How to flash openbox c1 fresh. Firmware for satellite receivers OpenBox S1. Firmware tuner Openbox S1

The openbox X800 satellite receiver has been redesigned and has a modern look. Possible review of satellite channels for additional keys biss. In addition, the processors added a card reader for robots with official smart access cards. For the help of these access cards, it became possible to review the encoded television channels from Viaccess, Mediaguard, SECA, Irdeto, Conax, Videoguard, Cryptoworks, Nagravision and others.

Virobniki tried and changed the original appearance of the receiver, improved the circuitry, added a card reader, a new input block for scanning, splitting on the Zarlink chip, which miraculously scans the transponders of the satellite channels, as with a low speed, so with a cherry.

To flash the openbox X800 satellite receiver, a program is needed to download the openbox f300 satellite tuner.

Zavantazhuvach Zavantazhuvach program for flashing satellite receiver OpenBox X800
Firmware v5.52 Firmware that allows you to see the Tricolor package, NTV, Xtra TV and others for additional cardsharing
Firmware v5.53 The new version is used for pardons, the robot is speeding up, the support of high speeds, cardsharing is added. Pidtrimka Tricolor, NTV, cardsharing, minor changes in the menu of that emulator, transponder updates. Change at the menu
Pobedit instructions Description of programs with butts for uploading to the list of channels and keys for satellite receivers of the brand openbox x800
Program Pobedit 9.22 The program for uploading to the list of channels and keys for satellite receivers of the brand openbox x800

1. Adjustment of the server part
For the help of a new receiver, it is possible to organize a small household measure with access to a few packages, so that a new receiver works simultaneously as a client and as a server, moreover, as a comport, as well as a lanport.
1. Menu - 1119

The server part is also implemented on the basis of the most extended TCP/I protocol - newcamD.
Nashtuvannya server part folded, lower client. For the sake of great knowledge and respect from the side of the installer.
For normal operation of the server, it is necessary to indicate that the maximum number of requests can be processed by the card, for which there is a special item in the menu - Card Test, With the help of which you can zdіysniti tsyu procedure. Tisnemo green button that is consumed in the card test menu.

Card Queue- The number of requests per card in the test mode (do not confuse the number of clients, because 2 requests can go from one client receiver) to the card
current hour- the first number - for real requests on the card, for a friend - an hour for the card, then. figuratively, it seems like an hour of switching between channels on the client's receiver. On the screenshot on the right, you can clearly see that if you connect 30 clients to the card, then the hour of switching channels on client receivers will be close to 11.5 seconds, so think for yourself - how many you need to connect them, іshnіy vglyad».
Interval- the maximum possible interval for an hour before the card (on the skin channel of one and the same provider, this hour is more likely to take place, for NTV + it is permissible to become approximately 10 seconds).
I want to turn your attention to those who have to change the hour to the “Interval” item, then the card is not practicable!

To the total amount of drinking, you also need to add water from the receiver itself - the server, as well as wins for watching TV channels. Calls can be made through a switch between channels on any receiver of your system (or on a number/all receivers). After setting the maximum allowable number of clients, so that you can connect to the server, in the menu - setting up smart access, you can set the limit on the number of requests per card, so that you can access the requests and do not have a stable work card.
 Menu - smart access - customizing cards
 Card Queue - 1-48 - The maximum allowed number of clients is between the inserted Card Queue values.
In order for the server to start the robot, you need to create your own connection, for which we go to Menu - 1119 and press red button"Redaguvati" we create style z'ednan, skіlki will be clients.
You can set your own port number, login/password and DES key for the skin login.
If the client receiver successfully connects to the server, you can check the information in Server Connections,
 The first digit is the number of the order
 Another group of numbers - IP addresses of the client who connected.
 At the arms, the first group of numbers is the number of successful CW-DWs, the other number is the number of distant drinks.
 The third group (right column) - the hot hour of the connection.

This is a short description, the nuances can be even richer, you can’t shove it in a blink of an eye ... We give you a great tool, but if you stop it, it’s less common than you yourself ...
It dawned on me that only the cob ...

2. Improvement of the client part
1. The client part is implemented with the support of the most advanced TCP/IP protocol - newcamD..
The appearance of other protocols is less than a meal for an hour ...
oh, let's start...
1. Tisnemo menu button


2. At the menu that appeared "List of servers" 16 slots (servers) are available for customization, from 0 to 15.
buttons CH ▲ CH ▼ choose the required number of the slot (server) and press the red button on the remote control "Redaguwati"

Name- enter the name of the slot, for example NTV +
Active- increase / decrease the slot
Addresses- IP addresses or server URL
Port- Port number on the server
Login- Your login, vision "driver"
Password- password to your login
 Key - DES key (seen by the server manager)
Filter- Filter identities. By enabling this option, you can filter (attach) this slot to up to one (split) ID, which provider is broadcast by port (you can set it in the front menu using the green “Filter” button) and know which port to enter available (Pay by you) package. Butt, at your provider from one port, it is acceptable to go No. 11505 5 idents - 023700, 041700, 042700, 023100, 0022С00 - there is no need to take 5 servers (slots), it is enough to set up one port for one slot, then, and in the settings of the filter, please indicate available you ID for additional records of the type 0500 - 023700, 0500 - 041700, 0500 - 042700, 0500 - 023100, 0500 - 022C00.
Channel- for the help of this function, a number of channels are installed, from which you will go to the server sh *** and when recording is enabled - 1 channel, 2 channels, or insult - Both. For additional functions, you can expand it, so that you can request it via different servers / ports / cloud records, for which you need to specify in the settings of the slot you need the value in the "Channel" field. If your ISP does not ban you for a subpoena, boldly put Both (Obidva).
After completing the data entry, press the BACK button - turn to the front menu. If the receiver has been noticed on the required channel, you have previously entered that mismatched network, entered all the server data correctly, then right-handed in the server name with a successful connection will write UP, otherwise click DOWN - reverse the correctness of the entered cloud recording settings or mesh installations.
Having adjusted the slot (server), you can control the operation of the server, for which you simply press the OK button on the remote control, first selecting the desired server
Name- name of the server (slot)
Mill- station connected to the UP/DOWN server (working/not working)
Access system- all available identities for your subscription on this particular port of the sh** server. With the buttons ◄ you can look through all available on your subscription ID
Connected- hot hour from the server
Packages sent- a large number of packets sent by the receiver to a given server port
min hour- the minimum hour of wіdpovіdі vіd wіd server sh***i
Max hour- the maximum hour of vіdpovіdі vіd server sh***i
Stay 16 Wednesdays- middle hour of the server update of the remaining 16 parcels
Filter identities.
Filters of identities are created according to the very principle that the X-5XX line has.
In the new receiver, the memory area of ​​the BISS keys has been redistributed, DCW and bind identities (filters) by idents are also entered into the box:
 128 positions for BISS and DCW keys (static keys)
 64 positions for filters (binding) w**h per Com port
 64 positions for filters (binding) w**ha on Lan port
The only thing to check is that you have a binding (filter) for Com port - channels with the same ID on the Lan port will not work!

Firmware tuner Openbox S1

Zavantzhuєmo firmware like statistics, vityagaєmo її unpacked on a USB flash drive, formatted in the FAT32 file system. The tuner is included in the network for the help of a switch on the rear panel of the tuner. We connect a flash drive to the USB port of the receiver, which is placed under the cover on the front panel of the Openbox S1 tuner. After that, as you inserted a USB flash drive into the USB flash drive, turn on the tuner from the toggle switch. Such a picture will appear on the screen

On the little one, we’ll catch a good time. After 10 seconds, press the "MENU" button on the remote control or on the front panel of the receiver to switch to the software update mode. Further on the screen will be displayed information on the connection to the flash drive receiver on the cost / mnt / uda

The next time the "OK" button is pressed. As a result, a list of available firmware on flash drives will be displayed.

We will help you with the help of the "up / down" buttons, you need to select the required firmware and press the "OK" button to start updating the software in the receiver

After the ear notice, the receiver will prompt you to select the language. For the help of the "up / down" buttons, you can choose whether you are smart, then press the "OK" button

We select the "Setting up the System" row and press the "OK" button

Select the row "Installing MOV" and press the "OK" button

For the current settings, it is necessary to specify the following parameters:
"Mova Menu" - "Ukrainska"
"Mova Zvukovoi Dorozhka" - "Ukrainska"
"Mova Textu" - "Russian" for Russians.
After you have entered the last ones, you need to press the "BACK" button to save them.

Firmware list:

satellite receiver OpenBox S1PVR - receiver, creations on the substations of tuners 800 and 700 series. The S1 receiver removed everything that was best in the openbox X300-820 tuners, removing the modern functions from a USB port and a multimedia program. Receiver Openbox S1 with his ability, that arrogance podkoriv rich coristuvachiv in the whole world. For the firmware, the programs themselves are used for the OpenBox F300, X800, X810, X820. Firmware, channel lists, keys have less visibility.

Firmware instructions:

  1. Connect the satellite receiver from the computer with a null modem cable, do not plug the receiver into an electrical outlet. Since the computer does not have a COM port, you can use a USB-COM adapter
  2. Run the x-800 updater v1.2.exe program on the computer
  3. For the program, select the number of the COM port and select the type of firmware.
  4. At the starter program, press "Record" and plug the satellite receiver into the electrical outlet
  5. Check the process of flashing the satellite tuner OpenBox

If you have doubts about the correctness of the Openbox S1 receiver, do not flash any firmware version higher than 11.0 Fix version, clone die!

You can also flash it for an additional flash drive. For this, in the root of the front formatted flash drive, copy the firmware file. When the receiver is plugged into the socket, it is immediately pressed on the remote control "Menu" and consumed in the software update menu. We select the firmware and embossed "Onoviti".

When updating the channel list, copy the file to the channel list file on the USB flash drive. Let's select a different menu item from the receiver's menu and update the list of channels.

When flooded with a satellite tuner OpenBox S1 PVR key list tag the program

Such a way of flashing the OPENBOX S HD receivers is suitable, as the receiver has ceased to be zavantazhuvatsya and you can’t get the data cable through the RS-232 port and the Porter programs, for the help of which you can upgrade the firmware from the computer.
For vikonannya flashing procedures in a proponated way, vikonati step by step.
1. For the help of the computer, format the USB flash drive with the FAT32 file system.
2. Copy only the file with the firmware to the flash drive, the extension of the file can be .ird, the other files on the flash drive are not to be blamed.
3. Turn off the receiver with the microphone on the rear panel (you can’t do it, until the plug is pulled out of the socket).
4. Insert the flash drive into the receiver's USB port.
5. On the front panel of the receiver, press the CH ^ button (channel up) and, utrimuyuyu її, see live on the receiver.
6. After the beginning of the software security (the receiver will scan the port and copy it more often instead of the flash drive), release the CH^ button.
7. Finish the firmware of the receiver (it will be visible on the display of the receiver, for example, I will write End).
8. Remove the live from the receiver with a microphone on the rear panel (or with a video camera from the socket).
9. Remove the flash drive from the USB port of the receiver.
10. See eating on the receiver.
11. Firmware update completed.

Understanding the capture log of OPENBOX S HD receivers via COM port

The capture of the OPENBOX S HD receiver capture log will be recorded from the HyperTerminal application. The program is given as a regular Windows XP program, for those who have Windows Vista or Windows 7 installed, the HyperTerminal program can be requested from our site. After the capture, unzip the folder and copy it to your own place, for example, to disk D. To capture the capture log, you need a 0-modem cable with wires 2-3, 3-2, 5-5. Dali consecutively vikonati so just come in.
1. Vimknuti (znestrumiti) receiver and computer.
2. Connect a 0-modem cable to the RS-232 ports of the receiver and computer.
3. Turn off the computer, run the HyperTerminal program. For those running Windows 7 or Vista, run hypertrm.exe from the folder.

4. Consider the introduction of in-line rotting.

5. Enter a sufficient date.

6. Select the COM port number of the call. (If you have 1 physical COM port and before the new receiver is connected, ie COM1. If you have a connection organized through a USB-COM adapter, then you need to specify the port number in the Attachment Manager).

7. Choose the speed of payment 115 200.

8. See eating on the receiver, watch for the appearance of the zavantazhennia log.

Firmware update for OPENBOX S HD receivers from technical support server

Updating the firmware of the OPENBOX S HD receivers from the server of the technical support is of the greatest interest if there is no computer at hand, and only a receiver and an obov'yazkovy for such a type of USB accumulator, or a flash drive. In the firmware of the remaining versions, menu items have been added to allow for online updates. In Denmark, when a new firmware appears on the server, a notification about it may appear on the screen. And yet, in the case of a coristuvach receiver, it is possible for the primus system to reverse the presence of new firmware and install it.
To update the firmware from the server of the technical support, after a subsequent update, come in and respectfully check for updates, as they appear on the screen at the next hour of the update.
1. Disable all running plugins and switch them to manual startup mode.
2. Connect a flash drive with a free space larger than 50 Mb to the USB port of the receiver.
3. Vikonati MENU - Improvements - Updating the software.

4. At the end of the day, select Updating the PZ.

5. After 15 - 20 seconds, a list of available programs will be displayed.

6. Select the required firmware version and press the red button on the remote control for the cob of interest.
7. Sposter the process of copying (uploading) the firmware from the update server, the hour of downloading to deposit in the security of your Internet connection, well, I understand, in the light of those security, as you see the server for downloading.

8. After the acquisition is completed, the installation of the PZ will automatically start and the process will be displayed on the TV screen and on the receiver display.

9. After the firmware is completed, the receiver will automatically reboot.
10. Firmware update completed.
It is necessary to indicate that on the server of the technical support some new firmware may be available daily. Follow the news on our website and forum and you will always be able to upgrade and install the latest firmware for the OPENBOX S HD receiver and not only for the new one.