Why does the macbook pro not turn on? Why does your Mac not turn on and show a signal after updating Mac OS? How can you verify

None of us will doubt the reliability of MacBooks from Apple, even if the 2008 model is still a good competitor to today's laptops. It can be stated with certainty that the Apple Macbook works without freezing and practically does not break, however, this does not mean that in some situations the laptop will perform like a good old man. We would like to present the possible explanations why the MacBook does not turn on and their solutions in this article for our readers.

The first sign that you are not interested in a Macbook is that an icon that looks like a gray folder with a power sign may appear on the computer screen. However, there is no reason to panic, since the reliability of the technology allows you to save your data before the computer is turned off. Assuming that there is no system failure, then, no matter what, the internal memory of the device has safely saved all the information.

How can I get started on Macbook Pro and Macbook Air?

If your MacBook has a slight hang up and you want to quickly update all the data without spending any money, then you need to cancel the EFI memory upgrade. To do this, turn on the computer, and then press the Command P R Option buttons, press the power key, and then continue to press all the keys until the system appears on the computer screen. This maneuver will help you resolve frozen systems and save data that is saved on your computer, as well as resume work on your Macbook. It’s best to create a backup copy of your computer’s data in case of an unforeseen malfunction.

If after the operation your MacBook Air will no longer start up on its own, turn over the hard drive, as well as the moment you connect the HDD and connect the cable to the motherboard.

Recovering data when your MacBook is frozen is one of the main tasks, so you need to know the order of the steps that will be taken so that your computer will be updated again with all the data. Ale from the start it’s necessary to stop, why is it so stuck? First, there could be a problem with the computer, or itself: a memory loss, a problem in the processor, a failure of the controller and other reasons. Otherwise, a breakdown may occur with the operating system, for example, if it is updated to EI Capitan. Thirdly, the reason for the freeze may be due to the faulty new connection, if you are not familiar with the computer. Otherwise, you just need to connect all additional connections to the device from USB ports.

In order to correctly determine the cause of the failure, you need to check the battery and make sure that it is not discharged or has not powered up, and even if the battery is discharged while updating the OS programs on MacBooks, then the entire system will freeze. Well, let’s take a look at a number of ways to solve this problem of freezing on your computer.

Method 1. Safe Boot - safe boot mode

First of all, check the security mode, so that the MacBook will only scan the content when it starts. To do this, deactivate your MacBook and then turn it on in mode with the “SHIFT” button pressed. Launching a MacBook this way takes about an hour, so it’s not worth rushing, and it’s even more important to save money.

If you happen to carry out a more detailed search for further reasons for the failure, you will need to download the MacBook file using three buttons: Command + Shift + V. You can also launch Safe Mode on your Macbook and look at the details of launching Verbose Mode. including reasons problems.

What does detailed mode mean? Verbose Mode is a method of downloading an operation in which specific information about downloaded driver files, programs and displays all that are being downloaded in the system processes during the download of MacBooks appears on the display.

If after the above-described modification your computer can be completely updated, then proceed with the standard reinstallation of the operating system. If this method did not help you solve the problem of your Macbook freezing, then we further recommend that you try the next method to solve the problem.

Method 2. Enchant via Disk Utility

It is understood that the MacBook may not turn on or freeze for various reasons. If we assume that it is not the problem with the leak, but that the hard drive is to blame, then it will not be difficult to verify the cause if you run Disk Utility or Disk Utility on your MAC.

To get started you will need to plug in your computer. If your MacBook displays a blue, gray or other color screen with the turn button, then, unfortunately, you will have to turn on your Mac by pressing the computer start button for 5-8 seconds.

Next, to activate Disk Utility, you need to enable the update mode on your operating system. You can earn money this way. Press two buttons at the same time Command and R and launch the life button. Upon successful login, you will see a screen with MAC OS X Utilities. Now look for the Disk Utility icon on the open screen to activate it. Next, press the name of your MAC's hard drive, which is located on the middle screen of Disk Programs. Next, run the Verify Disk row through the activation process and check for completion. When completed, activate the verification process by clicking Repair Disk on the row. You will no longer be able to restart your computer.

Method 3. Launch a new disk

It is better to be on the safe side in order to deal with such a situation if you have no backup copy of your data and your computer has suddenly frozen. Let me tell you, you have saved backup copies of your data more than once, but how can you get to them now? This problem can easily be solved on your Apple Macbook, as you can solve it with a special external disk mode - Target Disk Mode.

The sequence of actions to start the external disk is in the initial order. To get started you won't need an additional MAC computer. If you find another computer, connect them with a certified Thunderbolt cable. The next step is to turn off your MacBook, and if necessary, press the Power button for a few seconds until the laptop can be turned on. Once your computer is fully engaged, immediately press the “T” key and press it until the Thunderbolt entry appears on your frozen color display in front of the icon.

This starts the external disk mode. In essence, the laptop plays the role of an external disk, and not your regular computer. Once everything is completed, the new device will appear on the display in the Finder - a new hard drive. Taking advantage of such unimportant precautions, you can copy and save all your necessary data first, so you can update your computer.

After you have saved everything to your external hard drive, you will need to move it to the Finder, just like the real drive. Then unplug the Thunderbolt cable and start the laptop by pressing the Power button again.

Method 4. Restarting the operating system

If all of these methods fail to produce positive results, and your MAC is still hanging, you will lose the other option - reinstalling OS X. To follow the rules, you need to turn on the laptop in update mode and repeat all the steps exactly. and in option 2 .zocrema, launches a MacBook with the R + Command buttons pressed.

After the operating system starts, find the Reinstall OS X row and follow the instructions that appear on the display to follow all the steps to restart the operation.

Since after all the work has been completed, your MAC does not start again, then, unfortunately, there are still problems with “getting in” and you need to go to the service center, as some parts have gone wrong, or the cable has broken. However, such a problem can also occur by replacing the old one or connecting a new device that is not compatible with your OS X. For example, if you install someone else’s memory module on your MAC. Therefore, carry out repairs of your devices only in certified service centers and do not go cheap.

Let's not talk about Apple's reliability for the 100th time. Everything is falling apart.

All in all, this episode is marvelous, almost paranormal - at least that’s what it seems like when he’s messing with you.

Given: a new MacBook in a permanent state and without repair. Sit and follow him. Rapt once and get into it. Without warning, the screen went out and the food was turned off.

You try to turn it on, but it doesn’t respond. Nyak. After pressing the power button, connecting the charging cable, changing the charging device. Just zero reaction.

Don’t rush to go to the service center just yet. So don’t rush, don’t rush. It is possible that this problem can be solved right away.

I've stuck with rapto vimicanny Mac 2 times in 1 week

I believe in quirkiness, I respect that which has “mercied” me the most. Well, what place can anyone of you ask?

Just recently, my colleague experienced the problem described above on his MacBook Pro. The computer simply turned on straight away and no longer showed any signs of life. After trying different charges, cables, open and close the cover. Marno.

A few days later the situation repeated itself with me and the 12-inch MacBook. Just furnish it differently.

I didn’t have a rapt connection. The MacBook lost 2% of its charge when the VIN went out. Without thinking anything bad, I put it in my bag and forgot about it. I put it on charge in the evening.

I open the wound and try to turn it on - no reaction.

The laptop just seemed completely dead. It’s amazing - it’s just like a computer, and now it’s just a piece of metal with buttons. And after all, you are not guilty.

If you experience something like this, don’t fall into the situation: for everything, on the right there is a malfunction of the SMC controller.

What is an SMC controller and what is it needed?

Literally, SMC stands for System Management Controller, which is a system management controller.

There is a chip on the motherboard that contains a number of specific tasks. Quoting the official Apple website, SMC stands for:

  • reaction to pressing the life button
  • reaction to opening and closing the display cover on Mac laptops
  • battery resource management
  • temperature control
  • rapt sensor robot ruhu (SMS)
  • external brightness sensor robot
  • keyboard backlight
  • managing the indicator
  • battery indicators
  • Select an external (instead of internal) video source for all iMac displays.

SMC controllers are installed on all MacBooks with Intel processors. In ideal conditions, the stench will function without problems.

Ale, the active SMCs can start to get stupid. The reason cannot be guessed and cannot be diagnosed in the minds of home. There may be problems after a recent update or update of the system from a backup copy, or voltage surges in the power supply when the battery is charged. Or something else.

If it is difficult to determine the cause of the SMC controller failure, then you will note the problems themselves immediately.

Once again, go to the official Apple website for a list of situations that require setting up the SMC controller:

  • Computer fans are designed with high speed, so that the computer does not require much ventilation and is properly ventilated.
  • The backlighting of the keyboard does not work properly.
  • The indicator will (if obvious) light up incorrectly.
  • Battery indicators (if present) do not function correctly on Mac laptops with an unknown battery.
  • The display backlight does not respond correctly to changes in ambient brightness.
  • The Mac computer does not respond to pressing the Live button.
  • Your Mac laptop does not respond correctly when the lid is closed or opened.
  • The Mac computer randomly goes into sleep mode or freezes, after which it cannot be turned on.
  • It is impossible to charge your phone properly.
  • MacBook or MacBook Pro It is not possible to charge the phone through the USB-C port.
  • Your MacBook or MacBook Pro does not recognize external devices connected to its built-in USB-C port.
  • The MagSafe Charging Adapter LED (if present) does not correctly indicate the charging status.
  • Your Mac runs smoothly, regardless of the super-intense CPU usage.
  • A Mac computer with support for the external display mode does not switch to the external display mode or back again, or switches uncontrollably.
  • I/O port lighting on a Mac Pro (Late 2013) does NOT activate when the computer is moved.

Normal, right? Reading this entire list makes you absolutely necessary to reset the SMC settings on your Mac, no matter what you do. Raptom will become more beautiful.

Fortunately, the procedure for deleting SMC is safe, does not lead to negative consequences, and is often stuck in Apple service centers as a first step to remove the money from the rulers. You will not lose any data or settings. All files will be in place.

As you already guessed, the very removal of SMC helped me and the wheels revive our MacBooks. However, the procedure was not as simple as it was described on the Apple website.

How can I send SMC to my mother?

If you have a MacBook with a weak battery: Turn off the MacBook (as soon as it is turned on), press the CMD (command) + Option (alt) + Shift keys on the left side of the keyboard, and press the power button with the other hand. Keep pressing and pressing for 10 seconds, then release. Shut down your Mac to start calling.

If your MacBook has a bad battery: wake up yogo, it's time to get updated. To be honest, you need to plug in the battery, remove the battery, press the power button for five seconds, then release it, put the battery back in and turn on the laptop normally.

If you have a desktop Mac, iMac, or Mac mini: turn it on, unplug the power cable, wait 15 seconds. Insert the cable back. Wait another 5 seconds, turn it on when it starts ringing.

If you have an iMac Pro: turn it off, press the power button for 8 seconds, release it for 2 seconds and then just press.

Mac computers do not report those that have been configured with SMC and have been successfully removed. If your problem has not been solved, if you want to figure out why the discount is not working, try again. Once again.

Damn it, try ten times. Because, for some unknown reason, it’s even rare to get out the first time.

It was almost a hundred times that I tried it that brought me success. Mac turned on quickly, began to charge and began to behave, nothing terrible happened.

Why didn’t you remove the SMC and the Mac still won’t turn on?

I strongly recommend trying to delete SMC at least five times. This caution is confirmed by the numbers of those on recent forums. For some reason, the key combination is set to be even smaller in new MacBook models.

If your Macbook doesn't turn on, that's no reason to worry. According to the representatives of the Macrepublic service center, another Apple laptop, which has been stuck and won’t turn on, can easily be revived in the home.

Our achievements

Let's take a look at the report and see how it works.

check the monitor

First of all, you need to turn off the display malfunction. It is possible that the Macbook Pro screen does not turn on, but other system devices are working fine. Just before the start, there is a slight noise from the fan, an indication and a distinct melody of the OS start up, but the screen turns black, which means it disappears. Only the service center can resolve the problem.

check the food

The most common reason why Pro, Air, Retina, Macbook does not turn on is the lack of food. Therefore, in case of similar problems, follow these steps:

    Check the connection of the power cord to the adapter and socket.

    Switch to the usefulness of the socket.

    Check the cord and adapter again on other devices.

    Check the integrity of the charging plug. Clean your saw and smittya.

    Turn on the battery power supply

Other ways to turn on Macbook

    A malfunction in the controller or memory modules can also cause your Macbook to not turn on. Put it in place by restarting and turn off life for 10 seconds.

    If Pro, Air, Retina, Macbook does not turn on, you can try resetting the system management controller parameters. The drop is determined by synchronized pressing of the “Option”, “Control”, “Shift” and “Power” keys. In this case, the power cord is connected to the laptop, and the buttons are released immediately. After this, you can try turning on the MacBook again.

    Another workaround if the Macbook Pro screen does not turn on is to restart PRAM / NVRAM. Restart is carried out by pressing and pressing the “Power”, “Option”, “R” and “P” buttons until the black screen changes to gray and restarting is possible.

    A surge in voltage or food problems can also be the reasons for MacBooks not turning on. The “Power Manager” controls the storage and blocks the laptop from being turned on. Turn off the manager's action to help with the following actions: When MacBooks overheat, you should also be careful not to turn off. You can turn on the device only after it has completely cooled down.

    • connect the gadget to the network;
    • viluchiti battery;
    • press the “Power” key and hold for 5-10 seconds;
    • insert the battery back;
    • Try turning on the laptop again.
  1. When MacBooks overheat, disconnection is also prevented. You can turn on the device only after it has completely cooled down.

    If Pro, Air, Retina, Macbook does not turn on after updating, you need to save it in safe mode by pressing the “Shift” button before starting.

It’s a pity that anyone who uses a computer may encounter a problem if the operating system Mac is not interested And it seems to get stuck in the process of attraction. As a rule, it looks like this: the computer begins to be enchanted, the Apple logo appears on the screen, and then nothing appears - the system is not enchanted, and the computer does not respond to anything other than turning off the Primus with the food button . In other cases, an attraction indicator may appear under the “apple” logo (similar to the one shown in the picture), but then nothing will appear. Why is there such a concern and how can we fight against it? What is needed in such episodes? Let's sort it out in order.

Why Mac doesn't get hooked and gets stuck on the Apple logo

The reasons why Mac is no longer attractive may be different:

  • Cleaning up the operating system due to corruption of important system files (for example, due to incorrect installation of system component updates, or installation of a new OS).
  • Corruption of system files through the use of a malicious software.
  • Availability of free space on your favorite computer volume.
  • The impossibility means that it can be done through software fixes or damage to the hard drive cable (a clear symptom of which).
  • Malfunction of hardware components (damaged hard drive or SSD, defective video chip, etc.).

The Mac doesn't start up and freezes. What is it timid?

Depending on the causes of the problem, various variations and solutions emerge. You can try these steps yourself, but others can only be done in the service center. Below are some recommendations that you can make if your Mac stops engaging and gets stuck on the Apple logo or attraction indicators. Let's keep it simple.

Enchanted in safe mode

Few people know that the MacOS operating system allows you to use Safe mode, which allows you to detect various system fixing programs. The Safe Mode regime has a core \ u200b \ u200bsystemi with the main important functions, and the composite is the transfer of the file systems to the pardon of the pardon of the pardon of the gravity of the gravity of the pound, and the minute, and the minute. Therefore, in most cases, running your Mac in Safe Mode with the correct software restarting may cause the problem, if your Mac won't start and freezes.

In order to put your Mac (it doesn’t matter whether it’s a MacBook, iMac or Mac Mini) in Safe Mode, you need to When the computer is turned on, press the "Shift" key on the keyboard and press until the attention indicator lights up. It is important to note that booting up MacOS in Safe Mode takes significantly more than an hour compared to booting up the operating system as standard, so we recommend being patient.

Correction of errors for additional disk utility

Disk Utility is a specialized add-on for working with a backup volume and the MacOS file system, which allows, in addition to the standard functions of formatting or partitioning a disk, to check the disk and backup partition for There are permissions and the correctness of access rights to system files.

To run Disk Utility, if it does not allow you to download in normal mode, you will need to download disk space from the installed MacOS update partition. For whom is it necessary When the computer is turned on, press the Alt / Option (⌥) button And wait until the selection of storage sections appears on the screen, then select the update section (Recovery). Primus software from the MacOS update section can be activated by pressing the keys Command (⌘) -R when starting the computer.

If the update partition is launched, you must select the "Disk Utility" item:

In Disk Utility, select the “First Help” section and click “Run” (available for MacOS versions of El Capitan and Sierra), or manually select “Check the disk” and “Check access rights” (available for OS X Yosemite and older). If, at the end of the process, the disk utility informs you that the disk is good or has updates, then try restarting the computer and checking the installed operating system again. In order to successfully correct detected bugs, MacOS must correctly restart in normal mode.

If, during the recheck process, the disk utility displays notifications about damages that cannot be corrected, you may want to think about how to save important files and documents, and then reinstall the operating system.

Reinstallation of the MacOS operating system

If the Mac does not boot up and freezes on the boot indicator, and updating using standard methods does not give any results, then, most likely, you will hardly be able to do without reinstalling the operating system. In view of the fact that the computer is not activated, retrieving files and documents from the accountant can be very problematic.

In order to download files from something you can’t launch, you need to either connect the computer to another Mac in external disk mode (this method is not easy and requires the use of another Mac computer, a FireWire or Thunderbolt cable, and also suvorogo the same version of Mac OS on both computers), or connect to the computer from an external device with an installed operating system, or use special software for downloading and transferring data.

Unfortunately, there is no way for any Mac user to carry out similar manipulations, and the situation arises when their computer stops loading correctly and freezes, and simple methods do not help with the underlying problem, I simply don’t know Well, why bother? If your MacBook Pro, MacBook Air or iMac is not connected or the operating system freezes when connected, you can now contact our service center for help. We will carry out as quickly as possible all your concerns about saving important data and important adjustments, which our computers are designed for your computer, so that you can enjoy your stable work for a long time.

If your MacBook freezes on the apple, it can be fixed quickly - in 30 minutes. Turn around!


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11 comments to the article "What to do if the Mac is not attracted and gets stuck on the Apple logo"

    I have exactly the same problem - the Mac doesn’t show up and gets stuck on the Apple logo
    It hangs on the apple for a long time, then the chamomile appears and begins to spin, and so on ad infinitum.
    I have important data there and I’m afraid of wasting it. Can you update my details and the usefulness of my MacBook?

    • Hello Oleksandr!
      Sometimes, similar problems are associated with physical failure of the hard drive on your Macbook. Unfortunately, hard drives on MacBooks fail well and not as rarely as we would like. If you have such a situation, then we will need to earnestly collect the data that can be saved. After you buy a new hard drive, install it, and turn all your savings back, installing the system before.
      The availability of such a service is agreed with the client after thorough diagnostics for damage to the hard drive.

If you read this article, then you clearly have problems with Apple brand technology. Don’t get embarrassed, it’s possible that the problem is not that serious and you can solve it on your own, without going to the extent of getting help from the fakers. We are often confronted with such problems as problems with the MacBook. It would seem that perfect technology would be ideal - what problems could there be? Unfortunately, the manufacturer cannot provide a full-time guarantee, and the reliability of Apple laptops is highly dependent on serious damage. Today we’ll talk about how to identify the cause of problems in your MacBook on your own and when you can turn to the fakers.

MacBook won't turn on - what to do?

First, don’t panic about your drive and run to the service, give your device “first computer help.” The algorithms described below will help determine the cause and, possibly, find a solution.

Problems with charging

First of all, make sure that you plug the charger into the socket, otherwise it may fail and the charging process will not fail. If the socket is working properly, look at the cord and adapter; the computer may be damaged due to its malfunction.

Maybe a faulty display?

To remove the voltage from this food, we need to step in the following steps:

  • Turn on and listen: there is a distinct melody of inspiration or the noise of the fans and disks - the screen is faulty;
  • Activate the Caps Lock key - as soon as the light indicator turns on, then again there is a problem with the screen.

It's not a display

Take a deep breath and calmly remove the power cord from all sockets connected to printers, scanners and other devices. Then we calm down and calm the nervous system with a stretch of medicine - everything is not so scary, right? Next, connect charging. Included. Pishov process? Chuckle and with a hint of pride you can turn to the same printer again. As if nothing happened. That's how it goes.

Reset the system control controller

Another step is the removal of the controller to control the system (besides, the removal of this controller has a positive impact on the operation of the fan, which will no longer operate quietly). This is necessary for the same reason, because if the settings are not correct, the MacBook cannot recognize its battery. For whom:

  • We connect the MagSafe or USB-C living unit to the living device and to the computer.
  • Press the Shift-Control-Option (left) keys and the Live button on the new keyboard at the same time.
  • The keys and storage buttons are immediately released.
  • Press the power button to turn off the computer.


MacBook flooded with wilderness

The help device looks like it's going to work: just quickly unplug the power cord, pull out the battery, turn the device over and let it sit for three days until it dries up completely. Then you can’t bring it into the service, or you can turn it on, counting on your luck. Remember: the amount of spilled water on a Mac means the scale of the legacy - pure warm water is not as bad as Pepsi with ice, spilled on a non-flammable hard drive.

The device constantly vibrates when in use

This problem is definitely problematic for those who like to sit at work in a smoky business or in the company of a smoky cat. Brud, who wastes it on the cooler, consumes his robot and literally condemns this part and the computer as a whole to a complete and painful death.

MacBook is working really hard

In such a situation, we immediately urge you to create a selection in your device! A demanding desktop, a bunch of unnecessary, or “cool” add-ons, constant software updates - everything will bore your machine and protest against such a setup! Reinstall the system and organize your files, and your Mac will happily start up with new vigor. Didn't help? Now your MacBook will be running with a new SSD drive and a large amount of RAM.

Your strength has been exhausted...

If the above descriptions did not give a positive result, or other problems have arisen, we strongly recommend that you seek qualified assistance.

Reminder for MacBook koristuvach

In order to avoid having to immediately contact the police for technical assistance, remember and follow the simple rules for using the device:

  • It is necessary to work with the computer only on a clean surface: sawdust, waste and the hair of domestic animals are not the best friends of a fan;
  • Don’t put your MacBook on hold, because a careless wave of your hand could result in expensive repairs;
  • Be careful with transportation: falling from heights is a quick way to check the accuracy of assembling equipment;
  • If you are not fully capable of installing, adjusting the work and updating the software, please trust the representatives;
  • If your outlet periodically becomes dim, do not play Russian roulette with the wiring by inserting the MacBook charger plug into the socket.