All about software repair of video cards. All about software repair of video cards Recovering to the old BIOS version

I live! Even more I was asked to write a guide for the firmware of the video card for mining. I checked for a long time, and how to bachite a harn of novelty, a guide to writing. And so our guide will be on the firmware of the amd RX 580 sapphire nitro + video card. Ale guide to go to all video cards radeon (ati) series rx 580, 570, 470, 480, 460, 560, 460.

І so rx 580 nitro + sapphire before firmware

Kіntsevy result naprikіntsi statti.

BIOS firmware for video card

As you understand the names, you need to flash the bios itself, and change the timings yourself. Particularly good BIOS firmware helps with mining ether (eth).

Respect! Flash and change the bios timings of the video card, you are on your own risk! What will be with the guarantee, it’s not clear for sure.

And so, the BIOS firmware of the amd video card is repaired from the necessary programs.

Programs for flashing video cards:

1. Ati flash program for flashing amd video cards, and for saving the old firmware and uploading the new one - .

2. Polaris BIOS Editor for editing the BIOS timing of the video card, the version is suitable for all types of memory - .

3. Atikmdag patcher - needed to ensure that after flashing the timings of the video card, it worked correctly, and there were no pardons -.

The entire basic set for flashing bios video card pid mining s-pid windows selections.

All thanks for respect. Docks.

So I just want to add that the bios firmware of the nvidia video card is not needed for mining! Vaughn will not give anything.

The BIOS update of the video card is rarely needed, it may be due to the release of important updates, or the data will be reset. Sound the graphic adapter works normally without flashing all your term, it is still necessary to viconate, then it is necessary to work everything carefully and accurately read the instructions.

Before the cob, it is recommended to pay attention, which for all things must be done strictly according to the instructions. Be-yak inspiration in it can lead to serious consequences to the fact that for the inspiration of the work it happens to be quick with services service center. Now let's take a look at the BIOS flashing process AMD graphics cards:

  1. Go to the official website of the GPU-Z program and download the latest version.
  2. Check your video card name, GPU model, BIOS version, type, memory size and frequency.
  3. For more information, see the BIOS firmware file at Tech Power Up. Upgrade the version on the website to the one shown in the program. Trap in such a way that the renewal is not necessary, the Crimea is silent, if it is necessary to vikonat outside the renewal.
  4. Unpack the archives of the archives in a convenient place.
  5. Download the RBE BIOS Editor program from the official website and run it.
  6. Select item Load BIOS and open the unpacked file. Change to the correct version of the firmware by looking at the information at the window "Information".
  7. Go to tab "Clock settings" and flip the frequency and the voltage. The indications are due to spivpadati z timi, which were shown in the GPU-Z program.
  8. Switch to the GPU-Z program and save the old version of the firmware so that you can go back to it in different ways.
  9. Create a flash drive and move to the її root folder two files with firmware and the ATIflah.exe flash drive, which can be downloaded from the official website of the retailer. Firmware files due to mother ROM format.
  10. Everything is ready to the beginning of the firmware. Turn off the computer, insert an advanced storage device and start it. Beforehand, it is necessary to update the BIOS in order to download from a flash drive.
  11. After a distant vanity, a command row may appear on the screen, where you should enter:

    atiflash.exe -p 0 new.rom

    De "New.rom"- Name the file with the new firmware.

  12. Press Enter, finish the process and restart the computer, pulling out the start-up accumulator.
  13. Rollback to old BIOS version

    Sometimes the firmware is not installed, and most of the time it is installed through the lack of respect for the drivers. In such a situation, the video card is not displayed by the system, and due to the presence of a graphical image, the image on the monitor appears on the monitor. In order to solve this problem, it is necessary to vikonati vodkat to the previous version. It's even easier to fight:

    1. If you don't succeed with the integrated adapter, you need to plug another video card into the PCI-E slot and try it out.
    2. Victory that very exciting flash drive, for which the old BIOS version is saved. Plug it in and turn on the computer.
    3. The command line will reappear on the screen, and once again enter the command:

      atiflash.exe -p -f 0 old.rom

      De "old rom"- Name the file with the old firmware.

    It was enough to change the card back and find out the reason for the failure. Possibly, that version of the firmware was captured, or the file was loaded. Krym tsgogo sled respectfully change the voltage and frequency of the video card.

    Today, we reportedly looked at the process of flashing the BIOS of AMD video cards. There is nothing foldable in this process, it is important not to trim the instructions and carefully check the necessary parameters so that there are no serious problems, so as not to destroy the firmware.

Later, as you already understand, today we will talk about the renewal of such an important device for skin engraving, like a video card. I think that some people from your closest circle (friends and friends of friends) were staring at different manipulative artifacts, or simply, by turning on one computer, to replace the cob of interest in their favorite operating system, they turned on Malevich’s charming black screen. Abo sensed marvelous squeaks system unit. Ring one long and two short beeps. Well, or one uninterrupted squeak, which happens in different video cards with additional life when it is not connected, or out of tune with other reasons. Vtіm, a part of the article will be given for sale to such speeches as artifacts, hanging on and other receivers.

Vzagalі list of faults, scho pіddayutsya software repair, dosit vuzky. Tse deyaki see artifacts and banal hang-ups in 3D Mark and games, for example.

Keys, twists...

For robots, we need a sprinkling of utilities. For the diagnosis of artifacts, it is best to vikoristovuvat ATITool
(gcontent) Get ATITool (/gcontent)

The utility, as you can see from the name, is recognized for ATI video cards, well, or, as it became right to say at once, AMD. Frequency change functions may not be available on NVIDIA graphics cards. But it doesn't matter, because in this software - the best scanner of artifacts ever, swedish, handy and tough. Plus, through it, manipulations with frequencies are vibrated, fan wraps and other deuces of speed, so you can’t think of a repair before repair, but rather a speed boost for the hordes of us repairmen, comrade overclockers (gee-gee! the author is his own enemy :) - approx. ed.).

Gave everyone a program RivaTuner
(gcontent)Get RivaTuner (/gcontent)

There are victories for changing frequencies, fan speed control, that plus such relish, like manipulating pixel shaders on NVIDIA video cards.
That and more specific software is amazing.

GPU-Z- Information utility for video cards. It also allows you to copy the BIOS from them for further editing.
(gcontent) Grab GPU-Z (/gcontent)

Radeon Bios Editor- for manipulation with BIOS's of video cards from AMD company
(gcontent)Get Radeon Bios Editor (/gcontent)

NiBiTor– NVIDIA BIOS editing, apparently
(gcontent) Get NiBiTor (/gcontent)

ATIFlash– BIOS flasher for AMD video cards. NVFlash - NVIDIA flasher
(gcontent)Get ATIFlash (/gcontent)

Well, the last zasib - Hexedit. Vіn assignments for editing the hexadecimal code without intermediary
(gcontent)Get Hexedi (/gcontent)

Scary? There is no me!


Vzagali, the cause of artifacts of a different kind is most often operational (video) memory or the central chip. Inaccurate components, soldered at the factory, early degradation, re-engineering, or small defects in the other video card board itself, with some memory, or the chip cannot work like that, as the fault is - the axis of the flammable user's tears. The same speeches can be repaired with the help of various software.

In case of video card freezing in 3D-modes, the diagnostic technique is overwhelmed, only it is not so easy to interpret it. Radzhu wink for this 3D Mark 2005 - this test is heavily stressed on the video system, but at the same time it is the shortest of the series 3D mark you can take advantage of the coming forces.

Іsnuє sche one more kind of artifacts. On the ATITool scanner, it looks like a checker's field of different colors from the house of outstanding artifacts. It is most likely less likely to be in 3D mode. Such a glitch is part of the problem on the GeForce 8600 GT/GTS, but also on some video cards of the middle and lower price ranges. Qi artifacts caused by non-working pixel pipelines at the core. If you "have mercy" on your mother with such unacceptability, then it will be a trifle more important. Ale trohi below, I will try to explain in detail how to fight.

What is the work with "beaten" conveyors?

That is the best method of testing. For help ATITool

RivaTuner the memory frequency is reduced step by step, otherwise, as it does not help, then the graphics processor (core). In order not to give up the hour, I recommend robiting roughly with croc at 50 megahertz from memory and 20 - for the core.
If you were spared by that artifacts, then two options are possible.

The first one is to save the frequencies, you don’t worry about such problems, like a profile. І ATITool, і RivaTuner not included. The other one is to edit the BIOS, having registered there the frequency values ​​and flash it to the video card, so that you don’t think about it anymore. About those, how to edit and sew BIOS'i - below.

The fight against overheating

It's no secret that a lot of modern video cards from the category of strained ones, with all their coolness and speed, warm up like bees. Well, the publishers are so quick to bring a fresh top to the market, that it's normal not to bring BIOS's to the video cards. Especially for "reasonable" regulation of cooler revolutions.
For this (well, really not for this, but for overclockers) and in ATITool, and RivaTuner there are options for manually setting wrappers. You can install insoles, skils in vіdsotkakh in maximum speed required for 2D or 3D mode. Well, then you can save the installation of the fan in the profile just like that, as well as the frequencies, and set the profile to auto-upload when Windows starts. More coristuvachiv vzagali fit and so come in.

Editable BIOS

Well, what if the video card is not yours, for example? Why are you going on a rampage її easily raft, go where (yeah, down the Yenisei - ed. note)? Don't get angry! For these purposes, video card BIOS editors are used. Let's look at two main ones for today:
for AMD (Radeon BIOS Editor)і NVIDIA (NiBiTor) obviously.
Nibitor. At the time of writing the article, the remaining version is available for download with the code number 4.6. The functionality of the programs is great - right up to changing the secondary timings of the video memory, but we don’t need everything for this type of person, and we need all the functions.
At the end of the program NiBiTor looks easy to finish. Before us, we need to enter the BIOS from our video card for processing by the program.
Sequence dіy: Tools menu, then Read BIOS and Select Device - I'll probably name your video card. As if this were a problem, then, more than anything, you do not have the best version of the utility. Well, chi too late new video card:)!
Tisnemo OK. Let's go back to Tools, Read BIOS, and now Read Into NiBiTor.
Basically, NiBiTor is to blame for the main characteristics of the video card. You can change it.
As described above, earlier in Riva Tuner you know the frequencies for which your video card has become normal. Now, the following frequencies are rewritten in the corresponding field of NiBiTor. Respect! A small moment: NVIDIA video cards will soon appear the GeForce 8th series lines that divide the core frequency by two indicators: by the frequency of the middle core and that of the shader block. However, if you change the core frequency in RivaTuner, I think you should remember that the value for the shader block was also changed. Rewrite their wallpaper with RivaTuner.
From memory, everything is much simpler - it’s enough to remember a couple of numbers. All is ready? The same order is as follows: menu File, Save BIOS. It is necessary for the file to work in English letters, or in digital letters, and it should be shorter. Everything, the BIOS file is ready before the firmware.

Radeon Bios Editor

This utility is a troch of folding for a shower. І є she has a small odverok. On the view of NiBiTor, it won't be possible to read the BIOS directly from the video cards. For which GPU-Z is victorious - the remaining version on given moment 0.28. Here, the right-hander, in the BIOS Version, is an icon that depicts a microcircuit with a green arrow. When pressed, the options Save to File and Submit to on-line database appear. Well, it's good to click on us Save to File. Give it a choice whether it's a special place and a name for the file and emboss OK. The BIOS is saved in bin format, not rom, but you can read Radeon Bios Editor.
Now the Radeon BIOS Editor selects the Load BIOS option and the national program for our file. Golovne Vіkno RBE is overwhelmed with information! Ale us tsіkavit menu Clock settings. There are a lot of frequencies there, but if you already know the numbers you need (we used them for ATITool's help, or you can call RivaTuner), then just change the text values ​​for your needs.
Radeon BIOS Editor can do one thing for NiBiTor: on the rest of the AMD video cards, the BIOS has the Fan Settings set to the default fan settings. Robe tse, hto bi think, on the Fan Settings tab.


BIOS ready? Now Save BIOS! RBE has a flasher, but don’t start it correctly, so it’s easier to flash it, how to lie down, z-pid DOS’a.
For flashing z-pid DOS, we need either an old floppy disk, or a flash drive. At the time of the floppy disk, it is enough to format it as an advancement and throw on it the advance files of the flasher and the BIOS file. Well, if you don’t have an FDD drive, it’s not so easy to win a USB flash drive, it’s not so easy. I won’t describe the creation of an exciting flash drive within the framework of this article, it took a little time. Maybe some other time :). Let's assume that there is something in you.
I’ll give you the parameters that you need to prescribe for a skin flasher:

Options nvflash -5 -6 (your BIOS file).rom Options atiflash -p -f 0 (your BIOS file).rom

Death to shahivs!

Well, for dessert, I announced the rozpovisti, how to deal with artifacts under the code designation "checker's field." On ATI video cards, I don’t use them in my practice, but on GeForce - less on other models. For tієї met we need Riva tuner і HexEdit .
At the top of the Riva Tuner, you emboss the top stripe on the top. We select NVStrap Driver. On the Active pixel/vertex units configuration tab, change the value Determined by VGA BIOS and set Custom. The Customize... tab becomes active.

Vlasne, the axis is out, power over the pixel pipelines! Checking the checkboxes and placing them, you can turn on and turn on these conveyors. It's not that hard. The only moment - zastosuvannya will require re-advancement.

How about trying them on a permanent basis without using RivaTuner? Nothing complicated! As if you had given respect to those that were ticked for an hour, then bachiv, if you know or put a tick in the control of conveyors, there the beast is a companion, in a blink of an eye the value of type 000F0703, and when the conveyors are disabled , valid for 000F0701. Vlasne, we don’t need anything more. There is now HexEdit on the right.

In the program, through the "File" menu, you can see your BIOS savings. Now emboss the "Editing" tab. The new one has the “Know” function. There we switch from the "Row" value to the "Code" value. Now you can change the entered value, as shown in RivaTuner. But there is a small moment: the values ​​are not entered in the same way as they looked there, but mirrored. For example, my value 000F0703 should be entered as 03070F00, transferring the signs of the end to the cob in pairs. Znaishov? Now next change the value. I needed to change 03 to 01 in my mindset. You can see it from RivaTuner. If the parameter is known to be two, it's okay - change it in both places. Now the menu is "File", "Write as ...". Write immediately to the rom extensions.

Well, from, vlasne, and that's it. Now you can flash the BIOS patches. For three years, it was necessary to get a lot of such video cards from some brands, so if you and your friends had a good time after the end of the guarantee on the video card, it was such a bad thing, then you know what to work.

RBE is a handy tool to modify several interesting parameters in ATI BIOS files. It focuses on fan and clock settings as these are the most important things to most users. BIOS modification is an alternative to using memory resident tweaking utilities such as RivaTuner, ATI Tray Tools or ATITool.
But RBE can be more, so: You will balance the BIOS file" with checksum, lets you modify Overdrive settings, enables superior PowerPlay functionality for some video cards, contains a CCC Profile editor for hidden features of CCC and much more.

Main Features

  • You can display and change the number of file extensions in the middle of the BIOS file, including the Device ID and vendor ID.
  • Accesses every PowerPlay state and can change GPU clocks, RAM clocks and voltage for each of them seperately.
  • Displays the PowerPlay structure of the BIOS.
  • Also displays voltages the card can make use of.
  • You can graphically display and modify 4 different fan controllers in a comfortable way and automatically figure out which controllers are selected for specific BIOSes.
  • RBE modifies the Overdrive signature of a BIOS in order to reach the great overclocking limit. Signatures can be extracted and saved to a file.
  • Weide zrobiti raszbleniy spin up bug deakі maps vanish.
  • Enables superior PowerPlay.
  • Contains a profile editor for accessing hidden CCC panel features.
  • Acquires and flashes BIOS and all from within RBE Build-in WinFlash interface.

There is a digital signature for AMD cards, RBE does not work in active development and does not support other graphics cards.



The latest version is available in the downloads section.


Which video cards are supported?

So far, this might be an incomplete list:

  • 2400LE
  • 2400 PRO
  • 2400 PRO AGP
  • 2400XT
  • 2600LE
  • 2600Pro
  • 2600 Pro AGP
  • 2600XT
  • 2600XT AGP
  • 2900 GT
  • 2900 PRO
  • 2900XT
  • 3200 series
  • 3300 series
  • 3470 mobile
  • 3600 series
  • 3870x2
  • 4850x2
  • 4870x2
  • 4870x2
  • HD 5450
  • HD 5570
  • HD 5670
  • HD 5750
  • HD 5770
  • HD 5850
  • HD 5870
  • HD 5970
  • HD 6850
  • HD 6870
  • FireGL V3600
  • FireGL V3750
  • FireGL V5600
  • FireGL V5700
  • FireGL V7600
  • FireGL V7700
  • FireGL V7760
  • FireGL V7770
  • FireGL V8600
  • FireGL V8650
  • FireGL V8700 Duo
  • FireGL V8750

All in all, the engine is somewhat flexible. If you have video card which is not officially supported, just give it a shot nevertheless.

revision history


  • Changed to notify about pardon message regarding VendorID writing occasionally.
  • Fixed rare overdrive bug.
  • Added 6950 -> 6970 shader unlocking capability (will most likely only work for reference design cards).
  • Added 6990 DeviceID.


  • Added modding capability for CHL8214 voltage controller (reference design 6870 and 6850 cards).
  • Added mode of modification building for VT1556M voltage controller (reference design 6970 and 6950 cards).
  • Change DeviceID with new changes between areas properly (hopefully) all the time.
  • Change VendorID is guilty of a lot of trouble.
  • Added some new DeviceIDs (6950/6970).
  • Updated WinFlash link.
  • Updated RBE's internal BIOS extraction method to account for "ATI" labeled "AMD" now.
  • Improved Hex editor interface a little.
  • Fixed method 1 overdrive hacking signature extraction for 6xx0 cards. Only superficially tested due to inaccessible non-reference signatures yet


  • Added (preliminary) support for Radeon HD 6850 and 6870. Everything _should_ work, except for voltage modding.
  • Fixed minor WinFlash version detection bug.
  • Improved built-in hex editor search functionality (again).
  • Improved flashing procedure for more stability.
  • Fixed Dell Subvendor-ID, what's on Clinton for a tip!


  • Addition of front fan control for 5970 (EMC2103 fan controller). Big thanks to Diverge for making this possible!
  • Added support for Radeon 5830, 5450 and 5570.
  • Added signature file based on overdrive hacking capability for 5xx0 cards. Thanks to Biker for extensive testing!
  • Improved built-in hex editor search capability.
  • Another subvendor display issue, hopefully for good this time.
  • Improved RAM interface detection.
  • Fixed a rarely occurring bug (on mobile Radeon BIOSes only) regarding powerplay table.
  • Added qualified error message if pre-2xx0 BIOS is detected.
  • Fixed rare file opening issue.
  • Updated WinFlash link.
  • Fixed minor clock wizard issue.
  • Added welcome message for time users.
  • Added feature to enable RivaTuner versions< v2.25 to cooperate with 5xx0 Radeons.


  • Added 58x0 and 5970 GPU voltage control. I'd like to express my gratitude to VuurVOS who made this possible.
  • Additional memory for the security mode is available (i.e. all cards, which are victorious in VT1165 in order to control memory, such as 4890, 5870 and 5970).
  • Additions GPU voltage control for cards, vicory L6788A chip. Larger 4770s and 5770s them. Hey, better late than never! :-) Unfortunately, 5670 and 5750 reference design cards can't be helped because their UP6201 chip doesn't support external programming.
  • Fixed subvendor-display on 5xx0 cards.


  • Fixed "GetStringPos" bug to target rare BIOSes.
  • RAM and RAM interface detection are being tweaked.
  • Improved 5xx0 support. Still no voltage tweaking yet.
  • Added 5xx0 device-IDs. Number cards look like: 5670, 5750, 5770, 5850, 5870, 5970.


  • Added clock tuning wizard.
  • Changes fan controller bug workaround settings" go to step 3 for what to do for small.
  • Improved program's startup routine.
  • Fixed "GetClockPos reported 0"-error , which came up on loading several 4xx0-BIOSes.
  • 5850's DeviceID and signature hanging and loading will most likely not work properly on 5xx0s with this version. Furthermore, VT1165 programming is not functioning yet.


  • Fixed minor glitch in BIOS flashing procedure.
  • Minor fixes and enhancements for hex editor.
  • Updated WinFlash link.
  • Fixed another 3650 bug... :-/ I hate that card!
  • Added some DeviceIDs.
  • Improved spec string analysis code.
  • Addition fan support for 4770.


  • Additions hex editor.
  • Added alternative BIOS extraction method.
  • (Hopefully) fixed the 3650 Device-ID-bug for good.
  • Fixed a bug concerning weird 4670 fan settings.


  • Fixed a startup bug causing the main window not to show up.
  • Additions experimental voltage register access. RBE automatically displayed without card" equipped with VT11xx. Just use register 15 for uncclocking/undervolting and register 18 for overclocking. .


  • Fixed minor file saving bug for RV730 BIOSes.
  • Fixed TSlope calculation bug.
  • Enabled (preliminary) support for more RV770 (and derivatives) based cards.
  • Shown is the "HandleOneClickUpdate" bug that shows several BIOSes on saving.
  • Updated link for WinFlash to most recent version.
  • Added some Device-IDs until now officially support those cards.


  • "Runtime error "7": out of memory" bug at the cost of the right-aligned combo boxes for the voltages in the clock settings tab.


  • Minor bug fix concerning voltage settings on 2900 XT and some other cards.
  • Minor bug fix concerning method 2 hack.
  • The bug that causes the RBE to fail is the same as search for WinFlash.
  • Fixed minor Acquire/Flash BIOS bug.
  • Replaced EXE-packer so that virus scanners can be alerted to raise false alarm for the old one.
  • Fixed some minor file opening probs.
  • Fixed a bug with checksum calculation. In fact, it was called from ATI to PCI standards violation. Damn, what a pain in the ass to find that glitch...
  • Added option to enable the user to decide whether to write fan controller bug workaround settings or not.
  • Added some device-IDs (thanks to TheCow).
  • Added "recent files" section in the main window's file menu.
  • Added system tray icon. God who knows will use it... :-/
  • Added "-systray" parameter for RBE startup in systray mode only.
  • Added option to make RBE run on windows bootup.
  • Added saving the program's window position.
  • Did some GUI work to make RBE look a little cooler (hopefully). Unfortunately, RBE's file size adds up to a significant factor in the selection of libraries. Here's what has been done in particular:
  • Customized themed styles for all user controls.
  • Added some icons to several buttons.
  • Added some more or less matching icons throughout the GUI.
  • Replaced voltage combo boxes by boxes that can be right-aligned.
  • Replaced some scrollbars by more modern sliders.
  • Replaced program icon.


  • Virishenі dії pardons, pov'yazanі z error message on loading several BIOSes (small ones like several 3870 X2 BIOSes).
  • Featured remote control feature for WinFlash for flash and BIOS. Will be included in the tutorial soon.
  • Superior PowerPlay is due to being available for more 4870 BIOSes now.
  • Add link to tutorial in menu bar. (Info... Tutorial on how to use RBE (websource)...)
  • Added display for the card's internal voltage table (it's clock settings tab).
  • Fixed a bug causing the device ID being written incorrectly if it's changed in rare cases. Coded this very drunk, there might be bugs... :-/
  • Added some nice method one hack signatures (4850, 4870 X2).
  • Added feature for method one overdrive hack signature saving and loading.


  • Fixed bug with method one overdrive hack not working. Should run fine now.
  • Addition fan control for 4870 X2. Completely new controller chip, it's the greatest thing in space... :-/
  • Preparing spin up fix, Powerplay functionality and voltage decrease in one-click update for 4xx0 cards seperately selectable.
  • Fixed WinFlash check sum correction bug.
  • Added and fixed lot of small things. Too many and too minor to mention all... :-)


  • Added checksum calculation method WinFlash checksums for certain files, checksums differ. See built-in-FAQ for more on this.
  • Improved checksum balancing algorithm to capture this. The reason for this is a new method, so that we can make soft bugs, but it was also given that it is not corrupt any file. Notify me on any strange behaviour.
  • Added 1-click update functionality for some 48x0 cards which corrects a well known "spin-up bug" and improves powerplay (power saving functionality).
  • Adopted method for over-surplus exchange. Still experimental, read built-in help text before using this. Power users only!
  • Fixed bug with not properly displayed overdrive limits.


  • Attachment for GDDR5 (for 4870 and future cards).
  • Added control for corruption of GDDR5 BIOSes.
  • Fixed bug with all voltages being "---".
  • Lock for clock info is now unchecked by default.
  • Added command line feature for automated BIOS loading.
  • Added profile editor to edita CCC settings that can not be modified using the CCC.
  • Added support for 4870 X2 (experimental).
  • Fixed checked "pre-modified" checkbox on plain 4870 BIOSes.
  • Added more clock info modes prior to launch require Radeon mobility BIOSes.
  • Improved some internal things.


  • Fixed values ​​written if look up table is used.
  • Improved method of clock rates detection (old method was not working properly with some weired BIOSes).
  • Added some FireGL device IDs.
  • Added some stuff to the-program-FAQ.
  • Updated link to WinFlash.
  • Fixed little bug occuring writing some BIOS infos.
  • Fixed some confusion regarding 3650 cards.
  • Added support for some exotic mobile card's BIOSes (experimental).
  • Added support for HD 4850/4870 (experimental).
  • Addition fan control for most 3870 X2.


  • Some other bugfixes take part in drag & drop and other things files.
  • Changed scale for graph's grid.
  • Fixed a bug causing RBE does not confirm propery BIOSes.
  • Graphs have been made click-and-dragable.
  • Added step graph view mode function for thos math freaks out the complaining about the continous graph. :-)
  • Added sub vendor - and video card ID detection and also possibility to change them.
  • Check out the warning: You can tweet CTRL+C, CTRL+V, CTRL+X and CTRL+Z.
  • Added update check functionality as requested.


  • Updated fan control handling for 3xx0 and several 2xx0 cards. Now you have full access! :-)
  • Added nice graph function displaying what is going on with any settings changed.
  • Additive simple element for graphs.
  • One slick bugfixes.
  • Added some annoying hint links via RBE's front end. :-/
  • Added drag & drop for BIOS files.


  • 99% of the code will be rewritten.
  • Tab based front end implemented. Finally! :-)
  • You can recognize that fan hysteresis is also a lookup-table is used.
  • Not more, nіzh vibіr product card typ is required. RBE detects it itself now.
  • You can re-open a BIOS to save RBE at a time.
  • More BIOS strings information can be changed at any time. However, this is not recommended and thus is a power user feature only.
  • Several bugs removed, including a crash if trying to load some improper files.
  • Added some new bugs:-) But seriously: Because most of the code is completely new, there will be some bugs for sure.
  • Intelligent bug report system added to the code.
  • Variable method for assigning fan settings for 3xx0-cards. Should be more compatible now. There will be incorrect fan setting detection for most cards also.
  • Improved checksum handling for even giant checksum differences.
  • Filesize shrinked a litte because of more compact code.
  • You can immediately block stat/Modes dependencies if you like. Tse is power user feature as well. More than that, what is being improved, what is being done for the singing powers for more comfort.


  • First release for site.
  • Added fan control setting for 29x0 cards. Oh yeah! :-)


  • Added some information on the 862 MHz lock in the FAQ section.
  • Added in "BIOS image size" info line.


  • No "fan settings detection error" message with 3450 and 3650 cards.
  • Fan values ​​can be entered directly now.
  • Which is more minor bug fixes.


  • Added some more bytes for checksum balancing.
  • Change checksum display form mode 0F00h to 0x0F00 because that's cooler!
  • Changed adapted frame caption displaying dependent on selected video card mode.
  • ID number of racks/processes for 2900 XT/2900 pro 512 bits from 5 to 6.


  • Fixed dependencies between clock settings during user input.
  • Revised FAQ.


  • Added more ways for 3xx0 cards (experimentally).


  • Fixed an issue with checksum display.


  • Added checksum display.


  • Revised FAQ.
  • Additional security rights 60 °C pressed onto plywood with 3850/3870 cards.

Updating the BIOS of the video adapter is rarely necessary. Sound from the "factory" BIOS of the card successfully live all its life, but sometimes there are faulty situations after some need for updating or updating the BIOS of the video adapter.



I'll try to describe the procedure BIOS update the cards are based on the Ati/AMD graphics processor.

For the beginning, we stock up on some software tools, for the help of which we will work on updating the BIOS to our video adapter.

If you know the BIOS for your card, then you should check with the current BIOS. Possibility of updating and not needing a change for a wink, if the firmware is needed in the region. If there is a fresh version of the BIOS, then the archiver will be taken. For our last Powercolor Radeon HD4850, I flashed the BIOS with three times the frequency of the robotic GPU at 10MHz. :).

For those who don't know your card maker, or for information GPU-Z maker є ATi: You can use firmware maker on the so-called reference design. The most valuable partners of ATI/AMD. For example, Sapphire or PowerColor. Ale, when asking for a “not native” BIOS, try to understand the language of the mind: the type and frequency of the GPU, the volume, the type, the frequency, the memory bus width, and the rose for which the card was prepared (AGP / PCI-E ).

If you know the required BIOS file, you can follow the update procedure.

Unpack archives from winflash. We create either. Run RBE Bios Editor, let's go to the menu File and choose an item Load BIOS. We won't be able to edit the BIOS parameters for our card today, but just in the Information window we'll switch to the ones that we need, and not just an mp3 file with music.

Therefore, it is respectful to read the information about the advances in the BIOS file and as if nothing is called suspicion, then press the button " clock settings»and respectfully look at the information about the frequency and voltage of the graphics processor. Don't change anything after reconverting the BIOS file to the BIOS file!. After reviewing, just close the program without changing anything.

In order to be able to get back to the old version of the BIOS in case of emergencies or other surprises, it is necessary to save the current version of the BIOS to the file. We help us with the same GPU-Z. Run the utility and click on the button from the image of the microcircuit, as in the picture, select the item “ Save to file".

Damo BIOS file is simple im'ya, for example old.rom

Now the next stage is being repaired. On the front of the preparations, the flash is loaded or the floppy disk is copied to the root folder with two files:

1. New firmware (new.rom)

2. I will save the firmware for every change. (old rom)

2. Flash atiflash.exe

Mustache. Everything is ready before flashing the BIOS of the card. We insert a floppy disk into the disk drive or a USB flash drive and change the machine.

More current motherboards easily vmіyut vmіyutsya z USB-storage, especially when updating the firmware of video cards or motherboards vicorous flash-storage with a capacity of 1Gb.

Get a computer from our prepared nose. If the capture was successful, then we are responsible for requesting the request before entering DOS commands. Call tse " Z:\>«.

Now we need to enter only one single command to flash the Ati video adapter.

We dial:

atiflash.exe -p 0 new.rom

atiflash.exe -p -f 0 new.rom

A short explanation of the key commands:

atiflash.exe- the command to launch the flasher

-p- "Programm" key allows programming the memory microcircuit.

0 - Tse digit 0 (zero). Sequence number of the video adapter whose BIOS will be reprogrammed.

-f- "force" key, which turns on the re-verification of all card IDs so that a "non-native" BIOS is written.

new.rom- Firmware file. instead of which it will be programmed for a riddle about the map.

After that, the command is typed typing Enter. After a few seconds, the process of flashing the BIOS of the card will be completed and you can transfer the machine from the hard drive.

From i all. If everything is set up correctly and when preparing the correct BIOS image, then at the exit you will remove a fresh card.

Well, it went wrong, and the machine could not be captured, or there is no image on the monitor, then it is necessary to work up to the front version, as we saved it far behind the help of GPU-Z.

To get started, you need to know the old PCI-video card, or put the “ailment” card on the motherboard with an integrated graphics adapter, get ready to carry it with a flasher and BIOS files.

After the request has been received by DOS, issue the command:

atiflash.exe -p -f 0 old.rom

After the flashing, the computer is imitating, the PCI card is being upgraded, the monitor is being transferred to our card, we are trying to read, we are trying to analyze it and know the pardon.

Particularly many comrades can use the BIOS firmware version from the Windows environment. This is the main utility of Ati Winflash. You can speed up with the flasher directly from the open RBE Bios Editor. For whom it is more necessary to press the button " Acquire/flash» This path leads to the iconized Winflash.exe file.

Usogo good, far flashing. ;)