Why bother if there is no sound on the iPhone? What to do if iPhone doesn't produce sound iPhone 5s doesn't produce sound output

People often complain about the situation when the sound on their iPhone goes out. And it doesn’t matter what model you have. This problem can still be addressed by a careful and compassionate person. Apparently, there are a lot of options for development here. Let us hope to renew our peace with them. Why on iPhone for this or that reason? Everything is covered at once.

Broken mode

The first reason for our problem may be the banal discarding of the set adjustments. Once you have noted that you have an iPhone 4, you don’t want to immediately panic. Turn it over, it’s all a matter of adjustments.

For everything, please note that you have silent mode. It is enough to change it to something else, and the problem will disappear by itself. In principle, there are no extensions. It’s a pity that subscribers often think about the problem because the situation is of a different nature. So what else can you wear on the right? Why on iPhone?

Damaged speakers

The reason for this is that the speakers in the device have become damaged. The same is entirely true. I myself am guilty of bringing a lot of incompetence to the koristuvachs. Even before you can implement such changes, you will have to turn off all other options.

If you notice that you have no sound on your iPhone and it is now playing quietly, it’s time to check the speakers for sound. It is best to take the device to a service center. They will tell you exactly what the problem is. If the speakers on the device are really damaged and cannot be used, then there is only one thing that can help - a complete replacement. The last one is undergoing repairs. But it’s not possible to take care of this on your own. I know again, I’ll have to go to service centers. Otherwise, no way.

Popadannya vologi

Why bother if there is no sound on your iPhone? Everything should be kept in mind by the situation. Another cause of this problem is the presence of moisture in the devices. Have you checked the weather with your smartphone? Did you let Yogo in the water? Then don’t be surprised by the problem! Any phone starts to “glitch” when connected to water. Before speech, high volume in the area may cause loss of sound.

Here everything seems to be easy. If the sound on the iPhone disappears (or the sound is completely absent) due to contact with the device, it needs to be dried. Disassemble the phone as much as possible, and then blot the skin with a towel. Carefully dry all parts using a hairdryer. The more you earn your money, the better it will be.

What's next? As soon as the entire smartphone is dry, you can pick it up and check its usefulness. Practice shows that you know everything. It’s not virtuous to be limited by any kind of vicissitudes. Sometimes the sound on the iPhone disappears for other reasons. The guys just get tired of them. And as if they are burning, they do not prolong the process of bathing.

System failure

Before speaking, you can try a very cunning trick. It helps if everything is in order with the phone itself. If there is no sound on your iPhone, you may have a serious system crash. Such messages can be displayed on any phone for various reasons.

Therefore, the situation lends itself to simple adjustments. First of all, you can use systems that will help bring all adjustments back to normal and prevent minor glitches. This is not my favorite technique.

Subscribers often use one trick: if you lose sound on your iPhone, connect for ten hours, and then unplug the headset. Headphones are the main thing that will help you get out of the situation. This method really helps. This is how most people use iPhones.

Skidannya everything

Don’t you want to spend too much time trying to figure out the cause of the breakdown and loss of sound? Then you can try to do without it. It’s enough to reset all settings on your iPhone to scratch. If the reason for the problem is in the operating system of the device or if it is faulty, it will be removed. When can you taste success? For example, if you know the sound of blocking on an iPhone.

How to instill ideas in life? Go to your smartphone settings. There you need to select the tab “Basic” - “Skidannya”. It is important to be surprised at all the points that the system gives you. Here click “Clear all settings”. Now the trace must be sealed for another hour. Don’t worry that the iPhone will re-engage immediately after your request is completed. The whole thing is completely normal.

You can marvel at what happened. Practice shows that reducing adjustments to the basics does not change the sound, but also improves the functioning of the smartphone’s operating system. It’s true that it will be a long time before I set up the ringing bells again. It’s not such a big problem, even with the sound on the phone.


There are also unpleasant moments. For example, if you talk about a pirated copy of an iPhone. Buyers often complain about ongoing problems with the operation of these gadgets. And the sound on them disappears very often.

What can you earn? First of all, try all the recommended methods of untying. Shvidsha cannot help with all the stench. Otherwise, since the warranty on the copy of the iPhone is still extended, you can use it quickly. Just exchange your phone for a new one. Varto immediately note that such a phenomenon is rarely avoided. Most buyers of parts will lose nothing.

Then you can hardly keep up. And don’t be hasty with fragmented gadgets. Or learn to use your iPhone without sound, or change your phone again. Ale is no longer a pirate. There will be no other way out.


Have you bought a new device and noticed that the sound on your iPhone is missing? Shvidshe for everything, the reason here is the whore. Don’t hesitate, try your best. Like yourself?

Go back to the store where you bought the gadget. Submit the check and explain the essence of your money. The iPhone will have to be submitted for examination. There you can find out exactly what the problem is. If the sound disappears through marriage, then you can either turn around the money or make a new copy to replace the old one. Otherwise, you can do this as long as you have a warranty on your smartphone, and also until 14 days have passed from the date of purchase.

Has the warranty term passed? Take your iPhone for repair or replace it completely. As you say, it’s enough if you know the sound. And there is no need to panic again. It is often possible to deal with a lot of problems on your own. If you are afraid of making a wrong diagnosis, go to the nearest service center. This will spare you a nasty headache.

The popularity of the iPhone today is undeniable. The smartphone has long ceased to be just a mobile phone, the help people flock to.

Today's iPhone is a richly functional device, with functions such as watching movies, listening to music, and the ability to take videos and photos.

The Master of the iPhone is now changing other functions of the phone, and if you are faced with such a problem as “there is no sound in the iPhone” or “there is no sound in the iPhone”, this can make your life much more complicated. This malfunction can occur for a variety of reasons, including mechanical damage, contact with water, drinking, and bruising.

So, how is it possible that there is sound in the Iphone?

It is important that the power loss of a mobile phone is due to this problem after the headphones fail. There is a sound because the phone thinks that the headphones are still connected to the device. To resolve this problem, you need to reconnect and turn on the headphones, and the problem will disappear.

Also on the iPhone, sound may occur after installing any program. If the problem with sound is related to this, delete the program and restart the device.

If the loss of sound is due to a saw or brush hitting the speaker, you will need to clean it. Use a small brush and carefully remove the saw from the speaker without damaging other parts of the phone.

One of the reasons for the loss of sound may be the “mute” mode on the iPhone. Go to the settings and switch the mode, and the sound may appear.

If you notice that all of your actions could not bring the sound to a satisfactory level, try turning the device on and off, and if you find that all of the above did not help, update the firmware of the phone.

Zhodna didn’t help you with your operations? In this situation, you will need additional help from professionals. Bring your mobile device to the service center, and we will fix the problem as quickly as possible.

Due to the built-in speaker in the iPhone, we can hear the melodies of voice chimes, SMS notifications, as well as the sounds of operating programs and much more. The system speaker can also be used to listen to music tracks in the playback mode. What's wrong with the sound on the iPhone? The problem can be either software or hardware. Let's try to turn the sound around, because it's rapt's sound.

What could have happened with the iPhone?

  • Someone's speaker may be malfunctioning - this is a hardware failure that will require service from a technician;
  • The smartphone could have been damaged by water - in which case the sound may sound like “knots”;
  • The device could have a program lock - this is the simplest reason why you can break in without any special problems.

Let's look at the reasons for the lack of sound in the report.

Programs crash on smartphones quite often - as a result of this, there is a risk of “hypocrisy”, incorrect program operation, and notifications appear from the creation of other multimedia files. Knowing the sound can also become a legacy of guilt of some kind of mercy. How to get rid of “glitches” and give the iPhone functionality and “voice”?

The simplest way out of the situation is to send the iPhone to be re-engaged. During the restart process, the cache will be cleared, time clock files will be deleted, and the operating system will start again. If there were any benefits in the system and supplements, the stench will disappear. Therefore, after restarting the sound, wait until the operating system starts and try to extract any sounds from the smartphone (for example, launch a music player or any game program).

If you have re-engaged your iPhone 2-3 times afterward, but still have not seen any results, try to solve the problem in other ways - we will talk about them further.

Let's figure it out from the thickness regulator

In some situations, the sound in the iPhone disappears one-sidedly - in addition to it, and when the phone rings. You can also beware of a reversal situation, if there is silence in the rooms, and there is no noise in the calls. Why bother? Try playing with the volume control in running programs, and also change the settings of the streaming sound profile - it’s possible that in the active profile the sound is simply turned off.

Since nothing helped, and there is no sound in the iPhone, as before, we send the smartphone to restart - the sound settings will be reset, after which the sound will still appear.

Let's look at the supplements

If there was a sound on the iPhone, there was a trace of why the problem with your creation appeared. Problems should not be blamed just like that - they will have to change their minds. Therefore, you need to sit and try to guess, after some actions, problems with sound have begun:

  • You could be let in or drown your smartphone;
  • You could have gotten better at making adjustments;
  • You could install any program.

The remaining point is the most important - Sometimes the sound disappears due to any software conflicts. And the conflicts themselves arise from the process of not-so-correct operation of other programs. In iPhone smartphones, conflicts are extremely rare, and the platform is literally destroyed. There is no insurance against them.

If you suspect that the problem with the lack of sound in the iPhone is related to the installed programs, try uninstalling the remaining programs and reinstalling the device. Now you can check the correctness of the creation of system sounds and sounds in other programs. If such a solution did not lead to the elimination of the problem, then the matter is over.

Checking the sound on headphones

In some cases, the problem with the sound on the iPhone may be related to the headphones. Try connecting headphones to your smartphone to test the sound. The sound from the headphones is already good. If there is no sound, we try to add more adjustment buttons. If after these actions the sound appears, you have to pull out the headphone plug - the sound may appear.

Tricks with headphones did not give the desired results, there is no sound either in the headphones or in the speakers? This means that the root of the problem lies elsewhere.

Checking the speaker

What's wrong with the sound on the iPhone? If the headphones are faulty and the speaker is not working, then the root of the problem lies in the faulty speaker. Unfortunately, it is practically impossible to verify this in the home minds - you will have to go to the nearest service center and have the device repaired. Here they protest and check, and decide to replace the speaker, after which they hand over the repaired smartphone to the client’s hands. What are the reasons for system dynamics going out of tune?

  • The smartphone could be damaged, which could result in a variety of problems, starting with speaker failure and ending with a complete waste of the smartphone’s usefulness;
  • The smartphone may fall or crash - another reason for various problems. This will often provoke wear and tear and the appearance of microcracks. As a result, the functionality of the surrounding nodes is destroyed. In addition, there may be loss of sound;
  • The speaker may fail through the factory gateway - another option is to visit a service center or have your smartphone repaired through the store where your purchase was made (as the iPhone is under warranty).

Solving the problem with a broken speaker on your own is practically impossible– for independent repairs you need special knowledge and tools. Therefore, the most important problem should be entrusted to the Fahivs.

Firmware update and iPhone update

Another problem with the lack of sound in iPhone is caused by updating the firmware or resetting the factory settings. If an update is available for your smartphone, connect the device to your computer, download iTunes and run the update. If you don’t want to save your account files, make sure to make a backup copy of important data before performing the procedure. If everything went well, then after the renovation of the building you will be able to feel the sounds that you see.

You can also update the firmware or download your iPhone from the ground through the update mode or DFU mode - in the first case, the operation is carried out with saved data, and in the other - without saving. These have already been written about in our surveys, you can find the necessary materials for further research.

If there is no sound on the iPhone, then you can’t download the normal video for your smartphone. The sound of the alarm clock doesn’t ring at all, the games and videos don’t interfere with the audio system, without even mentioning the creation of music.

The malfunction requires a lot of confusion, but it is first necessary to understand why there is sound on the iPhone.
The causes of the problem can be divided into software and hardware. The first ones are able to get in on their own, while others most often have to go to the service center.

Program benefits

First, we need to start correcting software bugs or fixing hardware problems, make sure that the accuracy is set at a pleasant level. Revert your attention to a streaming sound profile. Possibly, in his adjustments there is a creation of sound.

If the sound disappears periodically, restart your iPhone. Try to tell fortunes, if problems arise, what was bothering them. It also helps you uninstall remaining installed programs. If your phone has been jailbroken and tweaks installed, it is recommended to change it. Incorrect jail, installation of unofficial software - all this can lead to problems with iOS, including problems with sound. To help you troubleshoot a software glitch, you can reset the settings: Open the settings, section “Basic”. Go to the "Skidannya" website. Select “Clear all settings.” When you delete the settings, the content is not deleted, so you don’t have to create a backup copy.

If resetting to factory settings does not help, try erasing the settings and content. After completing this operation, the phone will be “cleaned” so that all account data will be removed from it. Therefore, creating a backup copy is a must for further updating of the remote information.

Instead of removing the settings, you can restart the device. Before updating the firmware, do not forget to create a backup copy. If the reasons for the absence of sounds may be of a software nature, then it is their responsibility to remove them by turning the iPhone to normal operating mode.

Hardware problems

If the sound does not work on the new iPhone, for which there are no software fixes, it’s best to immediately go to the service center. If you want, you can cancel your actions on your own. Possible causes of malfunction: Mechanical failure or obstructed dynamics. A blow, a fall, or a strong shock can cause the speaker to go out of tune. We will recommend replacing the damaged component at a service center. Soldering of microcircuits, which confirms the creation of audio. Although the speaker is not damaged, a malfunction of the microcircuits will result in the sound being lost. The solution is similar - professional repair. Popadannya vologi. As a result of the influx of moisture, there may be oxidation of the microcircuits, which will lead to various malfunctions in the iPhone. If the sound is limited only in the headphones, turn the plug over, you may also laugh. The iPhone 7 does not have a nearby input; the headphones are connected via an adapter to the Lightning connector, so this should also be checked. The socket can be carefully cleaned without going to a service center, but in case of other hardware problems, it is recommended to seek professional help. If there is no sound on the camera during video recording, make sure that the film is dry or that the case does not block the working microphone. He is located on the back porch between the sleeping area and the cell. If you cover it with a cover, the sound will not be recorded. Since the microphone does not matter anything, work normally, take it to the service center. Adjusting the tone of the alarm clock There are a lot of people who have tried hard to change the tone of the alarm clock. You can ask, but they sound so quietly that you won’t wake up, but will be a ruin for sleep. Given the extreme longevity of the iPhone, the alarm clock cannot be set to sleep, and that’s good. Otherwise, when the silent mode is turned on, the alarm clock will still beep. To set your alarm clock to a pleasant level, open Settings and go to the “Sounds” section. Adjust the sound behind the help of the routine “Tinkle and fortune-telling.” The method works on all current iPhones, be it 5S, 6 or 7 models.

Smartphones, no matter how powerful their stench may be, can at any moment embarrass your friend. Early and early in the morning, the details go out of tune and eliminate any discomfort.

On the Internet, you can often get caught up in rumors about the fact that the phone is on sound. Before you start panicking, you should try a few simple methods. The first one is the process of regulating density. There are situations when during the hour of connection (or after connecting the headphones) the system forgets to switch the volume level. If after this the speaker does not see the usual sounds, then the reason lies elsewhere.

Often the sound is completely heard through the softening programs. In order for the system to wake up for the necessary adjustments, it simply needs to be reset. All you have to do is turn it on and then start the device again. If the situation does not change after such actions, then try to accurately determine the cause of the breakdown and the part that causes the problems.

If the external speaker is working normally, but when miking to the headphones, there is no sound, so there is a bad cable to the cord connector. From whom can you get some help? iPhone 5 repair. It’s not a good idea to start replacing parts on your own. Some of these activities can be done even more on your phone. And here it’s better to turn into beasts like fakes.

Sometimes a different situation is indicated. It may happen that the sound may be lost after connecting headphones. Without them, the speaker is movable. It’s best to remember that the detail itself came out right. You can replace the speaker yourself. There are a lot of videos on the Internet that can help you in this endeavor. Warto note that there is always a risk of mixing up elements, which will lead to even bigger problems.

It’s never a good idea to rely on neglect when repairing your phone. The cause of the breakdown may have been accurately determined. It's not uncommon for a mechanical problem to arise. Malfunctions can be avoided in conjunction with the programs taken. So, for example, if the music was displayed in the same player, you can play tracks (visually), but there will be no sound. This type of person needs to have a number of additional players. So let's get down to the fact that the problem is vinyl itself through the program.

There may be no reason why the main speaker or headphone jack may malfunction. You can endlessly lose yourself in guesses. Any experiments can lead to further breakdowns. Therefore, in order to save your time and money, it is better to immediately go to the service center, so that in a short period of time you can accurately determine the causes of the problem. In addition, any services will be guaranteed.