We are updating the security software for the tricolor module. Self-tuning CAM module Delgado in Tricolor Firmware for the Tricolor cam module

It’s difficult for the spouse to keep up with the family, like the vikorist satellite TV station. Connecting a satellite dish is one of the best solutions for watching TV channels, taking into account the operators' prices. The most successful and also the most popular provider is Tricolor TB. It is important to understand that satellite TV is not a program that will require re-installation and updating (firmware). Today we will look at how you can independently update the software of the Tricolor module.

Tricolor TB regularly releases updates to its PZ. It is necessary to follow them on the official website of the company to ensure that your CI module does not fail. This procedure does not take much time absolutely cost-free for registered traders.

CI is a module that requires security software for safe and clear broadcasting of closed channels.

Another reason why it is necessary to wait for the release of a new software module is that users who have skipped one or more versions for updating cannot carry out the procedure on their own.

Instructions for updating the PP

Any company values ​​its clients and cares about their comfort, expanding and increasing its services. So, Tricolor TV is constantly working to improve its service. For smooth and trouble-free operation of your receiver, you must regularly keep up with the release of new software. So, to update, you need to update your GS 2016 receivers to the latest 2017 firmware version. Of course, no one wants to carry their device to a service center.

Don’t forget about those who, having missed one update, will have to bring the receiver to the service center, since it will be impossible to carry out the procedure on your own.

A note about the update of the PP

How can you independently update the software of the Tricolor module? It’s easy to earn money, just follow the instructions:

  1. If your receiver is working, restart the device if it is in the disabled state - turn it off.
  2. Now, turn on the Tricolor TV channel on your TV.
  3. The company does everything to ensure the safety of its clients, so software updates will appear on its own in about an hour.
  4. In the selection menu you need to press the icon like this. Instead of going to the provider’s website, you can use this method to quickly find out about new updates.
  5. You will start the update process, which you can do on your screen. The average hour of recovery is 5 hours.
  6. After the remaining version is installed, the receiver automatically resets.
  7. After turning off the TV, you can check it. To do this, turn to the Tricolor channel and download your version from the appropriate updates on the official website.

If all stages of Wiconation are correct, and everything is running smoothly, then in the near future you can forget about broadcast failures. Your TV looks like it’s one year old.

If your receiver does not respond to the remote control signal when the firmware is installed, don’t worry. Just press the other button on the “standby” device.

Remember that you will have to work on the renovation process regularly. For whatever reason, you forgot or were unable to get the firmware or contact the service center.


Satellite television stations, as well as any technical progress, require special attention. If you want uninterrupted and clear broadcasting, then do not forget to update the security software of your device. Even older firmware may cause serious problems in the operation of the device: error 5 or error 10 may appear. It is better to spend 5 hours at a time, at least a few years later, if you happen to bring your receiver to the Tricolor service center.

3rd 4th 2018 for clients of “Tricolor. Center and Tricolor. Sibir" launched a new security program (PP) for smart access modules Conditional Access Module CI+, aimed at improving and improving the operation of these modules.

Respect! The update is no longer available for modules with newer versions:

  • 1.0.0 (R7516-R7467),
  • 1.1.0 (R7940-R7748).

The exact software version of the module can be viewed in the menu of the module itself in the section “Information” -> “Module” -> “Tricolor CI+ CAM” under the “Software version” row.

The location of the module menu in the TV menu structure is located in the model and software version of your TV; for more detailed information, go to the user who operates the TV.

Be sure to change the hardware version of the module to: 1.2.0 (R8166-R8116) or else 1.2.0 (R8168-R8146).

UVAGA! Always do not remove the module and do not interrupt the TV until the update procedure is completed! In other cases, it may be possible to get out of trouble.

To update the software module, you need to uninstall the following:

  1. Make sure that in the module settings the display of leaking warnings is indicated. To go to the module menu, select “Options” -> “Fill window”. If “Activated/Disabled” is indicated in the “Stream Status” row, go to step 2.

Otherwise, press “OK” on the remote control and activate the display of dispensing notifications. After this, go to the module menu in the channel viewing mode.

2. Switch the TV to the Meister channel. As a rule, number 333 is listed in the official list of channels.

3. By dragging a few taps on the TV screen, a notification about the need to update the software* will appear. Confirm that it is time to start the update by pressing the “OK” button on the remote control.

5. After completing the update of the software module, a prompt will be displayed on the TV screen** to search for channels that are included in the Tricolor service warehouse. To search for channels, select the “SO” option and press “OK” on the remote control.

6. You will hear the sound of channels that enter the Tricolor service warehouse, and you will inform the service about the need to select a reporting region. Select the region where you live and press “OK” on the remote control. Next, service notifications about searching for channels based on the specified parameters will be displayed on the screen. To save the channel list you have found, press the “OK” button on the remote control.

7. Once the update is completed, be sure to check again to ensure that the software version number has changed. To do this, go to the menu of the module itself and in the section “Information” -> “Module” -> “Tricolor CI+ CAM” under the “Software version” row, change the software version.

The update was successful, as the software version of the module is displayed 1.2.0 (R8166-R8116) or else 1.2.0 (R8168-R8146).

* The external appearance of what is displayed by the module on the TV screen (color, font, size, position on the screen) depends on the model and software version of the TV before which the module is installed.

** Availability or availability of the proposal for updating the list of channels after completing the update of the software of the module, as well as the display of the submenus, must be kept in the model and version of the software of the TV in which it is installed o module.

Marveled: 97355


It seems that the series about viewing high-definition channels through DRE MPEG4 and Viaccess access modules is annoying, and regardless of all the efforts of the technical service of JSC “NSK”, users of such devices have again the ability to watch channels package at "Tricolor - Maximum HD".

This article is not a reference to action or an instruction to completion, this information is given only in an informative manner!!!

1. Modernization of the DRECrypt MPEG-4 module for receiving HD channels from Tricolor TB

In the meantime, the masters will be busy with the CPLD EJTAG programmer (LPT version of the EJTAG Tiny Tools programmer - Connection with the SPI programmer). yakosti").

On popular forums (Zokrema forum for TeleSuputnik magazine) there has been talk about the sale of already modified DRE MPEG4 modules with Tricolor Full HD access cards for any official possible review of high-definition channels of the “people's” Operator, because For them, you can continue to prepay for the “Maximum HD” package. It will be possible to re-lock this package on the Operator modules in just a few minutes if you carry out an update on the GS-8306 receiver, similar to what was done just recently. But in the near future it’s unlikely to be possible.

Below it is explained what needs to be done in order to “revive” the dark HD channels of the Koristuvach “tricolor” module.

How to reflash and replace flash memory in DRE MPEG-4 modules for Tricolor TV.

DRE MPEG-4 modules use the AT25DF161-SH-T memory chip from Atmel. The separate price in Moscow in Chip i Dip stores is 73 rubles. If you need to replace them to reflash the dump with the current ADEC keys, please do the following:

1. We select the programmer circuit from the printer socket 25-pin, 4 resistors, capacitor, 3-3.7 volt battery (or life block).

Unsoldering the connector that is inserted into the LPT port of the printer:

The length of the cable from the plug before payment (you can pick it up “on the knee”, without payment) is strictly 15-20 cm. Type of the assembled programmer (prototyping board and trim battery, just bought in Chip and Dip):

Download the software and unzip the hp_usb_tool program and the dos and usb_flash folders. entice

Detailed instructions with screenshots. entice

1. Install the program hp_usb_tool

2. Launch hp_usb_tool for creating a new flash drive with parameters File system: FAT32 Create a DOS startup disk from wiki DOS system files located at:(point to the dos folder)

3. Copy to the root of the flash drive instead of the folder usb_flash

4. Get attracted to flash drives

Commands: spipgm /i – identifiable.

spipgm /p new.rom - flashing the correct firmware.

spipgm /v new.rom - checks the authenticity of the firmware file recorded in the flash drive.

Once the microcircuit is ready, the CAM module is disassembled. Using a template knife for cardboard or just a sharp knife, we separate the spot welding in two places (possibly in one) on the side of the connector, we twist the board. The flash chip can be removed with a hairdryer at a service center for the repair of standard telephones, the cost of the work is 100-500 rubles.

On 6 wires MGTF 0.25 with a length of 5-6 cm we solder the previously flashed microcircuit. There is no need to connect contacts 7 and 8; they are connected to contact 3 on the board. The wires pass through the slots in the plaque housing without any problems. There is no need to saw or cut anything.

Board without flash microcircuits (removed).

The flash drive itself.

Reminds me of darts.

Let's select the module.

Tricolor TV HD channels are now available through modules.

However, the essence of the power lies in the present - both in the recommended receivers for viewing Maximum HD channels, and in the recommended Nina CAM modules DRE NKE MPEG-4, which contain the NKE-1 carbon chip from the Neotion company.

This chip allows you to ensure decoding of paid channels, such as DRE-Crypt 3.0/ADEC encryption when working with an access card. So in this installation, which was previously installed to open HD channels, the same circuit design solution is used.

This oversight allowed us to disassemble the commands that were part of the uncoded channels and consolidate them in the software for CAM modules, and a little later. And here a natural nutrition begs to be asked - why can you see channels on one installation, as before, but not on another? The NKE-1 chip has a standard external memory, which can involve instructions that are used for operation, and in general, you can always change the operating algorithm, so you can change overcrypt. As a result, the original CAM modules were not provided with all the instructions for encoding DRE-Crypt 3.0/ADEC.

And for recommended receivers, if they contain such instructions, software updates via satellite have been implemented. Thus, the Tricolor TB operator was confident in updating the software of its CAM modules, which would support such capability, and simply called them briefly - not recommended for use.

How did you manage to find out the extent of this problem?

Since Tricolor TB, after cost-free testing of its HD channels, which are included in the Maximum HD package (Tricolor Full HD), on CAM modules did not encounter any existing problems, it has also injected solutions into its recommended models of receivers without any and changes in circuit design. Obviously, the commands that are used for decoding TV channels with the new modification of DRE-Crypt 3.0/ADEC encoding can be used both on CAM DRE NKE MPEG-4 modules and on recommended receivers. As a result, after recent manipulations with internal software (dumps) for CAM modules, a new modification has appeared among the minds of the people.

How can I modify the CAM module software?

At this time, memory dumps have been released for CAM modules versions 4010 and 4020, which were recently sold separately with Tricolor TB access cards - 23 and 24 series. To change the software, you need to carefully open the module housing, remove the board from it, use a heat gun to remove the flash memory chip - Atmel AT25DF161, flash it with a new dump on the programmer and then install it on the board, take everything from the gate sequence. Memory dumps for CAM modules DRE NKE MPEG-4 can be found on a variety of specialized Internet resources that discuss power supply. If you cannot complete these manipulations, then you can find a dealer who can help you replace your module with modifications, simply by paying the price for the work.

What else is needed to watch HD channels other than the modified module?

Sold together with the CAM module, access cards 23 and 24 series Tricolor TB are limited to subscription to services provided by the operator. So they didn’t plan to start a permanent subscription to HD TV channels. It could have been installed a long time ago, if the owners of such cards were trying to formally issue an advance payment for the package of Maximum HD TV channels, but the operator behind the DRE ID card number immediately wrapped up all their attempts and they simply ended in failure. After completing the test channel monitoring at high clarity, Tricolor TB immediately changed the subscription class for viewing and all cards from CAM modules simply cannot open them any more, and therefore vikorize such cards and in receivers recommended by the operator.

How do I get food with my subscription to HD channels on my access card?

Now, this problem can be solved simply - buy the cheapest, as recommended Tricolor TV satellite receiver with an access card to watch the Maximum HD package. For example, you can use the GS 8305 model, and it doesn’t matter that this receiver has negative effects. After that, an official registration of ownership is carried out with the activation of the access card, which then proceeds from the reception and is taken to the safe place of storage. Then such an access card is installed in the modified CAM access module and installed on your favorite satellite receiver.

So the smart cards that were sold as modules will no longer open HD channels?

As it has already been stated that such access cards for 23 and 24 series simply do not require an additional payment for the upgrade to the Maximum HD package, it will be impossible to correct this without some clever tricks. However, if the DRE-Crypt 3.0/ADEC coding algorithm is enabled, the authorization of commands that indicate the operation of subscription classes is not enabled, so that the data recorded on the card can be modified. Also, there is another option - fragments of smart cards are subject to the power of the operator, in which, based on the fact that no one has lost the cards of the 13th series and those that were sold separately with CAM DRE NKE MPEG-4 modules, then upon release I'm fine, You can replace it with the current option.

What else can a Tricolor TB operator do?

Since the DRE-Crypt 3.0/ADEC encoding is not yet fully coded and open, the operator may be able to modify it. As a result, the recommended receivers will end up with standard updated software from the satellite, after which, as before, you will continue to watch HD TV channels, as if nothing had happened before. For CAM modules, you need to edit the memory dump and then flash them manually. This operation will help to facilitate a special interface that allows you to reflash the modules without having to disassemble and remove the flash memory chips, in which the searches are carried out directly. Moreover, do not forget that the magician will also run out of cards in his sleeve. So, after withdrawing all of your “cards”, Tricolor TB will simply lose nothing.

Turning to flashing the dump on the flash memory AT25DF161-SH-T with the current ADEC keys on the CAM modules DRE NKE 4020 and 4010 to review the package in “Tricolor HD”, I’ll add how to correctly dump the extra dump from the flashed flash:

When first programmed, we “reset” the flash memory microcircuit, for which the display of 3 microcircuits (WP) is taken from the positive life and “set” it to 4 (minus). Next, using the hp_usb_tool program, use the spipgm/u command to “zero” the microcircuit, use the spipgm/e command to erase all unnecessary information, and use the spipg/p command to rename the firmware file, for example, DRE.bin. After this, a new dump is recorded with the current ADEC keys. Once the programming is completed, we “turn” the electrical circuit of the programmer back (so that the 3 microcircuits are connected to the main ones) and we proceed to verify the recorded dump using the commands spipgm/i (identification) and spipgm/v new.rom The identity of the dump recorded in the flash drive and file.

Well, this photo is a fact before thinking about one “filling” of different CAMs.

Single-program module CAM MPEG-4 DRE Crypt NKE/CASv.3 DRE-3

Follow the products whose platform is based on the new line of Neotion. The sticker says With DRE CRYPT Conditional Access MPEG-4. The basis of the circuit design of the DRE NKE CAM module is the Neotion NKE-1 chip. The module supports CAS DRE Crypt 3.0. Today there are two modifications of DRE NKE: 4010 (P/N:PRD-MCD2-4010 M:12 D:...) and 4020 (P/N:PRD-MCD2-4020 M:12 D:...) others reduced confusion from essential equipment (receivers, televisions). Modification of the module can be recognized by looking at the gate bell.

(In 2011, the releases were mainly 4010, in 2012, there were also 4020. DRE NKE modules did not cope well with decoding HD channels, however, due to various reasons (copyright infringement, protection of HD content from recording, or other reasons), boules we recommend to owners for review HD channels Tricolor TV.

Axis quote from the office. release of Tricolor TB from this drive: "...However, after introducing additional encryption of the signal, which is obligatory on TV channels, we DO NOT GUARANTEE further viewing of HD TV channels on DRE smart access modules..."

Assignment module for receiving TV radio channels in MPEG-4 and MPEG-2 formats, stolen by the DRE Crypt smart access system. Recommendations for 14-digit DRE ID smart cards "Tricolor TV" look like xx0023xx..xx and xx0024xx...xx. Functional capabilities: Descrambling of TV radio channels Standard Definition (SD) with separate content up to 576i, (HD) up to 1080i Support of TV radio channels in MPEG-4 and MPEG-2 format Support of transport bitrate flow up to 72 Mbps Descrambling one TV per hour or a radio channel.

Flash memory programming AT25DF161-SH-T using ISP Programmer

This software runs in Windows 95, 98, Me, NT 4.0, 2000, XP, 2003, Vista and Windows 7 (32-bit and 64-bit versions). The software can be adjusted to any programmer “on resistors” with an LPT port.

Supported serial Flash memories: AT45DB011B, AT45DB011D, AT45DB021B, AT45DB021D, AT45DB041B, AT45DB041D, AT45DB081B, AT45DB081D, AT45DB161B, AT45DB161D, AT45DB321B, AT45DB321C, AT 45DB642D, AT45CS1282 AT25DF021, AT25DF041A, AT25DF081, AT26DF081, AT25DF161, AT26DF161, AT25DF321, AT25DF641, AT25F512B, AT25FS010, AT26F004 Supported microcontrollers: AT89S2051, AT89S4051, AT89S51, AT89LS51, AT89S52, AT89LS52, AT89S53, AT89S8252, AT89S8253 AT90S1200, AT90S2313, 323, AT90S2333, AT90S2343, AT90S4414, AT90S4433, AT90S4434, AT90S8515, AT90S8535, AT90CAN32, AT90CAN64, AT90CAN128 , AT90PWM2, AT90PWM3, AT90USB646, AT90USB647, AT90USB82, AT90USB162, AT90USB1286, AT90USB1287 ATtiny12, ATtiny13, ATtiny15, ATtiny24, ATtiny25, ATtiny26, ATtiny44, ATtiny45, 4, ATtiny85, ATtiny261, ATtiny461, ATtiny861, ATtiny2313 ATmega48, ATmega48P, ATmega8, ATmega88 , ATmega88P, ATmega8515, ATmega8535, ATmega16, ATmega161, ATmega162, ATmega163, ATmega164P, ATmega165P, ATmega168P, ATmega a169, ATmega32, ATmega323, ATmega324P, ATmega325, ATmega328P, 29, ATmega64, ATmega128, ATmega640, ATmega644, ATmega644P, ATmega645, ATmega649, ATmega1280, ATmega1281, ATmega1284P, ATmega2560, ATmega2561, ATmega3250, ATmega3290, ATmega6450, ATmega6490 Description

ISP Programmer (zavantazhen: 537)

2. Reworking the CAM module Viaccess from the CAM module DRE-Crypt HD

First of all, I would like to acknowledge the fact that I am by no means a programmer. And tell me everything about the ones I have just stitched, flooded, etc. - sorry, not about me. I still don’t know how to go about it))). Well, the experiment, which I’ll describe below, was on the mind for a long time, it’s just that my hands only moved at a time. Well, I bought the new VIACCESS module.

First of all, I would like to acknowledge the fact that I am by no means a programmer. And tell me everything about the ones I have just stitched, flooded, etc. - sorry, not about me. I still don’t know how to go about it))). Well, the experiment, which I’ll describe below, was on the mind for a long time, it’s just that my hands only moved at a time. Well, I bought the new VIACCESS module.

There were discussions, after which a certain fact emerged. The topology of the purchased VIACCESS module was completely identical to the DRE module. Don't believe me? Marvel at yourself.

That’s when the idea came up to find out about an old soldering iron, which I don’t really know how to use, but I still have something in mind. Rozpayuvati DRE module Bulo Skoda. The GS 9303 was lying around, and was used for spare parts. Having soldered from the module and from the soul the processor and flash memory.

And then, obviously not without difficulty and mistakes, the memory itself and the processor from the GS 9303 were soldered into the VIACCESS module. True, it happened more than once, but it still happened.

So the goal set was achieved. The experiment can be done at a distance.
Before speaking, we opened the GS 8302. There is the same processor and memory. I think the “rokuvannya” will come out of them.

We would really like to add more information in the future. It is possible to endure only a few memory transfers. Ale I haven’t tried anything, I want to, it’s possible, warto bulo b. Or maybe some kind of “lamer” here reveals how to flash this VIACCESS itself, without soldering anything in particular. Ale tse has no time for me. I have earned more than I have earned and shared with you. All other experiments themselves. Tim, I don’t think anyone needs to explain where to take the material for this.

Good luck to you in all your undertakings!

Continue experimenting!

True, it’s not with us now, but still. Below I would like to submit a couple of articles:

1.Libid TV receiver with HDMI interface
This article tells you how to create a receiver for watching TV with an HDMI interface.

Tricolor TV HD channels are now available through modules.

However, the essence of the power lies in the present - both in the recommended receivers for viewing Maximum HD channels, and in the recommended Nina CAM modules DRE NKE MPEG-4, which contain the NKE-1 carbon chip from the Neotion company.

This chip allows you to ensure decoding of paid channels, such as DRE-Crypt 3.0/ADEC encryption when working with an access card. So in this installation, which was previously installed to open HD channels, the same circuit design solution is used.

This oversight allowed us to disassemble the commands that were part of the uncoded channels and consolidate them in the software for CAM modules, and a little later. And here a natural nutrition begs to be asked - why can you see channels on one installation, as before, but not on another? The NKE-1 chip has a standard external memory, which can involve instructions that are used for operation, and in general, you can always change the operating algorithm, so you can change overcrypt. As a result, the original CAM modules were not provided with all the instructions for encoding DRE-Crypt 3.0/ADEC.

And for recommended receivers, if they contain such instructions, software updates via satellite have been implemented. Thus, the Tricolor TB operator was confident in updating the software of its CAM modules, which would support such capability, and simply called them briefly - not recommended for use.

How did you manage to find out the extent of this problem?

Since Tricolor TB, after cost-free testing of its HD channels, which are included in the Maximum HD package (Tricolor Full HD), on CAM modules did not encounter any existing problems, it has also injected solutions into its recommended models of receivers without any and changes in circuit design. Obviously, the commands that are used for decoding TV channels with the new modification of DRE-Crypt 3.0/ADEC encoding can be used both on CAM DRE NKE MPEG-4 modules and on recommended receivers. As a result, after recent manipulations with internal software (dumps) for CAM modules, a new modification has appeared among the minds of the people.

How can I modify the CAM module software?

At this time, memory dumps have been released for CAM modules versions 4010 and 4020, which were recently sold separately with Tricolor TB access cards - 23 and 24 series. To change the software, you need to carefully open the module housing, remove the board from it, use a heat gun to remove the flash memory chip - Atmel AT25DF161, flash it with a new dump on the programmer and then install it on the board, take everything from the gate sequence. Memory dumps for CAM modules DRE NKE MPEG-4 can be found on a variety of specialized Internet resources that discuss power supply. If you cannot complete these manipulations, then you can find a dealer who can help you replace your module with modifications, simply by paying the price for the work.

What else is needed to watch HD channels other than the modified module?

Sold together with the CAM module, access cards 23 and 24 series Tricolor TB are limited to subscription to services provided by the operator. So they didn’t plan to start a permanent subscription to HD TV channels. It could have been installed a long time ago, if the owners of such cards were trying to formally issue an advance payment for the package of Maximum HD TV channels, but the operator behind the DRE ID card number immediately wrapped up all their attempts and they simply ended in failure. After completing the test channel monitoring at high clarity, Tricolor TB immediately changed the subscription class for viewing and all cards from CAM modules simply cannot open them any more, and therefore vikorize such cards and in receivers recommended by the operator.

How do I get food with my subscription to HD channels on my access card?

Now, this problem can be solved simply - buy the cheapest, as recommended Tricolor TV satellite receiver with an access card to watch the Maximum HD package. For example, you can use the GS 8305 model, and it doesn’t matter that this receiver has negative effects. After that, an official registration of ownership is carried out with the activation of the access card, which then proceeds from the reception and is taken to the safe place of storage. Then such an access card is installed in the modified CAM access module and installed on your favorite satellite receiver.

So the smart cards that were sold as modules will no longer open HD channels?

As it has already been stated that such access cards for 23 and 24 series simply do not require an additional payment for the upgrade to the Maximum HD package, it will be impossible to correct this without some clever tricks. However, if the DRE-Crypt 3.0/ADEC coding algorithm is enabled, the authorization of commands that indicate the operation of subscription classes is not enabled, so that the data recorded on the card can be modified. Also, there is another option - fragments of smart cards are subject to the power of the operator, in which, based on the fact that no one has lost the cards of the 13th series and those that were sold separately with CAM DRE NKE MPEG-4 modules, then upon release I'm fine, You can replace it with the current option.

What else can a Tricolor TB operator do?

Since the DRE-Crypt 3.0/ADEC encoding is not yet fully coded and open, the operator may be able to modify it. As a result, the recommended receivers will end up with standard updated software from the satellite, after which, as before, you will continue to watch HD TV channels, as if nothing had happened before. For CAM modules, you need to edit the memory dump and then flash them manually. This operation will help to facilitate a special interface that allows you to reflash the modules without having to disassemble and remove the flash memory chips, in which the searches are carried out directly. Moreover, do not forget that the magician will also run out of cards in his sleeve. So, after withdrawing all of your “cards”, Tricolor TB will simply lose nothing.