A short history of Windows. Bill Gates is the creator of Microsoft Windows

Seeing Better ThanAngel[guru]
Qiu's name is Dave Cutler. Born on 13 February 1943
rock in Michigan. Today, youmu 66 years. Yogo Posada at Microsoft
called Senior Technical fellow. Vіn prodovzhuє there pratsyuvati i
dosi. Today, the main bindings are the development of the core for
Windows Azure.

Dave Cutler's career in systems programming began in
company DIGITAL, de y 1975
engaged in a project under the code name Starlet. What's the meta
Poled at the development of a fundamentally new operating system for
work in systems with upgraded Star processors. Perevagoy їх rozrobki
in tandem with the leaders was the creation of new technologies for
memory management and implementation
counting processes. As a result of the work carried out, it was created
computer DEC VAX 11/780 and operating system VAX/VMS. (Before speech, qi
Name, I think, something to talk about Tim, who knows what systems
zastosovuvalis in those hours in the Radyansk Union, which is not even possible
official capacity for access to foreign IT technologies).
Ce Bulo at the turn of the 1979-80s. The same thing was voiced by the release
IBM PC. And the DEC company was engaged in the production of flooring
(Desktop) systems from the RSTS project. Tse bula was insured for a lot of coristuvachiv,
richly tasked OS, yak, thought richly, small high arrogance and
stability. Moreover, already at that hour it was transferred
special, virtual mode of operational work, which is possible
It was to emulate the launch of other operating systems. In their capacity
performed RSX-11M and RT11. (Also the latest development of systems
virtualization - not guilty of the rest of the hour, її root laid down
a long time ago).
"Ale yak Dave leaned into Microsoft?" - ask you.
Too simple! Remember the crying phrase of Bill Gates: "My dream, schob
computer standing on the table at the skin! There is nothing about what, but I’ll take a look
rozrobki, to the principles of launching and zastosuvannya programs, robots from memory.
Stationary mini-computer systems will follow other canons, that
the flooring of the PC vikoristovuyut in a richer paradigm.
Cutler left Digital and moved to Microsoft in 1988. There
Vіn ocholiv rozrobku new OS Windows NT. Yogo often
called the "father of the Windows NT kernel".
Gave us a solution for the support of Windows NT for 64-bit
architecture Digital Alpha, work on Windows 2000, sponsored support
Windows for robots on 64-bit architecture AMD AMD64
64-bit versions of Windows XP Pro and Windows Server 2003 SP1, the robot over
Windows Vista over the Microsoft Live Platform. Ninі tse -
work on Windows Azure.

Windows is one of the most popular operating systems today. At the same time, it’s more obvious that it’s a more convenient medium for robots for rich people. But why did everything start and how did you manage to find a home in the world with the Microsoft Windows operating system? We ask you to get more expensive in the past!

Windows 1.0

Falling leaves 1985

At the time of the first release, Windows was far from being a complete operating system, as we now know well. Previously, it was just an "operating medium" for MS-DOS. I її mayzhe called Interface Manager.

Regardless of simplicity, the first version of Windows already missed the faceless innovative tools: the Windows Paint graphics editor, the Windows Write word processor, and the legendary Reversi flooring game.

Windows 2.X

Breast 1987

The upcoming large-scale release of Windows featured the famous Excel and Word - two more outer stones in the history of software. But no less important role in the success of Windows has been played by the program Aldus PageMaker, which was previously only available to Macintosh users. The program itself brought Windows great popularity in 1987.

Note. transl. It should be noted that the Aldus PageMaker program was already in version 1.0, but in version 2.0 it won its glory on the Microsoft Windows platform.

However, Windows is now throwing a shadow through the growth of tension: Apple, as it patented impersonal elements and ideas for the core interface, respected that Microsoft vindicated too many original directions in the design of Windows.

Windows 3.X

Traven 1990

The increase in richness of tasks, the introduction of virtual memory and the renewal of the design allowed the Windows interface to compete with the Macintosh interface.

Together with Windows 3.1, the concept of "Multimedia PC" appeared: CD-ROM drives and sound cards became the last buzz of fashion in the 1990s.

Reaching 10,000,000 copies sold, version 3.0 has become not only the main source of income for Microsoft, but also a great success in the IT world.

Windows NT

Lipen 1992

Microsoft fought zusilla with IBM to develop the successor to DOS. However, it didn't last long, and what was called OS/2 became the new Windows NT. Windows 3.11 and NT were split in parallel (at once), docks were combined in Windows XP.

With the improvements in improvement in Windows NT and the new NTFS file system, Microsoft overtook Novell and became the main player in the server market.

Windows 95

Serpen 1995

Microsoft embraced the ideas that appeared at the time of the release of the NT version, under the code name Chicago, presenting their spozhivachev (for example, a 32-bit system and more memory saving).

However, the need for critical consistency and the fact that not all code was changed to 32-bit could lead to crashes: Windows 95 ran into great performance and stability problems.

Newer versions of Windows 95 introduced the famous Internet Explorer browser and USB stick, as we know today.

Windows 98

Cherven 1998

With Windows 98, code-named Memphis, Microsoft significantly reduced the USB support. Even Windows 95 did not provide a stable implementation.

Although FAT32 was first introduced in an update for Windows 95, it lost its young file system and became more popular than before. Zavdyaki tsomu disks distributed zavbіlshki vіd two gigabytes became more widened.

1998 was also the year of the "Got the State Against Microsoft" legal debate: the legitimacy of the pre-installed Internet Explorer browser installed on the skin copy of Windows was supported.

Windows 2000

Lutiy 2000

The upcoming version of Windows NT has a new Active Directory service.

Although this version was aimed at the business market, Windows 2000 also tried to improve the DirectX API. Tse marked the first turn of the century, if a lot of current games were running on computers with NT.

In one aspect, however, Windows 2000 was the rest of its kind: in its successor versions, a new (and super-efficient) product activation mechanism was introduced.

Windows ME

Spring 2000

In the ME version, attention was focused on multimedia: in it, Microsoft introduced Windows Movie Maker and upgraded the platform's standard multimedia program - Windows Media Player to version 7.

In addition, the System Restore utility appeared - a simple tool for updating the system. Time Machine, like Apple, is obviously no match for Microsoft's new utility, but it hasn't shown up yet.

Windows XP

Serpen 2001

Windows XP marked a special renaissance: it brought Windows 95/98/ME and NT/2000 together.

On the back in the new XP, there was a sprinkling of sickly nedolіkіv, like they hung out in front of the safety. The stench itself tempted Microsoft to publish three packages of updates to the XP support term.

However, Windows XP did not make it a flagship among operating systems and was left with it for 6 more years - a better, lower version of Microsoft Windows.

Windows Vista

September 2007

Microsoft introduced Windows Vista in a completely new design of Windows Aero - a set of technical solutions for the graphical interface of the core. It had a lot of small changes: for example, replacing the well-known Start button with an icon with the Windows logo.

In addition, Vista showed a redesigned and (in Windows XP version) suvorish system of permissions under the name "Cloud record control".

With a lot of new software, Vista debuted Windows Calendar, Windows DVD Maker, and some new games.

Note. transl. It should be noted that Windows Vista was presented in the autumn of 2006, but it looked like a corporate version.

Windows 7

Zhovten 2009

Windows 7 - the platform has been improved in rich areas: it has become more modern, improved multi-touch, it has been improved with windows and richly different.

In other areas, the system went back: Vista's new cloud record control became less intrusive, and the remote panel (together with a few add-ons) was introduced more and more.

Windows 8

Zhovten 2012

Windows 8 is the largest visual update in the rest of the versions. Windows 8 introduces not only a fresh take on the OS, but also a new UI and UX. Vaughn took over the popular Flat style and introduced an all-screen mode to the trend.

In addition, Windows 8 provided support for USB 3.0 and launched the Windows Store.

Windows 10

Lipen 2015

Microsoft failed to name its latest Windows 10 update by skipping version 9. One reason could be the scale and importance of the project: Windows 10 provides a global platform for rich add-ons, starting with smartphones and ending with personal computers.

Historically, it turned out that two young enthusiasts, Bill Gates and Paul Allen, who are studying at Harvard University, were convinced that personal computers are the future of the digital world. In 1975, they created the company "Microsoft" and took part in the project creation of the Basic movie interpreter for the Altair 8800 microcomputer, and the development of Micro Instrumentation and Telemetry Systems. In a few hours, IBM will come back to them with a proposition about writing a new operating system for a possible personal computer. In this rank, in 1981, the PC was introduced to the world as IBM under the management of MS-DOS (Microsoft Disk Operating System) - Microsoft's disk operating system).

The Microsoft company was developing at a fast pace rіk y rіk. The number of spokespersons has only grown, today the staff of the company is overseeing 90,000 spokespersons. At the moment, the Windows operating system is practically installed on a personal computer, laptop, ultrabook - the target part occupies as much as 90% of all PCs in the world.

The first versions of Windows, including version 3.1, were by no means upgrades to the OS, but were more super-budgetary to the MS-DOS operating system. The main feature of the MS-DOS operating system is the movement of the mouse's manipulator into a sprat of clicks, which could not be done with the vicorous MS-DOS, operating only with commands that are entered from the keyboard.

I will tell you, both historical and actual screensavers in the process of taking over Windows operating systems beginning in 1981.

1981 - MS-DOS operating system

1985 - Windows 1.0

1987 - Windows 2.0 (2.11)

1990 - Windows 3.0

1992 - Windows 3.1

1993 - Windows NT 4.0

There are no people in the world of today, as if at least once in life I would not try on my own knowledge the Windows operating system. Creator її, vіdomy usomu svіtu amerikansky pіdpriєmets, philanthropist and Bill Gates, meritorious for being one of the most popular people in all social versions of the population. Varto signify that, regardless of the all-worldly recognition of that glory, Gates has not ceased to be a human being, as if sacrificing over a third of all vacant cats for goodness.


Bill Gates (after his name - William Henry Gates III) came to the world at 1955 on the 28th anniversary of the city of Seitl, Batko Bill, William Gates Sr., worked as a corporate lawyer at a local law office. Mati Billa, Mary Maxwell, spoke with the radio directors of Pacific Northwest Bell, First Interstate Bank, and also with the national radio of United Way.

The future creator of "Windows" Bill Gates will study one of the most privileged schools of the city of Seattle, where he was able to achieve high results in programming. Vikoristovuvav for tskogo school mini-computer. The young Bill did not like grammar and public law, so he put himself in the position of blame for other humanitarian subjects.

Vіdsutnіst іnteresu to suspіlnyh and humanіtnyh naukіh vіn bringing tim, scho vavzav і disciplines zvuchaynym і not espeсially tsіkavimi. Natomist, for the sake of others, the boy was good at mathematics, and he went on to take away the most important signs of this difficult subject.

The first difficulties on the path of life

Before the end of Bill's cob school, there were problems with behavior and self-control. This fact has been more praised by the fathers and the readers. Zreshtoy їm had a chance to turn to a psychiatrist.

Bill Gates himself, at that time already the creator of "Windows 8", was born as a novelty. Winning wildly on computers and skipping a lot of lessons in order to sit in a computer class. Often, similar gatherings were finished until the first year of the night, and the average number of years spent behind the outbuilding for a day, became from twenty to thirty.

It was a moment when Bill and yoga friend Paul Allen robbed an absolutely divine device by cheating passwords and hacking the system. For the sake of it, the lads were deprived without a computer, and the whole summer of zmusheni were sitting idle.

Study at Harvard

The future director of the Windows project, the creator of the most modern software, Bill Gates, in 1973, joined the university to study and join Harvard. In the same place, I'm familiar with the ninth CEO of the Microsoft Corporation.

Irrespective of the eternal fortunes in mathematics and informatics, Bill didn’t have to learn, and he often skipped a bet, while occupied with programming. At that time, Gates did not blame Paul Allen. At that time, Paul managed to enter the University of Washington and get better, moving to Boston and working on the Honeywell Corporation.

First success

In 1975, Robert Gates and his friend Paul wrote an article in Popular Electronics magazine, stating that MITS had successfully launched the Altair 8800 computer for sale.

Young people encouraged MITS to write software for this computer, my Basic. As a result, having completely dominated the company, Paul was hired to the staff of specialists, and Bill, having thrown a job at Harvard, actively started writing software and organizing the power company Micro-Soft. Under this logo, the organization passed state registration in 1976.

"Microsoft Windows"

The creator of the great company "Microsoft" Bill Gates made a great contribution to the development of modern technologies in the gallery of personal computers. Zocrema, the first OS, MS-DOS, became one of the most important projects of multimillionaires, adapted by IBM, as in 1979 the company created Bill a proposition about the creation of the OS and the consumption of the first PC in the world.

Well, the postal version of the widely known operating system Windows, the creator of which reported chimalo zusil for the appearance of її in the world, was presented to the public in 1985. The first name, which was won for the first time Manager (literally - interface manager), was soon replaced by Windows ("Windows"), the shards were best suited for the description "windows", as they were won for calculation on the screen and became the main feature of the new product.

family life

The future creator of Windows XP, Bill Gates, in 1994, became friends with Melinda French, who first met in 1987 at a press briefing by Microsoft, which took place near New York. As it turned out, Melinda had long been a supporter of the company and, having become a deputy for her boss, she had left her job. Not long after the wedding, their first daughter, Jennifer, was born.

Melinda was actively engaged in charitable work. Appearing in public, Bill's squad never gives interviews for journalists, the pieces of private life for her are even more valuable. Friend Gates already has three children.

At the moment, the creator of "Windows 7" together with his retinue lives in the so-called "Budinka of the Future", which is spread over forty thousand square feet on the very shore of Lake Washington. Booths stuffed with all sorts of modern technologies and a whole lot of wares add up to about forty million dollars.

Rozrobka remaining versions of "Windows"

Even more so in 2008, Bill Gates left the position of the CEO and took over the seat in the name of the directors, the development of the remaining branches of the Windows operating system is taken up by special drivers. Gates himself does not take such a part in his right.

At the end of 2009, Steven Sinofsky was accepted for the post of Vice President of Windows. More like the creator of "Windows 8", Sinofsky protrimavsya in the company of an eminently unfortunate and for example 2012 rock, leaving the post of that company. For the information provided by Microsoft's employees, Steven did not dare to quarrel with other employees of the corporation. Possibly, the very same became the main reason for the sight.

At the end of 2015, Bill Gates already for the twenty other times won the rating of the richest people in the United States according to the version of Forbes magazine. Yogo stats are estimated in the name of 76 billion dollars. Of these, 13% are stocks of the company "Microsoft", a penny is designated as an investment in various businesses. The largest of them are the shares of Coca-Cola, McDonald's, Catepillar and others.

Gates is also known for being the author of two bestsellers. Yogo tvir "The Road Forward" continued for seven years in 1995 and was ranked number one on The New York Times bestseller lists. Another book, "Business from Shvidkistyu Dumki," circulated around the world in 1999 and was translated by twenty-five different languages ​​around the world.

Oleksiy Komolov (St. Petersburg)

A lot of good computers to sit in Windows OS, but not everyone knows history - for rich people it's new in our time. Therefore, I will describe a short history of Windows below.

1982 rec. Unknown to anyone Bill Gates has revealed the creation of the first version of Windows.

1885 rec. Light blew the first Microsoft Windows 1.0. The end of Windows has become a reference revolution in the world of computers: it has become a rich task (the possibility of one-hour work in the same time with a number of programs).

Behind the lower worlds, the graphic design of Windows was, mildly seemingly, wretched. But the courtyard was in the middle of the 80s, the computers themselves were great and unproductive - that's why the graphic interface for today's worlds was chic.

1987 rec. Exit Microsoft Windows 2.0. The possibility of victorious “hot” keys appeared for peremicannia between viknam dodatkіv and vikonannya of some clumsy tasks.

The new version was divided into 2 lines: for x286 processors and larger hard x386 processors (this version could win a larger resource of new processors at that time).

1990 rec. Sign in Microsoft Windows 3.0. This version of Windows is small, the great success of the VGA update, plus the interface has been improved.

1992-1993 rocky. You will see Microsoft Windows 3.1 and 3.11. The second version of Windows was, in fact, an upgraded version of Windows 3.0: then came the support for multimedia data, the appearance of a CD-ROM and sound card, and the first vector fonts appeared, which are normally readable.

1993 rec. Entering Microsoft Windows NT 3.1 This was the first 32-bit system, which may introduce local support. Evidently, even to the appartment part at that hour they also grew up.

1995 rec. Log out Microsoft Windows 95 (Chicago). It was based on the OS, on the front of the previous versions, which were essentially shells for MS-DOS. In Windows 95, the taskbar and the Start button menu appeared earlier.

1998 rec. Enter Microsoft Windows 98. The OS took off a lot of updates, improved the ability to improve access to the Internet, upgraded drivers, added a new browser to the distribution system, and improved USB ports.

2000 rec. To enter Microsoft Windows 2000, as I tried the home Windows 95 with the professional Windows NT. In this version, most of the problems with drivers have been corrected, and Active Directory has also appeared - an important merezhnaya technology.

That same 2000 r_k. Microsoft Windows ME was released in parallel. This OS is to blame for replacing Windows 98 on weak computers, which did not burden more reluctantly to the resources of Windows 2000. It became the mainstay of the line, which began with the 95th version and was no less successful due to its instability and buggy.

2001 rec. Enter Microsoft Windows XP (in my opinion - the next solution in the line of the Windows family today).

Dosі vаn vikoristovuєtsya on rich millions of computers koristuvachіv in the whole world - the stars of their stability, greater vigor in vikoristannі, less buggy and reach the wide possibilities in the installation of the OS itself.

2003 rec. Microsoft Windows Server-2003 is the successor to Windows 2000.

Trohi later, Microsoft Windows Vista (Longhorn) was released, as it became the successor of Windows ME - so disastrous and buggy, although it brought a few brown updates: the security system was fixed, the system of the joke was fixed, the mode of deep sleep, updates of the interface and other devices.

Microsoft Windows 7 was sprung with a bang after the disastrous Vista.

Here they were able to fix the problem with the "curl" of the system, speeded up the advancement, turned on the multi-touch support, improved the sum of the add-ons, rebuilt the task panel, added the impersonal other folds.

True, there were a lot of glitches left, through which a lot of people did not want to switch to Windows 7: some management elements were tidied up, they were renamed a lot (but sense?), and they were remembered by missions. Deyakі elementi nalashtuvan from one vikna was transferred to kіlka vіkon, so that the robot would be less handy. Deyaki nalashtuvannya turned on, and deyaki change in the system mimicry are thrown off for “locked” in a deyaky hour. There is no way to arrange files in folders in a sufficient order, which is not handy.

2012 rec. Enter Microsoft Windows 8. Exit the version of Windows, having done a little galas on the world - the version visually jumped to adapt to all attachments (computers, laptops, tablets, etc.). It is still too early to judge its popularity, but we can say for sure: it is one of the most critical versions of Windows. Here, the interface was completely rebuilt and the Start button, which was loved by everyone, was removed.

It's true, vikonannya great yarlikiv handily for an hour of work on tablets, but in the end it's not handy on other computers.

Before speech, give respect to two screenshots. The axis looks like AOL looked like 1996 rock:

And the axis looks like Windows 8, as it appeared in 2012:

The rich coristuvachs are getting angry that with the release of Gates from the seat of the president at Microsoft, they began to "evolve" at the gate (Vista. 7 and 8 were not released any more).

Future is not far away. We've started to announce a little bit about the release of Windows 9 (Blue). Until the middle of 2013, the situation may become clearer.