Selection of miniatures in vk. Designing VKontakte writings: Finding the core in Runet for a group or the public side. How to sprout with a vіkі-rozmіtkoy

More admins think that having promoted the group on the first place by key request to the top contact, they will take the greater part of the per-shook traffic and the incoming clients. Sometimes it’s true that it’s like this, but in 90% of the times, the hairdressers of the group forget about the well-formed group and, leaning on the first place, let hot clients pass.

Why do you care?

The reason is rather simple - the inaccurate design of the joke teaser of sleepiness. Simply put, it seems that your group is guilty of looking at the aphids of competitors and, as much as possible, it is possible to introduce a joke request. Only in case of a high degree of conscience you can take advantage of the partnership in high CTR and high efficiency of distant sales.

How to get into the poshuk’s efficiency of sleepiness?

The most important thing to add to the display of the clickability of the group is the thumbnail of the avatar.
The miniature plays an even more important role in the group, so it hangs in the current places where the group is formed:

  • in the new group page
  • to the shukovik contact
  • search google and yandex
  • in the promises of others
  • in the new page of Koristuvachiv VK

Details with such a wide scope cannot be put indifferently. I at decorated groups miniatures must be given special respect.

The principles of creating clickable miniatures.

1) Associative row of the client when typing your request.
Think about what your potential client will pay for when they recruit for what you are looking for in a joke. For example, if a young mother chooses a child's jumpsuit, then it's better to pay for everything on the picture of the overalls or a pretty little one in a beautiful overalls.

2) Color gamma and contrast on aphids of competitors.
When choosing a picture for a group thumbnail, look at the thumbnails of your competitors. Yaku vikoristovuyut kolіrn gamma, shіlnіst elementіv on the image, їх logos. The main task is to create a miniature seen on aphids. For example, if the main mass of miniatures of green color is to create your own red color, if all darkness is to build your bright color, if all the lines are to build your monophonic color.

3) Key words on the image.
From our knowledge of the placement of the key phrase on the image, it is so very positively signified on the clickability of the thumbnail, in terms of the spontaneity and overall effectiveness group promotions.

4) Company logo.
So you can place your own logo on the miniature. The ideal situation would be to respect the logo according to the principles.

When working with our clients, we are responsible for all the nuances, including on the right hand side and the clickable miniature of the group, as well as the other moments, the key rank is to invest in the sales of goods through the VK group.

Evgenia Kryukova

* Updated statistics.

Garne of the design of the VKontakte bedroom is not a primha, but an important element that forms the trust of your company to you and your company. As the public side or the group is designed unprofessionally, your potential clients as a whole can logically generate visnovi about those that you and your work are put so negligently. Whatever didn’t come up, tell me about those, so that your VKontakte page was beautiful, neat and handy at the victorian. How tse robiti? Read below.

Actual expansion of the image "VKontakte"

An hour ago, social media retailers VKontakte launched a new design. This has led to the fact that the concepts and principles of visualization of the image have changed. The memo, as will be given below, confirms all innovations and avenges in the community, relevant to this moment.

And now let's go into more detail on the skin point.

Rozmir avatar VK

The minimum size of the avatar is 200 by 200 pixels. If you try to capture an image that is less than 200 pixels wide, or a full length, you can pardon the axis like this:

The maximum size of an avatar is 200 by 500 pixels. But, in principle, you can capture an image and a larger size - up to 7000 pixels from the skin side. Golovnya, that the spiving of both sides did not outweigh 2 to 5.

I'll show you an example.

I have an image. Size: 200 x 800 pixels (size 2 to 8). When zavantazhenni do not win any pardons. However, I still can’t sing the image, because “Contact” does not allow me to see it in person.


The size of the cover for the new version of the site is 1590 by 400 pixels.

To give respect: in the mobile version and add-ons, not the same version of the lining is displayed, but only a part of the size of 1196 by 400 pixels. Wonder how it turns into an addendum on a mobile phone:

If you didn’t want to, place the main elements of your lining in the margins of 1,196 by 400 pixels.

attached images

In the updated design of "Contact", the width of the line of new items has become fixed. Tse means that the images, attached to the post, are no longer stretched, but are filled with such stinks. So, if you want, so that your image should fill up your space in the new pages, its width must be no less than 510 pixels. The best, schob tse buv square or rectangular landscape format.

It sounds like a mess :) I'll show it on the butt.

Let's say we have a square-shaped image with 510 pixels on the sides. If we attach yoga to our record, it will look better in the news on all outbuildings:

And the axis looks like this horizontally in landscape format (width 510 pixels):

How can you see that the image is already (along the height), it looks even better in the lines of smartphones. To switch to tsoma, look at the picture below:

I realized that the difference here is not particularly critical, and smart smartphones can still look at your image, just in a different view they will be a little more comfortable.

Image before posting with thanks

All data is taken from the Open Graph markup code:

Although Open Graph does not have spellings, the title is taken from the Title meta tag, and the image is taken from the article. With this, yoga can be easily changed - or choose another image from the article for the help of special arrows:

Or make your own:

The minimum size of the image, so you can win as an announcement to your article, is 537 by 240 pixels. However, you can take advantage of a larger image, so that the proportion will be improved.

Image for articles created in the editor

The size of the image for the lining of the article created in the editor is 510 by 286 pixels. More shortly, it will be a dark color and a larger-less one-tone, because On a light background, the name of the statue and the spielnoti will be ruined.

Garni butt:

Not a good example:

Rozmir photo and video for stories

Rozmir for photos - 1080 by 1920 pixels. Size for video - 720 by 1280 pixels.

Technical characteristics for video recordings:

  • up to 15 seconds;
  • no more than 5 MB;
  • h.264 codec;
  • AAC sound.

In stories, it is necessary to highlight photos and videos in vertical format.

Reveal respect: at the moment, stories about the names of people can only be great, for which the VKontakte retailers have performed this function. I fight for the help of an official supplement. It is not possible to rob the computer from the computer.

Apply dynamic linings:

Lining + description of the bill + sending to the site

The company's executives do not specifically write down any posts in the header, so that the correspondents can read the main information about the page and go to the site.

Description with hashtag

Active companies add hashtags in the standard description side to characterize them. It’s better to fight for the fact that the side was more relevant, and for the sake of the rahunok of that won, I tried more in search of the best requests. To be honest, I don't know if I'm using this method. Cases on this topic, I did not tell, if anyone knows, I will be glad, if you share a link.

Closing post, sho rozpovida, about scho side

If you want to tell more about your side of the report (with photographs, letters and beautiful layout), then you can attach to the heading a wik-post or a statute, atrocities with the editor, with a clear picture on the announcement, as a click-through to the coristuvachs, click on them. An example of this post:

And the axis scho to bachel the coristuvach after that, as a vin klatsne according to the strength:

Nove menu posilan

Not so long ago, the retailers of VKontakte, nareshti, pleased the Vlasniks with a new tool, for the help of which you can create a menu - quick and without any torment with viki-sides. It looks like something primitive, I’ll tell you about those, how to create a side menu.

The menu is displayed automatically, if you need to select the program in full or you have a store connection. For example, on the front picture, all three menu items are sent for additions. You can add yours here - on important records, albums, discussions, etc., up to 7 pieces (not a big addition). But you can only ask for resources in the middle of the social media, the Crimean wiki-sides.

To edit the menu, click on "Nalashtuvati" in the upper right corner of the widget:

To add a menu item, press "New Channel".

At the end, select the lining (minimum size - 376x256 px), enter the name of the menu item (it is important to include 20 characters with spaces), add strength and press "Save".

If you want to attach the program from the menu, remember either the title or the backing, press "Change" next to the appropriate item. The same ones can work with other messages, as they were added manually and require correction.

At the exit, it’s guilty to go out to the eye of someone:

Group menu open

For example, I call the menu such a menu, for which you can see at a glance, from such points it is folded. So the picture-announcement of the wiki-post will be duplicated again. In such a rank, koristuvachs will immediately dance those who check them in the middle. I'll show you an example.

The axis looks like a fixed post in the header of the Flatro side:

Close group menu

Close the menu - the same wiki post, like in the front paragraph, only on the announcement of the warto picture, on the same menu item is not shown. Call on it to write: “Menu”, “Navigation menu” or “Navigation for public materials”.

And the axis scho mi bachimo, if we click on it:

Before speech, varto means that there are far from the only options. In fact, on this picture you can write everything that suits you. Golovna, schob koristuvachevi wanted to click on them, and vіn rozumіv, yogo next check. butt:

Angry group menu

Angry the menu - if the picture on the announcement of your menu is folded with an avatar of one image. Trochs below, I'll tell you in detail, how to create such a menu, but for now, just marvel at how beautifully you look.

Do you want to beautifully design your profile on VKontakte, but there are no necessary skills? Replace the design in our company. We prepare for you an avatar, lining, templates for headings, menus and product previews.

GIF and avatar to one image

And the axis of this variant of the design of the cap is less diyno strongly zahopiv. The gif is automatically programmed and angry with the avatar into a single composition and attracts the respect of the coristuvachi, to cast it on those who don’t care about any information.

By the way, I made this butt in the group of SMM marketer Sergiy Shmakov. So, for the knowledge, I’m talking to you for the sake of it :)


The attached menu is available only for groups (there is no such functionality on the sides). To do some yoga, you need to click on the voucher for the message. The advantage of this way of designing is that koristuvachs can see the basic information of the population, and if they want to speed up the menu, it’s enough for them to do it with just one click. However, there is a small minus here - not all coristuvachs know about the basis of this function, so your menu can take less respect, but it will be fixed on the cob of the side.

Automatically play video

In the end of the leaf fall of 2015, the fate in the social network of "VKontakte" appeared to be a novelty - just like a koristuvach to go to your side, video, attached to the header, start automatically. For the help of someone else, you can get even more respect for the koristuvachiv (especially quiet, who is the first to go to your side), and with it, don’t play quiet, who doesn’t like it, if you are forced to use your content, even if the video is played without sound and it’s practical don't care.

How to add such a video to the header of your side?

For whom the vikonati needs three minds:

  • Attach the video before recording and close the recording in full.
  • Cream of the video, before recording, nothing more is not guilty, but it is attached. Only videos and text for the bajans.
  • The video may be captured by VKontakte - third-party players are not supported.

Record, how to take a lot of repost

Another way to productively highlight the space in the header of your page is to close one of your most important posts in it - the one that you have already typed and continues to gain a large number of likes and sharing. It’s important, I think, that everyone understood - the more reposts, the more hoaryness, the more subscriptions we take away.

Announcement of new clips, albums, visits

Presentation of new products / services

Discounts and promotions

Casey, customer feedback

Addendum advertisement


Rules of sleep

Consent for other social services

I didn’t go over all the options for the design of the hat. In fact, on the obkladinci and in a pinned post you can spread out whether there is information: vacancies, omissions, promotions on the best selling goods, etc. Turn on your imagination and win the design of your bedroom to achieve your goals.

Yakim is guilty buti avatar

An avatar is not only a front of an image with your company logo, but a working tool of a marketer, for the help of which wines achieve their goals. Let's take a look at the details, what a wine is guilty of buti, in order to turn the respect of the coristuvachiv and sponkati їх to the victoriousness of the king's mission. Let's start with miniatures.

Avatar thumbnail

  1. The text on the thumbnail of the avatar is to be done by the great, so that it can be read.

  2. The text is not guilty of going beyond the miniatures.

  3. Koristuvachs can understand what is shown on the profile picture.

  4. If possible, it’s better not to highlight the stock images, because stinks often reduce trust to the company.

  5. It’s unbelievable that the thumbnail of the avatar was too faded and boring, otherwise it will be ruined by the aphids of the bigger and brighter avatars of competitors.
  6. If you want your avatar to look modern, create it in the style of minimalism: less text, shadows, gradients and do not carry any semantic elements. Your avatar is to be as simple and accurate as possible. Tsey style is now in trend.

  7. How do you stand in front of you to turn the respect of the coristuvachiv and see them on the faces of other avatars in the line, to turn on the fantasy. Think about what you yourself are giving respect to, if you are joking about drunkenness? The axis of me, for example, is already screwing up avatars with a scorching fire, which sounds like an indication of those who have received a new message. It’s an old trick, but I don’t feel like I’m pouring in on me - if I’m running into a similar fire, I’m obov’yazkovo oblivious to the new look.

I do not insist on what I will take with you and on your side. Thought, as I want to convey, I believe in what can be seen even more and more richly, it’s just necessary to ask yourself these nutrition and show a little creativity. Axis, for example, another cicava idea, to which I myself would hardly have thought of:

The avatar imagines a black colo: great and small. It would have been better, why did you have to start? But if you have a list of spilnots, such avatars will rivet respect for yourself, for those who stink strongly in the face of others.

This information can be placed on the thumbnail of the avatar

Irrespective of those that the thumbnail of the avatar may be a little bigger, you can (and it is necessary) win for entrapment of pre-payers in your partnership. How tse robiti? Let's take a look at the deck of options:

Announcement of a new product / service / subscription

Company / service / party benefits

Company phone number

weekly prices

Free Shipping

To the point, more often than not, information about those that the company offers cost-free delivery, add to the very name of the group, so that the coristuvachi just turned to the new respect.




Is the avatar himself guilty of Yakim?

I looked at what kind of miniature avatar can be and what text can be placed on it. And now let's move on to the avatar itself. The new version of the avatar will be displayed only in that version, in which the \u200b\u200b lining is not inserted. Itself for such vipadkіv I wrote tsey rasdіl. Later, the avatar of your spivtovaristva is to blame, so that the coristuvachs realized that your company went to the meeting in a professional and professional way.

  1. Avatar is guilty buti yakіsnim. About those, how to get it, I wrote a lot more. For those who have missed a part, I will say briefly - the expansion of the avatar is to blame but 2-3 times more than what you planned.
  2. Bazhano, so that the avatar goes up from the menu: it’s the same color scheme, the fonts themselves, the elements, etc. Zavdyaky, the hat of your side will look more neat and professional. butt:

  3. The avatar itself and the thumbnail of the avatar can be different. For example, you can paint on the avatar of the colo, decorate it the way you like it, choose the area as a miniature, and the other part of the avatar of the viconati in a different style.

  4. Another option is to split the avatar into two parts. One is for the miniature, and the other is for the avatar's reshti.

  5. In order to spontaneously subscribe to your side, or write a note to a representative of the company, you can place at the very bottom of the avatar a double click to the right and accompany it to the button with an arrow.

  6. Do not place too much information on the avatar, otherwise you will look over-tight and neohaine. Add only the most important points to the new one and change the obov'yazkovo, so between them there is a “repair”.

What information can be placed on the avatar?

In fact, on the avatar you can place everything that is necessary. On the vіdmіnu vіd minіaturi, here it's really de rozgulyatsya. Golovne, don't piss off tsim :)

website domain

Phone / addresses / office hours

Contests / promotions

Buy your own products / novelties

delivery information

Advertising of a mobile supplement

Golovnі perevagi kompanії / storіnki / product і etc.

Assortment renewal / new creativity, etc.

Information about those that your partnership is official

Information about future visits

Addresses of accounts in other social networks

Side description extensions


Vzagali, on the avatars you can place absolutely be-like information. I brought only a few ideas, so that you could marvel at what to shy away, and choke on their rifle butts. Well, keep in mind the main recommendations: the avatar is to be blamed, the font is great, and there are more elements between them.

How to create angry avatar and menu

In order to create an avatar and menu, you need the Adobe Photoshop program or its analogue. I will explain the whole process on the butt of "Photoshop". Father, let's go.

  1. Download the template for Photoshop, which I specially prepared for this article. In larger obsyagi (menu - 510 pixels wide, avatar - 200) or larger (menu - 1020 pixels wide, avatar - 400).
  2. Open the image, as you want to take in the basics.
  3. Copy it, paste it into the template and expand it the way you want to cut it.

  1. Add effects, text, graphics, etc.

  1. If you don’t want a part of the image to be used up (in that clearing, which becomes 50 pixels), move it to the right as shown in the forward DIFKU:

  1. Select the "Nesting" tool and click on the "Fragments along lines" button.

  1. View the incoming fragments (right click of the mouse - “View Fragment”) and edit it directly (right click of the mouse - click in an empty space - take the area and expand it to the required size).

  1. Go to the "File" section and select the "Save for Web" command.

  1. Go to the place where you saved the pictures (working style or as a specific directory), and find the folder there under the name “Images”. Your own images will be there. Now only pour them on the side.

P.S. The height of the avatar can be changed according to your needs. I took the maximum size - 500 pixels, but your value can be less. For example, like on the side of "Wiki-rozmіtka":

How to win the widgets

Vіdzheti є є partly issued spilnoti VK. For the help of them, you can koristuvach: fill out an application, sign up for your ticket, take part in a contest, read and leave reviews, open a search for help, take a gift, a coupon for a reduction, etc.

An example of how widgets look on the side of VKontakte:

class \u003d "incut"\u003e

How to make an image before posting

If you are engaged in web design or if you have an artistic taste and a sense of beauty, then you will not find it difficult to come up with a corporate identity for your images. However, in my opinion, there will be fewer such people in my article (I, to the point of speech, I can’t lie to them). So let's take a closer look at how to fight, priming on the butts of successful companies.

To the point, to show respect, may all the VKontakte companies brand their images, i.e., add a small logo to the address of their page or a watermark. It promotes brand recognition and protects your image from being copied. Chi varto tse robiti, skin virishui himself. One thing I would like to do: if you still want to be busy, try to do it in such a way that your logo is not overly scribbled and does not take too much space, otherwise the whole emphasis is on the new, and the image is wasted.

Where do you get a good picture?

We have a good article on this topic in our blog - "". The stench is all bezkoshtovnі, ale yakіs - vymagayut registration. If you don’t pick up anything suitable for yourself, try searching for the keyword + trellis (or, like English, wallpaper). Call for such a request to appear like images. But here we need to respect and reconsider the type of license, otherwise, as you have a serious business, you can run into unacceptability.

And what about the team, who can’t work in Photoshop?

If you have never worked in Photoshop (or be there any other graphic editors) and until you are ready to see an hour for your mastery, you can use services, in which you already have prepared image templates for various social media:


After that, in the left part of the screen, we choose a template to call us. To give respect, only those templates are given without cost, for which there is no badge in the sight of a diamond.

Paste it into the template, click on it with the left mouse button, select the Layer command (sandwich icon) and click on Move to bottom. In this way, our picture will go in the background, and all the writing will be superimposed on top of it.

If we change the text, font, font size, lettering, etc.

Then emboss on the floppy disk icon, select a name, image format, and emboss on the Sign in to download button.

How to sprout with a vіkі-rozmіtkoy

Well, the axis of mi and went to the most famous and one-hour folding division. Possibly, among readers there are people who don’t know what a viki-rozmіtka is, and in the future they can smell this term. Therefore, especially for you, I will give a sign, as I give the “Contact” itself.

Vikі-razmіka - mova vyzmіka, which is used for the design of the text on websites (as a rule, it belongs to the class of wiki-projects) and allows easy access to the possibilities of moving HTML. On our site, the wiki side is a good alternative to great posts and text navigation. If you need to create a great article with different formatting of the text (bold font, subtitles, headings, etc.), or add a schedule to it, or just create a barista navigation menu on your list - wiki is irreplaceable.

Just like Wordpress (or be it some other CMS) has an HTML editor, for the help of which you create articles, so does Contact have its own editor for creating and editing wiki pages. Looking at the axis like this:

For the help of this editor, navigation menus are created, as well as articles with pictures, videos and audio recordings. Trochs below I will sort it out in a report, as a pratsyuvati in this editor, and on the back, I ask you to bookmark yourself two messages. The stench will help you at the vіkі-rozmіtki.

The successful design of the Vkontakte group can be not only beautiful, but also functional and handy. Take the design to meet your marketing tasks, so that the group will gain a platform and buy the audience to the brand and get rid of it forever.

5 steps, how to create a group in Contact


Lining of sleep today is an important tool for designing a group in Kontaktі brand and її prosuvannya. You can take advantage of it in the "Sports management" section by going to the "Nalashtuvannya" tab. The high-class horizontal image in the hat itself plays the role of the main promo-banner of the company in the social media. Vaughn sets the mood, informs, promotes the image, calls to the goals, sells at once.

1. Vickory illustrations of high quality

The facing of the VKontakte spilnoti is guilty of a size of 1590x400 pixels, but it’s better to capture the photo 2-3 times larger in the .png format. So let go of the non-acidic fermentation.

2. Adapt the image according to the different extensions

Keep in mind that the images can be displayed differently from different outbuildings - they will be displayed on the mobile edge, so it’s better to place all the most important information closer to the center.

3. Add a slogan and USP

Let your philosophy as well as the client's feelings be cleared from the first screen.

4. Transfer the product / service, the process or the result of this search

So the potential substitute will immediately know what you are specializing in and will be getting into the product.

5. Encourage clients to contact you immediately

Write on the banner phone number, e-mail, as well as other contacts of the company. As for your business, territorial distribution is important, for example, you seem to be in the area of ​​​​communal eating or horeca, we will not fill in the addresses either.

6. Announcements

Are you promoting concerts, checking out a new collection or a product, holding a festival / conference / client day? Tell about it to everyone who comes to sleep.

7. Present promotions and discounts

How can you not tell the audience on the main Maidan, what can you do at the same time, you can make a deal with you 2 times cheaper? Golovna, do not forget to remember the illustration after the completion of the term di proposition.

8. Spread the word to your health

When zavantazhennі lining spilnoti in the right lower kutka horizontally two buttons are placed - Write a note and join the group. Point an arrow at them, to dodatkovo to turn the respect of the audience. So, as on the banner of the indications of the goods - you can ask for a quote in a moment in the reminder. And as for the new digest of the rest of the news - subscribe, so that you always receive fresh information.

Upload an avatar and choose a thumbnail

Okremі brandy is still not taken on the back cover, vvazhayuchi for the better old look of the first screen of the group, zastosovuchichi in the capacity of the so-called "hat" after the avatar from the sealed record. If so, one picture is the continuation of another. It is most effective when you look at it, if the photo ends on one level with the avatar.

If the maximum size of the avatar is set to 200x500 pixels, the size of the picture in the pinned record must be set to a size of 510x308 pixels. Vіdmіnniy zaluchaє priyom - zakrіplennya captured through the player social media video, as if stylistically continuing the avatar.

Well, you will zastosovuєte in the likeness of a hat - a lining, the avatar will always be displayed at the sight of a miniature.

Rules for the design of the VK miniature of the avatar of the profile

A miniature is a small round image, as if framed from a great avatar, and it appears in search of groups, in the list of skin koristuvach and evil under the lining, as such. The axis of the kіlka is pleased with the її design.

1. The miniature is guilty, but it made the audience understand

Do not varto rozmіschuvati shmatok marvelous іlustrаtsії. Vіzualіzuyut those that will be associated with the brand for the purpose of the target audience, for example, a logo, an icon for a product / service, or maybe a head marketing character for the brand.

2. Let only a few of your photographs in the air

It’s better to take the source code 2-3 times more and more in the case of the necessary expansion, so you can forget about the terrible pixelated “squares” that put you in the wrong light.

3. Expand your own illustrations

Standard stock images will look cheap and unprofessional, while those of curmudgeons will become synonymous with distrust of the brand. Create unique little ones in a single concept and colors, according to the design.

4. Contrasting to the background of the side of the picture - those that are needed

With the design of the VC miniatures, it is so memorable, the "kruglyashok" is seen in the rows of the middle groups and does not stand out from the background of the side.

5. Retrieve contacts or UTP of the company

Zalezhno vіd meti, delivered for the miniature, put on it a contact phone number or website address, information about cost-free delivery, quote \u200b\u200b for the lowest price in the segment or share.

6. Make the text great and readable

It’s better not to block fonts with notches, or italics - stink too much to “make noise” when looking at PC screens, mobile devices and smartphones, littering the view. Excuse me, the text did not go beyond the inter-frame miniatures. Allow me to correctly and effectively convey the message to the koristuvach.

7. Set up non-standard forms

For example, in a round pattern, write a bagatokutnik or another geometric figure on a white aphid. Create the effect of an unread notification or a graphical icon "in a row".

Expand menu

The menu is an important element of the design of the group in Contact, which makes it easier to navigate through the groups - people will better know the information they need. The leather element and the side are created on a special mobile programming - Wiki-markings. For help, you can work the image layout and make up the handy side in the middle of the social media as if it were the side of the site.

You can twist as a menu of a closed type, as well as a closed one. At the first one, the coristuvach immediately succumbed to it, so that he could enter the new one, and at the other, he was given a preview picture with the inscription "Menu". The menu can also visually become a continuation of the avatar, in that case, as you can see the old version of the design of the bedroom.

Explore the showcase of goods

Replacing the goods in the windows of the bedroom, remember that the first objects are always visible to the coristuvachi. Place in them the most popular and the most impressive, capturing the presentation of images in a single style. Publish here the same icons or photos of the products themselves. Services can be included in the products. At the design, show the process of providing services or the result. The expansion of such pictures will be square - 400x400 pixels.

designing posts

1. Tweak the available image sizes to the fullest

The maximum image width in lines is 510 pixels. The most effective looking square images are 510x510 pixels and rectilinear - 510x300 pixels.

2. Explore an individual post style

To make the posts look individual, come up with a single style, font and color scheme.

3. Place short text on the image

For example, you can subdivide the image into 2 parts - textual and graphic, or write text, darkening the background. So that the text can be seen without a darkened body, write it on the lining (a contrasting graphic block of a uniform color) or add a shadow before writing. The photos look good with the frame.

4. Create a copy of templates for various purposes

For example, for quotes, add one template for the presentation of visual information, for the announcement of materials from the site - another, and for contests - a third.

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