What does a webmaster know? Who is a webmaster and how do they make money? What is Yandex Webmaster and what is needed

I can say that in the process of working on client sites, I often encounter dishonest webmasters who ran sites before me. Therefore, I would like to systematize all the information about those, as I recognize for myself a competent, decent webmaster who supports your site.

To start with my article, I would like to give a shout-out to the work of the site: “Always have your access passwords handy, know who is your hoster and who is the owner of the domain.” Keep everything under control, don’t worry about transferring all the troubles to the site administrator, control your work.

  • 1) The most broad - the domain is registered in the name of the webmaster himself, as well as the hosting. Thus, the client is even more closely tied to a specific webmaster. This is categorically wrong and dishonestly on the side of the webmaster. Your site is to blame for your loss. Since you can get food quickly with hosting, you will have to tinker with domain names. It is possible that you will not be able to explain what is owed to you. Therefore, from now on, draw up these basic speeches in your name, and even better, in a legal entity. Wanting is not particularly important here. Previously, I’ve given a lot of pleasure to choosing hosting for the site, read it, it will be very interesting.
  • 2) The webmaster is vikorist your site as a donor site or even worse, he is simply taking advantage of your incompetence and installing bad scripts on the site. How do you allow him to perform these actions and after that, he ceases to be the administrator of your site. It’s really ugly and it’s impossible to worship without singing knowledge.
  • 3) There is a daily vessel on the site, working with CMS. Of course, you can build a website on inclusions, but at the same time, in my opinion, people who want to build a website simply need to build it on a normal CMS. So, how can you allow your website to update information more quickly and easily on a new site? Situations are even worse if the CMS is broken, it is self-written, and the old webmaster has modified part of the working code from it and it is simply lost. Such a site does not support updating on a live CMS, it must be transferred to a new one, and most often the development of a new site is complete.
  • 4) Let’s also expand on the fact that the site administrator often does not think about or care about those sites, because they simply do not care about security in any way. Do not use backups, and it is unclear how you will update the site whenever there are problems. Sometimes the winemakers themselves have a lot of money on their websites. You can save money on your website, buy it for three kopecks, and then submit it to the webmaster to ensure complete security and guarantee. No one is insured against hacker attacks and most sites are hacked, and about any other site. It is necessary to create websites on normal CMS as little as possible.
  • 5) The site administrator simply deceives the client and hijacks his hosting for his own purposes. This is much wider, but there is no way to make money on this, but it is not so scary. It’s much less acceptable if people gradually complicate everything. It’s easy to start earning money, but it’s also very important. Ask to put your picture, but it seems that it is not transferred to your CMS. Here is a real web deceiver.
  • 6) The rule of thumb is that you need to hire someone if you want to work with sites on the local market, having undergone specialized training. Don’t hire someone like Hakob to work on supporting your site.
  • 7) It’s no secret that a webmaster can sell products on websites that he or she needs. So it’s really bad to be timid, you can do it on your own. If your site is small, it is enough to visually take a look at all the materials posted on the new site. Since the text does not contain any direct messages that lead to other sites, that means everything is different. Follow this and remember that messages on your site that link to other sites deserve special praise. Since there is already a lot of material on the site, you can use special services.

Of course, not everything that can be seen, but at least the most significant moments, as I have described here for the guilty nobility. The simplest thing you can do is hire someone to work remotely for special needs. If you like the style of his work with you, negotiations, leafing out - that means you are more likely to approach everything. If you are not comfortable negotiating with the current administrator of your site, it is better to avoid such conflict. Sobi is more precious.

Remember, never let the process run on its own, always control the work on your site. Follow the correct execution of your tasks and you will be satisfied and satisfied with the quality of work on your site. Most of the robot's communication is effective result, and chi is not a process.

Yandex finds a response to the correspondent's request, providing information on the results page and sending it on the Internet. We created and developed a search, based on our understanding, of what is needed by investors, and what information is valuable.

Therefore, further recommendations, placed below, will help in indexing and ranking your site better, as the use of deceptive techniques can lead to a decrease in your position or exclusion from search.

Basic principles

    Think about koristuvachs, not about search systems. Why would you create a website, a side page or any other element if you weren’t kidding? Why do customers come to your website and why is your online store equipped with search engines?

    Be honest. Getting reporters for queries that your site can’t answer doesn’t mean getting rid of them. Think about what the customer rejects when they come to your site.

Apply to principles

Just because in this section there are no descriptions of the technique that helps to get a piece of the ranking of the site in Yandex, this does not mean that we are in the same place. Pursue a healthy understanding of the principles described above.

We urge you not to index or rank highly:

    Sites that deceive traders: when any file is encroached (audio, video, torrent file, etc.), a third-party program is encroached. Or a third-party program is located under the guise of a popular add-on, etc. The example of such destruction is the so-called burner program.

    Sites that copy or rewrite information from other resources do not create original content.

    Sites that copy or rewrite information from other resources, with low-quality automatic translation of other content, which does not create original content.

    Sides and sites, the only method of which is redirection of the link to another resource, automatically (redirect) or voluntarily.

    Automatically generated (silent) text.

    Sites with catalogs (articles, programs, businesses, etc.), because they are also content aggregators, do not create texts and descriptions independently and do not provide the same unique service.

    Sites that provide different content to search engines and search engine robots (“cloaking”),

    Sites that offer products or information for affiliate programs do not provide any value to the marketer.

Author's view: I fly, dear friends! I dedicate my post to everyone who has the urge to go to the office day after day and finish the boring routine of work. If you don’t know how to straighten your potential and love for computers, then this article is for you! I will tell you how to become a webmaster and make money on this nasty pittance.

Pros and cons of robots by web master

Everyone who cares about nutrition, as a webmaster from scratch, also understands that this profession has not without its advantages, but also its shortcomings. On the one hand, there is complete freedom of action, on the other, there are various problems that you have to deal with on your own. Let's take a look at the main advantages of a robot webmaster:

you are responsible for yourself, work without bosses and have a clear schedule, you don’t have to get up early and don’t have to worry about the huge transport to work;

You can buy it absolutely straight away, by using expensive light - smut, so that you have access to the Internet;

In order to get started, you practically won’t need any investment - you’ll only need to spend on the domain and hosting;

JavaScript. Quick start

You can use the site for your other interests;

There is no financial boundary, your income will grow in parallel with the popularity of the resource;

Any asset can be sold through exchanges.

Webmastering today is one of the most promising areas in the Internet sphere, however, it also has its disadvantages:

you may forget about stability, even if your income floats;

the niche is competitive, it is important for it to develop;

income begins to appear immediately;

need to be thoroughly optimized and taken into account;

From now on there is a risk of spending all your assets, for example, if the site is destroyed under the sanctions of search engines;

Often, expenses can go beyond the boundaries (recruitment of freelancers, purchase of orders, templates, etc.).

Who is a webmaster and what do you need to sign up for?

First of all, enroll in a web master’s course to clearly understand what this profession itself includes. Since webmaster literally means a person who creates websites, then we will look at the application of developing a website.

JavaScript. Quick start

Learn the basics of JavaScript in a practical application for creating web programs

With the help of your program, the program creates pages for the site and combines them into a whole object, after which it layouts it for correct display in browsers. At the same time, a web designer works with the programmer, who breaks down the layout of the site and develops the appearance of the interface.

To create a site, you also need an optimizer that will create a semantic core and determine which keywords the site will use. It is also necessary to enter sites through purchases by asking for these key queries and more.

So, a professional webmaster can do everything himself! Well, it turns out that a webmaster is a programmer, web designer, layout designer, administrator, moderator and SEO copywriter in one person!

What knowledge do you need to learn to become a webmaster?

Before becoming a webmaster, it is necessary to become familiar with and master the technology, software and systems. It’s a pity that you won’t be able to become a web master without knowledge of programming. I will tell you which sequence is better for earning money and gaining respect.

The first step is to achieve mastery. You must not only learn to understand them, to type out simple signs, but, at a minimum, learn cross-browser block layout and learn to write valid code. This is all the foundation of your future profession. It’s impossible to be incompetent with these technologies, since it’s already difficult for you at the first stage, I recommend that you follow the video tutorials or quickly.

Another tool will be Photoshop. It is necessary to learn not just how to edit pictures from ready-made layouts, but also how to create hand-made layouts.

JavaScript, jQuery, Mootools - without them, the modern web would be useless. A wide range of floating windows, carousels, sliders, curators and other dynamic components of websites.

Your PHP and Perl programming will receive a lot more attention, and almost all of the functionality will be stored in the scripts written on them. Among the core of scripts lies the security of the site, its speed of operation, support from third-party developers and possible scalability. In other words, you must get into the habit of writing clear codes so that you don’t end up in trouble for your site. You can start learning from cursives or books.

It is impossible to become a full-time web master without knowledge of the database industry. I recommend that you start with MySQL-based databases. It is your responsibility to optimize and correctly configure the system, understand the operating principles and know all the intricacies of the MySQL server. Let’s not ask to learn how to do this.

Once you have become overwhelmed with everything you have been given, it is not a good idea to rest on what you have achieved. Continue to develop as a webmaster and master at least one UNIX-like operating system - CentOS, Ubuntu, Debian or FreeBSD. It is possible that you will never need to compile the system kernel with different parameters, otherwise the adjustment and installation of any services will need to be done frequently.

Learn how to set up basic commands for working with the command line and learn how to configure PHP, MySQL, Nginx, Apache. Get used to robotic control systems GIT and SVN. Spend an hour testing, commenting and documenting projects.

How can a webmaster know clients?

If you have completed the webmaster's course or learned the necessary knowledge on your own, you are faced with the question: How to find clients willing to pay good money? First of all, we need to expand information about the change in qualifications among our friends (“word of mouth” has a positive effect).

A lot of deputies are searching for their Vikonavian, using specialized tender resources. As a rule, the choice is made based on the following indicators: evidence, specialty, terms, varity. Therefore, it is difficult to take part in tenders, and there is a high probability that you yourself will approach the deputy.

If you have a well-promoted website, clients will be able to find you themselves. And many of them search for webmasters through search systems. Join thematic forums and blogs, attend specialized conferences - find out that the managers you find there are ready to pay for a good job.

He will drink on the web masters until humanity has access to the Internet. If you have already taken up this profession, do not hesitate, keep pace with progress, develop and learn new technologies and programs. Invest in yourself, and your price on the market will gradually increase. As it seems, “what went into the forest are the same partisans.”

That's all. If my article was interesting to you, share it with your friends and subscribe to our blog. Boo!

JavaScript. Quick start

Learn the basics of JavaScript in a practical application for creating web programs

A webmaster is a specialist with a wide profile. He is responsible for the administration, maintenance, and updates of the site, ensuring its reliable functioning. If you deal with hosting, you can create a small website yourself, replacing a whole team of fayts – designer, layout designer, programmer.

Who is a webmaster

Webmaster is a richly specialized profession, and the amount of information you receive is important. The webmaster is engaged in the development of the resource and its upgrade. The webmaster has no clear instructions between the two. In one case, he is more in command of the work of the distributors, in another case, he himself decides on the task.

And yet, there are a number of important tasks that the webmaster must deal with in due course. All this is due to the development of the Internet resource.

  • Our specialist is responsible for administration, support and updating of the site.
  • The future goal is to increase traffic (from traffic) due to additional SEO and advertising. A website without traffic will predict a hotel without guests and profit.
  • Web analytics and marketing are an important part of the webmaster. It is your responsibility to constantly monitor who, when the signs come, work on new ideas and endlessly develop in the right direction. One goal is to collect traffic, the other is to monetize it.
  • Sometimes it is necessary to compose more competent technical specifications for programmers, copywriters and designers. As a webmaster, you can’t do everything with your hands; there are difficult tasks that require additional help (but not everyone). But it happens, it’s just necessary to delegate to someone the songs are forgotten, the hour is not humovical.
  • Selects hourly or weather permitting audio and video content to the site
  • There will be a long-term development strategy for the project.

If you add a little romanticism, then the webmaster is a sculptor! You should especially develop your project and know how to develop it, where to submit it, or what to submit.

At school or university, it is rarely possible to learn about this profession simply to someone who cannot specifically learn about this craft. Accepted at the time of writing this article.

Webmasters are seeing success in many places. Freelance, it is necessary to conduct SEO analysis of the site, find out the weak points or simply provide guidance. Or in online agencies, webmasters are recruited from the staff to deal with the maintenance and management of sites. In addition, most often webmasters take on the task of planting the core of projects in E-commerce.

It is normal practice that only one leader will lead your project to success. Just remember: you have a website, a blog is being actively maintained on it, and more changes are constantly being made to the design. Or maybe you have a whole CRM system on your website, which requires you to ensure that everything runs smoothly, and if it breaks, your business doesn’t stop for long.

Hiring a programmer on staff is too expensive, but handing over the project to the best decision-makers will be even 2 times cheaper. For example, we monitor several sites of our clients and they are satisfied with our treatment.

How can I become a webmaster?

Most often, a webmaster tries to kill himself. Web masters with classical IT knowledge, and also humanities specialists, for which site development is closely related to the activity of any hobby. People become webmasters without even realizing it, they just get busy, learn and learn new things, and at some point realize that they don’t need a program.

The webmaster's "package of knowledge" can be different for every person. If you want to work for someone, taking this posad, then you definitely need to know:

  • HTML and CSS layout
  • SEO Basics
  • Several types of CMS (website management system)
  • One language web program. PHP chi JavaScript. In the process, the work as a whole really takes into account the resentment and holds them on a decent level.
  • For the fruits: one or two popular frameworks (tools) for mobile programming. For example, JQuery and Vue.js for JavaScript. І Laravel for PHP.

What should I read?

You can enroll in a program at the university, where they will give you a basic knowledge of all the overexposed things. Or special courses can help, since technologies are getting old very quickly. For example, SEO is changing so rapidly that everyone will have to update their knowledge.

Besides being a professional farmer, you will still have to tolerate “simple” people, because you will need to work with them, and the intelligence of IT technologies in Russia is still at a low level. If you practice on yourself, you won’t hurt your clients right away. For everything you will have the opportunity to earn first-rate work for the “holy” or the like!

Lots of guys are starting to work in the process, let’s start the trouble! You can find videos and good books for learning, and even better, find a good mentor. A great number of people spend their nerves in search of an intelligent assistant. You don’t have to worry about all aspects of your activity; first of all, practice just one skill (for example,) and start practicing in collaboration with other masters.

Before speaking, if you need results here and immediately and you don’t know how to improve the efficiency of the site, go to. Websites are our “water” and we know much more about them than the statistics have revealed. And if there is any food, put it here or write to the group