Living unit: with or without regulation, laboratory, pulse, device, repair. A simple life block How to make a 12 volt life block with your own hands

At 1-2 amperes, it’s already problematic to remove the bright current. Here we will describe a power supply unit with a standard voltage of 13.8 (12) volts. The circuit is for 10 amperes, but the value is greater. The circuit of the proposed power supply has nothing special, except that, as testing has shown, it is capable of supplying power up to 20 Amps for a short time or 10A continuously. To further increase the voltage, use a larger transformer, a rectifier for the diode bridge, a larger capacitor capacity, and a larger number of transistors. The diagram of the life block for handiness is shown on several little ones. Transistors are not necessarily placed in the same place as in the circuit. Bulk vikorstan 2N3771 (50V, 20A, 200W) to those who have a lot of them in sight.

The voltage regulator operates within small ranges, from 11 to 13.8 when fully pressed. The no-load voltage is 13.8 (nominal battery voltage is 12V), the output drops to 13.5, about 1.5A, and 12.8V, about 13A.

The output transistors are connected in parallel, with 0.1 ohm 5 watt resistors in ethereal resistors. The more transistors you use, the more power supply can be removed from the circuits.

The LEDs will show incorrect polarity, and the relay will block the power supply stabilizer from the rectifiers. High pressure thyristor BT152-400 It opens up when overloaded and takes a blow to the flow of wine, which causes the victim to burn out. Don’t think that the triac will burn out first, the BT152-400R can be powered up to 200A for 10 ms. Dana dzherelo zhizivlennya can serve i like a charger for car batteries, in order to avoid incidents, there is no need to remove the battery for an hour, let’s connect it without looking.

The 12 Volt power supply allows you to power almost any household appliances, including a laptop. Please pay attention to the fact that a voltage of up to 19 Volts is supplied to the laptop input. It works wonders if you power it at 12. However, set the maximum flow to 10 Amperes. It is rare to reach such a value, the average is less than 2-4 Amperes. The only thing to keep in mind is that when replacing a standard one with a self-propelled one, you won’t be able to replace the new battery. All in all, a 12 volt power supply unit is ideal for such a device.

Parameters for the life block

The most important parameters of any life block are the output voltage and flow. Place their values ​​in one place - in the wire that is connected to the secondary winding of the transformer. About how to make a choice, a little more will be said below. It is your responsibility to determine in advance how you plan to install the 12 Volt power supply unit. If it is necessary to power low-power equipment - navigators, LEDs, etc., then an output of 2-3 Amperes is sufficient. And it will be rich.

If you plan to carry out serious activities with your help - for example, charging a car, then you will need 6-8 Amperes at the output. The charger is responsible for ten times less for the battery capacity - this may require insurance. If there is a need for connected devices, the supply voltage of which is essentially 12 Volts, then it is wiser to install regulation.

Yak vibrati transformer

The first element is the one that changes the voltage. The transformer accepts a reversed alternating voltage of 220 Volts at the same amplitude, but much less in value. You will need less value. For tight living blocks, you can take a transformer of the TS-270 type as a basis. It has a high voltage, there are 4 windings, which produce 6.3 Volts each. The stinks were used for cooking and frying radio lamps. Without any special difficulties, you can create a 12 Volt 12 Ampere power supply unit from this, which can charge the car battery.

If you don’t completely control the windings, then you can tidy everything up and remove only the mesh. І wind the dart. The problem is how to maintain the required number of turns. To do this, you can quickly use a simple calculation scheme - change how many turns there are in the secondary winding, which is 6.3 Volts. Now just divide 6.3 by the number of turns. And you subtract the amount of voltage that can be removed from one turn. There is only so much left to rotate, how many turns need to be wound in order to remove 12.5-13 Volts at the output. It will be better if the output voltage is 1-2 volts higher as necessary.

Preparation of the viper

What is a straightener and what is it used for? This device is based on conductor diodes and is being redesigned. I will help you transform into a permanent one. To analyze the performance of the direct cascade, it is best to use an oscilloscope. If you add a sine wave before the diodes, then after them a practically equal line will appear. All the other things in the sinusoids will still be lost. Wake up after.

Before choosing diodes, you should be careful with the utmost seriousness. If a 12 Volt power supply unit will be used as a battery charger, then it is necessary to use elements that have a charge voltage of up to 10 Amperes. As soon as we are about to start eating food of low-current companions, then Brooks will appear. The axle here is starting to get stuck. It is advantageous to provide a rectifier circuit, assembled on a central location - with four diodes. If you use one conductor (half-wave circuit), then the CCD of the life block changes almost twice.

Filter block

Now, if there is a constant voltage at the output, it is necessary for the 12 Volt supply to be slightly improved. Why do you need to use filters? To revive the new equipment, it is enough to freeze the LC clamp. There is a report about her. An inductance – a choke – is connected to the positive output of the direct cascade. The stream must pass through a new, first stage of filtration. Next is an electrolytic capacitor with a high capacitance (several thousand microfarads).

After the throttle to plus, an electrolytic capacitor is connected. Another yogi consortium joins with a zagal dart (minus). The essence of the operation of the electrolytic capacitor is that it allows you to get rid of all the exchangeable storage space. Do you remember that at the output of the rectifier, small pieces of sinusoid were lost? The axis itself will need to be activated, otherwise the 12 Volt 12 Ampere power supply unit will create a transformer for the device that is connected to the new one. For example, the radio or radio receiver produces a strong hum.

Output voltage stabilization

To further stabilize the output voltage, you can use only one conductor element. This can be either a zener diode with an operating voltage of 12 Volts, or more daily and thorough assemblies such as LM317, LM7812. The remaining expenses are for voltage stabilization at around 12 Volts. Well, remember that at the output of the direct cascade there are 15 volts, after stabilization you will lose everything 12. Rashta go to the warmth. This means that it is very important to install the stabilizer on the radiator.

Voltage regulation 0-12 Volts

For greater versatility, I’ll use a simple scheme that can be done in just a few minutes. This can be implemented using the previously described assembly LM317. The amount of change from switching circuits in stabilization mode will be small. When the switch goes to minus, 5 kOhm is switched on. A support of approximately 220 Ohms is connected between the folded output and an exchangeable resistor. And between the input and output of the stabilizer there is a protection from the return voltage - a conductor diode. In this way, the 12 Volt power supply unit, assembled with your own hands, is transformed into a richly functional device. Now it is no longer possible to work out the folding of this scale. Or you can place an electronic voltmeter at the outputs, behind which you can observe the exact voltage value.


The first place at the input 1n4007 or the ready-to-fold unit is rated for a flow of at least 1 A and a return voltage of 1000 V.
Resistor R1 is at least two watts and 5 watts 24 kOhm, resistor R2 R3 R4 is 0.25 watts.
Electrolytic capacitor on the high side 400 volts 47 uF.
Weekend 35 volts 470 - 1000 uF. The capacitors of the spitting filter are insured for a voltage of no less than 250 0.1 - 0.33 µF. Capacitor C5 – 1 nF. Ceramic, capacitor C6 ceramic 220 nF, C7 fusible 220 nF 400 V. Transistor VT1 VT2 N IRF840, transformer from the old computer housing unit, one place at the output is full-fledged with four ultra-high-speed diodes HER 308 or other similar ones.
In the archive you can download the circuit diagram and board:

(zavantazhen: 1555)

The wooden board is prepared on a sheet of foil one-sided sklotekstolite using the LUT method. To ensure easy connection of the life and output voltage, there are screw terminals on the board.

Scheme of a 12 V pulse block

The advantage of this scheme is that this scheme is already popular among its kind and is repeated by many radio amplifiers as their first pulsed life-jet and QCD, and now they no longer seem to be about dimensions. The circuit operates at a voltage of 220 volts at the input and costs a filter that consists of a choke and two flow capacitors rated at a voltage of no less than 250 - 300 volts with a capacitance of 0.1 to 0.33 µF. They can be taken from computer block life.

My type does not have a filter, but I need to install it. As long as the voltage reaches the same place, the return voltage is not less than 400 Volts and not less than 1 Ampere. It can be placed ready-to-fold. Further behind the circuit there is a capacitor that smoothes, with an operating voltage of 400 V, the remaining amplitude value of the edge voltage should be in the region of 300 V. The capacity of this capacitor is selected according to the current order, 1 µF per 1 Watt voltage And, because I’m not going to take the great ones from this block My capacitor has a 47 uF capacitor, although with such circuits it is possible to pump out hundreds of voltages. The life of the microcircuits is taken immediately, here the main life resistor R1 is organized, which will ensure the extinguishing circuit, it is necessary to put it at least two watts tighter so that its heating occurs, then the voltage is rectified by one diode and go to the smoothing capacitor and then to the microcircuit. 1 microcircuit removal plus life and 4 wires minus life.

It is possible to select a power source for it and supply it with a polarity of 15 V. In our version, the microcircuit operates at a frequency of 47 - 48 kHz for this frequency of the RC lanyard, which consists of resistor R2 15 com and a 1 nF fusible or ceramic capacitor. With this arrangement of parts, the microcircuit processes correctly and oscillates direct-current pulses at its outputs, which are applied to the gates of the pressure field switches through resistors R3, R4, their values ​​can vary between 10 and 40 Ohm. Transistors must be installed in N channels, in my choice there is an IRF840 with an operating voltage of 500 V and a maximum current flow at a temperature of 25 degrees of 8 A and a maximum voltage that dissipates 125 Watts. Next to the circuit there is a pulse transformer, after a new full-fledged rectifier with four diodes of the HER308 brand, the primary diodes will not fit here as the stinks cannot be processed at high frequencies, so we set the ultrashvid And before and after the bridge, the voltage is already supplied to the output capacitor of 30 Volts, you can And 470 uF, especially large capacitances are not required in pulse life blocks.

Let's turn to the transformer, which can be found on the boards of the computer blocks of life, so here it is easy to see in the photo the largest axis we need and need. To rewind such a transformer, you need to loosen the glue used to glue the halves of the ferrite, for which you take a soldering iron or a soldering iron and slowly warm up the transformer, you can lower it into the frame on a splinter and carefully separate the halves of the core . We wind all the base windings and wind our own. Due to the fact that at the output it is necessary to select a voltage in the region of 12-14 Volts, the primary winding of the transformer contains 47 turns of 0.6 mm dart from two wires, we need insulation between the wounds with primary tape, the secondary skein of 4 turns of the same strand of 7 cores . It is IMPORTANT to wind in one block, seal the leather ball with tape, meaning the beginning and end of the windings otherwise nothing will be processed, and either block cannot give all the tension.

Checking the block

Well, now let’s protest our living block, since my option is complete, then I immediately connect it to the limit without a safety lamp.
Let's check the output voltage, as most of the time in the region of 12 - 13 V there is not a lot of voltage fluctuations in between.

If you have a 12 V car lamp with a voltage of 50 watts, the current flows 4 A. If you add such a unit to the regulating flow and voltage, install a larger-capacity input electrolyte, then you can see Or choose a charger for your car or laboratory unit.

Before starting the life unit, it is necessary to check the entire installation and turn it on through a 100-watt safety lamp, since the lamp burns in full heat, which means that when installing the nozzle, it is necessary to check for faulty flux or a faulty component, etc. burn and go out, but it seems to us that the capacitor to the input is charged and there are no problems with the installation. Therefore, before installing components on the board, they must be checked to ensure they are new. Another very important point after starting the voltage on the microcircuit between 1 and 4 outputs may be no less than 15 V. However, it is not necessary to select the value of resistor R2.

The 12 volt constant voltage supply unit consists of three main parts:

  • A step-down transformer with a primary input variable voltage of 220 V. At its output there will be the same sinusoidal voltage, only reduced to approximately 16 volts at idle - without voltage gain.
  • Vipryamlyach in front of the bridge. It “cuts” the lower terminals of the sinusoids and puts them up, so that the voltage comes out, which changes from 0 to 16 volts, but in the positive region.
  • A high-capacity electrolytic capacitor that smooths out the sine voltages, reducing their proximity to a straight line at 16 volts. The smoothing is better, the greater the capacitance of the capacitor.

The simplest thing you need to maintain a constant voltage, proper living devices, rated for 12 volts - light bulbs, LED strips and other low-voltage equipment.

The step-down transformer can be taken from an old computer power supply unit, or simply bought in a store, so as not to bother with windings and rewinds. However, in order to reach the end of the voltage range, which reads 12 volts when applied, you need to take a transformer that reduces the volts to 16.

For the bridge, you can take four rectifying diodes 1N4001, rated for the voltage range we need, or similar ones.

The capacitor has a capacity of at least 480 µF. For good output voltage, more is possible, 1,000 µF or higher, but for the life of lighting devices it is not obligatory. The operating voltage range of the capacitor is required, say, up to 25 volts.

I will adjust the layout

If we want to develop a decent device, which will undoubtedly then be used as a permanent life-saving unit, for example, for the LED strip, we need to start from the transformer, the board for mounting the electronic components and the box, where everything will be fixed to the disabled. When choosing a box, it is important to ensure that the electrical circuits are heated up during operation. Therefore, it is good to know the box is of adequate size and has openings for ventilation. You can get it in the store or take the case from the computer’s life block. The remaining option may turn out to be cumbersome, but in a simpler way you can remove the existing transformer and run it together with the cooling fan.

On the transformer we have a low-voltage winding. It gives a reduction in voltage from 220 to 16 V - this is an ideal drop. If not, you will have to rewind it. After rewinding and checking the voltage at the output of the transformer, it can be fixed on the mounting plate. It’s important to think about how the circuit board is attached to the middle of the box. In front of her there is a boarding door.

Further steps during installation will take place on this mounting plate, however, it must be sufficiently flat, long and allow the installation of radiators on diodes, transistors or microcircuits that will also fit in the selected box .

This place is selected on the circuit board, such a diamond will come out of four diodes. Moreover, the left and right bets are made up of diodes connected in series, and the other bets are parallel to each other. One end of the skin diode of markings with a woman - this is indicated as a plus. From the beginning we solder the diodes in pairs one to one. Consistently – this is the plus of the first connection with the minus of the other. The winning ends of the bet may still come out – plus and minus. At the same time, making bets means bridging the grievances of the pros and cons of the pair. The axis now has output contacts to the bridge - plus and minus. Or they can be called poles - upper and lower.

The other two poles - left and right - are vicorized as input contacts, they are supplied with a changeable voltage from the secondary winding of the step-down transformer. And at the exit of the bridge, apply a pulsating signal voltage.

If you now connect a capacitor in parallel with the output of the bridge, adjusting the polarity - to the plus of the bridge - plus the capacitor, then smooth out the voltage, and the surface will be good, as large as the new capacitance is. 1000 microfarads will be sufficient, and you should set it to 470 microfarads.

Respect! The electrolytic capacitor is a dangerous accessory. If it is connected incorrectly, when a new voltage is applied, the operating range or due to great overheating may cause the voltage to swell. In this case, all of its internal contents are scattered around - the body, metal foil and electricity leaks. It's really not safe.

From our point of view, we have the simplest (to say the least, primitive) power supply unit for 12 V DC voltage devices, so that there is a constant current.

Problems of a simple block of living and living

Opir, daubing on the diagram is the equivalent of vantage. Navigation is designed to be such that the flow that can live, when a voltage of 12 V is applied, does not exceed 1 A. You can expand the strength of the vantage and rely on formulas.

The input voltage is R = 12 Ohm, and the voltage is P = 12 W. This means that if the voltage is more than 12 W, and the reference is less than 12 ohms, then our circuit will begin to suffer from distortions, become very hot and quickly burn out. There are a number of ways you can solve the problem:

  1. Stabilize the output voltage so that when the voltage is changed, the flow does not exceed the maximum permissible value, or in the case of rapt stripping, the flow is at the limit of the voltage - for example, at the moment of turning on certain devices - the peak value of the power is visible filled up to par. Such phenomena occur when the living unit is powered by radio-electronic devices - radio receivers, etc.
  2. Use special protection circuits that turn off the life block when the stroma is moved in the area.
  3. Vikoristovat tight blocks of life or blocks of life with a great reserve of force.

The little picture below shows the development of the front simple circuit included at the output of the 12-volt stabilizer LM7812 microcircuit.

This is even better, but the maximum flow in the unit of such a stabilized life block, as before, is not required to exceed 1 A.

Life block for moving tension

A more powerful life block can be created by adding to the circuit a series of tight cascades on Darlington transistors of the TIP2955 type. One cascade will provide an increased voltage supply of 5 A, six storage transistors connected in parallel will provide a voltage supply of 30 A.

A scheme that produces such apparent tension generates significant cooling. Transistors are powered but protected by radiators. You may need an additional cooling fan. In addition, you can also protect yourself with fusible fuses (not shown in the diagram).

The little one shows the connection of one folded Darlington transistor, which makes it possible to increase the output current to 5 amperes. It can be further enhanced by connecting new cascades in parallel with the designated ones.

Respect! One of the most important dashes in electric lantsyugs is Raptov's short zamikannya navantazhenya. In this case, there is a source of gigantic power, which burns everything in its path. In this vipadka it’s easy to see such a tight block of life, such a building tse vitrimati. Then you need to create protective circuits, starting with fusible switches and ending with folding circuits with automatic connections on integrated circuits.

The life block is simple to prepare, just take a few moments from the theoretical part and understand how it works. Everything is not as complicated as it seems. What does a 12-volt life block consist of, with photos and butts, as well as a description of its elements and the principle of operation are given in the statistics.

Basic elements and principles of life blocks

The main part is a step-down transformer, and if it has the necessary parameters, the secondary winding is rewound manually and the necessary output voltage is supplied. Through the transformer, the voltage of the 220 volt circuit is changed to 12, which continues until the point of departure.

There is no fundamental difference between standard devices and those with a rewound secondary winding; it is important to correctly open the span and the number of turns on the winding.

Let's go straight ahead. Consists of conductors, for example, diodes. One place, in different circuits, can consist of one or two diodes. After rectifying the current, go to the capacitor, and in order to provide a stable voltage, the circuit must turn on a zener diode with similar characteristics.


A transformer is constructed from a core made from a ferromagnet, as well as primary and secondary windings. The primary winding receives 220 volts, and the secondary winding receives 12 volts, which goes to the rectifier. The cores in this type of living block are generally prepared in W-like and U-like shapes.

Rotating of the windings is allowed, either one on top of the other on the fire, or the same way. For example, a U-shaped core has a pair of coils, with half of the windings wound on each of them. When connecting a transformer, the circuits are connected in series.

How to properly open a number of turns

When rewinding the secondary coil, it is necessary to know what voltage the turn is supplying. Since there are no plans to rewind the primary winding, there is no need to insure either money or power. The problem with the primary winding lies with the large number of turns of thin wire from which the winding is formed.

To open up the secondary winding, cut 10 turns and connect the transformer at the edge. Divide the voltage on the tops, then divide by 10, after which 12 is divided by the number. The result will be a higher number of turns, and it is recommended to increase this by 10% to compensate for the voltage drop.


The choice of diodes is indicated by the strength of the flow on the secondary winding. For these purposes, use silicon conductors, only high-frequency ones, as specified before completing other tasks.

In order to make the devices compact, perfect solutions will consist of several assemblies of several elements. The life from the transformer is supplied to two pins, and the rectification current is taken from the other two.

After the voltage bridge, it is recommended to transfer a zener diode with the same parameters in the circuit, since throughout the day it is far from a fact that the input voltage will be a stable 220 volts. If you apply more voltage to the primary winding, then the output will be more than 12 volts.


The housing for the life block is made of aluminum. First, a frame is assembled from bundles, which is then sheathed with aluminum plates. There are at least two advantages to this solution - firstly, aluminum is easy to work with, and on the other hand, it is better to conduct heat, which prevents the life block from overheating.

Since there is no need to assemble the frame yourself, you can use it as an old microfiber stove. The main advantages of this solution are low volume, aesthetic appearance and space.

Drukovana board for the living block

It is prepared from foil textolite, it is necessary to treat the metal with hydrochloric acid and battery electrolyte.

The work is carried out in rubber mittens and until the first steps are taken. Rinse the metal with soda water and apply the image of a wooden plate. You need special computer programs to create such images.

Test the board, immerse it in a chlorine solution, or remove copper sulfate from the salt.

Installation of elements

After finishing the cleaning, rinse the board, remove it from the drying paths and degrease it. Using a very thin drill, drill the opening at the plate under the element. Then the elements are inserted into the openings and soldered to the tracks, after which the tracks are tinned with additional tin.

Photo of a self-made 12 volt life block