Where is the monetization menu in VK. Public monetization. From zero to the first million

The public is richer in a more popular format, lower in the traditional group. Public Vkontakte is getting bigger and bigger, but it's not surprising, even if it's a working way to monetize VKontakte. Today, the public makes money on the placement of advertisements, and, for the great rahunka, the same income was lost. On the right, that advertising can be cost-effective, it can also be advertising for other publics or partner programs. The same message is the main source of monetization on VKontakte, so other publics are advertised in the first quarter in order to better increase their audience and promote partner messages. And what is a partnership effort? Let's give an example.

Monetization of VKontakte for additional partner messages

It is acceptable for you to have public references to books (lovers of reading, lovers of science fiction, etc.). You register as a partner in an online store that sells books and denies the ability to publish affiliate offers. The largest online bookstore that has its own affiliate program LitRes. Like a person, like a person who came at your request to make a purchase, then you can take up to 20 hundreds per book size. This is the scheme of monetization of VKontakte that is practically used today with goods. But the target audience is important, even recommending books to the public, which has nothing to do with this topic, there is no sensation. Yogo audience tse netіkavo.

Also, there is a possibility of monetization on direct advertisers, and in this case, the theme is necessary. For example, a local public, where they would like to advertise their own advertising to a local company. Especially, as your public will become one of the most popular. In places with populations close to one hundred thousand, advertising in public with a number of payers in the region of 20-30 thousand can bring up to 2-3 thousand rubles per post.

The topic directly contributes to the growth of income and even strongly influences the minimum audience necessary for this income. If you have a public, in which banal quotes are published, then here the most significant earnings are made in the form of 70-100 thousand prepayers. If the topic is too rich, then the digits can be even more pronounced.

In general, the monetization of the public Vkontakte is accessible to the skin, but it is necessary to protect those who have no easy pennies here. So don’t copy other people’s ideas, you won’t have a crow and a lot of payers.

The boom group in contact is more fateful for those who are quick to understand and start developing their skills, who have already become a millionaire a long time ago.

In today's realities, there is a thought that such hours have long ended and now it is unrealistic to earn money on groups.

In fact, you can make money in public, and as you can see from applications, it’s worth it in general, and in some cases, it’s a big penny.

And so, let's take a closer look at how you can earn money on groups in contact on specific butts with numbers.

Chi є in social networks pennies and chi can you earn money on VK groups?

On the website of "Kommersant" є, in a way it is said that the public, group and other social records of VKontakte only for breastfeeding in 2017 folded 250,000,000 rubles.

Tsya viruchka bula generated for rahunok new tools under the name "Market - Platform" and "Merezha VKontakte - RSVK". Before them, we will turn a little less, but for the time being, the numbers will be parkan.

If we take 250 million and multiply by 12 months, then we take the figure of 3,000,000,000 rubles per river.

Those Є yak at least 3 billion rubles per river can be circulated in groups and public. Not good, right? Despite the fact that there is no guarantee of earnings, which is to pass through the exchanges.

Don't forget about the fact that there are pennies on the Internet - advertising is getting bigger and bigger. Great advertisers actively come here for advertising.

I think we got it together, there are pennies here, now you need to understand, how everything works in practice.

In what ways can you make money on groups in contact

You can see 2 main types of earnings, which can be practical for all social measures.

  1. Creation of rozvazhalnyh spіlnot
  2. Features Blog

Let's take a closer look at the leather look.

1. Creation of rozvazhalnyh spіlnot

The easiest way to make money in groups in VKontakte, the creation of partnerships according to interests. Obviously, the most competitive way to earn money.

There is already a large number of people earning money, even if they want some pennies, and it means that it happens to be like a head and hands.

The most widespread interests (topics) in social media are humor, cooking, sports, earnings, etc. Everything can be boldly called rozvazhalnymi sleepy.

In such niches, it is not necessary to think and strain especially, people just want to marvel at funny videos, beautiful pictures and read smart thoughts. Wanting such people becomes less and less.

1. Choose topics

This is one of the most important steps. To the choice of those it is necessary to go seriously. Aje, if you choose the right niche, your income will lie.

Try to choose only the topic that suits you best. It will be even more beautiful - as you are kindly arranging in this topic.

For example, if you love to cook, then you can boldly go to the kitchen. So, you can give your pre-payers effective content.

Three thousand different recipes, You can give your audience only the most delicious and original recipes for cooking for all kinds of life.

2. Relevance

At what stage it is necessary to understand, what topic to talk about someone else in the Crimea? While everything is clear with cooking, it is not so simple with other niches.

Know in VK all your competitors and obov'yazkovo respect for the number of pre-payers, it's not enough of them, otherwise you will have to promote your group for a long time.

Row of jokes VKontakte

This niche is obviously worthy of popularity. I got a dozen groups from some millions of payers.

Please! Choose a broad topic. The more traffic in the future, the easier it will be to get promoted!

3. For whom the group will be recognized

Try to focus only on a woman, or only on a human audience.

Women should be alone, and men should be called otherwise. I foolishly show one and the same advertisement to them and others.

Even at the very start, you will be guilty of thinking about those, with the same rank you will earn money on your group.

What will you do? Affiliate programs or will you manage advertising on the automatic system of VKontakte?

4. Vik

Let's not call and think about it - the group will be insured for the audience. The less number of front-payers your group has, the less you can earn money.

The older your audience will be, the more pennies you can earn. Students have a lot of pennies, but grown-ups have a penny. Everything is simple.

5. Competition

Do not be afraid of competition in contact. Yakscho won є, mean tse tsіkava і popular topic. I already said: the more traffic, the more income (in the fallow of those).

Ale, one more important detail. You are guilty of correctly evaluating your financial ability in order to compete with others.

The largest groups on prepayers earn more money in their topics.

If you really want to achieve serious financial results, then you need to be No. 1 in your niche.

6. Ideas for posting to the group

A lot of newcomers absolutely do not understand the stars to take cicavia content. Everything is simple here.

It's best to create content yourself. Since there are no such skills, then you can take yoga from your competitors.

Wonder how everything works on a simple butt. If a beginner creates his first group, then he tries to put his whole soul into it.

I'll come up with some nice posts, pick up beautiful pictures for them. For years, I've been searching for the correct information on websites and on YouTube.

What should the great admin group do? It's great to know that newcomers are trying to "folk" such content. Admins simply know their own such donors and "rejoice" in their posts.

The axis is such an injustice, unfortunately, it is true. I never call you to work like that. I'm just sharing information with you.

Until then, recently VK has learned to designate unique content as "copy-paste" and retailers of social media call people to work their unique content, in order to promote their coolness and brilliance, and these shows without intermediary inject into earnings.

7. Creation of a group

As soon as you saw all the details, as described above, then the very hour.

Design it beautifully and remind you of the first content. Collect at least 15 - 20 best posts. Remember, we wear clothes according to our clothes.

8. Group promotion

The most advanced psychological stage for the big ones is the cost of investing pennies in the promotion of your group.

If you want to make money on groups in contact, then you can’t do without a contribution. Insert 0 - mean and subtract 0.

How to promote the group correctly and budget can be recognized.

Remember! Your group would not have been like a garna and cicavoy, without a pre-payer it does not mean anything.

At the first stage, you will be focused on the collection of prepayers, and only then you will be able to earn money!

Vsіlyako unique rіznih cheats! Early on VKontakte you will be banned, and even then you will spend not only a penny, but an hour.

Such cheats are calculated even more simply. Practice honestly and you will be happy with a good result.

9. Earnings

The most important point for bagats is the same money you can earn on the group in contact.

There is no single-valued opinion on the food chain. Everything will be due to decal factors:

  1. Nisha and number of prepayers
  2. audience engagement
  3. monetization methods
1. Nisha and prepayers

Zim mi with you already more and less rozіbralis. If you have a minecraft group, then it is unlikely that you will earn big money here, you will have 1,000,000 prepayers. Schoolchildren don't have a penny, and your group will simply not be a cicava to advertisers.

If you have a group of special finances, then you can earn big money in it with a small amount of prepayers of 30 - 50 thousand prepayers.

2. Audience engagement

A more important factor. VKontakte is constantly changing its ranking algorithms. For low-level VK content, they simply do not show your posts to pre-payers.

Tse is perfectly visible in any kind of spivtovaristvo. Go to the be-like group and look at the post at the icon near the eye. Tsya tsiferka bude pokazuvat okohlennya records. Those Є skіlki people succumbed to this post.

For example, I am a member of the culinary group de 6,000,000 prepayers. Znayshov post, some kind of publications, I got it back and marveled at the stunned record. Vіn klav total 212 000. And de reshta 5 800 000 people? And deyakі post navit scored a total of 100 - 150 yew pereylyadіv.

The group has more than 6,000,000 forward payers, but you can still earn a total of 200,000

On the right, in the fact that VKontakte has an algorithm for calling it "a smart line". So the axis itself wins and chooses to show a specific post to the payers.

Piece intelligence in diї! If your posts are not liked, commented, reposted and looked over a little, then the system shows that this content is not relevant and there is nothing to show to other people.

This algorithm has one more explanation. Everyone realized that VK made money on the sale of advertising.

Apparently, VK was aware that you were spending pennies on the development of your sleep. You will be buying traffic in order to increase the excitement.

On this show, all advertisers give their respect. It is not enough to say the number of prepayers. Їх to cackle the record.

As I said above, at the cob stage, you will need to constantly invest pennies in the purchase of traffic.

3. Ways to monetize the group

The administration of VK has created even more efficient services "Market - platform" and "VKontakte advertising media", which allow you not to think about advertisers' requests and allows you to save income on autopilot.

Earnings in automatic mode

Everything you need to know, so apply for a connection to these services. As soon as they connect you, you will immediately start earning pennies on the machine.

It's specially designed for those people who just want to be in the middle of creating different and unique content and don't want to think about those de and like jokes of people who want to buy ads from them.

Such an income will directly depend on the number of records in the group. I'll give you an example.

My relative has a small group of 30,000 payers in a small niche.

Remember, I told you, why did you choose a wide topic? So the axis of this group cannot be physically separated, because there is not a great number of people there.

What can we do at the moment. 30 thousand prepayers, 10 thousand per day. Earnings in becoming a total of 210 rubles per day. Tse dokhіd ide z advertising merezhі VKontakte (RSVK).

Butt of earning a group in contact with 30,000 prepayers

Market - a platform for small groups is practical, and the axis for big groups, which is mainly for income. In the same way, in such advertising, a figure of 250 million rubles in revenue per month was shown.

I showed you my butt in order for you to be swayed and understood. There are too many small groups in contact, and I earn a little stench. Axis why you need to start working on article No. 1 in the niche.

Earnings on affiliate programs

Like bachite, it’s not possible for small groups to get paid for automatic income, so it’s like bringing only a few pennies.

With such vipadkas, I can come to the rescue. Before the speech, є groups of millionaires in contact, yakі earn decent pennies only for affiliate programs.

The axis looks like it is on a specific butt. The group has 1,200,000 pre-payers placing an advertising post in the affiliate program. For skin care, the administrator of the group will take 500 rubles.

Advertising a product with affiliate programs in the VK group

Skіlki bude zamovlen in tsіy group, you can only guess. In 1 day you can post up to 5 advertising posts.

Search advertisers

If you didn’t call to sit with your hands clasped, then you can tell people from the very beginning, if they want to buy advertising from you. Let you not have a lot of pre-payers, and the price will not be high for advertising.

This way is more similar to spam, because you happen to write to rich people in a personal and pronounce your advertisement. Be careful, otherwise VK will easily block your side.

By the way, you will get new acquaintances with other group administrators. Axis їm something and you will be able to propagate the advertising space without intermediary. So, as all and forever, traffic and new pre-payers are needed.

group sales

VKontakte administration does not support such resale. Ale, be it in a good mood, a good group, like bringing pennies, you can always sell it for sure.

If you want to spin the book a little, and then sell yoga, then register as a new card in VK and link it to your sim card. Nadalі tse to clear the process of sale.

Don't forget that with such favors it's easy to spend on shakhraiv. Start working through guarantees.

To fool you, then VK is unlikely to help you. Since the sales and purchase of groups is fenced by the rules of the social media itself.

Case: 370,000 rubles per month for a group on women's topics

In contact with the group "Ranevskaya.LIVE". Vede її simple girl. The net income from the taxable income is more than 200,000 rubles per month.

Qiu group had 1,500,000 rubles invested in traffic. Of these, 350,000 of their own. 1,150,000 rubles were invested back. 1 prepayer cost 1.8 rubles.

The infants' group brought 370,000 rubles in revenue. Of these, 150,000 were spent on advertising. 220,000 were cleared in 1 month.

The axis is so simple, the girl raised her from the 0th group and agreed to the infamous financial results.

2. Features Blog

If you love publicity and you want a savage knowledge, and if you make a lot of money, then this format is exactly right for you.

People deserve to take care of the lives of other people. We are so powerful. Axis why the blog format is already popular for a long time.

Leading your blog, V, in the first place, promote a special brand. You create your own name in your own niche and become the leader of thoughts.

Your task will be: creating content of a higher quality. Tsya strategy can be zastosovana skrіz, de є. Otherwise, there is nothing for people to subscribe to you.

There is a direct fallacy here. The more prepayers in the group, the more pennies you can earn.

There are more and more such special blogs in contact. If you choose the right path, then it’s not a good idea to secure a swedish income.

To start earning 1,000,000 rubles per month, you may need more than one river. Re-insurance for a long-term period.

You will win the trust of your audience and only then will you be able to monetize it.

The leader of thoughts can be earned in absolutely different ways.

1. Selling your services

For example, you can sell initial courses or consultations. Even this kind of activity is authoritatively appointed as "Infobusiness". If everything is done correctly, then such a way to earn money brings the most money.

Miraculous butt tsyumu, special blog. Having repeatedly said that he is a fan of the special blog VKontakte, he achieved such great results.

My VKontakte group regularly wrote cica and vdverti posts about starting a business. And you have longed to win great confidence from your audience, like you at a time to bring millions of rubles a month.

Yogo prepayers buy different trainings, franchises. Specialties for the new one cost 1,000,000 rubles, and the boys have a total of 26 years.

Just in the fierce year of 2018, the yoga lighting project earned 75 million rubles. This is an example of the fact that a simple group is in contact, a special blog has been created, you can bring a great profit to your master.

At the same time, there are 600,000 prepayers in the yoga group, which is the theme of business and special development.

2. Sales of goods and services for the affiliate program

If you have your own audience, if they trust you, then be it your pleasure, your recommendation will be accepted as authoritative.

For whatever reason, if you don’t want to be infobusinessmen, then promote other people’s products, goods or services for a commission.

3. Advertising sales

The easiest way for a blogger to make money is through advertising sales. If you become great + 300 - 500 thousand pre-payers, then you will be approached by a lot of people who want to buy advertising from you.

Ale and here varto buti vkrai respect. Aje for all you will show your reputation.

With the number of prepayers in the group, can you start earning?

If you don’t want to go out and score a 10 yew cap, then win the partners. A spate of tens of thousands of rubles per month can be easily earned on them.


To make money on groups in contact, it is necessary to shape your sleep. The more you will be more and more active, the more your income will be.

Naturally, you won’t become yourself. You will have to invest some pennies in the promotion of the group.

Such groups can be created in an uncircumscribed number. Admins who earn as much as 1,000,000 rubles a month, they, as a rule, have a lot of great successes in various topics.

Axis You have one more butt. The administrator of this group earns 2,000,000 rubles per month. The new kіlka has a record of over 6,000,000 forward payers.

Good day everyone! So many of you, dear friends, have been humbled over this, what a social measure " In contact with"- not just a place, where can you drive in a free hour, talk with friends, and even more maidanchik for additional income? Well, well, you didn’t have mercy, VKontakte can effectively help you earn money! The ribbed rosette of the linen of the flooring is high, so you can wind up a couple of pesos without entering your computer. Options, how to make money in contacts on your own side, impersonal. We'll talk about all the ways we can with you, but naypributkovishі let's analyze the most reportable.

The main ways to make money on your side

Irrespective of those who are popular, the Russian social network has long ago taken away the status of a media maidan, they are actively buying and selling advertising space, most of the koristuvachiv do not know how to make money on the account. And yet, absolutely everything can be monetized: starting with likes, reposts and comments, and finishing with payers, groups and all sorts of services. I will tell you to take a look the most popular and penny options for earning money. I’ll start looking at the most surplus option and I’ll collapse at the direct decrease in the amount of earnings.

Earnings for your profession

Rozpovіm about special dosvіd. On the right, in the fact that for a long time I am engaged in investments in various financial instruments, I provide advice for newcomers from the formation of an individual investment portfolio and propon investment ideas and projects In order to increase the number of partners and clients, I have decided to take care of the promotion of the side in VKontakte. Hour after hour I publish on my wall new projects and ideas for investment, I am sharing brown joys and news. In this manner, I create an atmosphere, looming in my order to myself clients.

For the sake of this newcomer and potential partners, who need my help in arranging the investment portfolio and in financial literacy, without any particular problems, know me yourself and ask for help. I want to give your respect to those who make newcomers in contact, or rather, they don’t need to work. I strongly recommend act like a frequent and intrusive "scribbling" with a description of your services and their proposition. With the best butt of such unceremonious advertising, you can enter the accounts of people who are engaged in marketing. Wait a minute, it's been a busy day to read about their super-products, keep reading the same information.

But the axis is one more good butt, how to make money in the social sphere is not varto. Upevneniy, scho sho in your friends є znayoma, yak nada services manicure. Every time you go to її storіnochku, then nothing crim million photos of fingers and chi is wrong there. Her fingers are on her avatar, on the wall, on all albums.

With all the information about her, who she is, as if looking, there is not even a trace. Remember everything that is effectively motivated in order to sell your craft: people trust only people, not spam on the sides. If you keep your account with social networks correctly, then soon you will have a lot of money for your service.

Earnings on sales of any product

Vіdmіnnym variant zarobіtku in merezhі you can vvazhі sales of goods. You can either sell your own goods and collect income for a fraction of the margin, or try yourself in affiliate programs. About dermal z tsikh ways, I propon talk in more detail.

Selling my product

Otzhe, perhaps from the simplest option, ale with whom to finish the surplus. Dosit rich people are busy hand-made- sew different speeches for decorating the interior, cook nicely, shy embellish and so on. In order to get a unique and original product, just spread the wording on your side in the social media. If people start to get stuck with proponated virobs, you might consider thinking about selling groups or going to an online store.

Such an option pіdіyde і thіm zapovzjatlivami persons, yakі vmіyut buy goods cheaper, and sell more expensive, having earned on retail prices. With a butt, you can sell sides, buy Chinese cases, accessories, embellish it, for example, through the aliexpress online store, and then resell everything with a high margin.

Affiliate programs

From tell me, what was the sensation in being on the sidelines in the social media? Upevneniy, scho richly hto rob tse stupidly, іnshі well - joking sens in the skin of his diї. If it’s worth it to me, then I try to win my account for self-expression, share in the new my thoughts and thoughts for whatever other food. Same informative and clear- a pledge to get respect for your person all the more and more followers.

I’m sorry that someone has read a lot of you, and that knows how to make money on front payers. For those who are not in the know, I will open a small entry and tell you that your special account can become an excellent tool for making money on affiliate programs. Dosit rich bloggers write about those affiliate programs - the same option for a healthy income, which does not mean anything, moreover, to lure more people into your affiliate program. I am categorically unsuitable for this, as a reminder for taking profit, having recommended in advance the purchase of that other product, I will first happen to buy it yourself. Tilki vivchivshi and protesting the goods, zasuvavshi, naskіlki vіn korisny, you can propagate yoga on your market.

Your special account can become an excellent tool for making money on affiliate programs

Popular CRAs

Since the prospect of making money on affiliate programs has got you hooked, I will send you a message most requested services, Yaki to pay for the chanting of the singing diy:

  1. Leads.su - ce, perhaps, the largest aggregate of banking partner programs. Many advertisers are the great central and regional banks. Be smart enough to work, so affiliate programs with payment for a whole lot can bring from 500 to 1000 dollars per skin 1000 clicks whole lives. The main advantages of working with the money can be the presence of a special manager, regular payments for two months and for a bill, close to 70 offers on financial topics.
  2. Kredov - the head office of the program can be entered a wide range of robots. Here you can find the offer of online stores, gambling, financial offers, as well as propositions of services online or offline. minimum amount, Yaku you can lead z th service, it is your responsibility to do it 500 rubles. Wi-payments are held overnight on WebMoney or Yandex. Mozhliviy so very and variant of seeing in a bank account.
  3. Mastertarget - hand-me-down, you can immediately take advertising materials from all offers and start pushing the product.
  4. epn.bz - the undoubted advantages of an affiliate program can include the presence of a personal support, a high rate of payments and an increase in payment with an increase in the obligation to work.
  5. Ad1.ru - webmaster, how to use your service, manage your agency accounts, personal manager, access to exclusive offers and put analytics. In addition, here you can work hard to earn money. Even more glad and present healthy technical support.

Vikonanny head

The great popularity of these days is being served by services that promote the promotion of VKontakte sides for the promotion of likes and friends. With the most popular and requested, you can use the following CAP services:

  1. Socelin.ru - one of the most important services, for the help of which you can increase the prepaid base of your VK profile, instagram profile, youtube and other accounts.
  2. likesrock.com - an ideal option for people who want to push their YouTube channels or expand the audience of the VKontakte side. You will become a leading choice for those who still do not have enough money to earn money on advertising in social networks.
  3. Vktarget.ru - a good maidanchik for followers, promotions in one-hour promotion of social media - Vkontakte, Odnoklassniki, Twitter, Facebook, Instagram, Google and YouTube.
  4. Qcomment.ru - the most popular exchange for making money on vikonannі raznogo genus zavdan. Pidide team, who is ready to work on the result.

Registration in vktarget service

With the full list of services, recognized for earning on likes, reposts and everything like that, you can find out in my article.


In general, I want to tell you that earnings on the sides in social networks - more promising straight ahead, Yake tried to pick up wraps. If you want to start taking some of your passive income with minimal investments, even better, you can start by yourself from your own account in contact. Be inquisitive, honest and uncompromising. So don't miss the next article on the blog, subscribe to the update! Magnificent pributkiv to you and to swedish zustrіches!

If you knew a pardon in the text, be kind, see a fragment of the text and press Ctrl+Enter. Thank you for helping me make my blog better!

Good day! Friends, did you remember that for the rest of the years the number of all the powerful publics and communities in social networks has increased in size and continues to grow far away? Moreover, as before, all the stinks were created for quiet and other objective reasons, which were not directly connected with the social network, then at once, the left part of all of them are created only to take profits from the front payers. It is necessary to indicate that, in the number of the rest, to lay down the income of the sack of sleep. And to that majestic role is played not only by competent creation, but promotion groupie. Shards for the creation of such a dzherel are necessary for income minimum deposit, I have told you about those, how to earn money on a group in contact, relying less on your knowledge and knowledge.

We create from scratch

First, if you don’t mind, how many pennies you can earn on the group in contact, I will tell you to start creating її. It is possible to protect the skin, who is registered in this social security.

In the presence of you, it will be necessary to call you not richly: sign up for public topics, Yaka bula was a great number of people, stimulated to subscribe to the group updates. I won’t go into detail about those, in this article, I’ll dedicate the shards to this food with a quick glance. I highly recommend yoga for the knowledge of everyone who seriously thinks about it, how to earn money in contacts on groups.

Having signed up for the thematic directing of the public, you will need to talk about yoga yakіsnomu decorated. Give free rein to your imagination, experiment, think about it, what the group's content is to blame for, so that more and more koristuvachs join it.

I want to turn your respect to those who far away have given graphic support (pictures) to the text, allow increase the number of followers your public. If you can find your birthplace for the group and file it correctly, then hundreds of thousands of payers will be safe for you.

we start to unwind

Well, shards create a public - only half, Discuss the hour itself. So that the partnership became popular, new coristuvachi entered into the new one, it was necessary to write about the song a lot of publications on the yoga wall. Tobto, a skin man, as if you would press on the open spaces of the public, you are guilty of pampering fresh and original content and want to subscribe to group updates. More about the rules and subtle promotions you can find out in the okremіy statt, assigned to this food.

Spin the pages and public VK for help Brobot

Popular ways to monetize your group

Options that allow you to earn money on VKontakte groups, faceless. I preach to you an overview of the largest and most popular, Yaki bring the most income.

Earnings on advertising

I look back at what not so long ago was introduced in the social services new ad placement system now, Problems like that, how to earn pennies in contacts, fell by themselves. Now your earnings and your due diligence will depend on how many pre-payers your group has. The more big and active followers you get in public, the more pennies you get.

Today, be someone who can turn to you, like a spymaster of sleep, with a business proposition about the placement of advertising in public. You dwell on the quality of such services and place a post on the wall of the bedroom. Viperedzhayuchi zapitanya about those, skilki koshtuє advertising in the group, I will say that її varіst can and is guilty of kolivatsya. About the price of placing posts, you will be housekeeping with a skin client individually. It’s a great pity that most of the patrons can’t think of a welcome announcement about those who have the most advertising in the promoted group, the number of payers in this group has exceeded 100,000 people.

For clarity and orientation, I preach to you price buttіz zaznachennyam tsіn i vіdvіduvannostі vіdvіduvannostі in pubіlі "typical miliarder".

Oskіlki rozrahunki for such lands are available through the system on kshtalt webmoney or Yandex.Money, not included risiki, po'yazanі z deceit. Neither you nor your deputy can be 100% convinced that an advertising post will be placed after an overpayment has been made, otherwise you will take a penny after publishing an advertising message. In order not to become a handcuff of such an unacceptable and controversial situation, you can connect before the operation mediator. In this type of yoga, you take on the role of an uninterrupted social measure. As a result, the price of advertising is significantly increasing.

As an option, you can add your group on the official VKontakte advertising exchange or on whether there is any other third-party service.

Top VK advertising exchanges

  • Sociate
  • Plibber

list of services

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  • Likesrock

Sweep on them the vіdpovіdnі zavdannya (in your type of publication tse denunciation and remembrance), and take it for a penny. The number of followers of such a pledge will lie in the number of followers in your public. For leather new 1000 prepayers, the price will be increased by 20-30 rubles.

In principle, this option is good not only for earning money, but for the add new prepayers to your group. As soon as you understand, how to create such an advertisement in contact, the deputy officers will begin to vibudovuvatisya in the line for your services.

Correction requested to the participants of the conference

This is another unimaginable option for earning money in the social sector. Let's noticeably come the situation: we are about to zahid, If the organizer wants to request a forwarder to your public. It is quite obvious that it is impossible to grow wine without your help. To that end, I create a social network in contact with you, in the column “Organizers” write down your group and proceed to the mass promotion of the promotion. You see, you take away for such a disgrace to a penniless podyaku. Rozmir "thank you," I know again, I'll lie down in the number of your sleep and your audience.

Choose the target audience for your business with Pepper.ninja

Earnings on affiliate programs

I will not repeat myself for the devil's time and tell you about the virtues CPA-merezh, And I’ll say more, that this option of earning money is available and at the same time with VKontakte groups. As you know, you will need such services in your right:

  1. LEADS.SU - specializes in the field of services of a financial nature. The program allows you to work with the offers of advertisers in the service and pay you for those who received the necessary help on the website of the advertiser (advertiser);
  2. admitad.com - not only over 1000 proposals for affiliate programs, but also the presence exclusive offers. You will not only have a special manager assigned to you, and moreover, at some point in time you can contact a direct advertiser;
  3. kredov - to be famous for the stability of payments, decent number of offers and wide modern tools;
  4. mastertarget - servіs, on which you can pay comіsіynі like for registration of goods or services, so for recording for a test drive or consulting. The service is reborn with a radically new advertising format;
  5. aleba - work with this service to allow you to work with professional analysts and a personal manager, use unique tools, segment the audience for higher conversions, display detailed statistics on broken transactions online.

May have a space to earn money on partner programs of various services. Just choose a niche, in whichever way you choose, and go for it! If your topic is the creation and promotion of sites, try hosting affiliate programs. If you are looking for income without any contributions, you can sense the superiority of ATS partners - services.

For people who are engaged in active investing in the Internet, as much as possible, there will be forex partnerships or other projects, direct participants in such stinks (they can be hype, and they can be services trust management on the stock or currency market).

If you don't want to deal with sales on your own, you can use the opportunities of an affiliate network of online stores. Just post in your public message to the seller and withdraw the commission for skin repair surgery. Today's great popularity can be achieved by partner programs Aliexpress, Ozon and E96. Stop, before the speech, pay the commission in rozmіrі 10-20% from the sum of the broken purchase. So, if, according to your efforts, there was an increase in the amount of 10,000 rubles, then you can earn up to 2,000 rubles.

Earnings on goods, online store

A viable option for earning money can be the creation of a group, which works on the principle online store. For example, you bought a batch of Chinese years, posted new advertising posts in your public and started selling goods. Golovna skladnіst in this way - choice of delivery system and pay per order principle. Depending on how much your store will grow, you can earn 300-2500 rubles a net daily income.

Today it is even more popular to work to buy at wholesale prices in China, then to sell goods with the same nationality in the merezhi. You can post in your online store exclusively advertising products, or you can dilute the lines with informational posts, which will be relevant to your purchases.

How to earn for the sale of a group in contact

Another way to make money on groups is to increase the sales of the rest. So, you need to promote the public as much as possible, get a greater number of pre-payers to the new yakomog, and then put it on sales. On the price of your lot, you will add not only a few followers, but activity in the group. In other words, it is important for the buyers that the message was “alive” - there were active discussions in the new, people commented on the records, shared them on their sides.

To finish off a lot of businessmen in a merezhі rozkruchuyut groups less in order to sell them with a year. Once you understand the algorithm, you will soon be able to start earning great profits from such activities.

Other ways to earn money

It seems to you that you don’t get into trouble with the unwinding of the group, but don’t give you serious acceptance, don’t fall into the hands of the widows. For the quiet, who are effectively motivated in how to earn money in a social measure, there are such options:


In principle, making money on the VKontakte group is not as easy as it can be at first glance. It’s more folded to come up with and create such a public, like a buv bi tsikaviy great number of koristuvachs. If you set yourself a goal of creating original and non-repetitive partnerships, if you attract a wide audience, then you will not have any problems with monetization. Work hard for the robot and enjoy the results. I give you great profits and, like a dream, to swedish zustrіches!

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Let's take a look at the topic of earning money on groups (public) VKontakte in the same ways, as it officially promotes the social network itself. In the role of the last speaker, my power is VK group, De, naturally, I've already conducted experiments from A to Z. Shchob not to stray in the stats, public / group / spivtovaristvo - tse essentially one and the same.

I want to respect. You know, the axis from a special point of view, it’s even more foldable and virtuous on the right to expand in social networks, and even more, you can earn more money there. Like in the early years, at the dawn of the development of VKontakte, coristuvachs entered into different sleeps right on the machine, it was all new and clear, the growth of the front-payers was like on the drіzhdzhakh. At the same time, everything has come to people so much that it’s absolutely impossible for anything to zdivuvat and in any social. the chains are of a similarly large size, the right blue slag, like that of a group, so they are together. The winners are left with only those, as at the first stages of the development of VC, hundreds of thousands of pre-payers grabbed.

Take any method of making money on the VK group, in my opinion, there are only 2 effective options:

  1. Pursue a group of products/services (such as an online store, Landingham) and promote contextual advertising.
  2. There are more than 30,000 pre-payers in the group (public) and spend on VKontakte monetization. About what and pide mova in this article.

All other methods: hang on the walls of groups of different affiliate programs, watch videos for a fee, buy / sell the groups themselves and others, - all the devil does not work. People are already forced to see these affiliate programs and all the existing advertising. I don’t lied to anyone, as if you were schoolchildren to scratch about earning tens of thousands for public VK, which, approximately, have less than 300,000 participants. About the earnings of 100,000 rubles, I started talking.

How to drink in the oliarchy - I will remind you to monetize VKontakte

VK monetization includes 2 types of earnings:

  1. Earnings on ad impressions in your brand, how to place advertisers through the official VK exchange - Socialcentrum.
  2. Earnings in advertising on VKontakte (RSVK). There will be automatic display of ads in the list of products and new lines of pre-payers, as advertisers will place through the VK target.

Earning money is a passive method, you don’t work for anything, but you drip pennies on the account. But-but-i once again ale. On the back, you need to win a number of “city”, so that VK will rate your group as a good fight.

Connection to VK advertising exchange - Socialcentrum

The very first stage of connection to monetization will be the Socialcentrum exchange. Far away, like everything is far away, you can connect to the VK advertising network. Otzhe, in order.

Distributed the monetization of VK will appear automatically (there will also be an automatic connection to the exchange), if there is an advance in mind:

  • Global mid-monthly hoarding of more than 20,000 people for production. These are the pre-payers of the group and the koristuvachs of the VK, as your publications were dragged into the eyes. Also, groups from the moment of creation can be no less than 1 month.
  • Spivtovaristvo does not violate the official rules of VKontakte.

Video-overview of the interface of the exchange.

Connection to VK (RSVK) advertising system

Before this action, the obligation is obligatory, but the stock exchange is connected and dotrimani mind:

  • Spіlnota may be but for a minimum of 3 months.
  • Spilnota is not guilty, but we close it.
  • The content is corny for people and do not super-follow the rules of VK.
  • Medium-sized okhoplennya not less than 10,000 people.

Vityag rules.

Video-overview of RSVK

P_vedemo p_bags

Without a doubt, VK monetization opens wide opportunities for you in terms of income. 100% passive income for public VKontakte. But it’s not easy to reach the top criteria for getting to Rublyovka, you’ll need a great job and tens of thousands of financial contributions to promote the group.

Virishuyte, ready to vrizikuvati chi nі. On the right, you can win, or you can anger all the pennies for nothing. Another pleasure: for the promotion of sleep forever, forget about the purchase of pre-payers and the purchase of the most unique content. All pennies to fly into the abyss. The number of idle payers will achieve absolutely nothing (the whole ponti and їx was deleted by VK itself), even worse, they can close the group in a ban. And unique content - it’s even better, but you can write it yourself, and it’s useless to look at it on the side, it doesn’t fit into the group (here SEO is not good). Tim more, in order to effectively get into the partnership with new people, you have to post at least 10 different publications on the doba, and also 2 posts of 2000 characters each. leather - already dosit vitratna robot mіzkіv.

Always vykoristovyte only a few methods and promotion of any sites, even social networks. So, it’s not easy, but, trust your pedantic “worker”, everything will pay off and the wine city is 100% safe. And the black methods in our right, the one in real life, did not lead to good. Good luck everyone!