Computer science tests. Types of data and actions with information Actions with information and actions with objects

MAOU "Cherdinska Zosh im. A. I. Spirina", m. Cherdin

Bilalova Svetlana Volodymyrivna

Children will begin a thousand times more successfully,

how to give them the ability to do it on their own

Follow the basic material that is being taught.

Peter Klein

3rd grade

    Subject: Computer Science and ICT

    Topic: "Activities with information"

    Lesson topic: " Work with a vocabulary, control work»

Lesson objectives:

    update the knowledge of students on the topic “Activities with Information”,

    systematize the concepts of these topics;

    consolidate statements about various types of activities with information;

    improve your skills in learning how to act with information;

    expand the concept of the computer as a universal tool for interacting with information.

Pedagogical instructions for the lesson:

    update the vocabulary of computer science terms;

    improve the skills of an independent victorious army;

develop the information culture of students.

You can fully master the basic material after completing the lesson:

mothers of statements about the diversity of types of processes with information;

    Please note the names of the topics with information;

    mothers of statements about the collection of information;

    learn the simplest basics of presenting information in various forms;

Please note that you should use the media for information;

    Please note the encoding and decoding of information;

    Mother of the simplest skills of processing numerical, textual, graphic information.

Key concepts: collecting information, filing, encoding, decoding, saving, processing.

Additional (additional) concepts:

activities with information, caution, transformation, submission forms, submission methods, code, rule, media information, types of information, numerical information, graphic information, text information.

Lesson characteristics:

    strategy - individual-smart, self-control.

Financial support for the lesson: handyman (chapter 2), worker sewing No. 1, test shop, diagnostic card, EOP.

Educational lesson plan

    Organizational moment (1-2 minutes).

    Repetition with cornering elements (3-4 steps).

    Testing, verification, discussion of results (5-7 minutes).

    Vikonannya zavdan u robochyu zoshiti (7-10хв).

    Fizkul'tkhvilinka (2-3 st.).

    Computer workshop (10th century).

    Regularization and customization of pouches, commentary before the control robot (3 minutes).

    Teacher's comments before homework (2-3 minutes).

Head (scenario) of the lesson

To organize repeated material, the reader can use the materials from the handbook “Now we know” (page 74) and “New words and terms” (page 75).

At the boundaries of the repetition, the teacher conducts a small test of self-control of student knowledge. The test form may look like this:

I know what...


With the information you can sign up for a wide variety of activities

Actions with information include collecting, filing, encoding and decoding, saving, processing

people collect information by reading a newspaper, watching TV, exchanging news with other people, and taking care of nature

When encoding a notification, information will be converted from one form to another

To encode text and numeric information, you can use code tables of types

Text, graphic, numeric and audio information can be recorded and stored on the media.

The information used contains a variety of characters: numbers, letters, text, tiny symbols

people can share any information

The computer can process numerical, graphic and text information

When processing information, the submitted form is always saved

Ushogo balliv:

Learn to remove the form from the affirmations and mark it with the number “+” so that you understand what is going on, or “-” in another case. The forms are given to the teacher, who checks them and makes sure that they have completed those studies. A student who has completed less than six “1s” is not ready for the test, and the teacher is guilty of giving him an individual assignment.

Information solutions zavdan

Computer workshop

To work on a computer, it is necessary to vikorize various types of coding and decoding.

Suitability of pouches

Enhance the lesson with the active participation of children. It will help to formulate what you learned and what new things you learned about the activities with information.

The teacher characterizes the level of readiness of the class before the test and gives specific recommendations for home preparation before it.

Home improvement

    Worker No. 1 has a vacancy, assigned as a teacher.

    Vikonati individual workshops for pre-work preparation.

    Write down new words and terms in your worksheet.

Robot checklist up to chapter 2

Lesson objectives:

    check the level of completion of the completed material on the topic “Activities with Information”;

    carry out diagnostics and evaluate the results of the experiment.

Pedagogical instructions for the lesson:

    formulate the recognition of students for the results of initial activities;

    develop the skills of independent planning of your activities for the minds of the lesson time;

    Improve self-control skills.

Lesson characteristics:

    form of organization - independent work with operational control and correction of results;

    type of lesson - control and advanced;

    The strategy is individual-smart, diagnostic.

Orientation lesson plan.

    Organizational moment.

    Reader's comment.

    Vikonannya zavdan.


    Computer workshop.

Head (scenario) of the lesson

To complete the test, the teacher distributes assignment forms to students and briefly comments on them. The students will begin the final task after the teacher has finished and the children understand how to finish their work. The reader can tell you what time the control robot is insured.

Virtuous information tasks

Learn to design control robots. For the consumer, the reader gives an explanation and we will formalize the teachings. After graduation, students check their work and submit it to the teacher.

Computer workshop

Robot h EOP.

Suitability of pouches

The teacher checks the students' work, discusses the typical benefits, and gives grades.

Correct types

Option 1

1. Follow the arrows behind the location. 2. Follow the arrows behind the location.

3. Show the little one, in text and number, information about those that grow behind the oak and birch trees, and between them - the pea.

    Follow the arrows behind the location.

6. Watch for changes in pictures - collect information and show it in text.

Learn to describe the storm that is brewing, and the behavior of the kulbab.

. Follow the arrows behind the tiny bits and text.

Option 2

1. Follow the arrows behind the location. 2. Connected by arrows behind the place

3. Show the little one, in text and number, information about those who have three books standing and two lying on the book shelf.

4. Connected with arrows. Indicate the procedure for collecting and saving information.

5. The arrow follows the space.

6. Watch for changes in pictures - collect the information and show it in text.

Children describe how the dormouse follows the sun.

. Connected by arrows behind the place of the baby and the text

Regularization and supply of pouches.

Explanatory note

Intermediate certification in computer science and ICT for 7th grade is structured as follows:

Intermediate certification in informatics and ICT for 7th grade is based on elementary methodological kits: Bosova. 7th grade – M.: Bіnom.

Intermediate certification in computer science and ICT for the 7th grade course is carried out in a written form in the form of a test control robot.

The exam paper contains 2 options, each of which consists of two parts: part 1 (tasks 1-5) and part 2 (tasks 6-10). Part 1 involves choosing the correct power supply, while food part 2 involves giving a self-ignited power supply.

The text of the examination paper presents tasks for all those studying in the 7th grade. Nutrition is provided for the main thematic sections: introduction to computer science, algorithms and programming, information and communication technologies.

Vimya vikonannya control robot – (40 hvilin).

Evaluation criteria:

The maximum number of points is 15.

A correct answer to the tasks of the first part (tasks 1-5) is scored 1 point.

A correct answer to tasks in another part (tasks 6-10) is worth 2 points.

"5" - 13 - 15 points;

"4" -10 - 12 points;

"3" - 6-9 points;

"2" - less than 6 points.

from informatics and ICT
for 7th grade

Option 1.

Part 1.

1. Set the authority of the information that corresponds to the description: The information is based on mine, available to the owner

1) Objectivity 2) Reliability 3) Relevance

4) Brownness 5) Vividity 6) Fullness

D:\ NAVCHANNYA \ MATHEMATICS \ 2015 \ SPRING. First, you go up three levels up the mountain, then go down to the EXAMINATION catalogue, and then go down to the ROZKLAD catalogue. Indicate the correct route for the catalog in which the customer is registered (indicate the number of the correct branch in the line):





The computer's memory stores information about the simplest geometric objects to create images

4. Enter the commands to delete a fragment of text from the clipboard when selecting any visions:

1) Open 2) Copy 3) View Delete 4) Virize 5) Paste 6) Move

7) Save 8) Repeat 9) Replace 10) Know 11) Save

5. In KOI-8 encoding, the symbol is encoded with 8 bits. Please note that it is necessary to contact the person concerned for information. Dovzhina of this message is 32 characters.

1) 32 bits 2) 320 bits 3) 32 bytes 4) 256 bytes

Part 2.

How many pages (in thousands) will be found in the search for ANIMAL │BIRDS?

7. The light display consists of a light bulb, each of which can be used in two stages: “dipped in” and “dipped in.” What is the minimum number of light bulbs on the display so that at least 13 different signals can be transmitted for each other?

8. The monitor allowed 1024x768 pixels. The monitor displays 65536 colors. How much video memory is needed to stream images on the desktop? The answer is calculated in Mbits (if necessary, round the answer to the nearest ten).

9. Divide the list of devices into groups and give the name of the skin group. Submit your answer to the diagram below.

Devices: processor, monitor, flash memory, mouse, plotter, video camera, scanner, CD-ROM, graphical alert, Web camera, ROM, RAM, speakers, keyboard.

1) The main device for displaying video information

2) Dot element of the monitor screen

Intermediate certification (robot control)
from informatics and ICT
for 7th grade

Option 2

Part 1.

1. Indicate the action with information that matches the description: Translation of text from English into Russian language

1) Collection of information 2) Processing of information

3) Saving information 4) Transferring information

2. Koristuvach worked with the catalogD:\ DOCUMENTS \ NAVCHANNYA \ 2015 \ SPRING. First, go up three levels up the mountain, then go down to the PHOTO catalog and then go down to the REPORT catalog. Indicate the correct route for the catalog in which the customer is registered (indicate the number of the correct branch in the line):





3. Select the type of graphics that matches the description: The computer memory stores information about the color of the skin pixel that is entered before it.

1) Raster graphics 2) Vector graphics 3) Fractal graphics

4. Indicate the parameters that are installed when setting the page parameters.

1) Orientation 2) Style 3) Font size 4) Paper size 5) Margins

6) Side numbers 7) Row spacing 8) Entrances

9) Version of paragraphs 10) Increment

5. At the codeUnicode Each character is encoded in two bytes. Please note that it is necessary to contact the person concerned for information. Dovzhina of this message is 32 characters.

1) 32 bits 2) 320 bytes 3) 32 bytes 4) 512 bits

Part 2.

6. The table contains the number of pages found from them in each segment of the Internet.

How many pages (in thousands) will be found by searching TSUKERKI │ALONKA ?

7. The light display consists of light bulbs, each of which can be used in two stages: “dim” and “dim”. How many light bulbs can be on the scoreboard so that at least 15 different signals can be transmitted for his help?

8. The monitor allowed 1024x860 pixels. The monitor displays 32768 colors. How much video memory is needed to stream images on the desktop? The answer is calculated in Mbits (if necessary, round the answer to the nearest ten).

9. Divide the list of types of software into groups and give a name to each group. Submit your answer to the diagram below. Types of software: computer-aided design systems, anti-virus programs, archivers, operating systems, multimedia processors, disk maintenance programs, database management systems, accounting programs, geographic information systems, and accessories, office bags.

10. Indicate the concepts that correspond to the descriptions:

1) Dovzhina double code, which is used to code the pixel color

2) A set of colors that can be created when the image is displayed

Types of pre-exam material

Option 1

Option 2

Department no.

Department no.

Healthy variant of the subspecies

Healthy variant of the subspecies

Glibina coloru

This lesson will cover the following nutritional trends:

1. What is information?

2. What kind of activities does a person do with this in-form?

3. How does a person preserve his or her in-formation?

4. But-si-those-li-in-form-ma-tions.

5. Forms of presentation in-formation.

In-form-ma-tsiya - this is evidence about the superfluous world, about the processes and phenomena that take place in the world, the life of the or-ga-niz-ma-mi and technical devices.



Actions with in-form-m-ts-ey once-but-both-times:

1. Reading ga-ze-ti, books (Fig. 1)

2. Unraveling the ma-te-ma-ti-chesk commands (Fig. 2)

3. Photo-gra-fi-ro-va-nya (Fig. 3)

Rice. 3. Fo-to-gra-fi-ro-va-nya ()

4. On-blue-de-nya (Fig. 4)

Action with in-form-ma-ts is not a preparation - it is not action with products.

Actions with in-form-ma-tsi-ey:

1. Po-lu-che-nya;

2. Presentation;

3. Pe-re-da-cha;

4. Pro-robot;

5. Zberigannya;

On-blue-de-nya - tse po-lu-che-nya in-for-ma-tsiya.

The sense of the given action is to perceive the in-formation, to receive communication.

Meta-presentation of in-form-ma-tsi on no-si-te-li - її savings or transfer.

Ancient people made babies on rocks. For further information, please use books and paintings. Modern ways of transmitting and storing information - magnetic strips, disks, disks and others.

Is-to-riya no-si-te-ley in-for-ma-tsiya

First, let's look at how we saved information in the old world.

On-the-rock-no-wine-of-the-epoch of pa-leo-li-ta:

Painting on the rock (Fig. 5) is the first method of external storage of in-formation in ancient times.

Rice. 5. On-rock ros-pis ()

An artist of this era, who knew how to make tools for his own work and decorate the walls of stoves, in the minds of those who thought, was already guilty of la-date and promotion.

On the rocks there are sun-ki-suns, how ancient people lived, ate, and lived.

With the emergence of a person of rose-mind and the appearance of the graphic mys- tice of roses the elk is falling asleep.

Illustration of letters:

Writing first appeared 5-4 thousand years ago. BC on the territory of modern Iraq, near the palace of the Tigris and Yev-frat.

The largest types of letters (Fig. 6) are tablets from the city of Uruk - small clay or bars of a straight vugular shape, with a prominent top-but-stі ko-to-rikh on-tsa-ra-pa-ník-to-gram-mi.

Rice. 6. Sample of an ancient leaf ()

Zhreshta signs have re-formed a kli-but-about-them something-chok, and the whole sheet has received a name - kli-but-Letter.

During the excavations of the As-si-riy-sto-li-tsi, no tablets from the royal treasury containing layers were found -va-ri and grams of Shu-mer, Va-vi-lon and as-si-riy languages.


Ma-te-ri-a-lom, vy-tes-nizh-shi-nya-no-tab-lich-ki and firmly-surprising in the whole ancient world after-for-e- Nya to Egypt Alek-san-drom Ma-ke-don-skim (332 r_k BC), lit pa-pi-rus (Mal. 7).

Pa-pi-rus was do-ro-gim ma-te-ri-a-lom, and clerks often leafed through the pages differently, clearing out the old text.

For-go-tov-ka pa-pi-ru-sa:

First, pa-pi-rus k-si-li, then cut the skin stalk into long strips and lay their ends on top of each other. Scars (place of sticks) I sleep with a hammer. On this piece on-cla-di-va-li another ball pa-pi-ru-sa, per-pen-di-ku-lyar-but first, and again they beat the hammer, vi- the de-ly-sik squeaked in a glossy way. So that the dovzhin-ny pa-pi-rus shines, around the pieces, glue-and-va-ly. Go-to-viy pa-pi-rus ska-ti-va-li into the scroll. Dovzhina of the most recent day with the help of the pa-pi-ru-sa - 40.5 m.

Iz-re-te-nya bu-ma-gi:

In Ancient China, as in Egypt. Use a pen and ink on a cloth (seam), brush, slash, bam-bu-tsi. Shovk, however, was expensive, which is why they were carried out in a more economical way. Iz-re-te-nya bu-ma-gi (Fig. 8) with-pi-si-va-e-xia Tsai Lun, who lived in the 2nd century AD.


Pergamum (the capital of Moesia in Asia Minor) - one of the largest centers of the Hellenic world - knows that the Pergamian king Eumenius II of the Vinaishi per-gament is obviously legendary.

The skins of these animals were used earlier, as well as in the 2nd century BC. Per-gam has become one of the greatest pro-iz-in-the-de-ties of this ma-ter-ri-a-la. I basically knew the Per-gamum bib-lio-te, which had more than 200,000 sou-vi-kiv.

Rice. 9. Vi-del-ka per-ga-men-ta ()

Sensation action - to develop the perception of information on the nose in a manual form.

The in-formation can be presented in the same way:

1. Sim-vo-la-mi, sign-ka-mi (Fig. 10 – 11);

2. Gra-fi-koyu (fig-sun-ki, tab-li-tsi, diagrams) (Fig. 12-14);

Sign-na-la-mi (gesture, light signal, sound signal);

Reception and re-da-cha in-form-ma-tsiya at the place

Living nature is foldable and different. The exact forms and forms in it are living organisms and their bodies. Or-ga-ism is about a number of authorities, including inanimate material objects. The main ones:

Continuous exchange of speech, energy and information with the surrounding medium;

Ros-dra-zhi-mist (the ability to or-ga-niz-ma of re-forming and re-working in-formation about iz-me -ne-nі-yah of too much middle ground and internal middle ground of the or-ga-niz-ma);

Possibility (the ability to re-a-gi-ro-vat on the action);

Sam-mo-or-ga-ni-za-tsiya (change-nya or-ga-niz-ma for adaptation to the minds of the modern middle class).

Before the advent of such machines, the science of bio-logia, for we are living orga-nis-movs, yes-va-la opis-sa-tel-ni mo-de-li.

How does the process, processing and accumulation of in-for-ma-tions proceed?

It is the responsibility of the Russians to provide a signal that their receipts have been dealt with in particular. It is also important to take note of the flowers that have already been sawed off and not to mix any more than that. This is all for my work.

In view of the experience, the choice will be based on the signal.

Kvit-tok, opi-la-e-my only birds, is not to blame for attracting everyone.

How to transfer in-formation bjoli?

There is a way to transfer the in-form-ma-tsiya to the bjil - the same dance. Bjola, who has found the flower along the way, comes up to the street and begins to dance in the spirit in front of the sconce. -ty-mi, after which the bjo-li-ray of the-right-lies-is-indicated-in-the-place behind-the-number.

Sens dіi - ste-speech for the fic-si-ro-van-nu (presented-len-nu) on the no-si-that-in-form-m-tsiya (data).


Internal (RAM) memory. - The skin of a person retains the vis-a-de-len-nu in-formation in the power memory - “in the mind.”

External (long-term) memory (books, flash memory, etc.). - People are not at all unreliable about human beings and are trying to fix the most important thing. well, in-formation on external no-si-ts.

Sense actions - to share, exchange information, for example, with other people.

Any process of transferring in-form-ma-ts can be simply represented at a glance:

The transfer of in-form-ma-tion always takes the part of two parties: the one who transfers the in-form-ma-tion (source: form-mation), and the one that receives in-form-mation (receiver of in-form-mation).

The transfer of this form is carried out orally, in writing, by phone, using computers hem.

Processing of in-form-ma-tsiya - this is the result of unraveling the de-facto in-form-ma-tsi-on-noi for-yes.

Sense actions - change the form and sense of receipt, receive new information.

Example: untying ma-te-ma-ti-what-for-what.

The power that handles the in-formation is either a person or a special technical device (for example, computer).

Sense dii - change (pre-brotherly) the form of presentation for storage, vikoristan, transfer, processing in-for-ma-tsiya.

Butt (Fig. 16) conversion of graphical information (Fig. 16) into text format ( text):

Rice. 16. Pre-ob-ra-zo-va-nya in-form-ma-tsiya

Sleep-juice re-ko-men-do-van-noi li-te-ra-tu-ri

1. Bo-so-va L.L. In-for-ma-ti-ka and ICT: Handbook for 5th grade. - M: BINOM. La-bo-ra-to-riya know, 2012

2. Bo-so-va L.L. In-for-ma-ti-ka: Tea is being made for 5th grade. - M: BINOM. La-bo-ra-to-riya zna-n, 2010.

3. Bo-so-va L.L., Bo-so-va A.Yu. Lessons in in-form-ma-ti-ki in grades 5-6: Something about it. - M: BINOM. La-bo-ra-to-riya zna-n, 2010.

Re-ko-men-do-van-ni sent to re-sur-si in-ter-net

1. Festival "Video-critical lesson" ().

Re-ko-men-do-van-not do-mash-not for-da-nya

1. §1.2-1.5 (Bo-so-va L.L. In-for-ma-ti-ka and ICT: Handbook for 5th grade);

2. Side 13 for-da-nya 1, 2; stor 16, zavdannya 1, 4, 7; stor 19, zavdannya 1, 2, 4; side 23-24, for 3, 7, 8 (Bo-so-va L.L. In-for-ma-ti-ka i 3. ICT: Handbook for 5th grade);

1. What is the name of a group of files that is kept together as a group and has no name?



2. What is the name of the data on the magnetic disk?


3. What characters can be used in a file name or directory name in Windows?

Numbers and even Latin letters

Latin, Russian letters and numbers

Russian and Latin letters

4. Select an anketa name with txt extensions.

5. Enter the wrong directory name.

6. How many characters are there to name a file or directory in Windows?

7. How many characters are there in a file name extension?

8. What is the extension of linked files?

9. What does a computer need for normal operation?

Massive applied programs

Operating system

Floppy disk in drive

10. How many windows can be open at one time?

11. Which symbol replaces any number of symbols?

12. Which character replaces more than one character in a file name?

13. How to write down: “All files without blame”?

14. Enter the wrong directory name.

15. The SSS subdirectory is included before the YYY directory. What is the name of the YYY directory instead of the SSS directory?




16. What does the computer do immediately after activating POWER?

Checking devices and testing memory

Interesting programs

17. What do you need to do to get a warm start in OC?

Insert the system floppy disk into the drive

Press the RESET button

Type your program name and press ENTER.

18. How many people can be active at the same time?

19. How active are you always?

First of all

Those who work.

20. How can the directory and files have different names?

21. Can there be two files with the same names in one directory?

22. You may have two files with the same names in different directories.

23. How many programs can quit at the same time?

How much is it today?

How much do you pull the PC?

24. What is not an operating system?

Norton Commander

25. How can I recover erased information on a floppy disk?

Perhaps in advance

Possibly, never mind

26. What do discs serve?

To process information

For text development

To save information

27. What do you need to do with the new floppy disk before using it?




28. When a floppy disk is formatted, it is shown that a number of sectors are zipped. Is such a floppy disk suitable for painting?

Not good for you

It is necessary to remove damaged sectors

Suitable for all purposes

29. What sizes and inches of floppy disks are found on computers?

26. What program is not a disk utility?

27. What is a cluster on a magnetic disk?

Disc sleeve

One disk space

Virtual disk

28. What is the number of the cob stitch?

29. What should I put on the 0 track of the skin floppy disk?

Root catalog

FAT - table

30. Where can I record information about the floppy disk format?

At boot sector

Root has a catalog

31. The floppy disk has zipped sectors. What should we do to break the system in order to avoid their abuse?

Don't shy away from anything

Means them as zipped

Vikoristova, ale carefully

32. What happens if FAT stores information?

Information disappears on the disk

The floppy disk got to Wikinuti

33. System programs for robots with disks - the whole...

Operating systems


Disk utilities

34. Why not go to the logical format of the disk?

Recording system files

Breakdown of sectors and tracks

Creating a FAT table

35. The main programs for disks in Windows are located in a folder.



36. What program is used for disc diagnostics and correction?

36. Recording files on a disc as sections scattered across the entire surface of the disc is called...

Disk optimization

Disk fragmentation

Disk formatting

37. Which Wislaw is incorrect? Defragmentation is carried out using the method...

Optimizing disk space

Speed ​​up the process of reading and writing files

Constriction of information

38. What program is used for disk defragmentation?

39. What does the operating system mean when it deletes a file from the disk?

Shuffles the FAT of your cluster

Finds the first character of the file name in the directory

Demagnetizes the disk sections containing the file

40. How can I remove a computer virus from a disk?

Re-enable the system

Special program

It is impossible to remove the virus

41. Archiving files – whole…

Combining multiple files

Layout of disks into sectors and tracks

File compression

42. What kind of program is an archiver?

43. What kind of program is an antivirus program?

44. What is a computer virus?

The program is small for its size

A myth like no other

The name of a popular computer game

45. What can help you remove a computer virus from a disk?

Disk defragmentation

Checking with an anti-virus program

Disk formatting

46. ​​Compression of information during archiving is essentially the same.

A special type of information coding

View your latest information

Backup information coding

47. Who doesn’t want to back up archiving?

To save disk space

To reduce viruses

To create backup copies of files

48. How is a certainty true?

All files are compressed during archiving, however

Raster graphics files are compressed the most

Different types of files are compressed differently during archiving

49. Archivists are characterized by...

The level and speed of archiving

Specially expanded

The method of tightness is compression

50. What antiviruses do not work with a virus base?




51. What antivirus programs work resident?




52. Mutants, invisible people, worms

Program utilities

Types of antivirus programs

Types of computer viruses

53. What is not a channel for spreading viruses?

Devices for visual display of information

Computer measures

External information sources.

54. The founder of agricultural computing technology is:

Zolotariov Lev Viktorovich

Popov Oleksandr Glibovich

Lebedev Sergey Oleksiyovich

55. Subsystem:

There is a rationalized working middle, through which the system coordinates the resources available and distributes the tasks

There are no elements that are in the joints and bonds of each other, which create the song’s integrity

A part of an information system that is seen during the design of the system architecture.

56. The file extension, as a rule, characterizes:

Commitment to memory

Go to the folder where the data is saved

Type of data saved in the file

57. Computer productivity lies in:

Type of components for the system unit

Type of installed software

Type of speed Internet connection

58. Ozu is the memory that is saved:

Information about the file system

Viconova machine code

Cached processor data

59. Persha EOM was called:

60. To access the joke server you need to:

Go to browser

Enter capital into the sound menu

Enter the address of the search service in the browser address bar

61. Disk drive for devices for:

Reading information for a long time

Recording information to a memory device

LAN connection

62. The processor processes information:

In text format

Double code

My Pascal

63. If your computer is connected, you have information:

Vidality from HDD

Saved in the graphics processor cache

Visible from RAM memory

64. The IP routing protocol will provide:

Transfer of information from computer networks

Possibility of linking multiple computers and their data into one network

Coding and deciphering data

65. The application program is saved every hour

Core cache memory

In RAM memory

In the memory of the hard drive (hard drive)

66. In a minimum amount of time, a lot of information is taken into account:


67. If the computer is turned off, all information is erased:

In the memory of the operational device

Can't be erased

With HDD memory

68. The first EOM of our land was called:

69. Computer, connected to the Internet, obligatory:

Connecting to a remote server

Domain names

70. Application software:

Zagalal assignment program, assigned to the Vikonanny Zavdan

Catalog of programs for computer operation

Database for saving information

71. The first EOMs were created in:

72. FTP service on the Internet is assigned to:

For roses of all kinds

To connect to the Internet

To save data from the khmari

73. Mass production of personal computers has begun:

Mid 80's

60-70 rocks

On the cob 2000 rock

74. Electronic mail allows you to send:

Text notifications and file uploads

Only text messages

Only added files

75. Database:

The model in which data is stored in order

Program for collecting and saving information

Data table in Exce format

76. Among the EOM architectures one can see:

Stationary, portable, autonomous

Massively parallel, symmetric multiprocessor, divisions

Views, divisions, parallel-windows

77. Energy-free memory devices of a personal computer:

Hard disk



78. The programming system gives the programmer the ability to:

Conduct analysis of existing thematic modules and submodules

Automatically select separate modules from a single project

Automate mathematical models of these and other phenomena

79. Clenched file with file:

Which has not been done for a long time

Infections with the nasty virus

Packing for additional archiving software

80. What is the function of peripheral devices?

Entering and leaving information

Long-term storage of information

Processing of new information and translation by machine

81. What is characteristic of a local boundary?

High transmission speed please note

Exchange of information and data at great distances

Availability of a reliable link between subscribers of the network

82. A system floppy disk is required for:

The first priority is to save files that are important for the accountant.

View of the cheap software for your computer

Coordinates of the operating system

83. Electronic circuits for controlling external devices - this is:


Keyboard and Misha

Transistors and system switches

84. The disk drive is a device for:

Computer connections and important information storage

Processing commands for entering/exiting data from a computer to a folder

Reading and/or writing data from external media

Test 85. Addressability of RAM means:

The presence of numbers in the skin's operational memory

Discrete representation of information between all blocks of RAM

Free access to a sufficiently large amount of RAM

86. Separate components of the monitor:

The number of colors that are clearly conveyed

Number of dots (pixels) of the image in horizontal and vertical directions

Diagonal size

87. The original meaning of the word “computer” is:

Richly functional calculator

Different types of kinescope

Lyudina, yak vikonovu rozrakhunki

88. Registered signals – this:

Flows of electromagnetic fluxes

Method of transmission in great regions

89. Modem is a device used for:

Converting text and graphic information to analog

Organizing digital communication between two computers using an additional telephone line

Securing Internet access for EOM

90. The family tree of the family is ... information model




91. Com and protect your computer:

Transferring data between computers and phones, computers, peripheral devices

Internet access

Connecting an external hard drive

92. Postal screenshot of an electronic mail subscriber:

A share of the mail server's RAM allocated to a specific customer

An area of ​​memory on the hard drive of the mail server, allocated to a specific customer

A special device for transmitting and saving correspondence in electronic form

93. The file extension is characterized by:

Type of information contained in the file

File assignment

File size

94. The computer program transfers:

The sequence of commands that must be executed before activating the singing function of the computer

A unique operating system that synchronizes the operation of hardware

Converting an analog information signal to a digital one

test-95. The main characteristics of the processor are hard to come by:

Volume of RAM

Clock frequency

System bus frequency

96. TrueType font means that:

When typed in this font, the text appears the same both on the monitor and in the divided view

Typing the text in this font facilitates editing in any text editor

This font will be used for the purpose of the initial creation of documents

97. Web stories may be expanded:

98. Ole technology ensures the integration of documents created by:

Any Microsoft Office program

Be any supplement that meets the CUA standard

A graphical view of the flow of information

99. Text data can be processed:

Multi-office programs

Hypertext add-ons

Test editors

100. Virtual device – this:

Modeling the functional equivalent of the device

Merezhevyi annex

Rіznovid EOM

101. File system – tse:

Method of organizing files on disk

Storage capacity for information storage

Physical organization of information storage

102. Take the next route to the task file at address D: Doc Test.doc. Name the file externally:


103. Functionality signs distinguish between the following types of software:

Application, software, purpose

Applied, systemic, instrumental

Office, system, care

105. How should folders (directories) be structured?




test_106. The obligatory criteria for software security must be met:



Simplicity of setting

107. Physical measures serve as a unit of exchange:

108. Show the difference between the information search system and the database management system:

Forbidden to edit data

Daily tools sorting and searching

A wide range of available information

109. The process of writing programs does not include:

Operator records are my programming

Improvement of the code

Change the physical condition of your computer

110. The same and the same plots of programs are called:

A cyclical process


a cycle that repeats itself

111. What will the electronic document management system provide?

Translation of handwritten documents into electronic format

Managing documents created electronically

Automation of company activities

112. URLs for videos about:

File type

The location of the file and the programming of the creations

File type and program type

113. The main function of the server is:

Transfer of information from customer to customer

Saving information

Vikonanny of specific actions to drink koristuvachiv

114. Merezheva’s operational system implements:

Linking computers to a single computer network

Measurement resource management

Managing protocols and interfaces

115. Interaction between the client and the server during the hour of work on the WWW follows the protocol:

test *116. Archive (base) FTP – tse:


Web server

A bunch of files

117. At the program development stage:

The correctness of the robot program is checked

The correctness of the selected data and operators is checked

Interim analysis of program effectiveness is being completed