I am a correspondent for Microsoft on the phone. How to delete an old entry and move to a new one. What to do when a cloud account is blocked

Let's take for example the Skype program, which is designed so that people can communicate without harm with friends and colleagues. It is our responsibility to create public records so that we can find people we know, call and send them notifications in real time. Due to cloud recording, Skype remembers and saves the entire list of our contacts, notifications, personal information and our other data.

What is a Microsoft cloud record?

If the primary Skype account is considered a person's passport, then the Microsoft account can be called a foreign passport. On the right, with an additional Microsoft cloud account we can log in to your profile not only in Skype, but also on Outlook.com, OneDrive, Xbox and Windows 8. Wait a minute, this is much more convenient and secure.

Do you still need a login and password for your cloud account?

A login and password are required in order for us to log in to Skype - when we enter a login and password, Skype verifies the data and avoids it, if necessary, with the correct account holders. The password is required only for this process, which is called authorization. Instead of a password, the login is used for other purposes, for example, if you want to find a person and add them to your contact list. Knowing more than PIB, we definitely can’t find him on Skype, because you can find Ivan Vasilyovich in Moscow. With the help of a unique login, we can easily find the person we need. The same thing happens - if they know your login, other people can easily find us.

Come on, the most important thing here is the password?

Yes, just like that. Even our login is known to everyone, plus you can easily find it in Skype Explorer. That's why the password should be flexible - not short, but explicit, and it's important to avoid different chaotic characters. To create complex passwords, it’s best to use a password generator and write down your password so you don’t forget it.

How to create and manage a cloud record?

Creating a cloud record is the process of filling a special form with all the necessary data. However, on each site or service, the process of creating a cloud recording will be slightly different, but as a result, everything will be reduced to the need to enter a login, create a password, enter any other data and, for the most part, ів, enter the code correctly for protection from robots (Also at home yak captcha). After you have filled out and submitted the form, you can deny access to your new account (although in some cases, especially if you need to enter your email, you must confirm that you entered your email address). I’ll try to show below a number of examples of how you can create account records on various sites, and also send each of them a request for authorization and update the password for your account account:

Oblikovy record Skype

. Description:

Skype cloud recording is only used so that people can quickly access Skype and connect one by one. Of course, everyone is happy, not a penny is stolen.

. Log out:

To leave, you must first download free Skype and launch it on your computer or phone. If you want to go to the site and edit your profile, follow the instructions at login.skype.com/login

. Update:

If you have forgotten your Skype password, update it at login.skype.com/recovery

. Viluciti:

You will need to go to the support service support2.microsoft.com/skype/hostpage...wfname=skype so that you cannot delete your account account on your own.

Microsoft cloud record

. Description:

Microsoft's cloud account is required so that people can access all of the corporation's devices and services. With an additional Microsoft cloud account, you can gain access to Skype, OneDrive, Windows 8, Office 365, Xbox Live, Outlook.com or Windows Phone.

. Creativity:

You can create a Microsoft account at signup.live.com/signup.aspx, where you need to fill out the form with the following required fields:
  1. Nickname and name: Your friends can use your name on all Microsoft services.
  2. Name of koristuvach: Vickory your favorite email or create a new one
  3. Password: no less than 8 characters, which is responsible for mistying letters, numbers and symbols
  4. Date of birth: It is necessary to adjust the settings according to your age
  5. Become: If you don’t want to indicate your position, select the “Not Indicated” option
  6. Captcha: just enter all the characters you see in the image

After filling in all obligatory fields, press the button "Create an oblique record".

. Log out:

To log in to your Microsoft account, go to login.live.com/login.srf

. Viluciti:

You can delete your Microsoft account at account.live.com/closeaccount.aspx

Oblikovy account Facebook

. Description:

A Facebook cloud account allows you not only to register your profile on the website facebook.com, but also to log in to other websites and services (including Skype).

. Creativity:

To create an account for Facebook, you need to fill in all fields on the page facebook.com/r.php
  1. My nickname is: so that others know who you are and can know you
  2. Email address or mobile phone number: to update access
  3. Password: be it the dowzhina or the symbols
  4. Date of birth: to mark your century group

After entering the data, press the button "Registration"

. Log out:

To log in to Facebook, go to the next page

Very often, consumers who bought a smartphone with the Windows Phone operating system are faced with the problem of creating a cloud account on the phone to access all its functions. These instructions will show you how you can quickly and easily create a Windows Live ID for your smartphone. Windows Live ID is an identification and authentication service provided by the Windows Live system. Used for single sign-on on all Microsoft web services, for synchronizing contacts, downloading games and programs, and much more.

Please note that this account will synchronize all your phone settings, as well as special files. If you forget your password and cannot reset it, you will have to reset your phone. There are two ways to create a Windows Live ID, and which one you choose is up to you.

Ways to create Windows Live ID

1. From the computer to the Internet. You can create an account record using your regular email address, for example [email protected], and you can also create a completely new mail, which will be your account record.

2. Creation of a cloud record at the time of the first call on the phone. To create a cloud recording in this way, you must be actively connected to the Internet via Wi-Fi or through a wireless network, after turning on the phone again.

Registration to your E-mail

Krok 1. To get started, you need to go to the site where you will register a Microsoft cloud account on the mail screen, as you did before on other mail services. After you go to the site, you will see a number of fields that need to be filled out. It is obligatory to indicate that you are over 18 years of age, otherwise you will then not be able to acquire anything from the add-on store and will have to set up “Batkovsky control”.

There are really not so many fields for filling, it is important to fill them out, and to indicate your real phone number and your details. This is necessary in order to restore access to the postal screenshot for any person who has stolen or lost passwords!

Croc 2 After you have filled in all the fields, you need to go through an email verification process to ensure that you can effectively use the email screen. Please turn over the Inbox folder and follow the instructions on the page to complete setting up your Microsoft cloud account.

Registration for the song mail screen has reached its end. You will see the remaining page confirming that you have successfully registered a new Windows Live ID account. You will no longer have to press the “OK” button and be transferred to the side of a special account. Now, you can safely enter a new Windows Live ID account on your phone.

We hope that you have registered the correct Windows Live ID that you will need when using your Windows Phone smartphone. This identifier is used so that you can log in to all Microsoft web services, synchronize contacts, download games, add-ons and much more!

Registration of a new E-mail

Croc 2 You have to enter a phone number that you can come up with at random, or better yet, enter a real number, because in case you suddenly forget your password, you could easily recognize him. Now it is impossible to enter the verification code correctly.

Enter it carefully so as not to register with Windows Live ID many times, because sometimes you may be prompted to quickly update your page by entering the captcha incorrectly. Once you have filled in all the fields, click the “Create an account record” button and it will automatically be transferred to the special account page.

We hope that you have registered the correct Windows Live ID that you will need when using your Windows Phone smartphone. This identifier is used so that you can log in to all Microsoft web services, synchronize contacts, download games, add-ons and much more!

If you are thinking about creating such a cloud record, make sure that you are not using any of the Microsoft services, for example, OneDrive, Skype, Outlook.com, Hotmail or Windows Phone. As such, your account data in the system includes the email address and password you use to log into one of these services. Thus, you already have a Microsoft account and with it you can log into other system services, synchronize your profiles in social networks Facebook, Google and Twitter, buy programs in the Microsoft Store and do all sorts of things with services і OneDrive for saving and exchange of documents and photographs.

In case of any problems, such as losing your password, you can update your data through the associated email address or create a new Microsoft account based on the already registered address in any mail system or a newly created email new screenshots in the system.

Creating a new account based on your email address or from scratch

To create a new Microsoft account with a different email address, open the page https://login.live.com/ and click the “Register” button at the bottom right corner of the page. The page “Creating a cloud record” will open. Fill out the form fields, enter your email address in the “Corister Name” field, and create a secure password. To color your data, enter your phone number. Reliable information about the date of birth is also necessary, this information will help you regain access if you forget your password. Confirm the symbols with the verification code and press “Create an account record.”

Registration takes a few seconds. Within a few seconds, a sheet from the Microsoft technical support service will arrive on your email screen with instructions to confirm your email address by clicking on the message in the sheet. Then you will automatically go directly to your account account, in the section “Live News”, where your name and personal data are displayed.

To create an account record from scratch and immediately register a new email address in the Microsoft system, on the “Create an account account” page, press the message “Or select a new email address” under the “Correspondent’s name” field. Come up with your own customer name (the system itself will determine the availability of the address) and select one of two domain name options for the mailing address: outlook.com or hotmail.com.

If you use Windows 8 or 8.1, you are probably already well aware of the new authentication mechanism for client users. In addition to the local cloud account, these versions of the operating system support authorization through the Microsoft cloud account. And although you can still use it, these functions and daily programs still require you to log in to the system to use it - otherwise you simply won’t be able to use them. This not only created a divide between the two types of cloud records, but also led to dissatisfaction among the investors. Fortunately, Microsoft is listening to the needs of its customers, and in version 10 the company has softened its policy for customer profiles.

Let’s try to understand what the differences are between these two types of cloud records in the new version of the operating system and what has changed in the update from Windows 8.1.

What is a local cloud record?

To put it in the simplest possible terms, the resources of the system are configured with the programs of a specific user, in order to access which vikors you need to share the user’s name and password (although it is completely unnecessary to protect the vikor’s password). Since the OS version was released before Windows 8, it is obligatory for the local profile.

As the name suggests, a local cloud record is created only for one system, so if you have more than one computer, then on each of them you will see different images, so you can appreciate that at any time you can

In Windows 10, local storage allows you to install desktop programs, configure settings, and restore the operating system as before. You can also look through the Windows Store, otherwise you can download and install programs - for which, as well as to enable synchronization of parameters between computer devices, a different type of cloud storage is required.

What is a Microsoft cloud record?

A number of online accounts for the company's products, which were united under one name. So, if you have ever used Hotmail, Windows Live and Outlook or devices such as Xbox or Windows Phone, then you already have such an account record. By rebranding and merging these profiles, the company ensured the re-integration of all its services into one cloud record. This means that you can use it to access everything related to the Microsoft ecosystem.

On a local account, to log into an operating system with a Microsoft cloud account, email addresses are used, not the account user's name. In this case, you can send an email from the software giant (hotmail.com, live.com or outlook.com), Yahoo!, Gmail or send to the address provided by the Internet provider.

This type of entry does not allow password protection, however, you can configure the system so that it is entered automatically when entering the skin (div.). In addition, Microsoft's account record uses a two-way system for identifying the individual user, so that when logging into your account from a device that is not included in the list of trusts, you are required to enter a security code.

Why do you need to vikorize your Microsoft account record?

The use of such a cloud recording often allows you to eliminate the hassle of configuring all your computers “under yourselves”, while some of the system setup can be synchronized between them automatically. In other words, song changes created on one computer with up to ten will be automatically created on other computers with the same Microsoft profile.

The system allows you to synchronize the theme, web browser settings (ten have a standard browser - Microsoft Edge, so synchronization of bookmarks, logins, etc. is completely up to date), passwords for sites, add-ons and management.

Another benefit of using a Microsoft cloud account is related to the ability to download, install, and update programs from the Windows Store. With a local profile, the software store will be available only if you change your view.

As the owner of a smartphone with Windows 10 Mobile or another device based on Windows 10, an online cloud account will provide you with access to universal programs and games. This concept, which was initially introduced for Windows 8.1 and Windows Phone 8.1, means that the purchased program becomes available on all devices running the Microsoft platform. Then, having purchased the program from any device under Windows 10, it will become available on your other devices. This includes the need to buy the same supplement for your computer, smartphone or tablet and helps save a few pennies.

Microsoft's cloud storage will also help you with OneDrive wikis, so you can manually sync all types of files with it - again, between all devices.

Another feature of Windows 10, which is only available with a Microsoft account, but still does not support the Russian language, is called Cortana. This is a program that operates as a digital assistant. The function is closely linked to the Microsoft account and will require access to the calendar, email, contacts and history of web surfing to meet the needs of the customer. So if you want Cortana to be able to plan your activities, tell you what to be careful about, or find good restaurants, you will have to go to your Microsoft profile.

Once you have found your Microsoft cloud account in Windows 10, you can contact your family. This version of Family Safety has been expanded to include all the parameters that will help you manage everything related to the online lives of your children. The function allows you to adjust the settings for the skin, block websites for adults, control the activity, time the child spends on the computer and allow them to engage in those programs and games that are suitable for their age. grief.

Why do you need to vikorize a local view record?

In Windows 8.x, local storage is limited and does not allow access to many functions of the operating system. In ten years, the restrictions have been weakened, and the status of the local cloud recording will have moved up to the level of Windows 7.

For example, in the latest version of the operating system, the programs “Calendar”, “Post” and “People” cannot be used without an MS cloud account. With Windows 10, you can work with any of these tools without any restrictions, in a unique local environment. Most email clients will allow you to choose any account account (Outlook, Gmail, etc.) and will not force you to select a Microsoft account account just to run the program. This change will probably appeal to those who have less than one computer, for whom the function of synchronizing parameters is absolutely essential, as well as to those who do not need programs from the Store.

The company's policy regarding local cloud records has changed in a positive manner; With Windows 10, the corporation tried to find a balance between the two types of accounts, and then made another attempt to bring the new operating system into a more visible light.

As soon as you started to cancel your Microsoft cloud account, it’s ok!

Have a wonderful day!

Often, when using a home or work computer on Windows, developers will need to create a larger work space. It’s much more convenient if you use cloud-based records for your skin care provider separately, which allows access to your files, documents and programs.

However, adjusting the browser for the skin surgeon can be disruptive, and this even affects the handiness of the robot.

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And this is due to the power of Microsoft's cloud storage system, since Windows is one of the most advanced operating systems today.

How to prepare before creating a new account

In addition to the convenience of working on the same computer with household members or work colleagues, Microsoft Cloud Account helps you connect a number of devices, for example, a personal computer and a mobile phone. All the necessary files and documents are always at your fingertips.

Previously Microsoft cloud records were called Windows Live IDs. This service provides access to the most popular Windows services, like this:

  • Windows Phone (for smartphone users on the Windows platform);
  • Outlook;
  • MS Office (Word, Excel etc.);
  • Skype.

This can be described as signing an email with a password, which it is necessary to install the koristuvachevi yourself. The mail can be registered in any electronic postal system.

To get started, you should still check: you may already have a registered account with a Windows Live ID. This is possible, since previously the accountant already had account records with reinsurance companies in more popular services. For more information about this information, you can go to Other Microsoft services, vikoryst's own tributes for entry.

It turned out that the profile records are Live id. These services have already been created, if you have problems logging in, you can simply send a request to update your password, which will be sent to the email specified at the time of registration. You can also create a new mail screen based on the previously registered one.

Registration would like to allow in one of these services synchronize data From social networks Twitter and Facebook, as well as from Windows Phone.

How to quickly create a new oblikovy record

Since the customer already has a permanent electronic mail screen, I can help you just create a new one Microsoft account record from scratch. To do this, on the page www.login.live.com/ you need to select the “Register” item. It is located on the right hand side at the bottom. After this, a page will open where you need to enter the necessary information in the skin field: email address in the “Corister name” row and password.

The password must be strong enough to reduce the possibility of hacking the cloud record. To be on the safe side, we are guilty of:

  1. add up to 8-12 characters;
  2. include numbers and Latin letters of different registers (large and small).

We also do not require you to enter your phone number for identification and short-term protection, as well as the correct date of birth. This information may be useful if you need it Terminal update password and access to your account record.

After this, the system prompts you to enter verification symbols to verify that the data was entered by humans and not by machines. Having filled in all the fields, click on the “Create an account record” button.

The creation of a cloud record is quick, literally in a few seconds. Within this hour, you need to check your mail screen to see if you have received a letter of confirmation of your account registration from the Microsoft technical support service. Having proceeded to the mailing list, the client is automatically redirected to the page with his or her created account record. There are already hidden information about the moneymaker, his personal data and name.

As for the koristuvach, there is no postal screen and you need to create a Microsoft account record from scratch, then you just need to select the item “Select a new email address” next to the email address on the page for creating a new Microsoft Live ID account. The system prompts you to come up with a name for the postal screen or select from the registered options and check the address for availability. The customer also selects a domain name for his email address. In the system Microsoft has one of two options: hotmail.com or outlook.com

Mobile version of Microsoft cloud account registration

For mobile account users, there is another easy way to register via phone number. In the customer name row, before registering, you must enter your phone number, select the country in which registration number (to assign a code). Todi registration confirmation code You will receive an SMS directly to your phone from the Windows technical support service.

Creating a new Microsoft account (Live id) is a very complicated process, but it will significantly simplify the life of a Windows user, including everything necessary for everyday activities.

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