Let's analyze the laptop in the home. How to open a laptop yourself: step-by-step instructions We screw all the visible bolts under the keyboard, we take out all the cables and connectors

Following the tradition, such statistics begin in advance, and I will not break the tradition.

Thoughtlessly following the instructions in this article can lead to the destruction of your laptop, be careful.

The main reasons for disassembling a laptop:

1. Upgrade
2. Replacing faulty parts in the middle of the body
3. Part of the cooling system from the saw, replacing thermal paste
4. Replacing the keyboard
5. Replacing the matrix (screen)

The reason for the analysis is its complexity. I highly recommend that you read the instructions for disassembling your laptop model, there a report and pictures will indicate what and in what sequence to disassemble, otherwise if there are no instructions, read on.

1. Disassembling the laptop for an upgrade.

As a rule, the simplest type of disassembly, replacing the hard drive or adding RAM is a standard procedure; in most cases, you just need to unscrew a bunch of screws on the bottom of the laptop and remove the covers that cover the memory, the hard drive, and the Items ex. Sometimes models are used where, to replace the memory, you need to remove the keyboard or unscrew the bottom part of the laptop.

2. Replacing faulty parts in the middle of the body

Sometimes you can do your own laptop repair by replacing faulty devices, Wi-Fi card, video card, RAM, hard drive, etc. The ease of disassembly can be stored in a replacement device, replace the Wi-Fi card below the RAM or hard drive, access to any ease.

3. Part of the cooling system in the saw

In most cases, to remove the saw, you will have to remove the laptop from all over, and to replace the thermal paste, you will have to take it all apart. This means that the need to replace the thermal paste on the window is possible depending on the age of the laptop and the operating mode, if the laptop is 2-3 years old, and during operation it regularly heats up, then most likely the thermal paste has already dried out and has stopped working their functions in sufficient detail.

4. Replacing the keyboard

As a rule, the keyboard is stuck on the hooks and is additionally fixed with screws from the bottom, so to replace it you will have to disassemble the laptop completely. Sometimes the screws are used to remove the keyboard from the bottom of the laptop, so you can only unscrew a few screws.

5. Replacing the matrix (screen)

In the first 4 points, the matrix of the laptop is not damaged at all, and all operations can be done without removing the motherboard, and to replace the matrix in some models you will have to replace the laptop almost completely.

A secret algorithm for disassembling a laptop without instructions on the Lenovo ThinkPad Edge E430.

Before disassembly, unplug the laptop, unplug the charger and turn off the laptop.

Krok 1.

Insert the screws into the compartment of the icon with the locked lock and remove the battery

Krok 2.

Unscrew the screws

To remove the keyboard, Kroki 3-11 is not required, you can skip them.

Krok 3.

Remove the cover, now you have denied access to the insides of the laptop
CMOS battery - CMOS memory battery
Wireless card - wifi card
Hard drive
Cooling fan - cooling system fan
RAM - random access memory modules

Krok 4.

Unscrew the screws and pull the DVD drive in the direction of the arrow.

Krok 5.

Unscrew the screws and loosen the hard disk, insert it straight along the arrow.

Krok 6.

Lift up and remove the hard drive, the Lenovo ThinkPad Edge E430 has a standard 2.5-inch SATA hard drive, which can be replaced with an ssd.

Krok 7.

Connect the CMOS memory battery, change the voltage so it is close to 3V, or if it is lower, replace the battery.

Krok 8.

Connect the antenna cables to the Wi-Fi card

Unscrew the screw

Lift and remove the wifi card

Krok 9.

Refrigeration fan, remove 3 screws and unscrew them

Disconnect the life cable

Krok 10.

remove the fan

STEP 11.

If necessary, clean the radiators of the cooling system, preferably using a brush or blowing them through.

STEP 12.

You can now start removing the keyboard

Unscrew two screws

Krok 13.

Place the keyboard in the direction of the arrow.

Krok 14.

Krok 15.

Disconnect the cables to avoid looking further

Krok 16.

It is necessary to lift the black bolt in the direction of the arrow as it blocks the cable in the socket

Krok 17.

Pull the cable, you will be able to easily get out of the socket.

Krok 18.

The keyboard has been removed, now you can replace it with a valid one and pick up the laptop in reverse order.

They don’t care about those who have the Asus EEE-PC901 netbook, or as they affectionately call it among the people - the Zhachok, which is already morally outdated, will have to do a lot of selfishness with it. It’s not surprising - the non-vibrating, even clearly depleted battery runs great, and with an operating system like Simple Linux 6.0, the netbook works wonderfully and smoothly.

However, no matter what kind of ruler, such a misfortune could spill on the keyboard. What happened to our Hedgehog... The last thing is that one key is stuck, others are not working. A search on the Internet for a similar keyboard showed that this new “important” costs about $100, and its purchase is not entirely a matter of decision. You can, of course, buy an external clave like a kilimka, or even, as it seems, the police. There is only one option - take it apart and clean it. I followed the instructions zvidsi(Great thanks to the author), and then write your own, slightly correcting some places and adding more. Hey, let's get started...

1. For the beginning, stock up on clean alcohol and tools. You will need an awl and a small knife or a scalpel. Come on, the clerical one. You don't have to remove the battery, since you won't be able to disassemble the netbook itself. Just soak it in.

2. The keyboard fits into the slots at the front, and the screen is secured with small pins, shown in the photo:

Shut down several times and the keyboard will go off:

Now you can sign on the side of the screen with your finger:

3. However, do not rush - you still need to remove the cable. To do this, push the fixing bar on the sides slightly towards the screen:

After this, the cable will quietly come out of the socket, and the keyboard will be removed. That's it, the netbook itself can be put away for an hour.

4. We proceed to the most complicated and most advanced - right up to disassembling and cleaning. The buttons are removed. It is important to understand the principle here, and after the third button is removed, you will recognize the other ones as clicking now. On the skin button - one groove and two inserts. The groove is not pressed, but the axle is pressed onto the bolts, as shown in the photo and a little down. The last button is easy to exit:

Approximate the axis:

I’d like to point out that three buttons (space bar, enter and left shift) work on the accessory brackets, which provides some flexibility during dismantling/installation, or a complete reassembly:

Place the buttons in some kind of tray so that they sit on the handle and help the cat not to scatter them:

5. After dismantling, we will lose the following axle:

There is a multi-ball keyboard on an aluminum lining. At the top there is a natovstisha (with gum shtovhacha), which is easy to remove.

Lose three. You may think that there are two of them, and if I start singing for you, it’s not like that. Between the balls and the tracks (folded like a book, or rather an album) there is also a layer of spit. To roll over, separate them with a knife. Neat.

Remove all the melts. Those, like folded books, come together angrily. Don’t tear them apart, because there are paths there. And, of course, do not push the bottom ball against the train.

6. If you have a lot of alcohol, then the ideal option would be to rinse three times a day. If it doesn’t, take a material that does not remove fibers (wiping with dry spittle for honeycombs is excellent), and wet it with alcohol, and wash it. If you roll the spittle with your hands after washing, you can end up with spittle.

7. The fold vibrates in the reverse order. Please pay attention to those who need to precisely press the lugs into the “lugs”, and place the buttons like this: first press onto the groove, then simply press until the two clicks of the latches are reached. Three tricky buttons with staples - the staples are inserted first. So as not to get confused with the buttons, here is a map of the keyboard (opens in a new window):

Press for more

8. After folding, the netbook starts. As you have done everything clearly the first time - you do it.

SC "ABEKOM" is not responsible for damages, loss of warranty and any other charges resulting from actions acquired after reading this article. The following material is understandable.

The main rule when collecting and disassembling a laptop: every action in the process of collecting and disassembling does not require any physical force! If you don’t want to go out, recheck once again the correctness of your actions!

If anyone Vlasnikov's laptop would like once in an hour of study, it would be necessary to get his laptop computer. The cost is crumbling, and others want to upgrade their laptop without paying for the services of service centers.

We selected the Asus A7 model. This laptop is average in terms of the foldability of the internal structure, its components can be combined with universal ones and the disassembly algorithm is suitable for large laptops.

    1. Turn the laptop upside down. There are covers here that cover most peripheral modules: hard drive, RAM, wireless modules.

    2. Now remove the battery. Regardless of those who have a laptop turned off, many nodes are under stress. We unscrew all the screws and remove all the caps. Please pay attention to the screws, under the covers and under the battery.

    3. Next, all visible devices are detected. Let's start with a hard drive. As a rule, there is a displacement in the direction parallel to the connection socket. On many hard disks there is a special tongue for easier burying. According to this, you can directly determine the zsuwu.

    5. We turn on the cables of the processor cooler and the antenna of the drone-free modules. The antennas themselves are connected to the matrix of the laptop, so they need to be disconnected in order to remove the top cover of the laptop.

    6. The cooler of the refrigeration system is removed. If you take your laptop apart to clean it, you'll be able to start working on it yourself. Preventative cleaning of a laptop requires careful cleaning and in a clean area. Why can you read in the article “Why does a laptop get hot? "

    7. Prote, cleaning the cooler is not enough for the normal functioning of the refrigeration system. It is necessary to clean the radiator and replace the thermal paste on the processor crystal. We screw in 4 screws of the radiator, one of them is always under the warranty sticker and removes the radiator. If the thermal paste is old, the heatsink may dry out before the processor, which will require a small amount of work. Be careful not to damage the processor itself.

    8. Now the laptop can be turned over into its normal working position with the keyboard down. The screws securing the case are located under the keyboard, so we need to remove them. Methods of fastening different keyboards. Most often, on one side there are protrusions that are inserted into the grooves of the case, and on the other side there are inserts that secure the keyboard in place. Sometimes, instead of bolts, there are screws that are located under the panel of the body. Then immediately remove the panel and unscrew it. Our vipadka has vicious problems.

    9. Turn on the keyboard cable and all other visible cables. The fastening of the cables is the same in all laptops, however - a bar is pressed to its socket, which opens either to displacements or to elevations.

    10. Next you need to remove the top cover of the laptop. For which we provide a cable for connecting the laptop matrix. These roses are placed either under the keyboard, or under the panel of the case above the keyboard, or under a special cover. Our version of Vikorist has the remaining option.

    11. Remove the caps that cover the hinges, and the screws securing the hinges have become loose.

    12. Now you can remove the top cover of the laptop.

    To restore your respect, in this model there is a screw under the cover. They also need to be unscrewed.

    13. Now the laptop case can be removed. There are grooves around the perimeter, you can get through them using an additional spatula, vikorized with radio amplifiers, or you can add a thin flat twist.

    Simple repairs of a laptop or netbook can be carried out independently at home. It’s just that most computer users (and especially those who can disassemble the system unit of their home computer) are afraid to open their netbook (laptop).

    More on the topic of proper computer maintenance

    The reason for the fear of opening the body of these compact devices has become clear. And why am I raping or doing harm there?

    Well then. Your doubts will soon develop. You will see the real story in pictures Asus netbook repair(Cleaning the saw and oil from the cooler, which causes noise during operation).

    Last summer's unprecedented abnormal heat caused a lot of inconveniences for computer technology experts. She melodiously remembers the richness of us :-(

    Some people, at this high temperature, did not have a home computer, some had a laptop, and some had even more serious problems, due to the difficulty of managing various communication measures at work.

    The axis is a real cognitive history about netbook repair Shevtsova - how to open the body and take out the Acus netbook:

    The summer season did not pass by, and in the middle of the sickness, I served faithfully and faithfully netbook ASUS eee pc 1101ha starting to push hard with your single cooler, which stopped jiggling after you gently tapped your finger on the body of the netbook.

    After about an hour, he began to grunt noisily again. The netbook’s usefulness was not indicated, but, of course, it made me a little unusable when working, as a result of which, after about a month, I finally decided to try to insert the problem with my weak hands.

    How to get an asus laptop

    Service for opening laptops and
    ASUS netbooks on eee pc

    Having not found a report on the Internet about how to safely open a mobile friend, we decided to find out a description of the process of sorting out laptops or netbooks from ASUS, and having already received it , start before Rotate the case of the ASUS eee pc netbook.

    So, over the years, a number of articles on a similar topic have been published, after which a computer operating table has been prepared:

    As you can see in the photo, I have already removed all the screws from the back of the ASUS netbook and removed the dry cover of the expansion memory slot.

    What do we see from the tools:

    Twist "8 in 1"
    - Twist with tape measure of the brand “Oriflame”
    - A set of gloves bought on the market for pennies
    - A short twist with a simple set

    In general, I always have all these instruments at hand, and the patient did not need some of them during our operation, and about the other part, which is not in this photograph, it will be said below.

    How to get a laptop

    Applies to all netbook models (not just ASUS)

    After the screws were removed, the RAM and battery were removed from the case, an attempt was made to remove the case itself.

    The attempt to remove the body was not successful. It became clear that you would have to remove the front part of the netbook, and the keyboard in front of it:

    U For netbooks and laptops, the keyboard is removed It’s easy to do, all you need to do is press the animal onto a bunch of “locks” along the perimeter.

    All of them, and all the smells, are in the upper part:

    The abrasions on the keyboard are just as bad as the stickers with the alphabetic layout. But in order to remove the keyboard, we need to connect another cable.

    It is not pressed in the usual way, but on a special clamp (for reliability), which does not allow it to come out of the socket. The quilt-free quilt is pressed on both sides using one of the prepared wipes:

    After this, the best effect is the result of the remaining screw, there is no theft of the sticker in advance about the loss of the warranty in times of damage to its integrity, and there is no attempt to remove the front side of the working surface beech (the principle is similar for laptops):

    This part of the netbook body is considered to be both simple and complex, because there is a risk of abrading thin plastic.

    In general, it’s hard to do here, except to take the thinnest from the obvious holders, find out the gap between the back and front parts of the body, and step by step go around all the “locks” that pull them through.

    Step by step securing the achieved success of fixation creates a gap consistent with the dimensions. Let's get the picture out of the way rose-cased Asus netbook:

    The locks are easy to find, if you would like to engage in such speeches: in these places it seems that the axle is already broken and the plastic is broken - there is a “lock” :)

    You can also use your old SIM card for your mobile phone. Perhaps on a rose, you insert it into the gap between the lids and with a light touch of your hand you unlatch all the “locks” around the perimeter.

    With simple manipulations the wine is tampered with and the process continues. For example, the axis is one of them, right in the center:

    Don’t forget that here, as if from the keyboard, we are greeted by a worm cable, this time coming from the touchpad (analogous to a bear on laptops and netbooks - a square under the keys).

    Yak bachite, small laptop or netbook repair at home appears to be not as foldable on the right.

    The cable is attached in a special way, only this time the bolt rises up, and does not collapse forward as before (here it is already raised):

    And we finally got to the cooler (fan), and at the same time to all other important parts of the netbook.

    Removing the fan does not present any problem - you just need to unscrew two screws and remove the type of motherboard that is attached to the secondary (without fasteners) connector:

    And the axis and ours are to blame for the celebration, through which it was possible to sort out all netbook asus eee pc... even this cooler itself does not want to proceed calmly.

    In principle, you can change the fan (cooler) of a netbook yourself without any problems. You know exactly the same one in the store. Ale mi will soon turn to life as an old man.

    And here it is not clear that even the cooler itself is packed in some kind of case, which is closed behind two “welded” bolts, and it does not seem possible to unscrew it with our tools.

    We need to get to the fan. How to clean a saw cooler and lubricate a laptop fan yourself marvel in the distance.

    A basic stationery knife comes to the rescue, for additional bolts, the bolts are tightened, and when opened, a slight seal to the foam rubber breaks along the line of the dry casing.

    In the photo below you can see the tip that appears in the upper right corner of the zipper, as well as the casing itself, which is attached to one side of the plastic body:

    In this photo, the cooler is already clean, and I also used a pen for cleaning camera lens glass.

    If you don’t have such a pencil under your hand, then you can test something like this by folding it into a ball of fine paper, cut into one part with stitches.

    It looks like a sign of improvisation of the pen, which, under its own power, will eventually reverse the analogue, since in the process of cleaning the fan, more coarse bristles are needed, lower in the pen for cleaning camera lenses.

    Yak zmastiti laptop cooler

    It is better to remove the upper part of the cooler before cleaning. Attachment to magnetic interaction and nothing more. However...

    What, however, appears to be unreasonable for many people who want to do this for the first time, as they can easily be done to eliminate obstruction and distortion of the mechanism itself.

    It is only necessary to grease the bushing on which the fan blades rotate. The photo clearly shows where it is inserted:

    Now you know how to vibrate Asus color repair and how to properly coat laptop cooler independently in home minds.

    Get a laptop or netbook for whom you can do it without any problems :)

    This method is important not only for laptops and netbooks from ASUS, but also for other companies such as Aser, Samsung, Lenovo, etc.

    In addition, in some current models of netbooks and laptops from Lenovo there is a special hole for pouring oil into the fan without disassembling the case.

    Secrets and subtle robots on the computer

    How to get a laptop? To begin with, it is necessary to understand why they started to bother. There are \u200b\u200bmass of laptops from various companies on the market. The reason for dismantling this or that equipment is most often to clean the saw or replace old components with new ones. You don't need to get a laptop, study mathematics or physics. However, it is still necessary to lose a few simple, but obligatory, rules.

    Visual inspection and preparation

    To begin with, you only need a little preparation before further manipulation of your technique. If you're doing this for the first time, don't forget to take a couple of glasses for gwents and a pocket paper on which you need to write the sequence of your actions. This will save you from problems with folding your laptop. You can also go to your nearest store or find thermal paste on the Internet to replace it on the cooling system and silicone grease for the cooler.

    The first thing you need to do before opening your laptop is to unplug the device and remove the battery. Soon you will need two cross-pieces and one flat twist. Look at the slot on your tools. It is not guilty of any damage and is ideally suited to the screws of your equipment. After general cleaning of your workshop and after finding the necessary tools, you can begin manipulating the laptop. All models of literally all manufacturers have the same points of analysis. Let's do it ourselves.

    Gwinty and bedroom activities

    The number of screws under the battery can range from 4 to 8 pieces. As a rule, the stench is pungent and tendinous. Let's turn them up, not reporting a lot of strength, even if we still need it. We don’t forget why we brought a couple of glasses. We drop screws of different diameters there so as not to confuse them when assembling the fitting. It is important to note that your laptop will have a lot of gwents, otherwise you won’t know what to say.

    After twisting the circles with a twist, you can do the charging and choose. And for those who want to know how to get a laptop back without any damage, keep turning it. On the back there is a panel that houses the memory module, hard drive and Wi-Fi module. We know this by tightening the upper part of the lid with a thin flat twist.

    Having opened the panel, we see it is green with no darts. It’s not good to talk about it, let’s continue. The hard drive is screwed in (a straight disc with several screws). You can see the cable of the hard drive by pulling its tongue. We tightened a couple of screws on the Wi-Fi module and snapped a couple of cables out of it. The memory modules were removed and other cables were snapped off, remembering where they needed to be turned when folded or forming a hint on the arches of the paper. I forgot to tighten the screw that holds the keyboard and DVD drive together. After completing the work, lay out all the removed components so as not to damage them. Let's see you! You can run over for a cup of aromatic tea, since half of the work has been crushed.

    Disassembling the case and removing boards

    So, we can continue to think about how to get an Acer laptop or a different model. There are invisible holes around the perimeter of the keyboard. To pull out the keyboard, press a flat screw onto one of the bolts. After pushing something, we press on another and the third load. At the end of the pouch, the keyboard will appear in your hands. It’s not worth worrying about because it won’t give in. This means that the laptop has not been taken apart before you. You need to stock up on terpins. After successfully installing the keyboard, do not forget to carefully remove the cable. You can pull out the DVD drive by simply pulling it. Only a few screws were missing around the perimeter of the laptop case on the bottom corner. Let's screw them up, don't forget to put one size of gwenty in cups or on a paper bottle.

    To connect the two parts to the case, make sure that all cables and cables are connected (the cable of the storage button, touchpad, finger scanner). After this, you can just use a thin, flat screw to insert it into the laptop case and carefully open it. An important nuance for those who don’t know how to replace a laptop - because for some reason the left part of the lid is not visible, it’s not good to waste a “heroic power” on a piece of plastic. There is no need to wrest or tear anything, it’s just important to respect the gwenti. After all, you forgot to turn it on.

    Corps of dispensaries. I forgot to unscrew the screw that secures the motherboard and connects other cables (speakers, USB panels, laptop matrices). Carefully wrap the motherboard. On the back of the board there is a screw fastening the cooling system. It can be twisted and removed without getting your hands dirty with thermal paste. The sorting is over.

    Laptop developers

    Practically all models of different pick-ups differ in no way when considering one type of another. For example, their Pavilion model? Everything is easy to complete. We are concluding all overhauled procedures. The same procedure applies to the selection of Asus and Acer laptops.

    And certain moments - differences in the process of sorting, which are divided. However, the stench is insignificant. Analyzing this and other methods of various pharmaceutical companies, you may come across:

    • with different adjustments of screws fastening the panels and the body;
    • with different designs of keyboards (with and without pins);
    • with various modifications to the cooler, cooling system for the processor and video card.

    By the way, since we have basic knowledge of such technology, it doesn’t matter whether you buy or pick up a laptop from any manufacturer.

    How to buy an Asus, HP or Acer laptop: what else is important to know

    The most important feature of laptops from various manufacturers is their design. Most often, the design of this or another model is stored. For example, it is more common to install aluminum cases in your devices. The stench is great for cooling your hand, and is more minimal to all types of damage and noticeably important, compared to the plastic cases of competitors.

    If you look at the technology of other manufacturers, Asus laptops have a flexible USB, HDMI and LAN interface. Acer models vary in the manual layout of the keyboard. In the middle of the line of the skin maker there are its own subcategories, from which the skin has lost its particularity.

    before marriage

    If you've decided to buy a Pavilion laptop or something else, then think about it first, and it's easier to take your device to a specialist for cleaning, replacing components or maintenance. Do you consider yourself a master of all trades? Please kindly examine your model. Just don’t forget to connect all the cables and cables in place before folding. If, for example, you forget to plug in the cooling system cooler, then without this device your device will not be able to please you for long.