How to advertise a group on VK: from free to paid. What is prohibited from advertising in social media and in context? Advertising is blocked on Maidan VKontakte

Advertising on VK is the most widespread among SMM scammers. People who are engaged in promoting their own and other people's businesses have long realized that this is the best way to sell their goods and services. Of course, there are rules here that must be adhered to. If you don't bother anyone, your publications will not be able to pass moderation. Now we will look at the rules for placing advertisements on VKontakte, find out what is being protected, and what penalties may follow.

Rules for placing advertisements on VKontakte

There is a new change in the rules when placing advertising posts in VK, which must be followed. Let's look at them in more detail.

Basic rules

First of all, you need to ensure that the rules are regularly updated, and you need to follow them. If you do not edit your publication so that it complies with the new rules, then you will not be able to go through moderation. You must read the rules of social media “VKontakte”. If you post advertising content based on their violations, then the administration of the VK site did not post it. After this, read the advertising legislation. If you would like one point of this document to be left unfinished, you will be advised to place it.

You will then need to consider the technical aspects of advertising posts. Choose the image format that suits you, as well as the text. The pictures must be great and clear. A unique format is required to display the group and add-ons (the images must be square). A picture or photograph must not be larger than 5 MB. Also check which formats are supported: JPG, PNG, BMP, TIFF or GIF.

Advertising design

If you wanted to create a stupefaction, then assure me that the text in this case must be written only in Russian. It is also necessary to ensure that punctuation is correct. It is forbidden to use obscene language in the text. You can’t write about situations that create negative emotions in people. For example: about death, beatings, funerals, disasters. Advertising cannot publicly include personal data: telephone numbers, address information. It is also stated in the text and photo to conduct a thorough analysis of your products and competitors’ products.

It is not possible to directly write: “Goods for 18 year olds” or “Olexander - this service is only for you.” This is due to the characteristics of the specialness of the koristuvachs. Also make sure that the pictures cannot be set to low brightness, but only suit high ones. Their theme cannot be with a sexual trick or else. You cannot advertise alcohol, chicken, or drugs. It all comes down to not only the pictures, but also the videos.

What is being protected, put it in VK

Remember clearly what you yourself cannot put into the social network “VKontakte”:

  • Services for collecting special data, as there is no explanation why such actions are carried out.
  • It is not possible to engage in activities to increase likes, prepayments, votes, vikorysts with any special services.
  • You cannot advertise materials of a pornographic nature, trainings that can help you become sick.
  • The removal of various sumishes for chicken, as well as substances that are psychotropic, has been blocked.
  • The administration does not allow advertising of alcoholic beverages on YouTube.
  • Provide services to medical institutions and private persons to perform abortions.
  • Steroid drugs for swelling of ulcers.
  • Zbroya and the technique of military directness.
  • Gambling games.
  • Supplements and resources to provoke prosperous people to carry out illegal activities.
  • Materials that are of a political nature.

These are the benefits of the VKontakte administration and are obligatory until the end. Everything on this list that was overprotected has been fenced off and removed.

Please read the clear rules

So that you can become familiar with all the important rules, you need to click on the tab under the name “Advertising” in the “VK” menu item, and then click on the “Rules” button. Next, you will see a list that clearly outlines the rules. To successfully insert them, you need to carefully trim them, and don’t worry that they are very thick.

Punishment for placing blocked advertising

If you choose to protect advertising methods on VK, then the site administration may be subject to the following sanctions:

  • Blocking your stupor. This type of punishment can be called the most expensive of all.
  • Your domain will be blocked. This means that all advertising materials from the domain on which the “Advertising Account” is located will be deleted. Ads that are created again with this domain will be blocked.
  • Your account will be blocked. Your account record will be completely deleted.
  • Financial sanctions. If the “VK” page, where the publication is conducted, is edited, then the administration of the resource can fine you 100 thousand rubles.

As far as you can understand, nothing good will come of it if you violate the rules of VKontakte sociality.

Pros and cons of updating the VK rules

If you do not violate the rules of privacy of VK, then the public you created will not be blocked at all. Plus, before everything else, the moderators will soon begin to thoroughly revise your advertising statements. You will be able to work normally and earn money. Also, no one will impose penalties on you. There are absolutely no downsides to the current VKontakte rules.


It does not matter to those that medical services or products are forbidden to advertise, so as to attach the disclaimer “Contraindicated. Doctor's consultation required »administration may skip your advertisement. You should also know that representatives of the “VK” administration have the right to request from you a document for your goods or services. This needs to be memorized so that problems do not arise. You must understand that any publication you send for moderation is checked not by robots, but by people. Therefore, respect the human factor.

Dmitro Kovalov

This article will be useful for those who want to sell goods, services, or work on their VKontakte public page, but don’t know where to start. After reading, you will learn how to select groups with your target audience and create posts that will help you achieve maximum conversion.

identifying the audience

First of all, find out who your potential buyer is and draw his portrait.

Viyaviti consume. Explain how much demand is satisfied with your product or service. It is necessary to have one speech that unites the target audience. Find out what clients want, training and forums can help.

Find out about interests. Find out about the interests of your audience to align with the group's theme.

For this purpose, the audience search tool “Cerebro Target” is suitable. It allows you to analyze the interests of potential clients of a certain level.

In the “Analysis of Customers” section, insert a message into the group in which, according to your assumption, the target audience is formed.

“Cerebro” would like to add one more tool that is available in the Facebook advertising account - Audience_insights. It shows the family camp, posad, as well as the top favorite sites of representatives of your audience. And if you are exposed to the market in the USA, then in addition to the overinsurance you will also have access to a higher salary level.

Significantly become and century. First of all, these parameters will help you select groups with the required audience. In another way, it is more special to earn money in your fast. Get them help from the Mail.Ru service.

Selection of sleeping arrangements

After creating an avatar for audience representatives, select a larger list of pages that potential clients can subscribe to. For whom:

  1. Quickly search by Search Spilnot on VKontakte.

  1. Find groups through " Market platform"In a special office.

  1. Vikorist third-party tools for working with VK groups, such as Publer. To start selecting, go to the “public / profiles” section, subsection - “VKontakte public”.

sleep analysis

Once you have a decent list of groups on the same topic, review them using five criteria.

visibility of target audience

To find out if your potential clients are in partnership, change the location and geography of your participants. This data can be seen in the “Statistics” tab.

Per article, by type and by geo, change the visibility of the audience in the group

participant activity

If there are people of the required age and status in a group, we check them for education. This indicator is designated by the abbreviation ER (engagement rate) and is supported by additional co-operation before burial.

To understand the normal character in the ER group, compare it with the leaders of the group in this topic.


You can recognize hundreds of bots through the VKontakte add-on: “ Search for “dead” participants and prepayers" If you want to go to the add-on, insert the message into the space and press “Scan”.

The presence of bots is shown by Pubbler.

Call 10-20% of spam search robots in groups. Anything more is a cheat

Another way to verify the “dead souls” argument is to watch the number of subscribers. Why look at the number of subscriptions in the site statistics. A high streak on the subscribe chart is a clear sign of a large number of bots.


It’s interesting to talk about the number of views of the post in the new page or on the wall of sleepiness. When this display is unfurled, only unique insurance providers will be insured. Moreover, VKontakte does not insure the scrolling of entries in the page. People are guilty of losing respect in the text or images. This indicator is also surprising in the group’s statistics.

The normal rate of burial is 10-20% of the total number of prepaid workers. If the group has a million signatures, 100,000 - 200,000 will be liable for murder.

Advertising posts

Since competitors advertised only 1-3 times, most of their advertising did not bring results. Please check them for professional relevance (read about this in the section “Folding of the post”).

If advertising posts of competitors are published regularly, you will need an audience more than anything else in the group. And to take away this part, stay ahead of your competitors for additional creatives and unique selling propositions.


through the administrator

To place yourself out of the middle:

  1. Find the administrator's contacts on the page. If there are none, write your proposition in the notification or in the sentence on the wall.

  1. Think about the price, time and location. If you buy a package immediately, you can ask for a discount. Ale buy more than one advertising space after only one in the already reviewed publications.
  2. Select the hour of placement based on the activity of prepayers. If you only have a place left for an hour due to low activity, ask the administrator to reduce the price a little. You can see the activity in “Publer” under the “Detailed statistics” tab.

  1. Submit a post for your convenience. Please let me know if you can make any changes. It’s better to write the entry later, so as not to re-edit it five minutes before publication.

Through the VK exchange

Publishing through the VK advertising exchange is 10-15% more expensive. Suitable for those who do not use third-party tools to find sleep patterns, since the service itself offers placement options. Moreover, it does not include third-party metrics to analyze the effectiveness of advertising, so in a special account you can see detailed statistics after the campaign.

To post through the exchange:

  1. Create a vote and send it for moderation.

If the post has been verified, you will need to go to the “Active” tab - it can be posted. If you don’t pass - “Vidhileni”. In this case, the moderators are obligated to indicate the reason, after correcting it, the vote can be sent back for moderation.

  1. Based on the specified parameters, find groups for placement. You can search for them based on the topic, budget, funding, number of participants, etc. However, you can’t find a specific partnership by name - the service itself registers the options.

  1. Submit an application for placement. Your announcement will be automatically placed in the hour range you specified.

post folding

Once you have learned about publications, prepare an advertising post.

  1. Emphatically address the audience's need to explain how your product solves their problem.

  1. Analyze your competitors' advertising, if any. Then come up with a unique proposition and post design so that your creativity stands out.

  1. Consider the content of the public in which you plan to be located. By finding out which of them are most popular, you will better understand the interests of prepayers. This will help you earn more money and less advertising.

  1. Fill the text with emoticons, so that there is a greater emphasis on respect at the forefront. Just don’t overdo it, the post should look natural, and emoticons should be appropriate.

  1. Long messages in the text to quickly seek help or Google URL Shortener. This way, the recording will take up less volume, look neater, and instill more confidence in the head.

  1. The images must be taken care of so that your post is tagged in the page, and therefore with a relevant proposition.

  1. Write the title. For whom to bring into this the main bark. If you don’t engage your target audience, then no one will read your text, which means it’s the best and sells.

Work with comments

Negative. After publication, the entries under it will be deprived of comments and not always positive ones. So try to get rid of all the negativity.

Informational. People can also ask food questions: “how to wash”, “how much to eat”, “what is the advantage of the product”, etc. They also need to be promptly informed.

Third parties. If not related to the topic of respect, you can ask the administrator for permission.

evaluation of results

To easily maintain statistics and analyze the results, create a table in Google Sheets or Excel with the following fields:

  • name and sent to sleep,
  • advertising post,
  • Variety of accommodation,
  • date and hour of posting,
  • administrator contacts,
  • number of transitions,
  • number of applications,
  • ER group,
  • profit.

Data on transitions and applications can be viewed in Yandex.Metrica. And to view your advertising posts and content in which they are located, add UTM tags before sending. More report on this topic by Dmitro Dementiy in the article: “”.

If they were posted through the VK exchange, in the special account of the advertiser after the campaign you will be able to see:

  • the total number of koristuvachs who looked at the advertising stunned, and their distribution for the article and life;
  • the number of unique koristuvachs who were transferred at least one by one to the record;
  • a number of koristuvachs who shared, who commented or who marked the post with the “I like” button;
  • a number of those who signed up as korystuvachs advertised the partnership;
  • number of applications per group.

To open detailed statistics, click on the corresponding icon in the section of the corresponding advertising campaign.

If you submitted your application without delay, if you are not able to enable the metric, please ask the administrator for post statistics before you post it. Vaughn shows:

  • underground burial and burial of prepaid workers;
  • likes, shares and comments;
  • a number of koristuvachs who have received a recording from the pages of their new page;
  • number of money per publication;
  • a number of people who followed the instructions in the post.

repeated placement

If the first few publications in the partnership were successful, please continue to post. Just hope that over time the conversion rate will decrease. Most participants will mark your ad after several placements, and then they will ignore it. To prevent banner blindness, update your entry once every week.

  • Test the new title.
  • Change emoticons.
  • Change the structure of the text.
  • Publish with other images.

Do this so that the post looks in a new way, and customers will start tagging your publication again.

For example, I have been involved in partnerships with such outrages many times:

The first placement brought ten leads, the other - all, after the third, only two applications came, after the fourth - three.

I changed the photo, came up with a new title, placed different emoticons and the next day I posted in the same group.

Repeated postings with a new post brought all, and the next - seven applications. Despite the fact that the text of the announcement has become redundant, only the visual part and the title have changed.

Search for new spilnots

To increase the density, you need to gradually find new groups for placement. In order to find similar strengths, use an audience search tool, such as Cerebro Target. From someone you can send to a public page in which they have already successfully advertised, you can find out what is similar, where some of the same prepayments will be. To do this, go to the “Audience Search” section, go to the “Groups Where Target” section and paste the message to the desired page.

Groups can be filtered by the parameters you need and can be sent to them in a text document or in Excel.

To know the size of the audience, you can quickly use cost-free analogues, for example, the supplement “

When you start advertising on the Internet, it is important to carefully read the rules and regulations in the advertising policy of each contextual and social media. In general, all restrictions and protections are similar, since advertising systems operate in the same legal field. In addition, depending on the location or region, the fences can be completely different.

Why can't you advertise?

AdWords rules, Yandex.Direct rules, VKontakte rules , Facebook rules, Give a clear statement about the protection of advertising topics. They can be seen: magic; Tyutun's viruses; goods that promote the cult of violence and cruelty; drugs, psychotropic speech; goods are subject to mandatory certification, without the need for such a certificate; goods fenced in the territory of your region; gambling and gambling; pornography.

There are categories to be discovered that can be advertised to the best of our minds. These include: alcohol, lotteries, medicines and bioactive food supplements, services from the income of the population, services from practice.

  1. Vikoristannya posilan s redirectionam. The advertising system is so stunned. This is due to the fact that after moderation is completed, the end message to the redirect may change to something else.
  2. Advertising is misleading.
  3. Advertising of unattainable results, miraculous creations, deception to the detriment of the product itself.
  4. Advertising of copies of famous brands, replicas and specials
  5. Advertising of sites on which specific personal data is collected, without specifying the reasons for such collection.
  6. Advertising of goods with unclear or figurative messages. Such advertising can provoke mass subscription from advertising (by clicking on the “Don’t show this advertisement again” button) - and this will lead to the punishment of mass registration on the side of the advertising system.

How can you be punished for placing blocked advertising?

There are a number of types of punishment for violating defensive methods in advertising or advertising of protected goods

  1. Blocking is stunned. The most extreme punishment from the sound system or social monitoring.
  2. Domain blocking. In this case, all advertising for a specific domain from existing advertising accounts will be visible, and advertising for that domain will be blocked again.
  3. Blocking of the cloud record. Outside you can see the regional record of the koristuvach.
  4. Financial punishment. Social measures VKontakte may be subject to a fine of up to 100 thousand Russian rubles at any time if there is a substitution instead of the page, due to confusion.

Fence for advertising of brands sold by the store

Trademark owners can block the search engine from running advertisements for stores or repair shops if the brand name is included in the title. For example, it is impossible to find an advertisement for a store that states that it sells Nokia, TOEFL, Xerox. There is no complete list of banned trademarks in the public domain.

You can place advertisements with such keywords only with the official permission of the trademark owners. In this case, contextual and social measures allow you to use trademarks in keywords and not respond to scams that appear.

One of the options for circumventing such a restriction is to use the Cyrillic transliteration of trademarks or the dynamic substitution of the keyword. However, there is a chance that such a stunned person will be banned in the bag. Prote, axis butt, Cyrillic replacement of the brand name (in the headings):

Advertising on VKontakte is one of the widest types of SMM advertising. People have long realized that advertising in social networks is both convenient and convenient. Well, like any other Maidan, there are rules here, which are obligatory, otherwise your votes simply won’t pass moderation.

We’ll talk about the rules and methods for placing advertisements on VK mi today.

What are the rules?

Every advertiser is obliged to know because he would like to become familiar with the rules and benefits so that in the future he does not have to worry about food, which is what everyone else was shocked about, why these and other penalties and etc. .d. yakscho

According to the legislation of the Russian Federation, the basis of the rules includes the policies of the site itself, about which we write in paragraph 1: “Advertising is subject to the Rules of the VKontakte site, the Rules of competitions.”

It is important to understand that these rules are regularly adjusted in accordance with changes in the legislation of the Russian Federation, site policy or for other reasons.

Maidanchik deprives itself of the right to make changes without the right of its employees and not notify them about the Wikonan robot. Therefore, be on your guard at all times and constantly monitor the current rules.

VK advertising rules

What will happen if the official rules of advertising on VKontakte are not followed?

To access the current rules for placing advertising announcements and posts, you must go to the special advertising account (\u003doffice), And then click on the “Rules” tab.

Let's take a closer look at all the points:

P.1 - Rules for the use of the VK site and advertising policy

Denmark's point has already hit us. Here we talk about those that advertising regulations are not guilty of violating and are guilty of complying with the law.

P.2 - Addition to text and image format

All discrepancies are due to technical difficulties. You can get to know them in more detail by following the instructions. There are no “pitfalls” here. Mainly, this includes the format and size of the image, the amount of text, etc.

P.2.1 - Stunned guilty but literate

The text of your advertising announcements must comply with the norms of Russian language. It is our responsibility to write correctly and not to make grammatical, spelling or punctuation mistakes. Just because the mercy is not part of a marketing ploy.

Following this point, you will not be able to see words in the text for the order of great letters (for example, NIZHKI) or for the order of divisional signs and special symbols (for example, ++ !!! Uvaga !!! ++). Confusion with such text will not pass moderation.

P.2.2 - about vimogs before being featured in advertisements on VKontakte

Denmark point to talk about the image. The stench must be clear and of high rankness. You are not guilty of taking revenge on “the vents that bark or aesthetically unpleasant images,” as well as alcoholic and tutun germs in the process of their absorption.

If you are vikoristing the text, you must be clear and not overexpose 50% of the entire image.

Well, in addition to everything else, you cannot vikorize the logos and other attributes of your competitors.

P.2.3 - Placement of the page, text and images of the advertising advertisement

This point is about those on the site that may be similar to what you are advertising.

Such outrage will not pass moderation.

VKontakte carefully checks advertising sites and imposes penalties on sites for violating this clause. Therefore, there is no need to deceive anyone. If someone has just thought about running a site instead, read point 5 right away.

D.2.4 Subject of the object for advertising

Here we talk about those that when creating a blindness it is necessary to indicate the correct topic. Otherwise, such confusion may not pass moderation.

D.2.5 What is covered in VKontakte advertising campaigns?

This paragraph is blocked by a lot of profanity and riddles about tragic events. We think everything is clear on this point. No comments required.

D.2.6 - Imitation of interface elements is blocked

This item protects the interface elements. For example, you can’t vikorize a picture if the “Buy” button is painted on, even though there really isn’t one there.

It is important to understand here that the word “buy” itself (or any other word) is not protected. You can place it in the image to gain the respect of people or confuse them. The head - so that it is not framed at the seemingly unknown button.

P.2.7 - Show respect for competitors

Do not compare your product with the products of your competitors. Directly downplaying the nuts and bolts of similar competitive products may result in you not passing moderation. You can ask for help from those who have fallen ill, but don’t forget about it.

P.2.8 - Personal data and VKontakte

In the publicity, it is forbidden to vikorystvuvat personal data of koristuvachs and to apply to them, vikorist and special characteristics (for example, name, age, etc.).

For example, the headlines “Olexander, this is exactly what you need!” or “Are you 30?” do not pass moderation.

P.3 - What is prohibited from advertising on the VKontakte website?

Point number 3 of the reference rules covers objects that are prohibited from advertising.

Sometimes it gets lost when your efforts are wasted under one of the over-insurance points, even though you didn’t try to advertise that it’s protected. Sometimes in such situations it is helpful to re-submit for moderation, otherwise it is necessary to completely re-work the vote. Be prepared for this.

Products from the “black list” are also subject to moderation in a similar manner. The same votes were accepted today, but may be accepted tomorrow.

P.4 - Limitation in terms of advertising for certain goods and services

In this paragraph we will talk about different types of goods/services, where additional exchanges are established.

You have the right at any time to request documentation for any other product/service. So, be prepared to hit me like that.

P.5 - Submission instead of a side page and VK advertising

Here you can read about that very change on the site. If you are suspected of this activity, then look for a ban. The best guy. In gіrshomu - you can be fined 100 thousand. Rubliv.

Clause 6 - Agreement on the provision of advertising services to VK

P.7 - Posilannya VKontakte fence

Clause 8 - Competing services, websites, trademarks and rules

Here we are talking about those who cannot remember their competitors in one way or another. This is a good marketing technique, but the administration of VKontakte does not exist.

P.9-10 - Reasons for recovering stunned in the middle

With points 9 and 10, everything is borderline clear. One deprives the VK administration of the right to instill publicity, which is contrary to their views. The other one expands the possibilities and rules for advertising placed through mobile services.

Pros and cons of updating VK rules


A precise summary of the rules and benefits for advertising on VKontakte may seem too great and complicated for some. A bunch of points, a bunch of sub-points protect one another. In reality, everything is much simpler. If you don’t want to fool anyone, then all your comments will be moderated without any problems.

If you don’t expect any damage, but have been stunned, then try replacing words or symbols in a new activity (make any minimal changes) and submit it for revision again. Most often asked.

Here you will find out:

  • what are the topics of advertising announcements under VK taboo;
  • a practical case for selling a game lane to a VKontakte site;
  • the price of traffic to the site from VK advertisements.

I want to launch campaigns on defense topics.

What are the topics of advertising announcements under taboo VKontakte

“NO low-grade advertising blunders in the vastness of VK!” - said social media workers. Since 2016, moderators have paid special attention to targeted advertising. In the official partnership with the administration of publications, it is explained what cannot be advertised In contact with.

Taboo-those have complicated the work of SMM-shields from prosuvannya. Well, I can’t say that they have been so hard. One wonders how this turned out in practice.

Case: Traffic to a website for the sale of a game lane - World of Tanks

Command: recruiting players to the site for the sale of accounts, game gold, equipment for the online game “World of Tanks”.

The average price of the lane is 1200 rubles.

The price per click was set between 5 rubles, and for conversion - no more than 200 rubles.

Why did they bother us:

  1. Analysis of the target audience.

At the first stage, we analyzed the target audience and divided it into 2 segments:

  • groupie-competition;
  • interest groups.

Active group databases were manually collected for the skin segment.

  1. Launching a stunner with different targeting methods to identify the “stunning leader” and launch split testing on the skin segment of the Okremo.

Price per click - 3.5 rub.

The following were found to be effective for launching split testing:

Price per click - 3 rubles.

  1. Launching split tests with the leading voices for the skin segment (competitive groups and interest groups).

After the split test, ineffective groups were identified, and effective ones were selected from the base of the most active clients for the additional TargetHunter service.

  1. Launch of advertising campaigns in full force with various options for teasers and advertising texts. Let's look at the analytics below.

Average price per click - 2.15 rubles.

Interest groups:

The average price per click is 1.7 rubles.

Regardless of the fact that the topic for posting on VKontakte is closed, we decided to launch a blog in this format:

And the promotional posts looked like this:

The average price for going to the site is 1.2 rubles.

In the pouch

As a result, promotional posts were the most popular. Ale group, which was specially created for their launch, was quickly blocked. I still know through topics.

Together: the average price per click is 1.7 rubles. (Replacement of planned 5 rubles)

The client independently achieves conversions. In other words, the average price for a purchase is 100 - 150 rubles. (Replacement of planned 200 rub.)

The advantage of this will be increased awareness of the site (its products and services) among other social networks, since there is great competition in this segment of the market.

5 (100%) 1 vote