Autocad's support corner. The tool is rotated to rotate the objects. How to turn in AutoCAD to the singing corner

Editing commands in a two-world space, such as the commands for moving MOVE, copying COPY, rotating ROTATE, mirroring MIRROR and multiplying with an ARRAY array, can be modified in a three-world space. In addition, there are editing commands that set only in tridimensional space, and also: commands for rotation, creating an array of objects, mirroring, chamfering, rounding.

Commands for editing three-dimensional objects are launched from the Modify > 3D Operations menu or from the floating Modeling toolbar (small 17.1).

Rice. 17.1. Tools for editing tridimensional objects

Team 3DMOVEmoves The objects are set to stand in a given direction, displaying the movement handle tool in a trivial view. Click the command from the menu Modify > 3D Operations > 3D Move or click on the 3D Move icon on the Modeling toolbar.

Enter the 3DMOVE command:

For rescheduling

Specify base point or : – indicate the base point

Specify second point or : – show a friend a point or indicate to displaced people a point

The move handle tool is displayed at the base point setting. To align the handle with the handle along the axes, you need to press the handle of the axle.

Rotate on axis

In two-dimensional space, the ROTATE command rotates an object around a specified point; at any direction, the rotation is indicated by the in-line UCS. During the hour of operation in trivial space, the object rotates on its axis. Everything can be represented by the insertion of two points, an object, one of the coordinate axes ( X, Y or else Z) or I’ll look directly at the flow. To rotate trivial objects, you can use both the ROTATE command and its trivial analogue.

Team 3DROTATEwraps objects near the base point, in which the rotation handle is displayed in a trivial view. Click the command from the menu Modify > 3D Operations > 3D Rotate or click on the 3D Rotate icon on the Modeling toolbar.

Issue the command 3DROTATE:

Current positive angle in UCS: ANGDIR=counterclockwise ANGBASE=0 – exact installation details for the UCS cutoffs

Select objects: – select objects to rotate

Specify base point: – specify the base point

Pick a rotation axis: – select the entire rotation

Specify angle start point: – specify the point at the first intersection of the corner

Specify angle end point: – specify a point on another intersection

Team ROTATE3D is in progress turn objects in a trivial space around a given axis.

Issue the ROTATE3D command:

Current positive angle: ANGDIR=counterclockwise ANGBASE=0 – exact settings for cutouts

Select objects: – select objects

Select objects: – press the Enter key to complete the selection of objects

Determine the first axis point

Specify second point on axis: – tell a friend the axis point

Specify rotation angle or : – indicate the angle of rotation

ROTATE3D command keys:

Object – rotation around the selected object. Such objects can be a section, a circle, an arc, or a segment of a two-dimensional polyline;

Last – turn around the axis selected by the forward turn command;

View – rotation about an axis aligned directly to the flow viewport and through a given point;

Xaxis, Yaxis, Zaxis – rotation about an axis aligned with the same axis X, Y or else Z to pass through a given point;

2point - rotation around the axis to pass through two specified points.

Training system

Move Rot1 to the right at section 5.

Virination of objects

Team ALIGN is in progress Virus objects in addition to other objects in two-dimensional and tri-dimensional space. Click the command from the menu Modify > 3D Operations > Align.

Issue the ALIGN command:

Select objects: – select objects

Select objects: – press the Enter key to complete the selection of objects

Specify first source point: – indicate the first source point

Specify second source point: – tell a friend the exit point

Specify second destination point: – tell a friend the destination point

Specify third source point or : – enter the third exit point or continue

When specifying only one pair of output and target points, the selected object will move on the surface or in space to the position specified by the dots.

When two pairs of output and destination points are specified, the selected object can be moved, rotated, and scaled in area or space. The first pair of dots indicates the base point of rotation, the other pair of dots indicates the turn point. After entering another dot pair, a prompt about scaling the object is displayed. As a reference point for scaling, take the position between the first and the other target points. Scaling is no longer available if you add two pairs of points.

By specifying three pairs of output and destination points, the selected objects can be moved or rotated. The first object moves along the vector drawn from the output point to the target point, then the output object rotates to align with the target object. The output object then rotates once more to align with the target object.

Team 3DALIGN is in progress Virus objects than other objects in a trivial space. Click the command from the menu Modify > 3D Operations > 3D Align or click on the 3D Align icon on the Modeling toolbar.

Enter the 3DALIGN command:

Select objects: – select objects

Select objects: – press the Enter key to complete the selection of objects

Specify source plane and orientation… – exit plane and orientation

Specify base point or : – specify base point or copy

Specify second point or : – tell a friend a point or continue living

Specify third point or : – insert the third point or continue

Specify destination plane and orientation… – target plane and orientation

Specify first destination point: – indicate the first destination point

Specify second destination or : – tell a friend the target point

Specify third destination point or : – enter the third target point

For the output object you can specify one, two or three points. Then you can enter one, two or three points for recognition. The selected object is moved and rotated so that the base points and axes are avoided Xі Y the output object is intended to appear in the trivial space. The 3DALIGN command works with a dynamic UCS, so you can dynamically drag and align selected objects to the edge of a solid object.

Mirror-like image to the surface

Team MIRROR3D what's going on mirror image objects with a given area, click the menu Modify > 3D Operations > 3D Mirror.

Issue the MIRROR3D command:

Select objects: – select objects

Select objects: – press the Enter key to complete the selection of objects

Specify first point of mirror plane (3 points) or<3points>: – indicate the first point of the plane of the image

Specify second point on mirror plane: – indicate to a friend the point of the mirror plane

Specify third point on mirror plane: – specify the third point of the mirror plane

Delete source objects? : – how to select output objects

MIRROR3D command keys:

Object – display of a selected flat object: section, column, arc or segment of a two-dimensional polyline;

Last – the image is equal to the area that is determined by the front image team;

Zaxis – image of a plane defined by two points, one of which lies on the plane, the other is the normal vector to the plane;

View – the display area is oriented in line with the viewing area of ​​the streaming viewport that passes through the designated point;

XY, YZ, ZX – the image area is oriented along the same lines as the standard planes ( XY, YZ or else ZX), to pass through the designated point;

3points – display of the surface area through three specified points.

The image area can be:

Area of ​​a two-dimensional object;

A plane parallel to one of the coordinate planes ( XY, YZ or else XZ) flow UCS and pass through a given point;

The area that is indicated by the three points indicated.

Training system

Click to the right Mir1 from section 5.

Reproduction by a trivial massif

Team 3DARRAY allows you to create straight and circular masivi objects in a trivial space. In addition to a similar command, set up in a two-dimensional model, from a created straight-line array of objects, in addition to a number of columns and rows, it is asked (set directly axes Z) there are a number of equal parts, and when creating a circular array, instead of the center of the wrapper, the entire wrapper is drawn, the cob and end points of each trace are marked in the output on the record. The 3DARRAY command is available from the Modify > 3D Operations > 3D Array menu.

Enter the command 3DARRAY:

Select objects: – select objects

Select objects: – press the Enter key to complete the selection of objects

: – specify array type

Enter the number of rows (–)<1>: – indicate the number of rows

Enter the number of columns (|||)<1>: – indicate the number of people

Enter the number of levels (…)<1>: – indicate the number of regions

Specify the distance between rows (–): – indicate stand between the rows

Specify the distance between columns (|||): – indicate the distance between columns

Specify the distance between levels (…): – indicate the distance between levels

To form a circular array, select the Polar key. In this case the command looks like this:

Select objects: – select objects

Select objects: – press the Enter key to complete the selection of objects

Enter the type of array : R – vibrati circular type of massif

Enter the number of items in the array: – indicate the number of elements in the array

Specify angle to fi ll (+=ccw, -=cw)<360>: – indicate the place where the reserve is located

Rotate arrayed objects? : – indicate and rotate the objects in the array

Specify center point of array: – specify the central point of the array

Specify second point on axis of rotation: – indicate to a friend the point of the axis of rotation

Cropping and trimming of trivial objects

Any tridimensional object can be cut off or extended to another object regardless of whether it lies in the same plane or parallel to any edges: cutting or border.

For this operation to be successful, the objects must move over the boundary edges of the space, otherwise as a result of trimming (cutting) from the projection onto the plane XY Flow UCS of new boundaries between objects may not correspond to the designated edges of the space.

When you call the TRIM and EXTEND commands, the first of which selects the cropped part of the object along a given cordon, and the other extends to the cordon in a trivial space, the Project key is selected, which means the cutting/twisting mode.

Receipt of trivial objects

In AutoCAD, you can get any objects that are drawn in the same plane and are drawn directly, not parallel to the axes Z in-line PSK.

Directly pressing a successful trivial arc is indicated by the upcoming order:

If the objects are drawn in the same plane and are drawn in the same direction, the bend is perpendicular to it, the arc, which happens to lie in the same plane and is drawn in the same direction;

If the objects are expanded in the same plane, but the beds swell or the pressure is applied differently, the arc, as a result, grows in the same plane. Directly: press perpendicularly to the surface of the objects; From two perpendiculars, choose the one closest to the axis Z in-line PSK.

It is acceptable, for example, that in one plane of trivial space there are two arcs - A and B. The vectors of direct compression of the arcs of the bed are: (0, 0.5, 0.8) and (0, -0.5, -0.8) using the flow UCS. Then, for a successful arc, the direct type (0, 0.5, 0.8) will be adopted.

Pobudova pereriziv

Team SECTION works according to the transverse recut The body is visible in the area and in the unnamed block. The transverse cut is the cross section of the surface of the formed body (Fig. 17.2).

Rice. 17.2. Pobudova pererizu

Ask the SECTION team:

Select objects: – select objects

Select objects: – press the Enter key to complete the selection of objects

Specify first point on Section plane by<3points>: – indicate the first point on the sichny plane or one of the keys

Specify third point on plane: – specify the third point on the plane

SECTION command keys:

Object – alignment of the grid plane with a segment of a stake, ellipse, circular or elliptic arc, two-dimensional spline or two-dimensional polyline;

Zaxis – the measurement of the sown area for two additional points of the area, one of which is moved on the axis Z;

View – draw the plot plane parallel to the plot plane on the flow view screen. The growth of the sown area is indicated by the designated point;

XY – grading of juicy area with area XY in-line PSK;

YZ – alignment of this plane parallel to the plane YZ in-line PSK;

ZX – alignment of this plane parallel to the plane ZX in-line PSK;

3points – the location of the square behind three points.

Behind the lining, the surface area is determined by the way of inserting three dots. With other methods, it is determined by the surface area of ​​another object, the flow area, the whole Z or one of the coordinate planes ( XY, YZ or else XZ). AutoCAD places the cutting plane on the flow ball.

A cross section is an area of ​​either unnamed block that is formed on a flow ball, and not on a ball containing a body, the cross section of which is created.

Trimming the cuts

Team SLICE This is happening with the new body on the way cut up be any clear body with a flat surface (Fig. 17.3). The command is clicked from the menu Modify > 3D Operations > Slice.

Rice. 17.3. Cut molding

Enter the SLICE command:

Select objects to slice: – select objects

Select objects to slice: – press the Enter key to complete the selection of objects

Specify start point of slicing plane or<3points>: – indicate the first point on the surface area

Specify second point on plane: – indicate to a friend a point on the plane

Specify a point on desired side or : – indicate a point on the required side of the plane

You can remove the parts from the baby or remove one of them. The cut bodies are compressed into a ball and the color of the output body, as well as new storage bodies. When cutting three parts, the cutting surface is specified with speckles, and then it is indicated which part (or offence) can be saved. With other methods, the cutting surface can be determined by another object, the surface area of ​​the entire Z or one of the coordinate planes ( XY, YZ or else XZ).

SLICE command keys:

Object – sets the area of ​​a selected flat object: slice, column, arc, ellipse, elliptic arc, two-dimensional spline or two-dimensional polyline segment;

Zaxis – place the plane with two points, one of which lies on it, and the other indicates the normal vector to the plane;

View - sets the area aligned with the area of ​​the flow viewport and passes through the specified point;

XY, YZ, ZX – set the thickness, leveled according to the thickness XY, YZ or else ZXі pass through a given point;

3points - indicates the area that passes through three given points;

Keep Both Sides – removes the offending parts of the body that are being cut.

Training system

Move Sli1 to the right at section 5.

Transformation onto the body

Team CONVTOSOLID transforms polylines and lines on tridimensional bodies, for which the height is specified. The command is clicked from the menu Modify > 3D Operations > Convert to Solid.

With a trivial body, you can transform the following objects:

Polylines with an even width that vary in height;

Closed polylines with zero width that vary in height;

Cola, why is it hanging high?

Transformation to the surface

Team CONVTOSURFACE transforms objects on the surface. The command is clicked from the menu Modify > 3D Operations > Convert to Sufrace.

At the surface you can transform the following objects:

Two-world figures;


Open polylines with zero width that vary in height;

Drills that raise the heights;

Arcs that loom in height;

Flat trivial faces.

To rotate any object (graphic element, text, table, etc.) in AutoCAD, you just need to quickly use the “Rotate” editing command.

Rotation in AutoCAD follows a given algorithm(so as not to forget this, just be sure to include the information in the command line):

1. Select "Rotate".

2. Select the object that needs to be rotated.

3. Set the base point (the point at which the turn will be drawn). As soon as you change the base point, the final result will change with the same actions and parameters.

4. Indicate the rotation path or select one of the sub-options (copy or reference cut).

How to learn, how to rotate an object in AutoCAD is easy to follow. However, let's take a closer look at the nuances that come into play if we want to give AutoCAD a sharp turn.

How to turn in AutoCAD to the singing corner

It has been looked at that at the hour of the end of the “Turn” command it is necessary to set the cut. You can earn money graphically, then. korustyuschiesya bindings and lines of fastening in the middle of the work area. You can also enter more precise values ​​from the keyboard.

If the initial rotation of the instructions is incorrect, you can go up to the AutoCAD suboption “Support Cut” (the rotation does not require skating!). Tse allow us to show a new cut of what is already obvious. Cut range 0-360 0 .

There is a very simple way to create a rotation in AutoCAD from the different handles of an object. This method is discussed in the article “How to transfer seats in AutoCAD”. This material is demonstrated in the video course

You can rotate an object (geometric element, text, image, block) in AutoCAD in two ways, using the additional command or “Handle”.

Rotate objects using additional commands TURN (_ROTATE) is written like this:

1. Run the command by pressing the main button on the editing toolbar, enter in the command line TURN (_ROTATE) or select from the top menu Redaguvati → Rotate.

2. Select the object or objects that need to be rotated. This command supports first selection, since the objects have been selected before running the command TURN, this point can be skipped.

4. Enter the value of the rotation in the command line and press Enter, or point with the cursor on the screen, finishing with a click of the left mouse button. The command has the options “Copy” and “Support Cut”. When you select "Copy", the base element will be lost and its copy will be changed. The “Reference cut” option allows you to alternatively indicate the amount of rotation on the screen, turning the end and end straight lines.

Wrapping objects behind additional handles

1. Go to the objects or objects that need to be rotated.

2. Press on the marker (pen). This marker will be the center of rotation of the objects.

3. Press the "Rotate" button by pressing the right key.

4. Similar to the previous method, enter the rotation value, or click the right key.

In AutoCAD, the positive value of kut is taken to be the turn behind the year arrow, and the negative value is taken against it.

Important. These methods allow you to wrap objects around the center. In this situation, you need to turn the neutral objects around their power centers, so that the stinks are lost in their places, it is reported

In this case, we need to open up a rectangular object, which represents the contour of the facade of the small cabinet on the chair at 90° opposite the anniversary arrow. For this purpose we have a chance to quickly use the Rotate tool, which is new to you.

Porada. In AutoCAD, turning directly against the year arrow is considered positive, and turning behind the year arrow is negative. If you are not in control of accepting clothes directly from the destination, you can change this using the dialog box Vibir directly, which opens after clicking on the button Directly dialog box One chair(Div. Fig. 3.3).

1. Launch the tool Rotate, pressing the button Rotate toolbars Change or by selecting the command from the menu Change » Rotate or by entering the command in the command window Rotate or just pov. AutoCAD prompts you to select objects that support rotation. Click on one of the linear facades of the small cabinet and press Enter to complete the selection.

Note. By clicking on one of the rectcutaneous lines, you will immediately understand that there are different types of rectucutaneous creatures created with adjacent lines - in this version all lines will be visible at once object, regardless of which line you press on. Straightforward, created for additional commands Strawberry, It consists of four segments, a so-called polyline, which combines all segments into one object. In the report with polylines, you will learn about the material in Chapter 10, which is devoted to writing on chairs.

2. AutoCAD prompts you to select the base point in the command window where you want to perform the rotation. Click on the button Kontochka toolbars Object binding.

3. Move the pot to the upper left corner of the outline of the façade (the point at which the outline of the small cabinet touches). Since AutoCAD recognizes this point as the end point, click the left mouse button to save its coordinates as the base point for the rotation. First go to the next step, go to the indicator button ORTHO The row will be in the right position (if this is not the case, click on it to turn on the orthogonal chair mode). This mode, which ensures the position of the chair horizontally and vertically, is useful in many situations, but in this situation it is only important to us. Reporting orthogonal mode of descriptions in section 5.

4. Move the marker away from the base point - with the movement of the marker, the contour of the facade will rotate (small 4.46). The command line has a request to appear Cut to turn or [Copy/Reference cut]:, which suggests installing a corner.

Rice. 4.46 Another straight cutter wraps around the base point

5. Enter 90. The straight cutter will be rotated 90°, as a result of which our “door” of the small cabinet will move to the “closed” position, as in Fig. 4.3, and Vikonannya command Rotate will end automatically.

Now we are about to open the door to the old creation of rectocutanes and learn about another new tool used for creating arcs.