National park kao pra teo yak distance. Khao Phra Theo National Park. Walk in the park and the city

Khao Phra Theo National Park covers an area of ​​approximately 22 sq. and be known in Phuket pivnochi. Vіn є one of the great parkіv, diligently protect the nature of civilization.

He knows two beautiful forest waterfalls Ton Sai and Bang Phe, roztashovani in different sides of the park. Also, the new one has a rehabilitation center for gibbons. This place, as it is necessary to include shoes on your route, if you love wild nature and are not afraid of trivial walks.

Perebuvayuchy in the park, where you otochuє tropіchnі roslini, rozvіsili their crowns of high trees, sensible spіv ptahіv and dzyurchannya vodospadіv all to create for you the most beautiful wild nature of Thailand.

The National Park is proud of the famous wild boar, Malayan vedmedeva, porcupines, deer, gibons, squirrels and many species of wild birds.

The three largest peaks of this reserve are Khao Pratiu (384 m), Khao Ban Pai (388 m) and Khao Fara (422 m).

One of the main monuments is the small, scarlet Ton Sai waterfall, which is located near the headquarters of the park. The waterfall itself is made up of impersonal small gatherings, which make it necessary to pass a stitch for trekking.

Waterfall Bang Pae (Bang Pae), roztashovaniya on the exit from the park, you can get there, passing on the exit from the exit (Paklok Road) to the Heroine's Monument. Then continue driving for about 9 km, and the entrance is entrusted to a camping camp for elephants.

Bang Pae is also home to the Phuket Gibbon Rehabilitation Center, a project for the NGO that brings them back to the wild. The center is located near the Bang-Pa waterfall.

There are restaurants near the mangrove chagar forests near the waterfalls for those who want to have a bite to eat.

Get respect!

Buying an entrance ticket to the national park, you need to save your clothes until the end of your walk! You may also be asked to present your entry ticket at the entrance to the falls.

Robot hour: park 7.00-19.00 , rehabilitation center for health care today 9.00-16.30

Varity: A ticket for an older person becomes 200 baht, and for a child it’s less than 100 baht

How to reach

If you see the Phuket International Airport by car, then you need to go to the island's peninsula by Thepkasattri highway, about 20 km, having reached the monument to the sisters-heroines, turn off and drive another 6 km. After the rest of the way to the Bang Pae waterfall, turn left and you still need to drive 1 km. The park is located 4 km from Thalang.


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Khao Phra Theo National Park boasts 22km² of rich jungles off the pine part of the island. Here, far away from the NATO, you will find calm and silence, which is only broken by the natural sounds of tropical forests. The territory, which is being protected, with a great variety of wild creatures, including the hairy boar, the Malayan dormouse bear, the tortoise harrier, langurs, porcupines, deer, palm martens, mawps, including gibonivs, cobras, pythons, monitor lizards, flying.

Pra Theo, in fact, was the name of the mountain range, which is located in the Thalang region near the vinous part of Phuket. The mountain is covered with thin green growth, which is practically impossible to pass near the hills. Near the park there is a kіlka pagorbiv, the most famous one is Khao Pratіu, the height of yogo is 384 meters, Khao Bang Pae is 388 m and Khao Phara, 422 m. It is impossible to go into the jungle, because you do not reach the designated routes. Tropical forest is incredibly dense, and it’s easy to spend straight and understand, you know yourself.

Planting in Phuket's pivnochi, only the park on the island is surrounded by tropical foxes. The park preserves faceless sights of rare growths and wild familiar creatures. Nearly 100 species of tropical birds hang around the forest thickets, which are formed from majestic trees, lianas and bushes.

Nature lovers can learn more about the wide range of different growths that can be found in Khao Phra Tao Park. There you will find a variety of palm trees, rattans, bamboo, wild orchids, ferns, mosses and a lot more.

Near the park there is a sprat of fox stitches for walking, so you can hire guides there. in the office of the Ton Sai waterfall. The park also has an information center. Environmental Research Center, Khao Phra Theo, with an area of ​​13,925 rai (Thai world area, 1 rai is 1600 m²), hoarding areas of unoccupied forest and actively collecting richness of wild creatures

Bang Pe waterfall

A sprat of a river sprang up throughout the park, like a rich jungle ecosystem with fresh clean water. There are waterfalls of different roses, one of them is called Bang Pe. The fall zone becomes almost 20 meters in the middle, the water effectively flows down the steep cliff more than 500 meters in the wind. To spare you, you can see the zones of peccaries near the wild nature, and you can help that kind of support. A lot of wild creatures, for example, wild boar, deer and porcupines, were named the same as the Bang Pe waterfall.

Access to Khao Phra Theo National Park

Viewers can drive to the park in their private cars or on motorcycles. In addition, a lot of one-day excursions to the Khao Phra Theo Pra park are organized by agencies in Phuket-Thailand or Patonzi. Excursions can be practically organized at the Skin Tourist Centre. Another option - you can take a taxi or get a tuk-tuk (songtheo), but independent trips can be expensive for excursions, and there is no guarantee that a taxi will check you all day to get you home.

Khao Phra Teu (KPT) Development Center Wildlife Sanctuary

The area of ​​the reserve is apparently small (2333 ha), the territory is cut off by villages, roads and plantations. In this order, here you can see not all the fauna of the breeding island, but it is not so easy to see the quiet, which is found in the forest. Your natural behavior will shovatsya in the thickest growth in the eyes of the eyes. Seeing fear in the presence of people, these creatures become even more elusive. The followers of forest stitches can feel the sounds of creatures that live near the treasure, but there is little chance of chiming them. It may be a little embarrassing for lovers of the wild, but the very vigilance of this vigilance of the creatures is far away to live. Come on, in the future, they will no longer be afraid of people.

Khao Pra Teu: an island in Phuket

Phuket, moreover, that it is an island, also a province in Thailand, a district, a city, an administrative center; Yogo im'ya is becoming more and more known to the whole world, and has practically become the hallmark of the Kingdom. From the economic and tourist points of dawn, Phuket develops more with leather rock. Like a visiting card to Thailand, on the island lies the responsibility for saving one of the main and most striking tropical landscapes in the world.

In the order of the developed infrastructure of the rural area, the next month, the waste of brown kopalins, after which the vinyl needs to be protected, saved the forest massif, like before, to do great, the most amazing landscape in the first place. In the world of that, as the island continues to expand in the material and technical plan, from an economical and touristic point of view, the KPT reserve is gaining more and more importance, like an oasis of the creaturely world, and like a center of scientific achievements. For this reason, the mountain ridge of the reserve is still covered by its primary growth near the beer-shid district of Talang, which was declared and appointed by the reserve by an official decree on the 8th day of 1980.

Fortunately, the growth in Phuket does not look like the forest of the rained Thailand, like the greater world in the high, thick and smoky growth. It’s good to see that thick forest can see the extreme climatic conditions of the tropics. Be careful to show that there is a lot of water in the forest cover, especially in the mountainous areas, it guarantees a good distribution of water during the dry season, and also ensures the drainage of water during the rainy season. The forest also zapobіgaє naslіdka erozії soil, which is the most suitable for the silskogo state and settlements.

In similar climatic minds, settlements in mountainous regions may have the best opportunities for development, moreover, stench saves all the first growth of mountains, water pipes, tієї mistevnosti, as it is unsuitable for exploitation and becomes a part of the landscape. On the whole island, a small part of the forest canopy can often be corrected by planting trees on the lower slopes, as well as on the steeper ones. Like a small amount of growth, becoming the reason for the creation of the reserve, which became necessary, in the minds of the lowest development of the island.

flow mill

Zavdyaki structural integrity, which promotes biological zeal, KPT promotes the miraculous butt of the Malaysian equatorial flora, which is found on a daily basis in Thailand. Tim is not smaller, this kind of flora here is approaching the best cordons, and there is a chance for saving for the mind of a completely unmarried person. Tropical evergreen foxes grow on ocher-brown soils, otrimuyuchi ryasno polozhennia pіd hіv doshchiv. In these regions, the growth is overgrown with green qiliy river. It’s true that the trees throw off the leaves, they only seem to stretch out for a few days, and at the end of the spring hour, fallow in the sight of the growth, as there are numerically and variously. In fact, this type of forest, in fact, is eternal, which itself is the core of biological activity.

You see, they follow the seasonal cycles, do not follow one rhythm, and create their own individual cycle. Among the dominating trees here you can know the deeds of the largest representatives at the very peak of their development.

So, since there are a lot of trees to lie down to the pivdenny flora (equatorial), there will be a growing world of Thailand as a whole, especially on the regional level. On the other hand, the very structure of the growing world is manifested in different equal-strata (balls) of trees, the skins from which become different biological units. In this order, for the skin rіvnya, one should give the same category of trees, which includes, in a small number, unripe individuals larger than the upper rіvnya.

Topography, soil and climate

The reserve stretches along the ridge, right from the pivnochi to the pivden. Like a vinyatok, the crests of the reserve stand right on the pivdni, so it’s close to other peaks, which reach from 400 to 450 m, above the water line itself. This perceptibly low mountain massif is located in sharp steep slopes, without crossing into a humpy lowland, as if it was staggered on the sea level. The collapsible drainage system has deeply rooted itself, streams and streams, stench straight ahead and angry at the waterfall. At the channels of the rivers, one can see granite rocks, folded one on one, or one to one stones lie flat, like a natural crossing for water, zmushyuyuchi potik zdiyamatisya, especially in the dry season, penetrating into the soil, and then appear at the bottom of the waterfall. Deyakі skhili usіyanі small skeletons, but the greater part of the landscape is laid out in a deep spread of ocher grunti, yakі vokryvayut the mustache of the hillocks, flocking with brown humus on the surface.

Rozsipchay and soft surface soil was white of pіdnіzhzhya skhilіv roztashovaniya on the surface of the ridge, especially in the pіvnіchnіy part, but the streaks rose under the fall of the fall, where they often grow in the climate with an important dry season. Tim is not less, tsya perevaga є stіynym zahistom fіsovogo krivu. At this latitude (close to 8 °), the temperature is completely cold, and the dry season is less dry, lower in the winter and central regions of Thailand. In this way, the climate is similar to subequatorial: tropical waters with a short dry season. The average temperature becomes 28 °C, the average maximum becomes 31 °C, 33 °C in the next month, the average minimum is 23 °C, 22 °C.

The constant and high minimum temperatures actually correspond to low latitudes, while a small amount of fall in the region corresponds to transitional latitudes. The river lasts for 8 wet months, from April to leaf fall, 2 dry months, winter and flurry, and 2 months of change, and in general, breasts can be considered as sub-water and birch, yak sub-dry. In this manner, the climate of Khao Pra Teo is more than water (and less hot), and the dense vegetation takes the water from the fall, as if it were vikoristan in the most territories. The greater part of the reserve is covered with tropical forests, the basis of which is the head rank of evergreen trees. Fox may be a great variety of growth and creatures. Roslins are the most common: Dipterocarpus spp., Hopea odorate Roxb., Intsis palembanica Miq, as well as other small trees and chagars, including grapes, as they are also found on the lower level of the tropical forest. Palm trees, rattan, bamboo, orchids, fern and mosses also grow here, as you can sometimes know on the branches of trees. Tsei lіs є dzherelom rich river near tsyomu district, yakikh to lay a well-being of the life of the local inhabitants. Tropical foxes, similar to tsієї, are the most manipulative types of ecosystems on Earth, through the majestic number of forms of life. Ecologists are turbulent with the drive of step-by-step use of different manhood in the wake of the demise of the forests. A lot of organisms live through the cycles of life in the tropical forest, and we would like to help you gain respect for the majesty of the beauty of the tropical forests.

Bang Pe - small roses, a bagatorichny waterfall and a small stream. The most beautiful part of this waterfall is the skelya, water flows through the yak from the height of 16.7, which goes down to the stream, which is close to 524 m. A lot of wild creatures, such as wild boars, porcupines, deer, as well as crabs, birds and a lot of coma, come to come to the muddy and kindred part of the waterfall. A small dam downstream the bula was created for the purpose of raising and may be important for a strong gift.

On the way you will see the different birds that are ready for dovkol, on the trees on the ground. Here you can watch two kinds of birds, mists and migratory ones. Mіstsevі individuals tsiliy rіk will be their nests, schobi lay eggs. Bird sightings include Asian Fairy-bluebird, Green Leafbird, Red-Billed Malkoha, Greater Racket-tailed Drongo and Brahminy Kite. Migratory birds, such as Forest wagtail, Blue-Winged Pitta, Siberian Blue Robin, do not nest and breed only in the period from yellow to birch. Watching out for birds in this natural environment is becoming more and more popular hobby, and attracting rich ornithologists, birds also play an ecologically important role in the growing population of the country, thus promoting diversity in the ecosystem. In arctic evergreen forests, it is important not to mention curly bushes, as they have become a symbol of tropical forests. The young ones are like great hanks, hanging over other trees, to help them rise to the light. Less than a small amount of light can penetrate the thicker leaves, to that in the middle there is fierce competition in the struggle for light. For a tree to grow, it needs a significant amount of energy, so the same roslins are allowed to die, spitting on the stalks of other roslins. Possibly, with a dew of this kind, which is most adaptable, it is in youth, as if rising from the ground to the very top along other dews.

You can think that these are high, with the roselins obtained among themselves by stovburs, є splendid trees, but really, this is a gigantic grass, which is very tall, like a village stovbur. It is also respectful to divide the vertical skin of a bamboo stalk, resembling a giant grass. Village, empty, vertical stalks grow on clusters that grow from a deep underground stem (rhizome), and can reach 50-60 years. Young stalks (inflows) blame the bead of stovbur without intermission. Bamboo is victorious for the most demanding purposes. Underground stalks (rhizomes) are good gerelom їzhi for rich wild creatures, such as wild boars, porcupine, deer. Bamboo blooms and gives only one day, and the birds and squirrels sound like they eat these days. So for a variety of other reasons, the miraculous herb giant is a great help for the ecosystem.


The fern has been growing for about 400 million years, more than ever if there is more growth on Earth. Ferns (abo "Goud", as they are called local inhabitants) vary in size and shape of their leaves and stems (rhizomes). Ferns grow in different places all over the world. . You can easily see it in the mountainous regions of the pivnіchnoy and pіvdennogo Thailand. Most of the ferns live in warm, wet areas, although they can grow on dry land, or in skeletal areas. In tropical forests, ferns grow on watery, muddy soils, stone or paths. Deyakі see, like Selaginella., Drynaria quercifolia (L) J., Asplenium., Platycerium, growth on tree trunks.

Crab (Phricotelphusa limula)

It is respectful to look into the river, or small kalyuzhs, walking with a fox, you shake the cry of a red bird with two small claws, one troch more for a inch. Your body is about 1-2 centimeters from your long legs, which allows you to collapse more swidden. Cerab with scientific name Phricotelphusa limula. The crab lives under the stones at the milky part of the swedish water stream. Crabs can move with their left or right sides forward and may be more sensitive eyes, as if they allow them to quickly cling under a stone after that, how to commemorate them. Like many other crustaceans, crabs are often ubiquitous and act like a smart, helping to restore order in the ecosystem.

This species of savts live mainly on trees, wanting to live on the ground (ground squirrels). Squirrels are eaten only a day, and in pairs they can be fed only during the breeding season (with or without offspring). Your diet changes depending on the season and what is available at that hour of the year. The stench eats fruit, leaves and leaves coma. Іsnuyut raznі vidi squirrels, and those, which can be remembered in Khao Pra Teo, can be seen to the Malay Black giant squirrels, Chervonih and Sirikh bellies squirrels.

Malay black giant squirrels are the most quiet, so you can drink. They have a black head and yellowish-orange hair on their cheeks, broad and thin. Vovna on the back of a black color. How squealing from the name Red whites can wash red or brown wool on the stomach. Reshta tila and tail are brown-gray, or brown color with great black smog on the back. Greenish-brown and black swarthy plumy tail characteristic of a gray pot-bellied squirrel. Proteins play an important role in the food lances of the ecosystem;

Lang Kau palm (Kerriodoxa)

The International Union for the Conservation of Nature (IUCN) is resurrecting to the most diverse species of palm trees in the world. The center of conservation and expansion of wildlife is planted on the pivdnі near the vіlnіy vіd poluvannya zone, on the western side of the river below the Ton Sai waterfall, which is the lighting center for the KPT reserve. The coverage of the part includes lectures for students and other students, and the development and distribution of core information. The center was created, as only the territory of the KPT was recognized as free water. Wanting the center and po'yazany z not-myslivskim ugiddy, vin zazvichay zgaduetsya okremo. Let's surround the Ton Sai waterfall, the most famous memorial to the center, and open spaces and good possessions for the information center.

The center has six standard rooms, which can be booked at short notice, and three small restaurants give you the best of luck.

June 11, 1929, Dr. A.F.G. Kerr, an Irish botanist, came to Khao Phra Teo to pick up the palm trees that appeared on the river birch. Dr. Kerr used his work to recognize the sighting of growing trees in Thailand between 1902 and 1932. At that moment, he could not recognize the type of palm tree he had found, having taken the flowers in Keow Gardens in London. Forest Square, where a palm tree was found, became a national wildlife sanctuary and forest fund in 1977. Later, yoga was renamed to the Center for the Protection, a development of that extension of the wild.

Dr. Tem Smitinand, a botanist at the royal branch of the forestry state, a kind of botanist for the forest and pan Jaran Buunep, head of the Khao Chong herbarium in the province of Trang, gave information about the palm tree to Dr. The stench asked Dr. Dransfield to come and pick up the palm blossoms. Vin showed that it was a completely new type of palm trees and wrote about yoga knowledge in the 27th issue of the Principes magazine in 1983. Vin named the species Kerriodoxa after Dr. Kerr. The Thai palm tree is called Lang Khao, Tang Lang Khao or Palm Jao Muang Talang. The whole species of palm trees is being interrupted at once under the threat of virubuvannya lisiv.

Above information from
Mr. Awat Nitikul, Chief of the Khao Phra Theaw Non-hunting Area

(National Park, Wildlife and Plant Conservation Department) Khao Phra Theaw Wildlife Park and Forest Reserve, Jean Boulbet and Nophadol Briksavan.

The project of rehabilitation of hibbons

In 1992, the Center for the Rehabilitation of Life of Creations was awarded by ropiano Noppadol Preuksawan, head of the Royal Department of Forestry in Phuket, and Pan Thavorn Sri-Oon, for sponsoring the Asian Wildlife Fund and American zoologist Terrence Dillon Morin. In 1994, the Rotis Fund Poryatunku Wild Nature and Creatures of Thailand began to promote a scientific and recent project.


1. Expand the method of successful rehabilitation of white bones by turning back in their natural habitat: this method successfully wins the axis for the remaining 10 years. Leather dosvіd reintroduction of creatures to their dovkіllya є mozhlivistyu dznatisya richly new. Center for Reintroduction є was commended by a new subdivision to the Center for Savings.

2. Introduce the unlawful pursuit of habitation as a tourist rozvag and as a domestic creature: through lectures for the introduction of our Center, enlightenment and mobilization of resources, and spodіvaєmosya on a reasonable change in the position of polonіv and tourism plays a role,

3. Repopulate the rest of the tropical forests that have been lost on the island of Phuket - Khao Phra Theo (National Wildlife Park). Gibboni were doomed to death in Phuket over 25 years ago. The center is able to populate this forest with gibons, as they were previously rebuked in captivity. The first group was successfully admitted in 2002 year, the other in 2003 year, the third group was renewed on the basis of 2004 year and a lot of other groups will be admitted to the nearest future.

4. Creating information about the importance of saving natural resources The Center is also an effective resource for educating the local population about the importance of saving natural resources. The center hosts lighting programs so that the local residents and their children could learn that this creature is the main source of life security.

5. Give opportunity to volunteers for the breeding of white (white-handed) gibbons: Volunteers from the whole world come to the center for the breeding of white-handed gibbons. The birth of death in the center allows you to carry out a lot of sightings, such as the methods of reintroduction (release of individuals from their natural habitat), the follow-up of the behavior of dead and severe deaths, and the follow-up of illness in captivity.

How to get to us
Khao Pha Thaeo Rehabilitation Center for Bang Pae Waterfall, Phuket, Thailand, about 9 km. on the back view of the monument to the heroines. You can see our center and see the deacons from the sight of the hives from the observant Maidan. Opening day center from 9th to 4pm. We can't afford to pay for entry. If you want to see us as a great group, be kind, come to our office. We are 20 km from Phuket International Airport, follow the directions to the monument of the heroine and turn left hand onto road 4027. Follow the road until you cross the sign of the Bang Pae waterfall, then you need to turn left and go to the park entrance for 1 km. You will have to pay an entrance fee to the National Wildlife Park. There is a car park near the park and you can reach our center by star.

Unoccupied tropical foxes of the national park cover 23 sq. kilometers. Roztashovuetsya park at the pivnіchny meeting Phuket. This unique place is one of the remaining natural places where rich and exotic creatures live.

Here you can visit the right ancient forest and take a walk through the jungle. Park Khao Phra Theo marvels with majestic waterfalls, rare growths, flowers and trees. Near the park there is a rehabilitation center for migrants, where creatures can watch and enjoy.

You can get close to nature by visiting the Ton Sai waterfall. The waterfall is located far from the beaches, near the pivnіchno-shіdnіy part of Phuket, on the western side of the Khao Phra Theo perk. On the way to the waterfall, there are miraculous lands in the countryside.

Center for the Order of Primates

In the rich tourist areas of Thailand, you can get a photographer with a red mother kidney, who will take a picture of you for a penny. If you get in touch with such people, remember that exotic creatures are illegal with them. Bagato primati to die for an hour by poachers for the tourist trade. In Asian countries, this business is widely expanding and bringing chimali surpluses.

In 2013, more than 50 Lori lemurs were confiscated on the streets of Bangla, Phuket. Rehabilitation center with a number of primates near Khao Phra Teo park helps to protect these creatures.

The Bang Pae waterfall is located in the Khao Phra Theo park and is a popular destination for the islands and tourists. The water in the pools of this beautiful waterfall is cold, so you can refresh yourself. The Bang Pae waterfall is the largest in Phuket. There are restaurants near the waterfall, in which you can taste the dishes of the local cuisine, enjoying the beauty of the locals.

Instructed by the waterfall to spread the information center, in which you can find out about the history of the park and read the brochure.

The flora of the park is rich in tropical trees and palm trees. Deyakі see є unique and їх it is possible to see more in Thailand. Since 1950, resorts and gardens have been embellished with a rich variety of palm crops.

tourist trips. More walks (Trekking)

Two gentle waterfalls of Ton Sai and Bang Rai are tied together by a 8-kilometer stitch through the jungle. A tourist trip at the escort of a guide with a stitch will give you the opportunity to see a number of exotic creatures in the park.

On the territory of the park, not far from the Bang Rai waterfall, there is an elephant village. Here you take away the miraculous possibility of walking through the jungle tops on elephants. Slid vrahuvati that these great creatures are on the borders of the world, and that walk will become even more unique and hvilyuyuchoy.

Thais are placed before the elephants chanoly and respect the sacred creature. Do not forget to slander your elephant after a walk, even among the Thais it is true - to slander an elephant means to clean your karma.

The Khao Pra Teo nature reserve is home to a number of exotic species of creatures, including wild boars, macaques and wild boars.

In the forests of the park you can enjoy evergreen trees, bamboo chagars, exotic orchids and rubber tree plantations - Hevea.

The number of exotic birds in Phuket will shock you. At Khao Phra Theo park you will see more than a hundred species of the most beautiful birds from the smallest to the greatest eagles. Beg the tour at the escort of the guide and that beautiful creation will not fill you with canoes.

The film "The Book of the Jungle" is not enough for anyone to walk among the trees of a wet tropical fox with hanging lianas, hearing the sound of birds, sharudinnya leafing and the noise of waterfalls, looking at the vigilant creatures. Phuket will give you such a chance to wake up to the Khao Phra Theo National Park. So, the jungle is not the same, but the capture and at the same time calmness, looking at the natural forest, is no less.

History of the park

Khao Phra Thaeo National Park is located in the peninsular part of the island in a couple of tens of kilometers from the peninsula. The park of creations near the other half of the 70s of the last century with the method of preserving the natural forest of the tropical forest for the minds of the intensive felling of the jungle. Park roztashuvavsya on the slopes of Phra Theo mountain. The area of ​​yoga should be more than 20 hectares.

Walk in the park and the city

Walking through the narrow stitches of the park, you will be able to perekonatisya yourself in the beauty and power of the jungle, see the beautiful representatives of the tropical flora and fauna. Zagalna dozhina stitch for hiking 8 km.

The most important part of the Khao Phra Thaeo park is the White-Handed Rehabilitation Center, which is located near the entrance to the park and is the only place on earth where you can see these creatures in natural minds. Aje, through his dovira to the people and the primacy, have already become domestic lovers and a way to make money from poachers. Metoyu Center є turning bends in natural minds from forward adaptation.

But the park of creations is not better for the conservation of these primates, there is also a greater number of other rare representatives of the flora and fauna, which I can help to see in the park.

On this natural territory, which is especially protected, there is also the Center for Marine Resources, in which there are a lot of unimaginable sandbags of the sea.

Two miracles decorate the park: Bang Pe and Ton Sai. Phuket is the first in terms of the size of the occupying the leading positions among the average waterfalls. Tsey waterfall make noise so that a little for tens of kilometers. Aje water with a majestic swirl falls from a 15-meter height and rises on the stone. As soon as you pass through Bang Pe in a pivdenno-reverse straight line with a three-kilometer stitch, then you will go to another Phuket waterfall Ton Sai. The best insults of the dzherela vodi look at the season of rain. At the hour of shasht, Ton Sai transforms into a vibrating glass. When you see the waterfall, you can go into the clear, cold water.

Walking in the forest, you can also have a drink, de show you how to walk pearls in a natural way. On the territory of the park, it is also roztashuvasya, where it is possible to roll over the tops on this povіlnіy and calm great creature.

Corisna information

You can get to the national park from Phuket Town by taxi or motorbike. Way to lie dead. It is necessary to get to the back of the head until the cross of the monument to the Heroes. At the crossroads, you will need to turn left and drive a few kilometers to the entrance to the park.

For the entire period of a walk in the park, it’s better to hurry up with the services of a guide: first, so you don’t miss anything that’s ticking; in a different way, if you arrived without an escort, then you are unlikely to want to spend an hour in the jungle with a proud self. In addition, you can get a consultation and a brochure about the national park at the information center near the waterfall.

For a walk, it’s better to wear well-fitting boots, it’s wonderful to wear sneakers. Tim is bigger, that the stitches to the waterfalls were laid on the stones, covered with water. Don't forget to take a drink of water with you.

There are restaurants near the mangrove chagar forests near the waterfalls for those who want to have a bite to eat.

Entrance ticket to the park for grown-up people is worth 200 baht, for children - five hundred thousand znizhka. Please note that you may be asked to present your entry tickets at the entrance to the falls.

The park accepts pick-ups from 8:30 to 16:30, the rehabilitation center of hospitals - from 9 a.m. to piv at five o'clock in the evening.

Look at the map