No data for the front view of windows 10

One of the widest problems of Windows 10 cores is that image thumbnails (photos and pictures) are not displayed, as well as videos in the folders of the explorer, otherwise black squares are displayed instead of them.

In these instructions - ways to fix the problem and turn the display of thumbnails (eskіzіv) for a forward review in the Windows 10 Explorer, replace the file icons or the black squares themselves.

Any way you can help, as a substitute for miniatures in the explorer, black squares began to appear, or rather, not typical. Here you can try a little bit to see the cache of escapes, so that Windows 10 created yoga anew.

To clear the sketches, follow the steps below:

If so, you can believe that the miniatures began to appear (the stench will be created anew).

Additional ways to enable thumbnails

There are two more ways to enable thumbnail display in the explorer - for the help of the registry editor and the local group policy editor of Windows 10. In fact, there is only one way, only a few different implementations.

To include miniatures in the registry editor, click on the step:

  1. Open registry editor: Win + R and enter regedit
  2. Go to the distribution (folders livoruch) HKEY_CURRENT_USER\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\Policies\Explorer
  3. Yakshcho in the right part of you keep the meaning of the names DisableThumbnails, Click on a new digit and set the value to 0 (zero) to enable the display of icons.
  4. If there is no such value, you can create it (right-click in an empty right-handed area - create - DWORD32, type for x64 systems) and set 0 for the new value.
  5. Repeat cuts 2-4 for the division HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\Policies\Explorer

Close the registry editor. The changes are due to take effect immediately after the change, but if nothing else happened - try restarting explorer.exe or restarting the computer.

The same with the help of the local group policy editor (only available in Windows 10 Pro and beyond):

If the first image is viewed in front of the conductor, it will be shown.

Well, if not one of the descriptions of the options is not correct, otherwise the problem with the icons is similar to the description - ask the food, I will try to help.

You know for sure that in the File Explorer of the new Windows 10 operating system you can turn on the forward lookup. This installed system function allows you to quickly look through the file, without the need to launch a separate program. Runs out of the Alt + P keys on the keyboard. Revision of text documents, etc. is encouraged, after their choice in the area of ​​the forward revision. This functional feature of the Explorer truly saves your hour, especially in that case, as you don’t win miniatures.

One of the main problems with the function for a shorthand is that the preview area takes up a lot of window space. If you want, as it was supposed to be, you can quickly speed up with hot keys for switching on and off. At zv'yazku z tsim, richly asked about the food, and chi є mozhlivist to quickly glance over the file, without occupying a significant part of the explorer's window.

Yes! Tse skoristatisya functionality of a small addendum under the name "QuickLook". It is officially available for customers in the Windows Store and absolutely free of charge. The main difference between them and the system function introduced is due to the fact that "QuickLook" does not add and does not show space on the panel of the forward review.


To look over a document or an image, listen to an mp3 file or play a video about it, without going into the programs, you just need to select the file and press the key on the keyboard. Vіdkriєtsya vіkno poperedny review z demonstrієyu together. To close the window, press the gap again.

As you can see on screenshots, it is also possible to open a file for help related to it by the program. With the settings behind the lock, "QuickLook" is included in the Windows 10 auto-learning. You can enable this behavior by right-clicking on its icon in the system tray.

To get started, go to the Windows Store and find out more about the search for a name. Let's hope that this information was useful to you!

P.S. Our site is designed to keep the operating system up to date and working. We encourage you to add yoga to the bookmarks of your Internet browsing and look more often. Thank you!

There is no doubt that among the most common tools in Windows 10, the file explorer (the name of Windows Explorer) is the most common. And it’s no less, richly yakі vvazhayut themselves Windows experts, znayomi z sim neimovirno rich vbudovaniy dodatkom dodatkom overhead.
The basic principles of organizing files are simple:

  • Combine files in dekіlkoh zruchnyh for access areas.
  • For a more effective search, highlight the key and description words in the file names.
  • Wikoristovuvaty in the file explorer in the same tool search.
  • Mother backup copies of files.

The reason for this is that it is better to use a file explorer, based on your knowledge of how Windows itself organizes files. Deyakі z tsih thinly shchiv neimovіrno obvious, іnshі nastіlki shovanі, scho navіt svіdchena hand can miss them.

At the file explorer, behind the lock, on the task panel, there is a button. As you can see the importance of using the keyboard, simply use the keyboard to memorize the keystrokes, the logo Windows+E.

With the help of a number of subtle tweaks, you can personalize the layout of the file explorer to suit your style.

What is the line (ribbon) at the top of the file explorer guessing its analogue in Microsoft Office, but it can be one key thing - it won't work. The only thing you can do is robiti - tse, double-clicking on the headings of the tabs, prihovat її zmіst. We’ll add a zmist to the lines, the headings predict an old-fashioned menu row, but there are more months for the region to change.

The navigation panel has been re-stashed and selected at the hub points, as if in the first place, they might grow up and down. To see more of the old style - tree view with the same hierarchy, select the item "Custom computer", then on the tab "View" go to the navigation panel and select "Show all folders".

With the “Show all folders” option, the navigation bar looks like a little one below. (Respect what's here, to make the listing more compact, showing a quick access menu.)

If you select the “Show all folders” option, only two hotspots will be displayed on the navigation panel: a quick access and a working style.

Additive element, attachment for locking, the area that is right-handed in the area is free. If you choose a fallow view on the “View” tab, in the “Panel” group of the option, you will see the front view of the flow element or details about it. The thumbnail below shows that the front view area for the high-rise building photograph is saved in JPEG format. Windows 10 has filters to look forward to more photo formats, Office documents, PDF files, and other larger document formats.

A detail panel has been displayed on the step-by-step for one file.

With the details panel displayed, you can edit the metadata for the streamed file. The buttons "save" and "cancel" appear in the lower part of the panel.

Change of Swedish revision

Sometimes you need to get a list with a list of reports about photos, and sometimes sketches of all files in the folder. Don't worry, in the future of the file explorer, for the help of small buttons in the lower right corner, you can switch between the mode of reviewing details and the mode of thumbnails. The detailed view mode is especially dark, if you want to filter instead of folders.

As it was said earlier, you cannot fix the line, but you can change the access panel (QAT) at your own expense. Behind the lock, QAT appears in the heading row, above the line. If you want to move it lower, press the right-handed arrow down in it, and then the button “Display under the line”. QAT in its new position - the options have been changed, so you can always move it back above the line.

In the same menu, there is a short list of the most frequently played commands, which can always be added to swedish access. To add a message on the page, but not in this menu, commands, click on the required command with the right mouse button and in the context menu, select the item "Add to the access panel".

I gave, one of the little secrets of QAT tuning. You can add a group of commands to the access panel. For example, go to the “View” tab, in the lower part of the “Panels” group, right-click on the required shortcut and select the “Add to the panel for visual access” command. Now, if you click on a label in QAT, you can select the front view area or the details panel.

Organization of files for additional options for secure access

The option of quick access is always displayed at the top of the navigation panel. One task - give you secure access to frequently accessed files and folders. Having fixed the distribution of the points you need, you can fix it.

The option of secure access is one of the most important extensions of the file explorer. As it was said earlier, the organization is located in different places of the files in one of the first steps on the way to the main organization. After that, as you have designated the location numbers, attach shortcuts to them in the easy access point and easily open those that you need.

In order to add the necessary disk, folder, or library to the list of secure access, click on it with the right mouse button and in the context menu select the item “Enclose for secure access”. To remove the non-essential element, click on the new one in the list of security access, right-click and select the item “Excellence for security access”.

Recently, folders appear in the bottom part of the list of bookmarks. If the title of the quick access is selected, the upper part of the panel will instead show the attachments and recent folders of the group, with recently opened files under them.

You can view the list of remaining files (and click to attach a shortcut to the access panel) by going to %AppData%\Microsoft\Windows\Recent. You can get farther away from this distribution, open the Run \ Run field and enter in the new shell: recent. You can find out about the actions to improve the security access in the dialogue window “Power of the Folder”. De, at the very top, you can say what you want, so that the new windows of the explorer were opened in a swedky access, or as a standard, like "Tsey computer".

If you need to, check the boxes for one or both of the options in the Privacy / Confidentiality section, at the bottom of the folder parameters window, so that you will be able to change the recently opened files and folders to appear in the private access. Press the “Clear” button to clear the Recent folder and remove all shortcuts (for the vinnyatka attached by you).

Wikisource of libraries and folders

The more you win the computer, the better you understand the hierarchy of folders, the way they start from disks and letters.

Ale, if you are ready to look at old sounds, then you can significantly increase your productivity with the help of the Windows 10 file explorer. far. The first thing to do is to learn how to select libraries, which is a more efficient way to select files from folders placed in different places in virtual folders, in which it is easy to shuffle and filter information.

In a "clean" installation of Windows 10, archived. If you don't want to select "libraries" on the navigation panel, go to the "View" menu and select the item "Show libraries". For inclusion in the library, basically, duplicates of documents, music, photographs and videos from the profile of the koristuvach are displayed. If you don't plan to build these libraries, or create your own, you can trim them. And yet, the vikoristanny libraries have a lot of transcendence.

Adding folders to the library

To remove access to folders in the main library, to open the visible “Management” tab (under the heading of the library tool), click on it, then select “Library management”. The thumbnail below shows the results for the Documents library with files taken from four folders - the Documents folder locked into the koristuvach's profile, two OneDrive sync folders and a corporate header folder stashed on the merged file server.

The option to expand the document library in the navigation panel shows the last entry for the skin folder in the library folder. To look through the okremy folders, you can double-check the messages. More importantly, all the folders in the library are automatically indexed, so you can search and filter in the dekilkoh dzherel, as if they would stink in one folder. In addition, all files in the library are supported by the "File History" function.

To add a folder to the main library, click on the "Manage Library" button, then on the "Add" button and then go to the folder you want to include in the library. Even simpler - right-click the mouse on the desired folder and select the command "Include in the library" in the context menu. This option displays a list of essential libraries.

Right-click on the mouse on the folder and to add it to the current library, wick the context menu, or to create a new library, wick in the lower part of the menu, the option "Create a new library".

Dear reader, no doubt, bestial respect, that the list of libraries available in the context menu, check out two of them, there are none on the navigation panel. Addendum "Photographs" for personal use, creating libraries camera and photos that can work and other addenda.

In order to create your own library, vicorist in the lower part of the menu, the option "Create a new library". Otherwise, as an alternative, click in the navigation panel on the title of the library, then right-click on the mouse on the panel instead and select the "Create" command, then select the library. Open a new library, click "Include in folder" and add the catalog you need to add a folder of folders and select the option to manage the library.

Moving folders with data to another location

You can move your home folders to the profile of the koristuvach - documents, investments, music, pictures, and so on in another place. This is especially colorful, as you win over a floor PC with two physical disks. For example, in the capacity of the system disk - a small, compact solid-state storage device (SSD), and a large hard disk with a large capacity for data files. The effect of moving the largest memory, as your collection of digital music or photos is too large for manual placement on the system disk, you should not know. The process is even simpler. Open your personal account profile (the easiest way is to enter %UserProfile% in the address bar), right-click on the folder, if you want to move it, and in the context menu, select the "Promotion" tab. Let's see the dialogue window.

Here you can write a path to the folder to be moved, or press the button "Move / Move" and indicate the order you need (to create a new folder). To change the place of stashing, press the button "Stop" or OK. If you know it, please follow the dialogue window, as shown here:

Vidpovid - So, if you don't want to, the folder (and її vmіst) was saved in your profile of the koristuvach. Repeat this process for any other moving folders in your profile. Before speech, it is normal to mix and match the months for these folders. In fact, this Tweek is a smart team, you can easily find a better place for packing for all folders.

  • In the address bar of the file explorer, by typing %UserProfile%, Enter your koristuvach profile, and press Enter.
  • If necessary, go to the detailed view.
  • Right-click the mouse on the heading of any article, then, in the lower part of the context menu, select "Dal". Vіdkryєtsya dialog vіkno vybora dete:

  • Select from the list of routes to the current one and press the OK button.

Instead of a file explorer, now I can look like an attacking little one. Here, you can see for yourself that the folders of interest and pictures have been transferred.

In addition, in the detailed review of the list, the path to the folder, you should be sure to know where the skin from the folders is known to the profile of the Koristuvach.

File Explorer can display image thumbnails and icons of files and folders in Windows 10. We can show you how to turn on or turn on forward looking thumbnails in File Explorer for all or a specific image record of a koristuvach in Windows 10.

  • Method 1. Enabled and enabled thumbnails in explorer settings
  • Method 2. Inclusion and inclusion of revision of miniatures in the improvement of visual effects
  • Method 3. Enabling and revising the thumbnails of the BAT files
  • Method 4. Enable or disable thumbnails in group policy
  • Method 5. Turn on or turn on forward thumbnails in REG files

BUTT: Forward view of thumbnails of inclusions and inclusions in the file explorer

Enable or disable thumbnail forward look in Windows 10 file explorer.

Method 1. Enable and minimize thumbnails in explorer settings.

Note: This setting adds only to your oblique record of the coristuvach, as well as another and third way.

1. Open "Explorer Options". Click the menu "File" and choose.

2. At the window, "Folder options" go to tab "View".

Note: meaning for locking.

3.1 On deposit "View" find the parameter and change the ensign and click on the button OK.

4.1 Go to tab "View", Set Ensign “Make sure to display icons, not sketches” and press "OK".

Method 2. Turn on or turn on forward thumbnails in the Windows 10 file explorer for the additional setting "Visual effects".

1. Open the Visual Effects settings. Press the keys Win + R, enter or copy and paste in the Vikonati dialog box: SystemPropertiesPerformance.exe and press the Enter key.

3. Turn on forward thumbnails in the file explorer

Note: meaning for locking.

3.1 Set ensign next to the item and press the button OK.

4. Turn on forward thumbnails in the file explorer

4.1 Recognize ensign "Visnovok eskіzіv zamіst znachkіv" press OK.

Method 3. Turning on and revising the thumbnails of the BAT files.

File .bat below to change the DWORD parameter in the registry section:


IconsOnly DWORD

  • 0 = vim. - show icons
  • 1 = Highlight - show thumbnail

2. Turn on forward thumbnails in the file explorer

Note: meaning for locking.

2. Go to the left panel of the local group policy editor. (Div. Screenshot below)

3. In the right panel of the policy, open the section "Providnik" and change policy setting

5. To enable forward thumbnails in the file explorer

5.1 Select "Not set" or "Included" i button OK.

5.2 Now koristuvachi can vmikati / vimikati front view of miniatures, vicorist Methods 1, 2, 3 .

6. Turn on forward thumbnails in the file explorer.

6.1 Select "Included" and press OK.

Method 5. Turn on or turn on forward thumbnails in the file explorer in Windows 10 for the REG file

Note: You are responsible for the rights of the administrator.

This option is to work the same way as in Method 4, but it will only stop until the active crust is active.

Tsey Way to change the forward settings in the ways 1, 2, 3 .

Vykorivuyuchi reg file below, add and change the DWORD values ​​in the registry divisions:

HKEY_CURRENT_USER\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\Policies\Explorer HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\Policies\Explorer

DisableThumbnails DWORD

  • 0 or delete = Enabled
  • 1 = Enabled

2. Turn on forward thumbnails in the file explorer for all text files.

Note: The value is for locking.

3. Turn on forward thumbnails in file explorer for all users. 4.5 / 5 - 402 votes

The deyakі koristuvachі sticks because the miniatures of the video and the photo are not displayed in Windows 10, or the black squares are displayed. The miniatures allow you to see approximately the information about the file, as well as a photo or a video, which makes it easier to search for the data you need, in times, as if it were not known to me.

The slide may not be shown, as in the folder settings dribniy icons are set otherwise, you can see the list / tables.

How to turn on the display of thumbnails

There are a few options, with which you can turn on the display of sketches. Necessary for the cob check the settings the explorer itself, for which you need to open the File menu, after which go to the folder options and search. Here you need to know the point, which is the indication in the image.

On this option, there are check marks not guilty. Yakshcho won є, її it is necessary to take and stop the change. It is also necessary to reconsider one more point to fix. For whom, on the cob it happens to launch a vikno system, I select the item there, the indications on the image.

After you see it later, you will need to go to dodatkovy razdіl nalashtuvan and select the parameters of the code there, everything can be shown on the image.

IN visual effects next change, checkmark " Create thumbnails for icons»Installed, if not, then it is necessary to set and fix the settings.

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You can help, for example, the replacement of miniatures looks like blackness, or it’s unknown. In some way, the problem may be in cache, then yoga next visible and allow the system to re-calculate the sketches by itself.

For whom should I know cleaning utility disks and run її. It is necessary to select a system disk for cleaning, in order to select a proponation. Dali need to see the item in the program push OK. After what the end of the process is done.

Other ways to include the fermentation of miniatures

More methods will be presented in the distance, they will be able to speed up, even if it is possible from the previous ones, so I did not do it.

The first method will require you to open a utility for registry editing and go there along the path HKEY_CURRENT_USER\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\Policies\Explorer.

Here you will need to know the parameter DisableThumbnails and set its value equal to 0. If it is such a fast day, then it will be necessary to create it. The same trace for the catalog, which is based on HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE / gave it to yourself.

Following the editing of these paragraphs, the next re-advantage of attachments.

For another way, you need press Win + R and write at the vіknі gpedit.msc. Next, you will need to go to coristuvach configuration, After what to use in the administrative templates, then run the Windows components and go to the explorer. Here you need to double-click on the appointment of the adjustment.

If anything, it will be necessary turn on.