Background listening to VK. How can you control the background mode on Android? Music without boundaries in alternative clients

After updating the official mobile app “VKontakte” to version 3.0, there was a “small” difference in the number of smartphones on iOS and Android that became available to clients. Who has already guessed that there is a lot of fuss about listening to music? in background mode.

Now the VK mobile app is available for listening to music. 60 hvilin per dobu, if later you want to speed up to 30 hvilin. In order to pay off the deduction, it is necessary to make a prepayment of 1,000 for 149 rubles. In fact, information about how to listen to music on VK without interruption is even necessary. That’s why we tried to collect for you all the most relevant and relevant information about this problem.

Recently it became clear that cost-free ways bypassing this boundary (for the sensible koristuvachs). Currently there are 3 such methods. Well, what do you need to know, how to know know the boundaries listening to music in the background, it reads:

Updated statistics as of 11/09/2018:

Cream lower values ways in which they work, we wrote you an article about those, and save them in memory for later listening offline. You can also simply listen to songs without interruption. All details in this article.

Updated statistics as of 05/05/18:

Perhaps, for those who have already guessed, but for those who are still mute, I would like to know about the small life hack. In order to continue to hear music after the announcement about the change appeared, We are afraid of such speeches: go to settings, in the auto-lock screen section, put a tick " Nikoli", so that the phone screen is not blocked and the music does not switch to background listening mode.

Further, so that the phone’s battery in this mode lasts longer, we install Screen brightness to minimum And we continue to make music on VKontakte.

So, it is possible that this method of bypassing the boundaries of music is not suitable for everyone, but the headache that is in their midst, and even more so. For example, if you listen to music in the car, you can help you continue hearing your favorite music.

Updated statistics as of 11/21/17:

A new way to listen to music on VKontakte without interruption:

Krok 1. Go to the menu “Settings” - “Basics” - “Date and hour”.
Croc 2 Uncheck the “Automatic” option to remove the ability to select the date and hour manually.
Croc 3 Press on the row with the current date.
Krok 4. Set the date to yesterday. For example, if today there are 21 leaves falling, then it is necessary to reverse the 20 leaf fall.

Ready! Immediately after setting a new date, music on VKontakte will be available for listening in the background without any interruptions. You can change the date to the current one immediately by simply turning on the “Automatic” option. The time has come (and in some cases even more) music from VKontakte can be played in the background without any problems.

Other workarounds that work this way:

Method 1:

Suitable for those who wear headphones with a button:

1) We connect headphones to a smartphone
2) We open the VK add-on
3) We turn on any track and pause it
4) Blocking smartphone
5) We start music using an additional button on the headphones
6) Radio background music)

Method 2

Vikoristannaya mobile version of VK

1) Go to the official mobile version of VKontakte -
2) We pass authorization
3) We go to the music section and hear it without a hitch

Method 3

This method having ceased stay relevant

1) Get the official Boom app on VKontakte (no paid subscription required)
2) We listen to music in this supplement.

Method 4

Suitable for Apple Watch owners

The action is exactly the same as in the first method, but now for the additional control of the Apple Watch. For those of you who are older, you can calmly continue to listen to music!

Method 5

The simplest, but not free
1) We will issue a prepayment of 1,000 for 149 rubles
2) We can continue to listen to music without being afraid of the hour-by-hour limit.

Updated 11/01/2017: After 1 leaf fall, the limit of cat-free music on VKontakte has been shortened up to 30 hvilin. It's really crazy...

Important! Please note that in the upcoming update of add-ons, there are ways to bypass Shvidshe will close for everything. So, think twice about this new thing! Perhaps after the update, our methods of listening to music on VK without interruption will no longer be relevant.

In the social network of VKontakte, there is a large number of vikory users on mobile devices through the official program. Active koristuvs experience skin updates to programs “painfully”, especially if they have the same functions that they were previously vikors. With the VKontakte add-on under version 3.0, one of the most popular functions was added - listening to music. Now you can safely listen to VKontakte music from your phone in the background for an hour - 1 year, after which you have 2 options - you can wait until the next day to listen, or you can pay for an advance payment. Here are ways to avoid listening to music on VKontakte in the background, and we will look at them within the framework of this article.


How to listen to music on VKontakte has become an issue

3 1 month, when the release of add-on 3.0 is made on VKontatsiiOSAndroid, customers have noted that they can no longer hear music in the background for less than a day. However, there is no difference in listening to the music of popular Vikonians or original compositions - which overlaps with all audio recordings on VKontakte.

Restore respect: At the moment, the period for auditioning is set to 1 hour per day, but in the near future (the exact date has not yet been announced), it will be reduced to 30 hours per day.

The motivation for implementing such boundaries has become clear. VKontakte stores a lot of music from various labels, including great ones. In essence, this music is cost-free for media outlets, and is not controlled by both the Group, which belongs to VKontakte, and labels that want to monetize the tracks published within the network.

To avoid the cost of listening to music in the background on VKontakte, you can add an advance payment to Boom. For your activation, you can listen to music without interruption, and you can prepay eligible customers 149 rubles per month.

Restore your respect: The ability to listen to VKontakte music without interruption in the background, prepaymentBoom also allows you to import music from VKontatka onto your device for offline listening. This function was previously also available free of charge, but has recently been removed.

Background listening to music on VKontakte without limiting

The introduction of the exchange made it possible for journalists to find ways to listen to VKontakte music in the background without exchange and payment of an advance payment, and such a solution was found.

Uninterrupted listening to music on VKontakte with programs

One of the ways that we have discovered is to listen to music without paying for a subscription and without interruption in the background, transmitting a vikoristan mobile headset. The essence of the method is offensive:

Please note that there is no penalty for this method of making music. In order to listen to the song after a year, the background mode will not display a notification about the need for additional payment.

Important: The guidance method is most relevant for the version of the VKontakte social network on mobile devices under the number 3.0. If this method works for you, it is not recommended to update the program, since there is a high probability of correcting it in the near future.

Unable to listen to VKontakte music through a browser

Once the designated exchange was entered for mobile apps, the browser versions of the social network VKontakte did not work. Obviously, as before, you can listen to music through the browser without being limited to your mobile device when the screen is locked. Everything you need to earn is:

This method has disadvantages, for example, creating music through a browser generates more traffic than through a mobile app. In addition, it is less easy to manually interact with the interface of the VKontakte music player through a browser, or through a mobile app. This is a clear plus - this way you can listen to music without any problems.

The programs are moving around with the gloomy. The exact services like Netflix and Spotify are great. And most of our skin is dependent on social restrictions.

There’s just one more thing that never leaves you satisfied – the current tariff plan.

With unlimited tariffs, most commercial smartphones are stuck with a choice of unlimited options, which sometimes make paying for the cost of data more difficult and less enjoyable. Be someone who, having crossed the thresholds of unlimited space, knows this.

If you are on Android, you have a little more room for maneuver, depending on the parameters that surround the great deal of data. With the correct configuration, you will find that you are using up traffic at an increased rate - so that perhaps you could switch to a cheaper tariff.

Tame unwanted programs

You actively vikorist theirs, programs like to eat interesting data. They check the availability of updates, display advertisements and update content of the user in the background. Good deeds are laudable, and most of the episodes and speeches reveal the reserves of data. The time has come to tame this program.

Software updates via Wi-Fi
Go to the Google Play store and click "Menu> Settings> Automatic software updates". Here, make sure that "Automatic software updates via Wi-Fi" is selected. You also have the option to turn on automatic program updates, but it is less important because you have to remember to manually update programs.

Customizing the data from the addendum
To give you more power, there are many programs that ping the server in the background, checking for updates to your content. For example, Google creates backup copies of photos and videos in the world, and other programs can be configured to update banking information.

These details are important, but if they lose their power, it is better to go to the settings of the add-ons and turn on the options for storing data, which are not absolutely necessary.

Interference with background data
Programs that do not allow you to fine-tune data parameters may acquire data in the background. For Ice Cream Sandwich and later versions of Android, there is one way to find out how to use the add-ons for wasted traffic - go to "Settings> Data Viktor" and scroll down to see the list of add-ons from the accompanying statistics from Wikoristan data.

Then click on the program to view the selected data and look at the two numbers in the pie chart. The “Foreground” is based on the data that is curated if you are actively vicorizing the program, while the “Background” is based on the data that is vicorized if the program is running in the background.

If you have noticed that the vikoryst program contains a lot of background data, scroll down and check the box “Submit background data”. It is very important that this parameter rewrites any conflicting behavior of applications (for example, programs that could update banking information every year).

Foremost zavantazhennya and keshuvannya

As data sharing has become a necessity for most smartphones, retailers have begun introducing options to disable programs that were less capable before. Go through these options - they could potentially cause problems.

Forward viewing instead of streaming programs
In those days, as we become more able to change the history of data, more programs will implement caching (or advance acquisition) that allows us to acquire Wi-Fi content and watch it at some later date. Spotify, for example, allows people to download playlists. In addition, YouTube will collect subscriptions and videos from your Watch More list.

Most of the additions to demonstrate the advance attraction are those that are most required. Therefore, vikorist їх. Go to the settings menu for any programs (especially streaming media programs) to see if this option is available. In addition, you can find that the program allows you to reduce the flow rate while using the steel bond to remove the data.

Impress your files via Wi-Fi
If you don't want to worry about downloading songs, movies or large files while using your wireless connection, you can only download files as soon as you turn on the Wi-Fi connection.

Cashing up cards before your trip
With the new offline maps feature, Google now allows you to cache maps. The acquisition process takes an instant and there is plenty of space available for saving, but once the card is acquired, you can view and move it without a data connection. .

Change synchronization settings

With automated synchronization, Google guarantees that your cloud account will be updated every time you change. Unfortunately, for data transfer services (and an hour of autonomous work), this means that your phone is constantly pinging the server to check for new content. There are a number of ways to separate this.

More precise adjustment of synchronization parameters
When you configured your phone, you may have chosen to synchronize the cloud recording. After all, everything is set up for synchronization, including such things as photos, Play Store, Google and other programs. You don't necessarily need all of these synchronization elements—especially important data such as photos.

To configure synchronization settings, go to "Settings > Accounts > Google" and select an account. Uncheck the items that are not important during synchronization. Repeat the same for all cloud records.

After this, you can synchronize cloud recordings manually from their other programs.

Time to turn on synchronization
Are you flying far? Sit at your desk? Prevent your phone from synchronizing data by turning it on, either from the notification panel or by going to “Settings> Statistics> Menu> uncheck “Automatic data synchronization”.

Reduced data capture by browser

While viewing web pages is the main reason for increased traffic, this is not new. Some websites are still not optimized for mobile devices, and others waste traffic on advertising.

A simple answer to this problem is the compression of data. With this help, web sites immediately compress data from data before sending it to the phone, which significantly reduces the size of the file that is being downloaded.

And, however, the deeds are short. First of all, since your data is encrypted and anonymous, the browser is still responsible for processing your data under pressure. Not everyone is happy with this.

In other words, the compression means that the web pages are easily changed.

Prote is an option for those who are on an expensive tariff plan (or on a long-term connection). Opera, a popular desktop browser, is one such add-on that promotes data compression. Just go to the customization menu to relieve stress. After this vikoristanny Opera will tell you what obligation you spared.

In addition, Onavo Count offers similar solutions, except by including widgets that allow you to keep track of data in real time.

Constrained information about activities
As an absolute last resort, Onavo Extend runs its program, which actively compresses all input data. For example, email notifications are simplified, web pages are compressed on the server side and photos are optimized as much as possible.

Save this program to the program screen so you can save your data traffic.

Let's try using one of the shortcut functions of the Android operating system. There is a possibility of limiting the number of applications that work in the background mode on Android.

Today we know how to reduce the limit of background processes, thereby significantly increasing the battery life of your smartphone or tablet. This procedure can completely increase the fluidity of the mobile device.

To select the assigned task, you need to click on the “For Customers” menu. How to turn it off or turn it off This menu can be read in the statistics.

So let's see.

How to turn down the limit or limit background processes on Android

To get started, let’s go to the gadget setup area and find the “For the retailer” menu there. Let’s touch it with our finger and move on to its specific features:

Scroll this menu all the way to the bottom and you will find an item there called “Background process limit”. Let's go there:

Having moved to this section, we have most importantly established a value for the classification - “Standard boundary”. How many programs can run in the background, but it’s not clear. So let’s establish our own power as it is best for us!

There are six available options for sharing a number of working programs on Android:

  • Standard exchange
  • No background processes
  • No more than one process
  • No more than 2 processes
  • No more than 3 processes
  • No more than 4 processes

You will not be able to place the icon next to the option you require. If you do not need to turn on background programs on Android, then select another setting option - “No background processes”.

This type of adjustment will also be especially useful for those computer users who have a weak device with little RAM and a weak processor.

The latest update to the popular social network VKontakte for iOS brought two global changes. The first thing to worry about is the reconstruction of the mobile client, as the rich koristuvachs were not involved, through which the stench of the noise began to work. Another “change” is the new exchange of listening to music on VK, which is a constant source of background music. This article has prepared a number of working methods for you, how to remove music from VK, how to listen to music from VK in the background. You can vikorystuvat be-yak with guidance below the methods.

Listening to music on VK

Also, for iPhone and Android devices on which VKontakte version 3.0 is installed, new settings for VK background music were requested. Now users can listen to music on VKontakte in the background for up to 30 minutes, previously it took up to a year to download. If you want to listen to music more cost-free on VK, pay a pittance in social security!? However, not all journalists are ready to give their data to music distributors, so the need to listen to music in the background in VK is not always a problem.

How much does it cost to subscribe - music without limits on VK costs you 149 rubles per month. If you want to pay, about 5 rubles per day. In principle, the price is adequate, but we are all lovers of freebies at heart. That's why we wanted to tell you a number of ways, as soon as the music on VK changes.

Now, let’s move on to the main part - a description of the working methods of listening to VK music in the background without interruption on an iPhone and Android. Having checked it especially, everything works!

1 way

  1. Take your mobile device and open the official VK app. Once you turn on your favorite tracks, you will be able to complete 30 creations.
  2. As soon as 30 minutes are completed, you will learn about the limit in advance - the audition will be limited. Then on your phone go to the Settings section and change the date on your phone to yesterday. After this, we immediately go back to VK, click on “play” and listen to music in the background without interruption!

Music without boundaries at VK: how to know and avoid boundaries?

Method 2

Another way is to be in good hands in case you change the date. So, to remove the background music from VK, you need to do the following:

  1. Connect to your iPhone or Android device or a working headset, which allows users to use the buttons.
  2. Now open the Music program on your mobile device and turn on any song, and then pause it.
  3. After which you can start playing music using the headset button. Now you can listen to music on VK without being limited to the background mode.

How to listen to music on VK without limiting yourself

3 way

This method is suitable for Android devices with ROOT.

  1. The App Ops add-on is installed on your smartphone (this indicates fine adjustment of add-on rights)
  2. Go to App Ops, select the VKontakte add-on and change your rights. Opposite the points “Take away audio focus” and “Avoid hibernation mode” - set Zaboronity
  3. Enjoy VK music without having to wait an hour

Alternative option

If you don’t want to put up with the rules of social restrictions and realize that paying for low-quality music is not your idea, then you can quickly use an alternative option. Thank God, there are now countless ways for music lovers to listen to music - Yandex.Music services, Spotify, Apple Music,, SoundCloud, Bandcamp, Deezer and many others. True, there are also certain moments here that you should know.

To quickly access the Spotify service, Russian customers need to register as an American, for example. Those same fuss and Despite the fact that Apple Music is a music service, listening to good content will cost you a little more. Yandex.Music has a more loyal policy, otherwise you will be limited to only musical selections and recommended songs. Zagalom virishuvat you...