and technical security features, as well as ensuring organizational access to information systems to process information The exchange of access to non-state structures is carried out by the authorities of the state. Control is carried out in accordance with the procedure established by the Order of the Russian Federation.

4. Organizations that process information with shared access to the authorities of the state create special services to ensure the security of information.

5. The owner of information resources or persons authorized by them may have the right to exert control over the destruction of information, which can be used to protect or suppress the processing of information in case of non-violation.

6. The holder or holder of documented information has the right to contact the authorities to assess the correctness of the established norms and thus protect his information in information systems. Subordinate bodies represent the Order of the Russian Federation. These authorities respect the confidentiality of the information itself and the results of the verification.

Rights and obligations of subjects in the sphere of information protection.

1. The owner of documents, an array of documents, information systems and authorized persons shall, in accordance with this Federal Law, establish the procedure for the provision of personal information at the designated place, time, and special locations particulars, as well as the necessary procedures, to ensure that clients have access to information.

2. The owner of documents, arrays of documents, information systems will ensure the protection of information in accordance with the legislation of the Russian Federation.

3. The risk associated with the violation of non-certified information systems and their security features lies with the owner (authority) of these systems and features.

The risk associated with vicarious information removed from an uncertified system lies with the available information.

4. The owner of documents, an array of documents, information systems can be accessed by an organization that will certify the protection of information systems and information resources, to analyze the sufficiency of moves to protect your resources and systems and obtain consultations.

5. The owner of documents, an array of documents, information systems requests to notify the owner of information resources or information systems about all facts of violation of the information security regime.

Protecting the right to access information.

1. Vidmova has access to confidential information or supplying the court with obviously unreliable information may be discredited by the court.

Unauthorized and illegal claims for supply agreements, purchase and sale agreements, and other forms of exchange of information resources between organizations are considered by the arbitration court.

In all cases, individuals who are authorized to have access to information, those individuals who have received inaccurate information have the right to have their information released.

2. The court hears disputes about unregistered information to the category of information with shared access, calling for the removal of traffic jams in cases of unregistered information from this information to the istuvachs or, as a result of others, the violation of the rights of the koristuvachs.

3. Kerivniki, other services of state authorities, organizations guilty of illegally sharing access to information and violating the information security regime, bear responsibility for the crime other, civil legislation and legislation on administrative offenses.

List of Wikipedia Literature.

Federal law dated February 20, 1995 N 24-FZ "On information, informatization and protection of information" (as amended from 10 June 2003).