What do you mean by a cloud record in history? How to follow a person on Instagram story - simple instructions. How to identify a person in an Instagram story from a phone

In the spring of 2018, the opportunity to work out riddles in Stories appeared on Instagram. This allows you to identify a person in an Instagram story, both in a video and in a photo. One History can name a few more than 10 people.

Wikorist riddles can be found among friends, colleagues and other accounts. The new sticker no longer requires you to manually type your name in text format. Just start entering the first letters of the name and Instagram for the required account manager.

How to relate to a person on Instagram Stories

Krok 1. To create a person badge in your Instagram story, you need to start adding Stories as you call it. Select a suitable photo or video that clearly illustrates the riddle. Then, tap on the sticker icon at the top and in the set, select “Riddle”.

Croc 2. After this, we begin to enter the nickname of the person we want to guess. At the hour of entry, prompts will appear - letters whose names begin with the letters entered. Priority is given to your prepayers, and then to the most popular accounts.

Krok 4. When finished, click “Outline” and on the page of choosing for whom the History will be visible, select “For everyone”.

The mystery story will be published within a few seconds. In an hour, I’ll look at the story and press on the riddles, and I’ll click on the prompt for sending to the cloud record.

You can guess what kind of cloud record you have, even if you were blocked.

How to marvel at the icons in stories

If you would like to be included in your Story, you will receive a notification via Direct. If you haven’t subscribed to the guy you know, get information from “Ask for Listing”. If you subscribe, you will be notified immediately.

How to find riddles on Instagram

It is not possible to completely include riddles in the stories of your account until social security measures have made this possible.

In this case, if anyone places inappropriate or negative materials, You can on them. To open the History of your thoughts, click on the three dots in the “Send notifications” field at the bottom of the screen.

An additional menu will appear, where there will be one single button - “Shop”, after tapping on it, you will need to select the option “Not Spam” or “Inappropriate Materials”.

Why are there no “Mystery” stickers in History?

Since the riddles have appeared quite recently, some traders may have a problem with their presence. Pererahuemo possible problems and their methods are the best.

  • Old version of Instagram software. The program may not be updated, for example, because the phone has not been connected to wi-fi for a long time, and the settings indicate that it can only be updated if connected to a new one. Decision: update the program until the rest.
  • If, after updating, the “Riddle” sticker never showed up, then there may be a problem with the add-on itself. Try yoga reinstall.
  • If nothing helps, write to technical support.

If you are an active member of the social network on Instagram, you use it to sell goods and services, or you keep a special account, you have noted that the activities of the sellers are on their sides. our people, lay it down and so on. The option appeared in 2017: now you can see your friends, colleagues, acquaintances, favorite shops and cafes not only in publications, but also in stories. This function is manual and practical: you need to register a nickname and then people can go to the account page by clicking on the story.

The reasons for the riddle may be impersonal: in the photo there are images of you and you, you took the photo while visiting a friend, you want to know about a beauty salon, and so on. The food is coming: how to tell a person on Instagram in his story. Let's talk about this.

How to identify a person in an Instagram story

Well, today it is possible to add additional functionality to stories not only to your colleagues, relatives and friends, but also to your organization. Your prepayers, while looking at the pages, can click on the icon and go to the page of the designated customer. Don't know how to identify a person on Instagram Stories? It doesn’t matter how much you earn, but we’ll work on these shortcuts:

We looked at the mechanism of how to see a person’s story on Instagram. Now let's look at the specifics.

  1. First of all, do not forget that the correspondent withdraws information about those that you have guessed from your acquaintance. If you want to recognize your story, you will also receive information.
  2. As has already been said above, the maximum number of assigned koristuvachs is 10 individuals. If you notice 10 features, then information about them will be removed.
  3. The person, as you said, has no right to remove the badge because she doesn’t want to “shine” in your history. However, you can approach the administration of the social network, since such a situation is not in the government’s hands.
  4. Any kind of koristuvach can exchange glances and see the comments of this or that other person in other publications or stories. To do this, you need to open the profile and click on the remaining section on the right edge, as shown in the image:

How to add a person to a story on Instagram, because the system shows a reward

We looked at the standard mechanism of how to catch a person on Instagram in history. However, it is not always possible to achieve the desired result and make jokes alternative ways How to tag a person on Instagram in your story

As a rule, problems arise in these situations if the buyer incorrectly selects another point. For example, if you indicated 11 friends or more, then the story will not be published. It is necessary to either select a number of icons so that the number of entries does not exceed 10 accounts or divide the number of people you want to include into 2-3 stories. Fahivtsi recommend that every skin irritant devote his or her story to the surrounding area, including your picture/video, text, and description.

Another reason has been expanded - the nickname entered incorrectly. And here the system is unable to find out the required page and, obviously, it is possible to create it. Please note that between the sign of the dog and the login of the owner there are no gaps, numbers, division marks and so on. If you are on the blacklist of the Koristuvach, it’s a pity that you won’t be able to give in to him. So, before you recognize the person in your Instagram story, check that you are not blocked from accessing your account.

How to add a person to your Instagram story on your computer

Business accounts are usually managed from a computer. It is much easier and simpler, and more analytics tools are easier to use on a computer. That’s what food is for: how to follow a person on Instagram in stories on a computer. For whom is it needed? special service- SMM Planner, sunny, melodious, already richly knowledgeable.

Actors are highly respected for vikorystuvati emulators of the Android system for PC, for example, Blue Stacks. However, the Blue Stacks blog is not in the easiest way, as you can tell a person on Instagram stories. It is explained that it is necessary to install the official version.

Let's take a look at the mechanism of how to tell people in their Instagram stories using the help of SMM Planner:

Now we no longer have to wait until the publication is published and likes are received.

For business vikorist stories

Now I understand how to include a person in Instagram stories. Other nutrition is at fault: why do business accounts need it? Let's look at the main ways to get comments from stories:

  1. Advertising. Having a large audience of prepayers, you can sell badges in history, as well as riddles and advertising in major publications. You know, a certain blogger reveals that by adding a clear speech at the store, she indicates it through the dog sign. Of course, this will attract the trust of fellow residents and increase the influx of audience to this store.
  2. Collaborations. This term refers to the creation of the original content, product, entry, with which all parts of the collaboration are shared for maximum audience growth, it is possible to capture the total audience of 3-4 pages or more.
  3. Mutual PR. How to promote a person on Instagram in a story? Indicate him in your story, and then he will credit you. As a result, the skin rejects new prepayers.
  4. Gamification of koristuvachs. The remaining trend in the area of ​​opening accounts, both special ones and business profiles, is the organization of some kind of quests and games. You can post messages in stories. For example, you can direct your clients to the partner account “ХХХ”, indicating it in the story, and create a request to subscribe to Denmark account. Now the item will be placed in the “ХХХ” story, the new icon will lead to the account record “УУУ” and so on. You can find partner accounts to conduct a hidden quest or thus develop your additional profiles. Gamification looks more natural and always brings good results.


We looked at how to identify a person in an Instagram story, and that’s what it’s all about. Experiment, combine the above mentioned methods and develop your powerful account!

Indicates friends in the photo

It is acceptable that whoever was photographed is what you want to mean. Before you sign up for a photo on Instagram, you need to first go through the stages of photo editing in the editor. At the last stage of image editing, where you enter hashtags and appear on the map, there is also the option “Indicate your customers.” Kindly click there, and then click on the fragment of the photograph where you want to identify the person. “Instagram” immediately asks you: “Who is this?” Next, you begin to enter your name or your name, and a window will appear that will appear. From the list, select a person to call you.

If there are a lot of people in the photograph, then you can immediately decide. As it is not appropriate for you to place the letter with anyone, it can be easily pushed, pressed and pulled with your finger. When everything is ready, put a checkmark in the upper right corner of the screen. You will reach the final stage of photo processing.

Photos in which your friends have identified you

The ability to see in the photo is not only you, but your prepayers. If you are included in the photo, you should contact the likes section (right-hand heart at the bottom of the screen). In addition, you will be notified about new photos of you in your profile by the number that hangs above the “Photos of you” section. Please be aware that anyone can take a look at this section, and any new photo of you will be posted there automatically. You can go to settings and change the settings for placing tags so that photos go through your censorship before being added to this section. Moreover, you can add photos that are already visible in this section from outside eyes: then the picture will no longer be available for viewing by you who are not familiar with your profile. You can also tag people on Instagram and remove your name from the photo, if you don’t care about the stink.

Signifies a person in history

As you already know, you already know what the person under the photo means on Instagram. Why work, because you want to be someone in history? Everything is very simple. At the stage of publishing a story, click on the add text icon (two letters “Aa” at the top right corner), then put the dog @ and start entering the name or nickname of the friend you want to name. A list will appear from which you choose the name you need - one or more. Maximum power people, as can be identified in the stories - 10 individuals. Show that the tag is active: by clicking on it, you can immediately go to someone else’s profile.

Features of the history icon

Your friend will receive not only regular information about the badge, but the story itself in special messages. Before speaking, remove the mark from the history, as in the box with the icon on the photo, it is not visible - the program does not provide such a function. So, please think twice about how to include people on Instagram in your story. Even the designated person will forever be deprived of the opportunity to suffer. On the other hand, the story you have created will not appear here on the profiles of your friends, and after twenty years you have died, so there is no need to be especially excited about it.

Both ways of taking notes have their advantages and disadvantages. How to identify people on Instagram - in the photo or in the story - is up to you.

The need to recognize people on Instagram arises with the pressure of notifications, publishing Stories, and tagging photos. Koristuvach rejects information, which forces him to publish or know History.

Install the icon

Like a person on Instagram in a post, available in special profile or someone else's account. To guess, it is necessary:

A sign appears with the name of the person designated. You can move it in such a way as to point to a specific customer. To include people on Instagram in a photo after publishing, you need to go to Image Editing.

There are three dots at the top of the photo (adjusted), and when they are opened, the “Change” function becomes available. Pereyshovshi, show those who are in the photo. Those who have blocked this page will not appear on the list.

Photos with posted logins can be found in the section “ Publications with koristuvach». This column is open so that it is available for review by reviewers. To press the mark, you need to:

  • Haven't you found out the subtypes? We will prepare your meal requests and send you a confirmation by e-mail
  • Pressure to pump up Instagram account record
  1. Open the image to find the profile clue.
  2. Click on your nickname.
  3. In the window that has opened, click “View”.

Instagram is one of the largest social measures. The largest companies have their pages here, celebrities and those who are simply showing off Instagram for their satisfaction. Today thousands of photographs and many stories are published. However, the trend of stories appeared recently, so many people have not yet fully embraced it, as in “Instagram” history means people.

What are stories?

Stories are ten-second posts that are automatically deleted after 24 years. The stench appeared on Instagram back in 2016, and from the first days this measure was praised by investors. As of today, stories have the following functions:

  • Opening business accounts. For additional history, you can bring prepayers closer to everyday life. A lot of great companies publish stories about how their day is passing, managing small interactions, etc. This is where stories come to the rescue.
  • Advertising. Again, so as not to notice the cloud record, you can also use the history function for advertising. It means that they are looked at more often, below the profiles of the investors themselves.
  • Variety. Every person is more likely to be amazed by “live” photos and videos, and even dry one-man posts can get a little irritating.

How to identify the person in the phone story

Now let's take a closer look at how to tell people in Instagram history.

Now you know how in Instagram history you mean a person. History can have a little more than 10 people. Once the story is published, designated members will receive notification of its riddle. This notification will be displayed for 24 years and will disappear after the term ends.

How to define a person in history from a computer. Method 1

There are no business accounts on Instagram; they are mainly conducted on computers. Why? On a PC, you have more options for editing any media files and creating content. How do you mean a person on a computer in Instagram history?

Let's take a look at the SMMplaner wiki method:

  • Step 1. Go to the SMMplanner website and register (or go to your account account). This site charges a fortune for its services, and its members are offered the opportunity to receive 50 cost-free publications per month. Then the doctor is updated.
  • Krok 2. Log in to your Instagram account through the website.
  • Step 3. After activating your profile, click on the “Create post” button, then on “Schedule”. On the right is that in whose service it is not possible to publish stories immediately. The minimum hour in which stories are published is 5 hours.
  • Step 4. Select a media file from your computer, and then click the “Upload as Stories” button.
  • Croc 5. A person icon will appear at the bottom left corner of the publication. Press on the new one.
  • Step 6. Enter the nicknames of the accountants you want to identify, then press “OK”.
  • Step 7. Select the hour after which you want to publish the story, and click “OK”.

Please note that on the SMMplanner website you can sell not only on Instagram, but also on other popular platforms. Follow them on Twitter, VKontakte, Odnoklassniki, Telegram, Viber and others.

Method No. 2

For computers special programs- Android emulator. Such programs include, for example, Blue Stacks. After being attracted to you, the “Android” screen will open in front of you and through Google Play you can engage Instagram. On the “tablet”, just open the downloads and repeat the steps from the first point.

However, this method will never be effective. In most versions, Blue Stacks has numerous glitches (constantly freezes or crashes) and installing Instagram is simply impossible. Therefore, the first method has been richly demonstrated, and food, as in “Instagram” in history, will not mean a person. It’s a good idea to quickly get to know him.

How to define a person in social media comments

We got along like stories, and what about comments? In reality, everything here is much simpler:

  • Procedure 1. Go to the official program and select the publication under which you want to remove the comment.
  • Step 2. Click on the dialogue icon or the “Add comment” button.
  • Step 3. Enter the name of the account, starting with @, and text, if necessary. The icon can be placed on any part of the comment.
  • Step 4. Click the “Publish” button.

Now you know not only how to identify a person on Instagram in the story, but also in the comments. Wait a minute, there’s nothing fancy here. A couple of repetitions – and these algorithms will no longer be needed.