How to download iOS 9. How to download the iOS version on iPhone, iPad. Enabling the “Find My iPhone” function

Have you been hesitant about upgrading your iPhone or iPad to iOS 10, only to realize that the firmware is causing problems that you no longer want to endure?

You're not alone - wealthy homeowners have experienced problems with low battery drain and decreased productivity. If you are one of these hackers who are trying to get rid of the old version of iOS, then you must know the whole truth about the situation with the update on the old version.

Just a month after the release of iOS 10, Apple stopped signing the iOS 9.3.5 version, which means it is impossible to upgrade from new versions. The same applies to versions 10.1 and 10.2. According to Apple, all the benefits that previously required customers to fully enjoy iOS 10 have been removed and there is no need to revert to older versions, which could threaten the security of their customers’ data.

Until the end of 2016, users could download the software in the standard way - by downloading the IPSW file of the latest version of iOS using iTunes. But now Apple, having covered up this opportunity and the developers who rushed to try new opportunities, is left with no other way out than to find non-traditional methods of solving the problem.

In early 2016, a hacker known as tihmstar released the Prometheus utility, which, in addition to saving digital certificates SHSH blobs, could be used on an older version of iOS. Ale, right before the New Rock, Apple blocked the utility that prevented the robot from servers that provide digital signatures. As a result, everyone who wanted to obtain digital certificates only received permission from the server.

Until late 2017, the author of the utility managed to find a solution to bypass the blocking and some hackers were able to quickly use the utility for downgrade (downgrade or upgrade). It only worked in the middle of 10.0.x - 10.2.1, since SHSH blobs were saved in the future. For example, with the help of Prometheus, you can save SHSH blobs certificates for iOS 10.2, upgrade to 10.2.1, and then roll back to the previous version.

Since there is a problem with upgrading from iOS 10.Х.Х to iOS 9.Х.Х, Apple has put a bold check on it, blocking the possibility of switching to the old version. When you try to install an old version of iOS, iTunes uploads certificates to the server in order to activate the firmware. Since Apple considers firmware lower than 10.2 irrelevant, the buyer simply removes the amendment, which is due to the absence of digital signatures.

Thus, iOS users are deprived of the benefits of current versions of firmware and will only update if they are told that new versions are released without compromising the benefits.
As soon as new methods of downgrading on the old version appear, we will definitely inform you about it.

It is possible to upgrade to a previous version of the operating system. Apple has traditionally removed this ability unnecessarily after the release of a new OS. After the update is released, the company still sees certificates for iOS 8.4.1.

The 16th update of iOS 9 was released with a great software release with a great list of changes and additions. Prosecutions for users of iPhone and iPad inform about problems in the operation of devices. The problems began even at the stage of waiting for the update, when people could not cancel their obligations to the distribution due to the unavailability of Apple services.

iOS devices suffer from incorrect Wi-Fi operation, missing menu items in the settings, graphic artifacts when the interface is displayed, or a suspended operating system. Among the innovations in iOS 9 are improved energy saving algorithms, but in reality, the battery of gadgets drains charge too intensively.

It is clear that the iOS 9 update will correct these problems, but before that it will be possible to finish the downgrade procedure - upgrading to the iOS 8 firmware. The information is only about the iOS 8.4.1 version - for it Apple still allows digital signatures. Please remember that the situation may change at any moment.


  • iPhone or iPad running iOS 9.0.
  • iOS 8.4.1 firmware file in IPSW format.
  • iTunes 12.3 for Mac or Windows.

How to get a subscription from iOS 9.0 to iOS 8.4.1:

Krok 1: Download the iOS 8.4.1 IPSW file as quickly as possible.

krok 2 Make sure you have the latest version of iTunes installed. You can download iTunes 12.3.

krok 3: Create a backup of data on the device. You can do this by going to settings in iCloud -> Backup -> Create a backup, or by connecting your iPhone or iPad to your computer and saving the backup using iTunes.

krok 4: Press Touch ID/Password in the main setup section.

krok 5 Turn on the “Find My iPhone” function in the Settings -> iCloud section.

krok 6: Connect your iPhone or iPad with iOS 9.0 on board to your computer.

krok 7 Open iTunes and select the icon of your gadget in the top program panel.

krok 8: While holding Shift on your keyboard (or Alt on OS X), click the “Renew” button.

krok 9: In the program window, enter the iOS 8.4.1 firmware file, download on the shortcut 1.

krok 10: Wait until the procedure is completed, the OS update process will take every hour. Now you can use the device with iOS 8.4.1.

On iPhone and iPad, you can downgrade to a previous version of the OS. Traditionally, after the release of a new edition of the proprietary “axis”, Apple makes this capability unnecessary. After the release of the cumulative update, the company still sees certificates for iOS 9.2.1.

The 21st firmware of iOS 9.3 was released - a great software release with a great flurry of changes. The main innovations can be called support for the Night Shift mode, which at night automatically reduces the color temperature of the display to the warm end of the spectrum. Research has shown that the bright blue color in the evening can influence a person's circadian rhythms, which makes sleep more difficult. Other innovations include password-protected Notes, an upgraded version of the Apple News app, and updates to the CarPlay interface.

Based on benchmark tests, iOS 9.3 performs better than iOS 9.2.1 when it comes to productivity. These actions can result in accelerated battery discharge of your devices and problems with activating gadgets. In such cases, you can quickly follow the instructions for downgrading to a previous version of the OS. Another reason why a developer may want to downgrade is jailbreak. As of the latest information, the upcoming exploit will NOT be available for the latest version of the OS for the first hour.

It is significant that we are talking about turning only on iOS 9.2.1 - Apple still provides digital certificates for it. The situation may change at any moment.


  • iPhone or iPad running iOS 9.3.
  • iOS 9.2.1 IPSW file.
  • iTunes 12.3.3 for Mac or Windows.

How to get a subscription from iOS 9.3 to iOS 9.2.1:

Krok 1 Download the iOS 9.2.1 file from Apple servers as quickly as possible.

krok 2 Make sure you have installed iTunes 12.3.3. You can download the remaining version on this page.

krok 3: Create a backup copy of your data. You can do this by setting up your iPhone or iPad: iCloud -> Backup -> Create a backup, or by connecting your mobile device to your computer and saving a backup using iTunes.

krok 4 Turn on the Touch ID / password function in the General settings section.

krok 5: At this stage, you must turn on “Find iPhone”. The option is located in the Setup menu -> iCloud.

krok 6: Connect iPhone, iPad or iPod touch running iOS 9.3 to your PC.

krok 7 Open iTunes and select the icon of your gadget in the top program panel.

krok 8: While holding Shift on your keyboard (or Alt on OS X), click the “Renew” button.

krok 9: In the program window, enter the iOS 9.2.1 firmware file that you downloaded on step 1.

krok 10: Wait until the procedure is completed, the OS update process will take every hour. Now you can use the device with iOS 9.2.1.

Many customers who updated their iPhone and iPad to iOS 9.3 encountered the problem of inability to activate the device. For whatever reason, the new Apple mobile operating system does not control you, you can easily upgrade to iOS 9.2.1. These instructions are similar to:

iOS 9.3 is a great update that brings with it a lot of important changes and improvements. However, regardless of all your achievements, the shortest choice of iOS 9.3 is unlikely to be a solution for all money-lovers.

There are two reasons for this. First of all, when installing iOS 9.3, many homeowners have problems activating the system. It can be corrected quickly with these recommendations, but in extreme cases they cannot help. In other words, the speed of iOS 9.2.1, especially on older devices, is insignificant, but even worse than iOS 9.3.

Krok 1. Download the iOS 9.2.1 firmware file for your device on this page

Croc 2. Make sure you have the latest version of iTunes installed on your computer. On Windows, you can do this by going to the “Update” -> “Updates” menu; on OS X, you can see the availability of new versions in the Update tab in the Mac App Store.

Lesson 3. Create a backup copy of your iPhone, iPad or iPod touch in iTunes or iCloud

Croc 4. Go to menu “ fine-tuning» -> « iCloud»And enable the function« know iPhone»

Croc 5. Unlock your device’s password protection in the “menu” fine-tuning» -> « Touch ID and password»

Lesson 6. Connect your mobile device to your computer and launch iTunes

Krok 7. Select your device on the top panel of iTunes

Krok 8. Hold down the Shift key (Alt on OS X) and click on the “ renew»I select the desired settings on the first download of the iOS 9.2.1 firmware file

Immediately after this, the installation process of the iOS 9.2.1 mobile operating system on your iPhone, iPad or iPod touch will begin. It is important to ensure that the installation is complete without turning on the devices on your computer. After the installation is completed, the system prompts you to install iOS 9.3.

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