A set of beautiful fonts. Yak zrobiti garniy text in Word

Good afternoon.

The 3D text is gaining popularity for an hour: it’s great to see it and I respect it (it’s not wonderful to drink it).

To set such a text, it is necessary: ​​or vikoristovuvati as "great" editors (for example, Photoshop), as well as some special. programs (the axis on them is something I want to add to the statistics). The programs will be presented to you, you will be able to get away with it, without great difficulties, whether it’s like a PC (to be motivated by simplicity). Otzhe ...

I nsofta 3D Text Commander

On my humble glance - the flooring program is simple for opening 3D text, but it can be as simple as possible :). Navi if you don’t have Russian movi (and the whole version of the most popular in the hem) - rozibratis z 3D Text Commander not important ...

To install and launch the programs, you need to write your bazhan in the text window (red arrow in Fig. 1), and then just change the settings, re-turn the tabs (div. Fig. 1, red oval). The change of your 3D text will be immediately visible at the window's glance (green arrow in Fig. 1). In order to go online, there is a lot of necessary text, and, moreover, without any program, or even a collection of posts ...

Small. 1. Insofta 3D Text Commander 3.0.3 - smarter programs.

If the text is ready, just save it (div. Zelena arrow in Fig. 2). Before speech, you can save in two options: static and dynamic. The offense of options for me is shown in Fig. 3 and 4.

Otrimaniyah is the result of a velmy, not a scandal. It is an extraordinary picture in PNG format (dynamic 3D text in GIF format).

X ara 3D Maker

Yet one is not a rotten program for the opening of dynamic 3D texts. Pratsyuvati with her is so simple, like a first. When you start the programs, worm respect for the socket of evil: go into the skin fold and adjust the settings. Zmini will be immediately visible at the window of the glance.

Pidkupovuє in all utilities is a great number of options: you can rotate the text, change this type, border, structure (before speech, in the program rich textures, for example, wood, metal, etc.). I recommend it to everyone who wants to focus on this topic.

If you have your own website / blog, or if you are busy with the leaves of the musical leaflets, then they have melodiously put on the food more than once:

Yak nicely design the text?

How beautiful is the signature in the statistics, on the forum, or in the list?

Yak set garniy bright text ? !

Apparently, є nice text... by the way, photoshop... Wonderful program!

They can create their own unique masterpieces: from pictures to writing, simple and animated. І navit " scorching text "! Yakraz, I will master the program at once and I will not join you with a new message.

Ale, Photoshop is not for everyone є. Until then, the program is paid. That and how to master it, it is necessary to kindly try.

Earlier, schob decorate the text nicely, I was complaining about the Power Point program. It should be like me. Have some style of possibilities, do not read over! Ale, there is still a theme, and there is more than one article.

<== Taka axis beautiful writing- my logo for national music leaflets Viconana in a special program Power point!

Also, you can know (when powered through some kind of message: Yandex, Google and ін.) ready to write beautiful bliskyі headlines holy.

Ale, you see it on the Internet, you need to create your own, especially because you yourself can see it in NATO!

Say, you want from V looming quickly and easily, without any programs fold the text for the siteі signatures in sheets, on forums?! And also yaskravі, bliscuchі writing for decoration of musical leaflets?

The price can be lost literally for khilina! Don't tell me ?! I will get to know you wonderfully generator online for a beautiful text and you will be robust for one, two!

CS6 can be used not only to open a small picture, but also to retouch a photo. A robot with a text is available to him. І not in the usual symbols, like є і in Microsoft Word. Photoshop is a graphic editor - you can create new designs with original designs. I want standard hand signs in utilities like є. Pick, how to rotate the text in Photoshop, add to new effect or texture, vibrate size, shape. І vzalі, as interconnection with symbols in the given program.

In Photoshop, it is often possible to stick with a robot with text

You can draw up a leaflet, a leaflet or a welcome, add a beautiful font to the photo collage, add a circle around it, add an outline, illumination, gradation. So you will have a unique and adorable set of symbols.

For a cob of demand, please, insert the text. Writing can still be done with him.

  1. Create new babies. If you want to add a picture before you want to receive a signature.
  2. On the panel of evil, know the button at the viewer of the great letter "T". If you hover the cursor over it, the prompt "Horizontal" or "Vertical" will appear.
  3. Click on the right mouse button. Viberit directly write.
  4. To draw on the mice, kudi need to add symbols. For seeing the region, in which stench is guilty of roztashovuvatisya.
  5. Slide to write those that you need.
  6. As soon as we clicked in the happy song, the text between the text will be "stretched out" before the hour is introduced. You can move the rows, pushing Enter. As soon as we saw the area, I will be able to change the frame by hand.
  7. Schob expand the field for the friend, "pull" the target for the markers on the border. The stench will be active as the "T" button is pressed.
  8. Move the block with the text, press on the pictogram at the black cursor and cross it. Vona is on the panel of evil. Zazvychay at the very top. Pislya tsiy simply pull the object. The price is analogous to moving the tags in Windows.

It’s possible to destroy something with a certain object, if there’s a vision of a ball, on which it’s located. List of all spheres of images at the bottom right. Schob try with one of them, click on the item.


Photoshop CS6 has a lot to do with writing. You can vibrate the garnishing font, the way of the chair, the size, the color, the virivnyuvannya. Nalashtuvannya appears on the top panel, as you see a ball with letters and natisnut on "T".

  • Schob change the calligraphy, click on the list, scho vipadaє zlіva vgorі. All fonts appear on your computer. The handguard with the name of the butt of that, yak there will be signs. You can download a new set of symbols, as long as you do not install them. Їx need to be inserted into the "Font" folder, you can go to the yak through Start - Control Panel. І when you start Photoshop offensively, it stinks in the list. Calligraphy MAє format TTF or OTF.
  • To remember the signs, need to see them and push on the rectum in the mountains. Vin of the same color, scho and text. The Q button displays the palette. It is possible to set the views by hand, changing the pattern according to the scale and adjusting the brightness. It is possible to enter parameters in the view of the numbers. And I can immediately write the name of the color, as long as you see it. Vono viglyadaє, yak code with numbers and Latin symbols. To accentuate respect for writing, open the encircled view.
  • Screw the row, press on the ikon at the “T” viewer with small arrows. There may be mountains.
  • The size is set in the list, scho vipadaє, in the form of a number with the postscript "Fri"
  • To vibrate on the line, select the buttons "Vyvnyuvannya zliv", "Vyvnyuvannya on the right", "Vyvryvnyuvannya in the center". Tse analogue of the options "Virivnyuvannya on the left edge", "Virivnyuvannya on the right edge".
  • To change the chair, see the fragment I'll write and click on the new right mouse button. The context menu will have the items "Pseudo half-full" and "Pseudo-course".
  • In the same place, it is possible to create a zgladzhuvannya: chitke, nasichene, smooth, zhorstke.

Check the checkbox on the top panel. Shcheb turn the cob formatuvannya - on the anchors of the colo.

Various options are available practically in any text processor. Їх is not enough for the development of designer letters. However, the tse is the basis, without which it is uncomfortable to use symbols. In Photoshop є y іnshі tools. It’s an hour to get started, as you can edit the garnishing text in Photoshop CS6.


On the top panel there is a button "Deformation". Vona is depicted at the viglyad of vikrilenoy letter "T" and pivkola. You can go to the center of the ball by pressing the right mouse button on the name of the ball. The menu will have a "Warp Text" row.

At vіknі, in the field "Style" vibrate, as the guilty is the image of a row: an arch, an arch, a willow, a ribby, a mikhur. So you can create an extraordinary design.


Nice and versatile menu - "Efekti". New can be assigned a great number of parameters. Adjustment of reports - available to find insignificant details. Web designers, vikoristovychi ci options, create unique and divovizhni vitvory.

Shown are the possibilities of the effects on a specific butt. Axis yak zrobiti outlined text in Photoshop CS6:

  1. Hit the ball with the right mouse button on it.
  2. Viber "Overlay parameters".
  3. In the list, you know the item "Create a circle" anyway. Use a marker to press on and off.
  4. There you can set the frame size, width, position (call, middle, center), vision, overlay mode.
  5. Schob change the texture on the list "Type". Bude vibir mіzh "Kolir", "Gradіnt" and "Vіzerunok".
  6. Gradіnt - the tse of kіlka vіdtіnkіv. The image with him to go from one color to the other. Tobto in one part the baby will be blue, in the inh - light-violet. You can navigate to draw a circle at the viglyadi of the vestka.
  7. Vіzerunok - tse texture. Proceed to the given point - the butt of the little one appears. Push on the arrow with a hand over him, then put it down - there you will be vibrating between the pictures. At the menu, click on one more arrow, straight ubik. You will see the menu, in which you can vibrate the set of styles - the skin has its own collection of textures. Available to preserve the new ones - the stinks are guilty of the mother format.PAT.

Writing a proposition and adding a frame is very simple. In the menu of effects, you can add gradients and variations to the text itself, add gloss, embossing, illumination, tin. The skin function has a lot of internal parameters. For example, in the section "Tin" є size, cut nahilu, substitution and noise effect (similar to the television brigade).

You can experiment with the shaded ones. When changing the options, the result is immediately displayed on the image. In the utilities є a list of ready-made effects. Vin is at the "Styles" depository. They have all the parameters already displayed.

Professional designers and artists work directly from the decor with balls. For example, copy writing, shaking with insight, adding illumination and putting on the cob letters. We'll save the knowledge of dubbing, the vicariousness of other attributes, and the knowledge of placing on top of the previous symbols. Go to the bagatosharov structure. Efekti cheer.

About `єm

You can write a beautiful text in a way. Create a znogo ob'amnі figuri.

  1. Vibrate the ball. Do not see the area in writing.
  2. Click on "3D" in a row of menus.
  3. As long as you have є looking at the model in the view of the 3D file, you can add it to the vikoristovuvati.
  4. Schob zrobiti ob'єkt iz self-writing, hover the cursor over the "News with the gradation of gray". In this menu, there are even the lowest vibration characteristics.
  5. The parameter "Nova structure with a ball" will transform the whole ball. Win is stored in a figuru, like an arkush paper. In a whole lot of lots of objects: pyramida, cone, cylinder, kulya, cube too.

For the opening of the 3D-text is more beautiful than the vicoristovuvati menu of Effects. It is possible to remember the illumination, to give it to it - and it will be written if it looks plausible and natural. Among the ready-made styles there are also єємні.

ready to efekti

The text effects can be downloaded from the stock. With them, you can create a divoviznu writing without any zusil. Create from zero, without sum, tsikavishe. The first and last result should be done the way you need it. If you are ready to go with one of the existing designs.

Neon vivisky, visualization, letters with stitching, metal, wood, food and frost. Just enter “Text Effects for Photoshop CS6” into any kind of sound and look at the website's decal. You can, bazaniy font vzhe kimos of folds, and you do not have much to robotize it independently.

Styles are expanded in .psd files (they are often packed in RAR or ZIP archives). The price is not nadbudova or plugin, but an image that can be edited. There, all the necessary colors and efficiencies are already set up. Send the little ones in Photoshop and insert your text. Copy and add it to your pictures.

In some styles, there can be vikoristovuvatsya fonts, which you do not have. Before the invoice of the efekt is rewired, a file with the required calligraphy will be supplied with it. To wonder at what kind of symbols there are (as the information is in the inventory) and to set it up early.

If you don’t want to have a shukati dodatkovi font, if you want some style, you can swiftly swing it. When opening a Photoshop file, move it over, but in its essence there is no need for calligraphy, and replace it with your own. Let us vibrate whether a set of symbols is quiet, but also in the program.

You can be mindful as you write a text in Photoshop and edit. However, in the utilization of non-versatile textures, styles, effects, numerical parameters, in which it is easy to get lost. It will take an hour to learn the program and remember all the functions. Alle the development of the tsikavu and the unauthorized signature of the skin. You don't need to get into Photoshop thoroughly. Also available in ready-made styles. They have the same arrangement. Submit your text.

It’s not necessary for you to open a document in Microsoft Word, depending on the rules, but, for example, to create a leaflet or to write a letter in advance, so that the text in Word should be beautifully designed.

For the whole it is enough just to change the size of the letters and vibrate the appropriate font, you can choose one of the ready-made WordArt styles, or independently vibrate the colors, the effect is the same for the text, you can look at the arches of the picture.

All screenshots I robbed in Word 2010, even if you have installed Word 2007, 2013, or for 2016, so that a recommendation is given to you to go.

Yak zrobiti is beautifully written

It’s more important that a field is required in the document. Go to the "Insert" tab and select "Write" - "Simple to write".

On the side there is an axis like a field. See the handlers in the butt, pressing "Delete" on the keyboard, and dial those that you need.

Then you can see the words written and go to the "Home" tab. Open the list, choose the type of font, and choose the one that suits you best.

Beastly respect, that the deyaki fonts become stagnant only to the words, which were written in English. So, joke in the list with such a font, such as before and before Russian words.

At the butt, yak bachite, the reverse font goes only to English words.

To change the number of letters, click on the small line of the button "Color to text" and click on the one that is the most recent. As well as the necessary color in the representations of the dumb, todi natisnit "Inshi kolori", as well as to vibrate the gradient fill.

The button allows you to vibrate one of the ready-made design options. You can also add the required form to the text yourself, pushing on the fields "Structure", "Tin", "Viddzerkalennya", "Svitinnya", and vibrate the required form from the list.

Pick up the cordon for the folded block, press the bear on it with the right button, in the context menu, select "Figuri contour", then "Hi contour".

All those functions, which looked at the sight, were not just for the hand in the block. You will see them quickly, so that you just play on the arkushi.

And now, let's get rid of, how to be victorious, for a beautiful decoration of the hands in the block of words.

See the block itself and go to the information, where the tab appears "Handle the trick"- "Format", all those buttons, which are far away, are on them.

On the date of the insert, the buttons in the "Styles of Figures" group will be stuck to the frame: fill, dotted frame and іnshe. The group "WordArt" has all the buttons for the test. Let's take a look at everything in order.

For a block of writing, you can vikoristovuvati be a ready-made style. To change the color of the contour or fill, open the available options and vibrate the requirements.

I respect you, if you have a list of vypadayuchih lists in if you can see three letters, like in the butt, then hovering the cursor on whether it is a variant, see if it will change, as everything changes.

If you want to, draw and vibrate the type of color. Here you can vibrate the color, which is not in the palette - "Інші colori fillings", Abo little ones, gradієnt abo texture in the fill.

For a block with writing, you can change and "Contour figuri" - tobto a frame. Pidberit for her colors, or change the line to the redistribution of the dotted line.

Now we can go to sleep and wonder, so that we can grow up with him. Yak i have a border with a frame, for the text it is possible to store one of the ready-made styles.

button Fill text allow to remember the number of letters.

To vibrate the contour, press the button. Here it is possible not only to add color, but to change the strokes.

So the words looked more efficiently, you will stop growing the variations of the animation. Press on a similar button, and then vibrate, but you yourself want to be victorious, for example, "Viddzerkalennya". Dal, from the list, check out the general option.

It is necessary, the text will be written as a non-important form, to select the item "Re-make"... The list will have a variety of options.

Yak write the text beautifully

ЄOne pattern, like bi vikoristovuvavsya for the whole, zrobiti not vide. Oskilki gusto for all development, and there is a detailed text for different purposes. So, experiment, click on the buttons, as I described the whistle, and wonder how the words will change.

On the site there are a number of articles, before the hour is written, which types of text are displayed.

In statti, the result will be like that.

If it is necessary, then read the article, follow the instructions.

About those, you can read in the statistics. The result of viyshov is as follows:

If necessary, you can download the Word file from Yandex.Disk: https://yadi.sk/i/A_7MFbG23Kbyj5 You just need to overrule your text.

I am encouraged, everything is smart, and now you can write a garnish text in a Word document, which you will respect.