How to make a dynamo machine for a fortune. The history of creation and the principle of the robot dynamo. DIY generator

If you want to use a pedal generator for life, you will be amazed at the series of articles about building a car dynamo and a bicycle.

The electrical circuit for the rear blinker is simple. You will need only three bright red LEDs and a 4700 nF capacitor. The capacitor is used only to stabilize the voltage on one of the LEDs. The other two LEDs flicker as the magnets pass through the winding. If you want to switch all three LEDs, you can remove the capacitor. If you connect a number of LEDs in parallel, then the LED will not move, but will continue to light for a short time.

In the other part of the instructions, we create a scheme for creating five bright white LEDs in the front headlight using two additional coils. This scheme is completely independent from the first schemes for rear light housing.

  1. Headlight with five white LEDs
  2. with three red LEDs and a 4700nF capacitor
  3. The coil has a different circuit to fit the headlight
  4. The cat of the first circuit, to live the rear light

  1. Hard drive magnet
  2. Relay coil

If you want to color schemes, then on the site you can find more information on the topic: different types, etc.

Scheme of the rear lighter using a dynamo.

  1. Stare relay

  1. Contacts of the cat
  2. Fastening screw

Instead of wasting an hour folding the coil with your own hands, try to find out if the relay is old. The panel for the little one was removed from the old mini-PBX. Another little picture shows a coil with a pink relay.

The coil may operate between 100 and 200 ohms. The reference shown on the small cat is set to 200 ohms. The greater the support of the cat, the more energy is generated, but at the same time the efficiency decreases due to an increase in the costs of the cat.

  1. Stainless steel

Next, you will need to remove neodymium magnets from hard disk. My dynamo has three such magnets on the rear wheel, but you can have more if you secure them securely.

  1. Three impulses per hour of one revolution of the wheel, so that three magnets are vicorized

  1. Model of a coil with tension, previously recorded as a real coil
  2. The basic circuit consists of three red bright LEDs and a 4700 nF capacitor
  3. The resistor that is used to dim the strings in the simulation

  1. Charging the capacitor, weekend camp 2.2 U
  2. LED light 3
  3. Coil voltage
  4. Strum condenser

On an oscilloscope you can follow the voltage generated by the coil. You can import the signal recordings before programming the circuits and trying to model your project.

In the simulation, unfortunately, I was not able to achieve constant conductivity of the LED 3, regardless of what I was able to do in the real circuit. This may have happened due to the absence of inductance coils in the coil model.

Please note that the circuit is not symmetrical; most of the energy generated by the coil is concentrated in positive values. The distribution of energy lies in the design of the magnet and the twisted coil.

  1. Exit system with batteries, which are no longer needed
  2. Kriplennya

We will need a cheap rear LED light in which our new system will be installed.

Diagram of a front headlight with a dynamo-like design.

  1. “Waterproof” plastic casing
  2. The output is a fast circuit with five bright green LEDs
  3. Plastic plastic

The front headlight diagram is completely independent from the first part of the project. It consists of two relay windings and a headlight.

  1. New remixer of life from an old computer

  1. Output scheme
  2. Zibran scheme

This is a scheme for the life of five bright LEDs in addition to two coils. The stench does not vibrate energy overnight. If they are connected in series, one coil absorbs part of the energy of the other coil. This scheme does not have that.

To ensure that all the LEDs are moving, capacitors are specially not used here. There is only one place where you can place a capacitor in parallel with LED 3, so that there is no negative voltage at all. As a result, you will have one light-emitting diode that does not move or move.

The coils operate in the range of 100 - 200 ohms, but in my circuit, two coils at 600 ohms are used and everything works miraculously for me.

  1. 200 ohm coil from the first part of the instructions
  2. 600 ohm coil from other parts of the instructions
  1. Zavdannya 1 from 15

    1 .

    Are the rules broken in these situations?


    f) tow bicycles;


    6. Help for cyclists

    6.6. The cyclist is protected by:

    d) at the hour of the day, try to pay for another transport contract;

    f) tow bicycles;

  2. Zavdannya 2 z 15

    2 .

    Which cyclist doesn't break the rules?


    6. Help for cyclists

    6.6. The cyclist is protected by:


    6. Help for cyclists

    6.6. The cyclist is protected by:

    b) collapse of highways and roads for cars, as well as roadways, since a bicycle path has been cleared;

  3. Zavdannya 3 z 15

    3 .

    Who can give up the road?


    6. Help for cyclists


    6. Help for cyclists

    6.5. Since the bicycle path crosses the road at intersections, cyclists will have to give up the road to other vehicles that are collapsing on the road.

  4. Zavdannya 4 z 15

    4 .

    What kind of gear is a cyclist allowed to carry?


    6. Help for cyclists

    22. Perevezennya vantazhu


    6. Help for cyclists

    6.4. A cyclist can only carry such items as they do not interfere with the bicycle and do not interfere with other road users.

    22. Perevezennya vantazhu

    22.3. Transported vantage is allowed for the reason that:

    b) does not destroy the stability of the transport system and does not complicate the handling of it;

  5. Zavdannya 5 from 15

    5 .

    Which cyclists break the rules when carrying passengers?


    6. Help for cyclists

    6.6. The cyclist is protected by:


    6. Help for cyclists

    6.6. The cyclist is protected by:

    e) transport passengers by bicycle (including children under 7 years of age, who must be transported on an additional seat equipped with securely fastened footrests);

  6. Zavdannya 6 z 15

    6 .

    In what order should I pass through the intersection of transport routes?


    16. Proezd intersection


    16. Proezd intersection

    16.11. At the intersection of unimportant roads, a transport vehicle that is collapsing on another road is forced to sacrifice the road to transport vehicles that are approaching the intersection of passable parts along the main road, not directly facing their further collapse.

    16.12. At the intersection of equal roads and waters of a non-rack transport system, the workers will give up the road to the transport vehicles that are approaching the right-hander.
    As a rule, the waters of the trams tend to interact with each other. At any unregulated intersection, the tram, regardless of the direction of the distant traffic, has an advantage over the non-rail transport vehicles that are approaching along the same road.

    16.14. Since the main road at the intersection changes directions, the waters of transport vehicles that collapse along it must comply with the rules for passing through the intersection of equal roads.
    As a rule, we are guilty of messing with each other and the waters that are collapsing on other roads.

  7. Zavdannya 7 from 15

    7 .

    Rushing bicycles along sidewalks and pedestrian paths:


    6. Help for cyclists

    6.6. The cyclist is protected by:


    6. Help for cyclists

    6.6. The cyclist is protected by:

    c) collapsing sidewalks and footpaths (including children under 7 years old on children’s bicycles under the supervision of adults);

  8. Zavdannya 8 z 15

    8 .

    Who has the advantage when crossing a bicycle path?


    6. Help for cyclists

    6.5. Since the bicycle path crosses the road at intersections, cyclists will have to give up the road to other vehicles that are collapsing on the road.


    6. Help for cyclists

    6.5. Since the bicycle path crosses the road at intersections, cyclists will have to give up the road to other vehicles that are collapsing on the road.

  9. Zavdannya 9 z 15

    9 .

    What is the distance between the groups of cyclists collapsing at the column?


    6. Help for cyclists


    6. Help for cyclists

    6.3. Cyclists who are crashing in groups must ride one after another so as not to disturb other road users. The column of cyclists, which is collapsing one by one, must be divided into groups (up to 10 cyclists per group) with a distance between groups of 80-100 m.

  10. Zavdannya 10 z 15

    10 .

    Transport routes must pass through intersections in this order


    16. Proezd intersection

    16.11. At the intersection of unimportant roads, a transport vehicle that is collapsing on another road is forced to sacrifice the road to transport vehicles that are approaching the intersection of passable parts along the main road, not directly facing their further collapse.


    16. Proezd intersection

    16.11. At the intersection of unimportant roads, a transport vehicle that is collapsing on another road is forced to sacrifice the road to transport vehicles that are approaching the intersection of passable parts along the main road, not directly facing their further collapse.

    16.13. Before turning left-handed and turning the water of a non-rack transport vehicle, you will have to sacrifice the road to the tram passing straight ahead, as well as to the transport vehicles that collapse on the same road as the right-hander.

  11. Zavdannya 11 z 15

    11 .

    The cyclist passes the intersection:


    16. Proezd intersection


    8. Regulation of road traffic control

    8.3. The signals of the traffic controller take precedence over the signals of traffic lights and road signs and are obligatory for traffic control. Traffic light signals, in addition to the yellow blinking light, take precedence over road signs. Water and pedestrians must pay attention to the additional duties of the traffic controller, so that they can interfere with the signals of traffic lights, road signs and markings.

    16. Proezd intersection

    16.6. Turning left-handed or getting excited when the main traffic light turns green, drivers of non-rack transport vehicles will sacrifice the road to the passing tram straight ahead, as well as transport vehicles that collapse at the right-hand direction straight or turn right-handed. As a rule, the waters of the trams tend to interact with each other.

  12. Zavdannya 12 z 15

    12 .

    Flickering red signals of this light light:


    8. Regulation of road traffic control


    8. Regulation of road traffic control

    8.7.6. To regulate traffic at cross-country crossings, traffic signals with two red signals or one white-monthly and two red signals are installed, which indicate the upcoming values:

    a) fleeting red signals block the flow of transport vehicles through the crossing;

    b) a flashing white-monthly signal indicates that the alarm is operational and does not block traffic flow.

    At cross-country crossings, you may be alerted by the traffic light signal at the same time beep, which further informs road traffic participants about the barrier of the road crossing.

  13. Zavdannya 13 z 15

    13 .

    Which vehicle did it cross the other?


    16. Proezd intersection

    16.11. At the intersection of unimportant roads, a transport vehicle that is collapsing on another road is forced to sacrifice the road to transport vehicles that are approaching the intersection of passable parts along the main road, not directly facing their further collapse.

    16.14. Since the main road at the intersection changes directions, the waters of transport vehicles that collapse along it must comply with the rules for passing through the intersection of equal roads.

    As a rule, we are guilty of messing with each other and the waters that are collapsing on other roads.


    16. Proezd intersection

    16.11. At the intersection of unimportant roads, a transport vehicle that is collapsing on another road is forced to sacrifice the road to transport vehicles that are approaching the intersection of passable parts along the main road, not directly facing their further collapse.

    16.14. Since the main road at the intersection changes directions, the waters of transport vehicles that collapse along it must comply with the rules for passing through the intersection of equal roads.

    As a rule, we are guilty of messing with each other and the waters that are collapsing on other roads.

    16 Passage crossroads


    8. Regulation of road traffic control

    8.7.3. The traffic light signals have the following meanings:

    The signal is in front of the arrow, which allows a left-handed turn, and allows a U-turn, as long as it is not blocked by road signs.

    The signal appears as a green arrow(s) at the additional section(s), switched on simultaneously with green signal A traffic light informs the driver about those who are taking advantage of the direction indicated by the arrow(s) in front of transport vehicles that are collapsing in other directions;

    e) a red signal, including a blinking one, or two red signals that blink, block the roc.

    The signal at the appearance of the green arrow(s) at the additional section(s) simultaneously with the first or second signal of the traffic light informs the driver that traffic is allowed in the designated direction without crossing entities that collapse due to other directives.

    The green color arrow on the table, installed on the level of the red light signal with vertically spaced signals, allows you to move in the designated direction when the red light signal is turned on from the right side of the direction (or the leftmost side Rukh on roads with one-way traffic) for the minds of giving priority in Russia to others yo participants who collapse from other directives to the traffic light signal, which allows the collapse;

    16 Passage crossroads

    16.9. When the direction of the arrow, included in the additional section at the same time with the emergency or red signal of the traffic light, collapses in the direction, the driver is obliged to sacrifice the road to transport means that collapse from other directions.

    At the hour of the collapse, the arrows of the green color on the table, installed on the same level as the red signal of the traffic light with vertically spaced signals, are forced to take the extreme right (left) of the Rukh and sacrifice the road to transport means and pedestrians, so that the Rukh there are other directions.

This generator can be installed either on the rear wheel or on the front. In the remaining case, the design can be used as a lighter (the devices from the rear lighter are also tightened). The design, as a rule, has a locking clip for “disconnecting” the generator, which is not necessary.

I’ll tell you that a dynamo with a gum roller, as it turns out, makes much less noise than with metal, and it has better coupling with a hollow tire.

Dynamo hub.

Voltage: 6V
Tension: 2.4 - 3W

A hub dynamo is an axle dynamo. The devices can be quite different.
Not an affordable option, both due to the price and complexity of installation. When purchasing, pay attention to the size of the spoke (3236) and the method of fastening (the entire eccentric) of the wheel on which the unit is transmitted. In addition to dancing machines, this unit is not afraid of falling: the “dancing” roller can be licked with wet gum. There is nothing to lick at the vulture, but it is impossible to squeeze it in.

Lantsyugov's dynamo.

Voltage: 5V
Declared capacity of the installed battery: 1000mAh
Battery type: lithium polymer battery

Lantsyugov's dynamo - add an exotic type of generator. Modifications apply. The device has a USB contact and transfers charge to at least a minimum of phones. Ale is deprived of food, which is the order this device be attached to a multi-speed bicycle transmission, and any term of its service, even a bicycle lance designed to quickly render plastic parts that come into contact with it unusable.

BikeCharge light & USB Power Generator.

Voltage: 5V
Tightness: 3W
Stated capacity of the installed battery: 700mAh
Battery type: lithium-ion battery

This design has already been sounded more and is far from new idea connection of the dynamo and lighter. The peculiarity of this design is that it is mounted on the end of the hub, and the working wheel, from which the torque is supplied to the generator to rotate, is fixed directly on the spokes. The design is provided with both a front and a rear beam (especially in my opinion, the rear beam is easier to extend from the rear), and, thanks to the current USB interface, allows you to maintain the efficiency of GPS navigation gator or smartphone. The kit has a remote control “shifter” for lighting with a lamp (increased).


Voltage: 6-12V
Tightness: 8W

The front wheel has a similar design, but the rear wheel has no headlights. The kit, as a rule, has a battery, front and rear lighters, and a power supply unit/router, which can be used to redirect energy to the lighters or to the USB port.
It is obvious, but not fatal: SunUp is not suitable for use on wheels with disc trim.


At the end is the design of a contactless dynamo. In essence, the role of the rotor is a rotating wheel, on which a “hoop” with 28 alternating-pole magnets is attached, and the stator, perhaps, is a primary induction coil with a battery.

Specific information about the system was not revealed, but the distributors confirm that a speed of 15 km/year is enough for normal work lamp 100 lumens (CREE Q4 white LED). Theoretically, this is not far from the truth.

Advantages of this system:
- the absence of any friction, and, as a result, the complete noiselessness of the robot;
- The term for operating the battery without the supplied battery (which is also correct).
To a limited extent, you can add at least that the battery reserve is only 4 hours, but for the presence of certain parts, you need to know from the radio technician and direct hands, it’s not easy to correct.

Material from Wikipedia - the free encyclopedia

Dynamo machine or else dynamo- the name of the electric generator (steady-state generator) has become outdated.

The dynamo was the first electric generator, which became a part of industry. In the distance, generators of the exchange strum hung, and the fragments of the exchange strum could be transformed.

Currently the term dynamo It is used mainly for the purpose of using a small bicycle generator to power a bicycle headlight, as well as a small generator installed in electric vehicles – i.e. electrodynamic or self-charging batteries, work autonomously without batteries or accumulators and do not require recharging from a stationary 220 V power supply or changing the elements of life and work and unbound long time ago in the minds of the field.

Currently, the dynamo is also used in various types of simulators in the series for neon lighting and in gyroscopic simulators for the hands.


The dynamo consists of a coil of wire that is wrapped in a magnetic field created by the stator. The energy of the wrap, according to Faraday's law, is converted into a changeable strum, but since the 19th century it was not possible to practically convert the changeable strum, then they vicorized the brush-collector unit in order to invert the change Different polarity (remove the constant flow at the outlet). As a result, a pulsating stream of steady polarity emerges.


The first dynamo was discovered by A. Jedlik in 1827. Having formulated the concept of a dynamo six years earlier, it was later voiced by Siemens, but without patenting it.

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A lesson that characterizes a dynamo

Vovk started running, carelessly, like a sick man at a toad, turning his forehead to the dogs, and also softly waddling, having stripped once, twice, and, having hit the log (tail), the sign was at the knot. The same hound, with a roar similar to crying, jumped out of the middle with a roar similar to crying, one, another, a third hound jumped out, and all of them ran across the field, along the same place where the wolves had passed. Following the hounds, the thick woods parted and the stormy horse of Danil appeared, darkened with sweat. On his long back with his chest, lying in front, sitting Danilo without a hat with gray, matted hair over his red, sleepy face.
“I’ll holler, I’ll holler!...” he shouted. As soon as he treated the count, a twinkle flashed in his eyes.
“Well...” he shouted, threatening to raise his harp at the count.
- About... what about Vovka! ... Myslivtsi! - And not worthy of the besotted, angry count with further rose, with all the anger prepared for the count, hitting the wet sides of the brown gelding and racing after the hounds. The Count, as if punished, standing looking around and smiling with a smile, called out to Semenya, it’s a pity for his encampment. Ale Semyon was no longer there: the fork, hugging the bushes, jumped out of the field. Greyhounds also jumped on both sides. Ale vok dine with tabernacles and drink myslivets without going through it.

Mikola Rostov was standing at his place at this hour, watching out for the beast. Behind the nearby and distant races, behind the sounds of the voices of the dogs we have captured, behind the nearby, distant and raised voices of the living ones, we have heard those who were on the island. We knew that on the island there were young (young) and mother (old) women; I knew that the hounds were split into two groups, that they were working here, and that the trapping was not going well. Just check for the beast in a second. We tried thousands of different things to say about how to defeat the beast and how to poison it. Nadiya exchanged a rozpach. How many times have you gone to God with blessings about those so that you will live on the new; We prayed for these biased and dubious feelings, which people pray for in a strong prayer that lies for no reason. “Well, what do you want, speaking in the name of God, - earn it for me! I know that You are great, and that we are asking You for this sin; But for God’s sake, make sure that the fork is baked on me, and so that Karai, in the eyes of the “uncle”, who will be amazed, has stuck with a death grip on my throat.” A thousand times, with a busy, tense and restless look, looking around Rostov, the knots of forests with two rare oaks above the aspen shade, and the edge of the yard, and the uncle’s hat, a little bit visible from behind the bush, right-handed.

A generator that allows the removal of electrical energy from its wrapper (mechanical energy) is called a dynamo. The constant strum that vibrates with it, due to its yaks, does not stagnate in everyday life as often as the changeable one. All power plants are equipped with giant generators zminnogo struma(alternators). Regardless, the dynamo is deprived of an important device that can serve well in various electrical fields, for example, when charging batteries. Therefore, a small generator, assembled with your own hands, will soon become stagnant.

Who got the dynamo and how is it vlashtovana?

In 1831, the English physicist Faraday discovered an unexpected electromagnetic phenomenon. As the copper dart wrapped around the magnetic poles, an electromagnetic field began to emerge. He himself destroyed the flow of electrons with a conductor. Based on the research of physicists, they formulated the law of electromagnetic induction. Serving as a conductor is a copper thread, winding on a metal shear that has magnetic power. When the magnetic particles in the wire grew like poles, they transformed into a magnet and attracted metal objects. To magnetize the haircut, you can use a coil or a permanent magnet. The effect occurs when one electromagnet is strongly wrapped around another.

In addition, a device appeared for converting electrical energy into mechanical energy. The first electric motors were similar to steam engines: instead of cylinders, electromagnets were installed, and instead of pistons, metal armatures were installed.

In 1834, Russian academician Boris Yakobi created the first electric motor with an armature that turns around. After 4 years, the academician stagnated the improved electric motor at the first motor plant in the world. The world's first generator of a changeable stream was created by Pavel Yablochkov. And the product of another Russian scientist M. Dolivo-Dovolsky - a triphase strum generator - became truly revolutionary.

DIY dynamo, its elements

In order to operate a dynamo, the following basic elements are required, such as a housing, an armature wrapping, a commutator, a brush trimmer, brushes, and a core with insulation.

Let's take a closer look at the preparation of the skin element.

Dynamo device

  • Frame

There are different options for manufacturing the body. You will need a tin can and a piece of pipe (diameter 100 mm). First of all, you need to tighten the bottom of the can and tighten the body. For whom the inner or outer side of the can is too thick in a number of rows, it will probably be easier to fit the same width. Then we rivet or solder the grease to the body.

In another way, cores for electromagnets and sheaths for them are prepared from steel or wedge. We take reinforcement along the width of the body, bend it, lay it one on top of the other, press it together with a cutter and solder it with its sides. Before opening the body, we separate the cores one by one, firmly.

Using screws, we screw the body to the block (wooden or metal). The body has two bearings (brass or plate, size 110x20 mm) and a stand (80x20 mm) for securing the armature. We solder the joints with a cross, at the center there is an opening with the diameter of the axis. The same opening at the stand is 10 mm at the end. You can solder copper tubes into the bearing openings (10-15 mm with a diameter of 8 mm). The first bearing is soldered to the housing with the ends of the smug, after which the system begins to bend.

  • Yakir, what will turn around

It is demanding to prepare the anchor, because there is so much to be found in it, like a working dynamo. You can take the anchor from the wool plates. The thickness of all plates is similar to the thickness of the body (50 mm), and their production requires special precision. From the hole it will be possible to produce approximately 120 kilos (46 mm in diameter). The skin stake is divided into all sectors using a compass, markings are made through the center of the stake, two stakes with a diameter of 8 and 38 mm are drawn at the center of the stake. On the crosspiece of the great stake with lines of sectors, 8 mm stakes are made. On all round plates, where the stakes were placed, with precision we drill 8 mm openings.

When the plates are tightly clamped with nuts and pressed onto everything, the anchor must come out of the round later grooves. The sharp edges in the grooves are rounded with a file.

Preparing the collector and brush trimmer

When folding the dynamo, closing the commutator and brush trimmers, care and precision are required.

  • Collector

The collector can be made from a tube (copper, brass) or made from plates. The required tube is 20-25 mm in diameter and 25-30 mm long, which is cut into 4 equal parts. The plates have two two-millimeter openings drilled into them.

Then we cut a cylinder (diameter 20-25 mm, length 25 mm) from fiber or hardwood, suitable for dry wood. There is an opening at the center of the cylinder so that the entire anchor can be released. The plates are fastened to the cylinder with the help of small screws, leaving a space of 1-2 mm between them. You can use twisted thread and insulating stitch. The screws do not have to stick to the axles, otherwise there will be a jam. The gaps between the plates are filled with rosin.

  • Brush trimmer and brushes

The brush trimmer with brushes is frozen to relieve stress in the commutator. The brushes must hang and rotate around the armature axis to change the force and pressure on the commutator. The base, 10 mm thick, is prepared from fiber, ebonite or paraffin wood. Drill three holes in it so that the two outermost bolts fit. We take 35 mm bolts from the middle and radio contacts. The bolts that secure the brushes are twisted with the nuts to tighten them.

The opening at the center must match the diameter of the tube from the middle, which was used for the first bearing in the housing. Opposite to the central opening in the end of the block, we drill a through hole and carefully cut a screw for fastening. Take a screw (for wood - a screw) with a slot or edges on the head. By opening a little less than the diameter of the screw, we turn the screw. Screw the stem in 2-3 turns, then turn it out, repeating until it fits in three turns. Then, like a screw, we finish off the offensive passage.

Rob the bearing frame, drill a hole at the upper end of it, insert a piece of copper tube and solder it. Brushes can be made in different ways, copper, brass plates or prepare carbon brushes. These can be 40-50 mm wedge plates with a 10-15 mm girder. At the end of the brush we drill a 20 mm deep drill hole under the bolts. This opening allows you to change the pressure by bringing the brushes closer to the commutator. Secure the brushes with washers. Make sure that the brushes are firmly pressed against the commutator, so that their ends are sharpened.


For the winding we will use copper wire with paper insulation and a cross section of 0.5-0.8 mm. It is necessary to add more than half a kilogram of force, which will be applied to the voltage and force of the stream. For example, when winding with a 0.5 mm dart, it vibrates 25 volts with a current of 1 ampere, while taking a dart of 0.8 - 8 volts with a power of 3 amperes. Before the cob, the cob is divided into two parts. To wind an electromagnet, you need 450 g of 0.5 g and 60 g for winding an armature. If we bought a 0.8 drt, we put 430 g for the electromagnet, and 70 rubles for the armature.

Folding dynamo

A dynamo can be assembled with your own hands in a number of stages:

  1. For the base, we prepare a board measuring 150x200 mm, with sides of 30 mm. Drill two holes from the edges of the ring of electromagnets.
  2. Secure the body to the base with two screws so that the electromagnets move along the same horizontal line, opposite each other.
  3. To the sides of the body, so that it sits perfectly, we place wooden blocks and screw them to the base.
  4. Then the outer edge of the armature axis is passed through the bearing on the housing. It is inserted in place between the electromagnets.
  5. A brush trimmer with brushes is pressed onto the bearing of the bearing frame from the inside and the end of the armature axis with the commutator is inserted. The front part of the collector is coated with a metal washer or a ring.
  6. We install the anchor so that when it is wrapped between the electromagnets, it does not seal them and is on the same surface. The stand is attached to the base of the frame with screws.

Regulation of the dynamo

  • We fasten the brushes so that the stench lightly sticks out of the collector and does not heavily foul its wrap.
  • Let's check the correctness of the connection, the presence of breaks and short circuits. We connect a 15-20 volt battery to the mechanism. If the engine works, the arm turns smoothly, which means that the dynamo was assembled correctly with your own hands.
  • After checking, the dynamo is connected to the drive, like a foot-operated sewing machine. A voltage of 10 volts is supplied to the brushes to magnetize the electromagnets. Through this line, the battery must get stuck, so we begin to tightly wrap the anchor behind the additional drive. Before the darts from the brushes, connect a voltmeter or a 12 volt lamp. If everything is wired correctly, the voltmeter shows voltage, and the light bulb is frying.
  • To help ensure even wrapping of the armature, you need to lightly turn the brush trimmer against the armature wrap, so that the brushes will spark less and take less stress. The installation of brushes can be adjusted using this method.

Bicycle dynamo

A small generator for a bicycle is installed on the belly station of the tire. It allows you to charge the batteries of mobile phones, use other devices, and light up headlights. The dancing dynamo is also called a barrel dynamo. When driving, the tire pushes the dynamo roller, which wraps around the electric generator.

For a bicycle generator, you can use a dynamo hub or a dynamo carriage. Come contactless dynamo. You can charge your phone completely away.

  • During the hour of operation, the spark generator opens up the support when driving and draws out more force for cranking, the lower dynamo bushing. Correct regulation will help change the operating principle.
  • A bicycle dynamo wears a tire on the dynamo hub.
  • When dry, the dynamo roller can be licked along the tire, which will significantly reduce the amount of energy that vibrates.
  • The dynamo hub does not require good sealing or sealing. The stench is not visible to the noise, except for the dynamos.

Operation of a bicycle dynamo

The installation of the dynamo is very important, and therefore it is necessary to install it tightly, visotu and vise. To start a bicycle dynamo of the dance type, it moves and is pressed together, and the hub dynamo is simply engaged manually or automatically.

Operate the dynamo according to instructions.

  1. Before pedaling, check the voltmeter. Vin may show tension (12-13).
  2. Select the low pressure mode, turn on the generator, and the indicator light will light up.
  3. Tightly pedal, gradually increasing the speed, until the generator turns on. The light went out, the voltmeter reads 13-14. The pedals need to be turned firmly so that the circuit can support the effort.
  4. A bicycle dynamo operates more efficiently at high loads. In case of important pressure, it is better to start the generator at low pressure, and after turning on the pressure, switch to high.

Dynamo charger

In the future, the minds of the field will have a simple “twist”, a dynamo machine for charging the phone. The current ones are chargers with a rechargeable battery. Mechanical chargers are becoming more common, but they also don’t take up much space. A lot of current “twists” are provided by the lighters.

These devices are fully charged mobile phones. For example, by wrapping the handle 2-3 times per second, you can reduce the coefficient value from 0.65 to 2.5. By twisting a couple of dials, you can talk on the phone for 2 to 5 dials. I will accept everything from the model and minds. A manual dynamo cannot be turned pressing smartphone h great display. Mechanical charging ensures results in connection with excuse me by phone simultaneously from a hands-free headset.

Charging the dynamo works effectively when the battery is completely discharged, but you can only charge the phone by twisting the handle up to 50%. If the battery is only half discharged, the “spinner” becomes a worthless toy. Since the instructions indicate a maximum charging rate of 400 mA at 2 W, the additional energy cannot be supplied if the handles are tightly wrapped.

DIY generator

An old power generator can be obtained using an old bicycle without weights on the rear wheel. You will need a 28-inch wheel and a 52-teeth front wheel, or other options, such as a 26-inch wheel and a 46-teeth wheel. We remove unnecessary parts first: front wheel, tires, gear changer, lining. We place the bike on the stand.

The generator is self-contained with two large terminals and one small one. Two large terminals are connected together, indicating a plus, and a small one - with an indicator light. The grounding terminal is connected to the housing (minus). Clean the generator, remove the cooling fan. We fix the generator on a bracket behind the seats, the spindle is positioned 10-12 cm from the rim. We select a belt, a set of teeth, approximately 82 inches. For 26-inch wheels use belts A78, and for 27-inch wheels – A80.

To adjust the tension of the alternator, a spring-type tensioner is used. The belt does not need to be tightened too much because the torque is low. A voltmeter is attached to the kermo and a light bulb is installed. If there are children in the cabin, it is necessary to protect the parts of the mechanism with hands to prevent injury.