Iphone 6 plus will be re-loved. The iPhone is gradually becoming more popular: what to do? method Change date and hour

Nutritionist: Good afternoon. The remaining hours often clogged the memory (iPhone6 ​​\u200b\u200b64gb). I cleaned it, but not much. I'm calling for another drink. Yesterday I went into the gallery, and it was empty. Ale in the settings shows that the memory is full. I've seen a lot of extras. Added 2 GB. However, the photos and supplements still won’t open. The phone is still scary. I can go to Nalashtuvannya and that’s it. It doesn’t reveal anything else. What is it timid? Can you update the PZ?

Video: Good afternoon! Shvidshe for all the problem in the system. You need to reflash the device and everything will be requested correctly! Come! We will be happy to help you.
With your MacPlus.

Nutrition: Good afternoon, so nutrition, I recently changed the board on my iPhone 6, after which the phone became re-enabled itself, hvilin 5 cleaned and re-enabled, what could be the problem?

Video: Good afternoon! The problem may be in the battery. Come for a cost-free diagnosis and we will quickly determine what is wrong with your device.
With your MacPlus.

Power supply: Dropped 6 plus 128. Video display, nothing cracked. Having started to gradually re-engage, without turning on. Submit to the service. They said that the flash memory was broken and there was no chance of either updating the data or the phone. Now it shows the connection cord to iTunes. Is it fashionable to make money with him? Can you pay for a replacement?

Video: Good afternoon! If the flash memory in the device is faulty, then you can get Rebollo microcircuits, the result is 50 to 50. The cost is about 8000 rubles for further repairs.
With your MacPlus.

Pitannya: Good afternoon! 6 + with the display facing down. The side was cracked, but Touch ID and the display were working. At that moment the charge was low and I left the phone to charge. Having re-enabled once, I started to enter the password, but at the remaining number the phone freezes and began to be permanently re-enabled. When connected to a computer, iTunes will indicate or ask for a password. Contacted the local service center, the master connected the new display and said that the reset is still happening. This service does not deal with flashing or internal repairs. They didn’t reveal the reason, but they said that the voltage was normal. They still have the phone number, but I can’t tell you the iTunes release number or any other information. What kind of repairs does the device need and what can be done? Behind the scenes!!

Video: Good afternoon, Dmitro! Your phone is in need of repair! Our service center will give your IPhone a new life. Come for a cost-free diagnosis, we will definitely help you. With your MacPlus

Pitannya: Good afternoon. When you turn on the iPhone 6, the screen with the apple will light up, after which a gray screen with a horizontal blur will appear and it will be restarted, the screen with charging will appear, and then everything will continue. Everything began after a minor fall. What could be the reason for this behavior? How can I repair my phone using saved information or how can I get hold of the device?
Phone: iPhone 6

Video: Good afternoon! Judging from your description, your Flash memory turned out well, the chance of renewal is 50/50, the data can be retrieved after repair, if possible, otherwise I can have mercy so that it is necessary to accurately identify the malfunction, so Diagnostics is completely cost-free

Nutrition: Good evening. Please tell me. This situation happened a few months ago. The original USB disappeared somewhere. I had to buy a very cheap Chinese one, so I put my phone on charge through the laptop. and update.update did not complete The phone rebooted. And from now on, nothing happened to it...... and the pouch just rebooted for the first few days. Then somehow it turned on itself. A couple of minutes passed and it rebooted again. I don’t remember how, but It was discovered that when you turn on the light, it doesn’t reboot. In general, it went like this for several months with the flashlight function turned on. In the last month, it crashed and the screen crashed. For a month, it was not possible to Remove the screen. Yesterday they brought us a screen. It was installed. But the phone didn’t react at all. We took it to the nearest repair. There the guy ran diagnostics and said that the contact was oxidized. We were upset. So the repair is not cheap. The guy was in the know and did something there and said that there is 1% of 100 what will work .in the bag the booth was set to update. it went away and it turned on. yay. but the screen doesn’t work. after putting your screen back on our body and everything turns on and everything works. we know

Video: Good afternoon! Tetyana, you need to replace your display module (screen) with the robot within 20 minutes. We work daily from 9 to 21

Power: On the iPhone 6, a sign often appears indicating that the phone is overheating. I've lost my honor, I'm sorry
Re-vandalized, the sign disappeared
After what hour she appeared again and appears like this even often
What is it timid?

Video: Good afternoon! You have obvious problems with one component of the food pan, which needs to be replaced. The cost of replacement becomes 6,000 to 8,000 rubles.

Food: Good afternoon
What's the best way to repair a dial-up modem on an IPhone 6?
If so, how much does this cost and what is the guarantee?

The axle is in hand and a brand new and stylish iPhone has appeared, which is what they talk about on TV. Everything is fine for the moment, and the phone is re-engaged only with the instructions of your ruler. However, after ten hours it may remain untransferred, and the iPhone axis is gradually re-locked and does not allow any operation to be carried out. When it happens two or three times, then there is no need to worry. Ale jakscho rezavantazhenya Bagatorazov - this is the reason for hilyuvan.

Get such gadgets replaced without any problems in official Apple stores. What if the warranty term has already expired? If the iPhone is gradually becoming more popular, what should you do in this situation? There’s no point in panicking in the first place. In most cases, this problem occurs without the need for specialized equipment and does not require any advanced knowledge in electronics from the phone owner.

To be fair, it is clear that the problems associated with the fact that the iPhone is gradually being re-engineered began after the new version of iOS. Most customers who have installed iOS 11 / 11.1.2 firmware have identified such “importances”. However, not only older phones have problems. It was widely assumed that the iPhone 5S, 6, 7 and 8 will automatically re-enable itself. Thus, if the same version of the operating system is installed on the phone, then with the greatest reliability Milka in the firmware.

It’s entirely possible that the problem is in the device itself, as it has become stuck. However, most often the malfunction occurs in the software itself. Apparently, you can try to fix the damage yourself at home. However, before completing these and other manipulations, you must carry out preparations.

Backup copy

If your iPhone is gradually being re-keyed, then it’s best to immediately copy all important data from it. For this purpose, you can use numerous utilities for archiving or manually transfer folders and documents to a separate hard drive or to storage.

This is necessary because in some situations (after updating the firmware or after updating the factory settings), the data is permanently deleted from the iPhone. After this, if the iPhone is gradually re-engineered, you can try a number of recommendations.

Updated PP

As has already been said in the beginning, the problem may arise from the “broken” firmware. The best way is to update the system to iOS 11.2 or newer ones. This can completely solve the problem.

You can earn money on your own, quickly using standard iPhone tools. To do this, you need to go to the secondary settings and find the “Program Update” item in them. After this, the gadget registers the new version of the software that needs to be installed.

However, in some situations, the smartphone “seems” to voluntarily cancel such operations, but this does not mean that everything is spent. It is entirely possible that the notification function about new software versions is enabled on the gadget. In such a situation, it is necessary to activate it. To do this, just go to settings and find the “Report” item there. They must be activated both for the entire system and for the skin supplement. As a rule, your phone will automatically notify you about new versions of the software that are ready before installation.

If this doesn’t help, and since the iPhone 6 is gradually being re-engaged, then you can try a more cunning route. For this there is no need for any special zusil.

changing the date

Apparently, updates occur at regular intervals. Most often, the installation of new software is carried out before the latest dates. If it becomes disabled, the phone begins to terminate this procedure gradually. In such a situation, the easiest way is to change the current date to 1st birthday and thus “fool” the unhearing gadget. To do this, you just need to go to the main settings and find the item that indicates the date and hour. In this menu, you must manually select 1 breast and save the changes.

Ring the person's phone "hanging up." However, this may not help. If the iPhone 6S is gradually being re-engineered, then you can try another awkward procedure.

re-decorated, I'll add an extension

This procedure allows Primus to convert the device to factory settings. Finally, all processes that could result in inconsistency with permanent re-introductions will be suspended. To do this, you need to press the Power and Home keys at the same time. After that, you need to scroll until the characteristic apple logo appears on the monitor. Then the gadget is re-enabled, and the problem will arise.

This option is relevant for all versions of iPhones, except for this model. If the iPhone 7 is permanently restarted, you need to follow the same procedures, after the logo appears, you need to press the “Home” key and at the same time press on the increase or decrease in thickness I’ll add this panel.

Skidannya nalashtuvan

This is another effective method that only takes a few minutes to reset your phone to factory settings. To make adjustments and try to stabilize the robot device, you need to perform a number of simple manipulations. There is only one thing you need to fix: after this you will need to re-install the ringer melody and something else.

Well, why do you need to go to the gadget setup and find the key there? After clicking on “Remove all settings”, the phone will be re-engaged. Based on the knowledge of other merchants, you can learn that this method does not delete the personal data of the owner on the phone, but rather be on the safe side and still move the most important data to the other person.

Updated or updated add-ons

Not everyone respects the fact that Rapto’s re-engineering of the device begins immediately after installing a new utility or popular messenger. In this case, the problem may be that it is not the phone itself that is causing the problem, but a specific system or program.

In this case, it is recommended to carefully read all the addenda. If possible, they should be reinstalled as quickly as possible. If you don’t want to lose your achievements in games, then at least update them to the latest version, which is announced by the publisher.

Utility for updating the robot system

At the edge you can find a large number of brown utilities, which can significantly simplify the life of the seller of “apple” products. For example, the PhoneRescue add-on can correct the main problems of the robotic system. In addition, this program often helps when the gadget is completely frozen, and only the manufacturer’s logo is displayed on its monitor. The program is also designed to correct problems associated with incorrectly installed or incorrect firmware. Before the word, after the “handicraft” renovation, such inconsistencies as Rapt’s re-introduction may also arise. Therefore, the publisher strongly advises against engaging in self-indulgence. It’s better to carry out all the updates in a standard way, using the tools of the iPhone itself.

If the 5, 6, 7 or 8 iPhone is constantly restarted during charging or connecting the unit to other devices, then such problems may be related to the hardware.

I'll add a clean port

If problems occur during charging or connecting headphones, you must carefully remove the Lightning connector. It is entirely possible that fluff, drink or other waste has accumulated in the socket and can cause damage to the electrical connections if the gadget is connected to the charging unit. For cleaning, you can use a toothpick, a hairpin or a small head. However, experts recommend adding a special spray can for tight areas. It is used for more thorough cleaning of various equipment.

In addition, similar problems can result from the use of a non-proprietary cable in the telephone. In this case, we have a lot to say about a more thorough conduct, which is best suited to the official Apple store. If the phone is under warranty, the easiest way is to go to the service center.

In this article, we will look at the reasons why the iPhone re-locks on its own either periodically or steadily (cyclically) and what to do in such a situation to solve the problem.

This article is suitable for all iPhone X / 8/7/6/5 and Plus models. On older versions (4/3), menu items and hardware support may vary or may be added daily to the statistics.

Reasons for permanent or periodic re-upgrading of iPhone on iOS 11

This problem includes the appearance of a black screen, cyclical re-downloading, re-downloading when updated/turned on/charging, re-downloading without end or delay, re-downloading on its own, constant re-downloading of the gadget, etc. Let's take a look at the reasons for this problem:

  • Problems with the firmware. Features and bugs often appear in new versions of the iOS system. In this situation, you need to check until a new build with a bug fix is ​​released, or upgrade your device to the latest version of the system.
  • Failures in the iPhone system board. The problem is that I will finally install it.
  • Wear battery. Most often, failures occur due to an old battery. If the smartphone is to be reinstalled within the time frame of any advance on the central processor, you will need to replace the element with a new one.
  • Emergency termination of robotic software. The gadget is starting to become re-invited, so why are you only dealing with one specific add-on? Then delete it from your phone and reinsert it again. If the problems recur, then the program is not suitable for iPhone.

Tenorshare ReiBoot add-on

Just open and watch the video: “How to use the new functionality of iOS 12 100%”

With the help of the Tenorshare ReiBoot add-on, you can perform a cyclic reboot in iOS 11 and restart your phone:


The cost-free Tenorshare ReiBoot add-on is the most popular and works great with iOS 11. The utility has problems with blue/black screens, overheating, freezing, restarting cycles, stuck on the logo, and stuck in update mode.

Backup copy

If the iPhone is constantly being re-engaged, it is necessary to back up all important information from a new device. For this purpose, you can use the following utilities or manually transfer documents and folders to a separate hard drive.


This is an important process, as in the first cases (when updated to factory settings or after updating the firmware), information from the iPhone is permanently deleted. If after completing this operation the iPhone is gradually re-enabled, you need to try other methods.

Updated PP

The reason may lie in the “broken” firmware, so it is best to update the system to the latest version. This can solve the problem.

The quitting process can be done independently, on iPhone, for which there are standard tools:

  • Let's go to the underground settings.
  • We know the “Program Update” menu.
  • The device prompts you to install a new version of the software. We install it.

In some situations, the phone may not be able to perform such an operation. It is certain that the device has the function of notifying about a new software version enabled. It is necessary to activate the option:

  • Go to settings and find the “Memorandum” row.
  • Alerts are activated for the entire system and for the skin supplement.

After this, the smartphone will be notified about the new version of the software that is ready before installation. If this method does not work, then you can use a more cunning method, which does not require any special effort.

changing the date

Renewal mainly comes at regular intervals. The installation of a new software is most often carried out before the latest dates. As soon as you have lost your phone, the phone begins this procedure to be terminated gradually. In this situation, it’s easiest to change the exact date to 1 month in order to “fool” the gadget:

  • Let's go to the underground settings.
  • We know the item that indicates the date and hour.
  • There you will need to manually insert 1 breast.
  • Save the changes.

After this, the phone can start functioning normally. If the iPhone keeps getting re-engaged, then we try these methods.

re-decorated, I'll add an extension

This operation allows you to turn the device back to factory settings. This will help to reduce processes that may cause problems during continuous reboots.

  • We press the Home key and the power key at the same time.
  • Please note that the characteristic apple logo will not appear on the monitor.
  • Then the device ends up being re-enabled, and the problem is bound to reoccur.

This method is relevant for all versions of iPhone, except the 7th model. If the iPhone 7 is permanently reset, you need to follow identical procedures, but after the logo is displayed, press the “Home” button in addition and then click on the change or increase the thickness on the side of the device.


Skidannya nalashtuvan

This method is similar to the option of reverting the smartphone to factory settings. To effectively adjust and stabilize the gadget’s operation, you need to practice a number of simple manipulations. It is necessary to ensure that after this, re-install the ringtone again.

We are considering upcoming events:

  • Let's go to the advanced settings of the device. There we know the second key.
  • Click on “Reset all settings” to re-enable the device.

Although this method does not reveal any particular information from the user of the smartphone, it is better to play it safe once again and copy the most important files to the next device.

Updated or updated add-ons

Gadget re-installation can begin immediately after a popular messenger or new utility has been installed. In this situation, the problem may lie in the fact that it is not the phone itself that is trying to update, but a specific program or game.

In this situation, it is necessary to carefully read all the programs. If it is possible, then again it is. We don’t want to lose all the power we have in games, so the add-ons can be updated until the remaining versions are released by the publisher.

download firmware

Using iTunes, you can update the system by downloading the firmware after updating iOS 11. The download will be updated to the version that is in the backup copy of the corrupted smartphone. Since it’s weekday, we create them before the new day.


The reason for re-wanting the iPhone is a hardware failure

If the reason for the fleeting reappearance of the iPhone was a hardware failure, then the gadget should be entrusted to professional engineers. If you try to update your robot on your own, parts may become damaged, which will lead to higher repair costs.

I'll build a clean port

If the device is reconnected while the headphones are connected or while charging, you must carefully remove the Lightning connector. It is possible that the fluff, drink or other liquids have accumulated in the socket, which can lead to bad electrical connections when the device is connected to the charging unit.

You can clean the port of the device using a toothpick, a small head or a pin. Fahivtsi recommend adding a special spray can for tight winds. It can be used for reliable cleaning of various equipment.

The cause of the problem may be a stuck cord from the smartphone. In this situation, it is necessary to add more clarity to the official Apple store.

iPhone X / 8/7/6/5 / Plus automatically re-updates itself to iOS 11 periodically or cyclically

5 (100%) 3 people


The iPhone is gradually becoming more popular: what to do?

The axle is in hand and a brand new and stylish iPhone has appeared, which is what they talk about on TV. Everything is fine for the moment, and the phone is re-engaged only with the instructions of your ruler. However, after ten hours it may remain untransferred, and the iPhone axis is gradually re-locked and does not allow any operation to be carried out. When it happens two or three times, then there is no need to worry. Ale jakscho rezavantazhenya Bagatorazov - this is the reason for hilyuvan.

Get such gadgets replaced without any problems in official Apple stores. What if the warranty term has already expired? If the iPhone is gradually becoming more popular, what should you do in this situation? There’s no point in panicking in the first place. In most cases, this problem occurs without the need for specialized equipment and does not require any advanced knowledge in electronics from the phone owner.

To be fair, it is clear that the problems associated with the fact that the iPhone is gradually being re-engineered began after the new version of iOS. Most customers who have installed iOS 11 / 11.1.2 firmware have identified such “importances”. However, not only older phones have problems. It was widely assumed that the iPhone 5S, 6, 7 and 8 will automatically re-enable itself. Thus, if the same version of the operating system is installed on the phone, then with the greatest reliability Milka in the firmware.

It’s entirely possible that the problem is in the device itself, as it has become stuck. However, most often the malfunction occurs in the software itself. Apparently, you can try to fix the damage yourself at home. However, before completing these and other manipulations, you must carry out preparations.

Backup copy

If your iPhone is gradually being re-keyed, then it’s best to immediately copy all important data from it. For this purpose, you can use numerous utilities for archiving or manually transfer folders and documents to a separate hard drive or to storage.

This is necessary because in some situations (after updating the firmware or after updating the factory settings), the data is permanently deleted from the iPhone. After this, if the iPhone is gradually re-engineered, you can try a number of recommendations.

Updated PP

As has already been said in the beginning, the problem may arise from the “broken” firmware. The best way is to update the system to iOS 11.2 or newer ones. This can completely solve the problem.

You can earn money on your own, quickly using standard iPhone tools. To do this, you need to go to the secondary settings and find the “Program Update” item in them. After this, the gadget registers the new version of the software that needs to be installed.

However, in some situations, the smartphone “seems” to voluntarily cancel such operations, but this does not mean that everything is spent. It is entirely possible that the notification function about new software versions is enabled on the gadget. In such a situation, it is necessary to activate it. To do this, just go to settings and find the “Report” item there. They must be activated both for the entire system and for the skin supplement. As a rule, your phone will automatically notify you about new versions of the software that are ready before installation.

If this doesn’t help, and since the iPhone 6 is gradually being re-engaged, then you can try a more cunning route. For this there is no need for any special zusil.

changing the date

Apparently, updates occur at regular intervals. Most often, the installation of new software is carried out before the latest dates. If it becomes disabled, the phone begins to terminate this procedure gradually. In such a situation, the easiest way is to change the current date to 1st birthday and thus “fool” the unhearing gadget. To do this, you just need to go to the main settings and find the item that indicates the date and hour. In this menu, you must manually select 1 breast and save the changes.

Ring the person's phone "hanging up." However, this may not help. If the iPhone 6S is gradually being re-engineered, then you can try another awkward procedure.

re-decorated, I'll add an extension

This procedure allows Primus to convert the device to factory settings. Finally, all processes that could result in inconsistency with permanent re-introductions will be suspended. To do this, you need to press the Power and Home keys at the same time. After that, you need to scroll until the characteristic apple logo appears on the monitor. Then the gadget is re-enabled, and the problem will arise.

This option is relevant for all versions of iPhones, except for this model. If the iPhone 7 is permanently restarted, you need to follow the same procedures, after the logo appears, you need to press the “Home” key and at the same time press on the increase or decrease in thickness I’ll add this panel.

Skidannya nalashtuvan

This is another effective method that only takes a few minutes to reset your phone to factory settings. To make adjustments and try to stabilize the robot device, you need to perform a number of simple manipulations. There is only one thing you need to fix: after this you will need to re-install the ringer melody and something else.

Well, why do you need to go to the gadget setup and find the key there? After clicking on “Remove all settings”, the phone will be re-engaged. Based on the knowledge of other merchants, you can learn that this method does not delete the personal data of the owner on the phone, but rather be on the safe side and still move the most important data to the other person.

Updated or updated add-ons

Not everyone respects the fact that Rapto’s re-engineering of the device begins immediately after installing a new utility or popular messenger. In this case, the problem may be that it is not the phone itself that is causing the problem, but a specific system or program.

In this case, it is recommended to carefully read all the addenda. If possible, they should be reinstalled as quickly as possible. If you don’t want to lose your achievements in games, then at least update them to the latest version, which is announced by the publisher.

Utility for updating the robot system

At the edge you can find a large number of brown utilities, which can significantly simplify the life of the seller of “apple” products. For example, the PhoneRescue add-on can correct the main problems of the robotic system. In addition, this program often helps when the gadget is completely frozen, and only the manufacturer’s logo is displayed on its monitor. The program is also designed to correct problems associated with incorrectly installed or incorrect firmware. Before the word, after the “handicraft” renovation, such inconsistencies as Rapt’s re-introduction may also arise. Therefore, the publisher strongly advises against engaging in self-indulgence. It’s better to carry out all the updates in a standard way, using the tools of the iPhone itself.

If the 5, 6, 7 or 8 iPhone is constantly restarted during charging or connecting the unit to other devices, then such problems may be related to the hardware.

I'll add a clean port

If problems occur during charging or connecting headphones, you must carefully remove the Lightning connector. It is entirely possible that fluff, drink or other waste has accumulated in the socket and can cause damage to the electrical connections if the gadget is connected to the charging unit. For cleaning, you can use a toothpick, a hairpin or a small head. However, experts recommend adding a special spray can for tight areas. It is used for more thorough cleaning of various equipment.

In addition, similar problems can result from the use of a non-proprietary cable in the telephone. In this case, we have a lot to say about a more thorough conduct, which is best suited to the official Apple store. If the phone is under warranty, the easiest way is to go to the service center.


iPhone gradually re-engineers after updating

The iPhone will re-engineer itself with the updated iOS 11, what should you do?

What happens when your iPhone shakes and shakes?

iPhone 4,5,6 repair. Camera works, reboots. Firmware via iTunes. Phone repair

What to do if the battery on the ipad iphone is dead and it won’t turn on, it will restart for the whole hour or it will freeze

iOS 11 Beta lag! How to get started on iOS 10?

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What to do when your Apple iPhone, iPad is connected and connected v2


Firmware after iPhone Re-Vantation

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Home "New" iPhone is gradually becoming more attractive after updating


After iOS 11 / iOS 12 iPhone 6 / 6s / 6 plus / 7/7 plus cyclical re-update and what to do?

Some iPhone 5 / 5s / 6 / 6s / 6 plus / 7/7 plus / 8 / X users often get confused because the devices need to be re-installed for an hour after updating iOS 11, since this problem is repeated several times. Why be timid in such a situation? This includes a lot of randomness, for example, it is constantly re-enabled on the apple, it is re-enabled on its own, it is re-enabled without a hitch or end, it is re-enabled when charging/turned on/updated, cyclical re-enablement of the black screen , etc. First of all, it is necessary to understand their reasons.

There are possible reasons why the iPhone 6s is gradually becoming more popular:

1. Problems with the firmware. Bugs and fixes often appear in new versions of iOS. In this situation, you will have to check for the official release of a new build with the bug resolved or upgrade your device to the latest version of iOS;

2. Resource life of the battery. In most cases, the battery itself is old and causes the failure. If the phone is restarted if there is any increase in power on the CPU, replace the battery with a new one;

3. Failures in the iPhone system board. The stink is the legacy of the gadget;

4. Emergency termination of the robot program. Does your phone start to re-engage if you only use one specific program? Then you should remove it from the device and reinstall it again. If the problem happens again, the device does not support the iPhone.

Ways to fix the problem

Why is the iPhone cyclically reinstalled after updating iOS 11?

With the help of Tenorshare ReiBoot, with one click you can exit the cyclic reboot and restart the device without any problems.

Lesson 1: Download and install Tenorshare ReiBoot on your computer. Connect the device to your computer using an additional USB cable.

Step 2: Once Tenorshare ReiBoot has recognized your device, press the “Enter Recovery Mode” button and put your iPhone / iPad into update mode.

Step 3: The “Exit Update Mode” button will appear through a series of slides. Press this button and the problem will be solved.

Not just that, Tenorshare ReiBoot is the most popular cost-free utility for iOS users. It also allows you to fix problems with stuck in update mode, stuck on the splash screen with the Apple logo, cycling, freezing, overheating, black/blue screen and problems with iOS updates. It's great with iOS 11. This is the best addition that allows iOS to work like a new one.

How to fix “iPhone restarts and won’t turn on after iOS 11”?

The first method is the simplest. Of course, there is another way - Primus re-invitation.

To do this, you need to simultaneously press the Home and Home buttons and press them until the Apple logo appears. Regardless of the seriousness of the problem, the frozen picture can be replaced by the same icon for connecting to iTunes, which means that the new version of iOS, unfortunately, could not install correctly. In case of Primus reinstallation, the problem could not be corrected and it is necessary to update the smartphone via iTunes.

How can you consistently re-engage your iPhone after updating to iOS 11?

With the help of iTunes programs, you can update the system through the firmware download. You can do a downgrade. Downgrade is a standard upgrade of the operating system to the version that is in the backup copy of your phone data. However, you should make a backup copy before updating.

Read the article about how to upgrade from iOS 11 Beta 1 to iOS 10.3.2 without losing your backup.

Apparently, cyclical re-inspiration can be easily overcome. Your gadget works as expected and does not erase information using Tenorshare ReiBoot. This program separates the Windows and Mac versions and supports the iPhone.



Are iPhone 8, iPhone X gradually re-engaging on their own?

As you may have found out, you can always use your iPhone as soon as you find out. The iPhone user himself can tell you about problems on his device, for example, “iPhone screen is frozen”, “iPhone will not turn on” and “iPhone X and iPhone 8 will restart”, which is the main topic of this article. If you are concerned about the frequent re-engaging of your iPhone 8, iPhone 8 Plus or iPhone X, read this article and find out how to deal with the problem of iPhone X, iPhone 8 Plus and iPhone 8 re-engaging, how to deal with it? Lower solutions are possible.

Rada 1: Primus re-vantage your iPhone 8, 8 Plus, X

If your iPhone X, iPhone 8 Plus and iPhone 8 are restarting, the first simple, but effective solution you can try is to restart your iPhone, which is also helpful in case of the common problem “touch screen does not work”. The method for restarting iPhone 8, iPhone 8 Plus or iPhone X is similar to the method for restarting previous iPhones. Follow the next steps to find out how to earn money.

Step 1: Press and gently release the volume increase button.

Step 2: Press and quickly release the thickness change button.

Step 3: Then press and hold the power button (Sleep / Wake) until the Apple logo appears.

If your iPhone 8, 8 Plus and X are re-installed, try resetting all settings on your iPhone. On your iPhone in iOS, open “Adjustments”\u003e “Basics”\u003e “Skidannya”\u003e “Reset all settings” to reset.

Check whether your iPhone 8, iPhone 8 Plus or iPhone X can be re-enabled through various old add-ons on your iPhone due to the inadequacy of the iOS program and operating system. In this case, you can download this program from your iPhone or update its add-ons to the latest version.

If there is something wrong with your iPhone battery, a problem with “iPhone recharging” may occur. As it is, just replace the old battery on your iPhone with a new one and marvel that the problem is not solved.

Find your iPhone 7 or iPhone 6, which is starting to re-engineer after updating iOS? The shortest way to solve the problem is to switch from iOS 11 to iOS 10. I want to find the most effective solution to the problem in such a situation.

Rada 6: Update your iPhone to factory settings.

If you want to avoid the problem of “iPhone X and iPhone 8 being reset,” you can try another solution, which involves resetting your iPhone to factory settings to set it up like new. When you delete, all data on your phone will be deleted, including videos, photos, music. Make a backup copy before downloading.

More details about the reset: how to get a hard reset or hard reset for your iPhone?

For iPhone users like you, you need an iOS data transfer and file management tool to help you transfer and manage files instead of iOS. A completely cost-free security software that is recommended is EaseUs MobiMover Free. When MobiMover is installed on your PC running Windows 7 or later versions, you can export files from your computer to your iPhone / iPad (in iOS 11 or later), create backup copies from your iPhone / iPad to your computer, and data from one iDevice to another without any costs or exchanges.

The files you can transfer include photos, movies, TV shows, music videos, home videos, music, ringtones, audiobooks, voice memos, contacts, notifications, notes, and more. Do you want to add ringtones to your iPhone X? Don't get too excited. MobiMover can help you with this. Do you want to sync contacts from your old iPhone to your new one? There are no problems. Check out MobiMover to help you out. Sound amazing? Install MobiMover on your computer and try it yourself.


The iPhone itself is becoming more popular - reasons and what to do. For Spring 2018

In this article, we will find out why the iPhone X / 8/7/6/5 is re-engaging itself, we will find out the reasons and we will try to eliminate them.

Our site is not responsible for your activities. We recommend that you contact a service center for repairing iPhones and other mobile equipment for professional assistance.

Butt. 2nd birthday 2017 fate in rich Vlasniki iPhone having started to re-engage itself. The reason for this is a change in iOS 11.1.2: if any notification came from any program, then the phone was re-engaged. Apple promptly released update 11.2, which fixed the problem.

The iPhone will re-enable itself through software fixes or malfunctions

Current programs, especially unofficial ones, can call incorrect devices. Viyaviti “blaming” breakdowns is awkward. To do this, look at the registration log on your smartphone.

Information about the incorrect operation of the add-ons is available in the official settings (information about the use and diagnostics). Since unstable operation inevitably manifests itself after installing a specific product, then there is a problem with the calculations. It is important that a record of the emergency shutdown is made after the activation of the song function or installation of the program has been recorded.

Periodic updates to the shell can also cause a lot of heat from your smartphone. The firmware is installed incorrectly - installation of the current operating system in the device's memory - bring it up to speed. It is recommended to check the correct installation of the operating system, and also check its compliance with the technical capabilities of the specific iPhone model.

Since the software or the operating system of the model itself is not the reason for the shutdown, it means that the failure is in the hardware of the smartphone. In such a situation, it is necessary to contact the customer service center for assistance.

Hardware failure - the reason for the refurbishment of the iPhone

1. Often the battery is the “weak” side of the iPhone. The battery can simply lose contact, which is no longer sufficient to destroy stable operation. Believe me, over time, any iPhone gives “play” - a small gap between the fixing elements of the cover of the device.

2. The battery may simply be worn out and not be in good condition. Naturally, if the battery loses capacity, the smartphone will fail. Remember that the battery's full charge life is only 400 cycles. After the destruction of such a limit, the capacity of such important components will inevitably fall. In addition, a voltage drop right before the hour of charging will cause breakdown of the battery contacts.

3. A malfunction of the smartphone’s circuit board may appear after intense shaking or a strong impact. A similar “breakdown” in the electrical signal transmission circuit is caused before the device is turned on if there is a sudden change in its position. In this case, this problem often leads to the breakdown of other iPhone components.

4. Failures of the smartphone processor lead to the impossibility of this constant corruption. Often the iPhone freezes even at the startup stage. “Vesno” is displayed at the stage of being displayed on the splash screen. If malfunctions occur, or if the central processor burns out, it is necessary to replace the components.

5. Damage to one of the signal signals. Today's devices support several types. In this case, the work is incorrect or the breakdown of one element can lead to a breakdown in the voltage distribution in the smartphone. Similar calls are made to the device.

6. Over the course of an hour, the electronics of the device are destroyed by a volga that has sunk down the middle of the body. Water initiates the oxidation process of materials and leads to inevitable damage to connectors, contacts and elements of the iPhone. Therefore, getting the device very wet, for example, due to clear climate change, or directly hitting the device in the country is considered one of the main reasons for further destruction of the robot.

If you need to renew your iPhone, it is recommended that you entrust the device to professional engineers. Remember - independent attempts to update your robot will often lead to breakdown of other components and increased cost of repairs.


How to fix persistent crashes and reset iPhone 8/8 Plus in iOS 11 / iOS 12

Owners of the iPhone 8 have started to note that their phone is constantly malfunctioning. Numerous crashes and restarts of the iPhone 8 in iOS 11.1.2 / iOS 12 are associated with a bug that is called on the forums “2nd breast problem.” From that day on, the iPhone began to behave in a strange manner: constant crashes, cyclical resets, crashes, etc. appeared. Since you noted that your device is subject to a similar procedure, we will tell you how to correct this matter.

The iPhone is gradually becoming more popular - what to do?

The date has been released to most iPhone users. Among the victims were owners of other versions of iPhones and iPads. This bug only appears on iOS 11.1.2: add-ons crash, the iPhone is gradually re-installed - a tickle spins on the screen.

As was explained earlier, the deal is related to local programs from the App Store, which regularly send information to clients. Some kind of conflict occurs, through which the iPhone 8 is re-engaged or flies to the desktop. A number of ways to solve the problem:

1 way Connections notify for add-ons and background updates

Why do you need:

1. Open the Adjustment - Awareness program.

2. From the list of add-ons, select the requirement, press it, and then transfer the function “Tolerance notify” to the inactive position. And this works for all add-ons from the App Store.

3. After this, open Adjustment - Main - Updated content. Here we also turn on the link.

2 way. Change date and hour

Since the decision was given, starting from the 2nd birthday of 2017, one of the methods of its decision will be to set any other date, up to the 2nd birthday. You can change the date through Settings - General - Date and hour. We turn on the button opposite the function of automatic date setting and manually set a different date.

3 ways. Primusov re-engineered your annex

1. Press and gently release the volume increase button.

2. Press and quickly release the thickness change button.

3. Press and hold the Power button until you see the Apple logo.

It is possible that after a Primus re-enablement of your device, the problem will be resolved, and the iPhone will no longer be constantly re-enabled and malfunction.

4 ways Update to iOS 11.2 or a new version of the system.

The official solution to this problem is to run iOS 11.2 firmware or a new version of the system, which Apple has patched. So you can simply update your gadget to the newest software and forget about this problem.

Updating via iTunes is a standard procedure, if your iPhone is permanently re-engaged, it is best to use the Tenorshare ReiBoot program. The program automatically updates the firmware on the phone and thereby saves all data on the device in its integrity and confidentiality.

Procedure 1. Download the program from the official website of the distributor and install it on your computer, then launch it.

Step 2. In the Programs window, click on the “Fix all iOS stuck” button.

Step 3. Then the update mode will be launched and a new version of the software will be installed. After rebooting, your device will be ready for use, and you can adjust the notifications of add-ons in Settings as you wish. When the process is completed, click on the update button. After a few seconds, the device will be re-engaged and ready for work.

iPhone users often get embarrassed because The iPhone will be gradually re-engineered after updating iOS 12, This problem is repeated several times. Why be timid in such a situation? This includes a lot of randomness, for example, it is constantly re-enabled on the apple, it is re-enabled on its own, it is re-enabled without a hitch or end, it is re-enabled when charging/turned on/updated, cyclical re-enablement of the black screen , etc. First of all, it is necessary to understand their reasons.

Possible reasons why the iPhone is gradually becoming more popular:

1. Problems with the firmware. Bugs and fixes often appear in new versions of iOS. In this situation, you will have to check for the official release of a new build with the bug resolved or upgrade your device to the latest version of iOS;

2. Resource life of the battery. In most cases, the battery itself is old and causes the failure. If the phone is restarted if there is any increase in power on the CPU, replace the battery with a new one;

3. Failures in the iPhone system board. The stink is the legacy of the gadget;

4. Emergency termination of the robot program. Does your phone start to re-engage if you only use one specific program? Then you should remove it from the device and reinstall it again. If the problem happens again, the device does not support the iPhone.

Why bother, because the iPhone itself will re-engage

Why is the iPhone cyclically reinstalled after updating iOS 12?

For help, with one click you can exit the cyclic restart and restart the device without any problems.

Lesson 1: Download and install Tenorshare ReiBoot on your computer. Connect the device to your computer using an additional USB cable.

Step 2: Once Tenorshare ReiBoot has recognized your device, press the “Enter Recovery Mode” button and put your iPhone / iPad into update mode.

Step 3: The “Exit Update Mode” button will appear through a series of slides. Press this button and the problem will be solved.

Not just that, Tenorshare ReiBoot is the most popular cost-free utility for iOS users. It also allows you to correct problems such as, etc. It's great with iOS 12. This is the best addition that allows iOS to work like a new one.

How to fix “iPhone restarts and won’t turn on after iOS 12”?

The first method is the simplest. Of course, there is another way.

Why do you need to press the buttons at once? Dodoma and Kharchuvannya And keep pressing them until the Apple logo appears. Regardless of the seriousness of the problem, the frozen picture can be replaced by the same icon for connecting to iTunes, which means that the new version of iOS, unfortunately, could not install correctly. In case of Primus reinstallation, the problem could not be corrected and it is necessary to update the smartphone via iTunes.

How can you consistently re-engage your iPhone after updating to iOS 12?

Using iTunes programs, you can update the system via download firmware. You can do a downgrade. Downgrade is a standard upgrade of the operating system to the version that is in the backup copy of your phone data. As it is, there is no trace before the updates.

Apparently, cyclical re-inspiration can be easily overcome. Your gadget works as expected and does not erase information using Tenorshare ReiBoot. This program separates the Windows and Mac versions and supports the iPhone.

If you get to the iOS devices on the right, you will notice constant problems that are occurring on all devices from time to time. One of these problems is when the iPhone or iPad is re-locked for no particular reason, and this happens often. It's a pity that the remaining iPhones are suffering from the occasional refurbishment. Are you re-loving your iPhone 6/iPhone 6 Plus? There are some adjustments you can try to uniquely re-engineer your devices.

Clean iPhone

It is entirely possible that your iPhone 6 / iPhone 6 Plus is being re-engaged through an unnecessary change. We are talking about unnecessary notifications, URLs, browser caches, cookies, bookmarks, etc. Delete all unnecessary files and watch your iPhone stop re-engaging (and also save valuable memory).

Vidality of non-living additions

Since you haven’t been vikorist for some time now, why don’t you see them? The remote programs on your iPhone 6 / iPhone 6 Plus will not only help you update your space, but also make your device faster. Hundreds of installed add-ons may be the cause of relapses.

Clear history and site data

It's easy to finish. Just go to section fine-tuning\u003e Press Safari\u003e press Clear history and site data\u003e Then click Clear to confirm.

View jailbreak tweaks

After jailbreaking your iPhone 6 / iPhone 6 Plus, you may have installed jailbreak tweaks. Unfortunately, your actions are bad for interacting with each other and can be the main reason for the re-engagement of your device. Delete tweaks that you no longer need or those that are not practical to be abused. To view tweaks in Cydia:

  1. Launch Cydia and click Installed
  2. Select the Tweak you want to view
  3. press Modify in the upper right corner.
  4. press Remove

Get iPhone discount

A quick reset to factory settings may cause more problems if the iPhone 6 / iPhone 6 Plus is reinstalled. They say that their problem with re-installing the iPhone was solved after the settings were removed. To get a discount to the factory settings, go to the menu Settings\u003e Basic\u003e Reset\u003e Reset all settings\u003e Click Send to confirm.

iPhone update

This is a global solution, so post it only because all of the above solutions could not solve the problem of re-engaging the iPhone. Upgrading your iPhone can be satisfied with the long procedure, so best of all, you will benefit from the rest of the process. Before updating, make sure you have created a backup copy of your device.

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